Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, September 14, 1900, Image 5

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Lou Langhorst Is numbered among
the Hick folks this week.
The village board field a special
meet lag Wednesday evening.
.N. J. Earl of Kartlett, la., Is visit
ing relatives and friends In this vicin
ity. Miss Tina liarrett went to IVru
last Friday to attend the normal the
coming year.
Orvls Perry went to University
Place yesterday, where he will attend
school the coming year.
The telephone company held a
meeting last Thursday evening and
voted an assessment of tl.50 upon each
C. A. Iliggscame up from Talmage
to clerk for L. V. Langhorst, during
Mr. Langhorst 's trip to Kansas City.
Henry Dick man andChas. Haesaker
and families left Wednesday for their
f utureihome at Missouri Valley, la.
II. I. Clements finished harvesting
his broom corn Saturday. Now he'd
like to have some one come along and
offer him i!50 a ton for it.
Lou and Julius Langhorst are en
joying a visit from their brother, Wil
liam and family, of Ohio. Mr. Lang
horst Is desirous of locating in this
Will Koseno has purchased the Lott-
iuan eighty, two miles north of town,
and will get possession March 1. Con
sideration $4,000. Tills is a splendid
piece of land.
When Miss Delia Ieford reached
her home lust Saturday evening, she
was greatly surprised to find the
house filled with about thirty of her
young friends, all glad to welcome her
home once more. The evening was
spent with games and plays, and
everyone thoroughly enjoyed the oc
casion. Refreshments of cake, bananas
and ice cream were served.
E. F. Sayles has sold out his pump
shop to Chas. Chandler.
Bessie Torrence and Blanche Saw
yer will attend the academy this year.
Harry Reed and little son, Robert,
left Tuesday morning for lilackhawk,
E. II. Jeffers arrived last Thursday
for a short visit with his grand-parents,
Elder and Mrs. Root.
Miss Flora Wolcott left Saturday
for Oberlin. She was accompanied as
far as Omaha by Miss Creda.
Walter Kressen is rusticating on
the farm since his health will not
permit him to continue his stdies.
We hope he may soon be able to be in
school again.
The academy opened Tuesday morn
ing. At the chapel exercises about
thirty-five students were present, be
sides a number of visitors. Prospects
seem bright for this year, and a good
attendance is looked for.
A telegram came for Cleo. Suter
Tuesday morning stating that his
wife was dying at the home of her pa
rents In western Iowa. For some
reason the telegram was not delivered
until nearly evening so that Mr.- Su
ter's departure was delayed until
Friday morning.
The;Sophomore class of the high
school held their first class meeting
of the year, September 6. Orticers for
the first semester were chosen as fol
lows: President, Blanch Barry; vice
president, Daisy Ileskett; secretary,
Ethel Sawyer, and sergeant-at-arms,
Ray Pool. A committee was appoint
ed to draft a constitution.
School opened last Monday with a
good attendance.
We understand that Mrs. Nelson
expects to soon remove to Johnson,
The Congregational Y. P. S. C. E.
held Its annual meeting last Monday
night at the home of Mrs. O. Harmon.
Mrs. Palmer of Nehawka is spend
ing the week with her mother, Mrs.
Quinton, who Is suffering from lung
Louise, Emma and Selma Mar
quardt left home for school last week.
The two former will attend at Peru
Normal, and the latter the Lincoln
High school.
Herman Ruhge has severed his con-
nection with B. C. Maruuardt asclerk
and will go to Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska,
d to accept a similar position.
The Congregational Ladie's Aid So
chnsiety held its annual meeting and
In Election of officers on Wednesday.
coniThe result of the election was as fol
Cbws: Mrs. Andress, president; Mrs.
""tIollenberger, vice president; Mrs.
keil, treasurer, and Mrs. narman,
D. W. Foster went to Nebraska
City, Wednesday morning to attend
to some business matters.
R. E. Jones and G. A. Rose left last
Sunday for Richardson county to buy
a supply of peaches.
Attorney J. II. Haldeman came
down from Plattsmouth, Wednesday
morning to look after some legal
William Kikenbary departed on
Tuesday for Akron, Colorado, and will
spend about two weeks in looking over
that part of the country.
Mr. and Mrs. Thede Erans are the
happy parents of a bright new daugh
ter which arrived at their home Sun
day evening, Septeljer 2.
It. (). Shohe, who Is doing duty for
the government as stone. insMi-tor at
Cedar ('reek, was visiting his Union
friends last Saturday and Sunday.
