II J r LL 7 i C c s T m t pi la of m ar q m tb ab P th P ba we ri a cat 1 era cos ceo up., wat be In Uai abo dae tbo woi nea in t pro wh the ' gra last ofg in g l.U ailri had bull brin mar and witt Bam me have ard. take gxd by pi for It is of; meet ' and i dollar -to hie Uut were TYhy, for th went, then! for th effect foreig an un The Clews writin deceir reason and rt Geo i In Cass in Sap elected 1st oft trict. a. b. n the draf a eandit rick ao feated. Jim T ton Foal enaU bright t trict mi iogliim Royal makes the food pare, wholesome and dallcleaa. FflVDER Absolutely Pure MOVM. UWM POWOCR CO., dew VOftK. Tiie Plattsmoath Joarna ..PUBLISHED BY. . KIRK HAM & GREEN. ISSUED SEMI-WEEKLY PLATTSMOTJTH, NEBRASKA. aUBaOBIPTION. One year $1.50 One year, in advance, 1.00 Six months, in advance, 50 Three months, in advance, 25 Entered at the postoffice at Platts- moutb, Nebraska, as second-class mat ter. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23, 1898. WHAT ELKOTED NEWELL. The Weeping Water Republican says that the people, after reading Mr. Patterson's record, refused to elect him to office again. This is an altogether uncalled for remark and one which re flects upon either the honesty or intel ligence of the person making it. New ell's supporters were unable to make a single charge against Mr. Patterson which The Jourxal did not show to be either false or frivolous. On the other hand Mr. Newell was proven to have been a party to a deal whereby the state was robbed in the most brazen manner of thousands and thousands of dollars. lie was shown to be a consistant enemy of the work ing classes and the "bead push" in the county fair fake. Yet, despite these things he was elected. And why? Not because the people of the county are dishonest or believe in rewarding PATROAIZINO HOME INDUSTRY. Most of the manufacturing enter prises of the state are located in Oma ha, and consequently Omaha people are loud in their exhortations to the citizens of the commonwealth to "stand up for Nebraska" and "patron ize home industries." . Just how they can exoect the retail merchants of the state, however, to push their products when they are going ahetd with a scheme to bankrupt these same mer chants, is sometniug which -is hard to understand. If Omaha persists in her determina tion to hold that exposition next sum mer, every retailei in the state should absolutely refuse to handle anything manufactured in the state metropolis, or to purchase a dollar's worth" of goods from an Omaha jobber. If Omaha is hoggish enough to want all the retail trade, the country merchant should retaliate by depriving her of the wholesale business. "Self pres ervation is the first law of nature." pie on the money que-tion, and few t. h.A nph an abundance Of re- weJrrer.?wKJ ot ectlo thirty-four rwl who have such an abundance or re- - 'oii sources of intellect and originality of rSuSSSlJS "'u if iueas and method, or wbocould lead in fSSrJ taken as the property of Mahioii O. W ed et al defendants, to satisfy a Judgment of said court recovered by Francis N. Glbaoii, plaintiff apalnst said defendant. Plattsmoutb, Neb., October 25. A. D..1S98 W. i. WUKBLEK, Sheriff. Cass county. Neb. B. H. Woolt, plaintiff attorney. First publication Oct. 26. lsi'8. the movement be has begun with such excellent chances of success as be. m ?????? w????????????????????????????m??E ' j REPEAL TUB FAIR SUBSIDY LAW. One of the first bills Introduced in the next session of the legislature, should be for the repeal of the law granting subsidies to state and county fairs. Thousands of dollars are col lected from the taxpayers of the state annually, most of which finds its way into the pockets of the self-seeking managers of these fake shows, with no resultant benefit to the public. The people have grown heartily tired of the whole business, and almost unan imously demand that the law which allows these leeches to fatten off the public be done away with. Let every voter urge upon his repre sentative or senator the importance of taking some action on this matter. An Ohio court has given a railroad man who had been blacklisted a ver dict for $5,000 damages against the company. Corporations or individuals who seek