! HERE AND THERE. ! I l'olk Bros.' News to k occasion last Monday to rub it in on Judge Chap man in the most approved style. Un der the cap on "How the Mighty Have Fallen" a very choice and select "roast" i3 served with M. D. folk as chief cook. In this article reference is made to Chapman's defeat by a 'boj from Nehawka" for delegate to the state convention, and also reference is had to Chapman's defeat in the third ward. Incidentally, a few boomlets for Dovey for delegate to St. Louis are thrown in. Now. Ut us watch and see the "machine" roll Mr. Dovey over The Chapman men have themachiner, Mr. Polk, and Chapman, Newell and Davies will chase Dovey t IT the earth before the congressional delegates are chosen. Henry Boeck created a genuine sen "at ion Tuesday morniDg up on Sixth street, lie was wheeling a barrowtul of rock, and when he approached the curb he endeavored to puil the load onto the walk. To do this he bad to pull backward. This he essayed to do. but only vain attempts could he make, the rock came not. At last, urged to desperation, he- seized the barrow -bandies with ill-suppressed wrath and gave a wrench that near upset the cuibing. This time the load moved and it moved so fast that Henry could not escape. A grand crash resounded in the air and a vision of arms and legs and rock and wheels terrified the on-lot ters. When the debris had been removed and Henry fished out he waf found to have got through without anything more serious than a slight jir. Hon. Wni. Weber has started a cigar factory tor the purpose of manufactur ing McKinley cigars. "Billy" wants to get in his work before the republi cau convention lest McKinley meet hit- Waterloo at St. Louis. However, it is good to see Weber back in business, even if the cigars are of the "favorite eon" variety. This morning's cablegrams bring the news that Consuelo Vanderbilt has been formally installed as the mistress of Blenheim. This is sad Here is another good thing I have al lowed to get away. While I have been wasting my time here toiling away . thinking observe that last Consuelo has gone friui us like a dog from a dose of turpentine, and has- left us only a memory of warm dis patches of pale-blue stockings and other unmentionables and linked hei fortune with the title of the Duke ol Marlborough. This is outrageous, bu' it can't be helped. Consuelo we have missed thee but wh it we 1 te is Eiig land's gain several millions gain. There is around this ofiice one canine of the male sex whose ecphon- ious title is Hero. He is the propert) of C. W. Sherman and is a beast ot magnificent attainments and many ileas. Like his master he is fat and sleek with profound labor upon the tariff and silver and never loses an apportunity to argue a point with a friend or enemy. He is kind, too, and tbis'quality is going to get him into trouble. He persists in wanting to love me overmuch. I like to be loved but not by canines and C. W. Sherman will get his dog killed if he don't teach him better manners. Once upon a time there was a good little boy who wore long hair and a sweater. When be was yet young he was permitted to stand out in the rain, and the water permeating his head caused small ponds to form upon the surface of this gray matter. One of these ponds formed over that portion of his brain known as oratory, and drowned out that particlar paitof his anatomy. Yet be knew it not, and upon all occasions he would malevolently and persistently recite the weird story of 'Spartacu3 and his cheese knife." Years rolled on; the boy flourished and waxed strong and hearty like unto a young bull, but still Spartacus haunted his waking hours and dwelt upon his pillow at night, bo that in the end he persisted in embellishing the program at every declamatory contest and, persisting,he was also in the end fallen upon by the populace and beaten near unto death and his spirit rode before St. Peter upon a bicycle with ball-bearings and oversprung regulator. Thi3 is a tale for good, little boys and girls, and cer tain people may read it with profit to themselves and their fellowmen. It Is not the bands of heroes Battling for their fellow men, Nor the helping band of woman, . Nor the hand that wields a pen, Nor the hand that beats the carpet On the backyard fence unfurled, Dut tbe band that beats four aces Is the hand that rulefe the world. Chicago Record. There