n 1 About Town. Dr. V. P.. Elster, Dentist, Water man ISlock, Anything you want? Get it at Ger iris's. Don't forget: Keedy takes photos for l ' Ualky watches marie to work 1 y Mc Elwain, the jeweler. When you want a oo comb, come to Gerinu & Co. Keedys studio is the only one in Plattsmouth turning out the new finish platinum water co'or photos. We guarantee a fit in siectacles or no sale, at Gerinfr & Co."s We call for and repair all kinds of furniture. Call us up. Our telephone is 137. Sattler Furniture Co. The sweetest of sweets in the candy line at i;erin;S; Co.'s Pur sale or exchange for eastern Nebraska lands, 2.1 ranches; all sizes. I!. P.. WlNIUfAM, Plattsmouth, Neb. We have a few wall pajor remnants that we sell for 2W per roll. They are iust the thinjr for closets and pantries. Call and see us. Gkimno a Co. Lowe Profilers hiili standard li.-uid paints cover :;m square feet two coats cheaper and letter than lead and oil, Gerinfr & Co., selling agents. Prescriptions are always filled cor rectly at Gerintr S Co.'s. When you jjet warmed up nicely. jut call up P.atts. Tel. 72-7:;. Neb. 72. and jret bl.uk of COLD ICE-jiist the tiling. Voti are l.n.kinu' for a Phoenix .!t Noi l hern lire policy. A. V. White will write it. He is s.lf aietit for Cass county. If theiv's a plac- in I own where la dies leel satisfied that tin si !e and asort iiit-nt of sprit jl: hats is all they can it "sat Mrs. Manspeaker's. When it comes to real line pefumcs. Gerilii" .V ( o. keep them all. Ix.n't fortiet that Plak Pajcckare manufacturers of several lines of line ciirars, which have just been put uMn the market. Try them for a line, sweet smoke. Gcrinr & Co.'s Syrup of Tri folium ohipoiind is the ureatest spring bli hhI purilier sold, and is absolutely guaran teed to .'ive satisfaction or money re funded. Price 1. The Kliinjer Hardware company is sole l-al atrent for the Peerless cream separator, the Inst m the market for quick and thorough work. Kxamine the apparatus at the store. Main street. Plattsmouth. Cold i-tuff for warm weather. The line, clear blocks of ice you ran net from McMaken, the ice man. P.uy a Imok, and save money on your ice bills. Get your photos taken at Keedy "s studio and siot a chance on a 2x:;o por trait painted in oil. We paint the picture from life or photo. Aloone platinum water color panel with each doen cabinet photos. Every younir man in town would Ik? hunting up a license and a minister if he knew how beautifully and inexpen sively the Sattler Furniture Co. can furnish a home for him. Elegant? Weil. J should say: That 's what every one says of t lie line of baby carriapes. po-earts aiwl sleepers at the Sattler Furniture Co.'s bi: store on Sixth street. lied need rates to Omaha on account of the musical festival during June. Every Saturday and Sunday during the month 7-V for the round trip. Tickets limited to the Monday follow in date of sale. W. L. PK KETT, Agent. CHEAP TMP TO CHICAGO. Via Burlington Route. ( nf far' i!us $2 for the round trip. Tk-kets n sale June 12, l.J. 14 and 1.",. I I-t ii rn limit September 1.1. Additional information aliit rates. 1 ickels and train serviee may 1m had Iiotu nearest ajent. or or .1. Fit n is General Passenger Aent, lliirliiiton I.Vmte. Omaha. Nel. Iluw to Avoid Trouble. Now is the time to provide yourself and family a ln.tf.le nt 'hamherlain's eolie. clioli-ra and li.iiTlia remedy. It i.