Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, April 30, 1896, Image 8

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    TUn lAU.. T 1 I
4. If miu
Six n
The Weekly Journal
C W. SHERMAN, Editor.
One year, in advance, $1.00
Six months, in advance, . 50
Three months, in advance, .... .25
Rates made known on application.
State Democratic l'latfurm.
We, the democrats of the state of Nebraska, in
conveutlon assembled, renew our allegiance to
the principles taught by Thomas Jefferson mii1
courageously defended by Andrew Jackson, and
demand that the great problems now before the
lop!e shall be solved by the application of
these principles to present conditions.
We congratulate the democrats of Massachu
setts npon the candor and frankness which char
acterized their platform urterancesof yesterday.
We rejoice that they, no longer quibbling about
the ratio or holding out the delusive hope of in
ternational co-operation, have at last consented
resubmit to the people the question, whether
the United States shall have mononietallaui or
binietalisni whether the American people shall
deliberately adopt the English system of finance
or restore the gold and silver coinage of the con
stitution. The Massachusetts demand for a
single gold standard and for the redemption e
all ifOVdrnment obligations in irold atone pre
cents the paramount Issue of the campaign, and
we welcome the contest.
We endorse the language used by Hon. John
l. Carlisle in 1375, when he denounces the con
Bpirey" to destroy silver as a standard money
as -the most gigantic crime of this or any other
age," an-l we agree with nun In the declaration
then made that "the consummation of such a
scheme would ultimately entail moremisery 111
on the human race than all the wars, pestilences
and famines that have ever occurred in the
history of the world." We are not willing to Le
parties to a such a crime, and in order to undo
the wrong already done and to prevent a further
rise In the purchasing power of the dollar, we
favor the immediate restoration of the free and
unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the pre
cut legal ratio of 1) to l, as such coinage existed
prior to l, i. without waiting for the aid or con
sent of any other nation, such gold and silver to
te a full legal tender for all debts, public and
We are opposed to the retirement of the green
back and demand that the secretary of the treas
ury, instead of issuing interest-bearing bonds
for the purchase of gold, shall recognize silver
as money of redemption and exercise the right
to redeem greenbacks, treasury notes and all
other coin obligations in silver when silver is
more convenient.
lielieving that general laws should not be set
aside by private contract, we favor such congres
sional legislation as will, without interfering
with valid contracts already in existence, pro
hibit for the future the making of agree
ments for the payment of any specific kind of
legal tender money.
W'e are in favor of a tariff for revenue only.
We are in favor of a constitutional amend
ment autnorizing the collection of an income
tax as a part of the federal revenue system.
We are in favor of the election of United states
senators by the direct vote of the ieople.
We are in favor of a liberal pension policy.
We are In favor of the initiative and referen
dum system as an aid to securing a government
of the people, for tne people and by the people.
The democratic party has ever been the party
or religious liberty in the country, it nas ai
ways been and is now opposed to the union of
onurch and state in any lorm or under any pre
text whatever; it is opposed to the imposition
of any religious test for office; it ii opposed to
ail secret political organizations of every kind
or character, or any open political organization
based upon religious prejudices, as contrary to
the spirit and genius of our institutions and thor
oughly un-American. It stands by our public
school system as a means of popular education
and is opposed to any diversion of public school
funds to any sectarian purpose but it recognizes
the right of parental control and the rights of
conscience In the education of children as in
accord with the fundamental doctrines of the
democratic party, that the largest liberty con
Distent with the rights of others Insures the best
Mr. Walter Wellman writes his pa
per, the Chicago Times-Herald, as fol
lows: "So Intelligent man in Washington expects
the republican party to pass a tariff bill dur
ing the first two years of the new administra
tion. The question is, will it be able to pass
such a measure at all during the four years fol
lowing next March t In all probability the
combination of democrats, populists and silver
republicans which now composes a majority of
the senate will have disappeared by March 4.
1S99. But two contingencies must then be faced.
First, the house of representatives elected in
139S may be democratic, or have combined ;
second, if the bouse shall be republican and
the senate hhow a majority of protection re
publicans over the allied forces, the antiquated
rules are still in the way."
This is not an encouraging prospect
for the republicans. No chance to
carry a tariff bill before 1S09, and by
that time the house may be democratic,
and yet the Times-Herald is urging
the nomination of McKinley on a high
tariff platform. It will be hard to
arouse much McKinley enthusiasm
with the certainty of several years of
inactivity before any tariff legislation
can be secured. World -Herald.
