Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, June 07, 1901, Image 8

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EXERCISES v of 1901.
Plattsmouth HigK School.
Special Sale on Lawns.
Wo are showing a good Dimity nt 5c.
A fine Batiste at 8c.
Choice Dimities nt 10c.
March "Cuban Independence"
Selection of Popular Melodies
Intermezzo "Cupid's Garden"
Tobani Op. 395
Max Eufrene
Vocal Solo,
Vocal Duet.
Vocal Solo,
Rev. J. T. Haird
(Jaston Lemaire
Henry Parker
"Vocal Gavotte,"
"Sonj? of Winter,"
Miss Catharine Ajrnew.
"Tlie Hiph School and the Coimnunity,"
Paul K. Butler.
"Barcarole," Tosti
Miss Dora Swearingen,
Mrs. C. S. Johnson.
Some Popular Fallacies"
IJev. Ernest Wray Oneal, Aurora, 111.
"For All Eternity," Mascheroni
Miss Clara Edna Street,
of Diplomas.
C. A. Pawls.
Rex. J. T. Balrd
Mary A. Leonard
Sally Apnew
Gertrude Beeson
Minta G. Mauzy
Glen Phebus
E. Estelle Baird
Fred II. Eamge
Jean S. Phebus
Ernest E. Wurl
I. James Hall
E. Belle Martin
Earl R. Travis
Alma O. Larson
Paul R. Butler
"ellye L. Whalen
Margaret I. Wells
Caroline I. Baird
Pauline G. Martens
Forest Q. Hinshaw
William P. Ramsey
Julia M. Kerr
Robert II. White
Millie E. Tubhs
Donald C. Despain
Amelia I. Metper
Earl C. Wescott
Godfrey A. Berggren
M. Mabel Freese
Hilda Ilawkinson
Nellie V. Hay
Alwine E. Hofmann
Altia G. Warner
Leon J. Tepperberg
Earle Clark
Elizabeth M. Lloyd
Last nitrht, in a blaze of light, in : music and singing beautiful, the ora-
the full refulgence of oratorical dec-: tor' eloquent, but in spite of the lit
tarnation and the splendor of eloquent
periods, numerically the largest, in
point of efficiency and merit one of
the strongest, graduating classes ever
sent forth from the Flattsmouth high
tie part they took in the program the
3(5 graduates were the center of all
interest, the cynosure of all eyes, the
bright particular stars of the evening,
the constellations of the firmament of
, doting relatives, proud friends and en
school, appeared on tne stage or ine , Vious under-classmates. It was their
Parrnele theatre before a house packed j day tne nour &f tncjr triumph. Many
from pit to gallery, with an audience a fon(j parents heart beat high with
of friends and relatives, delivered itsi hope and pride, rejoicing in silent ex
commencement program, received Its ; ultation in me nonors won by faith-
justiy deserved ovation, iook us uipio- -fully studious daughter or son, and
mas and went forth to those who many an earnest prayer ascended to
crowded about to congratulate them, j the high empyrean that all maybe
full fledged graduates. j spared the crushing blows of advers
"In point of efficiency and ability jty which older age comes to know so
the class of 1901 is one of the strongest well, and that as they go forth
I ever saw graduated from any high j fortune may smile sweetly upon these
school, therefore the distinction of juvenile wayfarers just stepping
heading such a class is all the greater.", through the portals, and but darkly
said Superintendent John G. McIIugh ? seeing before them in the dim and un
on the eve of the exercises. And the comprehended vista the mysteriesand
honor student of this class, the one the wonders of the world which from
who stood first and at the head, was -now, their Beginning, must be their
W. P. Ramsey, son of Judge B. S. ; arena until the End.
Ramsey, a standing which gives him!
the option of scholarships in Bcllevue j
or Doane colleges. His average forj
the four years was 931 per cent.
