Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, March 26, 1896, Image 4

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    The Weekly Journal
C W. SHERMAN, Editor.
One year, in advance, ....
Six months, in advance, . . .
Three months, in advance, . .
Rates made known on application.
A delegate convention of the demo
crats of the state of Nebraska is here
by called to meet in Lincoln on Wed
nesday, April 2-', lSlJO, at 2 p. in., for
the purpose of selecting sixteen dele
gates to the national demociatic con
vention, which will meet in Chicago on
the 7th day of July, 1S9G, and for the
transaction of such other business as
may properly come before it.
We invite all democratic citizens of
the state, without respect to past po
litical associations or differences, to
uuite in sending delegates to this con
vention. The basis of representation is one
delegate for each 100 votes, or major
fraction thereof, cast for Hon. W. J.
Rryan for United States senator At the
general election of 1S94, each county,
however, have at least one delegate.
( Here follows the list of the counties
with theis number of delegates. On
this basis Cass county is entitled to
twenty-one delegates, and the whole
number of delegates to the convention
is S13).
By order of the democratic state
central committee.
C. J. Smyth, Chairman.
Lee Heudmax, Secretary.
This town has had enough of Xew
ell, the weak-kneed, in the oQIce of
mayor. Let us have a man of vigor
and courage once.
MARcn has thus far dealt kindly
with the people of Nebraska. Four
snow storms have covered and the
snow has melted and most of it has
gone into the earth thus putting the
soil into splendid condition for the
reception of seed for the comiDg crops.
The supreme court has decided that
witnesses before the inter-state com
merce commission cannot avoid an
swering questions by asserting that to
do so would or might incriminate
them. This decision gives new life to
the commission and makes of it a
valid force.
Ex-Senator Maxderwn is a bi
metallism but only on such condition
as make it impossible of attainment.
He is frightened to death at the spectre
of a silver basis, and imagines that
that would be the end of all things. If
hard times continue, however, there
are hosts of people in this country who
will soon conclude that they would pre
fer a silver basis to a gold basis by far,
if they must have one or the other.
Men like Manderson make one tired.
Our juraping-jack mayor, who
favors McKinley in Weeping Water
one day, is red hot for Manderson next
day in Plattsmoutb, and then when the
McKinley club meets eats humble pie
again for McKinley, all because he
wants to be re-elected mayor, or be
cause he don't know his own mind, it
must be conceded, is in a bad fix. He
seems to have lost much of his self
respect, and is willing to be anything
or nothing for the sake of a little office
in which he cuts a sorry figure.
The University of Chicago Weekly,
one of the finest college papers in
America, pays the highest compliment
possible to Hon W. J. Rryan in its last
week's edition, in recounting the par
ticulars of the recent college debate
between students of Illinois and the
Chicago universities, at which Mr.
Rryan presided. A handsome full
page picture of Mr. Bryan adorns the
frontispiece, and many compliments
are paid him besides making liberal
quotations from his two addresses on
"Bimetallism" and the "Tariff." It
was a compliment which Nebraskans
can appreciate.
The esteemed News tries to make a
point in favor of McKinleyism by as
suming that the Wilson bill has oper
ated to encourage the baying exces
sively of goods abroad. Not so fast,
neighbor. Look up the figures of im
ports and you will find that they have
decreased since the Wilson bill was
passed. In 1892, under the full opera
tion of the McKinley act, the imports
of merchandise to the United States
from abroad were, 827,000,000 in round
numbers; In 1803, they were over SSGG,
000,000, while In 1803 they were more
than $100,000,000 less than in either of
those years. So the contention of the
high tariffites is not born out by the
facts. '
The democratic voters were out in
force to the primaries Thursday and
showed their good sense by putting up
strong nominees in the several wards
for councilmen. In the first ward
Mike Mauzy, one of the best men in
! the ward, was put up. lie ha?, been a
resident of the ward for nearly twenty
years, is an intelligent, level-headed
mechanic who has risen to the fore
manship of the R. & M. blacksmith
shop force, and ha3 a mind and judg
ment of his own. He is like the Irish
man's fighting cock "all h can't
trip him up" at the coming election.
