Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, April 26, 1901, Image 7

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Hew Philippine Schedule Probably "With
held Until Insular Gases Are Decided.
YTork of Adjustment ProfKMf, How
ever, Without Interruption Several
Revisions Advised The Claasa tbmt
! Dairymen Ask For.
WASHINGTON, April 22. It is not
likely that the new Philippine tariff
will be promulgated until after the de
cision of the supreme court in the in
sular case. It is stated at the War
department, where the matter has re
ceived consideration, that this decis
ion may make it unnecessary for the
government to establish a system of
tariff rates in the Philippines, al
though the department has proceeded
with the work of equalizing the rates
and receiving and considering sugges
tions, as though the coming decision
would not mak any change In the
present conditions.
Some months ago the War depart
ment published the tariff as prepared
by the tariff experts in the Philippines
and approved by the Taft commission,
Interested parties, especially manufac
turers and shippers, were invited to
examine this proposed tariff and make
suggestions and criticisms. It is in
teresting to note that of the 419 par
agraphs in the proposed tariff only 33
paragraphs have provoked criticism or
suggestion. Even these are in a mild
tone and neirly all take the form of
suggestion. Some of the more impor
tant suggestions are embodied in the
It is suggested that there will be
difficulty in making duties specific and
that in many coses perhaps ad valor
cm duties will be better. There are
some objections to the metric system,
as American goods are in yard folds
and European goods are in metric
folds. If the yard folds are continued
it would be better for the American
The Manila Chamber of Commerce
arks that four months intervene be
tween the promulgation cf the tariff
and its enforcement. No provision is
made for marking oleomargarine to
distinguish it from butter. The dairy
Interests think such a provision desir
able. A lower rate is asked for gas
oline to be used for fuel and for
launches. An ad valorem duty is ad
vised " upon precious stones and
watches. One firm suggests that cop
peras and oxide should be upon the
frea list.
It is claimed that cotton yarn should
inot be admitted at a lower rate than
"Sabrics woven from such yarn, also
that the weight and washing of cot
ton tissues should be changed in the
interest of the coarser cotton fabrics.
There has teen quite an extensive dis
cussion of this subject and it has been
pointed out that the changes in the
Cuban tariff also were needed in this
The free entry of "news" print pa
per is advocated. Reductions are ask
ed from 20 to 40 per c?nt on harness
and saddle makers wares. It is sug
gested that cheap and expensive ma
chinery should not pay the same
rates. Certain typewriter firms want
the duty on their machines reduced.
A change is asked in th.j classifica
tion of meat products. It is said that
the duty on alcohol should be dou
bled or manufacturers of whisky will
be able to use the alcohol for making
whisky at much less than the distilled
Sheriff Will Starve Them.
LONDON. Ky.. April 22. The latest
news from Letcher county reached
I-ondon tonight. It is that the Rey
nolds crowd has increased until they
now number twenty-eight men; that
tbey are fortified In a brick house on
the head of Millstone creek; that the
sheriff has th?m surrounded with a
posse of sixty men, some of them com
ing from the Virginia side, and that
they refuse to surrender unless they
can dictate terms, which means bail
of their own making. It is said there
!s no way by which they can escape,
rnd the Ehertff says he will starve
them Into a surrender.
News From Lord Kitchener.
- LONDON, April 22. The war office
has received a dispatch from Lord
Kitchener, reporting that since April
18 the various British commanders
lave taken eighty-one prisoners, to
gether with 100,000 rounds of ammu
nition and many horses, cattle an5
wagons. Lord Kitchener reports also
the surrender of twenty Boers since
that date.
Coats Pennsylvania Much Loss.
PITTSBURG, April 22. The most
widespread and destructive storm,
from a material point of view, has
passed. It has left a zone of ruin 200
miles in diameter. Electiic plants or
their wires are damaged and the gas
In the mains is generally turned off.
so half a million or more people are
tonight groping in darkness. A rail
roader caught i f wreck caused by a
liindslide and death of an old woman
from Ehock are the only fatalities.
