J -A s . V' It v J j i LEAVHM HOME. When a feller sorter packs his traps s" ay irom home. Whar the birds air alius singin' an' the nuney s in the comb Whar the sunshine is the brightest an neari Deals all in tune ad lire s as sweet in winter as In rosiest days o June Wo matter how the skies look ef th'yre jest as bright an' blue As the eyes with which your sweet heart twinkled messages to you iou ii nnd em growin' misty with haze on field an' plain. An' your eyes'll sorter twinkle, an' the lids hide the rain! Fer the distance It looks lonesome, an though roses red an' white Air jest as sweet off yonder, with the dews an' with the lieht. As the one in old-time gardens, yit 11 s nugnty iur to roam -An' you know more of the roses in the lime spot called "Homer' So. packin' up fer learin' sorter makes you tumble roun Fer han'kerchers to dry the tears that win come tricklin' down! Ana though you say lfs foolishness yit the world's so wide to roam! An the best world fer a feller Is the little world at home! Hi THE GRASP OF A LION. and then dropped me at the foot o a big baobab tree. "All the time I wondered at on thing: Why didn't he kiil me? One lai of his mighty paw would do it. liu he was content to let me live and sue my blood. 1 could feel his hornbt tongue playing over my thighs and ab domen. It caught little guests of l.i horrible breath as It crept higner am, higher. Nearer and nearer that ter rible tongue crept toward mv th.ai All the time I was as If nothing but a disinterested spectator. . wondering what would happen next. 1 ruddeniv ien me carrion-soaked jaws at my tnroai. .instinctively x mew ud both arm? and thrust them far down hi? throat As I did so the monster snaoncd off mree nngers from my right hand. Ter- rined as I was I actually left the arms hang in his mouth, thinkinsr idlv that ne mignt suck away at them and not kin me after all. All the time I kept moaning, feebly, 'Dan. Dan. oh! why can't you shoot him?' I could distinctly feel each bite. though it did not pain me In the lea.--t. A feeling of strange numbness seized each place where his horrible fangs sank in that was how I felt it. Then I commenced to wonder when he would start in to eat me. I remember re flecting that I would make rather dry eating after he had sucked all my blood. All this time poor Morkel was try ing to find me. lie had induced two or three of the blacks to come down from the trees where they had been shrieking 'Nkanga! Nkanga!' (the !: n! the lion!) just as if they wete in anv danger. They lighted some wisps of grass for torches, and in their iuiid THE AMERICAN SOLDIER. A Cool, Sturdy,; Courageous, Independent Fighter, Differing C- ' Prom His European Brother. ong. with a tawny mane and a gnat tail that stood up majestically. Keep cool, keep cool." shouted Dm. I know what it is now to be well within the jaws of death. I know w hat it is and how It feels to be pawed and crunched and carried off bodily by a raging lion yet I live to tell the tale. No man has ever been nearer certain ut-oiu iiiau x ana yet. escaped with his life." So spoke Ernest Brock man. He hurt and I remember how funny it sn Jed Jusi come from the heart of Africa. I As ne approached, rifle In hand, the w here he had been w ith an engineer- I beast raised his head to see who was ing party settine ud a teletrranh vs. coming. By this time my groin was tern. The wreck of a man. timid as rn"re P"'P- The lion faced abut. M .r a child, living over day and night his K' leveled his rifle and fired. The iiun horrible experience. Once he had been staggered back a few paces he ha J strong and lusty and fearles. In im been hit in the eye. The ball had come he will be so again, for the lion's bites out of nls Jaw. breaking it. Vor- la his thigh missed the great artery Ktl tried to reload. He was in urh a by an eighth of an inch. desperate hurry that his rifle got Jan-- It was in October last that Brock- med and he found himself practically man, a big six-fotoer of 2S wont tn ! helpless Africa. The party's obiect was to tak The rest of the story is fully as ter- the wire right up to Lake Tanean. rible. They were hundreds of mil: s yika. Brockman's dutv was tn follow from civilization, and the nearest do the line as it was put ud and test tor was almost as far. But the blacks. the wire to see that it workeri all rirhr d by Morkel. got Brockman there The only other white man in the nartv Kvery one of his wounds had mortified which Brockman led was a stout-heart. There was no ether or chloroform (By Poultney Bigelow, Special Corre spondent of the London Times.) The American regular is different from anything I have yet encountered in the armies ..f Europe. The Russian has abundance of courage; the German is unequalled far discipline: the French man is a. lusty antagonist when all goes wen. ana or them all the Hungarian has the most dash and pluck com bined. I leave out Tommy Atkins, for he is our nist cousin. The American soldier is of a different composition from any of these. To get an idea of tne American regular the European would have to make a composite pic ture containing something of the Boer of South Africa and something of the English ojtfcer who has seen . rough work in India. The ground element of the European soldier is the peasant. Tn America there are not and never have been peasants, and consrtiuently our enlisted men have wh My lacked the element of do cile servility which makes discipline in continental armies comparatively easy. The American regular gets a min imum jay of $13 a month small, to be sure, considering the average rate of wages in civil life. Yet not only is it sufficient to attract good men to the service, but it holds then practically for life. i our of artillery that would opet-hould crazy transport so soon a party have cot the bulk of our li under way for the shore.ihls trip Every private who werr nis om kiifw the situation as vis silence cers. There was an y talk on on shore, and