I. M. Jones and Win. Turner came
down from Plattsmouth, Monday
morning, and commenced the mason
work on the new bank building.
Thomas King and fJeorge Poisell, jr.
are "clerking" for them.
Mrs. S. T. Eddy of Nehavka was
visiting her parents in this village
this week.
M. Reese is the new night oierator
who came Monday to relieve II. C.
A. II. Chidester and family moved
Monday into the ( ruber house a mile
west of town.
Ed. Stanton and family, and Mrs.
Elvira Austin are residents of this
village aga'n, having removed back
from Atchison, last week.
Uncle Henry Vanhorn came in from
Plattsmouth, Wednesday to visit his
brother, Joseph, and meet his old
friends at the reunion.
Charley Keltner is building a new
Dr. tt.'Iiiiore was on our
Mrs. Banning went to Nebraska
City last Saturday.
Stella Banning came home from
Murray Saturday.
Jim Miller is building quite an ad
dition to his house.
Rennet Chriswisser was shaking
hands with ids Nehawka frienks Mon
Miss Lulu Davis visited the family
of S. A. Davis in Plattsmouth last
Miss I rena Armstrong visited ove
Sunday with her parents at Weeping
Mrs. M. II. Pollard and Mrs. E. E.
Baldwin attended the state fair
last Wednesday.
Marvin Cramer of Chicago is here
on a visit to the family of Win. Ral
jienry neeoner lireu up ins engine
and started out threshing the first of
last week.
Mrs. L. M. Joung has been quite
sick, but, we are glad to announce, is
Fred Mellinger is spending a few
days in Murray before going to Cottier
Mr. Van Court is hiring all the
teams he can get to strip a big lot of
rock for winter quarrying.
Blair Porter went to Omaha
Wednesday to visit Ids brother. Owen
Critchiield accompanied him.
TheM. E. Mite society met with
Mrs. Murfin on Wednesday for dinner.
We are informed that George Fris
bee has bought the George Shirley
Frank HuKish, who has licen quite
sick for the past ten days, is around
II. Murlin has rebuilt his shed that
was blown down by the late storm. A
cyclone couldn't move it now.
Mrs. B. F. Allen, who has been rus
ticating in the Colorado hills for the
past four weeks, returned home this
John Copple is having a serious
time with his throat. We're afraid
that Missouri trip will get away with
some of them yet.
Mr. Langhorst, brother of Lou
Langhorst of Elm wood was in town
Wednesday looking up a location for
a general merchandise store.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ritchey left for
Waverly, Kan., Monday night. We
understand they will make a trip
through Missouri before their return.
George Mills is enjoying a visit from
his brother.
The Murdk elevators look better
with a coat of fresh paint.
The Murdock band social and con
cert attracted a large crowd-Saturday
Master Ora Jones of Stratton is in
tending to attend the Murdock schools
the present year.
James Carey, of Greenwood fitted
his team with a set of Tool's best buggy
harness Tuesday.
John Rohrdenz and wife left last
Tuesday morning for Havelock, for a
visit with their daughter.
The Misses Whipple of Ashland as
sumed their duties as teachers in the
Murdock school Monday morning.
The new telephone exchange is a
Mikc'TritKch was in Omaha Tues
day on business.
Jim Stander went to Omaha
Wednesday on business.
C. D. Tapper and daughter returned
Monday from a visit to Chicago. -
Mrs. M. N. Drake visited over Sun
day with her parents at Ashland.
Mrs. T. Ewingof Plattsmouth vis
ited a few days last week in Louis
ville.. Rev. and Mrs. Calvert will leave
Tuesday for Nebraska City to attend
the annual conference.
A large number of Louisville people
attended the state fair at Lincoln
last week.
Miss Katie Peterson left Monday
for Peru where she will attend the
normal school and prepare herself for
a teacher.
Miss Willie Berger left Thursday
for Friend, where shor will again re
sume her duties as teacher in the high
school at that place.
Dr. Hasscmcicr will quit the prac
tice of medicine for a month or two,
owing to ioor health, and will go to
the mountains.
Died Hat tie E., wife of Charles E.
Burgner, of Carthage, 111., at the
home of her mot her, Mrs. David Line,
west ef Louisville, Tuesday, Sept. 4,
at 10 o'clock p. in., of iH'lviu lymphan
fcitus, aged thirty-two years, seven
months and eight days. She leaves a
husband and two small children, one
a IkiIk of two weeks, and the other a
bright litt le loy but two years of age.
