The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, June 30, 1892, Image 12

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A Word About Fertilizers.
It in the estimate of ft practical
market gardener that if rotted stable
manure, whether from horses or cow.',
can bo delivered on the ground at
per ton it is about h valuable for fer
tilizing purposes as Peruvinn guano
at $(5 per ton or pure 1 ne dust at
$lQ,nerton. Hut be a id that it is
really better than these or any other
concentrated fertilizer from the fact
that it has a mechanical action on
the land; that is, it assists, from its
light, porous nature, in aerating and
pulverizing the soil, while the com
mercial fertilizers simply enrich with
out in any way assisting to improve
the physical condition of the soil.
Hut this aeration of the soil is a
matter of very great importance. As
the use of commercial fertilizers in
creases in agriculture, the necessity
grows, pan passu, ci securing proper
aeration by turning under sod
or growing grain, such as buck
wheat every three or four years.
The practice of market gardeners
near great cities, who. as a rule,
are the most thrifty and capable of
agriculturalists, is to keep at least a
quarter of their land in grain, clover
and grafts, te be turned under at the
proper time, in order to preserve tho
right mechanical condition of the soil
through the decay of vegetable mat
ter. Such an arrangement is beneficial
even wlien stable manure in sufficient
quantity can be obtained; but it is
absolutely essential when dependence
must ue. placed largely or exclusively
p. Ul IX? UIIIVClUW' l ''"
on commercial 'mah'arcs. Vcrr,"
this is the case, it will be found
these fertilizers will apparently begin
to lose their efficacy after awhile. The
real difficulty is, however, that after
the organic matter derived from grass
roots, etc., has become exhausted, or
has lost, by decay, its mechanical ef
fect, the soil becomes so compact that
air cannot gt to the roots of the
growing crop, and failure, or partial
failure, follows.
i An Interesting Experiment,
The Delaware agricultural ex. peri
ment station has made some compar
ative tests of the cream separator
and the butter extract or. The extract
or goes a step farther than the separ
ator and churns the cream separated
by centrifugal force from fresh milk
into butter. The results of the trials
were in favor of tho cream separator
and the churn. They secured IHUU
pounds of butter out of every 10O
rounds in the milk, while tho extract
or obtained only' 8-1.00 pounds, and
the quality of tho sweet-cream but
ter was not equal to that from ripen
ed cream. Asa skimmer tho extract
or was asuccess. In regard to the mer
its of the machine tho chemist of tho
station says. "Although the extract
or appeared unfavorably in compar
ison with a much older method, it can
not be regarded as a marvel of invent
ive and mechanical skill. The surprise
is in the first'instanco that it should
do its work at all, and then even
though it be found wanting, that it
should do its work so well. It is
brought at tho start into competition
with a highly perfected machine and a
method thoroughly understood for
many years of experience. Its short
coming under the severe tost to which
it is obliged to submit ought not to
be causeof disappointment; there is
room rather for encouragement, be
cause it has done so much. Itsfut
ure development is probably a ques
tion of the relative merits of "sweet
cream butter" and "sour-cream butter."
herds at 00,000 hea'd'and it may go
80 or 100,000 head.
Last year there were marketed
nearly 100,000 Montana grazed Texas
or southern steers, but these did not
all come in in one season, but were
the accumulations of several years
driving. Hut the great successes of
tho experiments with sou) lrcrn steers
will induce a much larger shipment
from the south this year than last.
The good grass crop last year and the
mild winter will also have their in
fluence upon the drive and shipments
northward from the southern breed
ing grounds and the local breeders of
our state may consider themselves
fortunate indeed if the capabilities of
our ranges are not overdone. As a
matter of course our greatest interest
lies with tho local breeder and we
look to his interest first. But we do
not oppose the drive, yet wo would
advise light instead of heavy purchases.
Poulticing a Horse's Leg.
How to poultice a horse's leg is oft
en a problem, especially when the
poultice must be kept at a point high
up or arching. I recently had a case
from which I learned a lesson. A bag
is prepared a little larger than the leg,
and with no bottom. Around thelow
er edge a puckering string is run in to
tie around the leg. Next, cords two
thirds the length of the bag are mada
fast to the top of it, and then sewed
to thebottom, so the lower third
pouches below and outside of the
puckering cord. The is held up by
"orda fastened to old harness, kept on
the horse. Tke poultice is poured in.
a bountiful quantity being used. Such
a banTTago' Tv'ut fioUU.",. Pjace with
out waste or failure unless injury
itch or pain severely. Then the ani
mal will use its teeth upon it, if allow
ed to reach it.