no unnf board board, and We had no bluejack of the civil had therefore to mal t, four men. ian crew of the trohn Donovan with a coxswain nan knew well This same John hore he would that if he were cargent or pirate be treated as a his crew or un along with the if But John Don uniformed filibifl his head about ovan never bcinore than to re- international 'as a thoroughbred member thatoating or citizenship. Irishman, wiontempt for the "da and a profors not of his own akin to" and al and kidne was a splendid picture John D he stood up In the stern of manh'hoat. steering with his of the and guiding his crew to long phought the surf least dan wnere's was not saying much, for geroort was anchored off a coral the ending as far as the eye could ree each direction. The waves reAlgh on this reef, and the men yjO spring out of the boats and them ashore for a distance of The Quality which I m Dressed me most In tVm roo-.ilaro t T.mal WIS the HV. oroo-o imiii.. ., j jr.irvl senno rf tans one hundred yards, borne or - I wa iiiiiiihviivc anu rzr - .... . . ght Morkel was Just able to make cut course I do not coirpare them here- boats capsized outngnt, and in he lion standing over me. He was with picked volunteer h"t 'ith trooph case there were many minutes enormous, gaunt brute fully ten e t of Kurran armies In America the-nen me ainerem crewa were up iu are no guard or ell troops in the Itneir necks in tne Dreakers. noiuing ropean sense and ne regiment of i aloft their rifles and wondering why ulars is presums'y Just as goo- the Spaniards did not seize this oppor- atiy other at lea from the comre tunity of shooting them to pieces, ing general's pnt of view. I a As there were not enough deck hands never heard a regular officer to on the transport to row more than one man or even offensive lanpeen small boat at a time, the commander him- on the contrary, I ha be. called for volunteers. There was no struck by th-- wholesome ret say lack of them from among the privates, tween officer and men. I e regi- One of them was my German friend as much f. certain volu Buerger, who had served in the Franco- ments at .amp Alger. jat men German war. had then served in the It is friuent,y imaglrud a high United States navy, had been trans- accustonie' to much liberare there- ferred to the army, and had already standard personal con.l than are served Uncle Sam eighteen years. I fore mor' difficult to ca. who are had many a chat with him during the troops . le those of Jreated much trip, and found him one of the few accustrred at home tc happy men I have ever met. He loved ike c",e Ot tally wun me service, naa no iue ui uems any ed Irishman. Daniel Morkel. The rest. ov in an. were blacks. Deep, deep in the heart of the great ic-resi or on palms and rubber trees they made their first camp. Brock- man lived In a tiny hut ten feet square. I ! he got well. He still hobbles about Morkel had another, and the natives inrew up some rough shacks for them selves. Stout poles formed the skele tons of the huts, and walls were simply pieces of matting woven out of shred ded bamboo. Each hut had an inner tim My .xperience do several illus- thing else than a regular soldier, spoke this ew. I could 'that has hap- English with a strong native accent. trati'S from the ktes In this war. was proud of the German emperor, but pene t the Unite-if any tro-ps in thought Germany was going to the For instance. I dr so long a time devil from too much government. Kur pe were eve discomfort so ex- Buerger stepped into his seat, picked compelled to livssary as tie bulk up hts gweep anj pulled for the Cuban tr ine and so u,,)Ut Tampa I have 8nore with mechanical ease and am- of the regimenuct, of wht I saw phiMousness. There were one hundred a ready retaile(t, camp. an. do not and 8ix 80ldlers altogether on board, hlle living ij lnat palnfu chapter. and aDOut half of them went ashore, propose to re . nowever.l did not wnie the other half lined the bulwarks tsut it was a long joo. says tr.e vie- I uurms -m.rOU9 preacn oi tne transport meir rines reauy. X eht after nieht I lived over nar or anv, KftVe heet it was hard to say which was tne HAVANA JOURNALISM. STAMPS BY THE MILLION. There is not a little rare and cur!- j reading to be found in the occasio copies of the Havana newspapers t! it now and then dr.Lble thioueli i ir blockade. Copies of La Luiha. t -cently received but already many da s old. are particularly rich in ouditi 8 of Havana journalism. One is immediately struck by ti marvelous meagerness of the news r I latlng to the war, but for this the ce i. sor is doubtless largely responsibl -.-The only reference to the blockade ri one number is a three line "officia ' notice that only two American shij are in sight of the port of Havana. To make up for this, however, leading article headed "Piracy of th Worst Kind" is devoted to the particu lars of the capture of the steamer Ar gonauta. with Spanish officers and sol diers on board who, by the way. at. simply described as "passengers." After roundly denouncing the Amer lean officers and sailors as no bettei than pirates in their treatment of tin passengers and crews of all captured vessels, of whom they are said to have spared neither men nor women, the I article continues: "Let us tell what Happened to the passengers on the Th war series of stamps soon to be isf.ue ' under, the war revenue act will te tb daintiest, most urtistic-, and at ilit; si- nc time the most dignified, of all tum; i issued by the government. In a ew -eks you will see them attacked o net ly everything sold at the drug . tores in "put up" packages, to all rts f documents and to many other ' fi.cgs commonly handled. They will i jim ' come well nigh as familiar as t e or linary postage stamp. Since any a iem t to reproduce the designs for II u.tidting purposes would result in tVn 84 izure of all newspapers so of- .din. a pen picture must suffice, GIRLS NOW WIELD BROOMS. Those flowing sleeves for elrls ares unusually pretty this year, but, Judg- ing from a conversation I chanced to r overhear the other day, they sre drlv- ing th girls with scrawny arms to . 