Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, April 09, 1896, Image 5

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This season .John V. Stone will have
75,000 bearing fruit trees on his farm
near Clenwood, In., yielding 100,000
bushels, should the crop be favorable.
This ijivhs. fiint t:fth kind d' show
ing Iowa will make at the Trans-Mississippi
ex posit ion. World-He raid.
The supreme court 'h.i rendered a
decision on the legal liabilities of phy
sicians, and says: "The law does not
exact from physicians and surgeons
the utmost degree of caie, or the high
est attainably skill in t lu practice of
their profession, although they, by
virtue of their relation toward pa
tients, impliedly enlace that they
possess ordinary knowledge and skill,
and that they will in the, course of
their employment exercise such proper
care and attention as may be reason
ably expected from members of their
Miss Pauline Oldham, deputy post
mistress at Murray, desires the News
to correct a statement made that she
refused to accept or reje : ti e letter
burned by Mail Carrier Shaw. She
s.iys c.ccoiding to his own statement
"he did not mail the let ter. only laid
it on the delivery window and picked
it up again before I had touched it."
She says" the error made was siicht
but would count a great deal with the
postal authorities. Nebraska City
Ne as.
Ijillian llussell has entered into a
new theatrical contract, under the pro
visions of which she must forfeit &-j0.-ioo
if she marry again during the dura
tion f the agreement. This contract
will hardly ii ! i in law. Matrimony
is viewed legally as a desirable condi
tion as regards both individuals and
society, and any covenant in restric
tion of th it condition is. of course,
contra bonos m les. Uesddes. the fair
Lillian Ins had only three or lour hus
bands thus far, and it is not Heating
her squarely to squelch, even tem
porarily, her hymeneal opportunities.
Nebraska City Press.
t'.ite a larno amount of printer's
ink has been expended in Utah in de
sci ibioir what is known as the I'tah
State tabie. which Is composed of pieces
of wood of historic interest, represent
ing every state and territory in the
union as wril as valuable pieces from
the collections of various institutions
and individuals. In a pocket in the
table are sealed up many autographs,
the constitution of the new state and
other valuable papers. Nebraska is
represented, in thin remarkable table
by a beautiful specimen of white oak
ot native growth, given by ex-Governor
Robert Furnas of lirownville.
through Governor Ilolcomb. Governor
Furnas has one of the largest collec
tions of wood in the west. The piece
which he sent to I'tah grew in Nema
ha county and grew since the extin
guishment of the Indian titles to lands
in this state, namely. May, 1S54.
Plattsmouth went democratic by a
handsome majority, and to celebrate
the occasion Tiik Joimixal issued a
special editon printed in red ink with
crowing roosters plainly in evidence.
Frvmont Herald.
Did you ever stop to think what a
tireless letter writer a local paper is?
Week after week reaching into jear
atter year it goes on tellingof the mar
riages, deaths, doings of the town and
vicinity and business or lailures, ac
cidents, crops, improvements, meet
ings.parties,in fact events of all kinds.
All is giit that com s to the hopper of
a good local paper. If you were to un
dertake to write a letter to each of
your absent friends and tell them half
the news jour paper does you would
soon give up in despair. The supposed
pleasure becomes tiresome, the let
ters become shorter, farther apart and
then quit. Why this difference? Be
cause with a newspaper man it is busi
ness. Fx.
The Norfolk News is plainly aggra
atedover the sweeping democratic
victory in that town, and expresses it
self editorially in the simple but sig
nificant word, "Dammit." The demo
crats elected mayor, clerk, treasurer,
two councilrnen ami a member of the
school board. Fremont Herald.
pen it
A printingoflice is usually considered
a rather rough place, and the news
paper worker a mighty bad man. Sta
tion ever, do not bea r out mat
Of :;.S!0 convicts in the state
ntiary of Texas there is not a
printer or a newspaper man, while
tjiere ate ministers, doctors, bankers,
barbers, photographers, bar-keepers,
cook d membe rs'of al most all prof es
sions and callings. The printer gets a
I ad name because the nature of l:is
ss teaches him to detest sham
he scorns the by pocrite.
and Mrs. W. I. Messersnntn
un from Plattsmouth Friday
afternoon to enjoy a short visit with
the former's brother, Joel, only to uuo
that the faintly had unexpectedly de
parted earlier in the day for Prince
ton, 1H . for a stay of two weeks. Mr.
Messersmith and wife will visit rela
tives in Lincoln over Sunday before re
turning to their home in Plattsmouth.
ii'niversitv Place department Lin-
J coin Journal.