.,,- ' ; I ;, jmr- y . v - , m .-ma
Wichita. Hands, it .is claimed, can be
sniped to market Vy the allotted time
me I
Gen. Beid'a Punjab Infantry Encounters
Stronger Force Than Anticipated.
PEKIN, April 22. Brigadier General
A. F. Reld, commanding the Third
brigade of the India Imperial Service
troops in China, who is now at Shan
Ilai Kwan, sent a company of Punjab
infantry to disperse a band of rob
bers in the neighborhood of Fu King.
A force of Boxers and robbers, more
than 1,000 strong, attacked the Indian
troops, killing Major Browning and
one Sepoy and woundnlg others. The
company retreated to Fu Ning. Re
inforcements have been sent from Shan
Hal Kwan. The Boxers are apparent
ly well armed with modern rifles.
PAO TING FU, Saturday, April 20.
This city has been for the last few
days a big French military camp.
It is now estimated that 8,000 French
troops and 6,000 Germans will form
the entire force when a) I the rein
forcements have arrived. There is no
truth in the current reports concern
ing severe fighting between the out
posts and the Chinese.
Three met left yesterday under es
cort to convey Emperor Kwang Hsu's
first order to General Liu to retire im
mediately into the province of Shan
Si. Prince Ching and other Chinese
officials say the Chinese general has
already retired, but their confirmations
cr denials are considered very unreliable.
Civil Service Commission Defers Date for
Testing- Applicants.
WASHINGTON, D. C. April 22.
The civil service commission an
nounces that the examination adver
tised for April 23, 1901, for the po
sition of department assistant in the
Philippine service, has been postponed
to June 3 and 4, and that this exam
ination will be held in any city in the
United States where postal free deliv
ery has been established. Competitors
in the examination in addition to tak
ing the regular examination required
for this position also may take one
or more of certain optional subjects,
for which due credit will be given.
Particular attention is called to the
fact that within a few months it Is
probable that a number of financial
agents will be needed. These agents
will be selected for this examination
and the selections will be confined as
far as practicable to those who have
shown proficiency in the optional sub
jects of bookkeeping and finance and
who have passed the regular examina
tion. The salary of the position of
financial agent will be about 2,000
per annum.
The entrance salary of the position
of department assistant will not be
less than $1,200 per annum.
Would Be Pleased to Secure Five Million
Yen From France.
Yokohama, April 22. The Korean
government, according to advices just
received from Seoul, the capital of
Korea, has decided to borrow from
France 5,000,000 yen for the purpose
of constructing the Northern railway
from Seoul to Wikiu. It is asserted
that it was objected to pledging the
Korean customs for security of this
loan, which created a desire in certain
quarters for the dismissal of Mr. Mc
Leavy Brown, the director general of
Korean customs.
According to the same advice. Vice
Admiral Seymour and Sir Claude M.
MacDonald, British minister to Japan,
have arrived at Chemupo, Korea, on
board the British cruiser Powerful, and
it is said they will have an audience
with Emperor Yi Yieung.
Pioneer Salmon Parker Dead.
BERKELEY. Cal., April 22. Joseph
Heme, the pioneer salmon packer of
the Pacific coast, is dead. Death was
duo to heart disease. Mr. Hume es
tablished the first salmon cannery on
the Columbia river in 1874. In 1896
his business interests were transferred
to Alaska.
Democratic Leader Dead.
DOVER, Del., April 22. Former
Congressman J. C. Stockley, a pictur
esque figure in Delaware politics and
a former democratic leader, died last
evening after a long illness at his
home in Georgetown.
Snowslide's Fatal Sweep.
TELLURIDE, Colo., April 20. This
afternoon a snowslide carried away
the bunk and boarding house of the
Alta mine near here. Rchard Pen
oergast, the cook, lost his life.
