Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, July 16, 1898, Image 4

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t 'V r
j y ms "P-Ijs eta ? r.-t eiw-t-r-s
J -
Royal makes the food pare,
wholesome and delicious
Absolutely Pure
The Plattsmonth Journal
. .ruBLiiiEi r.y. .
One year
jfX-syea. in advance, . ....
Six months, in advance, . . t".
Three months, in advance, . .
Entered at the postotlice at IMatts
moatb, Nebraska, as eecond-class mat
The earnest determination of the
people of the United States to continue
the fight against gold monopoly in war
as well as in peace is manifested in ev
ery state of the union where conven
tions have been held during the current
year. From Maine to Texas and from
Florida to the stateof Washington the
Chicago platform is the gvi lirg star
of 1S9S as it vj in lb9J for all who
desire restoration of real prosperity to
the masses and the overthrow of the
greedy, unscrupulous combination that
is working to contract the volume of
legal tender money of the world to gold
alone, for two purposes: One, to rob
their neighbors; the other, to enslave
the masses. The vociferous, menda
cious and frantic how of the gold pa
pers in every commercial center of the
union that the silver question is dead,
shows the desperation cf Shylock in
lying to keep his courage up. No mat
ter what may occur or what new issues
may arise, the action of the democrats,
silver republicans and loyal populists
in every state of the union is proof
conclusive that the paramount issue of
an adequate supply of money will not
be set aside until the United States re
gains its financial independence of any
foreign power whatsoever.
The glorious courage of our sailors
andsoldieis displayed at Manila and
Santiago is inspiring to American pa
triotism, says the Silver Knight-Watchman.
The spirit of independence of
all foreign powers is being developed
by our conflict with Spain, which will
make Americans scorn with contempt
every suggestion tbat the United States
must be a vassal of some foreign power
either commercially, Gnaucially or po
litically. Financial independence goes
with political independence, and ks the
spirit of independence is excited and
inspired its effect will be seen in ti e
legislation of every depaitment of the
The war, so far from burying the sil
ver question, will vitalize those forces
which strive for financial independence,
which is equally essential with politi
cal indepence. The very fact tbat we
are at war with Spain ha3 aroused the
democrats, siver republicans and loyal
populists to the vital issue of financial
Independence as shown by every politi
cal gathering between the two oceans.
It now looks as though our cherished
Monroe doctrine was a thing of the
past. How can we expect other nations
to keep out of the western hemisphere
when we are gobbling up every foot of
territory we can get hold of in other
parts of the world?
It is entirely safe to predict that
there will not be over one hundred paid
admissions to the Cass county fair this
fall. Yet in spite of this fact, tbe so
ciety will draw over 700 from the
county treasury, or seven dollars for
each person who views the exhibition.
and who pays twenty-Gve cents for
tbat privilege. But tbe officers of the
societydon't appear to care anything for
this. What they want is tbe 5700, and
there doesn't seem to be any way of
preventing them from getting it.
Thk action of the French crew of
the Bteamer La Bourgogne.sunk last
week off Sable island by a collision, is
one of tbe mcst brutal and disgraceful
affairs in maritime history. It has been
proven tbat the sailors actually fought
tbe women bacH; from tbe boats, knock
ingthem downy with oars and other
irupiovised tvrapoi-s. AnyUttmpt at
denial on tLe part of te (astarda is
rendered useless l.y the facttbat out of
200 women on the steamer only one
was Saved, and tbat over ialf of tbe
survivors were members ii the crew,
whose first duty should licve been to
look after the gafrty of the passengers.
Tbe ies-i said about French chivalry in
the future the Letter.
Ti.e people's indeperi: 't party of
the Kirnt roiiyressH iiB I . :;liict of Ne
braska v ill n;eet in delete com en
tiou at flitti-inon'Ii, .'(; cot.r.ty, Ne
brka, cu the lltb u.iy i t August 1SDS
at 2 o'clock p. in., for tie jj-urpo of
pliic:i) in noiuination a candidate toi
coiitiess for sa d di-ti icr . a l t- trans
act such further businet-- a I ball cotce
beforn t he the ci mention
1 he basis of retires en tut l n in tliL
convention is the vote cattfcr JtltVr-
son II. I'.roady in the Fill t concres
sioi;l district in ISOti. and f-ach county
will Le entitled to one tjeleate for
each 00 vote?, or uiajjr p Jrtiou tlierr
then cast. lLU.r this ap J ortiornieiit
the several counties of th district aie
entitiV.l respective! to tie following
mimler of deif gates to-w 12. Johnson 6. 1 June-aster 27
Nen.aha 10. Otoe ;. Pa f vne.e , Kich-
ardsun 1"; total ST.