to nuke men practically out casts by depriving them of the means of obtaining a livelihood are not only iDjuring the individual, but the com munity. Men who devote their lives to any avocation are, as a rule, unfitted to maintain themselves in other walks and the bar to securing employment in the business or trade to which they are accustomed means pauperization. Railroads, like individuals, have a right to say whom they will and whom they will not employ, but they have no right, directly or indirectly, to pre vent a man from securing a position elsewhere. Omaha Isee. That great free silver family "news paper, the Omaha Weekly World- Uerald, issued in semi-weekly sect ions will be sent to new subscribers until January 1, 1900, for only one dollar. the yearly subscription price, and each new subscriber who cuts out this offer and sends it with hi dollar will also receive a highly interesting premium book, entitled "Lights and Shadows of Our War With Spain." a series of his torical sketches, incidents, anecdotes and personal experiences, by John R. Musick. This book of 224 pages in paper cover, is one of the most attrac tive and popular books that can be offered as a premium. No age tit's commission allowed on this offer. Ad dress Weekly World-Herald Omaha, Neb. THEK DEPARTMENT STORE ALWAYS IN THE LEAD. tee. iliiirt A strictly high-grade Family Sewing Macmne, possessing all modern improvements. kmM equoi to lit Best. pr:. - vz -y reasonable. Obtain them yoj- 'ccal dealer and maxe comparisons. ems iaaiis co. BELVIDEnE, ILL .439 broad vy, N . . Don't buy a dollar's worth of goods from any firm that subscribes a dollar for Omaha's fake exposition. Toe late election resulted in making a gain of two senators to the goldbugs in the United States senate one In Nebraska and one in Indiana, while to the republicans it means a gain of four one in New Jersey instead of Senator Smith and one in New York nstead of Murphy both of whom are goldbugs. Gamble Bros lost two valuable cows one morning not long ago, caused by eating alfalfa when the frost was on. Farmers must remember that stock should not be turned into alfalfa when it is wet, either by frost, dew or rain. When in this condition Jt forms a gas in the critter, and death results In a few minutes. Elm wood Review. Bihxtallish is the best hope of the laboring masses in America. You may be sure that its coming will in sure the betteiment of the condition of the laboring man, because all the To Cure Cold In Una Umj Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. Call and see those elegant steel ranges at John R Cox's hardware store. He will save you money on anytbin iu his line. Htnuko the Ilest. Wurl Bros famous "Gut Ueil" is the best 5c cigar in the market. Plattsmoutb Exchange.. ocD. S. Draper, Prop 1016 South Tenth-st., OMAHA . .TIIE BEST OF. . fjftoW. jjiprf ami igsrg worth $1.25, $139, $1.50 and $1.75 go $1.00. One lot of Children's Shoes at 25 cents. M""""lB1B111,B111,MiillSSSSSSMHilllllllllSSSSSlllMBilllliSSSSllM Best patent flour, per 100 tl 85 Best half patent flour, per 100. 1 60 COFTEE3. 1 lb good Rio io 1 IbStantosand Rio 12J Package coffee io California hams 61 Large hams jo Bacon 10 Dry Salt Meat 7 Bologna 61 2XZ8C SSTiTiA tTJBOtTm. 1 can blackberries 8 10 lbs Navy beans 25 10 lbs green peas 25 1 lb broken rice 6 Champion lye t. 7 3 boxes Lewis lye 25 Oil sardines Mustard sardines Price's baking powder, 1 lb... Bon Bon Calumet " . " .... 4 7 38 10 19 2 lb can cove oysters 16 1 lb can cove 10c sack salt 12e sack salt oysters. 8 6 10 All other goods proportionately low. Highest market price paid for Farmer's Produce. Bring in your produce and we will treat you right. DRY GOODS Special sale for a short . time. Nice line of plaids at 2 I-2c, suitable for comfortables; 36-inch Per cales, dark styles, 5c to close. Large importa tion of Fine Dress Goods. We can show the handsomest line in the city. Special sale on Un derwear all next week. Garments as low as 25c. Always in Stock, Celebrated.... Including the ..Schlitz Milwaukee Beer.. Plattsmoutb friends especially invited trusts and combinations of greed in- dishonesty, nor because they are lack- eluding the money trust, the worst