TnE reason that labor outbreaks
cannot be prevented by legal severities,
says the Cleveland Recorder, is that
they originate in a sense of wrong, in
a lively, though vague, consciousness
of injustice. Revolts against injus
tice have never been and never will be
finally put down by harsh measures.
The only effective remedy is to remove
the injustice, unless it can be demon
strated that none exists.
TnE republican papers that have
been talking about the distress in
dicated by the ordinary closing of glass
works for the summer will please take
notice, says the Indianapolis Sentinel,
that the American Plate Glass com
pany announces a 8100,000 addition to
its plant. South Omaha Sun.
The administration statesmen met
in convention at Lincoln yesterday,
per appointment, and carried out the
program of making a show for them
selves. The meeting, it is said, was
only in session an hour.
The ''Cabinet" is the finest 5-cent
cigar on the market. Manufactured
by Otto "Wurl and sold by all dealers.
The New Jersey conference haa ex
pelled a minister lor sleeping until 10
o'clock each morning. It 13 not stilted
, .
that, thfi mipstinn was r;nspn mst hniv
- - -
late the minister may have staid up at
The Aurora Beacon, in making per-
ann;il mentinn txf tliu a 1 t am t nr f
... ..... . . ... ... ...
u ... . w ...... ..... vy .. v t x "..... v v..
AlPSSrs. iUCUaKen anil eitimanil at
tliM fntipr.jl rf i:n in t iat
, 1. . r
chj,buj3 uivy writ) eifiuiia ti i c
30th Illinois. This is erroneous, as
m. u.u. i o.i .-..i..c.i
and Mr. Weidraann a member of the
1U M t'lUlUilllll it ItifUl llt'I 1 HIC
th Illinois. The paper also stated
lat Mr. McMaken nas aide-de-camp
i the utaff of the de-pj.rtment cm-
ander of Nebraska. lie held that
. ,v e .. t ,
isitiouon the talT of tl.o past de-
4itn Illinois. ;c r.;iiHr n so suited
partment comuiain!-r
.Vt the booinitijr city f Ip;i'iie,
Linden l'ree driving park, with its
t-ighty acres of grotint', hng rows ofj
'.veil built stalls and other buildings.
was stild M.nniav at fher:lTs salt fur
$4 SOU. The purchaser was Capt. S.
Uivens, holds a niuitatro en the
properts amountincr to ?5.(H)(). The
other mortgages agi;igate about
5o.(Hi0. This is hard on a great boom
city like
lJeatricp. Nehra.ka City
Five hundred Kalian .lews v. ill lo
cate iu IwOgan countv, Kansas,-and
will engage principally in farming.
As the summer approaches theie is
every indication that the woild.
dressed in bloomers and knickerbock
ers, will this year run on wheels, ami
the horse is not iu it.
Dr. Marshall, Gradunto DENT
1ST, Fitzgerald block.
(J. W. (J rimes of I'nion was in the
city today.
Try a "Cabinet'' o-eeutcinar and you
will smoke them alwtijs.
Ask your grocer for that excellent
brand of il vir Heisel's i'lan-sifter."
The county commissioners went out
iu the vicinity of CuIIom today to look
up a road dispute.
There will be opportunity for bap
tism at St. Luke's church on Friday
afternoon at 4:30 o'clock.
The Y. 1 5f. C. E. cf the Christian
church will give a lawn social Friday
evening. May 1. at the church.
Wanted A eirl. Xo washing or
ironing, rso children. Apply to Mrs.
J. N. Wise, North Kichth street.
Mrs. Golding. who was severely in-
: . . 11 c II: f . , I - l L' . : I
jutcu j i...,h c 1
yesterday, is resting quite easy today,
anel it 13 now hoped that Fiie w i!l ;.et
around again in a few week?
The lit. Ilev. George Worthier-ton,
bishop of the diocese of Nebraska.
will officiate at St. Luke's church on
Sunday evening, May 3d, for eon ruina
tion. Services at 7:43 o'clock
are invited.
Abe llupley, assisted by Andy
Kroehler, were busy today replacing
broken slates on the roof of the court
house and repairing the spouting. It
was a difficult and dangerous job, but
.-Ja iinmrH-l,t.a .,-iilm.,t
Advertise in The Jouknal.
Kaiser Wllhelm r Stage Manacer.
