t i -) Ik, -a b IP warn mm mmr :n v a fc teS iS&i3&& mJ J V I i I-' WIS THIS IQIRTATM OT RilJ 1 1 - "" "vi m tr&iSSSLM "Wisll. to Z2TLS-!k: ?r3 and see us an we will prove DEPARTMENT I1 gOOQ oods at reasonable pric Opposite Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, . rntttet 1 1 -1 f 1 cili-s ilifiia'e conveii- 1', . . ... . 1 lion OI ir I 1 1 ! (T;t S i !! Til't'OI Xelir-k-i to in -t :il Net) . nt the Funk pT,i !--;ist. n:i T'ti-,lay, Atic'i-t '2, h" "J '"clu.-!'. . ir... f.i tilt" J 1 1 l -.- r- ! I !,:n ' II .1 ' i n ; 1 I i.l I ' PS l.!N. " i"'' 1 I'or M:i;c (inn istion. I Min.ke lite IJrfrt. i. , July 1 t . 1S!S Tl.c j Wurl Urns fsitcous "Cint Heil" is the 1 !i.i,'j,;'r.n't?nt I'.irty elt'Ctors i best -rv einar in 1 1. e market . v.i'ic nf Xehia t, are ii'.Mphy i '1 1 ,--;t (1 t sp i ilfltv is from their iv.-p-cu vi- CtHi-jtM'.s t'i inei.-t in cinven- t i'M in 1 1 ci y t I Au.'-.t.-t - 1 S! is. si for 1 if follow -.::ite fiile'l ' fiis'iui' f!(-ctii 1 . tioi. !-t"i'.,'!i 1111 if vrrii--r. ii -uiri ' 1 a'.i ti'or f i-iiIiIk: ;u'foii!:t.-, ((-mriiii j sio. -v hi 5u!'nr iriii.1-! :in,i imi.iiinits, anl .-oi:"f iiifeii'l nr p:jl!ii' jtitruc- tl ; :i ' ! :"!' tt'.i- I I ,' :riri.if j I g -f r-:,cll oMlT b ISJiir-s-! : III i I: iTjit-i ly (iiine lif.iM' 11. h on vpnt in All citizens who h-li'-ve in thf f-rincip'ifH if the ilniiio -ratic thirty iteclate'l in ti.e t'hiiMO platfm in, and w!io intenJ to atli'Mte with the deinoci alii party are invited to paiticipate in the selection of delfgf.ites to this convention. II ich conuty is rt'iuested to send one dt-l-c ite for each 100 votes or major fraction thereof cist for Hon. Wm. J. liryan for United States senator at the Central elec'ifn of 1 SO 1 . Counties cystine lts.s tfn loo votes for such c in lid itf will send one delegate T.'i h idq larters of the demo-Tata: Mtatw cumniittee Will bp at t tie J.indell lird, where deleite tickets maybe had I "nder th abovfl apportioninent Cass co-inty will b entitle 1 to twenty-one (CI ) d:le r ites in the convention, th entire number 'n!.it!ed to seati neli.K' SI". A WORD- l:-l-re K'nlMlnj l' ,11 Vuur mmiii f Vi--iiiii ;giil K c-reigt itn Witfi prices th 11 c.inn )t be n;atcht(l any where for tho cj i tlity ihey c ver ve vvill raike.July the busiest 1 .1 n t ft we li v - h H-i . II" id our price :;st pub islied in this p:tper. We insist that the Jiepartn -nt store i -1 1 :and out prominent!, as she h-a'iiiiif example of su.-ce ful, pro-cn-ssive, straiftil forwarJ meicliand-izinsj- The tl;oro;iii (T.an i;irtion of this (inn, its knowh rfae of th markets, i?t lusiness experience enables it to ; -o: !i . en Tiu S(i ay o-; cK . to a' r ti.e ;:i j use ( 1 : e ml id at es I'i.-e.-: for 1 1 o 0 V net: - - 1.!- 1 5 u U-' i 1 izm r ,1 ii nesl- - .Ainrif b-st to t'i" ) iVri i ti'-a't r pl ii-iiij in ii 'ini:. 1 ' ll I' i ;o I II' st -1' ; iv-t n or. Lieut fo ii. : ' ; ,1 nor. Sect et art ! .. Audiuu i f ( . i Accounts. Supt-rintt i! dent i t 1'ubliC li-i d'nu-tioii 1 7. Attorney (general. On account of the Trans-M ississippi ( V.muii.-sioner of Public Lands and j Turnft-st, t lie li. & M. will sell round JSuildini-s and fortiie transaction of trip tickets for (0 cents for trains ar sueh other business as in.iv properly i rivinj: in Omaha on the mominp: of come before the convention. The rep- i J""1' SO'h. res?ntation is baed upon one delegate at Inrt,re for each county, and one del- W. L. Pickett. Trnii!-Mii'sl!iiiil Snt ire. l.efore visiting Omaha, be sore and supply yourself with Pepperberg'a ecate for each one hundred votes or nvtirtp fmptinn tliprpnf pact f nr tllHf ft , . , ,!