It i' rtti; in airmail tlitjit alternates
be elected for all delegates, ana mat
the delegates preaect
'tst tbe full
vote of of their respective counties
Frederick Shei
L. Mary, Sec'y.
iei:d, Ch'n.
Cal' For State Contention.
Lincoln, Neb., July 1st, 1S9S The
People's Independent Tarty electors
of the stateof Nebraska, are hereby
requested to send b !eg itas from their
resp-otivu counties t: meet in conven
tion in the city of Lincoln, on Tuesday
August 2nd, ISO?, at 2 o'clock p. ni. at
the Oliver 1 heater, for the purpose of
phtcin' in nomination candidates for
the following state office:
1. Cuvetner.
2. Lieutenant (.ijei nor.
:;. Secretary of State.
Auditor of iVibiui Aceo itits.
Superintendent of Public In
7. Attorney General.
Commissioner f Public Linda and
liaildines and for the transaction of
such other busine.-i as nny properly
come before the convention. Thtrep
resentation is ba-d upon one delegate
at lare for each county, and one del
egate for each one hundred votes or
major fraction thereof, cast for Judge
John J. Sullivan for supreme judge at
the election of l!-.'7.
Under this aportionment, Cuts coun
ty is ciUMcd to twenty-four (21) dele
?tte. ttif total number entitled to
scats rn the conveution beiDg 1116.
It i- rectiinendt d that no proxies be
allowed, and that the delegates present
cst t!.e i';i!l vo'.eof their respective
Ami it is funl.-T recommended that
ail pei. ions who believe in the princi
ples a? advocated by the Peoples Inde
pendent jiirty. who have not con
nectedt he resolves heretofore with said
party, are heieby invited to parti?ipate
in the del.berations of the same.
The headquarters of the committee
will be at tLe I.ncoln Hotel Cor. Jth
and P St.. where delegate tickets may
be had.
J. II. L'd-MISTEN, Chairman.
M. Howe, Secretary.
Democratic Stat Convention.
The democratic state central com
mittte hereb calls a delegate conven
tion of the deuiocrats of the stateof
Nebraska to meet at Lincoln, Neb . at
th-i Funk o.nera house, on Tuesday,
August 2, ls'iS. at 2 o'clock, p. m., for
the purpose of nominating candidates
for the following state offices to be the ensuing election: Gover
nor, beuten nt governor, treasurer
secretary of state, attorney general.
auditor of public accounts, commis
sioner of public lands and buildings,
and superintendent of public instruc
tion; an I for the transaction of such
other business as may properly come
b?fore the convention. All citizens
who believe in the principles of the
democratic party as declared in the
Chicago platform, and bo intend to
affiliate with the democratic party are
invited to participate in tbe selection
of delegates to this convention.
Kach county is requested to send one
delegate f-r each 100 votes or major
fraction th rerrf cast for Hon. Wm. J.
Hry an for Uu ited States senator at the
general election of 1694. Counties
casting less than 100 votes for such
c tudidate will eend one delegate.
The he id.piarters of the democratic
state committee will be at the Lindell
hotel, where delegate tickets may be
Under the above apportionment Cass
county will lentit!ed to twenty-one
(21) delegates in the convention, the
entire number entitled to seats being
CliPj Kate To Omaha.
On account of the Trans-Mississippi
Turnfest, the li. & M. will sell round
trip tickets for u() cents for trains ar
riving in Omnha on the morning of
June 50th. W. L. Pickett.
I have for sale several Atom Sprayers
best thing out for destroying bugs or
insects on fruit trees, shrubs,vines and
plants. A perfect potato-bug killer.
Only 81.25. C. W. Siierman'.
Write to J. Francis, General Fas-
sencer Agent, Iarlingtcn Route.
Omaha, for handsome 32 page pam
phlet descriptive of the trans-Missis
sippi Exposition FREE.
Dr. Marshall, Graduate DENT
ST, Fitzgerald blook.
