Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, April 02, 1896, Image 8

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    The Weekly Journal
C. W. SHERMAN, Editor
One year, in advance, $1.00
Six months, in advance, 50
Three months, in advance, 25
Rates made known on application.
Tde Journal takes no glory to it
self for yesterday's victory against ilif
efforts of the two republican organ-.
It simply voiced the popular will and
did a little toward making that will
The victory of II. X. Dovey for dele
gate to St. Louis seems assured. This
is a distinct triumph for Polk over the
Chapman-Ne well-Davies combine ami
gives Cass county an honor that the
combine would have thrown away,
air. Dovey is a prominent young re
publican who deserves bis coming
victory, and whose selection will give
satisfaction to all people, regardless of
The joke of the city campaign in on
both the News and Mr. Chapman's
mouth-piece, the little Tribune. While
their campaign mud batteries have
been leveled at C. W. Sherman, and
The Journal under his management,
that gentleman has been keeping per
fectly quiet, enjoying the fun, never
saying a word or writing an article,
but permitting other hands to do the
work, which they have done so well as
to set both the organs of the g. o. p
wild with rage. Mr. Sherman admits
that he is not in the present race for
mayor, and, to be honest, he don't
think Mr. Newell is in it seriously. He
says be has withstood a good deal of
abuse before now, and he can stand
some more of it from the same sources
So he hopes the boys will pelt away.
It won't hurt him any, and if it af
fords them any satisfaction he is wil
ling to let them throw all the mud
they can stand.
Call for Democratic County Convention
In pursuance of the invitation of the
Democratic central committee, and
the action of the county central com
mittee of Cass county, the democratic
voters of said Cass county are hereby
invited to meet in delegate convention
at the village of Union.on Wednesday,
April 15. A. J). 1896. at 1 o'clock of
same day.
1 he object of said convention is, to
elect twenty-one delegates to represent
said Cass county in the state conven
tion, and twenty-one delegates to re
present said county in the district
convention, both of said convention?
are called to meet at Lincoln, Nebras
ka on Wednesday,April 22, A. D.1S96
The primary meetings for the elec
tion of delegates to said county con-
vention,are hereby called forSaturday
evening of April 11, 1S96 at S o'clock.
The representation from each ward
and precinct in the county shall be
upon the basis of one delegate at large
to each ward or precinct, and one de
legate ior every torty votes or major
fraction thereof, cast at last general
election for Hon. B. S. Ramsey for
district judge. Upon that basis the
several wards and precincts will be en
titled to representation as follows:
Tipton 3, Louisville 3, Plattsmoutb
precinct 6, Elmwood 4, Avoca 3, First
ward Weeping Water 2, Salt Creek 3,
Mt. Pleasant 4, Second ward Weeping
Water 2, Stove Creek 3, Eight Mile
Grove 3,Third ward Weeping Water 1,
Greenwood 3, Nehawka 3, First ward
Plattsraouth 3, South Bend 2, Liberty
4, Second ward Plattsmouth 5, Weep
ing Water precinct 2, Kock Bluffs
First district 3, Third ward Platts
mouth 4,Center 3, Hock Bluffs Second
district 3, Fourth ward Plattsmouth 4,
and Fifth ward Plattsmouth 3.
All persons who believe in the prin
ciples of Jefferson democracy are in
vited to participate in said primaries
and convention.
II. D. Travis, Chairman,
1). O. Dwyer, Secretary.
Call for Congressional Convention.
The democratic convention for the
First district of Nebraska is hereby
called to meet at Lincoln, Nebraska,on
the22d day of April, 1S9G, at eleven
o'clock a. m., for the purpose of nomi
nating two delegates to the dem
ocratic national convention to be
held in Chicago on the 7th day of July, !
said nominations to be ratified by the
democratic state convention to be held
in Lincoln on the 22d day of April,
1596, at two o'clock p. m. The
basis of representation shali;be one del
egate tor every iuu votes, or major l
fraction thereof, cast for Hon. W. J.
.Bryan for United States senator in
1S95. The several counties shall be en
titled to representation as follows:
Caas 21
Johnion 13
Lancaster 46
Nemaha 10
Otoe 20
Pawnee s
Richardson 20
Total.: 138 I
The electors of this city Tuesdav
decreed a change in the administration
of city affairs. This was in direct line
with the predictions of The Journal.