The ImmW was embalmed, and Thurs
day the liereaved husland with hi
two motherless babes started with the
lunly for their home at Carthage,
where it will be interred. He was ac
eompanied i.y the mother and sister
of the deceax'd. A large number of
friends assembled at the house and ac
companied the party to the train.
Sain'l McClintoe arrived from Col
orado Tuesday night.
Miss Hazel Iiovey is the guest of
Eagle relatives.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Laughlin,
last week, a girl.
Mrs. L. D. MeConnel and children
of Lincoln are the guests of John
of John Adams and family.
Mrs. Kate Robinson, daughter of
Mr. McDonald, is expected on a visit
from Denver.
Mr. Lallin, the young man who was
accidentally shot last week, is greatly
improved, and Dr. Thomas, who is at
tending him, says he is out of danger".
The Eagle schools opened last Mon
day morning with a good attendance
and the following corps of teachers:
J. W. Gamble, urincioal: Grace
Blodgett, grammar; Minnie Horsh,
primary. With such a good teaching
force our schools will certainly have a
very successful year.
The democrats and populists held
their primaries in Venner's grain of
fice Saturday evening and nominated
a precinct ticket and elected delegates
to the county convention at Louis
ville. Henry Snokes, jr., was nom
inated for assessor. We did not learn
the names of the delegates, i i
Buffalo Bill.
Bill board and newspaper advertis
ing announce the coming of Buffalo
Bill and his big congregation of rough
riders. . They show in Omaha Sep
tember 10th and at Nebraska City on
the 13th.
The great feature this season will
be the reproduction, on as elaborate
scale as the time and area will allow,
of the famous charge up San Juan
Hill. In this scene live hundred men
will lie used, and among them will be
actual participants in the real charge.
A number of Roosevelt's Rough Ri
ders, Regular United States Cavalry
men, Volunteers and Cuban Insur
gents will be prominent in this mimic
representation of the charge that ad
ded another brilliant page to Amer
ican history. The scenery has been
painted from photographs especially
taken, and the topography of the
country has been closely adheared to.
Sheriff's Sale.
sued liv Jforce r . Houseworth. clerk of the
district court within and for Cass county, Ne-
L..iuka. anu to me directed, l will, oil tne
st day of October, A. D.. 1900.
at 2 o'clock 11. ni. of said day. at the south
door of the court house in the city of Platts
mouth. In said county, sell at puullc auction,
to the hisrhest bidder for cash, the fol lowing
real estate, tow it: .Lots one (1). two CI), three
(3). and four (41. in block thirteen (13). in V uung
and Hay s additio-i to the city or flattsnioutu.
Cass county. Nebraska, together with the
privileges ant! appurtenances thereunto be
loneinir or in anywise appertaining'. The
same Itein? levied upon and taken as the
property of Phillip Seidenstrieker. et al.. de
fendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court
recovered by the county of Cass, plaintiff
airainst said defendants
i'lattsmouth. Neb., August 31. lm.
Sheriff. Cass County. Nebraska.
Jesse L. Root.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
By J. T. McIIbide, Deputy.
First publication A u trust 31, 19U
Sheriff's Sale.
sued bw tieorse F. Housewortli. clerk of the
district court within and for Cass county. Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will, on the
1st day of October, A. D., 1900.
at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day. at the south
door of the court bouse in the city of Platts
mouth. in said county. seU at public auction,
to the highest bidder for cash, the following
real estate, to wit: Lot three (3), in block
sixty-two (IKJ). city of Plattsmouth, Citss
county, Nebraska, tOKether with the privil
eges and appurteuaucen thereunto beloiiKltiK
or In any wise appertaining. The Haunt beluir
levied upon and taken as the property of
Marl.-i C Jtorriiifrton, et al.. defendants, to
sutlsfy a Judgment of said court recovered ly
the. county or caMit, piaiuiin agamst s&iu ue-
t'laltsniouth, Neb., August 31. A. !.. 1!K).
Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
Hy J. I. AlcttKiDK, Deputy.
First publication August 31, Itfuu.