Deputy State Treasurer Sam Patter
ton was in the ci'y Thursday
A bjby boy 1ns ai rived at ihe home
of Mr. and .Mis vV A While.
The v. idow of Asa Cole, of Louis
ville, has been granted a pent ion.
Prank J. Morgau made a business
trip to MoCook Thursday afternoon.
The yas plant is in operation again
and things are assuming their former
O E : 'hardier, st wid knouii i'ai uier
ot Weeping Waser preciocr, as !'
lo U li;da .
li.ckmaii & U:uir- H s fi plt r.m
lhr..:htr ;U be lead) 1 r woik H.
about, a wet k.
J)ST 1 Cketl o k coi.i:. it il g t!ei
a.:d t. ipers if va.t.e only to ihe owner
Fi.. :or plee leave snw ;l ihisollico
or with .1 . J . DfiiM'H
Vis. W. K. 1'ox and chiidr. n dtt-
pait. d Th id.t for a two weks' visit
ui i . ihe loi's laienis. Mr. ami
(J. Kuap'p at. Sfienadoah, I i.
Jo.'o P. Sattbr returned home Wed
ind:i t.ilit from bis nip to San
Fi jtjcir-co. He l oks well, feels well
and says tie had a delightful time.
Mrs. C. L. Marshall and daughter
Gene, who have been visiting relatives
ami friends ia Dexter, la., for the
past ih;ee weeks, returned home Wed
nesday tvenine.
A. M.Cole, who is farming on the
old Million ranehe. near Mnrdock. and
is a brother of Win. Cole of this city,
was visiting here Thursday, and called
at this cilice.
Last Wednesday Dr. Ilumphiey re
moved a g) td sized tumor from the
thili ot George Smith, a son t f W. II.
Smi: h, residing seveial miles south of
town Ilia jcung man isnowgettii g
aloi, nicely.
The Third ieji merit oys who have
been heiv visiting are as proud of their
new regimentals as a boy with his first
pair of r 1 topped boots ami they
have the right to, for Uncle Srin p its
up mighy line unirmnii row.
C. A. Cawles, ot Hamburg. I a., an
old fiiend of Mr. Iluckins. was in the
city Wednesday evening on a visit to
his friend. Mr. Cowle is a tenial
grilLman and from th" tone of his
conversation one is le 1 to believe he is
giving up some of his old republican
Hiram Kobint', one of the b-st leys
in company IJ. came down tiom Omr.
ba Wd:i:-sda niht to visit his father
aud frit uds before the regiment leavts
for the south. Iliramsays heenjojs
camp life and that he has gained sev
enteen pounds in weight since going
to Fort Omaha.
VENTION Th" democratic electors of the First
concessional distiict are hereby re
quested to send delegates from their
respective counties to meet in conven
tion in the city of Plattsmouth on the
11th day cf August, 1SS, for the purpose-
f placing in nominat ion one con
gressman hiul the transacting of any
business that may properly come be
fore the convention, the representa
tioh to he on the vote? cast for
the Hon. J. II Jlroady for congress
man in lSS'j, one delegate for each 200
vo'.es cast. TLe several counties are
entiihd to the following number of
Cass 11, Johnson H, Lancaster 27,
Nemaha 10, Otoe 13, Pawnee 0, Itieh
ardson 13; total 87.
M. D. Tiffany, Chairman.
O. W. Palm, Secretary.
Sheriff's Sale.
by Oirorse F. Ilouxcwortli, clerk of tueiils
trlci court within nu'l for e'ass county, Ne
braska, and to uie directed, I will on the
SOlli day of Austiftt . .,!,
nt two o'clock p. m. of 8Ria day, at the south
door of the court house, in the city of I'latts
moulli. in paid county, sell at public auction, to
the hlKhtist bidder for cash, the following real
estate, to wit:
l.oln sixteen, (10) seventeen. (17) and nineteen,
(l'.'l in se'.'tiou seven, (7) township twelve. tVJ)
ranee fourteen (II) in Cass county, Nebraska to
gether with the privileges and appurtenances
thereunto betonniiiK or in anywise nppertuiniiiK,
the same beinif levied upon and taken as the
property of e.'atherine Heulund, defendant, to
satisfy a judgment of sid couit rceoveted by
J. A. Koeder and assigned to John Uluck,
plaintiff, against said deleudant.
