HERE AND THERE. I thousnt Plattsmouth Lad dirty streets but after one trip to Omaba I am satisfied vre haven't. Since tbe tbe abolition of tbe cmtract system Omaha's streets have been cleaned by bona-fide, affidavit-proof, citizens and a worse change could not have been made. Formerly tbe inhabitants saw the pavement once in a while and now they never see it. I had the pleasure of listening to the Dovey sisters Thursday night an1. I nitist say. I was entirely satisfied with their nuaibers. These young l:dies are unquestionably excellent singers. As to the leiative values of their voices, that is largely a matter of tastt. Personally I prefer the voice of Miss Ethel Dovey. Its strong con tralto tones give to a song t he force required to create a lasting impres sion. Miss Alice J)ove has an ex cellent soprano voice and one t hat the lover of high notes cannot but greatly admire. Heine prejudiced m favor of more strength than usually accompanies the soprano my ehoice turrs to the contralto voice but. last night, the audience disagreed with me. It 1? only the trut h to sa that either of these singers is wonhyof the highest commendation. There is a tIe traveling over thf town to the effect that George Foisall captured a live opossum out on the Platte I'ottcm. There is some misti ness attached to the ca.e hut just what it is cannot be learned From various iiccounts it art ears that George mis took the animal tor a carnivorous in:in.m-il allied to the weasel, whicl j-cts a f-tid liquid when irritated im nlarmeil. and was scored to touch it. S rne small bos finally coralled the leat and it is now on exhibition in .1. V. Egenberger's saloon. George h:ul a repot tt ion when street commis- m!siiier of pierring jobs like this. hut eems t( have reformed. Mr. .Julius Pepperberg, the huptlinj. cigar manufacturer, has received ar invoice of labeis from the Central Labor Union of Omaha, which he wil place upon his good?. These laheif are to be placed upon all Nebraska made goods and are worded as follows: "Omaha Central Labor Union. . hraka-made goods. Ilegistered. K Fisher. Pres ; J. L Haird. Sec'y.' They are bright red in color and ar very attractive. (uite a demand foi Nebraska-made goods has been created by these labels and their design is t place before the laboring men and far mers of the country the fact that th goods are made in this state. It is r good idea and Mr. Pepperberg appre ciates it. as is evidenced by his imme diate application of it. Charles Grimes. A Cliaruainc Kensington. At Mr. Cuas. Kids' last Saturda; evening was given one of the most at tractive Kensingtons that Plattsmoutl society has attended this season. Mr Lads was assisted by Messrs. A. L Shuey, Samuel Patterson and F. J. Morgan, and the guests were Messrs A. L. Shuey, C. C. Parmele, lxtei Smith, Byron Clark, T. M. Patterson. J). C. Morgan, II. J. Heps, W. L Pickett. Samuel Patterson, T. II. Pol lock and F.J.Morgan. Thediscours t the evening was upon sculpture and art and was highly entertaining Th deoration3 consisted of Marechal Neii roses, ferns and palms and wen justly adm'red The ISaml Concert. A very good sized audience was h'ghly entertained Monday nightat the White, by the excellent program pre sented bv th- High School band. It s a matter of regret that several of the leading attractions on the bill were unxvoidahh absent, as their appear ance would ijiV- great! addtd to the attractiveness ot the entertainment. Thosp ho carried out their numbers did h-uielves proud an'l fully earned the applause i hey receivtd. The in strumental and vocal elections were each uf a high order, and the drun major's drill b' Claude Butter was well received. A sr;lon Fort-man KiU-d. Tim D-ily. a secin f rman on tbe Uurltntrton. " killed at S o'clock lai Mntida mornincby freight engine No 201. between Uellevu and LaPlatte He was on the hand-car and was struck by the engine. lie iived only a few minutes. His body was taken to iMplatte. and the coroner at I'apillion notiUed Daly had lived in Omaha and was known in this city. WuiidiUfii Kij j- Lite. Saturday nieht the local lodge of Modern Wdmn of America cave a social at Fitzgerald's hall, which at tracted a very large number of guests. The local lodge was assisted bv a large delegation from Ilavelock and a very pleasant time was had. Mr. Val Burkel recieved a telegram last Saturday from Portsmouth, Ohio, conveying