f LOCAL. S Smoke Otto Wurl cisrars. . Dr. W. B. Elster, Dentist, Water man Block, Anything jou want? Get it at Ger ing's. - Miss Gretal Waugh is back from Denver. Vnen you want a comb, cme to Gering & Co. The sweetest of sweets in the candy line at Gering & Co.'s Otto Yuri's cigars are calculated to make a man take an added interest in life. The Gut Heil cigars are the best : smokers on the markt "Wurl iranu factures them. A large steel engraving. -Sunday at Sea," has been presented to the public library by Mrs. R. O. Fellows. For sale or exchange Tor eastern Nebraska lands, 25 ranches: all sizes. I?. 15. Windham, riattsmouth, Neb. We have a few wall paper remnants that we sell for 2c per roll. They are lust the thing for closets and pantries. Call and see us. ekixu Co. Lowe Brothers high standard liquid paints cover 300 square feet two coats cheaper and better than lead and oil, Gering & Co., selling agents. Every youngr man in town would be hunting up a license and a minister if he knew how beautifully and inexpen sively the Sattler Furniture C.. can furnish a home for biru. Balky watches made to work by Mc Elwain, the jeweler. The Trideof Plattsmouth is justly Otto Wurl's famous live cent cigar. Wurl Brothers' Gut Ileil cigar can't be beaten for a cool, sweet smoker. . If there's a place in town where la dies feel satisfied that the style and assortment of spring hats is all they can ask, it's at Mrs. Manspeaker's. We call for and repair all kinds of rurniture. Call us up. Our telephone is 137. Sattler Furniture Co. Our Baby Cough syrup is justt the thing for children under live years only 25c a bottle. Gering & Co. Orders taken for white and brown bread, pies, plain and fancy cakes. Tel73or251. Mrs. Ileese & McUaken. When it comes to real tine pei'umes. Gering & Co. keep them all. If there is one store in Plattsmouth that makes you want to buy every thing they have it's that of the Sattler Furniture Co. the big store on sixth street. You are looking for a Phoenix & Northern tire policy. A. W. White will write it. He, is sole agent for Cass county. Gering & Co.'s Syrup of Tri folium Compound is the greatest spring blood purifier sold, and is absolutely guaran teed to give satisfaction or money re funded. Price $1. Harry Thomas and George Thomas are with us no more. Sheriff Wheeler took them to the penitentiary Thurs day morning, where both will serve a two years' sentence. Elegant? Well, I should say! That's what every one says of the line of baby carriages, go-carts and sleepers at the Sattler Furniture Co.'s big store on Sixth street. J. E. Marshall, formerly one of the editors of the Post, with his wife and child, came down from Lincoln, where he is employed in the Journal otlk-e, for a visit this week. If you want to go a little higher you can't get more for your money than 'rom Otto Wurl's Silver Wreath cigai. C M. Butler late secretary of the board of education, who has leen trans ferred to Havelock, intends moving his family to his present place of res idence this week. His eldest son, how ever, will remain here until the close of school. A. Allen, of Murray, has moved to Plattsmouth to make this place his home in the future. His family is staying for the present with a son-in law near Maple Grove, but will come to this city as WK-n as Mr. Allen has fixed up a house for them. D. T. Selvage, the local agent of the Crown Portrait company of Chicago, although he has been here but a short iime, is kept busy taking and tilling orders for enlarged crayon portraits at pastels at 4:1.1; and sepias for 42.99 each. Fine frames are furnished free with each order. Mr. Selvage's headquarters are in the Union block at Plattsmouth. A tablet of brass in meuioTiam of Carl Morton has len placed in the Nebraska City library by the board of directors. A certain newspajn-r deil was ex plaining to a young lady last week the difference between printing and pub lishing, says an exchange. He having concluded, she shyly said: "Now you may print a kiss on my cheek, but you must not publish it." With that he locked the fair form in his arms, so it would Dot pi, and went to press. mi, Cnnrninooniirt. vncpnt.lv reversed the decision of Judge Reese in the Su preme court of 18S in the case of Cass County vs. the