Germany, the Cnited States. Great
Britain and Spain have refused the
Venezuelan courts as fit tribunals to
adjudicate claims Involving the rights
of foreigners.
Free Hunks at Kneampment.
CLEVELAND, April 22. Col. James
Hayr, chairman of the Grand Army
standing committee on free quarters,
announced today that he and his col
leagues of the committee had secured
secured free quarters in schoolhouse3
and halls for 27,000 veterans at the
encampment here September 9 to 14
next. Colonel Hayr is now ready to
receive applications for free quarters.
He Invites the same at the earliest
J possible date and promises good care.
.at- toe prisoner. Hair ot the crowd I
consisted of women. Desnite th .f.
Stamp Counterfeiter's Baffled.
"For more than a year past." says
the Philadelphia Record, "the treasury
department has been defrauded of
thousands of dollars by the washing of
canceled revenue stamps. Those en?
gaged in the business have secured
canceled stamps of all denominations,
washed them clean, regummed them
and sold them. Now. however, the
treasury chemists have found an olive
gray ink for the stamp itself which will
fade away if any attempt 6hall be
made to wash out the cancellation
mark. Unfortunately, it has proved
impossible to blend this fugitive ink
with any chemical producing an agree
able color, and beauty has, therefore,
been sacrificed to safety. The design
of the battleship Maine will be retain
ed." Take Garfield Tea for constipation;
it has this to recommend it: it is made
from health-giving herb3 and it surely
Australia's Capital.
There is every probability that early
In next year the site of the Austra
lian federal capital will be decided and
competitive plans for laying it out in
vited. The idea is that it should be
one of the finest cities of its kind in
the world, enjoying a salubrious cli
mate and possessing beautiful sur
roundings. Only the public buildings
will be constructed at the cost of the
commonwealth, all others being left to
private enterprise.
If everyone knew how good a remedy
was Hamlin's Wizard Oil its sales
would double in a day.
The less veracity a man has of his
own the more he admires it in other
1148 will buy new Upright piano on
easy payments. Write for catalogues.
Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam
street. Omaha.
When a woman denies an accusation
and wants to prove her innocence she
Are Ton Using- Allen's Foot Ease?
It is the only cure for Swollen,
Smarting, Burning, Sweating Feet,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores, 25c Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress. Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy. N. Y.
In a theater, D No. 2 or E No. 3
may be considered an A No. 1 seat.
Are Ton Interested In the Northwest?
Cut out this advertisement, mention
paper in which it appeared.enclose with
10c in silver to address given and
Home and Garden, illustrated, month
ly, will be sent you free for one year.
Regular price, 50c. Address Home and
Garden, Newspaper Row, St. Paul,
Never belittle your own acts. Peo
ple are very apt to take you at your
Piso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as
a cough cure. J. V. O'Brik.v, 322 Third Ave,,
N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jon. 6. 1900,
Says an old bachelor: "Marriage is
means of grace when it leads to
Do Toor Feet Ache and Barn?
Shake into your shoes, Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes
tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures
Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot and
Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and
Shoe Stores, 25c. tiample sent FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N.Y.
Spring Cleaning Made Easy.
Much of the terror of Spring Cleaning: may
l avoided by good management. Settled
weather should be selected for the work, and
every thing necessary provided beforehand.
Ivory Soap will bo found best for trashing
paints, floors and windows; It id harmless
and very effective in making the house clean
end fresh.
Beware of the friend that advises
you to go to war or get married.
Did you ever have that feeling of oppression, like a weight on your chest, or a load of cobblestones in your
stomach, keeping you awake nights with a horrible sensation of anxiety, or tossing restlessly in terrible dreams,
that make the cold perspiration break out all over you ? That's insomnia, or sleeplessness, and some unfortun
ates suffer with it night after night, until their reason is in danger and they are on the edge of going mad. The
cause of this fearful ailment is in the stomach and bowels, and a Cascaret taken at night will soon bring relief and
give the sufferer sweet, refreshing sleep. Always insist on getting CASCARETS!
a' v y y can i - i star S
the I The Coldest. J the r I
CIIARASTEF.D TO CUKK all bowel frpe-wblea, appendicitis, biliousness.