of. Ing in intelligence, but because a ma- I aI1 trusts are fighting It to the death. ioritv of the voters of the count? arl"a-e aaopiea mere wouia ue a re- republicans and they considered it of vival of a11 kind9 of business; property Ie33 imoortance to have an honest man I wouia rise so its wontea value, enter- in the state senate than to have a re publican in the national senate. No man can bs elected in Cass County without republican votes, and, although Mr. Patterson secured many of these, he would have had at least 251) m?re if it were not for the fact that the coming legislature is to elect a successor to Senator Allen. This is a fact well knoffn to Mr. Newell, as well as to every other intelligent man in the county and is the only thing to which the "plugged to size" gentleman owes bis election. The Journal would nor. again have reverted to the successful candidate's record if The Republican bad been smart enough to keep its rooutb shut. prises of every kind would take on new life; old-time values would be restored, and civilization itself would take a leap upward and forward. This is not a fancy picture, but a fact founded on the absolute experience of all ages of the world. Tan j one of j fusion ter to! have r. thing. crutiat grams mar. Snitesi bring f well fo ' least a the paf on the - r A A MI! LOW. My: Low Snakey Bnggs, in a com munication published in a recent issue of The News, signs himself "An ex Pop." This is clearly a misrepresents tion. My! Low is just as much of a pop now as he was before be was trun over the transom" at the Louis ville convention, and was just as much of a pop then as be Is now. The fact of the matter is, he has al ways been a cats-paw for pulling Milt . Polk's republican chestnuts out of the . fire, and his exposure by The Jocb nal only resulted in forcing him to , throw aside the lion's skin in which he was disguised, and expose to the world the elongated auricular appendages, which are characteristic of the animal . which is said to have feasted upon thistles. , In the wonderfully constructed com munication above referred, to the poly- professional tonsorialist acknowledges that h? and bis friends who compose . the so-called populist party in this city, worked against When we take into account the fact that under our past conditions 1 per cent of the population of the United States have become the owners of one-half of all the wealth of the country, and that nearly all the great fortunes of today have been made in the past thirty-five years, it is a fact so startling as to become the wonder of the age. It demonstrates the fact that our Jaws need revision so that the mil lions who have never had the chance W. B. ELSTER, Dentist, Water man block. Plattsmoath, Feb. Sheriffs Sale. BV VIRTUE OF AS ORDER OF SALE issued by lieorge F. Honseworth, clerk of the dis trict court witnm and rorCaas county, Nebrsi Us, and to ma directed, I will on tbe 24th dy of December, A D, 1898, at II o'clock a. m. of said day at tbe south door or me court nouse in tiie cay or fiattsmoutb, in said county, sell at public auction, to tbe blithest bidder for casta, the following real estate, to-wit: The nortoeist quarter fneV of section seven teen i IT J. t-jwuship ten l0J north, range nine (9) eaat of tbe sxib principal meridian in Cas county, Nebraska, together with the privileges anu appurtenances tnereunto Belonging or in anywUe appertaining; tbe same being levied npon and taken as the property of P. F. Waldron et al, defendants, to satisfy a Judgment of said court recovered by Seabury L. Sears, plaintiff, agalntt said defendants. riattsmouth, Seb., Nov. 23. A. D., 1398 W.D. WHEELER. Sheriff Cass county, Nebraska. -First publication Nov. 23, lsitt. The Hotel Plattsmoath, (Formerly City Hotel-) E. II. HEITZHAUSEN. Prop. Best 11.00 day bouse la the state. Thoroughly cleanel and refurnished, class tablo. Best of service. First- Corner Main and Third Streets, V' rt. . vjr . J rr iska Schlitz No. 2 E. G.MEYEB, Mgr. J .A FINE LINE OF.... BAR AND CAFE. WINES. LIQUORS, CIGARS Sheriff's Sale. BY VlhTCrf OF AN ORDER OF 8AL. issued bv lieame K HouMwnrth. nrrk nf th Atm. Aso Neatly Furnished I til 8. 