Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, March 26, 1896, Image 11

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oojrt jxvf
tmfnt of th Condition
That Sorronnd N'ewipiprrdom Tb
Awt rtally or Weekly (a.(xv la u
iMtromeat fr Groat OomL
March 22, 1896.
"Newspaper Row,"
as it is called here
In Washington, the
long row of offices
connected with
prominent journals
throughout th
land, pays so much
attention to Dr.
Talmage they may
te glad to hear what he thinks of them
while he discusses a subject in which
the whole country is interested. His
text today was: "And the wheels were
full of eyes." Ezekiel x: 12. "For
all the Athenians and strangers which
wre there spent their time in nothing
6e but either to tell or hear some new
thing." Acts xvii: 21.
What is a preacher to do when he
finds two texts equally good and sug
gestive? In that perplexity I take both.
Wheels full of eyes? What but the
wheels of a newspaper printing press?
Other wheels are blind. They roll on,
pulling or crushing. The manufac
turer's wheel, how It grinds the operat
or with fatigues, and rolls over nerve
and muscle and bone and heart, not
knowing what it does. The sewing
machine wheel sees not the aches and j
pains fastened to it tighter than the j
band that moves It. sharper than the
needle which It plies. Every moment j
of every hour of every day of every
month of every year "there are hun- j
dreds of thousands of wheels of mech
anism, wheels of enterprise, wheels ;
of hard work, in motion, but they are .
eyeless. Not so with the wheels of the
printing press. Their entire business
Is to look and report. They are full of ;
optic nerves, from axle to periphery. !
They are like those spoken of by Eze- !
klel as full of eyes. Sharp eyes, near-
sighted, far-sighted. They look up. j
They look down. They look far away. ;
They take in the next street and the !
next hemisphere. Eyes of criticism, i
eyes of investigation; eyes that twinkle
with mirth, eyes glowering with indig-
nation, eyes tender with love; eyes of j
uspicion, eyes of hope; blue eyes, black !
eyes, green eyes; holy eyes, evil eyes. '
sore eyes, political eyes, literary eyes, j
historical eye3, religious eyes; eyes that !
see everything. "And the wheels were j
full of eyes." But in my second text is
the world's cry for the newspaper. Paul
describes a class of people in Athens
who sn,ent their time either in gather
ing news or telling it. Why. especially
In Athens? Because the more intelli
gent people become, the more inquisi
tive they are not about small things,
but great things.
The question then most frequently Is
the question now most frequently
asked: What is the news? To answer
that cry in the text for the newspaper
the centuries have put their wits to
work. China first succeeded, and has
at Pekin a newspaper that has been
printed every week for one thousand
years, printed on silk. Rome succeed
ed by publishing the Acta Diurna, in
the same column putting fires, mur
ders, marriages and tempests. France
eucceeded by a physician writing out
the news of the day for his patients.
England succeeded under Queen Eliza-
beth in first publishing the news of the i
Spanish Armada, and going on until
she had enough enterprise, when the
battle of Waterloo was fought, deciding
the destiny of Europe, to give it one
third of a column in the London Morn
ing Chronicle, about as much as the
newspaper of oar day gives of a small
fire. America succeeded by Benjamin
Harris' first weekly paper, called Pub
lic Occurrences, published In Boston in
1690, and by the first daily, the Amer
ican Advertiser, published in Philadel
phia in 17S4.
The newspaper did not suddenly
spring upon the world, but came grad
ually. The genealogical line of the
newspaper-is this: The Adam of the
race was a circular or news-letter, cre
ated by Divine impulse in human na
ture; and the circular begat the pam- I
phlet, and the pamphlet begat the quar- j
terly. and the quarterly begat the week- t
ly. and the weekly begat the semi- !
weekly, and the semi-weekly begat the 1
daily. But alas! by what a struggle it
came to its present development! No
sooner had its power been demonstrated
than tyranny and superstition shackled
It. There is nothing that despotism so
fears and hates as a printing press. It
has too many eyes in its wheel. A
great writer declared that the king of
Naples made It unsafe for him to write
of anything but natural history. Aus-
tria could aot endure Kossuth's jour- ',
nalistic pen, pleading for the redemp- (
Hon of Hungary. Napoleon L, trying
to keep his iron heel on the neck of na
tions, said: ."Editors are the regents
of sovereigns and the tutors of nations,
and are only fit for prison." But the
battle for tbe freedom of the press was
fought in the court rooms of England
and America and decided before this
century began by Hamilton's eloquent
plea for J. Peter Zen gers Gazette in
America and Erskine's advocacy of the
freedom of publication in England.