'liotf to be most commonly seen will b the proprietary and documentary at,esiv stamps. They will be slightly lajtjer han the two-cent postage t.'tmp, i nd printed upon the same good Qm lity jf white paper not the green pa t-- n'W used in tobacco, cigarette an k cisur stamps. The longer edges foit-i the top and bottom, the designs ruiliing lengthwise with the surface. On he proprietary stamps beneath an arc tearing the Inscription "United Argonauta. On seizing the ship the sta s Internal Revenue" stands boldly he had to endure, conscious and screaming, the cutting away of every bit of diseased fleph. For weeks he hovered between life and death. Tho' the doctor told him his case was hope- on sticks, but in time he will be him self. wan of twisted grass and a roof of ' a man threw me into spasms of tr the same material. ror. My mind and reason were all bit On a fateful day Brockman went Rone. I, who had been a giant: bunting with two or three of the blacks strength, was like a little child." and they had pretty fair luck, getting come at that hnrritiio tTwrionro The da m- I pline. Ther ih men. Ot no at- most" daneerous. to remain on the shiD .. --------- " . - " : oB -- i.o.loiiar- V,.w L Innutii"' I o & u asfiurtf. duiu rir van ruuusn ming of a door, the sudden appearanc ' fAmnf X Q . ... nm-ir. tne CUIII- I AH 4 rw, . i ri 1 o (wa. .lint frnm th. . I n-.r.cirnent wV gust i Ujjore could send the rotten old paddle- ooat to tne uottom in me laciioins ui 4 p. m. The nail hands built a big bonfire, and in front of it sprawl ed Brockman and Morkel. swapping stories and smoking. They occupied themselves in this way until 10 p. m.. wnen Brockman announced that he was going to bed. "Good night." said he. and five min utes later quiet ruled this little camp in me neart or Africa. Two hours later Brockman awoke with a start Creatness Fades. When General Grant came to temi ters. panies in. had' was anr; Iatlng t tunity ("., ure they fe' ian f'' themselves like methr0Jhwor'n about ,mat" to the arf .onJor' In son,e 'tne ters o'ltire cm fo ppened lQ have rerlrr-19 -f Joting the matter the ,4ortunity OIhelght of the men the avera .na. nrevaila decl"dlJ" n,glL!r seen guard mount- eign regimehaps the largest propor tions havenen. but outside of the tion of tjbt if any regiment of the Guards Viy has so large a propor Russiam built, tall men as say the tion ofwenty-first United States First ifantry I Aire of Boer and Englishman ttee the English officer represents birit of the enterprise, courage and t'breeding. The Boer, on the other 6. typifies the element of silent. very few rules, and these few are such as he can thoroughly understand. I was so fortunate as to accompany the first American expedition which had fight York to live he found to his 6 light that he was accepted as a citizei who had gained world-wide fame at J who was to be one of America's imr-'rtals. And yet many a time this nia;. who stood side by side, and on an r'juality almost with the rulers of Eurt'f-e at the time he made his tour arnd the The hyenas were howl-I world, passed up and down evr streets. Ing dismally all around the camp. The often recognized, sometimes saluted, brutes were afraid to come too near. tut without any such demor-tration of It was only the noise they made that acknowledged greatness as Ae was no worried the weary workers. Brock- customed to meet with In ither parts, man jumped up. He decided to got out It was not because Xev York City and have a pot shot at them in the d'd not know and fully appreciate the hope of driving the nuisances away, greatness and the servis of General Once he changed his mind and went Grant, but it was becave even the back to his hut and to bed. Let him greatest in this city. wbn thrown into tell what followed in his own words: the throng, lose something of their in "I awoke again at 2 o'clock, sud- dividuality and identity and become denly conscious that something was a iart of the moving mass of human moving back and forward beneath my ity. tterf Jnct aa mv fine-a u-Aro haAmlnn Twn nra tt pft tha dwrptflrr of the riur I hoorii a ir.no- l-.ii.-i injrik. I iaiirv irvtn n Tai-iido ntnp tn Iged. unpolished, clear eyed, home arlo an iff sniff cratinr . tho din. Vnrb on hiiKin. of the utrnost-un. and cares less still for being ness of my room. In the twinkling of importance. At his hotel capitaiistoverned against his will L The Ameri- an eve I realized that death wa at who cot-ld command millions called -can soiaier is worried vy hand a man-eating lion was under my him and did him honor. At the s bed. treasury building he was surrour "I was conscious of everything: I by a group who were discussing could not utter a sound. Horror par- him a plan by which at least 0 n dyzed my faculties. The mighty throb- could be raised or guaranteed b bings of my heart felt as if they would sunset and sunrise. i.nen burst it. Terror seized my limbs and When he walked the stre-ners made me faint. My breath choked in stopped and looked at him ' my lungs. The lion was slowly crawl- even followed him that they Ing out from under the bed. what manner of man he rom .n's "He could smell me! He sniffed along afternoon Mr. Carlisle wal11 Wall the edge of the bed. a bit puzzled by office down Broadway tt " many the mosquito curtains that hung over street to Broad. recogr'i,h QUi-k It. I must do something quickly. In- persons who nodded to-'arance to stinctively. like a child afraid of the informal courtesy. H' n came dark. I pulled the blankets and pillows day. as on every dsd no especial over me and hid my head in them. to Xew York to live, "'Purr! purr: went the lion. He comment. aslon Mr. Car- had discovered me. One mighty paw Upon the forme'"tical and ad shot out and slapped me on the right lisle was a man- stranger in New