The second ward democrats did
equally well in their selection. If
either of the others who were talked of
had been nominated somebody else
would have been dissatisfied, but all
. iirree that in George lleisel they have
j a candidate against whom nobody can
I say a word. He is a quiet, modest.
i hard-working young man of business.
and is known, like his father, Conrad
IIeiseI,for his sterling honesty and
good common sense. lie was nomi
nated by aeclauia;ion as the right man
for the place, lie was born, reared
aud educated in this city and all his
interests are here.
The democrats of the third ward
were out in large numbers to their pri
nlary, which was no cut and dried af
r'air,taud they did well to place on
their ticket a young, energetic man iu
the person of Dr. Ed. Cummins, who nominated after a brisk contest
over Johnny Whalen. Whoever the
republicans may nominate they will
find that Mr. Cummins is "no dead
head in the enterprise." If elected he
will be an honest, clear-headed, zealous
tighter for the city's interests.
The fourth and fifth wards have re
nominated their present , representa
tives in the council, Messrs. ,lohn Sat
tler and William Slater both of whom
by faithful service well deserved the
The general impression this morning
is that these nominations will sweep
the several wards, but democrats must
remember that the battle is not always
to the strong, and they must go to
work to insure a victory. It is bad
policy to set tip a cheer before one gets
out of the woods. The consciousness
of having a splendid ticket should give
nerve and strength to the democratic
arm, so that its election will be the
certain result at the end of the fight.
John' A. Gutscde who was nom
inated for mayor by the democrats
Saturday evening is tjpical democratic
citizen. lie believes in the rule of the
masses, and that public affairs should
be conducted in their interest and in
the most economic manner possible.
His record as a member of the council
shows that on every question he has
acted in the interest of the city, sub
ordinating private interests to that of
the public. Unlike his opponent, Mr.
Gutsche is always out-spoken and the
public knows just where to find him
on every question. All citizens who
have the city's interests at heart can
support him with a full confidence
that their affairs will be managed with
an eye single to their best welfare. He
is a man of character who at all times
acts up to his best impulses and never
wavers in his allegiance to what he be
lieves to be right. As mayor of the
city the public will know that there is
a strong man at the helm of affairs,
whose sole aim will be to promote the
public's welfare and protect the city's
treasury, without fear or favor. His
administration, in comparison with the
dribbling, equivocating weakness of
his predecessor will stand out in strong
contrast and will make all the people
proud not only of their mayor but of
the city in which they live. He will be
elected hands down.
It is a matter of common knowledge
that, as president of the council,
Mayor Newell has equivocated and
lacked the nerve to do anything which
he could get along without, on any
question requiring firmness and the
executive quality. If he has any con
victions he lacks the courage to enforce
them. It was this same lack of firm
ness that led him into his unfortunate
predicament on the Manderson-Mc-Kinley
matter. There is not a public
question on which positive action was
required, in the interest of the city,
that he has acted with any firmness or
decision. In other words, he has no
back-bone. Such a mayor is a positive
injury to the city. Through his shilly
shally action the city is at the mercy of
every grasping combination. He must
be beaten. - - -
It is noticed that since the News
pointed out the fact that Mayor New
ell had been a McKinley man at Weep
ing Water and a Manderson man in
riattsmouth, Mr. Newell's personal
organ has closed its mouth like an oys
ter. It hasn't a word to say on the
subject, although, it started out by
viciously denouncing TnE Journal
and denying the truth of its statement.
The Wilson bill is daily vindicating
itself by letting down the bars so that
our American manufacturers are get
ting into foreign markets with their
goods. Under tha McKinley act cot
ton ties were taxed at 102 percent,
and only such quantities were made as
would supply the American market.
By the Wilson bill cotton ties were
placed on the free list. Instead of the
American market being Hooded with
foreign-made iron ties, there has been
a growing demand for this product
from all parts of the world. The
Cleveland World of March IS, inst., of
which Robert Porter, the very high
priest of protection, and late superin
tendent of the census, is editor, con
tains the following item, which tells
of the wonders accomplished in this
iEit roil inoN i'.eing siiiprEn fkom toungh
Yocnutown, Ohio, March 17.
