You're treated white, "With prices right, at F. S. White's CD X r-t- ! P 5- I " n CO - o o 3. p sT o Fresh Supply Staple and Fancy o c 03 P I I 3 CD p CJI o fi1 Aimi - Awarded J Parts Exposition 1900. C New Stock of DRY2GOODS and Notions. CD r-t- o c sold by F. G. EGENBERGER I'lattsmouth, Nebraska P O CD 0) P 13 Q. 3- CJI cr CD ' CD I o o w p 3 Q. CD , Q. cn CD WESCOTT THE BOSS WAS IT A At I RAGE ? A Strange. Beautiful Vision. Seen fn the Wood River Valley In the Summer of '6!. It was in the latter put of June. Iiaiii had U n frequent of late. .'r:is was abundant fr the eattleaiid heavy lews of mornings were the rule. 1 was alone, in -liaise of the McLaine ranch. four mile. n; t h and on the nj IHiteMde of the l'latte river from I t. Kearney, then a military post of two regiments-as part ially dNcriied in a sketch by the writer in lat week's Journal. The sun was just peepintr up over the northeastern hills as I sal lied out of the house to attend to the morning chores. Happening to glance toward the eat a scene . .strantreand unusual met my ra.e that all thought of anything ele was. for the time leink.r. driven from my mind. There, close lefore me. was a view of scenery 4"hich 1 at once recognized and knew to e twenty to thirty miles away, which now setim-d less than a half mile distant. My astonishment may e imagined, hut I will not attempt to descril; it. I had in my boyhood read in story loioksof what is called a mirage, but 1 had never eeii one lefore if. in deed, this was a mirage now Ufore my astonisheil ees. It was a s-ene, too. as eaiitiful as it was strange, and I must have stoo for vme minutes, transfixed in wonder and delight. Then J U-an to anale if. A tihnv t loud liunt' like a thin sheet of paiM-r, apparent l. t.ut a few feet alove the earth - certainly no hiudiei than the telegraph poles that stretched out in ! a long line to the east and the fur ther edt'e of the cloud seemed to meet the earth beyond the point where the VVxi river turns into the 1'latte bot tom, ami this part of the scene was to all appeal anc'-s drawn upward toan anle of several decrees, and drought close to view. A bright . v el mellow blue, reen and pinkish yellow shading so intermingled as to iri ve an exquisite effect between i-loii'l anil eart h to t he picture, and inaWini it sul!imeh !eau tiful. if possible to eW a still better view if this cntrancim; picture I (.'limbed up t he corner of t he Uts storehouse to t he top and sat on the comb" of the roof, and from there the whole scene stretching d'ivn astward. lordeied by the fringe of trees alom; Vnk1 river, was spread out like a painted pict lire - from Koyd's ranch, seven miles away. on the h it. next the ranch of Joe K. Johnson, and orlice of Wood 1 illiver liaette. lu-tweeii there and 't;e ford over Woh1 river, some til'tcen miles, wen? twour three other ranches ail in full view, and inot amaziiiif .f all else was the erfect view of the house which stoKl near the ford. The lo'-, and chinks of the structure were plainly visible. A herd of cattle was feedim.' on the prairie n ar ly, and so bright was the view that their various colors were easily li-. ernible, anl I not i-'ed some were r.'d.soaie olack and some pott ;d with white. While 1 .'azt-d a man cane out of the house w it h an a. vven t to t he w ink I pile and hean cutting wil. He was in his sliirt sleeves - without emit or vest. I could see the 'leain of the ax as it rose and fell: see the bright chips My as the chopper cleft the stick of wo; si. and imagined 1 could hear the soiind of the ax although 1 knew it to Ik.- full thirty mi'us away as the bird flies from where 1 sat. tothe man who waschopping tirewoo i with which to cook breakfast. 