Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, February 13, 1896, Image 2

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QoMta Texts And to Highway Shall
Be There, mad a Way, and It Shall Be
Called the Way of Holiness" Isaiah
cut, s-io.
2. 1896. Rev. Dr.
Talmage's sermon
for today was a pic
ture of the road
that many have
traveled and others
are trying to get
on and is no more
appropriate for:tht
capital of the na
tion than for all
places. The text chosen was Isaiah xxxv.,
i-10: "And an highway shall be there,
and a way. and it shall he called the
way of holiness; the unclean shall not
pass over it; but it shall be for those:
tae wayfaring men, though fools, shall
not err. therein. No lion shall be there,
nor any ravenous beast shall go there
on, it shall not be found there; but the
redeemed shall walk there; and the ran
somed of the Lord shall return, and
come to Zion with songs and everlast
lag joy upon their heads; they shall ob
tain joy and gladness, and sorrow and j
ijshinz shall flee away.'
There are hundreds of people In this
house who want to find the right road.
You sometimes see a person halting at
cross road3. and you can tell by his
looks that he wishes to ask a question
as to what direction he had better take.
And I stand in your presence conscious
of the fact that there are many of you
her who realize there are a thousand
wrong road3. but only one right one;
and I take it for granted that you have
come In to ask which one It is. Here is
one road that opens widely, but I have
not much faith in it. There are a great
many expensive toll-gates scattered all
along that way. Indeed, at every rod
you mu3t pay in tears, or pay in genu
flexions, or pay In flagellations. On that
road, if you get through it at all, you
have to pay your own way; and since
this differs so much from what I have
heard in regard to the right way, I
believe it is the wrong way. Here is
another road. On either side of it are
houses of sinful entertainment, and
invitations to come in and dine and
rest; but from the looks of the people
who stand on the piazza, I am certain
it is the wrong house and the wrong
way. Here is another road. It Is very
beautifuJfcnd macadamized. The horses'
hoofs clatter and ring, and they who
ride over it - spin along the highway,
until suddenly they find that the road
breaks over an embankment and they
try to halt, and they saw the bit in the
mouth of the fiery steed, and cry "Ho!
ho!" But It is too late, and crash!
they go over the embankment. We
shall turn and see if we cannot find a
different kind of a road. You have heard
of the Appian Way. It was three hun
dred and fifty miles long. It was twenty-four
feet wide, and on either side of
the road was a path for foot passengers.
It was made out of rocks cut In hex
agonal shape and fitted together. What
a road it must have been! Made of
smooth, hard rock, three hundred and
fifty miles long. No wonder that in the
construction of It the treasures of a
whofe empire were exhausted. Because
of invaders, and the elements, and Time
the old conqueror who tears up a
road as he goes over it there is noth
ing left of that structure but a ruin.
But I have to tell you of a road built
before the Appian Way, and yet it is
s good as when first constructed. Mil
lions of souls have gone over it. Mil
lions more will come.
The prophets and apostles, too.
Pursued this road while here below;
We therefore will, without dismay.
Still walk In Christ, the good old way.
First, this road of the text is the
King's highway. In the diligence you
dash on over the Bernard pass of the
Alps, mile after mile, and there is not
so much as a pebble to jar the wheels.
You go over bridges which cross chasms
that make you hold your breath; under
projecting rock; along by dangerous
precipice; through tunnels adrip with
the meltings of the glaciers, and, per
haps for the first time learn the maj
esty of a road built and supported by
governmental authority. Well, my
Lord the King decided to build a high
way from earth to heaven. It should
span all the chasms of human wretch
edness; It should tunnel all the mount
ains of earthly difllculty; It should be
wide enough and strong enough to hold
fifty thousand millions of the human
race, if so many of them should ever be
born. It should be blasted out of the
"Rock of Ages," and cemented with
the blood of the Cross, and be lifted
amid the shouting of angels and the (
execration of devils. The King sent his
Son to build that road. He put head
and hand and heart to It, and after the
M.11U lid Liu ouu uvai . uu it, a.uu unci
road was completed waved his blistered i
hand'orer the way, crying: "It is fin
ished." Napoleon paid fifteen million
francs for the building of the Slmplon
road, that his cannon might go oyer
for the devastation of Italy; but our
King, at a greater expense, has built
road tor a different purpose, that the
banners of heavenly dominion might
come down over it. Being a King's
highway, of course it was well built.
