Will Maupin's weekly. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1911-1912, October 25, 1912, Image 2

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    TV fe&ttrt m vJt taft wt V NSvV fcft HN rv
mWl Xw.e WN tvtoiy Vrcw)-. VyM&fA
SKt d W Wwwqp vM V waywsv vVwi yvt
W efty WAXwift, vaw iYtd etWs re, Snt t V er t V
ax-ee we wwns, Ye "ear Wt$ d fcady
ft k WuiituV 'Vhe vean .fe Aer ike vaiy eVx h
a 4 W V vi,"e k W kv ivwvvt W woviilV ee
k de at tW eK x k tke -exit, IV XVWtOT Urk Yme
Wly W ivr vt tke nAVkVvau ud k be to fcoe at $slaee
pass-engm UyVkg to vMtv-r vv x yNvnget-s 'W5' V'W
1 eatvh th eat IVvawse f the tv$nt entrance anxt eit the ear will
ti on the er side e-f the Aivwuga. The ear k Wtly heaWd
Vd the xtrapS are provided With sanitary handhold f eellnhud.
permitting of eleansiwg each day use. Because of their ex
treme kgth and weight these ears run smoothly and are
easily controlled. The rear k really an observation vestibule. An
emergency exit is provided in the rear, where a valve permits of in-
wedkt stoo and simultaneous opening xvUl
svvttvs t IW KuWW fivw He- CKhk
tH fvvr vvxfr n xiwti W iVki Wrss
t STAXiV TVt tV jvdwvr k tVrx kI wUing 1xtKi
fiHee V prftjecU
.iwthntg Uk tU1N yrs svv hvr white 1 vfs vwk
vHHrs I spoilt th ih vfeitiat
wuh the ijurvts t y vrif that
Wiu$ their he. A he always
vlkl whew I was arounvK Hy wife
father st t his treasure! fthl
Yuxtin al tarel wy fawrite
tunes. Deivrtel lav ' "Vnunk
irYiHU Uvwev TraxMueru aud
lathers. It was nearly muliaM
when w tleekted t s t Wd.
Mr. Arui5N4 was softly nuserinjst
the strings of his klin as he
te-kl sue little inekleut ef his
early life aul wy ear eaught the
faint welenly wf that" sramlest of
all hymns;, Nearer, my 1kU ti
Theer ""lMay that," I said. and
tlay it on the his strings." He
smiled at ny evklent laek of
teehnieal knowledjw of the instmwent, tueked it kxingly umler his
ehia, and sweit his Kw across the strings. Leanius haek in his
loved, old Morris ehair and closing eyes that had been almost sight
less for many years. Mr. Armstead played the old meknly. His violin
gave forth the very words of the song. Through the sweep of the
melody there sounded the plaintive minor wail, harmonixing with it
ami jet seemingly not a part of it. I had never heard him play it
before. I never asked him to play it again, for I wanted to remem
ber it just as he played it for me that night. The next morning
I returned to Omaha, ami on the frain I wrote the following bit of
verse. Sine then it has been repeated many times in the Workl
Uerald and The Commoner, and every now and then some one writes
to ask for it. Mr. Armstead passed to his reward last week. When
his effeets were examined the verses, frayed and yellowed with age,
and elipped from the World-Herald, were found in his poeketbook:
It ain't no use t" talk t" me
'Bout Paddyrewski an his class;
, FY when it eomes t elassie art
1 got t let it by me pass.
My ears want trained fY them fugees
That make up sieh a awful din,
But I kin listen by th hour
T OT Man Armstead "s violin. ,
Onee"t n a time I went t hear
.Th' famous Thomas rkestray.
Th players only sawed an Mowed,
An narytuue I heard Ym play.
Good music? Well, pYhaps it wua
T them that like them sereeehy things;
But give rtle musie as it eomes
From Ol' Man Armstead fiddle strings.
Sohatys an great symfonees .
May suit th eddieated taste, , t
But on such plavin as that is
I haven't got no time V waste.
' The music that I love th best
v"" Is them ol tunes that's keked within
Th strings stretched tight across th' bridge
- Of Ol Man Armstead s vkdiu.
t '
An' when my life o toil is done
An I ant summoned up on high, x ... I
I. want some music soft an sweet j
T bear me Upwards t' th sky.
I want, when Peter swings tb gate
T let this weary traveler in,
T be a keep in joyful step .
T Ol Man Armstead'a violin.
When we returned from Woodlawn. where we laid away the
mortal remains of this knightly old gentleman, I reached under the
couch and pulled out the battered old case in which for years he
ift 1 vy Wk W-c ijytiASrV aiA
y tW NN4V4vji VwV oh 1 Avli 5sv v4a 'M
vays wed o Ak Wy i-V 1 oaW kat.
that Whs vd h''ia x avnl W flayed tke
xxvvet; vM X'Aex v xmtx Vjox-iv I vt Wk a tk 'ease
ad tknt t trom vay gk' Nos Vvr veaw kU tron view te
had ev V vover w. Avtd ks I Wft .
keY ot t ptekers talk
Akout tV kavs tk1 ngela plaj'
AW th nsie that k heard
Arouml th grNt white throne eaeh da
Welk webbe them ky pilots know
What nse k an thenv agv
Them harv wxntld be helnyl out a lot
1- Ol Man ArwatxNkdVt vnoliwv
If they gvt vWins up tnere
If harps, then why not fiddles too
ll like to eateh t. lVterxs ear
' An tell him what hel ought t do.
Il say? You jgit a vkdin
FY that ol teller over there,
An tell kim f Y t turn er loose
An hit them fiddle strings fY fair,
Believe me! If. they ever do
Hear 01 Man Armstead play lus best, :
There ll be a lot o golden harps
Knjoytn u.uite s.hs11 o rest.
