-s You're treated white. With i-iric-:? riiriit, at F. S. Whit' A GOOD ADDRESS 1 The 44 Dutchess. 1 IV '- a .M.uti'y way ilowp. in the old Km pi re State, Vi.--f v;t!i-y- tire rich and the statesmen are i ' at: Wlj. ir lt-. swift wh'-t-'s of industry ceaselessly roll, . A in! iricir ry tiiiiiical hum is the joy of tbe soul. 'Ti- the f.unty of Dutchess as all men should know, Wtierf xl,f. classic old Hudson's blue waves ever flow, Tht-rf the famed "Dutctess" Trousers, well known to ti)- trade As th- b-:t and the t-tron?est and cheapest, are made. The county and trousers both bear the same name Some ladies in Kuroe are wearing the same (The title I mean, not the garment of course) Although the dear creatures might do a deal worse. Our motto i: "From the sheep to the man." We' v.-. adopted a novel and excellent plan: In each town and city the whole couutry o'er We have onesptcial aent and not any more. But thi.- i the point that we wish you to see: There yies with each pair a complete guarantee. If a b-.irt'-ti ernes off during two months of wear. We will pay you ten cents don't you think that is fair? And rn T-. If vu tind that the trousers should rip At th.- anis nf thr waistband, the seat or the hip We will pay y-m a dollar, or hereby asrree To "' a ve-v piir of trowsers scot free. WESCOTT & 50N, soLi: (iK.NTS FOIl CASS COUNTY, p. S. Uji' new Spring Suits are poems themselves. Frersb Supply Staple and Fancy Groceri New Stock of DRY GOODS and Notions. 2: Cherished Onalitv. . -m Cnld Medal Fans Exposition 1900. .11 '!V7 jnnair'jjjiw. ffr- XL ! "THe Old. Place." OKLHOV ! Fine farm lands cheap ioOklahoma. SPECIAL RATES. f Excursions every first and third Tuesday in each month to Oklahoma City, the nearest point to the soon-to- I opened strip. Call on me for rates. J. H. THRASHER, I 12 Maiu iStreei. Pluttsnuiuth. Neli s.,id l.v F. G. EGENBERGER Mat tsmoutli, Nebraska Jess & Speck fcTIIK POPULAR HESORT Fine Old Rye, Bourbon and Yellowstone" WHISKEYS si. m nt-h Li V WW i Billiard and Pool Rooms Up Stairs Look V:n t:j when you come to town. Short Talks on JA, ByXharles Austin Bates ,J Ot-s a luiiir way iu aiding a man to forire to the front, hut one of MORGAN'S GOOD SPRING SUITS is a jjreat help ah ng this line. They have that fashionable cut, tailor make and finish that disting uishes them from the. sweat shop makes. Wo have some elegant patterns that we can offer you at present, among which are: A line of elegant blue serge at -sT.oO. A line small check, light color worsted at S10.00. A striped all wool casseinir at $10.00. These will not last all summer, so you had better come at once. MORGAN' THE LEADING CLOTHIER. 3 502 Alain Street, Plattsmouthi Nebraska. REVJVO ft RESTORES VITfll CTV ! fKUhiiUr 3 r SOLOMON & NATHAN'S Great Spring Bargain Sale And Exposition of New Alillinery begins March 30, and ends Saturday night, April 13. A Feast of Beautiful Hats. We will, as us maintain our reputation for showing the latest and sw.-iU'st stylos in Ladies." Misses and Chil dren's Mi!lin -ry at lower prices than elsewhere. See bills for bargain priv- list Do not forget the dates of this Grand Bargain Sale and Sji inir Opening of New Goods. t S. We ar- fortunate enough to have Miss Spaj'de, the expert St. Louis trimmer, with us ajain this season. Shirt Waists Frimmiags, Dress Goods, Moslio, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, NOTIONS. All r at Harrain Prices during the specified dates only. Solomon & Nathan. Tvto Doors East KanK Cass Co. Plattsmouth. No. 28. j THE U Made a Well r4ari of Me. Probably no other single sentence ever lr.irt b-.:s!nos; so murh as the remark 1 r-r . .1 -.1.1 : . . 