AHMED MEN ON GUARD! Unwilling Labor Torced to Help in Burial of Festering Dead in Galreeton. ffAR PESTILENCE MAY PREVAIl l'rnnt I'p SurtlTom of the Storm rani lthJ for Lickof t'uri Water .Halooea Ordered Closed t.lioula Shot to Death for Kubbtrjr. OALVCSTON. Tex.. Sept. 13. (via Texas City and Houston. At a meet ing of the relief committee held this Afternoon reports were received from various wards. Tho chairman called for .irrred men to assist in getting labor Co buiy the dead and to clear tho wreckage and arrangements were made to supply this demand. The situation in this city today Is that there are plenty cf volunteers for thin service, hut an insufficiency of arras. There have been two or three emi.lt riots, but the officers hate man aged to quell them. The committee re jected the proposition of trying to pay for work, letting the laborers secure their own rations. It was decided to go ahead impressing men into service, if necessary, issuing orders for rations only to those who worked or were unable to work. All cf the ward chair men reported the imperative need of disinfectants. A committee was ap pointed to sequester all ie disinfect ants in the city, including the lime which escaped wcttint;, and to secure more. Houston was called upon for a bargeload of lime. The relief com mittee was greatly encouraged by the nfTsr made through Herman Frick and William Cowan of the White Screw men's association, tendering the ser vices of all its members, ovd in num ber. They were placed at the disposal of the various ward chairmen and foremen appointed for each division. Chairman McVittie announced that It was necessary for him to have help. John Kinlicks and Dr. A. VV. Fry vol unteered their services. Captain Sinclair Taliaferro cf Hous ton, who did such efficient work dur ing the Brazos flood, arrived here this morning. He was asked to assist Chairman McVittie In his work. Dan Henderson announced that Mr. Van VIeck, the general manager of the 8outhern Pacific road, authorized the committee to draw ca that company for $5,000. Mr. VanVleck returned to Houston on the tug Juno to send a bargeload of supplies. The Galveston, Houston & Hender son railroad is operating relief trains over its line to Texas City Junction and thence over the Texas City term inal to. or nearly to. Texas City. Ar rangements have been made to start a passenger service tomorrow. Work on the water works has not progressed so satisfactorily as had been hoped. The men did not work last night. Chief Engineer Reynolds has not been at the works since yes terday morning. Alderman McMaster took cahrge cf the work today. the machinery has been cleared of the debris and the pipes found to be bad ly damaged and plumbers and steam fitters and boilermakers are at work on them. Mr. McMaster says he thinks It will be possible to turn water Into the mains tomorrow. All salcons were closed uy the chief of police cn Sunday. At a meeting of the committee with the city offlcials thi3 morning the policing cf the city was aiscusscd. Mayor Jones announced that Adjutant General Scurry would take charge. The city is patrolled by about 2,000 police officers, special officers, soldiers and deputy sheriffs. Deputy Chief of Police Amundsen is acting as chief. Orders were issued to the soldiers and police to kill any person caught in the act of robbing the dead. Up to Tuesday morning seven negro vandals had been discovered and had paid the penalty cf their crimes with their lives. They were shot dead and their bodies were carted away with dead vic tims of the storm. BRUTAL WORK CP ROBBERS. Ohio Man U Killed ami Ull Wife and Five Children Tortured. CAREY, O.. Sept. 13. .V. C. John son was murdered by burglars early today. He had sold a carload of celery yesterday and the robbars demanded the money secured for it. After kill ing Johnson his wife and five chil dren were bound and tortured till all the valuables in the house were se cured. The proceeds from ine celery had been deposited in the bank and Mrs. Johnson showed toe bank book. A pessa is in pursuit of the robbers. I'rocetd Against Boier. TIEN TSIN Sept. 