shoulder. Once again it shot out and ministrative por- here was deemed dragged me bodily off the bed. bed- York, and his pi- one of u- and clothes and all. Blood streamed out an honor. To nlm fn that sense from my wounded breast. The beast every man r-- no more, greedily lapped it and began sucking as an equaMBan. who in the la?t at the terrible gash in my Fhoulder for Mr. pierpatcned tne Kotnscniicis six years great nnanciers oi ine or any no'"mity and far-reach-world Ip-iences of his financial ing crs. a man in the financial achievxwr that almost inspires world but not enmity, is neverthc jealcv from those distinctive and les recognitions which it is evl per. Howells regards as essential de full acknowledgment of llt y achievement. water, with no means of saving life except by swimming amid sharks and breakers. There was a moment when about a dozen regulars stood alone upon the Cuban beach while the small boats were struggling through the surf to take off more men. But never was there among these or any of those in iurot e. 1 hman appeared to be h,o followed the sUghtest hesitation to " where eve8 ln Mght. Both '"',ow e raM bv the of icers. ne feet nine seem to b. decidedly The woods had not been reconnoitered r.icers and 'respect to average for- Previous to landing. They had not even 1 1 1 r i I tiavA .An -i no kmc- i 1 " ---- j " J - - Nevertheless, this handful of soldiers at once commenced skirmishing into the unknown, and soon enough the bullets commenced to sing about our ears. These were not picked men. They were taken as they happened to come. regu the reference to the compos- The commander did r.ot ask for vol unteers to start from Tampa, or even for the first landing party. He had to select men to pull the sweeps, not because any were more brave than the rest, but simply because of their knowledge of rowing. Every man who was in that fight on that day was In. telligent enough to know that his chances of seeing home again were hopelessly small. The mere idea of landing fifty men on an unknown beach in the neighborhood of a strong gar rison was enough to stamp the enter enemy swarmed over the side, poniards in hand, like fierce buccaneers and be fore taking charge of their prize, or even approaching the captain, hastened to loot the baggage of the passengers. plundering all alike of whatever money they had, either In their valises or on their persons. From a Portuguese ladv they tore the rings from her fingers and robbed her of $5,000 in gold an.1 Spanish bank notes which she had in a satchel, which she attempted to con ceal under her skirt. "Having finished the work of rillasre. the pirates cast loose of the ship's boats, into which they hustled all their prisoners, all the while heaping on them the grossest abuse and indigni ties. Before casting off the boat, not content with the infamies already com mitted, they turned the steam hose on their victims. How worthy these wretches of being officers In the navy of the country of Lincoln!" The article clones with the comfort ing reflection that the nations of Eu rope will know of these "acts worthy of pirates, but unworthy of sailors who pretend to represent the honor of their nation." A dispatch dated Matanzas and adorned with a rude cut of rifle shell, tells with whimsical particularity how the projectile fired from the American fleet waa unearthed by a committee of distinguished citizens. officially ap pointed for the purpose. The narrative. which takes the form of a regular proces verbal, describes minutely how the committee "proceeded to the ex traction of the projectile." which fell, "in connection with others." in the patio of Xo. 30 Calle de San Fernando. The "extraction" which it Is declared was only accomplished with much la bor, took place in the presence of sun dry military dignities whose names are given. Dewey's victory at Manila Is disposed of in a four-line di&patch, dated Manila and headed. "The First Battle The American Fleet Routed. The Cavlte fleet has heroically fought the Amer ican fleet, which retired badly dam aged." By way of preparing the pub lic for the truth a paragraph in an other column states that there is "some anxiety" in Madrid over the result of the battle. Prices of all sorts of provisions are, of course, enormous, condensed milk being quoted at SI in gold per can. Curiously enough, however, we find an advertisement adorned with a pictur esque cut of a mare donkey and foal, which states that "asses' milk, deliv ered at your residence, is now cheaper than ever." Little herds of she asses milked from door to door are one of the most familiar sights in Havana. out ! witri characteristic dienitv an.l gra.. . a typical United States first-class battii-srir. under full steam, riding a rest. ss s.-a beneath a canopy of fleecy cloudy. The documentary stamp shows the i sure of a goddess with flowing rlbes' she holds in one hand an old mod battleship, and In the other a icepn r. The Jesins were happily selected by t'h:ef Johnson of the bureau of En traviii? and printing, because of the enspij uous part thus far played in this v ar fc the American man-of-war, even b-fore the formal declaration of hos tilities, was made. The perforations stpara! ng the stamps on the whole sheets - ill not be round like the "pin hole" perforations of postage stamps, but whii: are called "knife blade" per fo.atior.fc They will be dashes Instead of dots. anJ when torn through will leave s raight rather than saw-tooth edp es. m ue ei me resigns win appear upon all denominations of the two official Issues t roprlttary and documentarv of tdhes-ve stamps. The only difference win oociir in the tints and numerals to denofr fllft'erent denominations and the Inset ptlon to characterize each of the two xries. as said. In these bits of o ficia. engraving you will shortly see tome tints never before used on stamps, i 'ncle Sam's great variety of inks has uJready been exhausted, and some novelties are being