THE DAY'S DOINGS What the People In and Around Plattsmonth Are Doing. DELIGHTFUL SURPRISE PARTY Mr. Wanhtngton Smith Fiftieth Ilirth- ljr AnniTrraary Krmenibered Hy m Number of Lady Friend Other Happening. Remembered Her llirthday. Mrs. Wasbiogton Smith was fifty -fears old Monday, and she was the victim of a most pleasant surprise that evening, which was planned and suc cessfully curried out by a number of her lady friends. As a token of es teem, Mrs. Smith was presented with a handsome, silver tea set, the gift of the ladies present. Elegant refresh ments were served at the residence of Mrs. Will Coolidge, after wuich the guests devoted the remainder of the eveniog to social chat and a general good time. Those present were MesdamesS. P. Ilolloway.C. W. Green, Henry Mar tens, II J. Help?, F. D. Lehnhoff, F. II. Steimker, C. 6. Johnson, G. F. S. IJurton, O. II. Snyder, Geo. Hay, D. 15 Smith. A. Drew, W. II. Newell. A. 2s. Sullivan, Win Ballance. Chas. Rutherford, .1. M. Robertson. J. T. Raird, Sift, Ithaio and Wendell. Iul Coiiticlerattle Damage. This vicinity was visited by a small sized cyclone Friday aDd as a result various out-buildings, fences, chimneys and mfs were scattered proinisCMnsly around by the tierce gale At ab ut half past six o'clock the sky suddenly became a heavy leaden color, and the wiud blew so strong that it was scarcely safe to ven ture out. The air was filled with fly ing debris, rain aud mud, and for a couple of hours the elements had full sway. The tall smoke stack of Reisers roller mills was blown down during the storm, and several sign boards and fences were carried a considerable dis tance, and the tin rojf of the Leonard block was blown off. and a number of .window panes weie broken in variou 'houses damage to property in this city will probably amount to one hundred dollars. The storm appears to have been con flued to thi taction of the state, as tte morning papers did not chronicle any serious rfrsult elsewhere. Mnt IVeuliar Accident. A report was received at Burlington headquarters yesterday of a peculiar accident that occurred the other day about five miles west of Otis. Two cars on freight tiain No 150 were de railed. Tney were two empty box cars and were situated in the middle portion of the train They ran aloug off the track for several miles. Con siderable damage was done to the track, but the cars went bumpina along, the couplings holding good, ana escaped any injury. The dropping of a broken brafce shoe was the cause ol the accident. The train officials are trying to figure out just bow more serious refills were escaped Bee. Iloldrege tart For Hie Kant. The sudden departure of General Manager Iloldrege of the Burlington for the east has, in railroad circles, given greater force to the rumor that the B irlingtnn would soon take con trol of the Omnha & St Louis railroad. A firt the rumor of such a move was looked upon as a mere cauard, but auniiK uif im two uajo .u- iixj. le sion among railroad men that there is something in the m-ttter has grown considerably. A number of local rail way men, w ho keep pretty close tabon matters concerning western roads re ard ti e purchase of the Omaha & St. Louis by the Burlington as an occur rence that is altogether probable. ttee. Tom LMion pron is'S at an earlj da'.e to publicly exhibit his apparatus for making the huunn body transpa rent, so that doctor or any other man may look intoand throueh you.aodaee just how yo'ir arteries and veins and JuiJkts and livei are working and puiup ing. If begets the art of penetrating thviN "itli'ien I Hitup'ified, it i - ii heale in li tgers il advel l-e lot a (pinner t-X I a. t o fur nish ever man wnhoii- wi- iKstalled b h gh h in front of him, so thai afrce he cannot see the pUy Oil the staje. le can amuse himself with the play of i he internal organs of the per son unoer the high hat Lincoln Jour nal. Most people l-elieve that this has" been an exredinil warm winter and tint March bns ben warmer than U,,H ij i- - mi-take. While there beei. !iut little verv severe the governni-n- QL i .1 hw that the winder l been t lit le colder than UMial nul that he aveiHge tem peiatme for Match lias been about tirp deirree clder than the normal F rn.-i ..