Md brenvta. toad klMd, wind tfce MoaiaHi. bloated bowels, root aaoatn,
ss4msc I nd I great Ion. plrwplrs, palsf arlr catlac liver trouble, sallow eon
Blexlon and dlxalnoss. W n,a yssr bowels don't move v-esrwlarly joa aro
S Is a si
iui sics. voasiiaatioa. kiih
lsrtr for tu enronle
afterwards. No matter wnat alls yon. start ta-klna- fAsCARKTs lednjr. Tor
yon will never set well stad be wall all the tine until yon ant your bowels
rtskt, Tane oar stdvlcet trnrt wltb CaBCjLMK'rS) today, under an absolute
lasrsstcs to ear or money refunded. ass
i n mars turisffiflnflOAn nosfwfi
S.W MrXKa5W-ottoTsS
wrissirsssiii iimiiniiniinmnniiiiiii imn iiiiiinif--"--"rri ffi-rn ivwv i fvimnrwirwvinri nrii-ir-tr-iniirssiri nrt lit wirii
Is expected to add at leas-' ,nts tr.
the price of everv hrnnt,. rpII
The finished performance of an actor
Is often a great relief to the audience.
If Vou Have Rheumatism
Bend no money, hut write lr. Shoop, Racine, Wis.,
box 143. for s'.x iKttles of Dr. whoop's libeumstlc
Cure, express paid. If cured pay 5 M; If not It Is free.
There is no pride like that of a beg
gar grown rich.
duce the fastest and brightest colors
of any known dye stuff.
Regret cannot bring the arrow back
to the bow.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.
For children teething, softens the gums, reduces lir
flaminaUoa. allay a iiain, cures wlndcollo. 25cabotue.
A Dnblin Peat Room.
A large Dublin manufacturer has a
room entirely furnished with Irish
peat. The carpets on the floor, the
curtains at the windows and paper on
the walls are made from this sub
stance. For years he has experiment
ed with the material, which is now
very largely exported as fuel, and he
has discovered that from it it is pos
sible to procure almost any kind of
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
There is no profit in religion where
there is no loss.
Throw physio to the dops if you don't want
thedosrs but if you want good digestion chew
Beemun's Pepsin Gum.
Sometimes God's storms are but to
drive us into harbor.
Simplicity, strength and purity com
bined in Garfield Tea, the herb medi
cine that cures constipation and liver
Willingness to be God's slave is the
way to become His son.
Rowi This 7
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any
ease of Catarrh that canitot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHESEY & CO., Props.. Toledo. C.
We. the undersigned, have known p. J.
Cheney for the last 15 yean and believe him
perfectly honorable In all business transactions
and financially able to carry out any obliga
tions made by their firm.
West & Truax. Wholesale Drujrgistg. Toledo.
O. : U'aldinjr. Kinnan & Marvin. Wholesale
Drurelsts. Toledo, Ohio.
Hall 's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act
ing direct, v upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Testimonials bent free. Price
ibc per bottle. Sold by all f i-utrgisti
Hall's Family Pills are lhe best.
The more a wise man thinks the less
he is apt to talk.
Ask youf trocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for
10 cents. All other 10-cent starcn con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
The bore who is looking for no
body in particular should look in the
Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE
STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for
10 cents. Allother 10-cent starch con
tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
All the world's a stage and all the
doctors are merely ushers both ways.
O. I'HtLW BROWS. Brssdwar. aswfranja, a.X.
If yon take up your
liomrsin Western Can
ada, the land of plenty.