-J!uds ' instead of pann? hixh prices John J. Millivan for tipieine jode at 1. , 1 v . , for low made cigars, the election of 1S!i . J y I'nder this a port ion men t, ('ass conn- iiuriinBton Homf. ty.is entitled to twentydour (21) dele- i Ij(W rates. east west and south. gates, the total number entitled to San Francisco anJ return. June S seats In the convention being 1 1 16. 1 1 is recomende d that no proxies tie allowed, and t hat the delegates present cast the full vote of their respective delegations. And it is further recora mended that all persons who beiicve in the princi ples as advocated by the Peoples Inde pendent party, who hav not con nected thenr-sel ves heretofore with said party, are hereby invited to participate in the dcl lerat ions of the Fame. The headquarters of the committee will be at the Lincoln Hotel Cor. Dili and I' St., where delegate tickets may be had. J. H. Ln.MisTEN, Cha'iman M. llowi:. Secretary. Head our price list. It means a sav ing to you and business to us. Dppart me.it Store. Silier lirpiilgliraii Sli rniivrctlun. The silver republicans of the state of oiT-r the best values. Our j ticca will Nebraska are requested to send dele impress you with this fact. 'gates to a state convention of eiver re f.moi of xrrnrr' publicans to be held at the city of Lii Tiiere has never been but one history coin in ihe Commercial club buildinjr of areat lepubiics.. First, develop-; on August?, 1 SOS at 2 o'clock p. m. fli nt from ,rirmiitive condition'-; ' Counties are allowed two delegates second, the cfowth of an aristocracy; at large and one delegate for each 200 third, intifnal t roubles due to the ab- j votes or major fraction of 200 votes sorption oiUhe lion's share of the prod- : cast in the county for George L Ken uctsof l.jr; fourth, attempts to rem- j nower for regent of the state univer- , oliifting the burden to ! Lnderthia apportionment t-ass 'Siting. Dfth,iu an imperial j county is entitled to thirteen (lP.)dele- 'inal-desolation. That s gaies 111 me coneniiun. j oioer 01 lrman, 1 sri ft I ft 4 1 1 t ai.JvaM.itS. A till V " I n J ;prie favors holding the j the state central cotnmitteee. 'ivuba, Porto Itico and all I Fiiaxk T. II.vxsum, Chaii 'Of. fntries we can steal. The f history proves that the 'ett 'fnjI to thelevil anyway, k6nf2Piiat' to see as much of the "e-0w-7 !. .siblft Kxeter Lnteioriee. Wf -iMIUie - EJi) Mdy cugl i t goods win ght to be posted on the prif ' goods wiien tney uuy. wia po-t )" i if you read our price list. Department Stohb. A. II. (JLKAisoN', Secretary. lvnjivll(ie l I'oirrr. To know where to buy is h great thing. The man who can buy 81.50 worth of goods for $1.00 can live better, wear better clothes and have more money to spend than the other fellow. j Head our price list for knowledge. Department Stoue. and 20; Mot, Spriug.s, S. I) , and return, .tune .''.0 and J uly o, Portland, Ore., aud return, June SO and July 1; Nashville, Term., and return, July 1,2, 3; Salt Lake City aud return, J uly 3; Wash ington,!) C. and return, July 3, 4, o; Luff alo and ret urn, J uly 11, 12. Ask the local ticket agent for par ticulars. J. Fuancts, (.eneral Passenger Agent, Omaha. Sheriff's Sale. BV VIRTUE 07 AN ORDER. OF" SALE, issuo.l ly (ieome ?. Ilousewortti. clerk of the lis trirt f-ourt within aixl for l ass coimty. No tni(-kn, hikI to my lirfctel, I will un the .'lOlli day of .luly, A. ., J81IS, at 10 o"clni k j. m. of said day. at the south iloorof tho court Jiouse 1 11 the city of elmts nioiuh. in Mtiil rotnrty, sell at public auction, to the highest MiMer for cah. the followlni; real tite, to wit : Iot four (4) ami lots tiveCo anil six nil, all in block thirteen d.n in the oil v m I'iutl.iiBOiith, Chfh county, Nfhrafka, together with the privileges mid flturtcinince thereunto lieloncmt; or In anywi.su appurtninini; ; tho same hcii)(!levlciii.on ami taken ah the prop erty of Ainnmla Herrmann and Clara ilerr inaiiii. n heirs of Fred Herrmann, Ie ceased, defendiint, to satisfy a judi; meut of miid court recovered l,y The I,iv-lmr-ton Loan and Itulldinir Association, plain tiir, aifainst said defendant. 