-irii'k riek-'ay irg plas ter i u. s i . m -oi i "i have such VX. ik o. ne by .pling to Wro Mostin of I'latti-moutb. who can be addressed through The Journal. PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. From Friday's Daily. J. M Beardsley and T. M. Howard came in from Weeping Water this morning. Klva Kilborn was granted a divorce from Joseph Kilborn by Judge Ramsey in district court this morning. Little Maud Dearing was at Elm wood Wednesday, where she sang for the entertainment of the Modern Woodmen social, receiving a hearty encore. Miss Myrtle and Master Charley Hulfish of Wabash are visiting in town, the guests.of Dr. and Mrs. W II. Dearing. Miss Hulfish is an ac complished pianist, as was evidenced by her delightful performance last eve ning. About twenty lady friends of Mrs. George Luscbinsky tendered her a fare well surprise yesterday afternoon at the home of her mother, Mrs. Gable- man, on west Gold street. A most en joyable time is reported by all present. Mrs. Luscbineky will depart in a few days for her new home at Colorado City. Colo., where her husband is em ployed. From Monday's Dally. Mrs. C. S. Sherman of Crete visited in this city over Sunday. Rev. Bomgartner of South Bend was a county-seat visitor today. The Cass County Teacher's institute closed a very interesting and profitable session at Weeping Water Saturday. John Robbins has been appointed traveling representative for South eastern Nebraska. f or thePacemaker" a journal devoted cyclists" interests. published at Lincoln Sheriff Holloway was notified today that a man named Fred Trunkenbolz intat Eagle, had suddenly become in sane, and he will probably go out after the man this evenlug. The republican county convention at. Weeping Water Saturday unani mously endorsed II. X. Dovey of this city as a delegate to the national con vention from the First district, and A C. Wright as state delegate. Frt m Tuesday's Daily. Judge B. S. Rarnse and his brother. lohn,departed this afternoon forltusb- ville, Xeb . called thither by the seri ous illness of Dr. Waterman, a brother-in-law of theirs. The court house presents a deserted appearance today. Judge Ramsey has gone out to Rusbville, County Attor ney 1'olk is in Omha, Sheriff Hollo-a- y is out tn the county, and Distnc Clerk Houseworth has gone fishing. Rev J. M. Woods, the first pastor of the Baptist church in tbiscity,preacbed i very eloquent sermon at that church Sunday morning, his subject being Love." Rev. Woods is enroute to Oregon, where he hopes to benefit his f filing health. Gertrude M. Wiley vs. tJ. E. Wiley, et al, is the title of a case tried to a jury in county court yesterday. The defendants sought a change of venue, but the motion was overruled. The jury found for the plaintiff in the sum of $200 00. the full amount claimed. Twenty-seven uew members were initiated at the special meeting of the Modern Woodman of America last evening, and about one hundred Woodmen were present, including several from various parts of the county. Everybody appears to be get ting aboard the Modern Woodman train. Farm For Sale. The undersigned has for sale, either in wholeorin part. the property describ ed as the north east quarter and the east half of the north west quarter md north east quarter of the south west quarter and north half of the south eat quarter of section 2, and the north west quarter of the north west quarter of sect ion 1, all in township 13, range 9. Saunders county, Nebraska, comprising 400 acres. The property is uoier cultivation and has a house and outbuildings thereon. Apply to Montgomery & Hall, 609 New York Life bldg.. 13 3t Omaha, Xeb. John Phelps, a farmer living on the north fide of the river, killed a large aoo.-e Wednesday . 'He was turprised when lie picked it up to find a neatly tinted leather harness on Mr. Goose and troai appearance it had been worn a long time. It was made from a w ide strip of leather, one end being split in two strips. These run back between its legs and fastened with trps into a ring over its back. It is probable that it has at some time been used as a decoy and broke loose but could not free itself from the closely fitted harness. John says be has killed all kiuds and sizes of geese, but this is the first one he ever captured with a harness. Papillion Times. During Lent there will be services Wednbdaj and Friday evenings of each week at the Episoopal church. Tii service on Wednesday evenings will be in he shape of