Plattsmouth, Neb.. July ltiih. A. IV. lw.
17-5 Sherlir. Ca county, Neb.
A. N. SULLIVAN, Attorney for 1'iaintiir.
Legal Notice.
In the matter of the Estate of William Osscn
kop, deceased.
This cause came on for hearing upon the
petitlonof Margaret osseukop. administratrix
of tho estate of William o.ssenkop, deceased,
praying for license to sell the east half of the
northwest quarter of section twenty three,
township twelve, range eleven, east tilh p. m.,
Cass county, Ncbruska, or a sutlieient amount
of the same to bring the sum of 1,600 for the
payment of the debts allowed against the said
estate and the costs of administration, there
not being sutlieient personal property to pay
debts and excuses.
It Is, therefore, ordered that all persons In
terested in the said estate appear before me at
the court house in the City of I'lattsmouth, Ne
braska, on tho 231 day of July, 18.'S, at 1 o'clock
p. in., to show cause why a license should not
be granted to said administratrix to sell so
much of the above described real estate of said
deceased as shall be necessary to pay said
debts and expenses.
Dated this luth day of Jnnc, A. I. 1!W.
Judge of the District Court.
Sheriff's Sale.
by ;eorge F. Houseworth. clerk of the dis
trict court within and for Cass county, Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will on the
30th day or July, A. !., 189K,
at two o'clock p.m. of said day, at the south
door of the court house in the city of Platts
mouth, in said county, sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder for cash, the following real
estate, to-wit : Lot four (4) and lots live (.") and
Fix (0). all iu block thirteen (13) In the city of
Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, together
with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto
belonging or in anywise appurtaining : the
same being levied upon and taken as tho prop
erty of Amanda Herrmann and Clara Herr
mann, as heirs of Fred Herrmann, de
ceased, defendant, to satisfy a judg
ment of said court recovered by Tho Liv
ingston Loan and Building Association, plain
tllf, against said defendant.
Plattsmouth, Neb., June as, A. T., isos.
She-rift. Cass county, Neb.
U J. 1). McBripb, Deputy.
Matthew, Att'y for Plaintiff.
Wbbixg gold ships
The t ,
TilUn CoHHt the I'crlte Field
w Harins I-Vit f Hurfilary.
Homo .
'Jte More Nota'jlo Thert That
newspaper lu each year Ans ra.
England ,unco the depart u:
carrying & f v;
,.!,. .ods of thoubands
.1'dd. Ill iS'.Hi tU" thr
Wales aiMlVi-ilar1' 1ew S." '
000.000. ont away over SIX
IS is not ait ,,, ,
such umioinmiuV ct snv
a BL'ction .it
t,SCUU IU'3 Clipeilijf
from ti.i.n In i,... W. 'i.oiiiy
or tbat
ro ni".d:: to
. of tho godntivw P."" HUi:i
Kobbins a Ellin's a
lian i-oast is now com
i the Au-tra-
at...... Kiltir nn:l tlionirbt'l V, lt'- tlltt
us is tne
F.dving of a .vwu. u ,.
problem. The
lirsc thing TllJC tt,us?
il . . . a.
his heart upon is
how to I'"
Tliu t iieorp mill indeed tho Hi
tico, is that tbe captain checks1 l ia
as thoy aro stored in tho buIl.k"x'M
locks tho door. when the Irausa04'1.1'
complete, and, sleeping or wain1: l
ries the key in a b ather pouch i."'
his neck till ho unlocks tbe door
eud of tho voyage. 1
IJut theorv aud practices uro often
N j
aside. In tho Tararut case, at Mc-.
bourne, in 1S80, when ,'J0,000 wortl
of gold bars worn stolen, tbe police dis
covered that two Leys, either cf whkh
opened the bullion room, used to hang
agaiust tuo wall iu tho paolio bar. It
was also discovered that ono of these
keys mysteriously disappeared 13 mouths
before tho robbery aud that no serious
investigation was thru niado into tho
loss, nor was auy alteration uialoin
tho lock of tho bullion room.
This Tararua was running between
New Zealand and Australia aud hail
shipped boxes e;f gold at nrious ports.
Altogether sbo was supposed to carry
11 luxes. Oil arriving at Melbourna it
was found that ouo of those buses va
missing. ion showed that sumo
ono had simply op; uu 1 tbu door with a
key, extracted tba bos .nd locked tbe
door aguiu.