Some amnsinsr anecdotes are rels ed
in the press with respect to tho kaiser
and tho new Berlin Onera House. His
majesty may often bo seen iu tho inoru.
ing, in civil dress, wearing a white
cloak and smokincr a cicarette. crossing
on foot froir, tho palaco to tho Opera
TTnn Thpm nrrivnrl. I10 tnkes lii. no-
Bition on the stage or follows tho re
hearsals from his box. Many comical
encounters have occurred in the semi-
darkness between kaiser and scene
shifters, ignorant of tho visitor's iden
tity. The emperor, indeed, leave3 the
discovery of his presence to chance, but
this is often betrayed by an objection
from a coulisse which unexpectedly
breaks in during tho progress of a ro
hearsal. This f orUnato gift of observa-
ticn is usually so well employed in
criticism of the arrangements v.hich
have been made that the general man-
ager, stage manager and director of tho
ballet are unable to better achieve sue-
cess ban by following his enggestions
The kaiser, it is related, onco forgot to
throv away his cigarette on entering
the Opera House. Tho inspector there-
upon respectfully called attention to the
lact, and his majesty replied, "The
regulations for tho preservation of or-
der in this house naturally hold good
also for me. " Westminster Gazette.
In 450 there were a drought and f am
rA nil t--.t. rnnHi T?-iwvi-irt In IfoFTT Ti'll. I
8"u , . .V rT " J
that COO, 000 peoplo perished.
Prominent DriiBgi8t or iiiair. Neb., WriteH
Magnet Chemical Co.
Dear Sirs: The goods which we
bought through your salesman are
sellers; the Magnet Pile Kilxkk es-
perially sells good and gives excellent
satisfaction. We have re-ordered
through our jobbers several times.
Respectfully yours.
Palmer fc Taylou
For sale by Gering & Co.
To farmers9 wives: Ed
Oliver wants all your bost
batter and eggs, at the
highest marliet price.
Grnfrft.1 rAlr:!iiI:I's Iro?r.
General ITairehiM brought with h:::i
a relic f (ho war (lie ot her doy to :-.. w
fn rlin T,--vl 1. ui?i v-li-V-h v.--;; rf r'-r::t
"V' ' - 1 ...... . . I
;.itnv(-..4 tr l r. .. i ' -.1,1 1 . tr "II
T. ,1:1.
Will 11 tuin it CiJIiva'. a w a. .
L, -. , , n i !
110 yenowcu ai:u earciuiiy iramti,.
vrliich is ono cf a limited nur.iher cf iu-
dividual paroles isr-r.od ilur:n;r the civil
war. It is worded this way:
1, prisoner of war ctm-cd lu -ir Gottys
fcurjr, ilo R1VO lily pr.rolo of lienor T 5 lo i;i
. . j , .1 . r 1 i.' - 4
ispnrms ngHUisc uis r..
do any init:iry U:ty ivi:it'.-v-r, .r i-t i,-.vo ;-:v
information that r.i:.j' bi: rriju(l:rs;d t tju-
v ....... - .
This parolo is cvtti:uii io t-w. v.ou:ul. i m
consideration f liumiT.ily, lo s.ivi; ;i p.-uniul
ana twious maivu t. i;.) rw.
J Coiont i sct-or. i v.; ;: isin v
cui'..';ici rivuii I i. ,.::. . ,j .. . , i .
"It v.-as riio :cm,,1 l..y f C-
lurpsaijlGvivrd Fa:r hiM h : :
Jng f it. 4I had U' nx..Hl d i'.r
, T .., , ; , . .
and I v.i3 nut lof-lmg e-uot?'.- ".ak-
inff up irms ir:iht tho c .T'f. dorar.
n was nv) .s;c-..i,.i i.;v
States or dir.g any milliai y ln!;
ever.' It Avas Captain lhaacl:. C:
B ;f (ho First ATaryh i-: V.1;
who camo tone and a.:,:: I 3.!
lit i rs
and rank aj:d whetlioi- I Av;uld
role. I vcrdd have cr. en
signed anything to I - 1 it alcn
A fevr other indiv.'dtial paulcs!
given that da3'a::d run a' ;.o Clritys
burg iriuting Hieo. " Zilil',vanl: t Wi.--
Ilieytlcs In Yi-v;;:.i.
How far g:v mnu-nt sh: vuM r;.. in oar
ing for tho .'-ufety cf ta( individual i
mco quc: io;;, ahciit vh:-;'i t';rro i.;
much diflVreiK'o of opinion. A Ktriktrir
example t f "paternalism" jr.
by the regulations which govern 1 iovclc
riding in Vionna, :io ssot 1 r.h hy a ocr-rcs-pondt
nt of tho New York 'Horn.