But I discourse now on a subject you
fcave never heard the immeasurable
end everlasting blessing of a good news
paper. Thank God for the wheel full
of eyes. Thank God that we do not
have like the Athenians-to go about
to gather up and relate the tidings of
the day. since the omnivorous news
paper does both for us. The grandest
temporal blessing that God has given
to the nineteenth century
' T,oper- e wou,(I bave btter appre
cl&tJon of this b,esBln lf we knev; lbe
-morey, the brain, the losses, the 'exas
peration?. thr anxieties, the wear and
tear of hearts involved in the produc
tion of a sontf r.v.-spaper. "Under the
Impression that almost anybody ran
make a newspaper, scores of inexperi
enced capitalists every year enter the
lists, and. consequently, during the last
few years a newspaper has died almost
every day. The disease is epiaeinic
. . - i
The larger papers swallow the smaller
ones, the whale taking down fifty min
nows at one swallow. With more than
seven thousand dailier and weeklies in
the United States and Canada, there are
but thirty-six a half century old. News
papers do not average more than five
years existence. The most of them die
of cholera infantum. It is high time
that the people found out that the most
successful way to sink money and keep
it sunk Is to start a newspaper. There
comes a time when almost everyone is
smitten with the newspaper mania and
starts one. or have stock In one he must
or die.
To publish a newspaper requires the
Bkill, the precision, the boldness, the
vigilance, the strategy of a commander-in-chief.
To edit a newspaper requires
that one be a statesman, an essayist, a
geographer, a statistician, and in acqul-
i sition. encyclopedlac. To man. to gov
; em. to propel a newspaper until it shall
be a fixed institution, a national fact,
demand more qualities than any busi
ness on earth. If you feel like starting
any newspaper, secular or religious,
understand that you are being threat
ened with softening of the brain or
lunacy and. throwing your pocketbook
Into your wife's lap, start for some in
sane asylum before you do something
desperate. Meanwhile, as the dead
newspapers, week by week, are carried
out to the burial, all the living news
papers give respectful obituary, telling
when they were "born and when they
died. The best " printer's Ink should
give at least one stickful of epitaph. If
it was a good paper, say. "Peace to its
ashes." If it was a" bad paper, I sug
gest the epitaph written for Francis
Chartreuse: "Here continueth to rot
the body of Francis Chartreuse, who,
with an inflexible constancy and uni
formity of life, persisted in the prac
tice of every human vice, excepting
prodigality and hypocrisy; his insati
able avarice exempted him from the
first, his matchless impudence from the
second." I say this because 1 want you
to know that a good, healtby. long
lived, entertaining newspaper is not an
easy blessing, but one that comes to us
through the fire.
First of all, newspapers make knowl
edge democratic and for the multitude.
The public library is a hay-mow so high
' up that few can reach it. while the
i ne-wEnaner throws down the foraee to
our feet. Public libraries are the reser
voirs where the great floods are stored
high up and away off. The newspaper
i3 the tunnel that brings them down to
the pitchers of all the people. The
chief use of great libraries is to make
newspapers out of. Great libraries
make a few men and women very wise.
Newspapers lift whole nations into the
sunlight. Better have fifty million peo
ple moderately Intelligent than one
hundred thousand solons. A false im
pression is abroad that newspaper
knowledge is ephemeral because period
icals are thrown aside, and not
one out of ten thousand people
files them for future reference.
Such knowledge, so far from
being ephemeral, goes into the very
structure of the world's heart and
brain and decides the destiny of
churches and nations. Knowledge on
the shelf is of little worth.