From a raised dias the graduating
class faced the audience, girls and boys
placed with an eye to proportion and
harmony which gave the effect of a
tableau from some beautiful living
picture. To their right satRev.Ernest
Wray Oneal, Rev. J. T. Baird, C. A
Base Ball
The Plattsmouth boys went over to
i Pacific Junction to play ball wednes
day. During the first three innings
McCauley pitched for the Plattsmouth
loys, wilkins, of Glenwood, pitching
the nine innings for the home team
After the third inning Scott, who hac
been playing short, pitched the re
Rawls and superintendent John W. ! niainr of the game. The game re
McIIugh. In front of them stood a
huge holder filled with the coveted
diplomas to which during the exercises
the eyes of the graduates would wan
der In spite of themselves. Far above
their heads, reaching almost into the
loft of the stage, swung the motto en
graved in the white and red class
colors, "Not the End. but the Begin
ning." In the lower boxes sat the members
of the board of education and their
wives, in the upper boxes were the late
members of the board with their
The address of Rev. Oneal was one
of the most brilliant and forceful ever
heard in the city. He spoke for forty
five minutes, with a dramatic elo
quence that held his audience spell
Paul R. Butler, valedictorian of the
class, did himself proud, his thesis
being "The High School and the Com
munity." His oration has been pro
nounced by many an able judge as one
of the best ever delivered at a high
school commencement exercise. The
thought was profound but clear, his
delivery free an easy, his enunciation
so perfect that witnout effort every
word was distinctly heard in all parts
of the house.
Although Superintendent McIIugh
took no active part in the exercises his
presence spoke much for the successes
of the hour It was his class and he
had every reason to be proud. In the
distinction which this class brings to
the school Mr. McHugh comes in for a
geuerous share, for it is his school, and
it Is generally acknowledged that he
has made it what it is.
The exercises were inspiring, the
suiting in a score of 13 to in favor of
the Junction boys,
Band Concert
J ne nrst open air concert of the
season to be given by the B. and M
band, a performance rendered before
a large and well pleased audience at
Sixth and Main streets Wednesday
e vening, was unfortunately cut short
byth e threatening hue of the sky.and
the rising wind. Thursday evening of
next week the band boys will furnish
the music for the Olu Settlers picnic
at Palmyra.
The Weekly Journal one year
dollar and you need the paper.
for a
Li. jst. c.
o-o-o-o I
Do you know what that means ? No?
Well, nobody does; it hasn't any meaning This is like many fin ad
vertisement you see. They attract your attention but give no inform
ation. If w call your attention to anything, it is for some purpose.
Just now we wish to call your attention to our
20 per cent Discount Sale
on Muslin Underwear.
You will find displayed in the center aisle
of our Dry Goods department over $1,000
worth of Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Muslin Underwear from two of the best fac
tories in the United States, consisting of
Ladies' Gowns, Skirts, Drawers, Chemise,
Corset Covers, Short Skirts; Misses and
Children's Gowns, Drawers, Skirts and White
Dresses. They have not been moving as
rapidly as we would like, and to stimulate
their sale we offer the 20 per cent discount
from former prices for instance
Special Sale on Rugs.
We have about 10 dozen Hugs, 1 J yards long, made from rem
nants of best carpets, such as Velvet Brussells, Moquettes and Ax
minsters. Your choice for $1.25 each.
Don't forgot we are headquarters for everything in the Carpet line.
We are agents in Plattsmouth
Shoes. Smart, stylish street boots
for dressy women, from the dainty
Kibo patent Kid to the heavy
welted sole.
All one price
SOc gowns now 40c
loc powns now ;Oc
oO gowns now 1 20
00 gowns now 40
0c skirts now 40c
75c skirts now ooe
00 skirts now 80c
1 00 skirts now 1 GO
:) 00 skirts now 2 40
2.V' corset cover now 20c
3"c corset cover now 2.3c
"iOe corset cover now 40c
1 00 corset cover now SOc
Ami so on throughout the entire list nothing reserved. We
are also offering special inducements in
Wash Goods, Lawns. Dimeties,
Organdies, India Linens, Swisses
and Persian Lawns
for graduation and confirmation dres.-es, with a line line of
all-over embroideries, tuckings, Valencienes laces to make
them up and trim hem. The most complete assortment ever
brought to the city.
Gage Down Corsets, all styles. We are showing the new
straight front summer Corset for f0c.
E. G. DOVEY and SON.
People are
and deservedly so. Nobody has any use
for dull, slow people who have no spirit or
energy. When you feel dull and tired, take
a little stimulent to liven you up, tone you
up and make you feel that life is worth
living. Our Double Stamp 6 years old
"Honey Dew" Kentucky Whisky at $3.00 a
gallon is what you want. Call at
and be convinced.