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Steel Harvesters and Mowers.
When 1). M. Osborne built the first all steel Harvester and Hinder in 1885 it
marked a new departure that left all our competitors far in the rear. They have
all complimented us by imitation.
The New Osborne placed upon the market this year is also a long stride Id
advance that places us at the head and proclaims us the leaders in all that per
tains to cutting and binding grain.
Lightest StroDgest and Simplest Machine Made.
Increase of Cattle In Montana.
A favorable report for the cattle in
dustry in Montana is made by the
Jiocky Mountain Husbandman, which
states that from the best information
we can gather, the coming season will
be one of the greatest the state has
ever known in regard to incoming
cattle. A great many contracts have
been let for the delivery of young
pUera into Montana during the season,
fid it iii Bain to nut k5 wconalng
Goslings How to Manage Them.
While the geese are setting, they
should be thoroughly dusted with dry
sulphur once or twice, to cleanse them
from vermin. After the twenty-eigth
day the eggs should bo put in milk
warm water a few moments each day.
This softens tho shell, and enables one
to throw away the rotten, and to
count the goslings before they are
hatched. Have the nest tight, and
keep the goslings in over one night aft
er all are out. Make a triangular pen
with three long boards where the
grass is short but fresh and green, and
move to a new place every day. A
shallow dish of water must be placed
so that they can get into it, and be
re-(ilLJd as often as it gets foul. Feed
a little at a time, but often while they
are small, and at the end of the week
they will have gained strength
so they may be turned in
to their pasture, if sheltered at
night. If a gosling gets wet so as to
look drenched, and it begins to droop,
it must be carried to the fire and
dried. Feed corn meal ground with
cob, mixed into dough rather dry,
with an occasional sprinkling of salt.
Care must be used to teach them to
eat regularly. Throw the dough, a
morsel at a time, in the midst of a
flock, or the old geese will get tho most
of it. The goslings soon become tame
and will eat about as long as one can
feed them. At the end of the third
week feed them only twice a day, and
after the bixth not at all, till ready to
fatten them for market. A little
poultry food and cream for a chilled
gosling is about the only remedy I
know of for sick ones, nor do I think
they will be often sick if they
have good care, and poisonous herbs
are kept out of their reach. If goslings
. are taught to eat, then well fed, and
! kept dry till well feathered, success is
almost certain.
BECAUSE its frame is all made of angle steel and put together with
bolts. No round or squaro iron pipe about it. ,l0el
BECAUSE it has the steepest deck, thus insuring a quick delivery to ,
packers, and avoiding all trouble from packing and choking. j Qe
BECAUSE it has the widest drive wheel. Ieing over 10 inches on the.
thus avoiding all danger of sliding in dry or wet weather. co,
BECAUSE you don't have to elevate the grain so high.
BECAUSE all its parts arc steel and malleable iron, thus insuring four ti:
the strength at half the weight of cast iron. 0168
BECAUSE its chain drive, front cut and straight pitman apply their pa
direct. No lost motion- 7er
BECAUSE, it is the easiest adjusted, easiest handled, and bct built mach
porih. Don't buv a machine until yeu have seen the New Oiborne. ,3me
horses can handle it. Its use or. a farm is proof cf an intelligent farmer.
Er'My !''iir l.'oiio.
Smithers How old are you?
Mis Randolph Oh, I don't tell my
age any mora as old as I look.
Smithers (with dop foeling) Ntll
Btrpir1! Bazft . .
The Number Four Mowers; 41, 5 aud 0 feet cut stands at tho head of the list.
Ask any one of its hundred thousand users and the same reply will be made. "It
is good enough for m : "
AX ALL STEEL RAKE can only be bought of an Osborne agent. Farmers,
tho best is none too good for you. j
WE ARE NOW lighting tho Harrow tni3t on your behalf.
BINDING TWINE. We offer you ?.ll the best grades of Binding Twine at
fair prices, and are not in any way interested in the great Twine Monopoly trmt
is trying to squeeze the last cent from tho already overburdened farmer. j
For terms, prices, etc., address
CEO. YULE, Lincoln, Neb.
T.J. ROSS, Ormha, Neb.
D.M. OSBORNE CO., Chicago, Illinois1?