the sad intelligence of tbe death of his mother, which occurred at that place Friday night. He left Sat urday afternoon to be present at the funeral. When Yon See Them Lying Dead. There is many a faithful mother, Wearing out by slow degrees, For the glory of another. Who her labor never Feec. On some careless human adder, Alt her tender warmth is shed. Who will never know he had h-r Till he see her lying dead. There Is many a wife, believe it. bend iug or her thankless task. For a man who will receive it. And willnever, never ask, If she graver Is or sadder, Thau she was when they were wed. Who wl'l never know he had her. Till he see her lying dead . There is- many a sinter yearning, K'.r bouie sunshine in her day, While brother uniliscerning Gayly wanders on hi way. Her pour life would he the gladder. For the word that Is not Raid ; He will i. ever know he had her. Till he sees her lying dead. Oh. the bluer, hitter blindness. Of the eves that will not tee. Oh. the power we have for kindness That will never used be ! How remorse will tear and rend us Wheu we stand beside some bed. Neltishn'.-'s will not defend us, Whet: :i loved one liesthere dim!. I -A BEL KiruKV. Toloccii Htid Whipping. The old whipping post still flourishes in the county jail down at New Castle, Del., and. the cat" wields a great moral intluenct in the community. According to a well known Dela warean who was in town seems that tobacco is the only solace of the inveterate lawbreakers who are regularly sentenced to tbe post. They -lain) that it strengthens their nerves tnd enables them to bear the strokes of the lash with greater fortitude Some titut :go h colored man was sentenced to twenty-live lushes, lie vas one of the "regulars.-" and having o tobacco was all ofatiemble. His nerve seemed completely gone. lie writhed under the Grst titteen strokes, nd then yelled, 4'Foh de La wd's sake. Mister Sheriff, gimme a chaw of eatiti' obacco!" The official paused, granted lie request and went on with his un pleasant task With a pit-ce of the eed in his cheek, the culprit did noi eera to mind the remaining ten strokes in the least Philadelphia ttecord. NKltUVSKA NEWS. A. A. Schultz, a farmer residing near Springfield, was badly hint, in a runaway at llellevue. Hunters report seeing a panther just Houth of Waterloo yesterday. The farmers are organizing a hunt. The picture enlarging takir i at work around Abie. He is establishing gencies and collecting $5 in advanct-. A mad dog scared the people living about six miles northwest of I'tica Wednesday, but did no damage except to bite a few other canines. The election of Captain J. II. Cnlver as state commander pleases the old veterans at Utica, as does also the location of the reunion at Lincoln. V I'romiauut Wholesale Grocer of Omalia Neb., Write: To the afllicted: Several years ago 1 discovered a slight falling and bleedingof the lowei Dowel which increased and became very distressing. I made inquiry as tothe nature of the disease and learned that I had a somewhat aggravated cast f Hemorrhoids or Piles. Was told of several remedies and used them as di rected, obtaining thereby some tem porary relief. Xot being satisfied with uch slight relief I cast about for a per manent cure: when a friend directed the use of the famous Magnet Pilk Killek. I used it. Immediate relief from pain followed, and soon a com plete cure wa3 affected. Very respectfully, Oscai: Allen. For sale by Gering & Co. Friday evening friends of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Meisinger gave them a pleasant surprise, the occasion being the twenty-Grst birthday of Mrs. Meis inger. The evening was spent with luusic and names, after which ice ream and cake were served, to which til did ample justice. It was not un til a late hour that tbe guests dispersed well pleased with their evening's en jo ment. Kami Lnaiot. Money to loan on Improved Cass ount farms at 7 per cent straight, no conjii.sion, with the privilege of paying any amount at any time; inter est payable annually at the bank you deal with . This 'oan, which is the cheapest and bst ever offered, can only be obtained from T. II. POLLOCK, 7 Sole agent, Plattsmouth, Neb. Rev. A. II. Post arrived home from Iowa today, where he has been en gaged in religious work for several weeks. He will preach at the Baptist church Friday and Saturday night at -.or 1- 1 O 1., no 1 1 :00 a. m. and :o0 p. m. I Prominent lraCi;ltP of Blair. Neb.. Write . , matter pertaining to yacntmg ne Magnet Chemjcal Co. : prompty remarked: "Please address mo Dear Sirs: The goods which we as .fiir. It Eaves tiraef aad j prefer it . bought through your salesman are . Edinbnrgh Scotsman. sellers; the Magnet Pile Killer es- j pecially sells good and gives excellent i At mrmtar E"mination satisfaction. We have re-ordered' Officer xhe opponents of onr mili through our jobbers several times. tary system say that standing armies uespeciiuny yours, Palmer & Taylor. For sale by Gering & Co.