Sole Agent for the famous Anheuser-Busch
Brewing Association Beer and
Yellow Stone Kentucky Whiskey.
Great Ribbon Sensation,
zuc, 2bc. and 35c. All Silk Ribbons at
2000 yaids sold last week, second lot of 2000 yards to arrivo from J
New York in about a week or ten days Wait for them.
IQl a 103 West mi Sf. Kansas Giiy, Uo. 4TCIft?&
Tho Old Reiicb'o r -cior. Oiriost In Ago end Longest Located.
A rJc-ijUrCric - ?'.9ln Wrdiclnri Over 27 Years Special
P,rcc:.c.22 Years In Kane-aClty.
f.l .v: . :: s at,, ,rfa? Chronic. Nervous and 5pecial Discuses.
itSif tj no mi-rcur j,r inj.jrijus medicines used. Not
if lent5 at d!-iance treated t,y icaiJ and exprrcs. Medicines sent everywhere
Hi.-v iinuiuuu, uicun!,i,x. jo aeuicines em u u. u.. onir o ifrwmtnt.
T iar .uaiRvaiw. u.pi iw,i w cusM cured. bHi TourcaM tnd nana for terms.
v,u:ou.ioliuii irw una conini'-oLiai, personally or ty letter.
pjia ana no exposure. caustics, cnttins;,
bougies or sounds. No detention from bua
nes. Thousands cured. A pennanentcure
sruarantecd or money refunded. Send stamp
Seminal Weakness and
- " J of youittul
folly and excesses causinc i.sses by dreams
or with urine, p:rup!cs cnil v.-i.-tckt-a on tto
face, rushes of blood to th; iie;:l, pains in
back, confused ideas unci forpetf illness,
bash fulness, aversion to Fortoty, loss of sex
ual power, loss of manhood. ot"c., cured for
life. lean stop r.1flit losses, restore lost
sexual power, nerve and tram pnrrr, en
large and strengthen weak parts and make
you lit for marriage.
vrH ! ! ! that terrib!s disease, la all
f Its forms and vtures. cared
for life. Blood Poisoning, Skin Diseases,
Ulcers. Swelling-s. Sore?, Gonorrhoea and
Gleet, and all forms of Privue Diseases,
positively cured or mmify ref t:r ded.
t'ir'f f Iff radiraliv oiiro.i without
IVIU1C toe use of inMrunieuis. A
New and Infallible Uowo Trratment. No
for book, wnicn fully explains this disease.
VnrirrffIfec'ar"cd 'na in the
T 't-wk-nt scrotum causing ner
vous debility, weakness of the sexual ays-
n in. cic, pure ujieui: y i-urea wunoui pain.
HvHrnrele""droPky ot tbe scrotum,
I 1 Ul UtLIC cured without pain.
Phimosis ",ee no9kr-ure " w
a n uiuJio days without pain.
Book ,or 1,01,1 ele. PKe, 27 pic
ecrlption of ahorn diseases, the effects and
cure. ent sealed In plain wrapper for six
cfni-iu ttimii.
Free Museum
of Anatomy for men.
Thou-saml of curiosities
A sermon without words.
orric. hours:
S . m. f $ p. m.
Sunday i, 10U12
It's easier to advertise low' prices than to sell at low prices, and
there's a heap more of it done. All the prices that can be put in ad
vertisement are a small part of the whole. What about the rest of the
prices? You'll not find all our low miVes in our ads. We can't Best brands Fresh and
crowd them in. Come to the store.
Always fresh in hottest
Summer weather.
Salt Meats, Sausage
and Fish,
Kunsmann & Ramge's
Plattsmontb Market.
Telephones gets?'io2.
, . J' Coviioht Ac'
Anyone sending; a sketch and dtMrintkmnTa
quickly ascertain" onr Tpl2lonf?Sehtf1S
In rent Ion a probably PatentableTComnTunl "
tlon. strictly coiiOdentuU. Hand book on PatiSl
snt free. Oldest aceney for secuiinl tenuu
fj5' ' ten throuirh Mann A CoTrKra
tptcUU notice, without charge, la the rwT
Scientmc flarican.
A handsomely lllnstrated weekly. Ijiiveat nlr.
culatKm of any setentlUo louTnaX Mrml a3 a
MlINM & Co.6BT.rievy York
Branch Office. F St, WasblWoL, U t.' 11