Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, June 21, 1901, Image 8

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Dr. W. B. Elster, Dentist, Water
man Block,
Anything you want? Get it at Ger
Don't forget: Keedy takes pliotos
for $1.25
Balky watches made to work by Mc
El wain, the jeweler.
When you want a fc'od comb, come
to Gering; & Co.
Keedy's studio is the only one in
riattsmouth turning out the new finish
platinum water color photos.
We guarantee a fit in spectacles or
no sale, at Gering & Co.'s
We call for and repair all kinds of
furniture. Call us up. Our telephone
is 137. Nattier Furniture Co.
The sweetest of sweets in the candy
line at Gering& Co.'s
For sale or exchange for eastern
Nebraska lands, 2. ranches; all sizes.
IS. B. Windham,
riattsmouth, Neb.
We have a few wall paper remnants
that we sell for 2e per roll. They are
just the thing for closets and pantries.
Call and see us. Gkkinu & Co.
Lowe Brothers high standard liquid
paints cover 300 square feet two coats
cheaper and better than lead and oil,
Gering & Co., selling agents.
Boy Johnston, w ho has deen visiting
in the city for the past w eek with Asa
L. Tnider, has returned to his home
in Nebraska City.
Prescriptions are always filled cor
rectly at Gering & Co.'s.
Furniture Co. the big store on Sixth
Get jour photos taken at Keedy's
studio and get a chance on a 20x30 por
trait painted in oil. We paint the
picture from life or photo. Also one
platinum water color panel with each
dozen cabinet photos.
Every young man in town would le
hunting up a license and a minister if
he knew how beautifully and inexpen
sively the Nattier Furniture Co. can
furnish a home for him.
Elegant? Well, I should say: That's
what every one says of the line or
baby carriages, go-carts and sleepers
at the Nattier Furniture Co. s big
store on Sixth street.
Reduced rates to Omaha on account
of the musical festival during June.
Every Saturday and Sunday during
the month T.Hi for the round trip.
Tickets limited to the Monday follow
ing date of sale.
W. L. I'lCKIITT, Agent.
With each dozen of our photos, until
July 1st, we give one platinum water
color panel. This offer is made only as
a means of introducing the new finish
in platinum water colors. Keedy
Why not subscribe for the Journal
NOW? You need it for a dollar !
Sheriff's Sale.
County Superintendent Smith's idea of
holding examinations and issuing tlipUm:is
for t lit- successful termination of Ki-'lith
trade work lias Ix'-n very enthusiastically re
cell eel all over I he county. It is genera ly ad
in it led that not him.; ever done' ly any forini
superintendent of public instruct ion lias had
the effect of so t horoulily arousing the lnt r
si am! enthusiastic siipji-irl of the older pu
pils am! their parents as tlii happy plan t
Mr. Siu i l h. Already more t hun pupils havt
taen the examinat Ion. w Idle t hey and t heir
parents are more than pleased with the re
sults all of which irives additional force to
the popular notion that Suh rinteiit Smith
the rii'lit man in the rijrhl place.
When you get warmed up nicely, jus'
call up Flatts. Tel, 72-73, Neb. 72, and
eet block of COLD ICE just the
Our Baby Cough Syrup is just the
thing for children under live years
only 2jc a bottle. Gering & Co.
You are looking for a Phoenix &
Northern tire policy. A. W. White
will write it. lie is sole agent for
Cass county.
If there's a place in town where la
dies feel satisfied that the style ant
assortment of spring hats is all they
can ask, it's at Mrs. Manspeaker's.
When it comes to real tine pel'umes
Gering & Co. keep them all.
Don't forget that Ptak & Bajeck are
manufacturers of several lines of tine
cigars, which have just been put upon
the market. Try them for a tine,
sweet smoke.
J. B. Carter of Avoca was In the city Thurs
day and accompanied to his home Mrs. 1'nis
Dale, of Osceola, Iowa, who arrived over the
Burlington, and will make an extended visit
with Mr. Carter's family.