-.eerlain to l.e needed lef(re miiii mer is over, and if procured now mav save a trip to town in the niuht or iii t lie busiest season. It is everywhere admitted to Ik the most sueeessful medicine in use for Imwel complaints. irehildren and adults. No fam ily can a fTord to Ik without it. Tor sale by all drujr:ist.s. l:r rl.lNt.TOV i:ITK KM'I'IMdS I! A IK to i:wiki: ciiiKs h:m ri.AT-i s.moi Tir. These rates will interest yon. They are as low as will In' in effect at any time this summer. Dei roit .l uly .", and 7, .tJJ.no for t he round trip. ( 'incinnat i .ln'y 4, ." and , $22.ift to Cincinnati and return. Milwaukee--.! uly :!, 21 and 22, .li.T." for the rovnd trip. ChieaK July 2.1. 21 and 2-". 14.7." for the round trip. Low rates daily to the Pan-American Exposition at P.ulTalo. Ask the ticket ulioiit them. I. Fkantis, Gen. Pass. Ajft.. Omaha, Neb. nrilLlNGTON KOFTE-iroLlDAY PATES. Julyi and 4--lM-tween stations not more than 2K miles apart -return limit July .1 minimum rate .10 cents. W liy not sulscrile for theJourna NOW? You ned it for a dollar ! Sheriff's Sale. I5v virtue of an order of sale issued by ieorre I'. I lousewoH h. elerk of tin- I w-1 f i t eonrt within and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to m-directed. I will on the 18th Day of July. A. D-, 1901. at ioVI.x'k p. ni.. of said day. at the south dour of t he court liouse in the city of I'latts inotith. in said eoimty. sell at public auction, to the hiirliest bidder for eush. the foilowinu real estate to-wit: Fractional lot three (.'. town ten .! north, of ran.ro eleven (111. WAI.Xt'T II I I.I. ADIWTIOX. lot one in block one. lot two in block one. Nil three in block one. lot four in block one. east half of lot live in block one. west half of lot tive in block one. east half of lot six 111 block em, west half of lot six in block one. lot seven in block one. lot eiulit in block one. lot one in block two in said addit ion. lot I wo in block two. lot three in block two. lot four in block two. lt tie in block two. lot six in block two. lot seven iii block two. lot ci-rlit in block Iwo. lot nine iii bl-vk two. lot ten ill block Iwo. lot eleven ill block two. lot twelve in block two. lot thirteen III block two. lot lourieeii in block two. lot lifieen in block t wo. lot sixteen in block Iwo. lot seventeen in block two. lot one in Mock three, lot two in Mock ilir.e. lot iliree in Mock three, lot four in lock I hue. lot live in Mock three, lot si in Mock three, loi seven i:i block three, lot eiirlu in block three, lot nine in block three, lot ten in bock three, lot eleven in block three, lot twelve in Mock three, lol thirteen III block three. lol fourteen in block three, lot lifted! in Mock three, lot sixteen in bl.s-k three, lot M'U llirl ll ill block three, lot eighteen ill block hrcc. lot one in block four, lot two in block four, lot three in Mix k four, lot four in Mock four, lot live in block four, lot six tu block four, lot seven in block four; lol eihi in block four. I! I VEKSIoK ADDITION. Suit-lot one ill Mock six. sub-lot A -ill blink ix. siil-lots IU and t':' in Mock six. sub-lot ICS ill block six. slll-lot r i.'l block six. sub- lot I :J in Muck six. sub-lot t;:i block six : mkiimm; w atkk i.imk ami stove '14IMXV. I'ract Ioiki i loi as sIniwii on the Mat tiookof s-ciiori I. township M north, of ramre 1 1 east : fractional nt J.", as shown on the plat I look of section I. tow nship pi north, of ramre I! east -ail in t ass county. Nebraska, together with I lie pri ilexes and appurtenances thereunto In ;..it.-i,i' or in :ini-e a p(M-rt a ininir. The saiMc i . 1 1 iir levied upon and taken as I he prop ert of John M.t'awi r et al. defendants, to sum) a jud-'tiieiit of s;iid court ri-covcril bv A. J. .1:1 man. pi a int :tl' airai nl said defend -auls. ri it'.