Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, June 28, 1901, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
- BY
PUtts. Phone, 6. Met. 'Phone. 220
KntiTfd at the pustofflce at IMattsnioutli. Ne
braska, as scconii class matter.
The citizens of vVy more show sins
nf becoming demnciats. A great re
ligious revival has recently swept over
that town.
The wav riattsmouth J urners car
ried oil the honors id the Turn test
at t. Joe indicates that the lieverayes
furnished on the occasion were not of
a deleterious uualitv. St. Joe hrewer-
ies must make oud Iteer.
know what I want to say, and if you rain while curing. In .southern coun
will help me out you will do the public I ties the dr3 weather lias damaged
a fjreat favor. What we want is veg- grass in pastures and meadows; but in
etableson boxes, or, 'abovehiKh water northern the prospect is for an excep-
mark. For the good of woman and tionally heavy hay crop, and pastures
mankind the grocers w ill please attend and ranges are unusually tine, reaches
to it. Those wire screens they use promise a good crop.
over baskets and barrels are not 'water
tight.' This is a delicate matter, but
you know when a lady goes shopping for
cahbaire and lieets she doesn't like to
be obliged to take peas also. Please Pnowmff a ew Object Lessons in
put it in shape so as to offend noltody. a Humane Kindergarten.
The gossijw say that the earth is a
ball, and that statement will do for a
was the astonishing question put to a mere hard fact. Hut ever since elec-
'Iid you losean timnrella, Mr.-
gentleman in town theothcr morning, tricity girdM d it, it has leen to the
'Yes, I did, about ten days ago, and mental vision a vast plain, with an
have been looking and inquiring extent of HiMi.ouiMMhi square miles,
for it at every place where it was at from the very center of which rises a
all likelv I had left it,'' replied the high mountain, from' whose verv ton
party addressed. "Well," said the the seer may daily observe the whole.
All lovers of liU-rtv should make
Stand bv the Constitution" their
ShiblMileth or watch-word for all fu
ture political contests, until that ins
trument shall again In- recognized as
the supreme law of the land."
Things are eidently running at
loose ends at the slate penitentiary
vv hen convicts are allowed to conspire
and set out incendiary lires expecting
during the excitement to escape. Old- of that class
fashioned republican methods seem to
l coming into vogue there.
questioner. "I tonnd an umbrella
standing by our telephone, one day,
and rameinl.ei i-d vour coming in here
and using otir " phone, and coi c'uded
it might le vinos. Then, vv hen. a da
or t wo tat er, I noticeil n going iq
street while it was sprinkling slight ly
without an umbrella. 1 was satisfied it
was yours." an.' with that remark, he
handed out an usnl.rt l!a, which proved
to be the property of the other. Tin
return of a lost uiuorella is sucli an
unusual occurrence l bat it is worthy
of remark. hie might suppose that
so honest a man could only lie found
among me occupants oi me amen cor-
Withsuchan area for observation.
it would be strange il there were not
always something i.otalile to report,
and just now what e-pecially catches
our e e is a iMHiit. in the citv ot .New
York. There lives in that city a lady
who is not only a lover of animals, hut
willing to work and make personal
sacrilices-to show her affection. So
great has been her sympathy for hors
es especially. I hat. speaking in a met
aphorical sense common to poets (and
are not lovers and uhilanthronists
lnet.s?) she laughingly declares she
was born in a stable.''
This lady is .Mrs. Myles Standish.
ner ot somcchiirch. Hut the fact is having a count rv place in the IVrk-
Ihe man. on the contrary, is a member shire hills, was e.-.neciallv im messed bv
which some professed
( hnstians affect to despise the bar
tender in a down-town saloon. If
tJreat is .McKinley, the conqueror of
the Thilippines by means of criminal
aggression-:' As the rehabilitator of
slavery and polygamy those twin
relics of larbarisrn' under the pro-
there is any moral to this truthful
little sketch the reader is at lil-rtv
to sugirest it.
.Mr. Bryan Not a Candidate.
The following statement from Win.
tecting folds ot the American flair, his . I. Bryan was recently published in
name and fame are alike secure
The Omaha team in the Western
baseball league is forging to the front
in a style that delights all Nebraska
admirers of the game. It is well up
in second place, and for two weeks has office, but have not a candidate in inv
the Buffalo Express, and is not only in
Mr. Bryan's usual frankspirit. but sets
at rest matters which have secminglv
worried his opxnents verv much of
I am not only not a candidate for
the thoughtless ami ill-instructed
treatment of horses by the rich, and
fasting about for .some means of help
ing this, she was inspired to gather
some of the I toys in tiie neighborhood
into her stable and instruct them in
the needs and proper management of
these good friends of man.