Gering & Co.'s Syrup of Tri folium
Compound is the greatest spring blood
purifier sold, and is absolutely guaran
teed to give satisfaction or money re
funded. Price $1.
F. G. Frlcke, Sam Waugh and Ben
Elson, tanned as brown as Indians,
have returned from a ten days' fishing
trip to Lake Independence, Minn.
The dance given by the young people
in honor Boy Johnston and Miss Daisy
Bawls last night at Waterman hall
was a success not with standing the
hot weather. It was generally under
stood to have been a shirt waist dance.
The Ebinger Hardware company is
.sole local agent for the Peerless cream
separator, the best in the market for
quick and thorough work. Examine
the apparatus at the store, Main
street, Plattsmouth.
The platinum water color photos so
closely resemble a miniature portrait
in water colors that it is almost impos
sible to denote the difference. This
work can only le secured at Keedy's
VtuiJio on Main street.
Save ice a;id money by buying the
world famous Challenge Iceberg le
frigerators. There are others, but
none equal to this one sold and war
ranted by the Nattier Furniture Co.,
the big s-tore on 0th. street.
The Misses Ethel and Alice l.vey
accompanied by their father,
George E. Iovey, are expected
to return Nunday from Chicago to
spend a part of their summer vacation
at home. Their many admiring friends
in this city will be glad to welcome
them and will be pleased to have the
opportunity of congratulating them
on their successes and especially Miss
Ethel for the recognition of her talent
in the award of the diamond Jo Jeffer
son medal offered the dramatic class.
The Ebinger Ilardwarecompany has
just received a large shipment or the
celebrated haying tools. Any farmer
who has ever used these implements
or seen them work will be satisfied
with no other. If they are new to
you, step in and examine them at the
Ebinger store.
Cold stuff for warm weather. The
fine, clear blocks of ice you can get
from McMaken, the ice man. Buy a
book, and save money on your ice bills.
Call at any drug store and get a free
sample of Chamlierlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. They are an excellent
phvsic. They also improve the appe
tue4 strengthen the digestion and reg
ulate the liver and bowels. They are
easy to take and pleasant in effect.
If there is one store in Plattsmouth
that makes you want to buy every
thing they have it's that of the Sattler
A New Saloon.
C. II. Thompson recently of Poca
tello, Idaho, has come to Plattsmouth
and opened up a line new saloon in the
Weber block on Main street. Mr
Thompson who is the very ideal of the
genial, affable host, has put in as line
a stock of liquors as one could find in
many mile's journey. He handles the
celebrated Fred Krug beer, bottled
and tm draught. His whiskies are
clear as crystal and tickle the palate
w ith the velvety softness of oil of Cin
uamon. And when it comes to wines,
gins, brandies and cordials the con
noisseur need search no further. In
the art of mixing drinks Mr. Thomp
son is a past master. Nparkling cock
tails, delicious gin li.zes, invigorating
sherry flips, real Kentucky mint ju
lops, mint mashes, denies tie menthe
he makes them all with a skill that
should at once and forever assure the
success of his place in this city.
Billy Neville w ho is one of our hand
iest men behind the bar dins the op
posite trick to Thompson in the place
in front of the rows of shining glasses
and decanters. Tables and chairs and
a well lighted, ctml and airy room offer
a standing invitation to the tired and
thirsty wayfarer to enter and take his
comfort within.
These rates will interest you.
Thev are as low as will be in effect
at any time t his summer.
Detroit July .".; and 7. i22.oo for
the round trip.
Cincinnati July 4. and ', 22.. Ml
to Cincinnati and return.
Milwaukee J ulv 2o, 21 and 22, 1G.7."
for the rovnd trip.
Chicago July 23. 24 and 2-, I4.7..
for the round trip.
Low rates daily to the Pan-American
Ex(iosition at Buffalo. Ask the ticket
aljout thein.
J. I'lIAN is.
Gen. Pass. Agt., Omaha. Neb.