experimented with. You will be sVuck by the oddity of .. - ir. iui'i.i euiiuminations. r or v f. I I instatce, t! ere will be, one-eight, one- j 8 sleepr going and coining fro fourth, th -e-eighths. five-eighths, i, capo. distraction. I didn't mean to play th eavesdropper, but I m glad now that I ves within hearing distance, for I made a discovery which I am sure will be of Interest. You see. the sleeves are very transparent, and that Is why the group of girls seemed filled with woe. They were all talking about how thin their arms were and discussing tennis and golf as a means of rounding them out. "Gold never In the world will do It. girls, nor tennis either." exclaimed one plump-looking miss the only plump one, by the way. In the group. Look at my arm." and in a trice she had unsnapped her cuff links and, whisk ing the pink pique sleeve to her shoul der, displayed a beautifully mo !? J arm, dimpling in soft rounded cur' "Yes. but yours were gifts of ti gods, cried a scrawny one. "You i n t know what it means to be both - 1 about them." l do, too: v asn t I almost a sn crow a year ago? You remember i thin I was for months after school. I tried everything tennis, massage and physical culture. un,j didn't really care a fig whether I 1. plump arms or skinny ones." "But do tell us what you did do flni i ly to bring about such id.ally love y curves." "I not only 'did.' but I still 'do r every day of my life. Xow don't lauai wnen l ten you that I have swept m sitting and bed room five time every mornig since last august. Haven't you noticed that housemaids nearly always have rounded, shapely arms? The idea popped Into my head one duy while Xita was sweeping the halls, f-he had her sleeves rolled up. so I saw her arm from shoulder to wrist, and it was the most beautiful In symmetry that I have ever seen. "I Just didn't wait another minute, but bounded up the stairs into mam ma's room and told her that I had made a discovery, and that she mast go right down town and order a load of Imported brooms. I began that vry hour. I swept my room over and over again. It tired me most .to death, too. My hack ached, my head hurt and the next morning I found the muscles of my arms were so sore I could not dress myself. "In a week's time I noticed an Im provement. My arms were more firm, and before a month had gone by I noticed an improvement. My arms were more firm, and before a month had gone by I was in the seventh heaven of delight. But. just think, .Riils. I haven't neglected this exercise but twice since I began, and ttien I uas on m Chl- and 4 c-f it proprietary, one-half 1 "f course it's an awful mother but 2. 3, 4 C. 1 and 50 cent $1, $3. Jj and whn bne Considers the comfort it tlO decumr ntary stamps. The tint- brings, why, yon never once think will in ludrf three each of blue, brown, i about that. I just hop out of bed Intu red an-1 gre n, and a number of other ' mv tolJ plunge, and then the swetp novelti -s in .irange and lemon. You wil i lr comes right after. It really Is a nna tnese stamps upo' fractional proprietary perfumery. cosmetics pills, lo'engf and cough drops put up before :).. luts Individual proorietarv stamps lave ln designed for those manufaiiurtr 'v ho prefer them. -T-1. . . . . m oc- o'i- ,w ni awumentary stamps tiptop exercise all over for one, too. My cheeks are all aglow when I finally poke the broom away. "How many brooms do you rerkon I've worn out? Just five, that's all. and my carpet has been renovated twice. So you see it is not anv more will be i e. n ! if dhiarily upon telegraph i ecenomlcal than gomg to the physical r- - - - - i . . . . . . . u. ...li. c.ni.. n,i .n .n Th prise as equal in aanger to mat or more. Every time 1 moved he bit me more furiously. I half raised on my knees. The brute hit me a little (at with his paws which nearly broke my leg. "I fell back and the beast began to suck my blood again, champing his chops over the feast. Then he dropped me. and placing one big paw on my chest he raised his head proudly and roared three or four times in triumph. Ass Ka rkQ ra HtA1 oianv ttAffam tkj-tlfA loose outside. The blacks knew that'll- R" w f rd-, -to-do farmer a lion was upon them! frank,,in ,lle ' " ,E.uffer1n 'rom. a They were firing their guns liirfident whlrh befell him a few davs mad. The wonder was that they not kill themselves or me. I fo out afterward the first thing they, was. to swarm up the nearest it. where they sat chattering with -He The first roar woke Morkal. tout, drew on his trousers and rus the rifle in hand. The loud purart's brute that was lapping my blood guided him. ' cried; "'Brockman. Brockmanys sake!" where are you? Speak, fontely un- "I heard him. I was ar hurried able to utter a sound. he knew, around the hut. and he matting There was a great holtw that the walls of the hut. Hwas his prey! lion was inside and tyther side and He ran around to Kimon awn me (Uegan to pray. -And Just theryws. with the sip There in the lienfis reeking tongue, ping suck made life passed before 1 prayed. My t I had done wrong me. I realized I never had prayed things. I pr.vjf11eh '1,unt how cu ;uld lie there Mtjse or pain . - my nesn anu V 4Sen Morkel before. As rious it without t while a 5Smt- He till K C . .!. his Til"; ""V r . Aif w W - - - rw f -or He almost leaped in I I in a moment be was A Lai still in his reeking J J bounded along through i ago. Mr. Card has among his stock a handsome black heifer, which has been a great pet of the family and which has shown great Intelligence in many ways. One of Its many intelli gent acts is to come to the pasture bars at a regular hour each evening and call to be taken home; yet if the bars are let down by any person other than Mr. or Mrs. Card it will not move out of the pasture until bidden to do so by the master or mistress of the house. Mr. Card went to "the pasture the night of the accident and was gone longer than usual. Mrs. Card was be. ginning to wonder at his delay, when