a short lecture I by the pastor. Rev. H. B. Burgess. Every one is coidially invited to at tend these services. I Advertise in Tjjb Jouknal. AT ST. PETER'S OATI5, Two strangers came unto the gate, Where Rood M. Petter nodding sale. The one was sleek and round and fat. And wore the latest style of hat. Ilia garments, too, were tailor made Of finest wool that could not fade. Bis hands were white, his fingers shone With many a ring and precious strne. lie first approached the Saint and bowed With distant air and manner proud, "I am," he said, "Fitzgerald Browne, Come to receive my starry crown. I walked, but much against my will. Up that long road and stony hill. May I enquire why it is thus. There Is no carriage 6ent for us : Of course you know my standing, sir. How did this awkward thing occur?" St. Peter answered, "Sir, I fear You will be most unhappy here.!' The saint sun-eyed bis ample girlh. "I had the finest church on earth," He said with most complacent air, "None but the wealthy worshiped there. The altar rail was gold inlaid. The floor and columns were of j ade ; The windows shone with rainbow hue. Aud richest music floated through But that is past, I'd like a place Close up beside the throne of Grace Unlock the gate and let me in. For I am wholly free from sin." But Pe'er rose with cold disdain nd pointed to the house of Pain, Go learn," he said, "they do not Doast Who love the Lord and serve him most. Thy purse-proud friends aud kindred dwell Within the ebon walU of hell." And 6ent him forth with faithful guide Into the flaming gates and wide, Then turning to the one w ho stood With drooping head and ashen hood. He said : 4 'What reaeon canst thou give That thou sbouldst enter here and live?" The second man was gaunt and white, His eyelids drooped before his sight. His garments hung in tatters thin, Scarce hid the fleshless form within. His hands were calloused, bent and seamed. On them no shining jewel gleamed. His voice was low and mild and sweet, Not to command, but to entreat. He said, "1 come, my spirits grieves. With nothing in my hands but leaves. I plead no virtues of my own, I isk no Keat beside the throne, I am not great, I am not good, I cou d not do the things 1 would ; I am a sinner weak and sore Nor hope to enter Heaven's door Except through Him who died for me Upon the cro.'-s of Calvary." And Peter said, "In Jesus' name Was none refused who ever came." Isabel Kiciiey. XKIti: SK HA IT KN I NO. Workmen are busy on a new Bap tist church at Alliance. Typhoid fever is getting pretty thick in the neighborhood of Norfolk. The crearuer at Lyons paid out $2,062 for milk during the month pf February. A burglar conQued in the jail at Sid ney crawled out through the roof and escaped. The editor of the Juniata Herald weiuhs 200 pounds. He may not be all wool, but he's a yard wide, easy. Hon. II. C. Wortbain has dropped out of the race for state treasurer and Pawnee county is solid for Charles E. Casey. Chaunccy Ilurlbut of Elk Creek died at the age of only thirty years from Bright's disease. He has been bedfast for two years. The hotels at Milford have made a rate not to exceed $1 per day to the veterans of Shiloh, who will meet there on April 6 and 7. The marshal of Ainsworth proposes to enforce the ordinance against stock running at large and protect the inter ests of those who desire to raise a gar den. A suit has been instituted in the dis trict court of Thomas county to test the validity of the court bouse and jail bonds lately issued by the county commissioners. Jacob Ehrman of Weeping Water has invented a contraption that placed on top of a chimney will keep it free of soot. If it works as be says it will the patent ought to net him a cool half million. We ought, says the Beatrice Ex press, to decide on a uniform pro nunciation of the name of this town. For some reason there seems to be a diversity of opinion as to the correct pronunciation. Authorities agree that the accent should be on the first syl lable, and other authorities agree that it should be on the second, and a few wild-eyed authorities agree that it should be on both. This breeds a great deal of confusion. K Prominent Wholesale Cirocer of Omaha Neb.. Writes: To the afflicted: Severn I years atro I discovered a slight falling and bleedingo! tbelower bowel wiiich increased and became very