C. B. & Q railway, in volving assessments and taxations up on railway bridges spanning navigable streams. The Nebraska City News says that notice has beeii given to the patrons of existing free delivery routes that unless the roads traversed by the car riers are kept in fair condition they will be abandoned. That is a hint to farmers in the right direction. President Hill, of the Great North ern, has just started on a remarkable flying trip over his road. His special will lie pulled by but one engine, re lays of engineers being carried on the train to relieve one another in the cab. County Superintendent Speaks. With his never flagging zeal to in terest parents, pupils and school otli cers in the work of the county schools, Superintendent Smith has just issued the following circular letter: To J'arents and School Oflicers: In furtherance of the work in the country schools as outlined some time ago this additional notice is given. Plans for conductinf the examinations in various parts or the county have been made. When the time comes pu pils of the country schools desiring to pass examination in tne branches of the eighth grade will present them selves accordingly The Free Attendance High School law has become a fact and the success ful students may enjoy its benefits. Special inducements are also offered. The six candidates passing examina tion w ith the highest average will be entitled to their choice of scholarships in the following institutions: Weeping Water Academy (.'! years.) Lincoln Business College. Omaha Commercial and Business Col lege. Fremont Normal School. Western Normal College. Shenan doah, la. Northwestern Business College, Be atrice. All of these scholarships cost good hard money. To Kssess one of them is a small fortune, and the 1mv or girl that succeeds in getting one will lie favored indeed. We hope that a large n umber of the boys and girls of the county will take ad vantage of t h is opport u n i ty. I 'a rents and officers should set that their fam ilies and districts are well represented. Yours truly, W. C. Smith, County Superintendent. A rrvvise merits. Lauiirhiiig; :f IJttleU!p Ohln at Sau Fran cisco, Cal. . For the above occasion the Missouri Pacific will sell round trip tickets to San Francisco, Cat., at a rate of $G0. Dates of sale. May 7th and 8th, with a return limit of 30 days from date of sale. For farther particulars inquire of C. F. Stouten morouuh, Agt. Subscribe for The Journal, 1.00 per year. Sfe. TIME TABLE. Plitttftmtitli. Neb. Walnut and Fifteenth Sis. In KTTect at Miduitfht, June 9. 1900. North bound. Leaves. Passenger. No. 1 6:27 a in No. 17 5:40 p in Freight. No. I-M (daily ex. Sunday).... 3:4(ipm South liountl leaves. Passeiufi- No 2 11:34 pin v.. i u III J.9, m ir Preiubt 1J (dally ex. Sundav 7:.H5 a m .no. 2 will uocotiiiiioilate Omaha llieutrc- k.''rs. ii ii does uot ltave Omaha until 1 :.'.0 p iu . No. 17 connects at Colon with train from WeepiUK Water. No. IS connects at Union with tralD for Weeping Water TIME ' TABLE. Platcsm nth. fM-Bts. Alril 21.. I'JtM. ..'HIl'A'iC ST. JOSP.Pfc KANSAS U:"Y. ST. L-OCIS And all po!n east, aud south. Juno- LINCOLN, OMAHA. I DKNVEK. 1 POUTLANP. I SAN KUAN CISCO. I And all points west. No 31 Local to Pacilie tinu No I Local exp. daily, points east and south . . No 30 Freight daily ex. Sund y Pacific Junction No 2t; I-ociil Pacific J uucliou.. Ni 'i Local exp. Iowa points Chicago and cast r.o 8 Past ex. daily. from Lin coln to St. Joe Kansas City -St. Louis, Chicago, ail M;ms east, south No I Local ex. daUy. Omaha. Lincoln. Denver bdi In termediate points No 27 K C. to Omaha via Port t'roo!:auil South Omaha No 29 Local frt duily. ex. Sun day. Cedar Creek. Louis ville. South Mend No 17 Local fruui PacitieJuue to Piattsmoutu No 7 Past mail, daily. Omaha aud Liucoln local No 6 Past vestibule ex. daily, Chicago and the east... No 3 Vestib'iledexpressdaily Denver. Utah. California black Hills. Pacific c'ast No i:t Liucoln. i r.trul l-latil KlacU 1 1 1 1 1 -. Muaaiu .V Pacific N. W NO :U Local ex. daily excent SauUay, Louisville Ash land and Schuyler No IS Local to Omaha No '. Lo'-ai Pacific J uucliou to Platts Nil ill FrouiOinalia Sleeuitiir.diniEic.and reclining chalrcurs(seat j freej on tbro-iiih trains. Tieketd sold and