she was astonished to hear the black heifer calling loudly at the kitchen window. Somewhat startled by this unexpected action of the animal, Mrs. Card went out to see where her hus band was. He was not in sight, but thinking he might have stopped to repair a fence or something of the kind she turned to drive the heifer to the tie up. Much to her amazement the heifer had started back toward the pasture, and Mrs. Card followed in an attempt to turn it back. A short chase brought her to where her husband lay flat upon his back in the lane. He seemed to have just awakened from slumber, but before she could express her thoughts of such strange actions tiansport used carried two companies of the First regular infantry, and we were gone about six days. The men during that time had apparently as much liberty as though on a picnic. Guard was mounted at night, for rea harbor of Santiago by sinking the Mer rlmac In the channel under the fire from the Spanish forts. The secret of this peculiarly Ameri can attiuds toward danger Is in the sons that all could understand, but habit our men have of acting Individ, during the day officers and men were ually. The American habitually takes at liberty to seek rest and recreation care of himself, where the European as much as they chose. The harshest is more apt to Invoke the help of a po- rule made during that voyage was that liceman. The American of the western no one should smoke between decks, part of this country is not prone to risk This was ordered not from any prece- his rights to the slow and fickle Justice dent in the navy, but for the very good of the law courts, especially where the reason that our cargo was largely made judge is suspected of political ambi- up of hay bales, which were on the tion. Consequently the American type same deck as the sleeping quarters of includes a man who venerates, the con- a large portion of the men. stitutlon of the United States In the Xot a single man had a bunk or a abstract, but carries a six shooter in hammock during the entire trip. There tae of accident. was room for very few down below. This forlorn hope of fifty men was at- Most of the two companies had to sleep tacked from an ambush by a force es. on the two upper decks, which In this timated at several hundred. It might particular craft were open to the have been several thousand for aught weather. Thus when it rained and it these men cared. They had a splendid did rain very hard off the Cuban coast opportunity for running away in a the men sleeping on the decks had to panic, they were In the thick forest, get up and stand huddled together where they could see but little of the through the night at least, until the enemy and still less of their fellows. rain was past. Most of them were I They had reason to think they might drenched through several times. I be cut off from their boats, and they However, most of them were so glad "newr that If they did reach the beach to get away from Tampa and see some thing of actual service that they found no fault. These same men had traveled some three or four thousand miles by rail before reaching Tampa, had been twelve days on the journey, during which they than cattle. alive the boats on hand were not enough to hold them all. They were not fighting elbow to elbow, and the rattle of the enemy's bullets was rain- fully sharp and continuous. Theoretically the German officer as sumes that under such conditions men had been treated worse are apt to run away, mat mey must This I mention here onlv be held well in hand if they are to in parenthesis to illustrate how men stand, in me case I am rererring to of so much Intelligence and familiarity not oniy were me men in an extended with ronil livine are able to submit to skirmisn line tnrougn tnick unfler- treatment which would be regarded as orusn. uui mey mrw mm nu reserve barbarous by officers in the Russian were on nano to support mem. and. army. On the afternoon of May 11, at 3 o'clock, these two companies of United States infantry were ordered to disem bark from the transport and go ashore to fight anything that happened to pre sent itself. Our expedition had been moreover, that they could expect no assistance from the transport by rea son of the fact that those afloat could not shoot without danger cf hitting their own men. Spain's Aristocratic Cadets. The Spanish naval cadet is selected from the upper classes. Sons of officers in service or retired constitute the ma jority, although any one who is in proper physical condition, a Roman Catholic and a Spanish subject. Is sup posed to be eligible. Outside the sons messagei. and garter and sleeping car wc-Ktis. meigreat variety of denom inations ip td tlO will be seen upon all sorts of rear estate and legal docu ments. bi'' of. aJIng et?. About t-vo-ttuus of the force em ployed on he ne- stamps are women, mostly yoijog Iris, selected because they are much more neat, careful and dex trous ror delicate work than is the or dinary man. To keep the wheels run ning fast enough to fill the variety of new orders necessitated by the revenu act, the force of the great bureau of printing and engraving has been In creased to nenrly 1.700. By making two shifts Chief Johnson f.ays he can turn out 11,000,000 of the new stamps daily. Transforming the Drum. Into the American households at last has the war come. The drum that in strument Of martial sound haa been of officers, however, tne finds only the transformed Into one of the most nec- cniidren or protessionai men in tne essary articles of the home-the scrap list, occasionally the family of a trades- basket. Work boxes and work bas- man being represented. This is far kets. too. are with a little - Ingenuitv different from the Un;ted States, where made out of the same Implements of the members of the Annapolis Naval the band and of the march. academy come from all walks of life. - Bul IitUe labor Is required to fit As the navy Is very popular with the