8. Via Shanghai Sept. 12.) A body of 4.000 allied troops Including 200 men or the Fifteenth in fantry, under command of Major Rob erson. marched today against the cities of Sheng Hae Sien and Tnij, where the presence of Boxers threatens the Tien Tsin region. The advance was made In two columns for tne purpose of flanking ths two towns. General Dorward personally commanded the expedition. Ross la Hold Indemn'ty. PEKIN, Sept. 5. The Russo-Chi-nese bank, which as announced yes terday, closes here today and removes to Shanghai, will confiscate as part of the indemnity to be paid to Rus sia, the Imperial university fund of 5,000,000 taels deposited with it. against which the Chinese drew for the payment of their troops. Will Aid 1.1 Ilnnc Chant WASHINGTON, Sept. 13. The Uni ted State3 government is pushing for ward steaidily toward the begianinz of negotiations with the Chinese gov ernment for a settlement of the pres ent troubles. An evidence of Its purpose was found in It3 decision, communicate! today to Minister Wu. to facilitate by every means in Its power the journey of Li Hung Chang to Pekin. This carries with it the placing of a war ship at bis service, if a request of that kind is made by Sir Robert Hart. EXPECTED TO END THE WAR. Lord Roberta Making a Consblnod Mmo went on tho Iloer Force. NEW YORK, Sept. 12. A dlspatcJl to the Tribune from London says: There is a marked revival cC public Interest In the war In South Africa, owing partly to the vigr with which Lord Roberts is conauotlng opera tions, but mainly to the political effect of the approaching election. Lord Roberts' new objective point Is clearly Komttip .ort, and General French's cavalry ctvislcn, with Gen eral Pore-Carcw's infantry, has been set In motion toward it. with Barber ton and Nelsprult as half-way stations from Del fast. French his started frcn Carolina, so as to reach Barberton by Ermels road, while Generals Hutton and Henry are working eastward over the bills country, along which Pole Carew is advancing. There was fighting all along the line on Sunday, and the Boers were steadily driven back. Simultaneously General Buller, leaving Hamilton bo hind at Lydenberg, had been attacking Commandant Botha's force on the summit of a moucLaln, where a turn ing movement was Impracticable. The road from Lydeuberg makes a loop northward to Krusorsport and thence runs easterly to Pilgrims Rest, whence there Is a bridle path around Spitskop toward the railway at Nel spruit. General Buller did not follow this road, but made a frontal assault upon a position cf great natural strength, three battalions carrying it with gallantry. It seems probable that he has turned the Boer position at Pilgrim's Rest and Krugersport, but it is not clear whether he has cut oft tho retreat of the enemy at Nelspruit. It is evident that wh'le Sir Redver3 is hammering away at Botha's strong hold around Lydenborg, French is ex pected to drive the remaining Boer forces out of Barberton and to clear the railway to the Portuguese frontier. Other districts have been emptied of British forces in order that these final movements in the eastern Transvaal may be conducted. Lord Roberts Ins adapted his tactics to the. requirements of cuerilla var fare and at the same time has scat tered Commandant Botha's forces and is pushing on with dispatch to Kt-m-atipoort, where the open door Into neutral territory may be closed. SIX Ii'L'NORtD BOORS fOUMD.. Moreno at Galvet"n Crowded with Unr dentflVd Dead. AUSTIN, Tex., Sept. 12. OEcial re ports from Calveton to Governor Sayers today are that 400 bodies have been identified, 200 more are in an improvised morgue awaiting Identifi cation and many mere are thought to have drifted out to sea and their Identity will net be known for weeks. A telegram from Adjutcnt General Scurry, who is at Galveston, to the governor is as follows: Have just returned from Texas City with several Galveston parties, who asaure rae that conditions there beg gar description. Accounts have not been exaggerated. One thousand lost isoo conservative. While a portion ti&tha pr6vlsions have been destroyed by vater