The town of Brock is sinking an
artesian well for public use.
The Missouri river has risen six feet
at Aubuin and is still rising.
Work on the improvements on the
Kearney canal will be recommenced
The citizens of Geneva raised by
popular subscription for the purchase,
of a barometer.
The number of section hands on the
St. Francis branch of the II. .S: M. has
been materially reduced.
The Northwest Nebraska Sheep
Breeders" association will hold its an
nual meeting at Atkinson on April L'l.
Nellie Ivishbruok, a prominent
young wi-'Uiafi if Fairmont, was
thrown from a horse and her broken
le;r is uow doir.g niee'v.
Frank Martin ot Filrnore county,
who has been under arrest on the
charge of assault with intent to kill,
has been acquitted.
The town marshal of Johnson was
severely pommeled by lour tramps,
who resisted am st. He succeeded in
landing thtin in jil.
Commencing ibis week the B. x M.
ballasting trains on the Black Hills j
line will run in and out of Havenna,
instead of Aurora, as heretofore.
John Skeen shot and slightly
wounded a fellow citizen at Nemaha.
The fellow citizen was helping himself
to Skeen's coal pile and escaped in the
A prairie jre burnt d down the tele
phone lines near lbeers, thus cutting
oil all communication wjth surround
ing towns, and breaking the entire
circuit .
William Fuikner's horse ran away at
Falls City, and in the excitement.
William Ileintz. an old German farm
er, was internally Injured. lie wil!
hard! recover.
The old B. & M. roundhouse at
lirownville. one of the landmarks, wj-s
recently leveled by a frisky eyclon".
It had been a free lodging I'Oii?" r
tramps many years.
A 10-year-old n of Geore siiii n
in Deuel county trailed a wolf two
miles, cornered it and killed it with a
r'.uh. The wolf measured f feet. In
inches, from nose to tail.
Isaac Gustafson. a Furnas county
oung man, 10 ears old. was almost
instantly killed by lU collapse , f a
sod house. The heavy weight of the
sod roof crushed the life out of him,
and he breathed but a few moments
J.iterbfdng extricated.
The Union Pacifb? Ins closed its
telegraph static?: at Bogers, and the
Wizens are making a vigorous pro
'est. The grievance will probably be
lodged with the state board-of trans
portation. During the month of Feb
ruary sixty-eight cars. of grain and
-ive stock were shipped from that
Two years ago the O'Neill city coun
cil raised the salary of the mayor from
s2" to SoO per annum, and of the coun
cilrnen from 812 oO per annum to i2.
The aldermen neglected to repeal the
old ordinance. Now suit lias been
commenced to recover from the city
officials the salary paid in excess of the
old amount.
Prominent ln;ji;ist s of Itlair, Men., Writes
Magnet Chemical Co.
Dear Sirs: The goods which we
bought through your salesman are
sellers; the Magnkt Pile KiLLi:ir es
pecially sells good and gives excellent
satisfaction. We have re-ordered
through our jobbers several times.
Respectfully yours,
Palmkk Sc Taylok.
For sale by Gering & Co.
t':irm For Sj;Ie.
The undersigned has for sale, either
in whole or in part,the property describ
ed as the north east quarter and
the east half of the north w est quarter
and north east quarter of the south
west quarter and north half of the
south east quarter c f section 2, and the
north west quarter of the north w est
quarter of section 1, all in township 1".
ranpje 9, Saunders county, Nebraska,
comprising 400 acres. The property is
under cultivation and has a house and
outbuildings thereon. Apply to
609 New York Life bldg.,
13 .'U Omaha. Neb.
Have courtfrc, friend. I know the wnj
!s lonely now, r.ii.i eoM and ;;rey :
Tlse l!vors are few, tin'! j'H-ntec us wveds
Aioni; t! y journey anther M-t-iN.
Have -jnr:iue friend, thy feet uro m;o.
And .-t;ii:i the i ivtuie:it with tiiy jrore:
The sun beats dow a tij-'ja thy her.l
Anl earth's !rown lcon; is thy I e-.!.
Have courne, frivml, nor j-hiintive ery ;
Crush back the moisture from thine eye :
Nor dve thy voir? t; s-id lar.u-2.ts,
Fortliou shfilt h'tve v. tvfnni'Oiisv.
A rcetmreie-e : Aye, it is tr.te,
A reec nine rise avitits fer yon.
Some liy n eurriaiv :;r;usd u::d i' ne
Will lenr that shrinkiiitr form el' lliii.e .
Thou slnik he? ltesse(! in sa-rnu nts (,-. '. r.