It is
knowledge afoot, knowledge harnessed,
knowledge in revolution, knowledge
winged, knowledge projected, knowl
edge thunder-bolted. So far from be
ing ephemeral, nearly all the be3t
minds and hearts have their hands on
the printing press today, and have had
since it got emancipated. Adams and
Hancock and Otis used to go to the
Boston Gazette and compose articles
on the rights of the people. Benjamin
Franklin, De Witt Clinton, Hamilton,
Jefferson, Qulncy were strong in news
paperdom. Many of the Immortal
things that have been published In
book form first appeared in what you
may call the ephemerarperiodical. All
Macaulay's essays first appeared In a
! review. All (jariyie s, ail uusKin a, ail
Mcintosh's, all Sydney Smith's, all
Ilazlett's, all Thackeray's, all the ele-
vated works of fiction in our day, are
: reprints from periodicals in which they
' appeared as serials. Tennyson's poems.
Burns' poems. . Longfellow's poems.
Emerson's poems, Lowell's poems.
Whlttier's poems, were once fugitive j
pieces. You cannot find ten literary
men In Christendom, with strong j
minds and great hearts, but-are or have j
been somehow connected with the
newspaper printing press. While the i
book will always have its place, the
notent. Because
, the latter is multltudiBOUS ao noi con
clude It Is necessarily superficial. If a
man should from childhood to old age
see only his Bible." Webster's Diction
ary and - his newspaper, he could be
prepared for all the dutleB of this life
and all the happiness of the next.
Again, a good newspaper is a useful
mirror of life as it Is. It is sometimes
complained that newspapers report the
evil when they ought only to report the
good. They must report the evil as
well as the good, or how shall we know
what Is to be reformed, what guarded
against, what fought down? A news
paper that pictures only " the honesty
and virtue of society, is. a misrepre
sentation. That family is best pre
pared for the duties of life, which,
knowing the evil. Is taught to select
the good. Keep tbe children under the
Impression that all is fair and right in
the world, and when they go out Into
it they will t is poorly prepared to
strurele with It as clilld who Is thrown
Into the middle of the Atlantic ad told
to learn how to swim. Our only com
plaint Is when 6in Is made attractive
and morality dull, when vice is painted
' with great headlines and good deeds
are put In obscure corners, iniquity set
! up in great primer and righteousness In
nonpariel. Sin is loathsome, make U
loathsome. Virtue is beautiful, make
It beautiful.
It would work a vast Improvement
if all our papers religious, political,
literary should for the most part drop
their impersonality. This would do
better Justice to newspaper writers.
Many of the strongest and best writers
of the country live and die unknown,
and are denied their Just fame. The
vast public never learns who they are.
Most of them are on comparatively
small income, and after awhile their
hand forgets its cunning, and they are
without resources, left to die. Why
not. at least, have his Initial attached
to his most important workT ' It al
ways gave additional force to an article
when you occasionally saw added to
some significant article in the old New
York Courier and Enquirer J. W. W.,
or in the Tribune H. G., or in the Her
ald J. G. B.. or in tbe Times H. J. R.,
or in the Evening Post W. C. B., or in
the Evening Express E. B. While thie
arrangement would be a fair and Just
thing for newspaper writers, it would
be a defense for the public
Onoe more I remark, that a good
newspaper is a blessing as an evan
gelistic Influence. You know there is
a great change In our day taking place.
All the secular newspapers of the day
for i am not speaking now of the re
ligious newspapers all the secular
newspapers of the day discuss all the
questions of God, eternity and the dead,
and all the questions of the past, pres
ent and future. There 13 not a single
doctrine of theology but has been dis
cussed In the last ten years by the sec
ular newspapers of the country.
They gather up all the news of all the
earth bearing on religious subjects, and
then they scatter the news abroad
again. The Christian newspaper will
be the right wing of the apocalyptic
angel. The cylinder of the Christian
ized printing press will be the front
wheel of the Lord's chariot. I take the
music of this day, and I do not mark it
diminuendo I mark it crescendo. A
pastor on a Sabbath preaches to a few
hundred, or a few thousand people, and
on Monday, or during the week, the
printing press will take the same ser
mon and preach it to millions of peo
ple. God speed the printing press! God
save the printing press! God Chris
tianize the printing press!