- Cab Fare In Europe. ; I found cab hire cheapest, by muni, i ipal regulation, in Naples, where 70 j centimes, cr 34 cents, transports you be j tween two city points. Fourteen cents J acquits, hut 14 cents does not satisfy. It ' is not easy in Italy to give pecuniary i satisfaction to both parties to a bargain, i Tho Neapolitan cab, liko the Parisian, like others that I remember on tho con tinent, is four wheeled, and in tno caso of Naples high and uncomfortable. In Home the tariff for a single run is 80 centimes, cr 1C cents, none too high, it Eeems to mo. Berlin differentiates its cash, asserting them in classes, first and second, and distinguishing them by the color of their drivers' coats and collars and also in the cabs' outfits. So the minimum charge" in Berlin for a first class cab is 1 mark, or 24 cents, and for a second class GO pfennigs, or about 15 cants. In Germany only did I find a peram bulating court of appeals as an organio part cf the public cab service. To Etcp into seme of tho German cabs and bo hold a cycloruetrical register ready to record your distance as unerringly and conclusively as the flight cf timo by a $200 watch is to know a sweet content that the avaricious native rarely lets the American tourist in tho old world long enjoy. What the register cays goes. No hold ups, no disputation, no incompre hensible jargon, no American eagle, no black eyes. Great civilizcr that. Chi cago Inter Ocean. Has Blacklisted Insanity. Tho following story is told of John Brennrm cf Stevens Point ns a criminal lawyer. The story goes that a farmer who had killed his wifo in tho northern part of the state pent for Mr. Brennan to defend him, cflcring to deed him his farm if he wonld talze the case. 13ren nrm wanted his pay in advance, and so the farmer made over the property to him. Themnrderwas a most brntal and cold blooded one, and Brennan knew that there was but one plea that might save his client from n life sentence, and that was insanity. Th3 trial was one of tbe fiercest ever fenght in a 'Wisconsin ccurL The attorney for the defense oc cupied a whole day in his closing ad dress to the jury, and tho effort was a masterly one. The jury found the man insane, and he was sent to Oshkosh. Once there ha improved rapidly and in a few weelrs was discharged. Uis first act was to sue Brennan for the recovery of his prcprety, on the grormd that he was insane at the time he deeded it. In the fact cf his own argument that the man was insane Brennan ccald do nothing, and the fnrmcr wen his case. Brennan has blacklisted insanity as a defense for murderers. Milwaukee Journal. One Way of Arousing Lodffera, Umpire Bill Hays cf tho Windsor has invented a new pystem of calling sleepy guests. Its very simplicity is i ts snpreme attraction. The other night a newspaper man went to the Windsor, and being desirous of being caHed at an early hour left in structions with TJmuire Havs to do the work. Satisfied that everything would I be lovely, tho Ecribe retired and slept, Early the next morning the newspaper T a 1 3 1 1 T 4.4.. man was uisiurueu vy u uwiy tiitwu 5 epen the door. "Well? ho demanded sharply. you," said the bellboy oatside. Yawning until he pprained his face, tho scribe jumped cut of bed, toddled across the floor and opened the door. The bellboy handed him an envelope and then went away. The newspaper man opened the envelope and found therein a Blip of pajer bearing the fol lowing: "Why den't you get up:" St. Paul Dispatch. A Remedy For a Cold. At the beginning cf a cold it is very good to put the feet in a capsicum foot bath, wetting tho head and face well with cold water. At the end cf ten min utes rub the knees down with cold wa ter and dry thoroughly. A housekeeper can easily prepare this tincture of cap sicum