-i.i -iil h. Nebraska. .1 u : I Jlh. A. ll. w. i. w in i i. ki:. sin 1 1 if. ass f.nmiy. Nebraska. II. I. I I; A Ii and .II SsK .. la ii IT. I'la ml itl s At t . .1 11 in-1 1. :.t Sheriffs Sale. Hv virtue of an or.b r of silc. issued by Ibs.riri- f. I b usewori Ii. clerk if Ibe district court w it hill and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on the 13th Day of July. A U 1901. At II o'clock. A. M..of said day. at the south d. Mir of I he ci mi rt l:.iise. in t he cil y of Plat I s luoutli. in s:iid county, sell at public aiictinii. to the highest bidder for cash, the follow in real estate, to-wit : The southeast ipiartcr (sr'4i of section eighteen si. township eleven ill) north, of r.i Mire nine (.' ast of t lie six! h pri nci pa I mer iilian. in t'a-s eoiintv. Nt oraska. io'ret tu-r w it h t lie priv l!c;res ami a pptirlcnances I horc imt.i In li.nu'ii';' or in anywise a i)mi taininu'. The same l'in lev iiil upm ami taken as I he proper) v of 1 1 a A. Tin k ha in et a I. ilef ei id a nt s. to satisfy":! juiir:neiit of said court recovered bv I '. K. Ilarr. p. aim ill. airaiiist said defend ants. I'lat tsii.i mt h. Nebraska, .lime si h. A. !.. Il. V. I). II KI-.I-KK. Sheiilf. 'as Couiity. Nebraska. Wm. 1. (iimt iii v. I'laintin's Attorney lime I t-.'it. PROBATE NOTICE. In County Court of Cass county. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of iliiam Kay Allisini. l -caseil: .lames Allison. Leroy Allison. Mry Swan llav is. Wiiitieiii swan. Clara James. Ada swan Clark. l:.l-rt Kendall. M a ry Kendall, .ml a II ii her iersons inn rested, hereby are not itied that u mil the 1st day of .1 ti'ie. I vt. .la mis A I- is. hi. ailieinist rati r of said eslate. iiledln said court a remrt of liis acis and doings as -si t -1 : a'imlnist ramr friu I'ebrttarv. I1'.'.', to .('.me 1st. j:ni!. and uoii the same day liled a jii titiou for final settlement of said estate. aliciriiiL'. anions other thing's, that he has re ceived from said estate s-Jl.'i.'.'.t: that he has paid out and should have credit with the sttni of slsii.7-j. leaving u residue in his hands for ;isiirr,ir,i iit and iist ribuiion in the sum of 'olti. -T. from w hich sum the costs of adtuinis l rat ion w i:l Ih- deduct. -d. and furt her alleiruiif that t he almv e named are all of the heirs of sy id deceased. You are noi itied that a hearing w ill Ii-had at the County Court room at I'lattsmout h. in said county, on the'JMh day of June. Ki 'l. at the hour of 'i o'cliH'k. p. in., and that if you fail to a piear at such t ime and object to "the pn n'i i l imrs. t he court may a! low and approv e said account and titer a decree of assignment Mini (list l ioiu ion of the residue of snid estate to !lie;il.ve named iieirs. and disi-harge the sjiid .la lues A Mison from his said t rust. U itm s my hand and the s:i (f said court at i'lattsmout h. Nebraska, t his :td da v of June. A. I). 1. .1. K Hi U lil.AsS. I Seal.) County .Indue. Notica To Creditors. state if Nebraska, i Cass County. )' " I n Con nt y Court. In the matter of the estate of Mary l!. llarri si in. deceased : Not ice is hereby (riven t hat t he creditors of said deceai l wiil meet the execut ri of said estate, before mi. County Judire of Cass county. Nebraska, at the County Court room, in I'iat tsmoui h. in said county, on tlie llllli day of Aiiirnst. I'.til. and on tlie l.M h day of January. '.r:. tit H o'clock. :i. ni.. each day.' for t he purpose of present iir' t heir claims for ex -ainiiial ion. ad just ment a ml allowance. six months nr.