When I see the printing press stand
ing with the electric telegraph on the
one side gathering up material, and
the lightning express train on the
other side waiting for the tons of fold
ed sheets of newspapers, 1 pronounce
it the mightiest force in our civiliza
tion. So I commend you to pray for
all those who manage the newspapers of
the land, for all type setters, for all re
porters, for all editors, for all pub
lishers, that, sitting or standing in po
sitions of such great influence, 4hey
may give all that influence for God and
the betterment of the human race. An
aged woman making her living by knit
ting, unwound the yarn from the ball
until she found In the center of the ball
there was an old piece of newspaper.
She opened it and read an advertise
ment which announced that she had
become heiress to a large property, and
that fragment of newspaper lifted her
from pauperism to affluence. And I do
not know but as the thread of time un
rolls and unwinds a little further,
through the silent yet speaking news
paper may be found the vast inheri
tance of the world's redemption.
Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
Does his successive journeys run;
His kindom stretch from shore to shore
Till suns shall rise and set no more.
Over 600 preachers in Connecticut
work for salaries that do not average
more than $750 a year.
It was a Connecticut woman who re
fused to buy a copy of the Bible from
an agent because it did not contain
portraits of the presidents of the United
The Church of Messiah, Brooklyn,
Dr. Charles R. Baker, rector, has main
tained for several years a circulating
library for the blind, probably the only
one in the United States. .
Hnl Kin is the first Chinaman to be
ordained as a Christian minister in the
eastern part of the United States. He
is a Presbyterian and has lived in New
York since he came to this country
twenty years ago.
Rev. Benjamin Waugh has retired
from the editorship of the London Sun
day Magazine, his work in connection
with the Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Children leaving him no
leisure for other labors.
" Dr. Alexander Charles Garrett, bish
op of northern Texas, has just been
elected bishop of the newly created dio
cese of Dallas, Texas. Dr. Bishop has
for years been one of the most aggress
ive missionary bishops in the Episcopal
A priest of the Greek church in Thes
saly died lately at the age of 102. Dur
ing the last years of his life his mem
ory became so much impaired that he
often forgot whether or not he had
dined, and sometimes he dined twice
or thrice in succession.
Rev. Dr. George W. Miller, now of
St. Andrew's Methodist church, New
York, has accepted a call to succeed
Rev. Dr. Richard Harcourt of Grace
church, Baltimore. Dr. Miller has had
charge of the largest church of his de
nomination in Kansas City, was for
merly pastor of Grace church, Wil
mington, and began his ministry In
Chambersburg. . .
The love that never speaks until it does it
on a gravestone, keeps still too long.
He Bad Heard Her Say So.
That it is only a step from the sub
lime to the ridiculous iswell illustrated
by the following amusing incident that
happened a few Sabbaths ago in a well
known church, and caused no little
merriment among- the teachers. The
superintendent was telling- the wee
small folks of the custom in certain
countries of chaining- the prisoners'
hands and feet together. "And."' she
asked, "don't you suppose that if some
one came and released them they would
be happy and grateful?".
It was unanimously agreed that they
"And," continued the superintend
ent, coming to her point, "Je6UB was
sent to the world to release people from
their sins. Are any of you here bound
with the chains of sin?" "No," piped
the 4-year-old of the minister, "I'm
not, but my grandmother is." Louis
ville Post.
State of Ohio. City of Toledo. Lucas
County ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is the senior partner of the firm of F.
J. Cheney & Co.. doing" business in the
City of Toledo. County and State afore
said, and that said firm will pay the
sum of One Hundred Dollars for each
and every case of Catarrh that cannot
be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh
Sworn to before me and suoscribed in
my presence this 6th day of December,
A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON,
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken lnternal
lr and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of th system. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.
Sold by drug-gists; 75c.
Hall's Family Pills, 25c
Supreme Court AY It.
The grave and reverend justices of
the supreme court sometimes oftener,
indeed, than might be suspected de
scend from the dig-nit j that marks their
official and public life, and do not scorn
to indulge in little pleasantries and
frivolities that ordinary mortals enjoy.
The other day Mr. Justice (Jray was in
a reminiscent mood and began the nar
ration of an incident with the sentence,
"When I was a little boy." Mr. Jus
tice Shiras broke in with the incredu
lous remark, "You don't mean to say
you were ever a little boy?" Washing
ton Star.
