The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, June 30, 1892, Image 14

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The New York Life Insurance Company.
We dchin; to call attention to tht ad-VJ-rtirit-nifnt
of the Xw York Life In
suran:e company, found on 1h lard
page of thin issue. The opera' ions of
this great company, organized in 181.").
practically cover the v.hoie histor y of
life insurance in this comfy. It.s
growth has been pie nometi d and
more marked than that of any similar
institution in the land. Now with
assets of over $1 2.".M)().XH), all of which
have been stamped with the great sal
of the, state of New York, and a surplus
exceeding every liability of over $1.",
HX),000, it stands to-day the strongest
financial institution in the world. The
company is a purely mutual one, its
policy holders being its only stock
holders, every dollar of profit, after
paying necessary expenses, being di
vided among its members. The splen
did results of twenty-year tontine
policies now maturing in this company
attest the excellence of its conservative
and able management. Only one other
company has ever matured any of these
twenty-year contracts, and their results
fall far short of those achieved by the
New York Life. In issuing its "New
Accumulation Policy" the company has
filled a long felt want. It is absolutely
without restrictions, as to residence, ,
travel or occupation. Its guaranteed
surrender values are larger than those
of any other company, and it contains
butone condition, that being the pay
ment of premiums. Thiscontract beats
anything yet offered to the public by
any of the old line companies, for not
withstanding the many advantages
offered, the rates remain the same.
Every farmer in Nebraska should pro
tect those dependant on him by insuring
his life. He can give no valid excuse
sor not doing so, and the time to insure
is right now. Life and health are both
uncertain, so do not delay, but provide
yourself at once with the only property
which will not depreciate, at your
death, a property that will not only
provide a competency for your loved
ones in the event of your being called
away, but should life be prolonged,
your policy will be a source of income
in yonr declining years- An accumula
tion policy in the New York Life is
good in life or death.
Romine's Meetings.
Mr. ). 1. Komine will speak at Cal
loway .July Kith. The occasion is that
of the representative convention, with
a grand masi meeting in connection.
This is the third time Mr. Komi no has
been called to Custer count y since June
He will also speak at Center school
house near Beaver Crossing July ttth at
8 p. m.
Wright at Bennett
lion. W. F. Wright, on Saturday.
June 2.'), addressed an open meeting of
Alliance No. 15SS, a short distance
south of Bennett. The school house
was well tilled a number of ladies being
present. J. W. Keese presided. They
have one of the best glee clubs in
the county at this point. Several labor
songs were sung, and Miss Ella Hall,
the organist, rendered some good in
strumental music. ro. Wright made a
lengthy address. The audience would
not let him quit short of nearly three
hours. It was a very successful meeting.
We Cuie.
Liquor disease,
Morphine disease,
Cocaine disease,
Tobacco disease.
Bedal Gold Cukk Co.,
113? V street, Lincoln, Neb
Ti ie Alliance I ?r depend knt
JiH after election for 2p cents.
Favors Gresham.
liK.wKU City. Neb.. June 27,
Press dispatches announce that
Walter (,. Gresham will accept the
nomination of tlx- Omaha convention
if tendered him. This news takes like
wildfire here. With him at our head
we can win.
Judge Gresham will command the re
spect, and win the votes of thousands of
I trust that your paper's influence
will be used in his behalf. Not since
the days of Lincoln has there been a
man mentioned that so universally
touches a chord in every tru-heart, as
Judge Gresham. A patriot, a states
man, a man who has at heart the wel
fare of the 'Teat industrial classes of
Amorca. I'espectfully yours,
Great Reduction of Prices for this Week.
If your counsel nnd entreaties have
ava led no'hing with your poor erring
son and strong drink is sapping tli"ir
life blood, destroying their brain, ruin
ing their lives, smcl them to us. Wo
can cure them.
I5eiai. Gold Cuke Co ,
li:7 I' street, Lincoln, Neb.
Tendency oi I'olitir.
The charge that politicians run
politics in the interests of capital and
that politicians' politics are corrupt is
a true charge. But do not let the
peoplo suppose that they are blame
less in the matter. The neoole as a
whole take no interest in politics.