-allowed for the creditor of said deceased to present t heir claims, undone vearaudsix mouths for l he execut ri to set -lie said estate, from I he lt h day of July. I'.i l. iluess my hand and seal of said Count v Court, at I'lat t-mont h. Nebraska, this loili dav of June. p.mi. eal.) .1. K. H H CI.ASS. June -J - It County .Indue. NOTICE TO TAKE DEPOSITIONS. In the county i n ,,f Cass count v. Ne braska. In the matter of the estate of Lewis M. Voiniir. deceased : 'I he children and heirs at law of Lewis M. Voiunr. ileciasd. and nil other ersous inter ested in t he estate of said d ceased, will lake uotii-ethat on .Monday. Jul v l.M ii. Marv A. It. Youn;.'. widow of said deceased, wiil lake the dei.slt ion of It. A. I'ainler and John . iiiiW inkle, to U Used as e idence on t iie hearim; for the admission of said deceased, to probate in the aliove entitled cause. Said dixii ions wiil lie taken M-for-t comiM-teut authority, at tlu ottice of C. K. L-ar. in th villaire of .sprln:;vl.w. county oj Kev I'uha. slate of Nebraska. Iietween the hoars of a. in. and ' p. in. of said day. and the taking of said deiMisltions will lie adjoiir I from dav to day. Im-i ween the ,ame hours, until thev are completed. , , .MA I! Y A. IJ. Yoir.Nt;. I'.y l. . livvvKit. her at loi in v. Ilaled June SbX. I!il. I!-2n-SI. promptly procured. OR HO FEE. ffend model, ikrtoh, " ' i'iiw i-ir im irfiuriDD pawnwiiiiir. jsnoK llow' ; to Obtain IT. 8. nd 1'aRijrn I'tnuandTrde-Mrk," J FREE. Fairert trm trrr ntTi-ml tn (nnin JPATEKT LAWYERS OF SS TEAKS PRACTICE. ( iy,uuu fA'tnia HHUUUKtU IHRCUGH THEM. )AU Ijiuiam ounndeotial. tsjniid advioe. Faithful! ;wC. A. SNOW & CO. ; PATENT LAWYERS, Odd. U. S. Patent Office. WASHINGTON. II. C ilii iii1. ..m.9 jmL win1 i hi ii' UVMUM. RESTORES ViTAUTY Made a Well Man . of Me. produces the above results In 30 days. It seta powerfully and quickly. Cures when all other tail. YouDgmea will regain, their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using KEV1VO. It quickly and surely rentores Nervous aeaa. Lost Vitality, I ru potency, Rightly Emissions, tiOEt Power, Falling Memory, Wasting Diseases, and til effects of self -abuse or excess and indiscretion, which tanfitsoneforBtady.buBinessormarriage. It cot only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but Is a great nerve tonlo and blood builder, bring ing back the pink plow to ratio cheeks and re storing the fire of yonth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having Jtbi I O. CO . other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mall 91AOpert.ackage.or sis lor S.OO, with a post tive -written iniarantee to cure or reload the monrr. Binik and advise free. Address KOYAL MEDICINE CO 'VMia'aTlffl i Vot Palo in IMattnioutli by f!KUIX! A: CO. RACKS EXAS ,4 V Effective March J Oth, 1 901, the Announces the Opening of its 5 Red River Division .Tom. Denison and Sherman, Texas. c & Throogh Train Service will shortly be established from St. Louis and Kansas City over the Jt Jt Jt Shortest line to Texas ffiS ''.' They cive a li-l.t Vi A fA ii iift rich ami bril. h uxywsw- .m,,v rtvi.. .s.,m y J ' "'") every whir.. iJSfi the M2,13k. xJLrinrxrojex aim r.t.J- :' 1-' -r- -rfl'iVtr o (or Stud) by not buying your Wines, Liq uors and choice Cigars off Ed Donat. new Gund Building, corner of 4th and Main Streets. Come and see them sparkle they are gems of great beauty, having all the fire, lustre, color and' brilliancy of old mine stones. They stand all tests, puzzle experts and their fre and brilliancy is everlasting. fJet one by buying your drinks and cigar.