sufficient is on hand to re lieve immediate necessities. The citizens seem to have the sit uation well in hand. United States troop3 and Company C, volunteer guard, with citizens, patrol the streets to prevent looting. CIHNG AISO J PfiCt ENVCY. To Act In Conjunction with 1.1 tinny CUanz In TpHnr. LONDON. Sept. 12 The officials cf the Chinese legation decline to make public the text of the imperial decree commanding the opening of peace ne gotiations, but sav the document ap points Prince Chmg. head of the tsung 11 yainen, a plenipotentiary as well as Li Hung Chang It was added that it had been suggested that Liu Kun Yi. the viceroy of Nankin, and Chang Chi Tung, the vicer.v of Hankow, would also be reappointed, but the decree does not mention them. Wn lii Anerr. WASHINGTON. D. C. Sept. 12. Wu Ting Fang, the cnlnese minister here, made indignant denial today cf ths statement cabled to the London Times by its correspondent at Pekin, Dr. Morrison, that he and Minister Lo Feng Luh at London had p omu'ga'ed "shameless lies' and transmitted bogus imperial edicts, thereby delaying the departure of relief until it was neariy too late. Da Mo nea n re at Rw. NEW YORK, Sent 12. The Anchor lino steamship Anchorfa, twe've days from Glasgow, was delayed at quar antine today only long enough to permit the health officer of the port to satisfy himself that none of -the passengers on board had developed symptoms of the bubonic plague. S. A. Kingman, saloon passenger from Des Moines, died of malaria. Belief Trml" From fhlnro. CHICAGO, Sent. 12. A special freight train of fifteen cars, running on a passenger time schedule and laden with food and cloth'ng for the Texas sufferers, will probably start from Chicago within forty-eight hours. The offer to furnish the train was made by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railroad to Mayor Harrison and the Mayor accepted it. Aside from necessities contributed, it is estimated i 15.000 has been donated. Railroads l.oae Mil Hons. HOUSTON. Tex.. Sent. 12. The rail roads will suffer the loss of millions of dollars in actual damage. ?o say noth ing of the loss from stonpige of busi ness. At Galve-ton their waarvea. warehouses, depots and tracks are ruined. The costlv bridges which con nect the island with the mainland are in ruins and must be entirely rebuilt. The International & Great Northern and Sinta Fe hare consic1e'-,Ve track washed out. while the Galveston, Hous ton & Northern will suffer heavily. TO J Hay or Jones, of Galveston, Estimates Cumber of Dead Over 5,000. 2,300 BODIES RECOVtRED SO EAR Ia Few Instances I There More Than a Passing Attempt at I 1mi Illicit Ion (sol dier of Cap- KattVrtjr'a battery liliia Five 1'iliagera Ti lth am Manjr Knot. GALVESTON, Tex., Sept 12. Mayor Walter C. Jones estimates the numoer of uead at b.uuu anu ne i3 conservative. Over 2,;uo bouios hxve aireauy beea taken out to sea or buried in trenches Other hundreds are yet to be taea from the ruins. These bodies are uovr all badly decomposed and they are be ing buried in tieucnes where they ar3 found. Others are being buried in de bris, where tnis can ie done safely. TLere is liitie attempt at identifi cation and it is gate to say that taer i will never be a complete list of th-i dwad. Chief of Police Ketchum is In charge of the work of burying the dead. Ther- are large bodies of men engaged in this work, tearing up the ruias and getting out the corpses. Some of thosi who bodies are being taken out wero probably only injured when they wers first struck down, but there was no getting relief to them and they perish ed miserably The remnant of the force of regular soldiers who were stationed here and it is a very small remnant have joined the police in patrolling the city. Several persons already have been shot, it Is reported. A soldier of Cap tain Rafferty's battery, while patrol ling the beach this morning, ordered a man to desist from looting- The fel low drew a weapon and the soldier ehot him dead, 'the soldier was at tacked by four other men and killed all of them. He had five cartridges in his rifle and each of them found a