bag- aK"ClieCKtril touu ?,iub iubuiUJ.;,4 or Canada. For Information, time laules.inap and tickets call on or write to W. L. Pickktt. Agent. J Frawis. C. P. a.. Plattsmouth. Neb. 1 Tl S H Vf- Lv Vr.m a 0 f.v hi ('. a m Lv 2:40 p m Lv 4:45 p m Lv 4:32 p m Lv :17 p ni Lv 7:13 a in Lv 10:10 a m Lv -.10 a wo Ar l!:10am Lv 3:17 p m Lv 7:M a m L .1:33 p n Lv i::;7 p m Lv 3:50 p CD Lv l':H p in Lv 5: S p m Lv 12:47 a m Blatctiford Cavanough and the Roney Boys. Youno; Cavanajrh is one of the few artistic musical phenomena whom the world has refused to forjret. In his inevitably brief and meteoric career as a youth he made an impression that was deep and lasting. This was due to the exceptional power and sweet ness of his voice, its irresistible pa thos, its captivating mechanism of sympathy, its divine finalities of soul awakening. These things caused his memory to be cherished with affection and created an interest in his future which nothing else could have done It will now afford pleasure to his former admirers to learn that while his voice has changed in register it has lost lit tle if anything of its divine quality the gift of heaven -which makes it a thing to stir responsive chords of sym pathy in other hearts, to start the in definable tears, to move the soul of all who are born to a sense of melody. Of the Honey I Joys t he Omaha World Herald says: The program was a de light from the beginning to the end, a very unusual thins.'. Honey's I Joys a re stars of the first magnitude, bright manly little fellows, and so equal in their attainments that the least that can be said is that when you hear them you are quite sure they have not their equal for their age. Kvery num ber was encored. The company was received with great enthusiasm. Uoth Ulatchford Cavauaugh ami the Honey Doys will apiear at the I'ar mele theatre Wednesday evening, April 24, giving riattsmouth folk an opportunity of hearing the loys who have sung their way into the hearts of the music lovers of half the cities of the land. Prizes For Letters about Nebraska. A round trip ticket from any IJur lington Houte station in Nebraska to Yellowstone National 1 'ark and a com plete trip through the Park is one of twenty prizes offered by the IJiirlingtou Houte for the best letters about Nebraska. Other prizes are: Trip, to Colorado, the Hlack Hills. Chicago and St. Louis. There are also several cash prizes. The IJurliiigton offers these prizes for letters that will encourage immi gration to Nebraska. Letters de scriptive of successful farming, catt le raising, fruit growing and similar pur suits are available for I he ui ose In view. The contest clows May :il, l!wI. Circular giving full Information will be mailed on request. 1. riiANcm, General Passenger At'cnt, Omaha, Neb. Notice to Non-Resident Defendant HP.KM AN WALT Hit. defendant, will take nolle-: That on flic 'JMIi day of June. !!. P. J" Nicliols. triisft-c. plaint ilT herein filed l.is pt t it ion In t lie dist ri-t court of Cass county. Ne braska, against said defendant, the ohiect and prayerof w hich are to foreclose u certain iimrtjrasre cxi-cutcd ! the defendant to the plaint iff upon lot thirteen (lift. In Mock nine teen (ll'l. in Kasle. Cass count v. Nebraska, ac cording to t he recorded plat t hereof, to seeiir the pavtiieni of t wo certain promissory notes, dated fictolier l.'itli. I:i. for the sum of scv ent v-five dollars (7.".n" dollars each, ami dut and payable In one and t wo years rcp--ttve-ly from the date thereof: and there Is now clue itnsail notes and mortmain- the suinol one hundred eithty-one rlsi.mi) dollars, for which sum. it h interest from t hlsitate.lilain titTpravs for a decree that defendant fe re iiuired to. :i v f he same, or t hat said premises may Ix- sold to satisfy the amount found due. Von a rc re u I red to answer said petition on or In f.ire the -jr.'Ut davof April. P.ml. P. .1. NICHOLS. Trustee. I!vTai.iuit Ai. i.k.n. Attorneys. Hated March P. I'irsi publication March 15. Sheriff' s Sale. tv virtue of an execution issued by (icorjre P. 1 lousewort h. clerk of the district iinirl within and for Cass itninty. Nebraska, and to me directeil. I will on the 2 I I' l'.v Apr'" A l , 1 !!. at 11 o'clock :c tn.. of said day. at the south door of t hecourt house iu the city of Platts mout h. In said count v. sell lit public auction, to the hlirhest bidder for cash, t he following real estate, lo-wit : lit -I in northeast quar ter of I he sout hea st quarter of sect ion thirty five t:i.) township eleven 411) ransre eleven til) in Cass county. Nebraska, together with the pri vilciTcs and appurtenances thereunto lie loiik'iu or in any wis- npiicrtainiiur. The same liclm; levied tiimn and taken as t he pro ertyof William 1 1 . I .at Jaw. defendant, to sat isfy a judgment of said court ns-overeil by Cora O. Latiaw. plaintilf. atrainst said defend ant. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. March ll. A. I. W. I. II KKI.IvK. SherilT Cass County. Nebraska. A. L. TfMKl.ix. PlaiutitPs Attorney. Sheriff's Sale. real estate, to-wit: Lots three (3) and four 44) in block eleven (11) Younir and Hayes' addi tion to Plattsmouth. and lot rive ."i) in block eiKht (H) Unity of Plattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska, together with tlie privileges and appurtenances thereunto iH-loinrinir or in any wise aptM-rtaininff. The same lieinK levied upon and taken as the property tf Cliristlan 11. Petersen et al. defendants, to satisfy a judgment of.saii court recovered by the County of Cass, plaintiff against said defend ants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. March a. A. I).. 1901. W. It. W1IF.KLEK. fsherllt Cass County. Nebruska. Jty .1. I. McBfttnK. Demity. Jkssk K Kimit. PlaintltT's Attorney. P.V irtueof anorderof salelssued by (Jcorge p. Iloiisi-wort h. clerk of the district court within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and la me directed. I will on the '.'I II 117"! ' Pr". A. I . ItMII. at It ocliH-k a. tn.. of said day. at tin- south door of the court house in the city of Platts moiit b In s:iid con ut v. sell at. nubile auction. to the highest bidder for cash, t he following j ShftrifTs Sale. Ily virtue of an order of sale. Issued by ttcorge P. Ilouseworth, clerk of the district court within anil for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on the 14th ly of May. A. I 1901, at 1) o'clock, a. tn.. of said day. at the south door of the court house in the city of Platts mouth. in said county, seil at public auction, to t he highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, to-wit: Ixits six to twenty-one (Jl) inclusive in block twof) in Brown's snb divisioti of lot seventeen (17) in section thir teen .1H in town twelve t'-l range thirteen li:: also lots eight s. nine Ul anil ten lu In block three 31 in said Jlrown s suit-division. All in Cass county. Nebraska, together with the privileges atul appurtenances thereunto lielonging or in anywise aptertalning. The same being levied upon and taken as the pro perty of Hank of Cass County et al.. defend ants, to satisfy it judgment of said court re covered by the County of Cass, plaintiff, against said defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. April 10. A. It. 1MH. V. U. W II KK.LP.lt. Sheriff. Cass county. Nebraska, By J. I. M Kiiiiit:. .ItssK I.. Koot. Deputy. Plaintiff's Attorney. .it tllf f Application fur Liquor I.'renn To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned. John A. .letison. has tiled his petition, as required by the stat utes of the state of Nebraska, with the city clerk of theclty of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, re questing a license to sell malt, spirituous ami vinous liquors for the coming municipal year, in t he builillnic sltuaUl 4n the east half of lot three (3), block thirty-three (33) iu said citv. JOHN A. JKNSOS. Plattsmouth. Neb.. April 19. ll'l. Druggist's Permit. Notice Is hereby given that tiering & Com pany have tiled their ietition as required by the statutes of the state of Nebraska, with the city clerk of Plattsmouth. requesting a iiermit to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors, for medicinal, mechanical ami chemi cal purioses for the coming municipal year, in the building situated on the west half of lot twelve (12). blx-k twenty-eight (2s). city of Plattsmouth. Neb. tir.Hl.Ml & Co. Plattsmoutlu Neb.. April 3. lflul. Druggist's Permit. Notice is hereby Riven that A. V. Atwood has til-l his petition us required by the statutes of the