distressing. I made inquiry as totbe nature of the disease and learned tbat I bad a somewhat aggravated case of Hemorrhoids or Piles. Was told of several remedies and used them as di rected, obtaining thereby some tem porary relief. Not being satisfied with such slight relief I cast about for a per manent cure; when a friend directed the use of the famous Magnet Pin: Kill. eh. I used it Immediate relief from pain followed, and soon a com plete cure was affected. Very respectfully, Oscar Allen. For sale by Gering & Co. Wm. Gilliard. the Iowa farmer, who reads The Weekly JouRNAL,naticed through its columns that . Gus Gorder wa making harness from old-fashioned oak-tanned leather, so be came over to Plattsmouth and bought a set. Lighting Up Interior. Edison's application of the cathode ray. whereby the physician or any cur ious person having i he price can see through t he human body with the naked eye and examine all its organs at leisure, will not, perhaps, be entirely welcome to the interne. - Heretofore one of the dearest de lights of the study of medicine has consisted in the student's liberty to cut holes in such persons as fell into his bands and to pr7 around among their inards as a child pries among the contents of a forbidden drawer. Un der the Edison system this, of course, will not be necessary. The pi Lient will be stood up and examined from the out side, as a jeweler examines the works of a watch. Chicago News. llouie-Seekertt' Kxcurttion. On March 10th, April 7th and 21st, aud May 5th the B. &M. will sell tickets to all points in Arizona, Arkan sas, Indian Territory, Louisiana, Mis souri, Oklahoma and Texas at one fare for the round trip, plus $2.00. For further information call at tbeB.&M. depot. W. L. Picket, Agent. Highest cash prices paid for chick ens and eggs by E. W. Black, at White's store. LEGAL. NOTICE. In County Court ot Cass County, Nebraska. In the matter of the guardianship of Minnie Ann Adams: To all persons interested In said matter: No tice is hereby given, that on the yist day of March. isy6. Jacob It. Vallery, as guardian of tiie person and estate of the said Minnie Ann Adams, tiled in the county court of Cass county, Nebraska, a final report and vouchers therewith and a petition stating, among other things, that said ward left the stute of Nebraska in Fe bru ary, is. and went to the state of Indiana, w nere she now is, and, as youi petitioner Is in formed and believes, the proper court in Indi ana has appointed a guardian for her in said stHte, and said guardian is now demanding of your ietitioiier the money in bis hands belong ing to his slid wat l.The said petitioner praysio be discharged from further duties aud responsi bilities in rrgard to said guardianship: that he be ailowvd compensation for his services as sor-h guardian, and that he te allowed a reasonabletiine to collect the balance founddue said ward, and pay it intocourt. You are further notified, that if you fail To Hjear before said court on the 20th day of April, 18:i. atito'clocfc, a. m., and contest said petition and final report, the court may settle Hiid allow said final rebort. and grant the prayer of said petition, and make such other and fur ther orders, allowances and decrees as to the court may seem proper, to the end that all mat ters pertaining to said guardianship may be fin ally settled pnd determined. IMted this 21st dnv of March, lSPfi. Hv the court, C.LOKGK M. SFURLOCK, U-4w County Jud,-e. I fg-al utice. The Peoples' Building, Loan it Saving Asso ciation of Syracuse, New Y ork, defendant, will take notice that on the 11th day of March, A. D., Issh;, Chas. I) Cummins, plaiutift" herein, tiled his petition in the county court of Cass county, Nebraska, against said defendant, the object mid praver of which are to io recover a money . judgment in the sum of ?137 and interest at 1 - r . - . 1 1 . . V . . -. . 