The Union Iron and Steel Company is running
on one of the largest orders of finUhetl iron
ever shipped from this valley. Theorderis from
Bombay, India, and bhipments have already
been begun. An immense amount of co tHitie
have already teen shipped, but this will form
but a small part of the order Every imrkaue
sent outwlllbe marked, "Jlado in the l uited
States "
Here it is shown that American
manufacturers are supplying the world
with cotton ties, an article that is at
solutely on the free list. Could any
thing be more conclusive V
Custom Duties
re taxes on the import of commod
ities and have to be paid by the con
sumer of the commodities. The for
eign producer will not sell them at less
than they cost and the importing mer
chant will not bring them in unless he
obtains this cost, his own fair profit
and the import duty over and above
the cost and his profit. An import
duty is a tax that the consumer may
pay heavily or lightly as they choose,
but if the commodity be one of domes
tic as well as foreign supply, the effect
of the customs duties is to raise the
price of the domestic supply in some
proportion to the duty.
If the commodity is a necessity to
him, he has no choice; he has to pay
the price knowing that it goes to no
public purpose, but only into the pock
ets of his own private neighbor. If the
home manufacturer would be satisfied
with a fair profit, and give to the lab
orer the amount that the duty en
hances the price of his product, then
it would be beneficial to the laboring
class to that extent; but past exper
ience has proven to us that it is not
the rule to do so. Look back a few
ears and see manufacturers importing
slaves to take the place of our own
men, so that they could increase their
own gains under the guise of protec
tion. II. R.
A Hid For Votes.
How's this for a corrupt bid for
votes? It is copied from the Tribune
of last evening:
"Dave Miller says that, 'all those
who vote for him as police judge can
rely upon his memory.' He stands in
with the city jailor and can throw in a
wisp of straw to any of his friends who
get cinched."
If Dave is really authority for that
be is a worse man than we took him
Mn. Strode and other Nebraska
congressmen are making an effort to
procure a pension of $100 a month for
Gen. John M. Thayer, who is described
as in needy circumstances. If Gen.
Thayer had been less a partizan and
more a patriot, if he had stood up for
honesty and not for public plunder at
all times while in power, he might
have the active sympathy and sup
port of every man in Nebraska in his
present effort; but the people cannot
forget how he has perverted justice,
robbed them of their rights, aided
jobbery and done all manner of things
an honest man and patriot would not
do, and he will get little positive aid
now when it is conceded that he is
down at the heel and needs help.
Toe Omaha Bee publishes a letter
from some one at Lincoln, signed "J.
C. G.," which attacks the fairness of
the bicycle prize contest now going on
in the Lincoln Journal, and says it
was a put up job from the start that
Miss Mutton withdrew' because Ed.
Bignell disclosed the fact that he had
in reserve the money for 8,000 votes,
which were to be cast on the last day
of the contest for the Bignell favorite,
and it was settled before hand who
should win. The letter bears the im
press of truth. .
Is nis honor. Mayor Newell, in the
conspiracy that has been batched to
rob 'Ratio Dovey of the honor of being
a delegate to the national republican
convention?. Let him speak out, and
uot trv to ride two horses at once. We
learn that some of his friends are in
the deal ; is he ?
Farmers desiring brick-laying, plas
tering or stone masonry can have such
work done by applying to Wm. Mostin
of riattsmoutb, who can be addressed
through TnE Journal.
Democratic County Convention.
The members of the democratic cen
tral committee for Cass county, are
hereby called to meet at the city hall
in Riattsmouth at 1:30 o'clock on Sat
urday, March 2S, 189G, to make ar
rangements for calling a county con
vention to select delegates to the state
and congressional conventions, and
other business. II D. Tiiavis,
Chairman Dem. Central Committee.
Call for CougreNtftoual Convention.
The democratic convention for the
First district of Nebraska is hereby
called to meet at Lincoln, Nebraska,on
the22d day of April, 189G, at eleven
o'clock a. m., for the purpose of -nominating
two delegates to the dem
ocratic national convention to be
held in Chicago on the 7th day-of July,
said nominations to be ratified by Un
democratic state convention to beheld
in Lincoln on the 22d day of April,
1S90, at two o'clock p. m. The
basis of representation shall be one del
egate for every 100 votes, or ruajYr
fraction there f, cast . for Hon. W. J.
