r 4 1 km 1 II' ) iltf if '"r n ?) rtn) yr rt" T- rj ' ff, ..-.- ... ; k ;r ihtf i. ff!!4" r-v..-. --ivr-.; . . J v. -..r--f: VOL. IV. LINCOLN. NEK; THURSDAY, JUNE iiO, 1602. NO. 3. NATIONAL IIM01N Outline of the Order of Business for the PeopL's National Convention at Omaha. July 2-4. Pieliminary Woik on Saturday-Memorial Services on Sunday, and Nom inations on Monday, The following is the general plan ef the work of the convention adopted by the national committee: The various state delegations will meet on the morning of July 2d and choose for each state three members of the national committee and one mem ber for ejfch of the following commit tees: (1) credentials, (2) rules and order of business, (3) permanent organization, (4) resolutions. ' At 10 a. m., July 2d the national con vention will bo called to order by Chair man Taubeneck in the Coliseum, build ing. Temporary organization, will be formed and committee on credentials will be appointed, A season of speeches, songs, etc., will then follow, i-- When the committee on credentials report, permanent organization will be formed and reports from committee on resolutions heard. If ; possible all the work except nominaons will; be com pleted on Sa'urday. ; Saturday evening the grand i union of the "blue and the gray" will be held in the Coliseum building. All ex soldiers, regardless of politics, will be made welcome at this meeting. Speeches will be made by prominent ex-union and ex-confederato soldiers. . " , On Sunday afternoon memorial ser vices will be held in memory of Colonel L. L. PolkandRev.GilbertDeLamatyr. On Monday Hood nations for president and vice-president will be made. ; Monday evening a grand ratification meeting and parade ! will probably occur. ; ',' ' V Tickets of admisf 'on to the -convention are under control of , the natioaul committee, and will bo distributed among the state delegations on the most equitable plan that can be devised. N. I. P. A. MEETING. The Nebraska Independent Press association will meet at the Delone hotel (Nebraska headquarters) July 1st at'9 p. m. All editors of reform papers in Nebraska are urged to be present, "i S. Edwin Thornton, Secretary. "I am standing now just behind the curtain, and In full glow o the coming sunset. Behind me are the shadows on the track, before me lies the dark valley and the river. When I mingle with Its dark waters I want to cast one lingering look upon a country whoso gov ernment Is of the people, for the people, and by the people." L. L. roVi, July 4, IVJO. HON. L. L. TOLK, Died Jure 11,1892. IN MSMORIA.VL ' Mourn for the foremost pone. Po!k, of Immortal name, . .Worthiest to lead us on, Wielding truth's sword of flame, Honored by honest men, ; Hoi) of the humblest m Illlions command Jnjj; wheu God called him home. Tyrants rejoice o'er thee, Struck In thy manly prime Working mta weep for thee, , Leader of love sublime. : Fighting to disenthrall, Brother, endeared to all, ' Earth felt a glan fall When the blow came. X Philip of Macedon, Hfcro of phalanx fam Ana h'8 yet greater son. Joining the spears became Captains Invincible Greater thy work w tell, , Pelt In the gate? of hell, V Klng9 to cast down. , Phalanxes leader of. Y ... Minions with ballots blest, Wise as the Greeks, shall move, Spirit of thine Impressed, Joined against tyranny, Fixating till all are free The i, from thy heights, shalt see ,( ,-itice enthroned. HUWAHU OIUHOS. mooln, Nob., June 14, 132.' ram FIFE CENTS r The Greatest Political Newspaper in tba . West 'Till After the Election For Caly Twenty-Five GeHta. Fif y Thousand Subscribers Wanted An Appeal to Reformers to )ltlt us Spread the Light. In order to Becure 50,000 Bubscvil)3ri to The Alliance-Independent, ' and corro-pondingly, .increase iti power for good in the eoming campaign, we have deel ed to ofrer, thtf "paper from now ; until after the November election for 2j cents to new subscribers in dubs of fice or more. We n ake this offer In tho hope and, belief that the reform workers of the west will take advantage of--it-to feed us in new names 4y tho thous- ' and.' ' ' ; - - I'copleV party organizations should arrai ge for a systematic canvass of e very precinct and thus put The Alli- s ANCE-lNDErENDENT Xin the hands of j erery man who will read it. r We appeal to every believer in the ' tru1 h of our principles, to every lover of liberty, to help us spread tho light Can YOU spare an hour in this cause? Almost any independent can g t up a, ' club of five In an hour. Try it. Now is the time to act. ' v Alliance Publish q Company, , - Lincob, Neb. IMP0ETANT K0T10E To all Who Expect to Attend the 0ii Omaha, Neb, Juna 35, '92. V 3" ine reception committee has 'sub-.,-". ;,, committees appointed for each ward ofr-- Omaha who care ' findinar ' out ail th places where hospitality wiJrbe extend." - , ed ; visitors and will direct visitors to such places. 'V "'VVii-fV,-'",'. , ' u'. Ail persors who desire assistance in'- ' securiDgr accommodations, bhouM' re. ,xrt at the headouar:ers of the " rec n. - tion committee, Millard . hotel. 1214 ' Douglas St., where they will receive such inforaatiou and iibitanee as they ' ' may desire. . ' ' There will be members (t the com. - - . mittee at all denota unnn tin all trains. It is desired tht. all me '" . Ders or this committee who live outalrl. ' - of Omaha, shall bo here on or bfore the morning of July lat to receive in- siructions in their duties. . . .. " - VuA'yz B. Hibhard, Chairrcan of Hoception 'om. r Stale pat)ors please cjy.)