is more truth than poetry in the above skit. Everybody knows that heroes are born every day and that history is made from their battles for their fellow men,bnt who can say that history is made by the man who beats four aces. And yet the four ace beater is the man who will rule. Again, we all know that life would be a drear and desolate waste but lor the helping hand of woman, and still the helping hand of woman will not beat the baud that skins four aces. And the wielder of the pen ptrts with his cash with great facility to the n un who beats four aces. But the crowning triumph of the man. who beats four aces is when he closes up the gap with the hand that beats the carpet. Everybody has pounded' the carpet to a finish, but never has four aces been beat. When the time comes that four aces will go down iu riotous defeat before the strong hand then will we find a world- beater. Sunday was a day of horrors in the east. Murder and death stalked through the land. Ohio, Indiana, Illi nois, New York and New Jersey were all visited ly death in its most terrible forms. Masked murderers, fratricides, and holocausts made Monday's papers read like a history of the grey death it self. Ciiaui es Grimes. all lor Iriiiocraiic County Convention. In pursuance of the invitation of the Democratic central committee, and the action of "the county central com mittee of Cass county, the democratic voters of said Cass county ate hereby invited to meet in delegate convention a: the village of Union.on Wednesday, April 15, A. D. 1S9G. at 1 o'clock of same day. The object of said convention is, to elect twenty-one delegates to represent said Cass county in the state conven tion, and twenty-one delegates to te present said county in the district cnentiou, both of said conventions ire called to meet at Lincoln, Nebras ka on Wedi thday.Apiii 'S2. A. D.1S9G The primary meetings for the elec tion of delegates to said county con vention,are hereby called lorSaturday evening of April 11. 1S96 at S o'clock. The representation from each ward aud precinct in the county shall be upon the basis of one delegate at large to each ward or precinct, and one de scale for every forty votes or major fraction thereof, cast at last general election for Hon. B. S. Ramsey fot district judge. Upon that basis the several wards and precincts will be en titled to representation as follows: Tipton U Leuiille 3. i'lattsmouth precinct G, Elmwood 4, Avcca 3, First ward Weeping Water L Salt Creek 3, Alt. Pataut 4, S:coud waul Weepirg Water 2, Move Creek 3, Eight Mile Grove 3,Third ward Weeping Water 1, Greenwood 3, Nehawka 3, First ward Plattsmoi.th 3, irouth Bend 2, Liberty 4. Second ward I'lattsmouth 5, Weep ing Water precinct licck Bluffs First d:.-'.r . t 3, Tt.ird ward Platts rnjuth -l.Center 3, Beck Bluffs Second district 3, Fourth ward I'lattsmouth 4, and Fifth ward i'lattsmouth 3. All persons who believe in the prin ciples of JelTersi n democracy are in vited to participate in said .primaries and convention. II. D. Travis, Chairman. D. O. Dwyek, Secretary. Avoca Observation. Yon can always tell whether a place is any gt-od or not by hearing travelling men talk about it," said a drummer to the writer. "I always hear g od words from the drummers about t tie village of Avoca," he con tinued. I always fell a good bill theie, and always find the merchants are ready pay." That fellow's head is level. Avoca is not very large, but it enjoy s a good trade, because its business is not over done, and its dealers are men who keep large stocks of goods, are 'up to snuff." and are pleasant men to deal with. Messrs. B. C. Marquardt and F. B. Busching are the general mer chants, and they are as clever men as can be found in any town iu the county. Besides these there is a hard ware establishme nt,and Orlando Tefft has a large lumber yaid, with the most abundant of shed room. Henry Ilagerman has a first-class mill, with modern roller machinery, and Messrs. Brooks & Marquardt have an exten sive elevator for handling grain. Be sides these Dr. J. F. Brendel attends to the health of the community, and there is a hotel, restaurant, a drug store, a bank and several emaller con cerns, making up the measure of the wants of a well-iegulated village. II, W. Lloyd of Union, whose well of mineral water is one of the won ders of the west, contemplates making