1 seven per cent i or in o aiiu uue unu jrnrsniiu cost of suit, being money had and received by said defendant on certificate of stock No. 3.fC5 in said defendant association, and said sum be ing the present value of the said certificate of stock which the said defendant has In its posses sion and impliedly promises to pay for same. That the said county court issued an order of attachment and garnishment summons for the said sum. and that property of said defendant, consisting of money in the hand9 of Sallie Thomas, Andrew Ilarwick and Andrew Ithody. has been attached and garnished under said orders, of a sutiicient amount to pay plaintiff's claim, interests and costs. Said cause has been conitnued to the 29th day of April, A. !., 1S96, at 10 o'clock a. m., and you are required to ans wer said petition on or before said date or de fault will be entered against yon and the money gurniseed as aforesaid applid in the payment of plaintiff's claim and costs. Chas. D. Cummins. 14-4 Rr D. O. Dwyer, his Attorney. WANTED-AN IDEAJSSSSSJS tiling to patent ? Protect your ideas : they may ! bring you wealth. Write JOIIN WEDDEK- tsUKiM as ju., I'atenx Aiiorneys, w asiiingron, ; u. C, for their S1.S0U prize oner. Julius Pepperberg, MANUFACTURER OF l"Bud," THE BEST 5c CIGAR MADE. ALSO MAKER CF 7E "FLOE, DE PEPPERBERG," The Best Ten-cent Cigar Sold on the Market. .Mull Crler to I'lattsnioutli, fib. First National Bank PLATTSMOUTH, NEK. Capital, paid up $50,000 OFFICEKS: Oeorge E. Dotet President F. E. White Vice president S. Wacoh. :... Cashier II. N.Dovet Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS: George E. Dovey, F. E. White, D. Dawksworth 9. Wangh and II. N. Dovey. Careful attention given lo the Interests of cuHtnmers Collection made and promptly remitted for. Highest market prion paid for county WHrntntH and Ptate and county bonds iV tu.yg v Omaha, Neb. i Corner 12th and Howard Sts. ' Under the rnHungement of slLLOWAY It is Omaha's newest and best fitted hotel. Steam heat, electric light! Rates. $2.0, $2.50or $.00 a day. Give it a trial and you will neTer want to go elsewhere. ED. ZTl'l ZGERALD, TIIK I.I KKLIAKLG Liverymai; HAS PURC ASED THE Sixth Street Checkered Barn, AND WILL RUN lT '" FIBS 7- CLA SS S ' r Special attention to Funerals. LIsckb '.. be , un to all trains. "Promptness and Fidelity to Customers" la his notrn , 1 ew Store, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES, In fact, Everything n GROCERY Which he has just opened in the Waterman Block HAVING tired of doing nothing, I have just put in an entire new stock of Gro ceries and am prepared to serve the public with every and anything in the Grocery line, just from the wholesale markets. No musty, old or shelf-worn stock on hand. I will greet my customers with the cleanest, neatest and most attractive grocery house in town and my Prices Defy . All my former customers and everybody else is cordially invited to call and see me and inspect my goods and prices. A. M. WECKBACH, Waterman Block, AND m-m.m. w Sale IB FROM- t 0 t S. L. GREESON, DEALER IN- Flour, Feed And Corn-Meal, Union Block, Plattsmonth. PAYS HIGHEST PRICE FOR GRAIN : AN D : HAY, Anti sells at the closest mar gin. He invites patronage and guarantees satisfaction. Call at F. McCourt's old stand. W.L. Douglas CMOkC? IS THE BEST. JJf WllVb HT FOR A KING. . CORDOVAN. FRENCH &. ENAMELLED CALF. fine Calf &Kangarmi 3.SPP0UCE.3 SOLES, - EXTRA FINE. '. .$I7.5BBY5'SCH0CLSH0E& LADIES j" SEND FOR CATA! ftrirr -W-L'D O UGLAfli Over Ono Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory isurna The prices are unltortn, -stamped on sole. From $i to $3 saved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you we mt?, Sold by ft; ? They ?lv the best value for the money. They equal custom Shoes In style and fit. Their wearing Qualities are unsurnassed. Is NEW in the new HOUSE p ru vy; ul x) Competition. Plattsmouth, Neb ills OTHER - $ 0 Plattsmouth The attention of farmers who expect to plant orchards is called to the fact that I have home-grown trees, war ranted to be true to name, by a man who you know, and at prices that will compare with any nursery in the land. EACH.I..100.. 11,000. Apple Trees, standard varle ties, 3 years old , .. Same, 2 years old Plums, blue Pears, 3 years Cherry trees, 3 years Concord vines, 2 years Peach trees Cooseberries Currants, choice kinds t .15 flS.OO ,t95.W .12 10.00 .3o; .40 .35 05; 25.00 3.50 .08 .10 Will take corn lor part trade and give two cents a bushel above market price. Parties living too far away can send orders. Will be carefully packed in moss. J. E. XEESLEY. Proprietor. Fred Krug Brewing Co., OMASA NEB. Fred Egenberger. Agt. Dr. Alfred Shipman, Jb. i Office in Riley Hotel, ( Main Street entrance. i Telephone No. 95. Residence ono block sooth ' of M. P. depot. w