Will Maupin's weekly. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1911-1912, February 03, 1911, Image 3

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    raska's resources and possibilities to all
the world, but it is going to advertise
some of them to a part of the world, and
endeavor to furnish the facts and the
inspiration to others so they will go out
and spread the glad tidings. There is
so much that may be done along this
line and should be done that really
none of us, and especially Will Maupin's
Weekly, should waste time in being pes
simistic. For one this journal will keep
busy at boosting for Nebraska and the
men who are doing things, incidentally
injecting a little of humor into life and
trying to make smiles grow where frowns
have their natural habitat.
If you feel that you have a sym
pathy with the plans Will Maupin's
Weekly has outlined for itself, you are
corrdially invited to come along and
co-operate. It will only
WILL YOU cost you a dollar to en
HELP list in the A rmy of Nebr-
IT ALONG aska Boosters, and every
week for a year you'll re
ceive new incentives to boost, coupled
with information that will make boost
ing easy and profitable. Incidentally
you will receive fifty-two consecutive
doses of good cheer warranted fo be
enough to cure the most chronic case
of grouch and pessimism, or to amput
ate the most aggravated case of moral
dyspepsia. Will Maupin's Weekly is
going to strive manfully to do its part
in the great work of advertising Nebras
ka and making known the virtues of
her citizenship. Our personal faults
will be made known quickly enough
without using the printed page as the
medium of information.
Doubtless I will be charged with
egotism in all this, but that does not
worry me a little bit. And doubtless I
hove mapped out a rather strenuous
program for myself and my publication.
If I fail to measure up to the task out
lined I will be the chief sufferer. But
the word "fail" has been erased from
the dictionery in this office. With this
personal word Will Maupin's Weekly
starts out upon its career, confident it
will weather all storms, and equally
confident that it has a splendid mission
to perform and some measure of ability
to perform it. Come and go along
with us.
Will Maupin's Weekly will try
to help along in all good works. The
hammer has been banished from the
The corn crop of Nebraska in 1910 was
worth more than all the gold and silver pro
duced during the same year from the mines
of the United States and Alaska.
Nebraska's crop of wheat in 1910 was
worth $5,000,000 more than the total sugar
production of the United States in the same
Nebraska's crop of oats in 1910 was worth
more than Texas' cotton crop.
Nebraska's egg crop in 1910 was worth
more than Kentucky's tobacco crop in the
same year.
Nebraska liv stocq products in 1910 were
worth more than the total output of crude
petroleum in the United States during the
same year.
Nebraska's hay crop in 1910 was worth
$5,000,000 more than the output in Illinois'
coal mines in the same year.
All the gold and silver dug from Colorado
mines in 1910 would not have paid for the
butter churned in Nebraska in that year.
Nebraska beef and pork in 1910 was worth
$40,000,000 more than the iron ore produced
in the United States in that year.
Nebraska raises more corn, wheat, oats,
rye, barley and alfalfa per acre than any
other state in the union.
Nebraska produces these enormous crops
with less than one-half her tillable acreage
under cultivation and one-half the acreage
that is cultivated is cultivated in a desultory
There are 16,000,000 acres of untilled land
every acre as fertile as the best waiting
for husbandmen.
-Nebraska has far and away the largest
permanent school fund per capita of any
state in the union amounting to over $3 for
every man, woman and child in the state.
Nebraska's total agricultural output in
1910, if loaded into standard freight cars,
would make a train 10,000 miles long more
than double the railroad mileage built in
that year.
The deposits in the banks of Nebraska
amount to $145 per capita. .
Nebraska, everything considered, is the
best state in the union bar none.
And it is high time we began the work of
proving it to the world.
A lot o' fellers dat claim t' be doin' deir
level best ain't doin' it on de level.
enuff idle time on deir han's t' be gettin'
inter misshief.
De laziest men are alius talkin' about how
hard dey had f work when de wuz boys.
Strikes me dat de poorest man in de world
is de guy dat ain't got nutin' but money.
Dad says he ain't foolish enuff t' think
dat de law kin do in a minnit what religion
hasn't been able t' do in two t'tousan' years.
It's a blamed sight easier t' tell other folks
how t' live dan it is t' show 'em how t' live.
I ain't wise t' de soshul game, but I bet
a plunk de dames wo't is kickin' about de
servant goil problem don't know how to
boil water widout scorchin' it.
I ain't never seen nobody refuse t' take
my money because I held it out wit' dirty
Fellers w'ot ain't never had no temptas
huns don't deserve no credit f'r never hav-'
in' fell.
It's easier t' get a feller t' come along
after he's had a square meal dan it is when
he's hungry.
About de easiest way o' makin' a livin' dat
I know uv is gettin' paid fo'r lookin' after
other folkses morals.
De boss loves t' say 'Don't watch de
clock,' but he never fails t' dock me if I
ain't on time t' me woik.
De fellers w'ot insist dat I lay off from
woik t' see de ball games ain't showed me
how t' git me eats on de coin I don't make.
I'm one o' several Inillions dat's more in
trusted in when we are goin' t' eat dan what
kind us a harp we're goin' t' have over ybn-der.
Most us us would take more intrust in
our souls' salvation if we didn't have t' put
in so much time hustlin' 'fr our stomacks'
If folks would keep as busy findin' Jobs
f'r de jobless as dey do in fussin' wid aeir
morals, dere would be fewer people wid
A man may t'ink he's makin' money when
he woiks girls f'r scant wages, but God's
chargin' him up with de diffrunce an' God's
a great hand at collectin' w'ot's comin' t'
The Labor Slump
It is reported that the wages of the presi
dency job in one of the great insurance com
panies is to be reduced from $80,000 to $50,
000, almost 40 per cent, and that the pres
ident of the steel trust is to have his wages
cut about as much.' In the face of such a
fall in the price of labor, wouldn't the or
dinary workingman be very mercenary if
he complained of a trifling 5 or 10 per cent
reduction? The Chicago Public. 1
Respectfully Referred
Here is one of Senator "Bob" Taylor's fa
vorites: "A congressman named Johnson
from Indiana called an Illinoir representa
tive a jackass. Called to order for an un
parliamentary expression, he said: 'While
I withdraw the unfortunate word, -Mr.
Speaker, I must insist that the gentleman
from Illinois is out 'of order.' 'How am I
out of order ?' yelled the Illinois man. 'Prob
ably; a veterinary surgeon could- tell you
answered Johnson, and that stayed in the
record." Buffalo Commercial.