victim. Other men have also been shot, but the details are not known nor can the exact number be ascertained. It is probable that twenty-five were killed. Some of these were shot for failing to halt when ordered to do so. Other j were shot for vandalism. The ruins of the heavier brick build ings have net been searched for the dead and there is a large number in them. In the mass of rubbish whici marks the site of the Lucas terraci boarding house forty or fifty persons were killed outright and their bodie3 are still in the ruins. The Orphans' home en the beach 13 totally demolished. Ninety-two chil dren and eleven nuns- were killed there. It is rumored that one sister escaped, but if she did no trace can be found of her. Of the regular soldiers few remain. Twenty-three were drowned at tha barracks at Camp Hawley and eevsa at Bolivar. One man drifted aboat in the bay until Monday morning and waa tlcen out alive. ADDS 1 HORROR The correspondent stood at the footOidown and the cable which connects of Tremont street and counted nine floating bodies without moving and this is only one .instance. It is not known whether these were water front victims or dead being cast up by tho sea. A lot of rubbish was being loaded on barges and this stuff had many bodies ia it French Cabinet May Resign. PARIS, Sept. 12. The Journal des Debats says on the authority of a dep uty who recently discussed the situa tion with several cabinet ministers that a portion of the cabinet is In fa vor of the cabinet resigning in a body before the reassembling of parliament on the ground that the government has accomplished the task for which it was constituted that the Dreyfus affair is ended, that the defense of the republic has been placed on a firm basis, that the exposition ia about to be closed and that it would be best to resign in order to clear the political situation. NO S0L9.ERS LOST IN IKE STOkM. Captain in Ccmntmand Reports Simply Lou of Records of Pun. WASHINGTON, Sept. 12. Adjutant General Corbin has received a dis patch from Captain Rafferty, com manding Battery O, First artillery, stationed at Galveston, Tex., dated Sunday, September 9. It reports no loss of life in his command, but says that the records of the pest have been destroyed and asked for dup icate rec ords from the War department. 1.1 Asks Safe Conduct. BERLIN, Sept. 12. It is learned at the British embassy here that IA Hung Chang, having been di-e- ted by th emperor of China to proceed immedi ately to Pekin and co-operate with Prince Ching towards a settlement of all the difficulties with the powers, has applied through the Chinese ambassa dors at the various capitals for a guar antee from the powers for a safe con duct at sea and to Pekin fcr the begin ning of negotiations. .'ondition of tho Treasury. WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 12. Tory's statement of the treasury bal ances in the general fund. exclucIvi of the $150,000,000 gold reserve in the division of redemption, shows: Aval'-!-' -a-h balance, $132,673,493; gold. $70,091,720. it rfn to Cn-pTt . WASHINGTON, Sept. 12. Minister "Wu has received a cable dispitch from Earl Li Hung Chang giving an Imper ial edict, s'gned by the emperor, di recting him to proceed immediately to PeVn aid the-e to co-oer?te witli Prince Ching toward peace negotia tions and a settlement of ail war difil ci't'ea The edict is dsted August 27. Acord'n'y. Li Hung Chang asks that the powers co-operate in affording iiirn per?onal protection and facilitat ing his journey. He probably will leave Shanghai at once, going by sea. GALVESTON A MASS Of RUNS. Wo Accurate Statement of the Lsm ef I4fe Foaelble at Fr-aent. GALVESTON. Tex., Sept. 11. Six hundred to 1,009 persons killed, a city almost in ruins, the wharf front en tirely gone, every ocean steamer stranded and death and destruction oa every hand, with a money less that cannot to estimated now, is, so far as can be learned at this hour, the rosult of the appalling calamity that ha3 be fallen Galveston. The great storm has left it helpless and its stricken people are compelled to appeal to the outside world