lne drums to thfir new vocation. If culture rnadarn, after all. but It's great deal more gratifying In the tnd." "But how on earth do ou do it." asked one of the thin gills. "1 don't know how to hold a broom." "Hold It the best way you ran That's all the information I can give," laush ed the pink bud. "But you want to buy those with good large sticks, be cause they do not cramp one's hand so. You must wear chamois gloves, or your palms will be blistered, and get some silk dust caps to slip over your hair. You've no ld-a how funny one looks gotten up so. And If you go to work wun a long skirt on it will make you ever so tired dragging it around over the floor. Put on a golf skirt; they are Just lovely for sweep ing." The thin girls were profuse In their thanks, and went away rejoicing. people, there Is a gteat demand for entrance, and the beginning of each school year finds far more applicants than can be accommodated at training school. One reason is possiDie tor sentiment s sake. If noth ing else drums that have actually seen service are preferable, but if an old the I arum cannot he procured, a fresh new. that I miniature one. direct from a shop. the army and navy circles are as pop- Rlistenig all over In Its gorgeousness of ular in the United States from a social bright paint, will do. Any size is al standpoint. and officers are everywhere lowable. and the adornment thereafter received with the utmcst cordiality at 13 nmuea oniy py me taste and skill festivities and other society events. It or ,nf air war entnusiast is a very pleasing life to be stationed at Madrid, Cadiz or any of the larger cities, all of which have a numerous garrison, while all the more important Spanish harbors in time of peace con tain one or more warships, the officers being allowed ample time for recrea tion on shore. Another reason is that the number of physicians and legal practitioners is extremely small in Spain, and the opening for young men in this respect is very limited. The question of caste, such an Im portant part of the social system, de ters the young Spaniard from engag ing in trade of any kind unless he is of the mercantile class. Even then many endeavor to avoid an occupation which they consider obnoxious, by entering the service. As the pay of oftK-ers is fairly good, and they are, of course. provided for at the expense of the gov- ernment. lire on board ship and in a garrison has many charms in time of peace. Consequently, it is not strange that the officers, as already Intimated. represent the highest class of the Span ish people, and number not a few sci ons of nobility in their ranks. The first step Is .to cut out one end not knock it out. mind you. as that would loosen the strings and break un ine arum s entire structure. This excis ion should be done carefully, and with Judgment. Then the interior should be lined with silk, sateen or cretonne Bands of ribbons should be tied around the outside, and In the same fashion as ribbon is tied around any basket and the metamorphosis should be fin ished off with huge bows, tied In the most artistic manner. What are known as "baby drums" are made, ln the same fashion, into very tiny scrap baskets to stand on th? feminine writing table, and yet anotner use ior tne transformed drum is as a "hair receiver." to be placed on my lady's dressing table. "Baby drums," too, must be used for these. Powers come to the tool. It is faith that begins to shove the plane or to drive the pen soon there Is more than faith, there is power, execution, success. A VOLUNTEER. Beauty cannot be monopolized: wher ever it appears humanity claims it as Impersonal, a possession forever and for all. While European Russia will neeH onlv roasting along the Cuban shore from forty-five years or so. Germany about I He went to thee and Havana an me way to cauanas. ume sixty-five years. Austria-Hungary sev- thirty odd miles to the westward. To enty years. England eighty years and measure the courage of the men who Italy 110 years, it will take France over here went ashore we must understand 860 years to double Its population, just how much danger there was ln What signifies the loss of Alsace Lor- the undertaking from their own point ralne's 1,500.000 souls compared with of view. the loss France suffers every day? In Presumably the Spanish garrisons all the last five years the German popula- the way from Havana to Cabanas knew tion has increased by 3.000,000. who are of our presence. If they did not it was every one fully Get man. France mean- their fault, for we coasted near to shore while has increased her people by only the whole day on a very conspicuous 175,000. who are not even of French na- paddle steamer painted red. tionallty. We anchored within a half mile of The Increase of a nation Is of the ut- shore and disembarked a dozen regu- most Importance to the success of Its lars on a beach of which we knew I country. It has meant much in the Do not I fight for thee, my country dear Who am a woman weak and must re main. And through my tears trace, day by I are any aay, me stain Of life blood on my father's battle gear? He went to thee, and I, too young to fear. Could only dimly feel my mother's pain. how he came Nature is a corporation; all are stock holders entitled to dividends, if there The latest method of purifying water Is by means of electricity. New Use For X-Rays. Imitation diamonds can t.e quickly and readily distinguished by means of the X-rays. Under the Roentgen ra diation diamonds are extremely trans parent, while the highly refracting gia used in Imitations Is ilm"t per fectly opaque. Th!fr fact, put strik ing In evidence recently by t sprr.T!r-f.tt -by Sfr Willtsm Crookes, makes it pos sible for dealers and purchaser 1j de tect false gems. It was while experimenting with va rious substances seen under the Roent gen rays that this Interesting and val uable discovery was made. Sir Wil liam Crookes. as a result of his In vestigation, has