Caucuses, primaries and elections are
held without the knowledge of
hundreds and with thousands not
participating. In time tho best
political party on earth, under such
circumstances, comes under the sole
control of place hunters and profes
sional political leaders. If less than
a dozen men in Chicago agree that
this or that political course shall be
followed, or that such and such men
shall be nominated, their decision
will be ratified. Le's than twelve
men can thus rule Chicago. In
almost every campaign some enthus
iastic citizen will be found spending
his breath in vain in prophesying that
the men whom the ring have settled
upon for nominees will not be nom
inated, and wasting his strength in
working for their defeat. But any
one who understands tho drift of
politics knows that tho enthusiastic
citizen is a political tenderfoot.
Tho great mass of citizens thus
permit tho politician to use parties
for his own special benefit; and as he
is out for what there is in it lie
naturally gets on the soft side o:
capital as soon as possible. It may
bo correct to say that the feiiow
should bo an honest man. All men
should be honest. But if tho people
persist in exposing the politician to
temptation they must expect that ho
will often falL Farmers Voice.
Give the Heat a liauc e.
We ought to have another big war
hero so the rest of us can buy thico
dollar's worth of greenbacks for one
dollar's worth of gold, and then buy
United States bonds with those green backs,
at par, and draw 7 per cent
interost like the war millionaires did.
so we can become millionaires too.
Then it was when it paid to start na
tional banks; then what seemed to be
7 per cent was really 70 per cent.
For $100,000 greenbacks taken to
Washington would buy $100, 6oo in
7-30 bonus, and $J0, 000 paper no' cm
were brought home, leaving only : lo. .
000 of our money there. But oar
$100, 000 bonds drew 7 per cent in
terest, in gold $7, 000 per annum,
and this on the $10,000 equals 7u por
cent Let's have another war, and
get rich. "The common people be
." National Economist.
Arthur Bassett, aged 14, entered his
brother's room in the Bassett homo at
Faris, Mo.
lfif vm WyUr. fie will
, and was shot throuc-h tha
rifht arm aoti Uti leg, his brother
Linen Department.
The largest linen stock in the west.
(Jet our prices on napkiBs and table da
mask, they are the lowest every time
We don't alrow any house to undersell
us no matter what the co,t. We buy di
rect from the makes and are in position
to back up our statements.
Ladies Jersey Ribbed
In this department we are overloaded
on accouiK of bad weather. We will
to morrow commence a great clearing
sale in this department.
Ladies' 15c vests, reduced to 8c
Ladies' 20c vests, reduced to 10c
Ladies' 25c vests, reduced to 15c
Ladies' 40c vests, reduced to 19c
Ladles' 50c vents, reduced to 25c
Special sale of Ladies'
Special Sale of Ladies'
and Children's Hosiery
1 lot of children's fast black cotton
hose, derby ribbed, only 15c pair worth
Children's tine imported hose, only 25c
pair, worth 40c.
Ladies' fast black cotton hose.
Richelieu ribbed, only 12c pair worth
Muslins and Sheetings
Muslins are down. See our bleached
muslin at 3Jc and 5c yard.
At 4c we oil er a special bargain equal
if not better than Lonsdale or
LangdonG. B , 12 yards for $1.00.
Fine 3i inch wide cambric, 12 yards
for $1.00.
Billow case muslin a d sheetings in all
the different widths and grades at prices
lower than they have been.
Red, white and blue bunting for decora
ting, 5c yard.
All sizes in Hags, from 5c a dozen up.
Wash Dress Goods.
New striped bedford cords, 12ic.
Plain bedford cord in plain colors,
beautiful shade of cream, etc., 15c
Fancy printed bedford cords, 25c
Satin striped sateen, 35c yard.
Plain ecru crinkled seersucker, 10c
Fancy printed crinkled seersucker
Side band armadale zephyrs, 40 .dches
wide, in plain colors, 15c yard.
Shantong pongee, in remnants from
2 to 12 yards, only 10c yard, in dark
Special sale on Scotcn zept yr ging
hni,32 incnes wide. Wc have too many
of them and have reduced the price to
12 1 c yard. The best bargain' offered
this season on line gingham 12ic
Special Attention to Mail Orders.
Write us andjname this Paper.
Hayden Bros,, Dealer? in Evrything, l6!h0:S.D;i!S,b.Sta-
The First and Best People's
Party daily in the United States.
A champion of the l ights and
interests of the people.
Subscribe for II and Gel
The Daily Sun will advocate the truth, fight for political
reform, expose fraud and corruption.
Talk it up in your Alliances, Assemblies, and Clubs.
Work for it in your County Conventions.
Agents and Correspondents Wanted Everywhere.'
Lincoln, Nebraska,