I believe Piso's Cure is the only medicine
that -will cure consumption. Anna M.
Ross, Williamsport, I'a., Nov. 12, U5.
Nye' Favorite Story.
Bill Nye's pet story was the one as to
how he was charged $-4 for a sandwich
in a village in New Jersey, lie told the
.man who sold it that it was a high prioe
for a sandwich, and said that he had
frequently gotten a ten-course dinner
with four kinds of wine for just mak
a speech, and finally asked the man
why he charged S4 for a ham sandwich.
"Well, I'll tell you," said the sand
wich man, "the fact is. by gad, I need
the monev." Detroit Free Press.
Iowa farms for sale on crop payments, 10
per cent cash, balance crop yearly, until
paid for.
J. 3JULHALL, Wunlegan, III.
Some People Live Juit for Meanness.
"I have half a notion to end my ex
istence," 6aid the dejected youth. "I
have nothing on earth to live for."
"Better wait a while," said the Cum
minsville sage. "After you get a few
years older you won't want anything
to live for. Just living will be consid
erable satisfaction." Cincinnati En
quirer. Ca CoagfA Balum
IillMtMartMdlMit. It win breait up a Cold quLea
r ttea Murtbtnc aiae. It is always reliable. Try te.
A Double PnnlibmeDt
A man was in the dock charged with
theft. He pleaded "Guilty." but the
jury's verdict was "Not Guilty." The
judge was not at all satisfied with the
result of the trial and remarked to the
prisoner, "You do not leave this court
without a stain upon your character,
for by your own confession you are a
thief, and by the verdict of the jury
you are a liar." Pick Me Up.
Des Moines, March 25. Patents have
been allowed, but not yet issued, as
follows: To M. Macy, of Adel, Iowa,
for a gauge for flouring mill rollers.
The device is very simple, strong and
durable and well adapted to show
whether or not the rollers are trammed
or parallel while in motion. . Hollers
are often parallel when stationary and
yet out of tram when rotating, and the
device for detecting such defect is very
important in milling. To C. F. Murray,
of Des Moines, a practical railroad
man, for a block signal system that
will operate automatically to protect a
train in front and rear when going in
either direction. It is designed to be
used at stations and on dangerous
curves, etc, and is positively actuated
by the passing trains. Six United
States patents were issued to
Iowa inventors on the 17 th.
Printed copies of the drawings and
specifications of any one patent sent
to any address for 25 cents. Valuable
information for inventors about secur
ing, valuing and selling patents sent
Thomas O. and J. IJaxpii Oitwie,
Solicitors of Patents.
Aoo'bcr Penalty of Greatness.
The gifted but impecunious literary
genius wrote an impassioned letter to
a personal friend, asking him in the
name of sweet charity to lend him 10
to keep him from starving.
'I may not get the $10," he solilo
quized bitterly as he sealed it, "but
some day a mercenary grandchild of
his will get $100 for this letter." Chi
cago Tribune.
Half Fare Excursions via tbe Wabsub,
The short line to St. Louis, and quick route
East or South,
ipril 7th, 2l8t and Hay 5th. Excursions to
ill points South at one fare for the round
trip with $2.00 added.
JUNE 16th,
National Republican Convention at St.
JULY 3d,
National Educational Association at
. JULY yth,
Christian Endeavor Convention at
JULY 112nd,
National People and Silver Convention at
St. Louis.
. For rates, time tab! es and further infor
mation, call at the Wabash ticket office,
1415 Farnam St., Paxton Hotel block, or
write Geo. N. Clayton,
N. W. Pass. Agt., Omaha, Neb. -
A photograph of Mont Blanc has
taken at a distance of fifty-six miles.
Some Georgia Philosophy.
The man that sings the loudest in
church throws his head so far back
that he can't see the collection basket
when it comes along.
Some folks are so fond of trouble
they can't enjoy honey for thinking of
what misrht have happened if the bee
had stung 'em.
The road to heaven is so narrow that
some people have about decided there
is not room for two at a time.