for aid. The estimates of I033 of life vary be tween the figures given, but an accu rate account of the dead i3 Impossible now and the real number killed la the storm will probably never bi known. No one attempts to estimate thi damage to business and residence prop erty. The fine steamer Alamo lie uptn the top of the Mallory wharf and a big English steamer was driven ashore at Texa3 City. Other vossel? are aground in different parts of the bay, some hopelessly wrecked. The tug Louise of tho Houston Di rect Navigation company Is under wat er at Redfish. Two of the crew were drowned, the remainder escaping in th lifeboat. Yesterday morning a boat was chartered to run from Galvestoa to Texas City and on this the Houston Po3t correspondent had to hurriedly depart. But from what he saw and heard from some of the loading busi ness men he can assure the public thic the pople of Galveston need immediate relief. The object in sending to Texas City was to get In touch with the out side world and let it know that a stricken city is in misfortune and ask.? the people of the country to send food, clothing and water. The water works are in ruins and the cisterns all blown away, so that the lack of water is one of the most serious of the present troubles. Ruin i3 everywhere. Elec tric light and telegraph po!e3 are near ly all prostrated and the street3 are littered with timbers, slate, glass and every conceivable character of debri3 There is hardly a habitable house in the entire city and nearly every busi ness house is badly damaged. The school buildings are unroofed, such edifiee3 as the Ball High school and Rosenburg school buildings being bad ly wrecked. The fine churches are ai taoat in ruins. The elevators and warehouses are unfit for use. The elec tric light plant has collapsed and to has the cotton factory. From Tre riiont to P street, thence to the beach, not a vestige of a residence Is to be seen. In the business section of the city the water was from three to ten feat deep in stores and stocks of all kind3, including foodstuffs, are total losses. While the Post correspondent was in Galveston Saturday night It was a common sight for him to see women and children emerging from once com fortable and happy homes dazed and bleeding from wounds, the women wading neok deep with babies in their arms. To add, if possible, to the ca lamity the eity is cut off entirely from the world. The telegraph lines are Galveston with Mexico is cut. In sailing for Texas City yesterday the Post correspondent used a stron? glass, but could see nothing of any of the bridges which connect the islanl with the mainland, but where the bridge should be a big ocean vessel was stranded. At Texas City the wharves are de stroyed and the water front for a mile is littered with ruins. Much of the debris has been blow there from Gal veston. At Texas City three lives were lost. The railway track is wash ed away and the only exit was by foot and conveyance to La Marque, on the International & Great Northern rail road. Olves Li Absolute Power. V7ASHINGTON, Sept. 11. The Chi nese minister has received an imperial edict, conferring on Li Hung Chang extraordinary power for the complete settlement of the Chinese trouble. It gives him authority to make any terms, according to hi3 own discretion, with out referring them to the emperor. Thi3 U unusual authority and it is as serted at the Chinese legation gives Li Hnng Chang credentials adequate to meet all the objections heretofore raised as to his power to negotiate for peace. The edict Is dated two weelis ago, but is just forwarded from Li Hung Chang. Minister Wu deliv ered it to the State department this morning. News Weleomfd in London. LONDON. Lept. 11. The announce ment that the Chinese ministers at th- capitals of the powers have received sitisfactory credentials authorizing them to open peace negotiations, taken in conjunction with the indications contained in the dispatches from the far east that China is developing a better disposition to arrange peace terms, is welcomed here, for the de sire to expedite the settlement of th trouble is increased .by dispatches re ce'ved from Hamburg today announc ing that Germany will send two addi tional detachments of 5.000 and 6,000 men respectively to China early in Oc tober. Ktopach Sends S1.O00. NEW YORK, Sept. 11. Dr. Louis Klopsch of the Christian Herald today telegraphed $1,000 to Governor Sayres of Tptss. to be aDolied to the immed- ' tete relief of Galveston flood sufferers and further effective rellel measures are contemplated by the same agency. ConneM Blnffs tS.SOO. WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 11. The population of the city of Coun cil Bluff3, Ia., according to the official count of the returns of the twelfth census. Is as follows: 1900, 25,802; 1890, 21,474. These figures show for the city as a whrle an increase in pop ulation of 4,328, or 20.15 per cent. The " population In 1880 was 18.06. showing an increase of 3,411, or-18.83 per cent, from 1880 to 1890. The pop-ui-tion by wardr In 1900 is as follows: First ward. 4.30; Second ward. 4,580; Th'rd ward, 4.137; Fourth ward. 3,641; Fifth ward, 4,852; Sixth ward, 4,272. AWFUL STATE OF RUIN Tht City of Galvestoa ia Wrecked Ecjond Vorda to Describe. REAL LOSS Of Lift NOT KNOWN One Thoosand Is at Least a Conservative Estimate May Largely Kxceed This Figure TTio I be Wrecks; is Felly Esplored. HOUSTON, Tex., Sept. 11. The fol lowing dispatch was recelvod from Galveston by boat to the mainland: GALVESTON, Tex., Sept. 10. Th loss of life may be stated at 1,000 drowned, killed and missing. , Tha loss will run into the millions. Scenes of desolation and dlstresi are on every hand. Fully 75 per cent of the buildings in the city are more or less damaged. Whole families and communities are being taken from th-? debris and each minute brings the discovery of some new victim. On the gulf side of Tremont street the water has made a slean sweep of everything for three blocks. All the bath houses are gone. Dcbri3 blocks the streets ta the gulf. About 1,000 people took refuge In the Tremont hotel and all thece escaped injury, although the building was damaged to the extent of several thou sand dollars. The Dulitz building, a three-story brick structure, was the first build ing to collapse. Hitter's saloon and restaurant on the Strand collapsed from the top, imprisoning a number of persons, among whom were Richard Lord and F. G. Spencer, who was kill ed; the building then gave way with such rapidity that it will be Impossibla to give an approximate estimate even of those who were inside. The Rosenberg school, the City and the Balls High school suffered severe ly. All buildings within three blocks of the beach are destroyed. The city is practically without fire protection. The equipment could not get about the city, even- if there were wires to give alarms. A meeting was held at the Tremont hotel to coasider means of relief for the distressed and home less people. Medical attention is badly needed, as are also disinfect ants. The meeting sent dir.patches to President McKinley and Governor Sayers to the effect that the appeal be published at once and that aid ba extended for the relief of the city. ReJlef must come; human liVes are at stake, as actual starvation and death from lack of medical attention face many hundreds of people. The more fortunate ones are work ing heroically to ameliorate the con dition of their afflicted fellows, but their efforts can relieve the distress only fn a small measure. Individual acts of heroism and self-sacrifice are so many that it is hard to pick out one more worthy of ment'on than an other. - Eut with all this the condition of the affii-cted i3 heartrending in- the extreme. The list of dead is crowing momentarily and the first estimate of 1,000 deaths i3 considered too con servative. GEN. WltEELER IS RETIRED. Wade Succeeds Him Temporarily In Department of the Lakes. CHICAGO, 111., Sept. 11. General Joseph Wheeler, considered one of un most picturesque figures in the United States army, retired to private life to day, having reached the age limit of 64 years. General Wade will be tem porarily in charge of the department of the lakes, until General