14th 8tret. oom f.i Kent. I OMAHA. .. The Department Store ..Always in the Lead.. S P. G. Fricke & Co Wtll keep constantly on band a full and completestock of pure ..and MEDICINES PAINTS, OILS, Eta BE CHEERFUL The best way to attain cheerfuluess is to have your sur roundings cheerful. Make your home inviting by repapering the rooms and repainting the woodwork, but before doing so, call and inspect the immense stock of new Wall Paper in all the latest de signs, and get prices on paints, oils, etc., at Gering & Co's. Alsc. a fall line of Droittlit's Saadiies Pare liquors for medicinal purposes. Special attention given to COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. i Full Line of. GUNTHER'S Celebrated Chicago CANDIES. Ne- IT'S ALL NEW... tnct court wun.n and for Cass county nraaaa, ana to me aneciea, will on tlio . 2tb day of December, A D, 1898, at two o'clock p. m. of said day, at the south door of tbe court house, In the city of Plaits mouth, In said county, sell at public auction to tbe highest bidder for cash, the following real estate , to-wit: Lots thirteen (13), fourteen (14), fifteen (IB), Dia tcru iui anu dc t.ccu i 1 1 i i u ui ui:a liii ruivii i . - (u of Duke' addition to the city of I Kibbons, t lowers and Trimmings of every description is entirely flattsinouth. Cass Conntv. Nebraska. I ' together with the privileges and appur-I new. bought in the best ..'..Our Stock of Millinery, including Pattern Hats, Is complete in every detail everything warranted pure and un adulterated and of the very highest quality. -We make a specialty of compounding prescriptions. Our stock of Druggist's Sundries, including Combs, Brushes, Perfumes, Sponges, Chamois Skins, etc., is the finest in the city. tM 1 tJT Ate OAllASlf ! 1M iVl A MS A AM trances thereunto belomcfng or in anvwlse ' fa " wn:tHuciii.iiy iu piuuci to owo their homes will have better appertaining the same being levied upon and I style and absolutelv un-tn-rlat I lacen as the Drouertv Of Kate Koreskv t l. V14" ausujuiciv UU-lo-uaie. . i . f .mi i f i ; I . . . . - " . , .- . ' . . ' I uppuriumues. KJOO lllJUif 13 quite evi- I aeienuanw, to sausiy a juagment or sia court . . it, , st I recovereu uj wuwjjuiuouiTju.piniDiiu, against ucii. buo legal iu iciest, ists a tuu high for the common good. Another thing is apparent tbe power to form aoJ operate trusts mnat be prohibited At present so much of tbe earnings of labor id consumed in paying Interest on bonds that little is left to invest in business enterprises, so that tbe wealth producer is killed by competi tion and gets very little of what be earns, and mast use all of that for liv ing expenses. W. II. Harvet, who has been ap pointed chairman of a committee on ways and means to raise funds for car ryingon of a campaign of education, preparatory for tbe second great battle for bimetallism in 1900, delivered an address recently at Cincinnati in which he set oat a plan for tbe raising of fund for the education of tbe peo- the democratic I pIe on subject. He proposes that said defendants. Plattsmoutb, Neb., November 19, A. D. 1894. W. I. WHEELEK, Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. By J. I. HcBride, Deputy. I. II. Hatfield, Plaintiff a Attorney. First publication Nov. 19. ISM. Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF TWO EXECUTIONS Issued " by tieorge F. Uouseworth, cleik of the dis trict court witntn ana . tor cans county, Ne- orasita, auu m mo uirecieu. i win on tne 24 tb day of Deeimbtr, A. I), 1898, at two o'clock p. in. of said day, at the south door of tte court house in the city of Platts-I mourn, in saiu county, sen at dudiic auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, id wit; Lots sixteen (16), thirty-one (31) and thirty, two 132 section twenty-four 24, township twelve vi, ranite thirteen 13J east of the sixth principal meridian in Casa county, Nebraska, toitetber with the privileges and aDDurtenancea thereunto belonglngorln anywise appertaining, the same being levied npon aud taken as the property of J. O. Petersen, defendant, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by First National Bank. of Plattsmoutb, Nebraska, plaintiff, against said defendant. riatismoutn, ceo., -November 19, A D, 1898. W. D. WHEELEK. : Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. - A. N. Scllivax, Att'y for Plaintiff. First publication Not. 19, 1896. MISS EVANS, an experienced trimmer from the east, is in charge of the trimming department. Prices to Meet the Approval of AH. The Millinery Store is located in thz Union block, on South Sixth street, and is under the management of Miss Nina Tucker. ..Mrs. L. J. Rankin. r Fair Reasonsr Sheriff's Sale. DT VIRTUS OF AN ORDER OF SALE lsaned u byCJeorge F. Uouseworth, clerk of the dls-l tnct eourt witnin ana for Cass county. Ne- I W.0W.WUU U UAfOUtCU. M. Will 1111 1NH ..! :!,.. 