The cxicriment was successful, and.
as every idea w ith life in it may grow,
this small beginning became a move
ment in New York, which has for its
Flor de Aya, Bed Axe, Acorns ask
for one of these brands when you want
a smoke, and learn for yourself that
the cigars of Ptak & Bajeck are equal
to any.
To California in July.
Make up your mind to go to .San
Francisco in .Inly and you will go. It's
almost as sure as two and two make
Another thing equally sure is that
3011 will never have a letter opport un
ity of visiting California.
Bates have been reduced to a point
within the reach of almost all. For
e.ample,the cost of a round trip tick
et from Omaha to San Francisco is
only 4." less than one regular fare.
Corresponding rates from all other
Burlington Route stations.
The triptnCalifoinia and the mouth
spent, tin re will prove a holiday sur
passing any in your experience. ith
yood judgment Shut will cover
every expense of the trip railroad
fare, sleepei s.side trips and a month's
Write for a copy of the Burlington's
F.pworth League folder -gives full in
formation about the meeting, tickets,
stop-overs, etc.
.1. Fn.vM is,
I General I'assenger Agent,
Mnaha, Neb.
Dead it In Ills Newspaper.
(h'orge Sclia uh. a well known Cer
man cit izeii of New Lebanon, ., is a
constant reader of the Dayton Vnlks
zeitung. lie knows that this paper
advert ises only the best, in its columns,
when he saw f hamlterlaiu's pain balm
advertised therein for lame back, he
didn't, hesitate to buy a bottle of it
for his wife.who for weeks bad suffer
ed with the most terrible pains in her
hack and could get no relief. He. says:
"After using' pain balm for a few days
my wife said to me, ! feel as if ho hi
anew, and letore using all the con
tents of the bottle the pains had en
tirely vanished and she could again
take up her household duties." He is
very thankful and hopes that all suf
fering likewise will hear of ber won
derful recovery. This great liniment
Thai's a .sign you often see on country 'ldace but
you will never see il 011 this store.
We want you to hunt
her the entire town, then coiik
decide that
here and you will
Our Dru IJre ,5 Tore ?onpl?t?
Ami ur prices lower than can be found elsewhere.
for The Journal, tl.en ter
played magnificent hall better than
any club in the country as shown by
the published record. Here's hoping
the club may keep up it's gait.
Flat tsmouth's famous B. & M. band
and l'lattsaiouth's fannus team of
Turners are doing much to 'keep this
city well advertised and in the public
eve. Now let Captain Barthold keep
on training his team of Foresters, and
our hall players should he
to put themselves into trim for win
ning' games and the public spirit and
local pride will be measurably en
ha need.
Several hundred teachers and a
small armyof sub-ofticialsand tax-gathers
are to be sent to the Philippines,
to help civilize and plunder the na
tivesjust to complete the picture or
subjugation and robbery of that peo
ple, similar to the attempt made by
I'eorge ill over the American colon
its, as graphically descrilted in the
Declaration of Independence. What
a beautiful thing it is for the descend
ants of Bunker Hill and Valley Forge
-or valor and suffering in the cause
of liberty and the equality of man
to contemplate :
is it not a tritle aiiiaing that mem
bers oi congress win., on assuming of
fice, stand up at the bar of the house
and take a solemn oath to support and
defend the constitution, will vote for
measures -as in the Porto Bico case -which,
if not in direct v iolat Ion of its
express tenets, at least assumes that
congress issupeiior totlial instrument
- Iiecause the party policy demands il
oflhem.' What, do such creatures
really think of themselves? ir such
men are t he exemplars of public mor
amy, is it any wonder that a low or
der or patriotism and morals exist in
the count ry at large?
mind for any office. My interest cen
ters in principles, and men are only
important as they aid in carrying out
these principles.
fhe democratic party stands for
definite, ositive principles.and unless
I mistake the .sentiments of the
masses.the voters will insist on adher
ing to these principles in spite of the
threats or reorganizes. Those who
argue from the standpoint of expedi
ency will not have influence with the
voters, iiecause no one can sav what is
expedient. We may deserve- to win
and yet lose, but it stili remains true,
that to deserve to win is the surest
road to success."
aim the conversion to humane meth
ods of thinking and acting, of t he ! is for sale by all druggists.
entire generation.