Whose tears shall full fi-r tl..' e iiKe iv.iu.
Thy tirel feet sii;-.U lv at r :-t.
Thy h onls be foi.Ic 1 on thy breast :
Ai.'l ev'ry tonuue shall sir.i thy j-rnlse
i :e of '. hesc ! a s '. ne " f hef e !a j s '.
Then iri tjiesrr-'V.- from thy t r .v :
Itrtwv on thy future r'-i-.M-ess :
Ir wIumi thee thirds i,ail co h' u i
Thmi hult bo li' : ahis ! nhis :
Ii-itbel Kid.ey in l.i'Kv'n Jot:rn:.l.
' oiilimit i '.'mil Next .'Moiith.
The preliminary ex-uninaticu of
I t ; (1 Pattersot). w!o i eo.'ir' i v ii h
assault with iriient to ! ill. h-is - n
con' inued ii'. .t o.-.t iee A i !!' s
Ma lltii.
In tho iistrirt Court oj C.s.; County, iic-
!;?;t ;..:.! t.::. N" . !;. :. i
l'l 1.1"' ".: ' : U !i O V- : ! ). : ! .M I. V ' ) . i . I Mi,
A . Vi-m::.: i ;n.-t. niin'i
;: : 'o w . ': !,: , rv i : i i i;
si-vii - sk, t: '.: r (.y(,,Vl :,, j
.Vcw ! ! m i. i : '
I'Ai'i.K'.'i.r., A ':!!(''', s r:
liill. ''. I !. V.-iohuit:- .
r - h . . -. :: :,-tver v : . s v..Uu. ri
j '.t a ! ie.-t n. V'.- v li i :!it'':i:'''. ami l-'runt is
('. ! ' : -ht. a s -! .; ii -ij it s;i:-l lntr.k, n in -te.-i-
t! .iit ;.' w jo :;!. ',-.( " ;( o. t : i 1 1 en the
' i m. l ' i. ' .' s :.e . i i., ri, ; i i. i n
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. . . -.-a ii.-: -.' ia ;e; end -,
. 1 ; . : ;i ver i ; which a re to
:r,. i r : -r i . ex.ant'il !y tie.?
' : '.' t he c,. I : it i . ;', uc m
; of m a t, c!it y-ci.; t
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the i.tb i' . .'! . ;'i . .-s ,-t'ii -,i ; y ,
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; a ' . . v.- ! iv.- i ;..t:.o.
i : ; ; i '' ... i : -. i ; . '- ; u ,;. j, .; i .'
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c ; i. ; . .. : ;, : !;. i :!. : '. . . :: ! . r ; .
'': i -' : : 1 J.tija- '.. a::d ': ,ir interest it
a ii-1 !:.':! t r, e re i u ov
- - e-.c 1 1 ! y ,
l : . o ; i ; i "
1 de:.-:: i a t. i'
I !'." s io :f ?. -
i iiVi-:i ' ' '. . c
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In fact, Everything Is
I rr
i.ior t.
:t t!
tho n:ni ot
"ea ii : "'i said
. m:i:. e i-
( i ..MJltV,
r j - !! I! --
-i .'.t
'.i. 1 1 1 i. i I ; ' .
.- d :( 1 ;. ;t
-.'.) '. . : ; i.a !
: V ! '!e a:,''
L i . .i ve a lir-
1 yrj
NEW in the new
1 1 ft II i
Highest cash prices paid for chick
ens and eggs by 11.. W. JJlack at
White's store.
Farmers desiring brick-laying, plas
tering or stone masonry can have such
work done by applying to Wra, Mostin
of Plattsmouth, who can be addressed
rh rough Tjie Joukxal.
r:iicDt Iiji:iy of .''lilliiiery
Tucker Sisters are pleased to an
nounce to their lady friends through
out Cass county that they are now
ready with their Spring Opening of
Millinery, and they have in stock the
j largest and most. elegant and fashion
; able display of line Millinery shown in
jCais county. They have employed a
! lady fnun the east especially as atrirn
! mer, and will do all they can to suit
their customers.
No 413, Main St., Plattsmouth.
Mrs. F. M . WV.'i: . i
W titer is visitiae l roods in town.
Judgt! lt:nv!sey ibi'
tiict court at Nebra):
y omlav.
ad jot: l ot i! dij
Cit v until n?t
: ' l ; : ;
A. h ;
r ; 'd t :
"'..!. i-: a
.hi" i .; ;
r. u
i, n r i
'. i r
Attornev J. II- Haldcnian ci-.m- in ; i t ..-nay t ..r? (.k a
' .... . !
lrom , cepir v. ;.;cr mo::i a io
at f erul di.-ti ict tvar' .