1..t anrtnnp an1 th Via. I I Wn() MTR WllltnOP tn atrl ins vnrk vit. biva-oi. tut "'"ei "- I 3rd day of Uecember . . O...M98. ... . . rr. -r .k.tl I I canse or meir exposure vj ihb juuk-i u tu opponuity 01 pieagmg I at two o'clock p.m. ofsaladay, at thesoutb KAt and their failure to pack the tnerLselves to pay$la month into a moaUMoiM Louisville convention, they used what common treasury for this purpose-the .."teft "wit: a""or c"' ine IO"ow,n vir lnflaineA thev DOSSeSBed aeaicst J mM.. ,u .s..- . v- S1 I .teiKbtiaj in block forty-four J In the v " v " r a r - a-uvuc w luus luuliiuulru lu un iiHiHM Im i i! iTm naiuinnnm. i au nmintv Nartraata tn. the fusion ticket this fall. i gether with the privileges and appurtenances Ivh av vcu4t buvjcwi vuijr Lj W I lucicuuw uciuufttuK w luaujniiw p(fsruuil .r - . . . . . Jlng, the same being levied upon and taken as drawn out and used to DUt free Sliver I the property of Jurgen Oreve et al.. defend- busineSS is tbe assumption by tblSl,.. . ....... lants. to satisfy a Judgment of said court re- , . . . uraiituiv lututus uauus U BYfry Clll- I "ercii uy uuu o. rsiuouus t si. , piiiDllEI, ' - - 1 7fin Of thA ITnltAd Stt nn ltaA yarplot, that he is not only responsible I ' " for the defeat of the ticket In this lw kUD cuuium,- la. F . a ? . . ai - a - .rt,ir,t- rnf nlan fnr thfl tiirnlnir down consisung or aenaiors Jones or of Senator Allen. What a joke. I Arkansas, Allen of Nebraska, Teller Bat Briggs is no longer a spy in the I of Colorado, ex-Govs. Stone of Miasou camp, ueneaict Arnoia went io x.ng-iri anaAiigeiaot Illinois, mis work land after he had betrayed his country, against said defendants. i'lattsmoutn, reo., nov. 1st. a. v.. 18W . W. D. WHEELER, Sheriff, Cass county, Neb, First publication. Nov 8, 1894. Sheriff's Sale. 1 DT VIRTUE OB" AN ORDEi. OP SALE issued v hr ueorea r. Honuwortn. Klerk of tht 1l. Ne- The reason why you should do bus iness with us is fair and equitable. We are sejlingr goods cheaper this fall than our competitors. We have the most desirable line in Cass County. We can show you anything you may want in our line. ,We can undoubtedly save you money on all purchases. y i - - , , Our Repairing: Is the Best. GERING & CO., The Leading Apothecaries and Chemists. 322 Main Street, PHILLIP THIEROLF paopuicron..... Local Aeent for the Celebra.e Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n Ol St. XjovlIs, 2vEo. Famous Pale and Budweiser Beer ....IN KEG AND BOTTLES And the Great MALT-NUTRINE. "Canadian Club" T 00000000 1 THE GENUINE RHINE WINE. I All 1 OOOOQCCO Orders Promptly Delivered to All Parts of the City. 'Remember the place Opposite the Court House. is a most important one, and is io ez- andMylLowbas at last gone over to J cellent hands. There is no man In the republicans. j America who has done more than Mr. Try Tni JoraNALaTyear. I Harvey for th? education of the peo- trlct court within and for Cass county, nrasaa, ana to me airectea, x win on tne 26ih lay ot November, A. D., 1898, at two o'clock p.m. of said day. at the south door of the court house in the city of Platts- mourn, in saia county, sell at public auction, to tne tusnest maaer ror casn. tne following real estate, to-wit: . The north half nHJ of the northwest quarter , Second Door South of Postoffice. MODERN :: FOOT If VOU desire to be strietlv un-tn.r1at J . tr - VJ I"v- stock is the very finest ever brought to this and quality. The latest toes the most fashi tans, etc. Inspect the stock. Get the pri Bo please you. 5 A D fi MODERN FOOT CLOTHI IT' , 1 l sea a ' our K ' A " ' f I- r.-r tvjf .w-'.-