Tho robbery from the Iberia, which
left Melbourne, for Louden in March,
1SS:), is fcuj-p'v:-1 t- have Leon also ef
fected by menus of a key isurrc-ptitiously
procured. Iu that caso tho robbery w;;
not discGvt:il till tha arrival of the
vessel in Loudou.
Tho robbc;-y from tho China develop
ed iu a remarkable way. Hero tlu Ori
ental bauk in Sydney placed the gold en
board a cu.i.-t stt anur called tho Avoca.
At Melbuuruo tho gold was transship
ped to the. China. Tho Cbiua touched
at Adelaide and other ports, but it was
ouly at Gaily tho discovery cf the rob
bery was wade. Detectives operated on
all tho portj simultaneously, but no
whero coold a clew bo found. Th?
aniouut rai.ssiug was tho usnal .20,000
In li7S a luau named Weiberg, who
had Leeu a carpenter on t!ao China, took
up a selection in the interior of Victo
ria. Deforu settling down ho married u
Melbourne barmaid and appears to have,
collided to her somo shady particulars
cf Ids past history. Tho Samsou aud
i)lila!i story was iu part repeated, aud
tho public laid themselves out to watch
Wtiiber Tho upshot was tho arrest of
tho man --, the safo rifler of the China.
One thousand sovcreigus w ro found
iu n tin cf fat stored away by him in
Melbourne. In hi3 hut was discovered
u wooden piano stuffed with Rold. Tho
wood was hollowed out and tho gold
dropped in. Iu the but was also discov
ered a bar of soap containing 200 sover
eigns. He told tho detectives that ho had
1,800 sovereigns concealed on his selec
tion aud filtered if they accompauied
him to point out whera tho booty lay.
As may bo surmised, ho fooled tho po
lice into a wild, thick timbered region,
took them suddenly of! guard aud luadu
his escape. Ho was recaptured, howev
er, some months later.
Tho mystery cf tho Iberia was cleared
np in a still more singular manner. Ono
day two boys playing at Williamstowii
saw a mouso run into a liolo under the
platform of tho railway pier Oiio of
tho boys started to tlig tho nionsa oui
with a stick and to his surprise un
earthed a ma s of sovereigns. The po
lice wero informed, and before tho day
was ont 3, 743 sovereigns wero recove red.
Tho recovery of tho Aredale gold was
more satisfactory as far as amount is
coucerned. For nearly two years tho
polico labored in vain. Th8 luys-tery
might never have been cleared tip but
for an accideut. A wharf lumper ti.ih
ing at Nelson pier, where tho AreduJ
had been berthed, hooked on to some
thing which excited his cariosity. Ob
taining asai&tauco, tho lumper succeed
ed in bringing to the surface tho mi-s
ing box, with its treasure iutact. The
robber had evidently stiuk the box, in
tending to return for it w.nen opporto
uity offered. Chambers' Journal.
I :.o ft tt!i;iT Trick
wauderiri" s!.i: ht of
bund man
was entertaining soma
an c-Aiiii i'li i) of his trie
loungers with
it. After show-
fug a fcood m; of them, he said:
"Hat I have ouo g..-t;d trick that I
call tho shilling trick."
Of courso t'oey all wanted to see tint,
so he instructed a good ncmLerof them
to f-dvo him rt shilling, after having
marked it uni carefully noted tho dato.
About a dozen e l" the bystanders did so,
aud he took tha..i i-ll, sho-ik them up,
aud then showed each man another shill
ing than the on j ho h::J marked, ac
companying each shilling with tho
quest i.;u :
"Is (hat ynn'r?"
Hash man. of c-mrpo, sai l "No," arm
lu stroll -d awiy, smbo;:
"TIsju. ihtv nitr t.1! bo raitio. "
Tde !.? itr-MiTIoiiinlti.
As for thi jeojdo. bo it nudorstood
chatuMallorquiu is no more a Spaniard
than a fcHietlandor is a Scot. Liko his
Moro-Aragoueso forbears, he is u lazy,
ill conditioned, unenterprising sloth,
with hut one idea of life tbat of siesta.
The Dumber of those who live by active
and visible labor is astonishingly small.
Tho first thing that strikes you on land
ing in Palma is that it is a place where
everything long. ago left off happening.