improvements that will result in bring ing the water into general use as a health-restorer. The water already has the eudorsement of the U. S. gov ernment authorities as among the best in the world. Mualln Underwear. A new lot of ladies' muslin under wear just received at Wm. Iierold Sc Son's. Good muslin, splendidly made, don't cost any more than the material, and saves the making. Nothing but honor goes with a municipal office at Fall City. 1'ieviou to Item vt1. To our new store in Dovey's block, May 1st, we will give you some aston ishing bargains. mo. Elson, the Clothier. Any one having cut flowers or pot ted plants that they are willing to lend for decorating the Presbyterian church Easter Sunday, will confer a favor by leaving word with Mrs. J. N. Wise. PEESONAL AND OTHERWISE. Col. Frank Ireland of Nebraska City was in town today. Cap Barnes returned to Denver last evening, after a visit iu this city with his friend, Cbas. Sullivan. Our carpet department stands pre pared to meet any demand you might make upon it, the best grades at the lowest pric s Wm. Hekold & Son. The Epworth league business and social meeting will be held Friday eve ning of this week, with the Misses Couffer at their home on Pearl street You are invited to be present. The fancy dress cotillion at Water man hall, on the evening of April G, will be the most elaborate and novel entertainment ever given in the city The affair will b- given under the auspices of Ivy Lodge, D. of II. Ad mission for speclators ten cents, dance tickets fifty cents. The court docket for the April term which it now in the hands vf the printer, shows 126 civil and fourteen criminal cases to be heard at that term. The court convenes here on Monday, April 13th, and it is thought that the judge will make a big effort to dispose of the greater part if not all of the cases thereon. Nebraska City News. Itutirr him! Kkc Wanted. Will pay highest cash price for but ter aud eggs. Also for hides and tal low. At E. A. Oliver's meat market. Will a merchant who is wise ever cease to advertise? Yes when the trees grow upside down; when the beggar wears a crown; when a sparrow weighs a ton; when gld dollars get too cheap; when women t-ecrets keep; when a fish f rg 1 s to swim; when old Satan sings a hymn;wben girls go back on gum; when a small boy hates a drum; when no politician schemes; when mince pie makes pleasant dreams; when it's funjto break a tooth; when 11 lawyeis tell the truth; when young people cease to wed; when the human race is dead; when the drum mer has no brass when these things all come to pass; then the man that's wite will neglect to adertise. ICfHiovnl Sale To Dovey's block. My prices cut in half, as follows: Mens' suits $3. Hoys' suit.- $2.65. Childs' suits $1.45. Mens' pants 75 cts. Boys' pants M) cts. Childs' pants 25 cts. Elson, the Clothier. A little girl four years oldwasruu into by an electric car going at full speed at Minneapolis the other night. .She was knocked down, thrown on the track in front of the wl eels, and then picked up as neatly as you please by the patent fender and thrown back into the netting with only a slight cut on the head to show for her dangerous experience. This is probably the most severe test that cuid Le given to this apparatus, ami the (erfertinn i f its operation is a source of great satisfac tion to the public as well as the street car people. Lincoln Journal. Elegant Itixplny of Millinery Tucker Sisters are pleased to an nounce to their lady friends through out Cass county that th-y are now ready with their Spring Openinc of Millinery, and they have in stock the largest and most elegant and fashion able display of tine Millinery shown in Cass county. They have employed a lady from the east especially as a trim mer, and will do all they can to suit their customers. Tuckei: SlSTEUS, No 413, Main St., Plattemouth. The Fullerton News is authority for the statement that a big irrigation ditch is to be built this summer from the eastern part of Nance county to Fremont. The Loup is to be tapped about four miles above Genoa and the water gradually carried to tbe uplands until the divide between the Platte river and Shell creek is watered Work will be commenced at once and will afford employment for many men and teams. Ladle' Shirt Wain's. A fine assortment of this season's latest creations just received, exclusive