1 - 1 : ' . . I .. I 1 j . i ou nave Jioara iv.ui a r.u::.rt.-a peof.;e say oi powerfully ndjuictiy. Cures when all otters faiL , , Vouagmen vill regain their lost manhood, and oij i T fnen irlll recover their youthful vigor by using j : REVITO. It quickly and eurely restores Nervous- T : cess. Lost Vitality, Impotency. Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, tailing iieiaory, ai.unjj Diseases, and X sl different stores : I '. nevtr tliei e aiin. Tliev are cheats. '1'bey ac'vt rtie so-an.I-so. and when 1 j got there they oiii Vt !.;ivc it. or it va.n't nearly as 1 rood as thev s.iid ir. the a Jv. i tit rieiit." It a pieax.it C LI s . i t.,.cr l-i t.".e I . i; Ol a.I advert ISC eaocia oi eeu-auueo or eKKSiaa iiuuiicreuoii, r - ., i , ! . ,i .... ii,.. rc. which unfits one for study, business or marriage. It X mentS,biita(.b;.LMuI(inL-l.,c(t' How often not only cures by rtarting it the peat of disease, but the opportii!i::v nrv.s t;f-r.v: "Hh. i wov.icn t CO is a great nrrret onio and blood builder, bring- Z MIL 1. u .11 .!. liUil 1 y.1' 1'' a'.tlillV.. That ctfS f.'orn la-ii: hun.bued because 1 -It T The Ideal 5 cent ciijar. Delicious aroma. Perfect burner. Positively the best. No first class retailer ptiould be without 9 S CIGARS. pie. His s!,f,w 9 was really the J J 3?$ 'I, -S3 greatest tn J-. ';'iL i , .... , -a 2 1 Vt.. 11,11'. 1.. itrvttj EU 'li' 'i. mrt or less dian t ma:;er." ' is,,- great bi. fifty cents' worth for half dollar. An occa sional woollv horse or white eleohant. more or less didn't matter much. People went to fe&i f 'EtiWS Barnum to be amused and he amused them. wc?fvf ?V"Cy People go to the theatre.and if they are car- fa&iSkgj ried awav by the plav and laugh and shed IztJin-V', tiT written etiarantee to cnr or ralcild the monrr. B 'U nna acvise tree. Address KOYAl MEDICINE CO,1 For snlo in Plattsmoutli by ;geiiix(; co. showed something whiSi could by no p- s 1 bit: -SS of imagination de- fii? ceive anybody t!;at would be h u:::-bug. Iso, 11 a r n j n f i i a i tears over tne jnciaenis iney-are num- jj-r y v .tv x. bugged" to be sure thev believe for the .'it'f y JVr! V time all the fiction of the play ; it is real to 5jiro .CfvM, them. But how much more would thev be 'yo f 1 humbugged if the play didn't seem real? If v'tY- V ill Barnum advertised a woolly horse and then V' i ? V si. r II V den t tuy dry Heamused! Hei! vert sed U furnish amuse- Effective . March I Oth, 1901, h) ment and he d:d. Even hi.-; l;es were amusing trP i'j fairv tales, but most of iis, children or grandpas, ) line iu i v.ii- iin.ni. lut we duti't buv CTOcerit-s and ururrs and ! RACKS & EXASt IVa r' Koot''s ljX amus.'mi.-nt. Not a bit cf it. i fA We buy them because v.e l;ave to, and we V w; n r vant honest value fir our money and no ' nonsense a:ct it. It we cr.r. t pet it in one store we .1 p to another. We (ion t hue : A r v. i i ,,! .. . .,., ;t .... -, Announces the Operur;? of its Barnum was wrong. He's deadPn?way, And buried I RcdRlVCT DlVXSIOH ! Denison and Sherman, j Texas. ! Through Triin Service will shortly ' be established from St. Louis and Kansas i j v v . , IK PEPPERBER6 I Aain Street. Plattsmouth. FOAMS SPARKLES AND TICKLES THE PALATE, Cofyright, Charles .