Bv virtue of an order of sale issued bv
lieorite I . lloiisewoith. cleru or I lie dtstru
court within and for Cass Count y. Nebraska
ami to me directed. 1 will out lie
18th Day of July. A. D . 1901.
at 2 o'clock p. m.. of saiil day. at the south
door of t he court house in the fit v of I'latts-
inoiit li. in sa id count v. sell at public am i ion,
to I he highest hidder for cash. I he followimr
real estate to-ilt: I ractioiial lot, three C!i,
town ten (In) north, of ratine eleven (II).
1V.1I.M T till. I. AMUTIOX.
tattf. one in Mock one. lot two in Hock one.
lot three In Mock one. lot four In Mock out
1st half of lot Hve in Mock one. west half of
lot tile in Mock one. east half of lot six in
hlock one. west half of lot six in Hock one. lot
seven in Mock one. lot eiuht in Hock one. lot
one in niocu I wo hi said aildlllon. lot two in
Mock two. lot three in Mock two. lot four in
Mock two. lot live in I. lock two. lot six ill
Mock two. lot seven in Mock two. lot ciirht in
hlock two. lot nine in Mock two. lot. leu in
Mock t wo. lot eleven in Mock two. lot twclvt
in Mock two. lot thirteen in Mock two.- lot
fourteen in hlock two. lot lifteeu in Mock two.
lot sixteen in Mock two. lot seventeen in Mock
t wo. lot one in Mock three, lot two ill Hock
thre. lot three in Mock three, lot four ill
Mock three, lot liic in Hock three, lot six in
Hock t hrcc, lot sex en in Hock I hrec. lot ciirht
in Mock three, lot nine in Mock three, lot leu
in Mock three, lot eleven in Mock three, lot
twelve in block three, lot thirteen ill block
three, lot fourteen hi Hock three, lot lifleen
in Hock three, lot sixteen ill Mock t hree. lot
seventeen ill Mock t hree. lot eighteen ill Mock
I hree. lot one in hlock four, lot two ill Hock
four, lot I lin e in Mock four, lot four in Mock
lour, lot li i e in block tour, lot six in Mock
four, lot seven in Min k four; lot eiirht in Mock
It I V K ICS 1 1 K A 1 1 1 II T I ON.
Sub-lot one iii block six. sub-lot A ' in block
six. sub-lot s IU and ':' in block six. sub-lot
i:t in Mock six. sub-lot K:( ill Mock six. sub
lot K-' in Mock six. snb-loi t;: block six :
Hf-.M'IMi WATKIt I.I .11 K AMI STUNK ttlxtlMNY.
I ract lonai lot :.'ii as show li on the plat liook
section I. township 10 north, of raii'-'e 1 1 east :
fractional lot J7. as shown 011 the plat hook of
see 1 1011 1. low u slit p hi nor) h. of ra litre II cast
all 111 t'ass county. Nebraska, together with
t lie privileges ami appurtenances thereunto
iieioiiLTiug or 111 anvw- apx rtamnm'. I Ik
same helm; levied upon and taken as I he pro-
eriy 01 .lolin .11. I arler el al. defendants.
satisfy a .iudirmetit of said court r vcred
by A. .1. Seaman, plaint ill airaiusl said defend
ants. riattsmouth. Nebraska, .lune l.'th. A. !..
Sin-t il!'. Cass County. Nebraska.
1'lainl ill's Attorneys.
June I -I. .'.t
Sheriff's Sale.
issued by
he district
Ity lirtue of an order of sale
eonre I'. Iloiist-vtort h. clerk of
court within and for Cass county
Hid to me directed. 1 will on the
I8tlt Day of July. A U 1901.
At 11 o'clock. A. M.. of said da v. at the south
door of the court house, in the city ol I'latts-
moinii. in said county. sen al piinnc
auction. to the highest bidder for
cash, the follow intr real estate, to-uit:
ihe southeast iiuarter (se'-ik of section
i iL.hl. en ilsi. township eleven (111 north, of
range nine i') east of the sixth principal mer-
ian. in Cass county. Nebraska, together
w it li the prii il ges and appurtenances I here
unto In-longing or in anywise a h-i ta i ning.
he same Ming lev i 1 1 iimii and taken as t he
proper! v of I ra A. 1 iukhaui et al.. defendant s.
to satisfy a.iudginent of .said court recovered
by I). K. liarr. plaihlill'. against .said defend-
I'lattstiiouth. Nebraska. June sth. A. i..