Illustrated pamphlets,
lirinjf experiences of
farmers who have be
come wealthy in k row
ing wheat, reports of
delegates, etc., and full
infnnuatinn ah to raiiuce-1 railway rates can be
had on application o the Superintendent of
Immigration. Department of Interior. Ottawa,
Canada, or to W. V. Bennett. 601 N. Y. Life
B'dtf., Omaha. Neb. Special excursions to
Western Canada during March and April.
s JP
- as-
nllmeata and Ion, veara or anflVrlfiar I ku I eoaio
wsoi-o neopio saan ail atarr aiseusesvocesner.
n notnini mniinininiiiii n mn
as to the quality of armor. Other
claims will be made for delay in fur-
free CA4
I A roTl-Ph. ft TniKil of Dr. O. STl
I PKelr Brown's Otm Remedy for VJ
m Pbi VntleravanH all Ketnuf Dnelws. Andrew w
"xin i s a i a a aw. i i - & s
"I Cheerfully Recommend Peruna to All Who
Want a Good Tonic and a Safe
Cure for" Catarrh."
Prominent members of the clergy r-e giving Peruna their unqualified en
HnKcmcnt Thou mon find ppmna esneciallv adaDted to preserve them
from catarrh of the vocal organs which has always been the bane of publio
speakers, and general catarrhal debility incident to the sedentary life of the
clergyman. Among the recent utterances of noted clergymen on the cura
tive virtues of Peruna is the following one from Bishop James A. Handy,
D. D., of Baltimore:
" take great pleasure in acknowledging the curative effects of
Peruna. At the solicitation of a friend I used your remeay ana
cheerfully recommend your Peruna to all who want a good Tonlo
and a safe cure for catarrh. James A. Handy,
Uintn ftU I HULL uuiiloi
Husband Escaped the Pangs of
Catarrh of tt.a Lungs.
Host Cases cf Incipient Consumption Are
Edward Stevens.
Mrs. Edward Stevens of Carthage,
N. Y., writes as follows:
"I now take pleasure in notifying
you that my husband has entirely re
covered from catarrh. He is a well man
today, thanks to you and Peruna. He
took six bottles of your medicine as di
rected, and it proved to be just the
thing for him. His appetite is good
and every thing he eats seems to agree
with him. His cough has leit him ana
he is gaining in fiesh. and seems to be
well every way. I hope others will try
your medicine and receive the benefits
that we have." Mrs. Edward Stevens.
"When the catarrh reaches the throat
it is called tonsilitis, or larnygitis. Ca
tarrh of the bronchial tubes is called
bronchitis; catarrh of the lungs, con
sumption. Any internal remedy that
will cure catarrh in one location will
cure it In any other location. This is
If afflicted with
sore eyes, use
-Thompson's Eye Water
CCCD athermvsterles. F-ffecMof ssporttns;
rttr n:e. SO illustration. pKe book
port pnU lOc. Jacob Iterk, Ueuvtr, Colo.
S3 & $3.50 SHOES mae.
The real worth of mv 91.00 anil f-i.M shoes compared with
other makes Is $i.uu to -V(. My (Jilt Edge Line cauuot Ue
equalled at auy price, lltst In the world for men.
I nuke u ti I sell more nfn'i sine ahtM, Gosilresr
Vlt 1 1 1 nnd-'irwrn I'nHTHl, t tin n any other ntanuftte
turrrln trie I will pay 81,MHtoaojroDewbcaB
prove ttutt any BlutriiM-ut is not true.
(SltnrdlW. T.. Toas;lna.
Take no snnstitntr t InIit on having W. L. Itoiieias shoes
with name and price staniel on Ixittoin. Tour dealer should
keep them ; I (rive one dealer exclusive sale In eaeb town. If
he does not keep them ami will not (ret them for you. order
direct from fartorv. enclosing price and 2V. extra for earrlaire.