state of Nebraska, with the city clerk of Plattsmouth. requesting a permit to sell malt. pirituous and vinous liquors for medi cinal, mechanical ami chemical purposes, for the coming municipal year, in the building situated on the west half of lot three (3). In block thirty-live Ji). city of Plattsmouth. Neb. A. V. AtwooI. Platt-siuouth. Neb. April.., lyol. Druggists Permit. Notice is hereby given that P. O. I rlcke has tiled his petition, as required by the statutes of the stateof Nebraska, with the city clerk of Plattsmouth. requesting a iierniit to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for me chanical, medicinal and chemical purposes in the building situated on lot one (1) and two 2. in bl.M-k thirty-six ('). city of Plattsmouth. Neb., for the coining municipal year. I. (i. PKI4 KK. Plattsmouth. Neb.. April 5. 1 '.)!. Not lee of ,tiptu'tlon for Liquor Llrnne To whom it may concern: Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned. IHetrlch Itn-dcn-kamp. has tiled his petition, unrequired by the statuosof the state of Nebraska, wit h the county clerk of Cass county. Nebraska, re questing a license to sell spirituous, malt and 1111)11 lliili)rs mr im in m u... ....... the time of the granting of said license, at his . . , 1 III.. ' I .. . ' ... I - place ol iusuiess.iii intr uiuKroi v t x. , . Cass county. Nebraska. 1 M CTRfrtl IlREPENKAMr. Plattstuouth. Neb.. April . I'.tul. Nolc of Applicant n r I.iqnor LIreo. To whom it mav concern: ' Notice is hereby given that the tuulerrlgned. Clans Sp4-k. has tiled his iietitiou. as required by the statutes or t lie state or .-tirasKa. Willi me city i-utk of the citv Plattsmouth. Nebraska, req nesting a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for t h.i corning municipal year, in the hiiiltliiur situated on part of lots eleven (II) and twelve (12). block t wenty-seven (27) in said citv. CI, APS SPECK. Piattsmouth. Nell.. April 12. I'JOl. L'rrc Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the underslgneil Phil Tliierolf has filed his petition, as required bv the stat utes of the state of N'etraska. with f fie clerk of the city of Plattsmouth. Nebras ka, requesting a lltense to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors, for the coming municipal year. Inthe building situated on block six (). lot thirty-three (33). in the city of Platts mouth. Nebraska. PHIL THIEKOLP. Plattsmouth. Neb.. April 12, I awl. N'otlc r Appllcatlou for Ltquor l.tro To whom It may concern: Notice is hereby irivcti that the undersigned. Henry Jess, has tiled his petition, as required by the statutes of the state of Nebraska, with the city clerk of the citv of Plattsinoutli.Nebraska.ttsiuest lug a license to sell mall, spirituous and vin ous liquors for I he coming municipal year, iu the building situated on the west half of lot eight (). block twenty-eight ('. In said city. H KN It Y JKSsi. PlatUmouth. Neb., April 12. 1UUI. N"t'e f Applieailon far I.lquur Llceun-. To w hom it may con--rn: Notice ts hereby given that the iimlcrsigiied. Kl. Itonat. has tiled bis petition, as requires! by the statutes or the state of Nebraska, with the city clerk of the city of PlRttsmoiuh.Nchraska.rcquet Ing a license tosell malt, spirituous and vin ous liquors for the coming municipal year, in the buildingsituated on lot twelve (12), block twenty-nine t2!i) in said city. Kl). I MX AT. Plattsmouth April 12. 19(11. .: of Application lor Liquor Li-eu To whom It may concern: N'4tice Is hereby given that the undersigned. Hans Ooos. has tiieil his iH-tition. as retiulred bv the statutes of Nebraska, with the clerk of the city of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, request ing a license for the sale of mail, spirituous and vinous liquors, for the coming municipal year. In the bulldine situated on the west half of lot six di). block thirty-four CM). In said city. ; : MANS (iOOS. Plattsmouth. Neb. April 12. liiul. HENDER IQ & 103 West 9th St., Kansas Gity, Uo. (DrpK0! Tho Old Reliable Doctor. OldoSt In Ago end Longest Located. A Rocutar Crsdua',9 In K!o!Iclno over 27 Tears special 8& n Seminal Weakness and 'Sexual Debility, Prr.otice.