I'.UI. U. It. , III
Sheritf. Cass County. Nebraska.
Wit. I. fit II. I ItK V.
I'laintitl's Attorney lune H-.".t.
Leading Local Professional
Men Commended to the
. Patronage of its Readers
by The Journal.
Dental looms. Fitzgerald Block.
Am. Wo kk Fnrsr Class Guaranteed
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
I"1aUs. 'I'hones
I ( Mil.
I Kes
Waterman l'lH.k
& SON.
We are showing a special line of Mercer
ised Under Skirts, all nicely finished, from
98c. up.
Just received a splendid line
of Lawn Wrappers for summer
wear, from 79c. up.
The best Summer Corset for
50c. in the city.
Gage Down
Corsets, all styles, carried
ATI'S Mill
N i;ih:ask a
Attorneys ami
Counsellors at Law.
John M. Ley da,
Reliable Abstracts of Title.
We have an elegant assortment of Tuck
ings, all-over Laces and Embroideries, from
50c. up.
We haAo closed out the first big
lot of Rugs we advertised for $1.25.
so we have put on sale today 10
dozen more at the same price, the
best bargain in the country.
Call and see our new
styles in patent leather
A General
-A.ttcr32.e3r at Ti
Is fully eiiiipp;-d with new .stock,
new iii!r'i,s. tt..:ui(l c;in turnin
I lie miltlii' it li tii st rLiss siTviciv
Juk'k t rips to nl! parts of county.
for which we
Kibo Kid.
solo Heavy
Welt Sole
Low Heel.
Exact Reproduction of this Style Shoe.
M.ty i:.'ii.
E. G. DOVEY and SON.
How to Avoid Trouble.
Now is the time to provide yourself
aixl family a bottle of Chamberlain
colic, choiera and diarrhoea remedy.
It is certain to be needed before sum
mer is over, and if procured now may
save a trip to town in tho niuht or iii
the busiest season. It is everywhere
admitted to be the most successful
medicine in use for lowcl complaints.
both lor children and adults. Nuiatn
ily can afford to be without it. For
sale by all drucjirists.
iniD VA HHCjuN I tD to
I n Count yd u rt f (":i-s count v. l.r.ika.
In 1ti- mat l.r i'f tlie et;it-of Uilli:iin Kay
llioii. li'as-l :
.l:iin- Allison. I.i rov Allison. Man Swan
MuvN. W intii M Swan. 'l ira .laini-s. Aila Swan
lark. KoU rt Ki'mlall. Mary l-iilall. anil all
t lu-r imtsoiis Intt-rvM.-'l. Ii n lv ar-noi
tlial ii hi tlx- lt (lay uf .In lit-. I'.ml. .Iaii s Al
lison, auiuinist rator i sain -siati-. iilcl in
sa il court :i r'iHrt of liis a-ls anil il"int.'s as
sin-li ailiiiimsi rator fri iu ! Iruarv. Is . i. t,
liint- 1st. ami iiinui tln-sanif lay tili il a
IM-lllloii for filial 1 1 1. im lit !' sanl stall-.
il:.-'iii''. an. oil.' othi-r tliinu'-. that In- r-
-ivi-ii from sail i-stalt- .i:i.'.i;i : t hat In- lias
pa 1. 1 out a I Ml sin mill have rn-illt it It I In- sum
r s 1 s.t i. , li avinu'a rsuli.c m his hanls for
ssi'n iiicnt ami ilist i ihui ion in the sum of
nr.. jr. from u liii-h sum thf i-osts of a'lmiuis-
1 1 a I ii u n ill h- ili-ilin't !. aij'l f urt Inr a 1 1 - i--1 1 1 ir
t hat t hi- aiiovi- naiiK-il ure all of the ht-irsof
a hi (It-ia-ascil.
on arc iiotitM-l that a In atinir will In- hail
tin- County Court mrnn at Plat t mi mi it ii. in
id county, on thi-J'.ith tlavof .liim-. :. at
tin- hour of J oVIorU. i. m.. anil that if you
fall to a iM-ar at sin h I inn ami oh t-i t to t In-priM--
ilimrs. tin- i-oiiri may allow ami a pprov
sai'l account ami cut it a decree of assign iiu-nt
ami ilist rioiit ion of tint residue of sa hi est ate
to thealve nameil heirs, ami discharge the
said .lames A llison from his said I rust .