in style and material; at prices kept down to a popular level. Latest novelties in belts, ties, and shirt waist sets to go with them. Wm. Hekold & Son. At tlie Episcopal Church. Services Wednesday erenint; at 7:30 o'clock. Thursday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock, Good Friday at 10:00 a. m.. 12:00 m. till 3:00 p. m. and at 7:30 o'clock. Easter day. Holy Commun ion at 8:00 and 11:00 a. m. Evening services at 7:30 o'clock. Everybody cordially invited to attend. Dr. Marshall, Graduate DENT IST, Fitzgerald block. The Jouknal job department yes terday completed tbe printing of the sample and official ballots for the city election, and t hey are now in the hands of the city clerk. Messrs. II. M. Soennicbsen and A. II. VVeckbach were taking in the sights at Omaha this afternoon. o o o o o o O I o o oriflkCo o o Home Life Pleasant. i o -I O It is the duty of tea ls of families to make tbe home attractive and furnish different amusements to.. ...PLEASE THE CHILDREN ... ? Next Sunday is Easter and the proper way to amuse them ia to bu ... ..ra$ter Dy?.. I I T A i o I c o I o I I c I ? Eight Beautiful Colors 5e FOR t Gering & Co., Druggists. ? o o o o o o o o o o o- o O Bicycle Given Away 13y Morgan, the Lead ng Clothier, to the most popular lady in Cass county. Following is vote to date: Maude Eatou , Plattnraouth 970 Bessie Walker, Murray 560 Alice Murray, Myn:rd 150 Mrs. J. F. Barnes, Cedar Creek ... .. 50 Ethel Terry. Mynard 30 NKUH4SKA Nhtt. Boyd county is having considerable of a land boom. Several farms near Spencer have cbauged hands in the j past few week?. i Tecumseh will not try to organize a ball team this year as the one last year proved a very expensive luxury and ; cost them enough for at least two years. George Willey, living ten miles northwest of Shelton, h-s a badly broken leg. The horse he was riding fell and the boy wasn't swift enough to get out from under. John A. Spiker. an employe of the Grand Island oflice of the Western Union Telegraph company, has made an application for a patent on an elec trical switch for use in telegraph offices, wbich in considered to be quite an invention. If someone doesn't soon sing the story of "woodman spar that tree" all the shade trees iu the north part of town, says the South Sioux City Bec ord. will be converted intostove wood. More trees have been cut down this spring than any time in fifteen yeats. Matting" 1 Matting.!: The ideal floor covering is growing in popular favor moie aud more each succeeding year. Fifty rolls just re ceived at Win. Iierold & Son's that will be sld at price?, r.ot to be dupli cated this side of China or Japan. Subscribe for the Weekly Jock n'AL $1 per vear, if paid in advance. The Western Union Telegraph Jour nal announces that eleven otl cea were closed in Nebraska dm ing the month of February. Theywete: Alda.Averv, Benton, Boone, Glenwood Park, Nan tasket, Riverdale, llockville, Rogers, St. Libory and Verona. Only one of lice was opened that, at Nacora. The officer closed were all -mall and the business did not justify the employ ment of operators. Lincoln Journal. Home-Seek em' Kicurnion. Missouri Pacific will sell home-seekers' tickets at tUe ratio of one fare phi $2 for round trip, with stop-over privileges to points in Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North and South Dakota, Arkansas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma, Texas and Arizona. Dates of sale, March 10, April 7 and 21st and May 5. For further particulars call at Missouri Pacitic depot. C. F. Stout k bo rough. Agent. Before You Oc To Omaha to purchase your needles, pins and spool cotton, give our stock an inspection. We may be able to suit you. Wm. IIerold & Son. Highest cash prices paid for chick ens and eggs Dy E. W. Black at White's store. In tbe lltrlct Court of Cans County, Ke braalta. Geobse Sheldon, Plaintiff, ) vu. j FniTz Gollnkh, N. U. Reed (first) nmne unknown, li arkt L) . Heed, A. 1.. Timblin (first name un known). The Connecticut Uiver Savings Hank, of Chnrieetown, New Hampshire, and Fbancis C. Faulknek, Assignee, of said Bank. Defendants. THE Connecticut River Savings Bank, of Charlestjwu. New Hampshire, and Francis C. Faulkner, assignee of said bank, non-resident defendants, will take notice, that on the 27th day of March, 1896, George feheldon, plain tiff herein, filed