Of life there it may truly be said, 'Lea
jours se snivent et so ressemblant."
Palma is as qniet as Malta is noisy, and
that is saying a good deal Food is cheap
and abundast.
r-LATTSMOU I'll, "
Defiot, cor Mniu and Second M
San Francisco.
St. )oe(jht
Kans;is City,
St. Louis, and
all points east
and south.
All points west
No 1. Chicago Denver express ll:lspm
N., i. Local express, diOM, St. Joe,
Kaiisiis t'itv, St Louis, all
points Mnilii . .
::10 hiii
No I. Local 0 p. daily, lti:ri'ilii,
C'hU'itto, ail points tiist .... Ml
.'I all'
No it Local ex p. dai ' ex-vpl sun
,iaj, arrives tll:4 am
'ii. 9. Ores on om.ihn 10 09 am
N . 7. St. Lo-.iis-St. J;-o ' innih.i local 1:1 J pm
No. Oiuiliit-St. Joe St. Loi:isixp.. 4:t-P'
Xu. P). oiiiiiha-Crcston 4 ::to pm
No '. Loeul exp, daily exn;,t Sun
day, Pacitic Jui.ctioti 12::!0pui
No On. reis'ht. daily except Su:iday,
Pacitic J utivlion 2:fi0pm
No V-'. Omaha and west by the way of
Council lSiull's, arv ".. ,.:15 pm
No 1.2. Local ex , dally. St Joe, Kansas
City, St Louis, Chicago, all
points east and south S:2r pm
vu r. Local exp, daily. Omaha, Lin
coln, Denver and iu ermedi
Hte stations 7.a4 am
No 23. Local freight, daily, ex Sunday
fedarcreek, Louisville, oinn
7 :3D am
Fast mall, daily, Omaha and
Lincoln : Sunday Omaha oni
Yestibiiied exp, daily, Denver
ami a'.l points in Colorado,
('tali and California, Ornud
Island, IJiaek Mills, Montana
and Pueil'.c N. W
Local exp, d-iily except Sunday
Louisville, .Wilaud, Wahoo,
Schuyler -
Lot ul exp, daiiy except unday
::r.! pm
: 8 pm
1 :'Vi pm
Dmaha and l.i;orj,;i : suieiiy
OMiuiia only "t1 " pm
Chicago UMoam
with :gers from I I a'-montli can eoniur t
fre'iL'l.i at I'acUio .1 111: .ion by taking the
Sleel.l1 l '"
fr,-ci 011 ,'lnlng and ree i:,:iig chaii i-ar-(seutf
gaye chei lh trains. Ti' S;ct sold and I, a:;
or Ciinadii'o e.ny point ii. tho United Mittv
.. ., M, time tables, maps nud tickets
W. L. PI' KKTT. Agent.
l'lattsuio lt!!, N l
Pass. Avrt..
1. k::
' : V :
U. H.
. ...i:'tl) a. ni
1 . Ian.
'. . I
. No
1 olalH
"l. sii nday ) i' S p. n,.
i'( Cp:
, . ... 1":4T f. u-.
3:.V- ii.
r!n f-on,
l"'i ... ... . . :. ...
t I
New Store !
t x .
I takepleas.eeinannou .
to my friends and jlc puh,,c ,.cn.
erally that I have ,Et opened a
large and wcll-choseistoc. oj-
Anel such articles as genera
with them, at
No. 418 Main St.,
And I invite everybody te call
and take a look through my
goods. My stock also includes
all the latest Newspapers anel
Periodicals, Cigars, Tobaccos, and
a line of High Grade Candies.
Come anel see for yourself.
I will sell at pr ces to suit the
W. K.
- Nebraska.
ON DKAt'CillT.
Fine Uilliard and Pool Tables.
Plattsmonth Exchange . .
xD. S. Draper, Prop
1016 Pouth Tenth-st., OMAHA
Always in Slue. ineludiiiK the
i V'elirntsd
..Schlitz Milwaukee lieer . .
PlattsuioiUh friend t rpetijilly iiivitfil
Schlitz No. 2
F.. G. MEYEB, Mgr.
AIho NeatlT KiirniJ-hcd I
Uoouih for Unit.
Ill M. I llh -trtt.
t .1. -1 :
CiVJ. ' " ':,'.id. .
derf.'I t.. ;i v o
cut fiini it ir; r.Jusur to llm t.