Witness my hand and the seal of said court
at I "la I Isiin nitli. .Nehraska.t his :sd da v of .1 u nc.
A. I. I'.ml. .1. K IN M tit. ASS.
(Seal.) County Jud-.'e.
Notice To Creditors.
Stale of NelnasUa.
Cass I otint y. ss In County Court.
I ii t he mat ter of I he estate of Mary II. Ilarri
s in. ih-ceased :
Not ice is herelty ien that t lie creditors of
said deceits d ill meet t he evecut l i of said
estate In-fore me. County .ludirc of Cass
county. NelirasKa. at the County Court room.
Ill I'lattsmoiit h. in said county, on thelltlh
day of Auirust. I'.ml. and on the l.l h day of
January, Vr.:. at !i o'clock, a. rn..each tlay! for
t he purimse of present imr t heir claims for rx
ainiuut lull, adjust ment and allowance.
six moiil lis are al low cd for the cretiitors of
said tleceasetl to present t lieir claims, ami one
yearamlsix months for I he execut ri ttisel
I le sa id estate, from I he i:tt h tlay of .1 u I. v. Ill I.
Witness my hand ami seal of saitl County
Court, at I'lal tsmoiilh. Nchraska. this lalli
da V of June. Hull.
(Seal.) ,. K. Ill (It; LASS.
June -Jl -It , County .Indue.
Cor.sTY tr Cass. )' In county court.
I li the mat ter of tin; estate of John Kleiser:
Not ice is hereby ivt'ii that I lie creditors of
said deceased will meet t lie administrator of
saitl estate. In-fore inc. County .liitlt; of Cass
county. .Nchraska. at the county court room
in I'latlsinoiith. in saitl county, on the I.Mh
tlay of July. I'.ml. ami on the Isth tlav of ie
cemlier. I'.ml. at II o'clock a. in., each day. for
the puroscof present in-; I heir claims for ex
amination, udjuslment anil allowance.
Six months an; allowed for the cretiitors of
saitl tleceasetl lo present their claims, and one
year for t lie ail mi nisi rator to set tie said estate
from the l.'it h day of June. puil.
Witness in v hand and seal of said county
court, at riattsmouth. .Nebraska, this Jlsl
day of .May. I'.ml.
.1. E. llUl til.ASS.
fsKAil County .1 mitre.
(1st puh. May 21.)
Slate of Nebraska. I
Cass County. )',s: In county court.
In the matter of the estate of Adam lit -II.
deceased. Not ice is hereby piven that Ihe
crcditorsof saitl tleceasetl will meet I lit ad
ministrator of said estate, before me. County
Jud'e of Cass County. Nebraska, at Ihe
County Court room in the said county, on the
Mli- day of July. A. I. I'.ml. ami on the llth
day of 1 lecein Iht. I'.ml. at '2 oVIoek. I'. M.
each day for the purse of presenting their
claims for examination, adjustment ami al
lowance. Six months are allowed for Ihe
cretiitors of saitl tleceasetl to present tlielr
claims and one year for the executors to set
tie said estate, from the sth. tlay of June.
Witness my Imnil and seal of said county
court at I'lattstiiouth. Nebraska, this 14lii
tlay of .May, 1901.
(1st pub. Muy 17.) Couuty Judge.
i .M.I I .
I'l ii; I I. M.
SAN I liA.'K'IM'li.
And ail x -ml s w est .
i i v . i n . i I 1 1 -
1l! ll
i. :V,
No. r.i
N... -T
No. ".i
No. i::
I I t
t i- n .
I .i h:i I t p.