produced a photograph in which a black diamond set in a gold frame, and a large Delhi diamond of a fine pink color, together with a Imitation In glass of a pink diamond, are shown as they a pear when exposed to the X-rays for a few seconds. The result, as pictured by the leisure Hour, cf London, shows that the dia monds permitted the rays to pass thro them, while the glass stommped them almost completely. As the experimenter explains. It Is not essential that a photograph should t taken In order to exhibit the difference of transparency of diamonds and glass for Roentgen radiation, for if the three objects had been placed between a source of the rays and a phosphores cent csreen the shadows would be thrown upon the screen and appear as the objects do In the photographs. The Hawaiian commisslcners who are to constitute the government of those islands will not be appointed until after the adjournment of congress. As recess appointees they can proceed Immedi ately to the execution of governmental functions, though open to confirmation when congress reconvenes. Lieutenant Peary has arrived at Sid ney, C. B., on his way to the Antlo rerions. He says he Is confident that he will reach the north pole this time, but he may consume four years in doing It. Grove City miners of Pennsylvania have returned to work. t ees he gave t9 get me on his back. i - .... min-lnv V V there I was heples - uonering how long I 1 ... . Anltf a felt no i.. - IV. M 'Vioslty. v ' J L.Ti'1 th world like a r ? r leased w'th hlmeelf .f . a.revAs he ran re fu"r, 1 AS tne niuoo C - willb? .lrontd me known t ;,- "linoved he his feet with his hand upon the region of his heart. "Mrs. Card." he said laughing. "I know now exactly how Jim Corbett felt when Fitzsimmons landed on his in the twentieth. Mr Card spoke cheerily and arose to! nothing excepting that it was about a I nineteenth century; It will mean more 'therefor ine: to our Cuban guides, ther was or had been a garrison of 2,000 Span lards. According to all the probabilities, a solar plexus. He felt like a Spanish . spanisn rorce would De on nand to ois fortif.cation hit by a Yankee shot. It P"te our landing. Those first few men again Oh, that the memory would not stay so near! Would I might still my feeble woman cries. And as a warrior-man strike blow for blow. Not wage with self, and in more des perate wise. An inner war. a battle tierce and stow. The while I meet my love's id. ques. tlonlng eyes. And calm and quiet freely answer. "Go." m m . It Is announced that the annual har vest of flies Is diminishing in number, and not less surprising O the reason PMJTr WALLS CEILIPJGS. HURAL0 WATER COLOR PAINTS FOR DECORATING WAIU) AND CflllNOt SS'SitKSirS MURALO paint aaalwud do "r eorto. Ttai mttorlal BigD MMkH u ttm applied wtlk Millwtf la tBty-t( lull aad vara aquailf aa wall Ut brush and bauum mm aaxd aa Caoaaai. oald or hot w.rr uJ?a m?,,'MOU3kUFLF COM,H " U tern caaaot porthaM tbla malarial tram tout local daaiara lat aa know aaa wa will pal roa la tike aaj at etnaiaiaa i THE MURALO CO.. NEW BRIGHTON. B. I.. NEW YORK. A writer in the Electrical I Review says: "Entomologists report I that of late years the annual crop of . . ... 1 A I I J I I . . ... rtussia nas tried experiments with ""'"''s mpiuiy anu sieaauy. aluminum shoes for cavalry horses. A lne ,moBl universal adoption of elec- He you say jrou like a manly man. What is your Idea of a manly man? fehe ell, for instance, one who don't in the Finland dragoons tr,c traction Is credited with bringing ,ay and stay and stay. Just because he with one aluminum shoe about this desirable result. It has been knows the gill Isn't strong enough to few horses were shod w and three Iron shoes each, the former is jusi line warning on a nunarea-tooi i , - """" . . , .. Ibeineon the forefoot in some - nj bank in the dark and landing Into the coolly as though by special Invitation n. " TJ00- the The dav after tomorrow" t friends on shore. There was no pa- " " "V. . 5A"5r"' .T x: darier.iom-PIrow- .. . rade of fine sentiment, no handshaking periment lasted six weeks, and showed ir. LIIU jmu urrii irauiui, inr yfr-1 . I that the alut neirer wnen a savare moose 11 v un ine i ung her head to caught Mr. Card on the rib Just over the heart. He went down as one who only aa Lis wife arrived upoa the fjt minum shoes lasted Ion animal In the side. The heifer twun "r- no serving out or stimulating --- j - a r. n l n 1 1 a i e tne ny ana, , - cm i ness ui clanger. Thick tropical bushes lined the beach. I The most celebrated battle steeds of ' stated that stables are the chief breed ing places of flies, an! as the street car horse has been emancipated the number of stables U consequently growing less, nence the raiiure of the fly to be born In multitudes as in the past." . Bahr cried Mrs -Peck. "If I was a throw him -ut. Chicago News. A VETERAN dB shmrdlu ehrdlu He Your friend thinks that: she would make a good soldier. She Perhaps she would. She's ac customed to face powder, you know. iuiiiwoj uuaiirs iinru 1 1 r uccii, i i nr inuii irjcui m iru oa.me ateeus or . . . . - - and behind those we felt confident that I the clvtl war were Cincinnati. Traveler . ?. lu wr na HThl!" sharpshooters must be lying' and Winchester, the favorite chargers ,. V.J ll-L??., . r!ry ,.pck , I Icfetlac at home. la ambush, with possibly a small piece ot Grant, Lee and Sheridan. "Is Bertie Chumleigh's mother will ing he should go to war?" - ."I ceesa s. fe west down to Wash, latrton to beg a commission for him. Nathaaar Millar Craperatiac We . jj r'-fl T-ggt kill lie aaa not.. oa poaltrj. ai. NtaV! Inn Iha ban la mora frteii. aaa a-la T- tiaalcb. comfort aart t4uty lo tba fewie. t A at e-rocrr. drayai-ia or faeierf. IJ 1 each, $1 Ul- lof r mtw .rp.ia " , AanU mnnlrd )! Mlat iXMIilt. ; KlTHAWAT MlUll, AC0.N1I. O. P. Co., Omaha. No. 29. 1808 5 I Bast Coua-b bjrup. Taaiee Gou Sift." ! f. til lima. Sold l? ar;" V . v-y'3 scne- . 1 v S 1 - -. 1