1 cr rf O CD r- CD 5 -5 CD 3- P - r-r- jjj O Q. CD O CD c) o 3 O O I Q. O CD s? CD C CD 2 5 P r-t- C) P r-t- o & SONS. CLOTHIERS. As I uazed at this wonderful picture the cloud le,ran t rise, and irradually the vision of beauty anddeli'ht faded from view: and almost as quickly as words can tell it, it wasfc'one from my siiiht never to Ik? seen arain. Has this a iniraire? No: not such a one as we l ead of in looks. Wele ster delines a mirage to lie "An opti cal illusion arisinir from an unequal refraction in the lower strata of the atmosphere," (and that far the defini tion hits this case perfectly, but the result is different J as he continues causing remoi- ooiecls to appear uouoie, as ii reiieeieo. in a mirror, or in the air." in this case refraction of the rays of lieht had a different effect it lifted the remote objects" which were on the opposite side of a sloping up into full view, and in addi tion had the same effect asa telescope upon the objects covered by the re fracted rays, and brought them out so distinct that they appeared to lie close at hand. Whatever this optical illusion may be called, it was such a surprise, such a briirht and beautiful vision, that the memory of its loveliness has not faded from my mental vision during the forty years that have elapsed since I was privileged to witness it, and my hope is that it will remain there as a reminder of the wonderful produc tions of Nebraska's atmosphere. A Cow hoy. The KbiiiLrer 1 1 an! wa re company has just received a larte shipment of the celebrated hav in if tools. Any farmer who has ever Used these implements oi seen them work will be satisfied with no other. if they are new to oii, step in and examine them at the Kbiiiter store. To Re t'ongrmtalAtaJ. The world is. after all, a happy one. md as we gaze from the window of iur editorial monastery at th? sun- kissed landscape, sweet visions of milk n:d honey, huiamiug birds and mo- asses dunce before our astonished vision like a calf before a circus pro eession. i,as: baiurday one or our subscribers came iJ and paid. In cold ash and in cold blood, three year In arrearages and two years in ai vance. "Praise God from whom ail blessings flow.'VXauvoo Rustler. Troop on h Klarrb. A single battalion of infantry 1.001 strong, wnii-u is the strength or &u English battalion, takes up a road 'ength of yi? yards, including about eighty yards for stragglers. A bat tery of field artillery takes tip 2J( ards and a regiment of cavalry takes up, when inarching four abreast, f.5( yards. An army corps, with its staff, ra;ons, guns, hospitals, etc., would utend over thirty-four miles. rpcr Walls at Indian Head. In order to minimize .the destructlrt effects of possible explosions in the government's new powder manufac tory at Indian Head all the buildings are provided with "paper" walls at the ends. The thory is that thssa light walls will be Immediately blown aside by the concussion of the ex plosion, leaving the main walls, which are built as strongly as possible, prac tlcally unharmed. Accomplished Interpreter Wanted. Can anyone in Pittsburg speak Kranlsh or Wendish? If so a nlc terth in the postal service awaits him Kranish and Wenalsh are the tongues of two ancient people of Slavonic stock. Their dialects are distinct, and, as they exhibit an uncontrollable desire to write letters, a mystified pos tal service needs the services of an in terpreter. PltUburg Dispatch, 'Th.e Old. 3Place." OKLHOM ! Fiue farm lands cheap in Oklahoma. SPECIAL RATES. Excursions every first and third Tuesday in each month to Oklahoma City, the nearest point to the woon-to-opened strip. Call ou me for rate. J. H. THRASHER, 41.! Main Street. 