Sheriff's Sale.
mr iTiifrnv riLi A V Itlilirif gW I L' lu
st f t I l I U n v....--.. ' rTiatiti
sued by George F. Housewortli, clerk of the
district court within anu tor uass couuiy, ssv-
bratka, and to me directed, 1 will, 011 the
ad day of October, A. D. tooo.
at 11 o'clock a, 111. of Maid day at the south
door of the court house in llie city 01 riults-
.... I. I. ..lit ...!.. v 1 U t niil.ll MllJ.llikll
UlUUllli 111 SAIU . 1 r I ( . J . i-" ...... -
to the hiKhest bidder for casli. the following
real estate, low It : Fractional lot eighty-two,
.') in section eighteen (18), township twelve
(12). range fourteen (14), Cass county. Ne
braska, together with the privileges and ap
purtenances thereunto belonging or In any
wise appertaining. The same being levied
upon and taken as the property of Kll.itlxali
.1. Murphy, et al., defendants, to satisfy a
Judgment of said court rwovered by the
county 01 cass, piauitin against suiu ueieuu-
Plattsmouth, Neb., Aug 31. A. D.. MM.
Slier iff, Cass Comity, Nebraska.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
By J. D. McBriue, Deputy.
First publication August 31, 1MJU.
Sheriff's Sale.
sued by Ueorge F. Housewortli, clerk of the
district court within and for Cass county, Ne
braska, and to me directed, 1 win, on the
1st day of October, A. D., 1900,
at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the south
door of the court house in the city of Platts
mouth. in said county, sell at public auction,
to the highest bidder for cash, the following
real estate, town: ut two p. in Ulock seventy-one
(71), Weeping Water, Cass county.
Nebraska, together with the privileges and
appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any
wise appertaining. The same being levied
upon and taken as the property of William
Dunn, et al., defendants, to satisfy a Judg
ment of said court recovered by the county of
Cass, plaintiff against said defendants.
Plattsmouth. Neb., Aug. 31, A. D.. luu).
Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
By J. D. McBkiub, Deputy.
First publication Aug. 31. IUU0.
Sheriff's Sale.
by Ueorge F. Housewortli, clerk of the
district court within and ror cass county,
Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will, on the
1st day of October. A. D., 1000,
at 10 o'clock a. 111. of said day, at the south
door of the court house In the city of Piatts-
111011th. in said county, sell at nubile auction
to the highest bidder for cash, the following
real estate, towlt: Lots ten (10). eleven (11),
and twelve, (12) In block one (1). Stadelmaiin's
addition to the city of Plattsniouth, Cass
county, Nebraska, together with the privil
eges and appurtenances thereunto belonging
or in anywise appertaining. The same being
levied upon and taken as the property of
Anna L. Bird, et al., defendants, to satisfy a
Judgment or said court recovered ty the
couuiy or cass, piainuir against said defend
ants. Plattsmouth. Neb., Aug. 31. A. D.. 1900.
Sheriff, Cass county. Nebraska.
Jeshb L. Root,
Plaintiff's Attorney.
By J. D. McBridb, Deputy
First publication August 31, luuo.
Sheriff's Sale.
Issued by George F. Houseworth. clerk of
the district court within and for Cass county.
iNeuraska, ana to me airectea, 1 win, on me
1st day of October, A. D., 1 000,
at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the south
door 01 the court house in the city or piatts-
nioulb. sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, the following real estate to
wlt: Lot eight (8(, In block sixty-two (&.'), in
the city or Plattsmouth. cass county. Ne
braska, together with the privileges and ap
purtenances thereunto belonging or in any
wise appertaining. The same being levied
upon and taken as the property or Alary Sul
livan, et al. defendants, to satisfy a Judgment
of said court recovered by the county or Cass,
planum against said aeiendants.
Plattsmouth, Neb., August 31. A. D., 1900.
Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska.
J ESBK u. root,
Plaintiff's Attorney.
By J. D. McBride, Deputy.
First publication August 31, 1MJ0.
Sheriffs Sale.
bv George F. Houseworth. clerk of the dis
trict court within and for Cass county, Ne
braska, and to me airectea, 1 wui, on tne
2d day of October, A. O.. 1000,
at S o'clock d. m. of said day. at the south
door or the court nouse in tne city or nans-
v....... I. ln nnl1 IUI1 ... r .11 u . nnl.llA o,A..f,n
to the highest bidder for cash, the following
real estate towlt: Lots one (1). two f). and three
(3) in block one (1). Young and Hay's addition to
the city of Plattsmouth, Cass county. Ne
braska, together with the privileges and ap
purtenances thereunto belonging or in any
wise aDocrtaining. The same being levied
upon and taken as the property of Phillip
StolL et al.. defendants, to satisfy a judgment
of said court recovered ry tne county or cass.
plalntlir against saia aeienaants.
Piattsmoutn, nea, August m. a. it., r.w.
Sheriff, Cans County, Nebraska,
Plaintiff's Attorney.