Ten days ago this paper took up the
cause of exposing the hypocrisy and
shams of the so-called "reform" ad
ministration. Ten days ago it began
its appeals to the voters to return to
their senses, and elect a set of city otli-
cials who would be only what they said
they would be and nothing more good
The appeals of The Journal have
borne fruit. The result on mayor is,
iii itself, a suflicient vindication of ev
ery charge presented in these columns.
When the people chose John A .
Gutsche to succeed Maor Newell they
acted wisely aud well. Mr.Gutsohe
was The Journal's, candidate, not
because of the fact that he was on the
democratic ticket alone, but becaie Uv
repiesented the correct principles of
municipal government. Under his ad
ministration there will be no hnm
Whenever genuine reform is needed,
it will be had, but the right of ever
man to live and enjoy life will be re
spected. There will be no abuse of the
law. There will be no reduction of
the wage scale. There will be a quali
tied and competent police force ami
every man will receive fair and courte
ous treatment from him.. This program
is democratic in its entirety and will
be carried out.
In choosing Henry It. Geriug to ad
minister the city finances for two years
the people have again acted upon Til
Journal's advice. Mr. Geriug won
his election over a most spirited fight.
It is no discredit to Mr. I'm uh that
he was defeated. He made a magni-'
ficent,albeit an unscrupulous fight, and
wa3 defeated because the people be
lieved Mr. Gering to be betterquahlied
and more capable to fill the position.
Mr. Uuruh's bond record campaign
militated much against his chances of
success and the people considered that
a man who had no strong er a record
than that was not a man for public
That the people's judgment is not
partisan is shown by the (act that U
C.Kerr was chosen clerk over the popu
iar, young Frarik Green. It was t Mr.
Green's detriment that he lacked ac
quaintance among the voters, lie
would have made a capable, trust
worthy ofllcial,but Mr. Kerr's extended
acquaintance enabled him to escape
the general defeat.
M. Archer's election was largely due
to the fact that he has been tried and
found true. The people desired to have
the best men in wllice and Judge Arch
er's record has proven him to be that
The choice of Messrs. Davis and
Travis as members of the school boaid
was timely . The Journal desired to
see Mr. Wilkinson elected, but as in
Mr. Green's case, his lack of extends
acquaintance had much to do with the
result. Mr. Davis has been upon the
board and seems to have satisfied the
people. Mr. Travis will make an ear
nest, conscientious officer and will act
for the best interests of the city and the
schools. I
Mike Mauzy's election was generally
conceded, even by republicans, before
election. It is needless to state that
Mr. Mauzy will give complete satisfac
tion to the people of the city and the
ward. He will be no hypocrite or
fraud but plain Mike Mauzy, a friend
of the people, and an honest, sturdy
representative of good government.
Geo. Heisel was chosen over John F.
Hinsbaw in the second ward, because
he was considered the proper man for
the place. Mr. Hinshaw had made a
clean, honorable record and put up a
good fight for re-election. His sue
cessor was elected upon the ground of
nersonal DODularitv and because he
a a a
was considered fully qualified for the
position. This is correct. George
Heisel will make an excellent council
man and will meet the wants of his
ward and the city in every respect.
Councilman Steimker went down in
defeat because the people were tired of
his domineering ways and disgusted
with his antics in the council chamber.
He never merited election, but was al
ways in line for defeat. Dr. Cummins'
overwhelming majority bespeaks well
for the intelligence of the voters of
that ward and indicates that good busi
ness principles have resumed sway iu
the big third. Dr. Cummins may well
feel proud of his victory over "Doll-
rags," it was an excellent testimonial
of the high regard in which Dr. Cum
mins is held and thoroughly, vindicates
The Journal's position.
John P.Sattler's victory in the fourth
is well merited. It is a complete
knock-out for the gentlemen who made
it their business to slander Mr. Sattler
by charges of drunkness and inatten
tion to business. The people will not
believe slander and have so testified.
John P. Sattler made a good record
and he stands vindicated.
In the fiftb,the expected fight against
Wm. Slater tailed to materialize.
Nothing could be said against Mr.
Slater's record. It was a whole cam
paign in itself aud its voice was heard
Upon the whole The Journal feels
proud. It is proud of the voters of
Plattsmouth city. They acted in har
mony. While the men elected are as
a rule democrats, yet. the ballots fell
from bands republican as well as dem
ocrat and in the end it was the voice
of the DeoDle. A voice terrible in its knows that leather boots can be made
power the voice that raises hopes and j water proof in the following way
consent, lie now holds one office and
an average hand at whist. That's
enough. Unless ou want him adver
tised to the world as a hor . please oon't
elect him to another official position."