- at Donat't and caving the tickets. BB'IHESS DIRBCT0B1F Q Leading Local Professional Men Commended to the Patronage ot its Readers by Tlie Journal. DENTISTS. C. A. HARSHALL, D.D.S. Dental Rooms. Fitzgerald Block.' All Work Fusst Class (Juaranteed Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 1'lntts. 'IMiones mice ID lies 2i:i W. B. ELSTER, DENTIST. I i ICR: Waterman Block Plattsmoutli, Nebraska ATTORNEYS AT LAW """ dTo7TwVer Lawyer rCATTSMIHTII NKItiJASKA SPURLOCK & TIDD Attorneys aiid Counsellors at Law, I-OVIIV It LOCK - l'LATTSMOlTTH John M. Ley da, LAWYER Reliable Abstracts of Title. W ATFRMAN BLOCK. W K'i I KM: AMI- IV LK l'LA'1 'IS ED FITZGERALD t l In fully iijiiipfMHl with ntw stock, 5 . ia w liu.rj'its, etc. .and can furnish ' the puhlif with tirst class service. i fjuirk I lips In all parts of c,,l,I,i Sl'AMLK SIXTH .V VIN'K .STHKKTS TIME - TABLE. ijr I.ATTS.VIOUTII. NEB. .i:iv ::i. I. I !'i.. M.MI . I'KW Hi. I'KTI,. SA l iJ.Wt I - . Ainl ::ll xiint we-l. CIIICAtiii. r. .iikki'm. KANSAS I I rv. sr. i.oi is. Ami all ini- e:tl .111. 1 Jvnil h. N.. ::l Nil. 4 No. Ni. :.; N.. No. . lx-:il l.i I'aeifii .In lie- ti.m Ix-.il 1 i. daily, ixiliils ea-i anil sninli I rVlit ilaily ex. Suml'y I'ai-iHe .liui. tiuii I'a.'ltie .lunetioii I..h':iI cmi. KiH u ix in t -t'lii.-:ti;i ami eat I'a-i -. nailv fn.ni lln eolii lost A: laiiMi t'ii.x.SI luis.C lilcajri) nil lint ea-ts. soiit Ii Ixm-iii ex. aially imalia. I .iiii olii. 1 1. live r ami ii ternieiliate H.nls l ' In ( iriialiit via l ort t'ri ekHml So. linuilia I..m :iI fri daily ex. S1111-lay.t'-lar l 'k. I nis- ille. Smtli lt'inl I.v 10 20 am " 10 Hani " 2 4ii pin 4 4j p 111 " 4 32 p tu " k 17 p III l!i " 7 4.1 a 111 ' in ID a 111 X. 10 :t 111 Iioenl from I'ae .I'.inr'ii Ar II lit a in f .'ii 111:111 uaiiy.i Mnulia l.v IT a 111 l a.i etilule ex. daily iiiiaif and ast VeMilmied exp. dally iKnver. Calif.. rniii, lU'k IlilKI'a.-. r.at I.lni-oln. dranil Inland, lila.-k IlilK.Muiiiaiia and I'm, nortiiwest . iM'til ex. ilaily exrept Sunday. lmi- ille. Alilanii. Seliuyler.. Ix'itl tot imalia lx'al fniin I'm'. .I'lu-'n From MiihImi : a 111 3 " I p in .: p in 3 rt p in !l 44 p III A f .'1 ft p in 3 4 '.' arn Sleeping, diniiij; ar-d reeliniiitr elrair ears (-.eats f reel on llir..nv;li trains. I n kt Is fid ami Laj-LMife I'lieeked to any (mint in I niled Matesoi I'anada. For info'riiial ion. I line la lle. nia;is and t iekets eali on or write to W. 1.. I'lCKKl T. Aienl. J. I'llAN is. C. I. A.. I'lat tsin. mt h. Nel. (iiialia. Xeb. MIS 0U8I PACIFIC'S NEW TIME TABLE Norl Ii UiiiihI I-aves Pass.-ner Xo. I ;" 27 a in " 27 ...5 40 i in I Kreiirlit Xo. 121 (daily ex.-e t S.inday)3 40 p 111 Mill 11 iMiuiKi. Leaves I'usseiiifer X.i. 2 II 34 p III 'is in 4. a in I'n i'lit Xo. 122 (daily exeept S:nidav)7 Xt :t 111 Xo. 2 will aceoininodale iirnaha 1 lieat re-sfo-ers. as it does not leave I Mnalia until in '. p 111. No. 17 eonneets al I nlmi wiiliti train from Weepiiitr Water. Xo. Is eonneets nt I'lilon witli a train for Weepinir Water and l.im'o.n. X... 1; x.i. : X.i. 13 N.i. :c: I X... .". 1 Xo. !l X.i. a Barry Dia mond Scarf Pin DOVEY We are showing a special line of Mercer ised Under Skirts, all nicely finished, from 98c. up. Gage Down Corsets, all styles, jn stock. We have an elegant assortment of Tuck ings, all-over Laces and Embroideries, from 50c. up. We haAe closed out the first big lot of Rugs we advertised for $1.25, so we have put on sale today 10 dozen more at the same price, the best bargain in the country. Call and see cur new styles in patent leather shoes. cs Medium we are sole Sole. Low Heel. for which agents. E. G. DOVEY and SON. and Icq-aitcrc put up tin iso ti tic soiv.'r.s if Cox's that admit flu air ami ext-halo tlie pests. These summer door and win dow fixtures are ,od for several sea sons and perv.i the purpose intended liefer than anything ( lse. It only costa a nominal sum a door or window to fortify your eastle attain-1 t'ie enemy. Don't los several manths sleep to save a tiiti". T7CS 1 - ' 1 - 1 . 