his petition in the district court of Cas9 county, ,Netratka, against said defend ants, he object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the defendant, Fritz Gollner. to the plaintiff, upon the southeast quarter of 6ec:lon twenty-eight (28), in township ten (10). north, in range eleven (11), east of the 6th P. M. in Cass county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of a certHln promissory note dated December 30th, 193. for the sum of ($3,500) thirty five hundred dollars, due In five years from date but which plaintiff has elected to declare due and payable on de fault of payment of interest and taxes, as pro vided he may by the terms of said note and mortgage, with interest at the rate f eight per cent, per annum, as per coupon notes attached to said principal note, which Interest notes were due December 30th. 18T1, and December Dth, 1895, and are still unpaid, and bear interest at ten percent, after due. and that there Is now due upon Bald notes and mortgage the turn of 14,172, and also to foreclose a tax lien upon said premises Dy virtue or a tax sale certificate is sued by the county treasurer of Cass county, Nebraska, for the tax of the year 1894 for the sum of ?'15 67, on which there is now due the sum of $38-40 with interest from this date at twenty per cent. pe annum with ten percent, attornev fees. Plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required ro pay the same, or that said premises mat be sold to satisfy tbe amount found due, and that Ike be decreed to have a first Hen upon naid premises. You are required to answer said petition on or before the llth day of May, A. D. 189C. Dated : March 30, 1S06. GEORGE SHELDON, PlaintifT. By J. If . LEYDA, his attorney. 15 4t O- i i T o I o I i I o I r Who Is... in Cass You often hear this remark. sntkfv the s F. J. Morgan...... I ...Plattsmouth's Leading Clothier, Will offer a way to the solution. For Every Dollar Received.... . . . .By him, either for goods purchased, or on open account, he will give a card, entitling the holder to TEN VOTES on the question. The vote will be published every day in the daily papers and every week in the weekly papers, so you may know where each contestant stands at any time. The voting will close at 12 o'clock sharp, on July 4th, 1896, and the lady receiving the highest nnmber of votes, will be declared THE MOST POPULAR LADY IN ALL CASS COUNTY AND WILL RECEIVE A HANDSOME HIGH GRADE . With this object in it selecting our Sprinc Line suit the most fastidious in.... Color, Pattern and Price. All voting is to be done at Bank of Cass County. Bicycle is on exhibition at the store of... Try The Journal F. C. FRICKE &. CO., Will keep constantly on hand a full and complete stock of pure P INT.x O LS, F tc. Also a full line of rnggivt'it Sumlrtri. Pure liquors for niediciual purposes. Special atteutiou given to COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. Messrs. F. G. FRICKE i CO., are the only parties selling our Alaska Crystal Brilliant COMBINATION Spectacles and ye-Glasses In Plattsmouth. These Lenses are fnr superior to any other sold In this city, possessing a natural transparency and strengthing qualities wbich will pre serving the falling eye-sight. PROF. STRASSMAN. Wm. Neville & Co., WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALERS IN Pore Wines and Liquors AND THE BEST CIGAES. Sole Agents for the Celebrated MILWAUKEE Pabst Beer. Deliveries made to any part of the city or shipped to any place. WM. NEVILLE, . . . MANAGER. ... 412 Main Street, - Plattsmoutb, Neb H. Q. LIVINGSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I N SUB ANCE, Plattsmoiith. Nehraafc a Ed Streight of Lincoln is visiting his parents in this city. The Most Popular Lady g County? Public Mind on this question, n Lady's Bieyele view, we have taken extra pains and vou will find that we can O 4 Job Department Zucicweiler& Lutz GROCERS. Cor. Sixth and Pearl Sts., KEEP EVKKYT.'MNG IN Til KIR LINK SELL CHEAP. GIVfi GOOD WEIGHT, DELIVER PROMPTLY a a VOPn Oi:.ST(I M !. ICITKIt H. D. TRAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS. orriCK-WaterniHf Itl'k, U-tr. PI at tamo nth. - - Neb. Try The Journal for Job Printing. Place an "Ad 9 9 in THE JOURNAL, If you have Anything to Offer- Leave your orders t r job work with Thb Journal, an artistic job guaranteed. e o s O s S