Ti'.e sapi't'tne cm' rr ' revi'f.-( ;
d I !I) T he i : .
d': i :u
: trie
; u: e
: M .
J '. !;::rniari s 'J'
oT rto.-bv s. ii'.'elu v
ror from Ca-s co-.-nty.
( "t:-i 1 1 ,!v!s:)r ; I ; ( I W ; ! i
pi e.-inc:, -.viT" vidl hv
in town 1 1 d ; v . i" " i ': : ; c
o!de.-t s-fttJer-: ir. " ! :,- :;.
M is-; Live ida il u;-.;!h! -u: ;
t '.! S;o;;e. ( to Cat;.
Sue. Jay witli Miss F.lbi .tilTt:cr.
T! u'avri'i er ha.; i- .-"t d liis jri
in t:;."i ci-mmmiij::r to v
j; ,.1'st'rvnr ' !' .r- r ';. .
. bv the plant f 1 1 re.- h y ;;'
p;i ;'( of 'lie t ate
II. .1. lb dps is ai.f !: :;;. iVi
.statement that in t.!.e ;i; ;:r ;- 1 :
Plati.o.m h v. ill I'.ivr a I!. A' :
b'P' '. Further ;! 1 th.-n '1
v. e' r- i:a:-(!ssi!.:i' ' :'...;:;. bi'.t ii
fair to pre.-uf:c- t!.a the ot ; -:t will
a lar-e-si.Cil improvi v.: r-n tho o
one. and will b.- , cat-'d v.eHt cf
.hi'igc l- S. Kaibs 'y :w;d I r-iLt
.Tohn.retu'-;o i T!f.::s.:; evening 1 ri-.
A.rapahoc. w in j o t'.i have t"i"i i'
ten das atter.din.T toe;.
th-dr -ist ci l.dsh nal. Dr. W :U i n'-.i
who IS SfiK-uslv ill. T ;;' '-;-: e
eoTODai.o d IV Iiuri. .v. . . v u v v .-' , V.
will vii: Id-re and Omaha U r a
few da
Si'i-Til':' ii i V;v.ij iepi;r:s that the
nrisoners in the j-tii at the ptesrnt
time ; vo t w b- :
! iest . t akr u as a
ever h id in his oidir,
, N khr:ts K ;i .
; t.f ?.!i:;nie
-etttcr: No-
Vl-d d.iV of
tra-irdiaa ..!
.Minnie A: u
".;-;-1 v,
! - i : : i : c ' ! t a
it: I'
i : ;
- 1 1 i t ;
iii:ilP 111
Which he has just opened in the
Waterman IBlock
T7AVING tired of doing nothing, I have
just put in an entire new stock of Gro
ceries and am prepared to serve the
public with every and anything in the Grocery
line, just from the wholesale markets. No
musty, old or shelf-worn stock on hand. I
vii! greet my customers with the cleanest,
neatest and most attractive grocery house in
town and my
All my former customers and everybody
else is cordially invited to call and see me
; Umd inspect my goods and prices.
V Waterman Bhu k, - - Plattsmouth, Neb
e; - t..r U.:
i r" s .t ' i , .
n- li.n-dy
;::d r .-,,.
d e:li
! .
d:el:.ived aral l:ap-
; :::is o-.-:: :
t A. .. I-'.'..
; : i, .,u icd to .-.!-- :
!-.;e .dd orde
, -i -i . i. i ' . : c :! i'-e v
; d iii w:e j-ityj."ei.t
tli-s. mi'M are supplied wit h cards ar.d
p!ay .-V'.Mi-up fnun morn.'n'. till r.i iht.
al'.v.i'i s .ettir.g in ' itr.e '" p ';' a
fe .v ejatnes he t ' ie hreal:tat
The Ihir'ington : f-eciic n beni..: ul
llellevue Veduesv'av d i.-eoVeia. A that i
the river ;tt th.t point was cutti;
into the embankment about twelve
feet from the rail. Several car loads
of stone and bru.-h were quickly sent
to the point and used in rinrapping
th b-ink before any f ut rher dani.tsjo
was done. 1'ee. . after passenger tvaio No. n'2
and an extra freight train had passed
across the Jlui Iinyton bridge overth.e
I'.;tte river at Ashland Wednesday,
the briilge v.a'chr.Ktn noticed t he t the
Oiist end of the bridge was on lire. Tlio
ilarnes were extinguish tl before much
damage was done. The origin eft lie
lire is unknown.