1 V J li - 1 v.... . U .v, . . p 1 1 1 1 1 ' t 1 2r M j i U ' l'- I.VT I I 1 t J I " (01 6 IG3 West Si!; Sf., Cesses Giiy, t!o. (foriiSl.) I no I 'J l . . - . z 9 v. . r A r:cc. .. Orcl:. - .i f : Prcct CC-.--22 1 1 Authorlzsii Iv t. i'.a: to t.-f.r t.-iu.-.i:. i-rvoui rnJ 5-rcijl ZMscxtet. Cun i nuuras'. . . .- roi i n ! .idt u. A :l rr.-t. 'cii.t- - : n- u. : ii-o. i t... or u-u no mtircury .r ii. i.irimis n;ei:u.iiis U' J. ..afro.n b'l.K.cs. "a- tieuts at it uliilaiire trTU bv maiiniiJ tirir. ss. .ic j icxuph sent vet y where free troin faze .r bre:iha;:o. No iuetiicinr.d .nt (' O. U., tmiy bv ap reement. Cliarges low. Oyer 0.t4)u eases fureti. State your cafo and build lor terms. Consultation free arid coiiiiili'uual. personally or l.y letter. Seminal Weakness and 4 Sexual Debility, folly andexcetjses causinj? looses ny dreams or with urine, pimples and h'.. '..Ins on the M back, confused Ideas and fort e fulness. jS basUfulness, aversion to nociely, l.i.ssof m-x- $4 .ml hawaw InDU n 1 II II 1 tint. I III' I ' ) T 1 1 f . I P life. I can stop . i;Tht losses, restore lost sexual power, nerve nnd brain power, en large and strengthen weak parts and Ciuke you fit for marriape. Cmrrtt-iS li c thatterriblediseae, tn all Zjjr piIlllS, its forms and stau-es. cured for life. Blood Poisoning. Skin Diseases. Ulcers. Swellings. Sores, Gonorrhoea mi. Gleet, and all forms of Private 1 'Aetata, positively cured or money refunded. Cris-f-ii tf railirally cured without k7lllClUI w theuseof instrument. A New and Infallible Home Treatment. No t TP All diseases of the rectum treated on positive Guarantee and no mmiM free. Address. Drs. THORNTON & mswUlVtjffsuZ VanZV SON Just received a splendid line of Lawn Wrappers for summer wear, from 79c. up. The best Summer Corset for 50c. in the city. carried V(SSA General It: l-avoriie. Kibo Kid. I'xai t Reprodmtion ui this Style Shoe. Tlie ZEZizris" CfCcmfcrts liirinij warm weathei is the ice crenm freezer. It will turn the hottest day into one of delicious coolness. All the delightful frozen dainties that are so palatable during the summer, as well as ice cream, can be frozen in our freezer. We are selling them at prices that will enable everyone who wishes to enjoy ice cream at home. T023:3ST IE2. 0022:, r in fr o una mnRoai ui -jicui . .Inc. Ovor 27 Years Special r.T3 it) 5' rr,".3Cy. ptuu una iio Kiposure. rocausucs, cuiiinfr, liouit s or soiiinis. So detention f rem bun iie!.f. Tiiousiiiuls cured. A pcrtimui'iit cure Kuarnt'ett or uior ty refunded. Send stamp for took, v.hicli fully explains this dl.ea.e. Vn rirtirnlf enlurfed veins in the i--.v scrotum causii'ijr.er vouu ilrliility, weakness of tho nexunl ys t. :n. ftc, jit-rn-.ancntfv cured without pain. M vi!i,ii'5li..lraIJ of the scrotum, 1 VUI vICCIC ured without pain. PS I triitr i c-.'"'' nook cured in alow 111 mOSIS"ujjs without pain. Jt rr" tor hoth sexes. MtJ pa K". -? pic uuu tures truo to life, with iu.l Cl--ecriplion of iilmvi. diseases, the ellects and cure, sent M-aled la plain w rapper for ai tenfiu siauips. Free Museum i OFFICE BOURs: 01 Anaioir.y ior men I t . o Cj irl...l.,.l.;.rri,rln.il,..IJr t0 m- C - . j A sera:on without words! Sunday, 10 to 12 i 1 VSN5. 7IS I vA TRACE MARK Xl. I IS BRANDED MX X ZA SH0E- ( . ' I Hv'vf x, t v- i 5 1 1 V ti .