" -as! .-: ml .
I r trlii i n. ex. siimi y
I'ai ii;.' .l-iuct i in
I a Ma I 1 Vti-itii .1 iiii.-i i it;
I a I t- i. lo a J- i n; s
( hi. ail I east
I ast - , 1 : 1 1 - x' re- hi I .i fi
ll l ll li M .i- -. k i nsi,
Cit y.M I m i.' li tea i i
all p ii fit s easi s. s. ml h
l al ex. ilany I 'n.-ilia.
I Jin- ! ;i. I n vi-r a ml
ii l I iiii-i puiiits
lx' I'l'H Mii.tlia ii loft
Cr 'U 'iinl S . I Mua ha
I.ih-;iI fit daily ex. Sun
day.! Vd.n ' i. I . on K
x il le. Sc ml h I ;-ml . . . .
Iiin'.iI from I'm- .ftiuc'ii
Fast mail. daily. t maha
I 'asl est i Im !e ex.tla i I y
t 'hi'Miro ami -:isi
Yestihiiied exp. tlaily
lii-mer. California.
Ki k l!il!s.'a. c,,r,i .
I .itn'i il n. r.i ml I - l.i ml.
lilack llills.M..niaii:i
ami I 'ac n -rl hue -t .
Ijh-:,1 ex. tl.i'il.v ect pl
Su inlay. I a 'tiis il le.
Ahl.inil. S.-hny n r. .
Local lot imaha
I a x a I I i'i it 1 1 I 'a.-. J'iic ii
I nmi ( imaha
( II IC.Mil .
S I'. .1. isH'M.
K A N S s t I V.
ST. I.' l Is.
And ail poiiitseast and
iiil h.
I li if Jiiiic-
i ::.i;
in a
4 J. p in
4 p in
17 p iii
I'l ID a m
in a in
r II In a tn
17 a m
Tc Koop Out ITlIco
cinci . ZHcc: c re .
iut uj) tlitist- line scri'i in of ( ox s
that admit tho nir a:nl cxcliuli' the
u'.- ts. J !ii'M' .- umni'M do. r and win
dow lixturos iifv- ''oo.l for r;i f inl sea-
sons ri ii l scrv. Hit' Kiu nos.- niti iithd
ht t't'r t ly ii anvtliiii'. t l sc. It only
costs a noiiiiiial .sum a d' or nr window
to fortify your castle a-'ain-t the
em 1113". Dun r lose several manths
t save ;i tritle.
"ml', rfsjf
:;d a in
i m
.". p III
i I, am
s'i'i iliiur. tlinin r ami i-cciituie; chair cars
(veal s free) on Ihr.HiLrh Ir iui-. l i. ktts sold
:itiil liti.'L'ii'.'r rlii'i l.i il In any p. 'nil in I hileil
Matesor t anaila. lor 1 1 1 ! -i ih:i I i"u. 1 1 nu- 1 a-
bles. ma ps a ml li'ki Im-mII nimr niiti-ln
W. I,. I'lflx CI I.
.1. ritANt ls. (i. I. A.. I'lal Isiiioul h. Neb.
t maha. Neb.
Tio EZIn.g or Ocm.fcrt3
during: warm weather is theiee cream
freezer. It will turn the hottest day
into one of delicious coolness. All
the delightful frozen dainties that
are so palatable during the summer,
as well as iee cream, can be frozen in
our freezer. We are selling them at
prices that will enable everyone who
wishes to en joy ice cream at home.
XOZECHSr IE2- cox,
IPla.ttsm.ou.tt3., -T eTo.
N'ort li hound
I'asst iii.rer No. I .
a 111
" -1 ." in p 111
l'rei'-ht No. I 'l (daily except Sund:iyJ 10 pin
solllli lioiintl. Leaves
I'asseni-'er No. II :s p m
. is 111 4. a in
I retold. No. I ..; (daily except Mimhi v) 1 .!- a 111
No. J w ill tu'c'i mimodal t imaha I heal re-L'o-
ers. as it does not leave t Imaha mil il u ;"U p m.