1'iatlMiiouili. Neb. ana deservedly so. for dull, slow people 4 W 1 VT sl energy. When you feel dull and tired, take a little stimulent to liven you up, tone you up and make you feel that life is worth living. Our Double Stamp 6 years old "Honey Dew" Kentucky Whisky at $3.00 a gallon is what you want. Call at PHIL. JIEROLF'S CASINO and be convinced. Sole Agent for the famous Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association Beer and Yellow Stone Kentucky Whiskey. A rrlnWi Atoletle Training. The king of It! is said to be a TSfM of most vlgorc-i health, due to Ms early train ng, which was almost Spar tan In its severity. He had to risj at daybreak and bathe in cold water all the year round. If he was late his tutOK allowed him no breakfast. All his mornings were spent In study and all his amusements were of an educa tional kind. Dtlta a j 4 iirutluetoo. G. P. I'i.-'-z t.' Omaha aud the lata C. P. Hui tlngijn began regular LuslL'sa together in 1S45, when the lattei iiad saved $1,500 from his earn ings as a peddler. Huntington wa tbeu a nan of wonderful strength ani would ofter. lift into a wagoa a tarrel of salt weighing 3'jl) pounda. Our Haby ('ouirlt s-jrup is just the thine- for children under live years only 2. V a Ix.ttle. tJeriiikrA: Co. CROSS OF THE OF HOto CONFERRED ON A 5LWIN0MA(H!NMl!fAUlRrR ini3 VVAj HntjCN I LD TO HON. NATHANIEL WHEELER LATE PRESIDENT OF THE WHEELER & WILSON MFC CO.. A3 INVENTOR OF THE PARIS GRAND PRIZE MACHINE THE NEW NO. 9. THIS MACHINE IS 20 YEARS IN ADVANCE OF ALL OTHERS. TRY ONE AND BE CONVINCED. WHEELER & WILSON MFG.C0. 72-74- WABASH AVE.. CHICAGO. t MAW hi BT Bf mm tr E! Same old place. Same old man. Come to theomVe and m t your Ice Hooks at same ihl price. JUcMAKEN & SON, i.i . "" S Nebraska 2 ,.l. 1 '""' I''. ol Mi K Union Block. Gth & Main SIS. Sprightly People are Always Popular. Nobody has any use a. who have no spirit or Garden Seeds both in Balk and Packages. lilue (Jrass and Lawn Seed. SEED SWEET POTATOES. 1 1 's t i me to t hink alniut vour lawns, and hili time to fet to work at your gardens. Every one of our lines of seeds tested and guaranteed. A A A A Bennett & Tu tt i THE cnOCEHS. g "Kv ki:v i ii ino i s Ska-ii." S ipSmt1 CANDIES ';-M '' IV Ui'iTii ' ri'l. nn.l Lril. , ' i) 'J oil. ). " .vM'4 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE 1 Trade Marks Designs i Copyrights tc. Anrone rpndlncr a pketrh mat description mnj oul-kly nscertiun our opinion free wuetlier an invention la pn.habljr piitentiitla. CnirnunirH tioimMrictly rotiUJctitiul. Handbook on HatenU nt free. OMpm nuenry f or Rewiring patents. Hatetitf taken throui:b Munn Sl to. receive tprrial notice, wit tiout charge, iu tlie SciciKific flincricnn. A hti(1)melv Illustrated weekly. I.nreent olr. rulatitin .f any soiettltle journal. Terms. HI a renr: four month, L Sola Vj nil newgdcalen. MUNN & Co.36,Broad"a'- New York BraDcb Office, 5 F 6U, WaabmgtuD. I. U ICE ! Hurrah for Fourth of July ! -and Morgan's fine line of Boys' This is what the boys are shouting now-a-days. We are giving a ball, a bat and a cacehing mit with each suit. They will not last long, so you had better not delay. MORGAN'S THE LEADING CLOTHIER. 