Over l.OMi.MKt satisfied wearers. New Sprtni Catalog free.
-rt Color ETsisUBseosxciuaiTsiT. W. L DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass.
air t' thim hobo-mobo troocks! tuck.
I baT been using CASC ABETS
for Insomnia, with which I have been affile
for over twenty years, and I can say that
Cascareta have (riveo me more relief than any
other remedy I have ever tried. I shall cer
tainly recommend them to my friends as be
LnT all they are represented. "
thos. Gil.l.aRO. Elgin. Ill
OCA RAXTFED TO CritEt Five years K tbe first bo sf CAS
CARETM wnssold. Now It Is over si a million boxes n. year. tstrtkss any
similar medlrlue In tbe world. This Is 1 o I I e p r . o o r t" a t m flt
oar best testimonial. We haveralia. and will self ".,-f '
guaranteed to eure or money reiunaea. o our .
tnem m f-lr, honest trial, as per simple directions, and If yon aro not aavtlsned
after nrlnr one i&Oe box. return the onased SOe bos: and the empty boa to
wbs i i'i nis mi nt sji rftfi rsw, w ino as - snfuTM - iiriS -
Meanwhile ' It wfir be " trSTisT.-.ted Into J
Spanish, and be printed both in En?-J
I why Peruna has become bo Justly
famous in the cure of catarrhal dla-
eases. It cures catarrh
wherever lo-
cated. Its cures remain.
Peruna does
not pallitate; it cure.
Mrs. Frederick "Williams, President
of the South Side Ladles' Aid Society
of Chicago, III., writes the following
WCrds Of praise ninnmiiiuiinmi Aixu."
for Peruna from
973 Cuyler ave.,
Chicago, 111.: 3 t
"Mv home is 3 If nl C
never wi t h o u t :
Peruna, for I
have found dur-;
jug tae past si A JLVZWm t
vears tnat mere a i cri.'r.
a rir TPmpdv 5MrfrSt
. ... : 1 -
mat win at once j --, r r
alleviate suffer- iVr rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTt TTTVTV
Ing and actually Mrs. Fred Williams,
cure, as Peruna does. Four bottles
completely cured me of catarrh of the
bead of several years' standing, and if
my husband feels badly, or either of us
catch cold, we at once take Peruna.
and in a day or two it has thrown the
sickness out of the system." Mrs.
Frederick Williams.
Mrs. W. A. Allison, of 759 Sheffield
avenue, Chicago, 111., is the Assistant
Matron of the i
People's Hospi
tal. She has the
following to say
about Peruna:
"I have had fre
quent opportuni
ties to ODserve 3
the wonde r f u 1 35
of Peruna esne- -
cially on persons
suffering: with a sSnummnMinMinmB
congested condi- Mrs. W. A, Allison,
tion of the head, lungs, and stomach,
generally called catarrh. It alleviates
pain and soreness, increases the appe
tite and so tones up the entire system
that thepatient quickly regains strength
and health." Mrs. W. A. Allison.
If you do not derive prompt and
satisfactory results from the use of
Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman,
giving a full statement of your case
and he will be pleased to give you his
valuable advice gratis.
Ad3res3 Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
For Top Tr'ces Ship Toor
To Headquarters
O. IV. Ickrn A t'ompany.
Batter. Eg. Veal, lilu sod Furs, l'otstoss.
onions la CsrloS'l Lot.
Omaha, . Xtbrsiks.
We believe it will sell at 50 cents.
Send your order now. Our book,
"Successful Speculation," 6ent free.
24 i
3 VL I
1 -r If am. t
m n 3 s ir v w
-4 Yassk sas a V
25c" 50c
sis - wvi m i n i i ti r i i i t ri i
n vm ti i
CJeoreo K. Ken nan In Russia.
ST. PETERSBURG. July S. Cecrse
. W J
k lift's
Morgan "futerestaTThe Pe-?
and the Vanderbilt lines will