Most persons are dependent upon
rubber overshoes to keep their feet dry
in wet weather. But one who has
practiced it for a number ot years
speaking, crushes out ambitious high
in their expectations, but doomed to
lasting defeat. So the victory is the
victory of the people.
Maxey Cobb, county treasurer of
Lancaster county, committed suicide
Thursday, near Lincoln, by taking
poison. A shortage of some $36,000 in
his accounts is supposed to have
preyed upon his mind to such an ex
tent that he was unable to face the
disgrace and took his own life. He
was a son of Judge Amassa Cobb.
If a woman hasn't a husband, she
ets a cat or a dog, anything, so it is
something she can worry about lor
staying out nights. Atchison Globe.
In a certain Knox county school the
children took to spoiling each other's
dinner by putting cayenne pepper in
the pails. The other dav a little girl
discovered a white powder on her pie
and found upon tastine it t hat it was
very bitter. She gave the pie to a dog,
and the beast died a few minutes aft
erwards. It was strychniue. beward
The Sarpy county authorities have
offered a reward of $500' for the cap
ture of Vic McCarty, the outlaw.
Melt together equal parts of castor oil,
kerosene and lard and while it is still
warm rub the mixture all over a pair
of new boots, both upper and soles. As
ic dries in repeat the operation about
five times and you can them put the
boots on and walk iu melting snow
with impunity. Give another dressing
with this mixture about once in three
or four months. Leather is not only
made water-proof in this way but be
comes very soft and pliable.
In a suburban town of New York
one day last week two fire department
horses, a pair of iron grays, were "bor
rowed" for a pouple of hours to haul a
moving van loaded with household
goods. Among the goods was an alarm
clock. During the moving the. clock,
jarred by the jolting of the truck,
started to ring. The horses, thinking
it was the fire alarm, started off at a
gallop, increasing their speed at every
stride, while the alarm clock raug on
merrily, liy a strange coincidence, a
fire engine on its way to a fire dashed
by. The horses attached to the truck
dashed after the engine, and thedriver
was unable to stop them until the
scene of the fire was reached. Even
then it was with great difficulty that
the nurses could be driven away from
the conflagration.
at j. PEA
Parlor Suites.
$100 for
75 for
55 for
45 for
Xonnges and Couches.
$35 for ' 2
20 for 15
15 for 11
11 for 8 50
8 50 for 5 00
Bed Room Suites.
$100 for $75
75 for 55
50 for 35
Wtirtli .
$35 for
25 for
22 for
Dining Tables.
$28 lor .:..,..V.:.;::v $20.00
for J.
fnr . .
- -
Gold Coin Steel
iiaucres and Stoves.
$85 for
05 for
50 for
40 for
30 for
25 for
Opposite Court House, Plattsmouth, Neb
No peddler does anything to help the
town. lie Hives nothiriir to schools,
churches or public enterprises. He
spends no money here; he pays no
taxes; lm has nothing iu common with
the home people. He can swindle
you, often does swindle you. and you
cannot help yourse'f. lie has no store
in town to which you may leturn
goods that are worthless. The itiner
ant merchant has no reputation to sus
tain, lie can cheat you with impuni
ty. The home merchant beats hisshare
f the business of good government.
When a Mibscriptlon paper is passed
u is the first approached. He spends
a1 of his money here. He builds a
home which enhances the value of all
property. lie helped to pay for the
church in which you worship and the
school to which you send your children.
A Long Island stamp collector
named Nelson Terrett, who is well
known as an enthusiast, has just sold
5,000 or 0,000 United States stamps.
The stamps, all of which brought good
prices, were quite rare. One of . them,
a 21 cent stamp of the ISol issue,
bringing $19. The entire lot realized
o,00S. Mr. Terrett still has a large
collection of both United States and
foreign stamps.
Hume-Seeker' I.xcurKiou.
Missouri Pacific will sell home-seekers'
tickets at the ratio of one fare
plus $2 for round trip, with stop-over
privileges to points in Iowa, Minnesota,
Wisconsin, North and South Dakota,
Arkansas, Indian Territory ,Oklahoma,
Texas and Arizona. Dates of sale,
March 10, April 7 and 21st and May 5.