In Vienna all bicycle rid- rs Irforo
obtaining permission to rM-outho pt;b-
lic strccU must pass an official exami
nation. They arc required t) r;do be
tween board.-; laid 0:1 ih II cr vckhor.T
touching t hi hides r ( d;; -s oC the boaril
At the -wt rd of comr.i.-.nd they mn-.t be
ablo to dii:;; wt t i 1 1 1 r right, left or
backward. Vr.iil the ridor pacs t':is
strict examination satisfactorily a li
cense to ride on the pnelio high war
se c:
Tliat is all very well in its way. IV r j
a rovcrnment to take such parental care
r - i 1 ...
01 its people js regarucii ry mar.y evi- ; ,
denco of a high state 01 civilization, but ! '
the fart i-: t'.air, so far as 2Vw York is ,
concerned, tlie t- rie us accidents. ;
those causing hs of life, have nearlv !
all befalle n tip.rit reed rider.- It ist-ie j
experts who ;ire killtd th . who 'alee t
great ri-k.
Lortl Craveu :iml lln Jonstm.
Lord Craven once invited I3en J(,:voti
to dine at his house,
time Ben trudged elf
i-.T, minted
iii his usual 7i
:r 1
clothe, patched all t ver, and knocked at
his le-rdship's deor. The
ter was ratlicr dubi.ius.
-toi:id;r d I -r-
conducted tlio sfra?:;;- r iu
form Lord Craven that ..1 :
ibk.y oh;d-
hopper, Vv'ho called himself 1) n ,Tcn-
son, desired t Fee him. liis le-rdship
j,,;av io tiie (i )Gr to v.-clcoino the
a he
h,ut startetl lack in surprise
saw Euen ;ai ceUl
'You B
Jcnson!" Faid ho. "Y. a,
indeed 1 Shouldn't ere for vor.r
but your face gorlr.e.-s ! You cev.Iiin't
say 'Bo' to a goo
"Do!" said lien.
His lordship burst into a hearty laugh,
and, satisficel by the joke of the personal
identity of his famous guest, conducted
him in.
'Tho "Worcester Gazette tells a storv
of a lawyer who ran aero-s an h r-t at-
utQ providing that any one v.l-.e, li-ht
lfnr,0 lthm t( u r- - br.iidmg
ouaii ,,J 'l V-'- --an
JJX iVH IU liil.l l;l; UUH1 ii.L(. ti
burn some, rublnsh in cleaning up hi -
m .1 , TT.. 1 .1 . 1 .
Lrj.uuxiii.-. xm; iei(i :i nroiuer lav. ver. v. ia
also expected to bum omo leaves. Th'";
worried for several lioxirs, until the or.-
plorcr into thn Icro f javie-c looked up
tne wori bonlire 1.1 tn ' dictionary, its
definition is 4 'a large, lire br.ilt ia th.
open air as an er-pre.s -io u 1 putlicj r.
ana exultation or lea- amu-cn;(
all doubt as to their rights fl. d from th
minus oi uio lawyers.
Whcii N;ivfj;:t;on Jliflit (iie.
"Alary fishes and other marine ani
mate reproduce in tho r0'-t v.-o::clrrfnl
manner, " paid a fi.-iirrma'i. 4i A hundred
thousand egg; from a single fl.-h i ? com
mon enough, and it may ho that pi-ac:i-cally
all hatch out. Uut they m-e hubject
to many vicissitudes. Xir.iy, many
aro eaten b' other fi.-h. perhaps by
their kind; como are caught by men;
AAmnnwif iii1t. i... . . . ..... . . TP
,, , iv,
. - .
., j
. t. rinnn "
fish 1Javif7utioil woalcl urim.
possible. "-New York Sun.
r.abouchere'a Mistake,
Henry Labouchcre tells cf an awk-
ard mistake he mado about Do Pcrsig-
ny, Napoleon's right hand man and tho
makcr of tho second empire. ' His ap-
pCaranCo was plebeian, and when the
London editor saw him at an cvenim-
reception ho took him for a waiter
asked for a cup of tea. "Do I'crsigny
O '
Labouchcre, "and I was JcaocLcd into
a heap at seeing his grand cordon, of the
Legion of Honor, but kept down my
confusion and got into a rattling chat
with hhn-"
Nineteen amnon xrsrjr in one season.