1'lal'Kinoiith, Neb., June-JS, A. D., 1S!1. W. D. WIIGKLEU, Sheriff, Cass county. Neb. I5y J. D. McIIbiiir, Dcptitv. Matthew tlEitiN.;, Att'y for I'liiiiitilf. Legal Notice. In the matter of the Estate of William Oasen kop, deceased. This canst? came on for hearini; upon the pi-titionof Margaret ossenkop. administratrix of tlio estate of William osenknp, deceased, prai inc; for license to sell the cast half of tho northwest ijiiartcr of Hectiou twenty three, township twelve, ranite eleven, cast lith n. m .. jCass county, Nebraska, or a sutliclent amount vi me bhiuv in uriiii; me M,m 01 Ti.WJO ror me jiayment of the ilehls allowed against the nald estate ami tho costs of administration, there not belim sutliclont personal property to pay debts and exiousen. It in, therefore, ordered that all persons in terested in the said estte appear before me at the court house In tho City of Plattsmouth. Ne braska, on the 2.1 1 day of July, 1S!S. at 1 o'clock p. m., to show cause why u license should not be granted to said administratrix to sell no much of the above described real esluto of said deecased as fhall be necessary to pay Eatd debts and expenses. Dated this luth day of June, A. I. IsUS. -It. S. RAMSEY, Judge of tho District Court. I 're-111: lire Ct li '-r.it Ion . W'KKi'iMi Water, Neb., June .'M A pi-ee of gas pipe, some powder and a much c !i:iprised ihe materials hic'i. at 1 r t he e. plosion yesterday, di-li-uied th 'f.icc of Ned, son of 11. S. Wi;ki!i.-o:i. The check bone was eNprs.dand tiie cut extended down t li! oogll the upper lip. F. G. Fricke & Co Will Keep constantly on hmia a f'lli and i (nip'ete .to k of pure DBUGS,. ..and MEDICINES PAINTS, OILS, Etc. Also 11 full ili:e of I riiBplst'K .Suntrl. Pure liquors for medicinal purposes. Spi-cial attention k'lvrn to COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. Full Line of. . GUNTHER'S Celebrated Chicago CANDIES. Whitebreast Coal Yard r Lincoln Avenue and Marble Streets, H. M. S0ENNICHSEN, M'g'r Large Supply of All the BEST GRADES HARD GOAL SOFT Including the Famous- Missouri, Illinois, Jackson I fill and Cannon City Lump, Always cn liand Also a quantity of cheaper (;iauch cf NUT COAL. We also ecp on liand all I Ai-s-l kinds of f W OOU All orders pron.;,tIy delivered to any part "of tho city. Leave orders rt pro eery store of A. 11. Weckbach fc Co. The Hotel Plattsmouth, (Formerly City Hotel.) E. H. HEITZHAUSEN, Prop. ltest ft .00 day house iu the state. Thoroughly cleanse! anil refurnished. First class table. Rest of service. Corner Main and Third Streets. Casoni-i s ami v Cathnr!:: :.: derl'ui un nicil ihscoverv jf i'. i eut and ii rr. ttiiti!? to the ia--.i and positively on kiduvs. liver cicansiu iiio entire svst.em, a cure lit-adncliP. lever, linbiLun! and biliotmncss. Please buy jn of C. C. C. to-day; 10, Si.. Ml cc uaranicci to cure by ail drr v ll.'.S'. vox x v, picas-nt-L iretitiv imi bowels, i.-pcl cofds. ousttiiatioa ' . v a box Sold as (i J Plattsmouth BOTTLING VVORKSj V ?J 1 i'i 11 Proprietor. 1 Manufacturers of . . . Mineral and Soda Waters. Ail k!ulH of . TEMPERANCE DRINKS ..Local Agent.. Krug Brewing Co. ..AND.. Schlitz Bottled Beer. (iooda Delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. 501 Mnln-at, 1'lj.rtsinout li, Neb. JOHN MUMM, ..PE A Li: It IN.. ..THE CELERKATED.. ANHEUSER-BUSCH BEER ON DKAVtsHT. Fine Billiard and Pool Tables. HOTEL UILI3Y ANNKX Ifsl.l i 1, r.T -J-TV', v Vs. f.i . 7 . ... .-1 1 ri id - .v , wiij.:iyi-x.'-jy 7.' ":vfitfu c.