By J. D. McBridb. Deputy.
First publication August 31, iwu,
Sheriffs Sale.
sued by George F. Houseworth. clerk of the
d 1st r let court within and for Cass county, Ne
braska, and to me airectea, 1 win. on the
1st day of October, A. D-, 1000.
at S o'clock p. m. of said day, at the south
door of the eourt house In the city of Platts
mouth. in said count v. sell at nubile auction.
to the highest bidder for cash, the following
real estate, towlt: Lots thirteen (13), and
fourteen (14), in block seventy-three (73),
WeeDing W ater. Cass county. Nebraska, to
gether with the privileges and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in anywise appertain
ing. The same being levied upon and taken
as the property of the Missouri Paclttc Kail
way Ok. etaL. defendants, to satisfy a Judg
ment or said conrt recovered uy tne county
of Cass. plaintiff against said defendants.
Plattsiuoutlt), Neb.. August 31. A. D., 19W.
Sheriff, Cass County. Nebraska.
Jeshk L. Root,
Plaintiff's Attorney.
By J. D. McBridb, Deputy.
First publication August 3L 19UU.
Shrirs Sals.
sued by George F. Houseworth. clerk of
the district court within and for Cass county,
Nebraska, and to me directed, I wilL on the
ad day ef October, A. D., 1900,
at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the south
door of the court house ln the city of Platts
mouth, In said county, sell at public auction,
to the highest bidder sor cash, the following
real estate, towlt: Lot ten (10). in block
thirty-two (3K), city of Plattsmouth, Cass
county. Nebraska, together with the Drivll-
cges and appurtenances thereunto belonging
or ln anywise appertaining. The same being
levied upon a ltd taken as the property of
Catharine H. Parmele, et al., defendants, to
satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by
the county of Cass, plaintiff against said de-
Plattsmouth, Neb., August 3L A. D.. 1900.
Sheriff, Casa County. Nebraska.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
By J. D. McBridb, Deputy.
First publication Aoffust 31, uoo.
You Transpire?
All right The man who IninsjiireH linx :i right to tnko oil"
hia ctlat but don't let your chin droptin cmiipaigii not linlf
over yt. WKSCOTT'S tailored rloll diig for tlio current hojihoii in
smashing the world'n records.
bettor than any other- that s all there is to it. lint you niUHtt Hen
to it that there are no clothing transactions transpiring in yoiii
"Transvaal'' without your having at least a chance to "transmit."
In other words, don't get in a trance. Lift up voiir banner and
inarch on to
On the
In this age a well dressed man
denotes prosperity . . .
A prosperous man moans a successful
man. Let us dress you up you'll
look prosperous.
-A-I-iIj goods jtjgt deceived.
Hudecek & HcEIroy,
BnnirwnnnTl "DT nnv nr nwiwuntTmn
eUooooeo eeoeee
Faid up Oapitctl - -
OJhc hours from
Monep to loan at current rates m
on time certificates at the rate of ;; ;j
4 percent for one year. Collections
business, whether large or small, solicited.
CharleS C. Parmele, Presides
T, M, Patterson,
S ilJInTTT in 4 Via Tim a
liuii id lug i line
Come to the Aid
But now is the time and the SATTLER
place to buy
Don't forget we are headquarters for
a specialty of
S Repair Work and
TAlin D CqHIoh lTrfV
0 ivuu 1 1 uumuij at,i.
Grand Opportunity!
The Wall Paper Trust is S
broken ana we have pur- o
chased some very nice
patterns that we offer for
3 1-2 cents per roll.
B G-ering 8z Co
Better then s Piano. Organ, or Mnsie TJaz, for it sings and talks as well ax plays7anc
don't cost as much. It reproduces the mn.tic of any instrument band or orchestra U-1L
stories and sinss the pld familiar hymns as well as the popular songs--it is always ready.
- - 6ee that Mr. Edison's fitmature is on evervIniacLJn t.JL
locoes of U dealers, or NATIONA1. PMONOQRAPrl CO.,i 3 5 Fifth: Ave.; New.Yorlb
It's Ik-Mi t than ever iioforn. ami
& Son's
- i linl X O.IUU U ill J
- - - - - $50,000.
a. m. to 1 p. m.
approved security. I.psits received
per cent per annum for six months, or
made and promptly remitted. Your
J. M, Patterson, Cashier
Assistant Cashier,
fAti All f! a Arl TJnn 4a S
lui nil uuuu men iu
of Their Party"
Picture Framing.
UnmiVs Old Stand