--22 Years In itansao City. Authorized by the tatt to treat Chronic. Nervous and 5rclal Pliease. Cures Kiiarantet-d or money rrfuudeu. All meulcines furulstica reat-y luruso no mercury or Injurious medicines used. No detention from burnt cm. I"a tients at a ulstance treated bv mail and express. Medicines sent everywhere tree Ironi gaze or breakage. No medicine i-ent C. O. U.. only bv agreement. Charges low. Over 6o,wX cases cured. State your case and send for terms. I'nnillnlli.ii fni anil rrn tliln Mai berSOIiallV Or bv letter. pain and no exposure. ro caustics, cumug, bougies or sounds. No detention from bus cess. Thousands cured. A permaoeotoure guaranteed or money refunded. Send stamp for book, which fully explains ttis disease. Vn r if rr -ecUr,ed Te,D ia th al IbUVblw scrotum causing ner vous debility, weakness of the sexual ejs l , m. etc.. permanently cured without pain. f-.rg.rt-z-dropy of the scrotum, nyuroceie"cured without pain. PhSmne c."eo nook cured in a few rnimOSI5"j4yl without pain. Rnnb for both sexes, iM paes, 27 ptc DUUtv tures true to life, with full de scription of above'dlseases. the effects and cure, sent sealed la plain wrapper for six ceuts in stamps. Free Museum of Anatomy for men. Thousands of curiosities A sermon without words. the results of youthful T ill v nndexcesses rnuslnp losses by dreams r wit ti urine, pimple.H and bh.trbes on the ta'e. rushr-s of blood to the head, pains in Intel', conluseu Ideas anu lori-iiiiinrss, E !mslifu!fiess. aversion to soi lety, lossof sex mil power, lossof manbood. etc., cured for iim I .... ii Mi.ti nliriit lnHses. restore lost it Kexiial fiower, nerve and brain power, en '1 Ian;c unit stremrtheu weak parts aud make L- you 111 br marriage. M Q.rrtliilic that terrible disease. In all K ZyHHH3f jtK forms and stapes, cured tor life, blood I'olsouiug, Skin Diseases, Ulcers. Swellings. Sores, Gonorrhoea and r- fil.M t, and all forms of Private Diseases, illHMH IU Ui lll',(. . t u .. U v.u. Cteicf nei radically cured without LlltlUIC the use of Instruments. A New aud Infallible Home Treatment. No ornca bocks: 3 a. tn. t M p. m. 84 yt. 10 f 12 i i ms pace oeiongs to C Z HAiCV 9 CAM 5 Plattsmouth. Nob. s O Cto4 9Mt,C' WO'c-cV.! Ts3 oases sxdg Peace to the Ashes of a Good Cigar. CSSGXSQGXDS tVurls All Home Work, and Union ."ilade. STOVES. A Study in the Greatest Thing in House keeping as Seen by the Journal Man in John 1. Cox's Hardware Store. mi t- t srv .r 11 Kt.ivi-s. f sizes arjtl : r :- 1 1 tu t i !'. rcmomii'dl f f ii--! . it rf-.-'-t i 11 i - ii ' .!- i ' il distriv u 1 1. m .if In-at . tn at, ai.il :ir:i-tii- h dosiyn, Ix-.iiilifiil in linisli. ; It! till nreay sflfli- mi . s tO Illl-et .,(., from the f iii.::s- ki .-i .1 r- t"i iLutrreater f eeils restaur;. lit "I liat's l.:'t til ' .1' Hi ! Ill :i kin.: a .im;i- .f t ;i the liaitl wa ti- stufi- i'f .Ji il V T 1 1 1 -si wi f ic Tin- Maj-stii- si. i;.:w-ns. 'f.tly vati-il in lt- ft" l I '. r i llivits tin -t y i ilc -. I ! I '.'! kteperrt. I in n found in liuatii.n throuU ' ' o' t; i-.'liti v - "I It zee, the In; ! P. mi.-. 1 1 Cox one . (he latest !a.-; t f. -'-il - t . l . i L,lrllt fCau'i- in t.'s in- il "tn ti"i ni:t i' lrner for tle who live where it i n-.t cmuvc i. n . . pru-iuv 'u tn Mis elegant di-plav of the hkill of the modern ruu:e huildi iV .u t iiiipn-.-st s in ith the eocviction that the prime esf-ontial to tin- ai-?ni iti- .f a happy Ik im- ;i.-s In the careful selection of a first class cookie stove. No less a one than Ocii Meredith suiJ: VVe may live without poetry, rmisie ainl nri; We mav live without eor.scienre tin'.' 1 i v wiltionr he.-itt; We may live witlmut friends: we may live will. cut luniks: Rut civilized man cannot, 'ive without cooks." . THE GREAT MAJESTIC adu wiierts me t""i . live aud ply her c:illiir wiihout one of John 11. Cx's Maj-stic St.:el ttaritfes, ne of his o .1 no li ne Stoves or Petroleum lilue Flame. Burners'? And if tlfconk or the cook's papa n"lt't'N tu take the Journal man's h 1 1 v i . it. is their fault mid tin-. int-s a view of an 110 t' il-if-" s'.oie which, from fninf, iI-mm-s t.t lilt-y entrance, i- a di-lilif tn tl e i jes of tl-e tlif ifi h ns tt.-.ef Call at John Cox'rj, see for jturself and he c.:n V i uced . "2 If MAJESTIC mjtSTIC J . J t I! MFC CO. (fo); HP3.C3. D g II ST.UUIS. gf- 5T.UUIS. I r- sg H s - JJ Mrai THE GREAT MAJESTIC