. 1
l ins movement has nothing to do) SubscriU
w ith schools: its founder and her help- year.
ets may le said to have simply gone
into the st reets.picked upthechildren
and organized them into an army of
workers, under the name of --Our An
imal Protective League " This army
is divided into chapters, of which the
That Grow
Need Any?
See that they come from
Nebraska Seed Co
Your Dealer Sells Them.
Is it not a sad fact that U-cause the
I'nited States supreme court made
decision in Ihe Dred Scott case winch
was morally w rong-which placed t he
light to projerty as superior tobuman
l : i . ... .. 1 . ,
in irnj-1 iiau wrong decision was no
lar to memliers or that court making
equally grievous and morally wrong
decisions as was made in the income
tax case, six years ago. and in the re
cently ritcided Porto Bico case. All
-i in- uciisious are 01 me same
class, and were rendered to suit oliti
cal emergencies-and wi!l go down in
history as i II ust 1 at ions of ibc we.iknes
or men in high places who secure such
.1.. . r .
ii.iee .is levt.iiws lor pariy service, in
stead of for known integrity and a re
cognition of meritorious conduct.
'The Atchison ('lobe says that a
lady writing to a newspaper otlice
gives the following ertinent sugges
tions gratis: "Mr Editor: A lady
wants to say a few words to t he merch
ants, and really it is a delicate stile
ject to handle. You know it now is the
time when our grocery men set their
vegetables outside on the pavement
and you know there are many tall dogs
in town, and-it operates as though
they drank from Saratoga medical
springs. JSovv Mr. Editor, you must
Merely Wanted Adcrtising.
Perhaps after reading the following
from the good old republican State
Journal of Lincoln the renubl ic.'ins
who have been howling derision at .Mr.
Bryan, and a- cusing Mr. Brvan of I ic
ing afraid t. meet the blatant Mr H.
Caylord Wilshire in joint debate, will
hang a piece or flannel over their
mouths and temoi arily hold their
"II. Havlord WiWiire ol.e last
night at the ojivvr theatre before a
good-sized audience on socialism. He
admitted to his hearers that he did
not exnect Mr. Brvan I.. I i-.....,t
1 ,
when he challenged him. but he .said
that all things were permissible in ad- j
vei using oneseit. e waited an aud
ience to listen to his talk on socialism
and he took what he 1 -j,i..i..,i i.i.
'est plan to get one together. e re-
ardeij it justiliable to do :o,v triekhe
might to get bcfoie the public. Hi-
admitted he insulted Mr. Brvan l i,t
ne inn not care, tor with the infill t..
Mr. Bryan came an :nlii-'i ui,i 1..
himself, ami that was what, he was
alter. He also so far forgot himself
as to call President McKinley a
General Summary of Lat Week's
Nebraska Weather.
Lincoln, .lime 2.Y- The pa-t week
has U-en warm, with heavy rains in
the northern counties. The daily
mean temperature has averaged 1
at mve normal in eastern counties and
lz in western.
The rainfall or the week was heavy
in the central and northeastern coun
ties, generally ranging from one to
three inches, but in a feu instances
teaching nearly si; inches. In the
southern and southwestern counties
the rainfall was light. Udng genetally
les than half an inch.
Winter wheat has ripened ranidlv
and harvesting has commenced in
southern counties. A lew reports in
dicate that, the heads are rat her short
but. well filled w it h plump berry Oats
have improved in northern counties,
but continue to indicate a small crop
southern. Spring wheat is generally
doing well. Corn has grown well, but
s b i'.'kw.ird an I needs warm weal tier-
iivl in southern counties; mure rain.
In the northern counties rain has de
layed cultivation, and corn isgenerally
gettingweedy. Considerable alfalfa hay
was damaged in western counties by
Von may as well expect to tun a
steam engine without water as to find
an active, energetic man with a torpid
liver, and you mav know that it is tor
pid when he docs not relish bis food.
latest report describes .seventeen with ! "r feels dull and languid after eating,
often has headache and sometimes diz
ziness. AMew doses of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets will re-
such names as "Tiger Chanter."
w 7
Young Defenders,-' Knights of the
Bound Table, Dewey Chapter," "Li
oness Chapter,' (consisting of girls) store his liver to its normal functions.
there is a
and. beautiful to relati
"Deaf-Mute Chapter."
Kach chapter has a grown ierson to
lead it. so that it is thoroughly organ
ized and managed, with regular meet
ings and much enthusiasm. Beport
says that many thousands more could
at once be added to the uirmbership
of the League, but they can not yet be
taken care of or properly organized.