Them angels will just sit around
With silent harps an folded wings
T eatek th melodies that sweep
From Ol Man Armstead s fiddle strings.
Hs gone across th river wide
T walk fY aye its further shore j " .
But while I linger on thk side
111 hear sweet musie evermore.
Tis mem Yys musie soft an sweet,
T" eheer me on lifes sundown ways
An 111 look back t happy hours
With him in those "Departed Hwys. ,
kiNWN' WMii Sytlh fd If Wefk d
M W tM AA Xk VfteWita tW Wfh if
Mi sjfwA H tyhe vWm dj A we
IftSN&Y C lvKStk
Will. Mapi Wkv tWJs that it xnM ot W xksing nil
ivty 4t ft StaiWd U xWxxe hIn- $k of its We y adNv
v;kg the teetw f llenry tV
tiekmond ro th oftroe of anvliter
of MtbVk aeeonnts. for wkiek of
fice he the eamlklate' of the de
mocracy -of Nebraska. The chief
reason why Henry C Richmond
should be elected' is that he is the
best mah nomtnateil frtr the posi
tion. Others are his tireless en
ergy, his ability, his personality
and his freedom from any entang
ling alliances. He is not now. nor
never was the wvrner of any stock
in an insurance company and was
never employed by an insnrauee
company. He would enter upon
the discharge of his dnttek wholly
xinbiased and fully prepared to
xlo exact justice to the insurance
companies and to the buyers of
insurance. He would enforce the laws impartially, and would give
his whole attention to serving the people faithfully and well.
have known Mr. Kiekniond for, more than twenty years; have
worked with kim on tke same newspaper: have seen him ably dis
charge important duties given kim. and know tkat he will make
good. A vote for Richmond is a vote for a man who mav be rifs.
pended upon to do tke right thing. , '
As usual the advertisement of the Armstrong Clothing Co. ap
pears in thk issue. It has appeared in every issue of this paper for
more than nine years and six months. It, was in the very first issue
oc ine wageworser. ana never uussea white the naner was
under that name. It nras in the first issue of the paper under the
name of "Will Maupns Weekly, just s it is in the last. It has
always told the same- story of good clothes at right prices, and told
it convincingly because the store management believes what it says
wnjn ic oeueves. xe oniy wisn tnat we naa in nans as
much money as the Armstrong Clothing Co. has paid to this news
paper since March, 1903. One of the regrets incident to discontinu
ing this newspaper is that it necessitates dropping the regular weeklv
advertisement of the Armstrong Clothing Co.
The Omaha Commercial Club has just moved into its handsome
new quarters in the Woodmen of the World building at Fifteenth
and Farnam. The Omaha Commercial Club figured for a time on
building a Jhome of its own. but an advantageous offer from the
Woodmen of the World could not be ignored. One entire floor of
this magnificent building is taken by the .club, and the rooms have
beeu fitted up in magnificent style and with a view to serving
best every department of the clubs activity. The Omaha Commer
cial Club, kke the Lincoln Commercial Club, has been working un
der disadvantages for years, hampered by quarters unfitted for the
work in hand. In a short time the Lincoln organization will move
V ' - si
" mm T --
For a couple of years you have been reading the advertisements
of the American Savings Bank in thk newspaper. You'll not read
them herein any more. The bank will be doing business, but thk
paper will not. But if you haven't begun doing business with th
American .Savings Bank you would do well to begin. It will show
you how to make your idle money, work for you. Its management
is safe and conservative and its record is as clean as a hound's tooth
It is one of the soundest savings institutions in the count rv.
Preparations for the "Made in Lincoln exposition are'nnder
way and enough progress kas been made to warrant the claim that
it will be by far the best thing of the kind ever pulled off in The
west. The committee in charge has already adopted t he plans tor
the booths, together with the color designs and the decorating
There wll he little or no need to make a canvass to secure exhibit
ors because applications are coming in at a rate that promises to
exhaust all available space long before the date set. After the audi
torium space is exhausted, however, the cement floored space on
the north side will be utilized to the fullest possible extent, a cir
cus top covering it and an extension of the interior lighting carried
The best the market affords
For Sale By
Geo. U. Vccc Go.. 320 0
Organized Labor Indorses Wilsomi
To all organized woikeis take notice, that the
Federation of Labor in the state of New Jersey has
given Governor Wilson their unrestricted endorse
ment and recemmends him as the "friend of labor."
Laboring men in every fine of occupation are
particularly interested in this election.
Wilson is going to he elected and it is of interest
to the laboring men that he shall have their votes.
Republicans are attempting to coerce labor. It is
the same old story. They talk shout the panic of
1893, but they do not tell yon of the panic of 1907.
Bat labor mem and railroad men remember it. They
remember when industry was paralyzed and when
box can were standing idle upon the tracks. They
remember when they could not collect their wages
in money but had to take clearing house certificates.
- They also remember the soup house and the suffer
ing. They also remember that these dark days were
under the administration of Theodore Roosevelt.
Roosevelt promised reform. He was president
seven years. What lefoims did he put through?
Practically every article that a man buys for him
self or his family is in the hands of some trust or
combination which has a monopoly. Having a
monopoly they can fix prices. The cost of living'
has become so high that even with fair wages a man
dont have a dollar left at the end of the month
after he pays his bills.
How much are yon saving? It isnt'the amount of
wages a man earns. It is what he can buy with his
earnings. Under Roosevelt and Taft the cost of
living has been going higher and higher every day.
Taft wants to be elected again. What has he done
during his three years to appeal to a working- man,
until within the past two or three months, business
has been prostrated under his administration. Busi
ness did not revive until it became apparent that
Wilson is to be elected.