... t ..
and iH-vilt v f v ii ki'luevs. Ii v n Lowe-Is.
cle-ansiii,!' the entire ssf''!t, dijil cedda,
ctnv. liCiidnclio, Jc v'r, Liii-itunl nn,,t Inatiou
attil bi!iow--iir-. l'li nsi; Imy . vubox
of C. C. il. t.i-dav; lt, -J... Mi . ' . SolJanJ
cuaraiiicci1 1: euro Ly aU tlii y "'
" i k-u "
LiiYail AWaV
To every purchaser of $ 10 in merchandise at MORGAN'S
the Loading Clothier. You carrhurdly afford to miss this chance,
II yon have never bought anything from us, this is a good chance
to get acquaintnd. You do not have to buy that amount at one
time we Jurnish you a ticket, and when that is punched full you
get the case. We have a very strong line of Clothing and Furnish
ing Goods, and have marked them at "Live and Let Live" prices.
Therefore we feel confident that it would be to your interest to call
and inspect our line. Our best customers are those who have traded
with us the lohgest. The goods and prices speak for themselves at
The Leading Clothier
I M:-- The Casino
CI St. Xjcms,
Famous Pale and
And the
Great M
'Canadian Club
Orders Promptly Delivered to
Remember tlie place Opposite
iM lCtiO d A)
full a fid
A!t) - f;i''- in- ' n
Pure ll.jiiorK fi.r nu- ilc
Full Line of . .
-Lincoln Avenue and
Marble Streets,
Large Supply of All the
I InrliKllng Uie r ainonK x
Missouri, Illinois,
Jackson Hill and
Cannon City Lump,
I Always rn hand Also a quantity of cht-apt-r
4 ejrodfH of NUT COAL.
We alno -cei on hand all I Xfr.rrl
kinds of ( VV OOU
All orders troiii,!ly delivered to any iirt
"W "'; y I, hi a
of tlio fity. Leave orders nt gro f '
eery store of A. It. Wecklmc li & Co.
.k Llv
- - - - n, plaln-
Sell jr 1808.
V' TlttKLKR,
d county, Neb.
acRum. DenutT.
Anyone honest ami wllllnior PlalnUff.
pay Kood wjje aud clviv , ..
W ith ourfaciiities and r. nt Pnla
fuiiy aiive and viiiii'--'v Ruaranieea at voie
lug position with ijj
Nursery '
for You!
1 . m- ti
h ,-.i ;,
in 1
liillilllil RELIABLE
incubator s brooder
".!!..:quincy ill.usa.
of Cass County, Neb.
322 Main Street,
PJtQPJZinTOIl. . .
for the Celebrat-n
Brewing Ass'n
Budweiser Beer
i The OLDEST and HbSI
Whiskey in the market.
All Parts of the City
V UJ. k
the Couit House.
J Plattsmouth
Manufacturers of . . .
Mineral and
Soda Waters.
. . All kindg i.f . . .
..Local Agent..
Krng Brewing Co.
. AM)..
Schlitz Bottled Beer.
Joid4 Delivered tu any pari of the
ity witlioiit c-xtra charge.
Mil lHln-Kt. t'lnttimonl Ii,
Ete Saloon,
TJ D0NAT, Prop.,
The Celtecj Anheuser-Busch
Beer oi!rau ,u anJ a fun
cif the finest
Wines nd Liquors
A A TT .' j
nna union-ie Cicars
stantly t hand
Fine Bottled JZooCn a, -,ir
11 9 to 11 O'C ir
ell th
The M
tr ,ot J"
brin ft I
. ,
ofthedebi. Urn h
and tbe con .f tk.- T,
ielng sufficient I-aoti8i
,ts ana expenses. .-. . . ,
It is, therefore, orde-vn(j
. 1 . 1 . .n fn W
braska. on the 23d
p. m., to show can J' e"Ut.
be granted to said 'or all
mucn or uetinuwci)Bta
debu and expenses. j,-nRn-ni.H
this tnth dare.
I the tr(i
- an area of 4 93J
?60 square feet tarlrer
Paint? ' flag ,n the wor. The
iiu.ty-four lnct.e wide. tEI
-e SI. 5-8 Inchea In dlametiV
elgbt ot the flag la 265 pound
. SI
1 1 If
'; r
con- i
e J. A f
m ill i