Otis, ap pointed to the place, arrives. General Wheeler will go to hi3 home in Ala bama, and from there he and hi3 daughter will take a trip abroad. Afraid to Retnrn to Pekin. WASHINGTON, Sept. 11. The fol lowing dispatch has been received at the War department from Chaffee: "TAKU (no date.) Adjutant Gen eral, Washington: 2, afternoon 4th. Evidence accumulates that diplomatic relations will not be resumed here for a long time. Russain legation leave very Eoon for Tien Tsin. Appears to me certain Chinese government will net return here whilst foreign army remains and if this true our legation can transact no business." Negroes Attempted lynching. SEDALIA, Mo.. Sept. 11. Two hun dred excited negroes, thirsting for tho blood of a man who had shot a Seda 11a negro on a Missouri Pacific excur sion train, made an attack upon the train at the Sedalla depot and a lynch ing was only averted because the man was securely locked in the baggage car and the mob could not get at him before the train pulled out. The excursion train on which the shooting occurred was run from Cali fornia to Kansas City. Chicago Will Send Aid. CHICAGO. Sept. 11. Mayor Harri son said today that he would Issue a proclamation calling upon the people of Chicago to contribute to the aid of the Texas sufferers just as soon as he learned that they were in need of help. "If I find that the press dispatches are true and a condition of wiiespread suffering exists," said the mayor, "I will not await the usual official noti fication, but will go to work -in ad vance of word from Governor Sayres. NEARLY WHOLt DATTERY LOST. War Department Receives Word of Great Loss of Soldiers. WASHINGTON, D. C. Sept. 11. The war department tonight received the following message from General McKibben. in command of the depart ment of Texas, San Antonio, Tex.: To Adjutant General, War Depart ment, Washington: Start first train tonight. Press reports received here state that all of battery B is lost but fifteen men; both officers lost. "M'KIBBEN." THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. Latest notations From Hoatli Omaha and Kansas I'Ky. ROfTlI OMAHA. I'ulon Htock Yunl. faUN Tin-re w ratlur a liKlit run of rattle lure i.i.Juy, but Ui- markt-t hum not jrtrll uluny urtlve. Tln llf proportion f tlif r reipta werue ftrot-rs and iriule cm that iluKH of htix-K wan particularly mw. '1Iit were unly ulmiit ten to llttcen oar of corn fl i-attl- liro- arid while tlie Ik-hI kind broUKl't rif--lit around ruiuly pure tho common Muff wuh vt-i y dull and weak, i'uckerit did not --m lo oarw whether they ol thti common ntuff r not ami hh a it-HUlt It waa ralli.-r Into before a clrnrmice waa nude. Th-ro wrre about thirty cars of row a on nal tuid the latttcr uradcw were Jut about atc-ady. The tendency on ttm common kinds waa In Hit; direction of lower prle-t-H unit In Romn cumph h:i1ch were nntd; that looked as much as it dime louwt-r. The demand for fpeders from tho coun try for the laMl lew days him not been ctiual to the supply and for that reaaoii yard traders have a Rood many cattle on hand. That fact naturally made them rather beailMli today and tin y xtarttd out to buy the rattle lower. There wiih not very many choice heavy wpik1i on sale and price on that -lu of calti were not much lower. Tin re weie very lew killers amon the western xraa rat tle today and prices b Id Juat ubout nteady. CJood rows were iiImo Mteady, while the- common uklnds were, pernapH. u WttJj lower. CJood feeders wire ne.tily Kleady as compared with yenterday, but for the week stock cattle are all thj way from lOKSIOo lower, and In noino tuiwit more. tloKH There waa not a heavy run of hoRS here today, but the market wi.n riot very active. The bulk of the hoa wer on the heavy order, but the quality wax fairly nood. The openlnx market waa Just about steady on the li;bl and Hkki wclKht ntuff it rid rio one xeemed to be buying the heavywclghta. A prime loud Cf IlKht hOKH broiiKht $.".:!.".. but they v ere as good hh miythliiK that ban been here In it loritf time. After the beat loaoa Had been picked up Id da were Kerierall ii'so lower on all