herself. To one quart of vinegar add one quarter of a pound cf red pep per, boil slowly for 15 minutes and bot tle for use. Add two teaspocnf uls to one bath. When there is danger of a cold set tling cn the lungE, make a lotion of ono part peppermint oil and two parts of kerosene oil. Paint the parts where the pain is located with this lotion. Lay a fold of flannel over and apply a hot wa ter bag for 10 or 15 minutes. This rem edy is especially good for pain in tho back of the head and neck, soreness and tightness of the chest between tho shoul ders. St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Xiuiereal Heart , I attended a funeraf in a Danish j lage recently. The sexton of tbe Tillage j 1 j i 1. 1 iry in incse Sffls and whose wardrobe was limited, p: KPTitpfl himEfilf in blnnk frock coat und 1 j trousers and a vest of homespun mate j rial, red of color and with big silver but- ' tons, sxich as one conld see the peasants wear SO jears ago. The minister reproved him for not wearing a more somber colored vest. "Dominie," said the good old school master, "what difference does it make that my vest is red? I assnre yoa my heart is black." Xew York Herald. IIow to Address the Prince. The Prince of Wales likes to be ad- iuoiuuu dressed as sir, ana Jjot yonr royal highness. " To a journalist who had oc- - weuiy iu i'"" " c ,HcCfi-r,nv Cadet Yes, a runaway army. cnurcn, vvijo, as 15 cusicmary in luute r parts, vras also the village schoolmaster, I Chronik der Gegenwart. Lit of Letter Remaining unclaimed in the postoflice at Plattsmouth. Nebraska. February 20. 1890. loor I'ishop Miller, Cm tie Suow, ltt'lif Wo'f, Henry Jr. Wolfronibcrg, Mrs. cabinet maker's wife Persons calling tor any of the above let t ers or parcels will please say "ad vertised." W. K. Fox. P. M. It would only cost you SI. 00 to send the Wjiekly .Ioukxal to a friend in the east for a whole year. All subscribers lo the Wkekly Jouu.val who desire it can have that splendid magazine, the Cosmopolitan, by paying SI J0 for the two that is by paying for Tun Jouknal in advance they will ae' the Casniopolitan for a ear f.T 00 cents. The Cosmopolitan is not excellent by any illustrated magazine iu the world. In iiiKtrU-t Court, Cast County, IS-brska: Fmnk t. JohutiJii and John NOTICE S. stisll. cxe- mors cf tbe nst will und testHmerit of Elizabeth C. Ilxiulley. le- ; censed, plainlills. TO Aniui It. Heed, etnl., defend ants. , DEFENDANTS. Fmnd Dobiiey. J. Boo:i, first liiime unknown, W. M. Unst-e. t:rM nnuie unknown', A T. Show. lirl name unknown, Uv. ;eore lliui!ey, Thomas K. ;:ark. Amos Street, fr red F. Fen, Andrew Otuterdonk. j-enry Duliois. Mary (Jib sun. iK'iijiiruiii A. (Jibson. Illverstadt, first i:uae unknown, I'. M. liuriih. first name uu- j known, Melle, Alias steel, lirnt name unknown, j lion -resident defendants, will take notiee that I uii the lith day of .January. 1SW5. Flunk E. John son ami Joan . muu. executors or trie last win and testament of Kdzabetli O. Handler, de ceased, plaintiffs herein, liied their petition iu the district rourt of Cass county, Nehrtska, (and on the sth day of January, Js:;. tilcil an amended petition) against .id defendant, the object and prayer -f which is t; foreclose a certain morteage ex fcutfii by Eup:-ne L I'eed and Anna It. Reed to K'!7rttf ih iicy. due and payable five eas from thereof, upon all the weft half of the northeast tp.artcr. tw, !i of n. e. 4of Sec. one 1 1 i X' f pT .iHip t nil length across the north fn! t hereof 7(i leT in wi itli. Alsi the east n. w. se -tn.n i:e 1 1 j ex'-eptiiiR 1st. a ."trip full ieneth CTnss (he nonh 'iid thereof !-0'.' feet in width, a nd exc p iri; I'd. a triict iu southwest corner. ;is follows: IteciniunK ,!t southwef-t corner rv.'. ! ?.:rl ",;r. sr rl 111. k.icliv I ii i:i ii, 'L-'c otAvi : ii iu,r, .ivw ruuiiiiii; sni;h f rx.v -seven rods; thence w f-t sixteen rods io place of Pepinniiip: also exc Ptinsr thirdly, one and one-fourth a res on ship hea-t corner of aho'.o lnnd used for lime i:i n.s. All above land ciittr in township ten PM Ti rth ol rnnpe eleven 111 east Cth p. in. in siid t'ass county, to secure the payment of one errtain promissory i"te 'lated Uctcber 2dth. tss: for tlo sum of J."..0(i0: that there is now due upon siid n te fin mortt'us-'c the sum of Sl.fidn with iiite!est ar seven 7ertent per riimiia tri m the 21st duT of June. 1SVK), f or which eum witli interest from that dale. Flu in! I it's pray for a decree that defender's mi'.v he required to pay the s-tme. or tiiut sid premises may be Fold to sati.