1 502 iMain Street, REV3VO RESTORES VITALITY mm - WI Made a Well Man v of Me. prodaces th above rentUtg In 30 days. It act! powerfully and quickly. Cures ben aU other taiL i'ouna men will reeain their lopt manhood, and nld tnen will recover their youthful vigor by nuing HVITO. It quickly and eurely restores Nervous ness. LObt TitalitV. ImnotwlPT Kii7htlT7 Fmlnlnna Lost Power, FaiUnff llemory. Wasting CiBeasea, and au enacts or eeu-ahose or excels and indiscretion, which unfits one for study, business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the b at of disease, but ia a great nerve tonlo and blood builder, bring ing back the pink plow to palo cheeks and re storing the fire of youth. It wards off Jnsanitj snd Consumption, insist oa baring other. It cau be carried la vest pocket. By mail x.uu per package, or six for 9S.OO, with m post tlT written (raarantee to rare or rafasd Ih muurr. B. k and adviM; lre. Address KUiAL MEDICINE C0 ' p ' bllikAUU.ILLt For sale in Plattsmouth by G EKING A. CO. WO l f I C .V EXASt Effective March 10th, 1901, the Announces the Opening of its Red River Division mTOm Denison and Sherman, Texas. . cfi Through Train Service will shortly be established from St. Louis and Kansas Gry over the Shortest Line to Texas -. mm, A A. 4 1 Wl,:,l h.,vt yo i.,tr:il...!-llor fri v.-uwayV Aiiytliiiis from shiH-vt ring's l automobiles you ivnri tttToril to U ;i it out of I lie .lournul swap col u in n. All wauls r irKt r-a llit re for the nominal i-liarire of 2 cents a line h r insertion. Answers to advert isements may ! directed to tliis otlice, w hence they will Vv prompily delivered. TVt rorxl liusiness l.l.x-Ks or aale at a (ar pain. Imiuire Colonel .1. II. Thrasher. CHOICE UMl in Cass cunly for sale. imiuire oi j nrasiier. I lie real estate mail. PlatUsmoulh. 25 WELL IMI'KoVED FA K.MS In Filmore. VorK. AUatus and Lincoln counties, for sale ly Thrasher. VOll SALE At a btirsrain. one of the liest l:i villi: salotius and i-esi:m-.-iiits in i,..ui... Elegant lixtures. up to date a )ih i lit s. in cluduis jirivate dinlnsr rtH.ius. Assured net iiuMnrwo.i iniiiiiminji.i per tay. I or par ticulars address: W-Jj, Haitsmouth Journal. JiUHh.U brand new. i;r, setrlu? l..jluV 4 ,1.1 . . ... '. . in ii nine ii L a snail. liai Ulll VOll ini . t .w i 1 aim inquiries io 1 lat ts- nioiiiii .lournai. WANTKli- Fresh butter an. I t.. .v. clianire for subscript ion in Journal. FlK SAI.K - 10 r-mli: house on u t-i.1 L'ln, street. I'lattsmouth. A choice piece of prop erty with modern impro etneni s and in the nesi oi coiiaiii inn. Iiitiuireof- Colonel .1. Thrasher. i'iatUiiiouth. OFOK SALE- a full-blood Jersey cow. du. io calve. lune 1. Will sell, with calf, fur?:) or keep the calf and sell cow for 4l. E.J. Coo LEV. I'i miles west of I'lattsmouth. F SALE A 10n-acre farm tie.,- Pl,.ttt. mouth : also 7-room Ihhkp n.i ti.., i... i.. city. Enuuireof Jliu M. Levdi. Watern.un ! N block. and Childreiis handsome Clothing. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. PEPPERBERG'S CI DS'I The Ideal 5 cent cigfar. Delicious aroma. 1 'effect burner. Positively the ljest. No first class retailer should be without BCI DS' CIGARS. PEPPERBERG i Main Street, Plattsmouth. Foams, Sparkles, and Tickles the Palate. Celeb ratd Beers Ed Donat Wholesale Dealer FIRE WORKS Sky Rockets, Koniau Candles, Torpedos everytliintj in that line: that you can use. ARTIE HELPS. CLEslIl SPdRKLIXG COOL S "' Kl U(J 2CC1.. ; BOTTLED A XI) D 11 A U CI IT. A DELICIOUS HUM. 31 Eli BE V EH AGE. Fini' Wine, Whiskies (Hid ( 'iyn rs. Besf jthire in the city for Fancy and Mia etl Drinks. C. II. Thompson s Sample Room, Wi ber Block, Main Street, PLATTSMOUTH. Drajt in ami (jet acquainted. Soaa Smtmeat that earet Cincen luircrs. Used jrt Mrf(ft fety; bArmlaat, mauubk, nou-lrrl-tatimg. We prefer to patients come t thm BanUarlum for a b needy nr. Cases that oome te our BaoUarian mft at pum until curtd. Write to-day for auv as plfe boek It coDtalnd much Talualjle laT6raitIon and hundreds of testiiaoniala from patients we have cured of cancer. Stnt frn. CoaaoUatiaa by mail or In persoa. free. Address OR. E. O. SMITH'S SANITARIUM, A. S. MCCICARY, MMaCM. Rooms 6 to ii. N. E Cor. toth nln StA KANSA5 CITY. MISSOURI.