-nai':.it"';,Jj',V ' t' . tienrcin::du;.. Atttoro f V3"1 CIl T-C F. Ly r-ill. APTEvl MEN WANTED S School Teacli- rr., Meelianicif urinrrK, cliine Airtiifs. Anyone honest and willing to hustle, we wilt pay Rood wKes and rive slca iy employment. With our facilities, and personal help any rnan fully alive and willing to work can win a pay iiiB position with us. Apply quick, stating ano. L. L. MAY & CO., Nnrnrynitn, Korilnnen anil FJorlatn. 1 .: . .irz- ... The Casino ( w 322 Main Street, PHILLIP THIEROLF, rJtOPIUETOJt..... Local Agent for the Celebrated Aiiheaser-Basch Brewhis: Ass o Ol St- JLiSiiIis, ZlvTc. - Famous Pale and Budweiser Beer ....IN KEG AND BOTTLES And the Great M ALT-N UTRI NE. ni.ni;n iMnK" J Thc OLDEST and 15 EST V(l I Kill Kill VJ1UU ( Whiskey in thc market. THE GENUINE RHINE WINE. All Orders Promptly Delivered to All Parts of the City Remember the place Opposite thc Court House ) ii : City, f To all Suiforing Meif and Women ! si lilXT HlNJTillin rlPSrirC tlimost marvelcu rfinrilyever n .luc-d i -M4W4WW4W iubi.w strenctbenin and lonini? m, los of I to a traalty and Sappy acndiUon waea yon are getUag talnaer. yon teetu tati strenctbenioe ami lonini: tin loss of llmlii Ierv Power, it will iu.mvfl iti' r " Do not ctiBshkr when you are lot inn riftuh. fci cpt t-ij :!iiiiu. ua 7b wn wn an sauiuon, you IcwK fairly well, there is not nim-Ii oufM.le iiwxr, lm yof ntlnd kaowa ail about it you ara wasting away aexually and you lc;l mih'iigb lue we4reaboron to yon. Do got despair, a eur Capsules never fiiil to cure evi-ry cr. TmJsll Rmmt MaaiJlMd Capsules will positively restore vou toalalit) rendition. Ne only do w say so, bol will retara tho nwey in every case w'here it doe -.ji f.ill, cut. Of coona. ona box will aoteara a severe case, but six boxes will cure ai.y car. Kenirmbcr. if it oa not tart, jvar mancyia returned, sa yau lose nothing. H e ii'i.iiaiitie to brine von to a healthy condition, both aaantally and physically, as you were evir in vour life. Al i rnd for alz ksnSi ao as to bo able to contmna awtil all ara used up Our Guarantee is to Cure Weak Kcmtry, iiessaaal Waabaasx, WIM Losses, Last jMbood, Eill Brrsms, Los ol I'oaerol Ocntrailie ()ria. ttnanj by f sasMsl Brrars at Ovcrlat uiftace laoatcea, Llqaor or Opium Ha bin. Full TaS4Msrrt tit 00, with written Gaagance; Single Hoiks, (I.Oi, (no priming on outside BAflN'S PHARMACY, I8th aed Farnam Sl, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. LADIES'! TnrltUh, Tsmsy axid Penny royal PUla, a positive remedy for brinclng on monthly tBrnatrua, tloxt. a Godsend for married women. Kvery woman oagbt to have a box or two on hand so as to s void disap polntXMDt and delay. Never fallaj snra to the day. 11.00 I'sa Borar Man. HABITS PHARA1ACV, ISik aad Fanaa Sts. 0.VA0A. NEB. VK SHTEKl.VG WOMEN vou can as well be ... hr.ihhy and wiihniit pain as not. Turki-h 4J I i-iiialt 1 mile, a pcsnivR 1 me lir l emale akiu" , Sup; ris-ii n f 1 Meiers. liitljiini.iiion ct ihe VVi.inb or Ovarii s, I k luse or Painful Mpii strnaiiun. L'lcrraiion cf ihe Wmi.Ii, I-allilie cf the Womb. i. haiuin f Li(. Ki.Iney or BlaJ.ler Troubles, Itcliing. I.ucoriha-a and the only remedy made that will cure Ni-rvotisneM, Sick I leadacbe and Kystirrics so common to Women. Two Months' TKrnT ar Mail roa fiM. IIAIIJi'S rilAKMACr. OMAHA. Schlitz No. 2 E. Q. MEYER, Mgr. ....A FINE LINK OF. BAR AND CAFE. WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. AIho Neatly Fnrainhed I KoouiH for Kent. I 111 8. t4th Rtroat, .. .OMAHA . .. Ilia Sin-li-ty Train to Nn York. On account of daily carry inc it-rna of liinh social Htandino;, theNVw IV1111 sylvmiia Limited in known as ti-eo-ciety train from Chicao to New York. Tlit prefer iic" for tlii.i train is enHiiv iindtrstood wlien tiie luxury enjoyed on it is considered. II. U. Dkiunu, A. 1. (i. Aut., 24S South Clark St. .Chi cago for further information. 7 f i l " : - i