It has long been known that t hero arc
several species cf fish that lay an im
thmkablo number ct eggs durinrj each
spasmus beuMjn, uuu nuuun.- : i;o-
curato ngures were ever given until uic
learned Dr. Idannder gave tho results of
his experiments to the world. He found
that tho mackere l Produces 13 1.G51 ccrs
. n ivs. . i
every year; tho Jicrrmg, tuo
cold. 3.GSG.7G0. but tliat tho ling, the
wonder of all egg laying creatures, de
posits 19,248,025 eggs on an average
durincr each Dawninr seas jn. St. Louis
f A
...Those Unsightly
May v( ry c!i"ijly mid nlicklr
t ..-. i! filled I.y th'.' i'l'iMii'a''"" 'i
w ... , J
Uall paper. I
To n-i' ' ; .-.' viit;;-li'.Mis:? wl:l nve )
li' (,ri:i4 r .": Nt-w Piittcnis. If
.t!;.o.-t 0!!Hl t- IH'-.v fn.-riit TV. It
iivikfs a idee bacfcyrMU'-d for Cii- 'J
t'it turos him! i::'ii-:s up tl'-' en-
l:r roo:n. ;i:i'i A: c'o. li.v;; the ?S
1 i:-.-.i-t -l ek in :i-- t :f)- fi'U'i v!)ic)i
- Icct md oil ! ,-o u-f l I e i I
.'v.p 2, tu.'ii in u .Mir.- !t: ! oi.i!ity
I iijiit. n.sAV". !l sis thf price. 'j
iu H0- in' '
T Gering Co., umssists.
I'LATTsnou'rif, m::;.
:i h , 1 lie L- 1 1 '
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-? Mo-puiai l-i.!
r-H is vo; e 1 o :
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. AND. .
Hot!) .uie vear for inly 61.25.
The Enquirt r is a -column. K-pawe
paper, issued e;iel Tlmrsilaj'. in size, -cheapest in price,
most . reliabb in news .-ii! !:i ! 1 ype,
plain print, good wliite pap-er. It our
rii'i jr?t.ri TtM I. t itM? iii..r ! it tj1j
Kruj iii t r is that paper.
Ji' S- Oil "J ..'f! S I
Manager Journal, Plattsuiouth
. a m. a . 4tt A
II.ivc made ch'iboratc preparations for the Spring
Trade and no Lady in lMattsmouth should fail to
Visit their store and look over the line of Novelties
There displayed. The stock is complete in
Every parade, and all miht be suited, no matter
What may be the size of one's purse.
Oualit v hiVhcr and Prices lower than ever before.
r-a-clsier Sisters,
Martin Block.
in Cass Oouqty?
You often liear tin's remark.
In order to satisfy the Public Mind em this question,
v 1
f J
' 1
. . . Plattsmouth's Leading Clothier,
Will offer a vav to tlie solution
nry uoiiar
.... By him, either lor goeids purcliasceJ. or on open
acou'it. he eiii c;ive a card, entitling the holder to
TKX VOTES on the question. The vote will be
publislicel every day in the daily papers and every
we el-: in the weekly papers, so you may know where
each contestant stands at any time. The voting
will close at 12 o'clock sharp, on July 4th, 1896, and
the lady receiving the highest nnmber ef votes, will
bo declared
r 4
: i
.... With this object in view, we have taken extra pains
it selecting our Spring Line and you will fine! that we can O
suit the most fastidious in....
Color, Pattern and Price.
All vesting is to be dene at Hank of Cass County
Bicycle is on exhibition at the store of...
.- ? (
COCOO05veH'5 99OS'OeOSOi'OCJtl4
Place an "Ad"
f j S rVl
If you have
Anything to Offer.
Will ki-rj' cMistjiiii ly on Iminl n full nn!
oiiuj-!( lo stork cf j urn
mil m mmm,.
n rvm.i
Also n full I ; i o of Jruti;lKt Siimlrlfn,
I'uro liijn'n's for uit'il Ii iiiHl ( tiriisOH.
S;iiie!:l ntloiitioii ivou to
M.-rs. r . ; . l lSleKi: & e'O., hn tlie
only liirtie s (.oiling our A1hs1:h CryMal
Spectacles and ye-Glasses
In l'lrtttii'oiil h. TIh'm' Iiimimi'k nro fur
Mi'riir lo nay tln'r mM I;i II In ciir,
jons'Htii: a iiHtiirnl triuispiironoy atul
Ktroiijrtli lin; (pmlith't wlitfli wlil jrc
serving tho fallini;cyo litht.
1 2
i Lie LViost Jropuiar Laay
Received.,.,. I
:3.ciig Olotixier 1
""' i'n m u rm rjrniiM.i..i -.
: 5 ii
! ii B
"f V
y d
Lsa W u z3
i n jf, , 3C,bf.rt
,8 1 ,