When you hear a man saying that
this is a hard world, ten to one he's
broken his leg trying to fiy when he
should have been walking. Atlanta
An Idle Scavenger. -..The
bowels act the part of a scavenger, in
asmuch as thev remove much of the debris,
the waste effete matter of the system. When
they prow idle, neglectful of duty, it is of
the utmost importance that they should be
impelled to activity. Hostetter'ts stomach
Bitters effects this desirable object without
griping them like a drastic purgative. The
Hitters is also efficacious for malaria, bil
lious, dyspeptic and kidney troubles.
Getting: Heady for the Miow.
Young Perkins had been paying court
to the billposter's daughter for some
time, but no engagement seemed to
come of it. The father, becoming im
patient, said to Terkins finally:
"Young man, when does your show
"I haven't any show," replied Per
kins. "I thought you had. for you and Sue
have been billing for some time back."
Perkins took the hint, proposed, and
was accepted, and the show commenced
not long after. Texas Sif tings.
If the Baby Is Catting Teetn.
gar nd ase that old and well-tried remedy. Has,
Wdislow's Boothixo SvKUr for Children Teething.
No man ever thought a woman was an
angel, though many of them bave lied
about it.
There Is pleasure and profit
and bo small satisiuctiuu in-abatliiK troublesome
and painlul ills by using Parker's Uluger Tonic.
If you love anyone well enough to die for
him, first get your life insured in his favor.
t la ao easy to remove Corna with Hindeicorns
that e wonder so many will endure them, Gel
Hindercorns and se now nicety it takes inem on".
Castiron jennies
are in circulation in
(PITS-All Fits stopped freoby Ir. Kline' Great
Nerve Kestorer. iio Kitsafter tut: tirtday'a use.
Harvclous cures. T'fsit it and t'-ir.T.I bottlefre-
It uuvx beuu to Ur. Kliue.&il Artu bl.,l'iala.,l'a
Everyone makes the fatal blunder of
telling their secrets so those who tell their
Billiard table, second-hand, for sale
cheap. Apply to or address, H. C. Akts,
til B. Ji'th St., Omaha, Neb.
Such ills as
and the like,
- - i 7
No wonder poor Dinnie's so tired, carrying
all day that great big piece of
No matter how much you arc
charged for a small f piece of other
brands, the chew is no better than
"Battle Ax' For; 10 cents you
get almost twice as much as of
other high grade goods The 5
cent piece is nearly as large as other .
JO cent pieces of
When Traveling,
Whether on pleasure bent, or business,
take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of
Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and
effectually on the kidneys, liver, and
bowels, preventing fevers, headache?,
and other forms of sickness. For sale
In 50 cent and $1 bottles by all leading
druggists. Manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Company only.
Everyman ha rnum tn tm tHanirfui
I that the fool killer dead.
Large quantities of fish are being shipped
from Maine to Cuba.
Break Out...
in the Spring-time. And a
great many who are not
poets, pay tribute to the
season in the same way.
The difference is that the
poet breaks out in about
the same spot annually,
while more prosaic people
break out in various parts
of the body. It's natural.
Spring is the breaking
out season. It is the time
when impurities of the
blood work to the surface.
It is the time, therefore, to
take the purest and most
powerful blood purifier,
$25.00 IN GOLD
Given to party woo acuds ua the laryeat nnuib-r l
words, ajslna only our firm name, wta cnli r
for one lot of ten p-karr of our CHOICE K1X)W I H
SEEDS on receipt of tba. or five lots for tl.OO. This la
a apeciai inducement to place our lOA varietlaa In
every borne at lea than coat. Send money order r
(Preserve this at It will CHICAGO rLOWgR BHD CO.,
not appear again.) 7 Boaree St., Ckleafe.
Patents, Trade-Marks.
Examination and Advire as to Patentability of
Invention. 6o4 tor " luveiiior' Ouid". or How to Get
a Patent" fLZZLZZ C'TtZSZ'JL. "K7Z2:3?T, 2. C.
Write for what tou want
Exchange, Ienver( Colt
Promptly and Effectually.
It's fmc
Baker & Co.'s
is Pure it's all
no filling no
BAKER & CO., Ltd., Dorchester. Mass.
equal quality