-lust in Ddis, Xczj I'jj.V. AT TTrHIIE IPAHBfllEILlH . . . Wednesday Night, April 24 . . . r "!!?,Te Gund Brewing Co Cfxeiiratfd Beers Ed Donat Wholesale Dealer ALL KINDS And Styles of Invitation?, Programmes and Yisitiny Cards with Mates at ARTIE HELPS.' i ; A i T C H F O R D - ' .--a 6-Vwi ... It T f 1.' l .x.-n-i; A f n- -2'. ffS- C33 i33 W'Tlt i, IV" ST : i ,. i t r.i If. si ! i n sr$vf aw:iv? :i- '.rii. . 1 1 i i -i id i:'.!iioiiie. ...! i .i i' i r.i i . it'ii M- it i ut f t in- Journal 7LI '5 p st :. ' i i.r.;!i. All wants n-ci-ti-n-'l In r- f.r tin- notninat h:iri-1 f 1'i-iit- i I i ! r i ni rt i n. A n- i i .s ; ii -1 i ; i tut liK i!ii-i-. i. 'l -. i I lil ii- fTflU U"d with prfrct harrr.less, Booit.nr;, Boi.-.i- We rrefrrto have patient oome to the Sanitarium for a spodTcure. l ass that coma 1 i.. t err Sanitarium nt4 ret tag r-J. Vr:t to-'.;iy for ur .' p.r r r;;::y In ilin-i'Tfil i r r - -.' tri imr-r.iuii from r.Ar!ftit wt vif will Ii- ir.:i;tlv c.i-. ;.: latirt-r. Sent free. Consultation liy DR. E. O. SMITH'S SANITARIUM. - - A. S. McCLEARY, MtMCtN, 'Hvo .- I .,1 I. i , i -i . i f-.r s: : :it n lmi- Rooms 6 to 11. N. E. Cor. loth & nln St5-. ,:;!. I,,,,,,:,-, li. l iirunr. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. 1'IIOK'K I.AM in 'i--- i-iMintv fur saif. IiHjiiin- 1 1 T 'l lir.i-iii r. tin- ri'.-tl isiiiir iiittii. I".;t! tin 11: (. ,".' WKl.l. I M !'! "! . i 1'A I : M S in IT.timri-. York. Aiiains :i.i'i I.i:n- -i i .i. t.t i s. . -r Miic t't Ttirasiii-r. I ! "' , '-v.'" d.t - " t . 1 'i.i-lit.t. - - r- , , . ..ii...-nt. in- i "f1.V5 '- -!ii r-ti lii-t ; r, -. .H ij ;ll.-f; !"'; S.VI.ii- .M i l-iitv li.i. :! of tin- l-st iu: villi! a',.i-. a. i.l I -I -i ii raiil- li Oi.iaiia. liii irai-.l iiM.ih N i. ji ii a;i.-.i riiKliii. i.ri'.ait- i;niir.' ..n:. .iri-ti m i ; in. it in;' of i rotii -' ' r -i ly. I r ar- ! -f: Jr";" ,J lii-uiar ii'liirt-s-.: W-J.'. i i it : -tin nt !i Journal, i It. ?i ii 'i if . ! -i f ' V " - , There's X5k rejection so v iXii I 1 M 4 5a.t , no light so jV rmins as ins v ow j:low that comes from One of the Greatest Chicago Concert Companies. Em,, sth: PRICES: Balcony 35c, Lower Floor 50c. I.ATF.SI- M..1.KU imo; 1 vi". -wlnff ! " illHiyl Li Lj tra.ii-.- ..il.lr.-.-.o;iir-.ai:.l iii;iiiili-,i.. fialts- "J- cL rf2.- - WAN'TFIi I'n-sli !i-iM.r -in. I fliaiiiri for siiti-H.-ripl I a l .liuiiai fhaiiL-i-for siilo.riiHi i.i I .ion-iial. f .r; ' . rr. i .! in n.auj . "or t int " I . l lo I.a-Tii.'nio wittl ur. f't I I'm: Sai.k In !ihm,. !oii--- on -vt Kirn t f v 1 ...imc linins -f?) I strt ft. flattsinoiivii. A i-lioii-c ici-i- of inf . .; r" traw;n; r-.m. M ,rty with ni.-i.rn in.pr,,. .nan.s :intt in .l.,i';N,, f,: f'tf ( U-st,.fou.. b..,;: rt...f: : r.rii.-v STANDARD f- FOK SAI.F.--A M'-a.-M- farm twar riatts. f.'KV-i-fji; n.outli: also T-r,n ! a;i.i thr.t- lots in ; vM;Tt t-ity. KiKiuire of. .loi.n M. I-t ytla. alt-riuau x.'T-v?lfwi - --a - .-.T..iri"'if t . -t. r"j- mm '-- - Wichita lans it c rlaimrH i tiTfT.-. ! ' - """ "1"'"iwr '-' hiped to market Vy the allotted time S' :!lli'rSn?r" Ha!f r th crowd is expected to add at lea.sf ,nt3 tcl as illS" !A.li'i iX to th O'jal'tv n f - QT-mni lf V. r