In the meantime the League seeks to
make every chanter memliera resi.oo-
sible. active and expert force in pi ac-,
Using and spreading kindness to aid-i
mals. F.very meinlier. besides having
a thorough training in general hu
mane methods, the care of dogs, cats.
etc., is taught bv act ual demonstrate.!)
all the points of harnessing, and is on
the alert t'.ii tight check-reins, im
properly adjusted harness, and badly
hod or overloaded horses, at the same
time seeking courteously to have the
remedied, without formally re
(orting it, where mssihe.
Into this League are imported all
sorts of elements of interest, which
seem to make of each chapter a real
club: and within it are a baseball club
with a number of teams: a glee club,
under direct ion of Henry Burleigh, so
loist at St. Ceorge's: a scran-bonk com-'
mil fee which pastes animals' pictures
into looks and presents them to the
children's hospitals. And there is a
swimming club. A lield club is to
make nature studies in thecwuutry in
summer out ings.
Actually the -chapters expect to
camp out for some weeks t hissummer:
This organization costs something.
Beside a great deal of work, there was
expended for it last year over .",."iiM.
Now, what have the promoters got
for their money? Practically a great,
growing, ramifying society or children,
a society tilled with interesting pur
suits and compaionsliips. and founded
iUMn the principle or loving kindness
to all living creatures.
These children are, according to the
proverb, the fathers (and mothers) of
a very large numbers of the coming
men and women or New York. Are
they not certain to be a real tai lor in
raising the grade of its civilization?
Is I here any city with a lioiiula I ion
loo highly humanized to need this in-
inience.-' i'i:i-:sio Saxh.
renew his v itality, improve his diges
tion and make him feel like a new
man. Price. H.V. All druggists.
Call at any drug store and get a free
sample of hamlierlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. They are an excellent
physic. They also improve the appe
tite, strengthen the digestion and reg
ulate the liver and bowels. They are
easy to take and pleasant in effect.
Photos at. Keedy's tI.2". and up.
New - Styles
In footwear for the spring of 11)01.
If you are interested in proper foot-
gear you will call and inspect the new
lines--men's, women's and cliiklrr ns.
We ate the leaders in !-lme fashions
JOS. FE 1 Z.Er
I Spring and Summer Patterns t
Not Heathen China, but line
Chinaware. Cut (ilass and Silverware--
appropriate fur wed
ding and birthday presents and
anniversary gifts.
Win the everlasting regard
of our relatives and fiiendshy
dropping into
and seleei inisomething from bis
of tine Wares in this line.
Snyder & Co.,
vibe 3cvclei'0,
Boeck Block, 6th & flain Sts.,
s03ffiG JO0G 03)ffig
And goods just received
Latest Styles in Cuttincj
and Fitting.
Hock wood Block
IMal Isinouth. Neb.
Baiik of ass oraatj.
Special Nates Account of fourth ol July
Season, 1901.
For the occasion the Mo. ';ic.
Ily. will sell tickets, within a distance
or Joi miles at rate of one f:ir r.n-iii..
round trip. I latent' sale. July 'id and
4th, limited to return July .th.
. i-. .vror--KM5Mi:i)i'oii,
Ajfent .Mo. I'ac Ify.
Kvery democrat in the county can
get new subscribers to the Journal if
but asks his neighbors about it.
o.-pitca -------- $50,000.
OlILc In hi id from U a. in. to 4 p. tu.
Money to loan at current rates on approved security. Deposits received
on time certificates at the rate of . ier cent per annum for six months, or
4 per cent for one year. Collections made and promptly remitted. Your
business, whether larjre or small, solicited.
Cdarles C. Farmele, President,
J. M. Patterson, Yice Preside Dt-
T. H. Patterson, Cashier.
..Cold Drinks on Hot Days..
Atwood's Pharmacy.
"Frescripticaas ca.r0l-0.lI3r ccmpovinded
Pure Drugs. "II lending Patent Medicines.
.Stationery. Cigars. Toilet Articles, ll'all
I'aper, M'ind.iw (ilass and lintr
lirt and lest Fair of the Season.
All Attractions of Ilih Order.
Concert Music n Special Feature.
South Side Main Street, Plattsinouth.
(Jrantl Itli of duly Celehrntion.
(ienuine Mexican Hull Fights.
Everyone invited.
Keduceil Kates from All Points.
Don't Fail to Come.
JULY 2 to 13.
free. Address, firs. THODNTdN A1 :r??,p?" ''".(u' """; .botfleni
leutimorilal letters, valuable to hfiv ulin-u d.
.ansas City, Mo:
4 J,