Rryan for United States senator m
1393. The several counties shall be en
titled to representation as follows:
Cass 21
Johnson 13
Lancaster 40
Nemaha 10
Otoe 20
Pawnee 8
Richardson 20
Total 138
Justice (?) at Council Itlufla.
The following from the Council
Bluffs department of the Omaha Bee
g ves a fair idea of the manner in
which justice is meted outiu that city:
William Blackburn and Carrie Wright
were arraigned before Justice Vien
yesterday to plead to the charge of
adultry. By agreement thecase against
Blackburn was continued for six
months. The defendant was released
on his own recocnizance. The Wright
woman waived preliminary hearing
and was sent to jail in default of $200
bonds to await the action of the grand
Tukeu to the 'I'eu.'
Sheriff Holloway departed for Lin
coln last Friday with George Finley
and George Dean, the two young men
who were sentenced by Judge Ram
sey to one year's imprisonment in the
state penitentiary, for burglary.
May lie An Old "Hirrt."
Sheriff Holloway returned last Fri
day from Lincoln, having taken Finley
and Dean to the penitentiary. lie re
ports that when the prisoners were
told to "fall in," Finley promptly as
sumed the correct position, without
any instructions, and executed the
"lock-step" like an old-timer. Sheriff
Holloway says that it takes experi
ence to go throuzh this performance,
and it is believed now that Finley has
served at least one teim in some peni
tentiary. For Sale Cheap.
Five acres of land inside of the city
limits. Owner is desirous of remov
ing, on accout of ill health. Apply to
Chas. Grimes, agent.
A Prominent Wholesale tirocer of Omaha
Neb., Writes:
To the afflicted:
Several years ago I discovered a
slight falling and bleedingof the lower
bowel which increased and became
very distressing. I made inquiry as
tothe nature of the disease and learned
that I bad a somewhat aggravated case
of Hemorrhoids or Files. Was told of
several remedies and used them as di
rected, obtaining thereby some tem
porary relief. Not being satisfied with
such slig'ht relief I cast about for a per
manent cure; when a friend directed
the use of the .famous Magnet Pile
Killer. I used it. Immediate relief
from pain followed, and soon a com
plete cure was affected.
Very respectfully,
Oscar Allen.
For sale by Gering & Co.
It would only cost you $1.00 to send
the Weekly Journal to a friend in
the east for a whole year.
Everything New.
Canned Goods,
Dried Fruit,
Tobacco and Cigars.
Have openeua splendid new
stock of these goods in
Which the public is invited
to purchase.
Will be their motto. It will also be
their purpose to keep open a
First-Class Meat Market
Where everything in that line will
be kept in first-class order.
Farmers are invited to call and trade.
It '
Ladies' Fine
these Shoes are clean, fresh goods, just from the wholesale
house. They generally retail from $3.50 to $5.50 (ft O ff
and ALL will go at the ridiculous price of Vilfc- 1 V V
This is no humbug..
We mean business, and all we ask is for you to call and in
spect these goods, which are on display.
Why not avail yourself of this golden opportunity to get FIRST
Rob't Sherwood, j
The Plattsmouth Mills
With the best Machinery made, manufacture
Trade Especially Solicited- Runs
Night and Day to Supply Demand.
C. HEISEL, Prop.,
Washington Avenue, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Buy Your
Every purchase
is a guarantee that
best and most goods
August Gorder,
Successor to Fred Gorder fc Son
: : : DEALER IN : : :
....Is pleased to call special attention to his line of....
No. 1 Hand-Made Harness,
Made of Old-Fashioned, Oak-Tanned Leather, which he is able to
warrant as first-class in every particular. Also has a fine line
of Covered CARRIAGES and BUGGIES. He has also added
to his stock a first-class make of BICYCLES, with all the mod
ern improvements.
Harness Repairing
So. 309 JLiin-t.,
Comprising the best makes in
. .the United States.....'
Groceries, Drj
Goods, Notions
iGorieral Mdse.,
The Old Reliable
Pioneer Merchant 8
made at his store 2
you obtained the
for the least money, f
at Lowest Prices
Piatt siuutik, Neb.