-fy the amount found due 0:1 plaintiff'F note mill morurniie. You are fijuired to answ er snid pptltion cn cr bet o e the fth duy of March. A. D. 19C. Date ! ihis,fitli day of -'unuary. lM. Fr.ANS K. Johnson akd John S. Stci-L. Executors r.f tbe b st will tmd testamcM of Kl 'zahi tli C. Handler . deceased, by their attor ney. II. 1). Travis. John S. Stuli, pro sc. 0 i WANTED-AN IDEASiSSSS tbinr: to patent ? Protect your ideas ; tbey may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDER BUUX it CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C, for their $1,800 prize ofler. Zuckweiler& Lutz RELIABLE i s r s tt q j iJ J . J 1 r"1 i 3 . , I Cor. Sixth and Pearl Sts., KEEP EVEKYTilING IN" THEII: LINK. b a SELL CHEAP. GIVE GOOD WEIGHT, DELIVER PROMPTLY. vorii ci nini i h.i:it- iv Julius Pepperberg, MANUFACTURER OF l"Bud," THE BEST 5c CIGAR MADE. ALSO M AKI'R C '11. 14 FLOS DE PEPPERBERG," The Best Ten-cent Cigar Sold on the Market. (l l"rlM- to I'lHttMimtit Ii. j Omaha, Neb. : Corner 12th and Howard Sts. Unler tlie 111 11 iperacnt nf II II.I.OW A Y It is Omaha's newesi and best lined hotel. , Srviirn eleftric :icM: Rates. 0. S- 50or I ;i 00.1 day. ;ive it u t -Ul iml you will never v.-ntit to ii elsewhere. TsU. FilZGSRALB, 11112 OILI KKI.lAltl.K r- ! Liverymai: HAS PURC ASKI) THE Sixth Street Checkerp.d Barn. AND WILL RUN IT Z. FIRST-CLASS S7 Special atteiitJor. to Funeralh. tiuckt be I un to all truing. "Promptne ia 1 Fi.lciily tc I Custom"-." hip ro'n ' Dr. Alfred Shipman, Jf, Office in Riley Hotel, ( Main .Street entrance. Telephone No. J5. Residence one block south of M. T. rlepot. H. D. TRAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law. WILL PKACTICE IS ALL THE COURTS. OFFICE lYateTinau lll'k, Upstairs, Plattsmontli, - - - Neb. New Store, NEW NEW fact, Everything In P mm Which he has just opened in the Waterman Slock. H AVING tired of just put in an entire new stock of Gro ceries and am prepared to serve the public with every and anything in the Grocery line, just from the wholesale markets. No musty, old or shelf-worn stock on hand. I will greet my customers with the cleanest, neatest and most attractive grocery house in town and my Prices Defy Competition. All my former customers and everybody else is cordially invited to call and see me and inspect my goods and prices. A. H. WEOKBACH, Waterman Block. - OrcLex "STb-o-r: Sale Bills 4 AND FROM- S. L, GREESON, DEALER in Flour, Feed And Corn-Meal, Union Block, Plattsmouth. PAYS HIGHEST PRICE FOR GRAIN : AND : HAY. And sells at the closest mar gin. He invites patronage and guarantees satisfaction. Call at F. McCourt's old stand. W.L. Douglas S3 SHOE IS THE BEST. FIT FOR A KING. ?5. cordovan; ;4.s353 FiKZ CALf iKAfiGARul USSOf $3-P0UCE.3SOLES. 'EXTRA FIRE' 5. 'iSZ- ":jT 'LADIES' , f V HUlUMVIIUtUUtlVbUl &J. .?5p2.fl " BROCKTON J&SST Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They equal custom shoes in style and tit. Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform, .stamped en sole. 1 ncy Rive me dcsx value for the mone' prom Si to St saved nverothr mL-o 1 J f If your dealer cannot supply you vrc can. Soli by JOSEPH FETZER. GOODS, PRICKS, Is NEW in the new 9 doing nothing, I have - Plattsmouth, Neb OTHER - pip 1 For Sale... 48 ACRES Splendid Iowa Bottom LAUD, Just north of the farm of Joe I'.acue, about 7 miles weft of Glenwood, Iowa, south of the farm of Eli and Albert Birdsall, about IK miles castof Plattsmouth. SJi SEi SVTJ Bectlon 24, and the north 2S acres of tho NEU XWU nee. 25. town 72, range 44, Mills county. Iovra. S300.00 CASH, Balance on long time, in small payments. Other Good Farms. Also Apply to WM. HINTON, Near the land, or to LEONARD EVERETT, 1-8 Council Bluffs, la. First National Bank PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Capital, paid up $50,000 OFFICERS: George E. Dovet President F. E. White Vice president S. Wicoh. Cashier n. N. Dovxr Aslstant Cashier DIRECTORS: George E. Dovey, F. E. White, D. Hawkeworth S. Waugh and H. N. Dovey. Careful attention Riven to tho Interests of customers. Collections made and promptly remitted for. Highest market price paid for ' dounty warrants and state and county bonds ttOUSE lnI Ir" Hi tiff Rt n