For further particulars call at Missouri
I'aciuc depot.
C F. STOUTKNiiOKouoir. Acent.
The duutfhter of a Montpelier, Vt..
couple is the only child ever known in
the United States to live whose weight
at birth was only one and one-half
pounds. She is now four yeai sold, but
has not yet strength enouch to walk.
When a sharp battle takes place
within twelve miles of Havana, and
the dispatches state that "the details
are meager," the inference is that the
Spanish troops were roughly handled
and have no desire to go into par
ticulars. The net earnings of the Burlington
system for the month of February show
an increase of $236,559 over the same
mouth of last year, when the net earn
ings showed a deficit of $278,392. The
net earnings of the system from the
first of the year to February 29 show a
deficit of $44,843; an increase of $352.
048 over the same period of the preced
ing fiscal year. Lincoln Journal.
Prominent lrtigKiti of ltlair. Neb. .Write
Magnet Chemical Co.
Dear Sirs: The goods which we
bought through your salesman are
sellers; the Magnet I'ile Killkic es
pecially sells good and gives excellent
satisfaction. We have re-ordered
through our jobbers several times.
Uespectfully yours.
Palmeu k Taylok.
For sale bv Gerine fc Co.
The Plattsmouth Mills
With the best Machinery made, manufacture
Trade Especially Solicited- Runs
Night and Day to Supply Demand.
C. HEISEL, Prop.,
Washington Avenue, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Urine in Your Wood.
Wood will be taken at this otlice in
payment of accounts due the Weekly
J l T It N A I.
Foil Sale A new set of "Encyclo
pedia Brittanica." twenty-live vol
nines, black silk binding. Cost $50,
will sell for 35 cash. Call at II. D
Travis' office.
Subscribe for the Weekly .Jour
nal 8) per year, if paid in arivunce.
Will keep constantly on hand a full and
complete stock of pure
An editor who has experienced a
dragging sensation about the heels has
the following to say: "When a man
goes to church and the shingle nail
that holds bis pants fast to his suspen
ders, drops out and goes rattling down
on the hard wood seat like a cow bell,
and lets bis suspenders slit around his
neck, he might as well get up and go
home, for the sermon won't do him any
Here is a little item taken from the
Syracuse (X. Y.) Herald of some yeais
ago. "xesieraay morning at rour
o'clock p. m., a man with a heel in the
bole of his stocking, committed arsen
ic, by swallowing a dose of suicide.
The inquest of the verdict returned a
jury that the deceased came to the facts
n accordance with his death. He
leaves a child and six small wives to
lament the end of his untimely loss.
In death we are in the midst of life."
Also a full lino of IriiKtt Sumlrien.
Pure liquors for medicinal purposes.
Special attention given to
Hon. W. J. Bryan addressed the
teachers of Dodge county Friday even-
ng with "Job and His Boils," as a
title for his lecture..
Editor Edgar Howard of the Papil
Uoh Times expresses himself tbusly:
"The editor of this paper will meas
ure his volume of true friends by the j
list of those who shall rote against him
for village trustee.His name was placed
Messrs. F. O. FRICKE & CO., are the
only parties selling our Alanka Crystal
Spectacles and ye-Glasses
In Plattsmouth. These Lenses are far
superior to any other Bold in this city.
possessing a natural transparency and
strengthing qualities which will pre
serving the failing eye-sight.
Zuckweiler& Lutz
Cor. Sixth and Pearl Sts.,
Attorney and Counselor at
OFFICE Waterman lil'lt, Upstairs,
Groceries, Dry
Goods, Notions
I Goneral Mdse.
The Old Reliable
Pioneer Merchant
Every purchase made at his store
is a guarantee that you obtained the
best and most goods for the least money.
August Gorder,
Successor to Fred Gorder & Son.
: : : DEALER IN : :
.Is pleased
No. 1
to call special attention to his line of. .
Hand-Made Harness,
on the ballot without bis knowledge or PI at tsm OH til. - - - Neb.
Made of Old-Fashioned, Oak-Tanned Leather, which he is able to
warrant as first-class in every particular. Also has a fine line
of Covered CARRIAGES and BUGGIES. He has also added
to his stock a first-class make of BICYCLES, with all the mod
ern improvements.
Harness Repairing at Lowest Prices
So. 309 Miiin-At., PlatlNinouili, Nob.