A Prominent Vlolen:tl (i racer of ei;li.i
Neb . , W ri t f . :
To the aniictcd:
Several vears .igo I discovered a
slight falling and bleedingof tho lower j
bowel which increased aid became !
very distressing. I made inquiry as
tot lie nature of the disease and learned j
that 1 h;u.l a somewhat aggravated I
of Hemorrhoids or Piles. Wan told of j
several reni'Mlies and used th'ero :is di
rected, obtaining thereby some tem
porary relief. Not- it in jr satisfied with
such slight relief I east about for a per
manent cure; when a friend directed
the use of the famous Maoxi:t 1'k.k I used it. .Immediate relief
fiom pain follow ei', and soon a com
plete cure was affected.
Very respectfully,
f ' Osc.vrt At. li-:v.
For sale by Gering S: Co.
hi! I
ti;a:: t:
o e;iit jiink J
i : 1 1 1 r v Tl i .-1 j
ria-r v.c;i':h. 's.x'r.S .iOiiN v. iiDDEli-
l-.titX.- I'm -r.t Ati.-ree.vs, 7;:;iiingto:i,
D. CJ., r'er their -'.'i,i
J LI !
'IAN U V A C T LJ It L 1 1 OI-
aiao mak 1 1; cr J i:
"he II est 7' c it-cent Cigar i
c: I he Market.
..! r- l i .i 1 1 s nnni : !i, Sl
. -.-.
i. U -''
. ,id.i:
- .
id';': "
'J. ii ui;
.... . i
KU.v r:
'Li iii
n. s x
...;.d-j CKJT.
. - r I..,.. - ., .
ia linr, ,i t uU- J
To Dover's block. My prices cut in j
half, as follows: j
Meiis' suits 63. !
ry;i" suits $2. Go. i
Childs' suits $1.4-r. j
ens, pants To els. ;
Hoys' pants 10 cts.
Childs' pants' 2o cts. j
Er.sox, the Clothier. !
Ituttt-r mwl r-s TaiiteJ. j
Will pay highest cash price for but- j
ter and eggs. Also for hides and tal- !
low. At E. A. Oliver's meat market. I
v. .
7T- ' ;,"$ry-
; i; :" it 7T ",'A": '.rr-?', sy.T'
t. :
V? T or fir, 5' !'V
.cxt rMzzz c.zo cr.
I'hey f ive Vu c-ect value r;r It?" r:r.ney,
I r.ev Eett.-d -:!:. "
"I ! : i r v ea r; n : i-. -Tl.s
erl :-.m 'O-c v:
l i'.iri f i to
1 j'f- (
4 -1 1." r: '
3 sjtsurjzl . Zu JuJti...
i n
First National Bank
I';,ATTSMolTll, NKIi.
Capital, paid up ..050,000
Gi;')i:.:ti E. Io
P. i:. Whits ..
.S. Wacoii. . . .
II. X. Dovet. .
.. . .....rresfdent
Vic e president
. .Assistant Cashier
(ieoiKC E. Dovey, r. E. White, I). Haw ksworth
S. Wauuh ami 11. N. Dovey.
Oiiriful attention fciveu to the Jntcretits of
customers. Collections made, anil promptly
r iuittt-d for. Highest iaa7)cet price paid for
v.:;uy warrants and and connty bonds
The Weekly JOURNAL
Doth one year for only S1.25.
The Enquirer is a 9-column, . 8-page
paper, issued each Thursday.
Largest in size, cheapest in price,
mo3t reliable in news, all large type,
plain print, good white paper. If our
readers w ant another live paper, the
Enquirer is that paper.
Call or send orders to
The attention of farmers who expect
to plant orchards is called to the fact
that I have home-grown trees, war
ranted to be true to name, by a man
who you know, and at prices that will
compare with any nursery in the land.
EACH. ..100.. 1,000.
Apple Trees, standard varie
ties, 3 years old f .15 $12.00 ?95.00
Same, 2 years old.. 12 10.00
1'lunis, blue 30 '
Pear, 3 years .40 ......
Cherry trees, 3 years 3. 25.00..
Concord vines, 2 years 05 3.50
Peach trees
Cooseberries .08 ..,
Currants, choice kinds 10
Will take corn for part trade and
give two cents a bushel above market
Parties living too far away can send
orders. Will be carefully packed in
Fred Krug
Brewing Co.,
Fred Egonberger, Agt.
Dr. Alfred Shipman,
j Office in Riley Hotel,
'4s Main Street entrance.
nviir.i.niio Vn on T?pn!r1nm nna block smith
Manager Journal, Plattsmouth. of m. p. depot.