No. 17 connects al I'nion with a train from
Weepinjr Water.
No. Is connects at I'nloii with a train for
Weepinn Watt-rand Lincoln.
1 a
im S IG3 Wssf Gib St., Sfesas Gj', 29. (ftaWSffi.)
ThoC'rl Rctleblo Ccctcr. Ofc'-t In Arro r.r.d Longest Located
A Ucci-'i.. Crcti;: : .'.-a In l"r :izint Cvcr 27 Y5ars Special
Prr.c: ;:.--:.! i.-.ra In kSI'.-JO City.
.re.2or!z.l -- tM4 to i -r-f. Cc.rt.r.ij. Nervorjr. nnd 5rclst nir?te.
Ciir.-s i- liur.ini. . -.r ni.i.cT rr : i: niii-ii. A!l m'-i-ieiC's I'iiiiluU T' V '. or Uso
mi aiiTcui v ir iniurio-jj me.cins !. lu dt-t-nt i.Ji! Irom lU:.iiit s.t. I'a- f
tipnt.s at u'ist:i:u- iretou bv aiailmiJ tipresJ. MliI iciurs sent -tvei y where
free Ironi pazc .-r liroakafe. No n-nt C tl. IJ., cnly bT agrtiement.
Cliar:;es low. Over Sii.uuj eases cured. Stat? your cao and bend lor terms.
Consultation free and rnuhtJeuiial, personally or ny ieiier.
r Seminal Weakness and
mmmi m i
J1- wmmm 1
fi Sexual Debility,
follyaadexcessrs oautiini.' ior.srs ny dreams
or wita urine, pimiiles and l.h.ttlics oa th
&a iace, rusnes in uioou iu mr ut-.m, i.oj
"S back, confused Ideas and forget luJnrss,
baaiifulness, aveis ion to society, lossoa
ual power, less o' manhood, etc., cured for
lile. I can stop . t-Tut. losses, res torn lot
sextial power, uervo and brain pnwer. en-larL-
and strenrthen weak parts ami mako
t von lit. for marriaire.
H mii!l!c that terrible di"iear. In all
J fc3j,lJlll its fortiisand stages, eared
for lite, moon J-OISOIIU1S7, nkin i Heist's.
Ulcers. SwpilinRS. Surra, tjotiorrhoca an.l
(alect. nnd all forms of Private Di.-ieasca,
pofotively cured or money ref untied.
Ir-ti i fr radically cured without
intllllw tbeuseof Instrumenta. A
Nevr and Infallible Homo Treatment. No
pain and no exposure. No caustic, cutting:.
bougies or sounds. No detention from bun
nei. Tliousamis cured. A perinatieDt cure
fruar-jrueed or money refunded. Send stamp
for hool, which fully explains this disease.
Virirnrplp--1'"'1"''1 veins In the
imccic scrotum causing ner Jeliility, weaknes-s of tb sexual ys
it m. etc., permanently cured without pain.
MXni 1 1 ',rnI'""' of tbescrotum,
3 Urii,i.lCmmcuri.ti without pain.
IJi-i J m ncic.M'e nook cured la a lew
i lillllUMS" days without pain.
W 1 - f t.r- VtnfTi u,al tart n:iiau "7 rta.
OOOK tures true to life, with 'full de- l
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cure, ser.t sealed in plum wrapper for si
cent' in .-tumps.
Free Museum
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Thoii-.ifids of curiosities
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s i j V'l vra til in m cav?? k.j s. c-
11 lit TILL
F?: Fi? 6'.
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vtJLr IS u 13 U
L.,iA,'wa,',V,ih"Jrt"Jntrr!a',d on roltive Cuamntee. and no money accepted until
patient is cured. S,n forfr,, lu4 png, W.- a treaties on rectal diseases;"!! hundreds of
testimonial letters, valuab e to anvnim nfin iwi . ... . ' , ; ' """rruoi
If ree. Address. Drs. THORNTON A M NMD ,ni7c"wVr,''!:.eol,,
. "i V,1J vyav o3., ivaiuii Wlty , inu;