kinds. Sheep There wax a Rood lileral run of sheep here today, but as the -c-ipply has been rather light this week k-ra were ull looking for both Htieep and lambs. Sheep of Rood quality aol to day luOe hinlier than on Monday, and Limbs also broUKht good ptroriK prices, it was a tcood active market from mart to finish. Quotation: Choice wi'teni firriiHn wether. f.'i.S.V'r.l ..r.0; choice trrana yearling. iX'AyiiZXU; choice ewca. P.at'u 3.1T.; fair to nood ewes. Z. :(xJ 3. UJ ; cfi'dro ppriiif? lambs, :,M7; fair to jond Hprltitf lambs, VXMij.W, fee tier wciiicli', !i.'M'-l2.h); feeder lain lm, UMAiiM. Kansas :rrv. Cattle Receipts, l.'i.Omi; market nteady: native 8tecrn, H.uWio.Vr, Texas b.eeis, f.2.!y(4.fJO; Texas rows, 2..':.Vi 3.75; native cows and heifers, Jl..r,0i 7tM; Moc k r.i mid feeders. J3.2.Vn l.w: bulls. 2.'M'l 3.75; calves, receipts, 3,700; market steady; sales, il.Iil (a'l.XO. I logs Receipts, )00; market weak tu fc lower; bulk of sales, 't.Tiii'i.'.Vi: heavy, :.2t.?;iVy. packers, JjVK.rj l".; mixed, V. 'J or 5.3.1; light $.1.2i'i 5.3.1; yorkers, SZ.MC 5..1; pigs. 4."rli.1.30. Sheep Iecelits, .1.000; market steady; sales, $4.Wcj5.2u; muttons, J2.5iK i.tAl. WAR ENDS IN TRANSVAAL. Dispatches Indleate Complete. folUpxe of Boer Ketdstance to Kngland. LOURENZO MARQUi:Z, Sept. 13. President Krugcr ariived bere last niKht. WASHINGTON, Sept. 13. The fol lowing dispatch ha3 been received by the war department from the United States army ofllcer who accompanied the Boers In their campaigns as mili tary observer: "Lourenzo Martinez Events have re quired the departure of the attached fi om the Transvaal. v Request instruc tions. (-Signed.) RICIITMANN." This mensrtge is Interpreted at tho department to mean the complete col lapse cf the Door resistance to Eng land. Captain Riehtmann has Keen cabled permission to start at ob e for the United States. MINER'S STRIKE IS CALLED. President Mitchell Orders Coal Workers to Cio Out Monday. INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. 13. At 5:30 this afternoon tho United Mine Work ers of America declared a strike in the anthracite region. The strike is to begin rext Monday morning and It is expected that 142, 000 men will walk out. President Mitchell, with a part of his oflire force from Indlanapo!i3, will settle themselves in Hazelton, Pa., and Mr. Mitchell will direct the strike fro:n that point. Two Hurned to Leath. CHICAGO, 111., Sept 12. Two per sons were burned to death and tive Injured In a fire which today destroyed, the two-story tenement house at 20j Des PlaJnes street. The dead are James Hulling and Edward Hulling, 3 years old. The fire is believed to have been of incendiary origin. The loss was nora inal. The Malue Election. PORTLAND. Me.. Sept. 11. Returns from 120 towns and plantations out of 512 in the state give Hill, republi can, 28,382, and Lord, democrat, i,181. Compared with four years ago, this shows a republican loss of 12 per cent and a democratic gain of 23 per cent. On this basis it Is estimated that the republican plurality this year will be about 30.124. Twentjr-Five Vandals Shot. HOUSTON, Tex., Sept. 13. It is true that twenty-five negroes were shot by order of a court martial. Their pock ets were found to be full of human fingers and jewelry, of which the dead were stripped. Johnstown Will Keel prorate. JOHNSTOWN, Pa., Sept. 13. In rec ognition of what the country did for the relief of Johnstown after the flood eleven years ago, the citizens have started a Galveston relief fund. Al ready $200 has been raised. Lost Handit's Good Haul. DENVER. Colo.. Sept. 13. Train No. 3 on the Burlington railroad, which arrived in Denver at 7:10 o'clock this morning was held up five miles east of Haigler. Neb., at 1:40 o'clock by a lone masked robber, wno secured about $400 in money, two diamond rings, one diamond stud, three gold watches and other articles of minor value, all the property of passengers. No women were molested. The robber, flourishing a revolver, made his way through the car. and forced bis victim, to hand over their property, threaten, ing to shoot if tbey did not comply.