Bridges splendidly arched and but
tressed have given way and crushed the
passengers who attempted to cross
them. But Christ, the King, would
build no such thing as that. The work
done, he mounts the chariot of his love,
and multitudes mount with him, and ha
drives on and up the steep of heaven
amid the plaudits of gazing worlds.
The work is done well done glorious
ly don magnificently done.
Still further. This road spoken of la
a cleaa road. Many a fine road has ba-
? S d '.UJ '
says the unclean shall not walk on this
one. Room on either side to throw
away your sins. Indeed, if you want to
carry them along you are not on the
right road. That bridge will break,
those overhanging rocks will fall, the
night will come down, leaving you at
the mercy of the mountain bandits, and
at the very next turn of the road you
will perish. But if you are really on
this clean road of which I have been
speaking, then you will stop ever and
anon to wash in the water that stands
In the basin of the eternal rock.
Aye, at almost every step of the Jour
ney you will be crying out: "Create
within me a clean heart." If you have
no such aspirations as that. It proves
that you have mistaken your way; and
If you will only look up and see the
fingerboard above your head, you may
read upon it the words: "There Is a
way that seemeth right unto a man, but
the end thereof Is death." Without
holiness no man shall see the Lord;
and if you have any idea that you can
carry along your sins, your lusts, your
worldliness, and yet get at the end of
the Christian race, you are so awfully
mistaken, that, in the name of God, I
shatter the delusion.
Still further: The road spoken of is
a plain road. "The wayfaring men.
! tfiniiffh fnnle etioll nrtf orr fhoraln
That is, if a man is three-fourths of an
idiQt h'e can find tn,g road Jugt M well
as if he were a philosopher. The im
becile boy, the laughing stock of the
street, and followed by a mob hooting
at him, has only to just knock once at
the gate of heaven, and it swings open;
while there has been many a man who
can lecture about pneumatics, and
chemIstry and ten the story of Fara
day's theory of electrical polarization,
and yet has been shut out of heaven.
There has been many a man who stood
in an observatory and swept the heav
ens with his telescope, and yet has not
been able to see the Morning Star.
Many a man has been familiar with all
the higher branches of mathematics,
and yet could not do the simple sum:
"What shall it profit a man if he gain
the whole world and lose his own soul?"
Many a man has been a fine reader of
tragedies and poems, and yet could not
"read his title clear to mansions in the
skies." Many a man has botanized
across the continent, and yet not
known the "Rose of Sharon, and the
Lily of the Valley." But if one shall
come in the right spirit, asking the way
to heaven, he shall find it a plain way.
The pardon is plain. The peace is
plain. Everything is plain. He who
tries to get on the road to heaven
through the New Testament teaching
will get on beautifully. He who goes
through philosophical discussion will
not get on at all. Christ says : "Come
to me. and I will take all your sins
away, and I will take all your troubles
away." Now, what is the use of my
discussing it any more? Is not that
plain? If you wanted to go to some
city and I pointed you out a highway
thoroughly laid out. would I be wise in
detaining you by a geological discus
sion about the gravel you will pass
over, or a physiological discussion
about the muscles you will have to bring
into play? No. After this Bible has
pointed you the way to heaven is It wise
for me to'detain you with any discus
sion about the nature of the human
will, or whether the atonement
is limited or unlimited? There is the
road go on it. It is a plain way. "This
is a faithful saying, and worthy of all
acceptation, that Christ Jesus came Into
the world to save sinners." And that
is you and that is me. Any little child
here can understand thl3 as well as I
can. "Unless you become as a little
child, you cannot see the kingdom of
God." If you are saved, It will not be
as a philosopher, it will be as a little
child. "Of such Is the kingdom of heav
en." Unless you get the spirit of little
children, you will never come out at
their glorious destiny.
Still further: this road to heaven Is
a safe road. Sometimes the traveler in
those ancient highways would think
himself perfectly secure, not knowing
there was a lion by the way, burying
his head deep between his paws, and
then, when the right moment came,
under the fearful spring the man's life
was gone, and there was a mauled car
cass by the roadside. But, says my
text, "No lion shall be there." I wish
I could make you feel your entire se
curity. I tell you plainly that one
minute after a man has become a child
of God, he is safe as though he had
been ten thousand years in heaven.
He may slip, he may slide, he may
stumble; but he cannot be destroyed.
Kept by the power of God, through
faith, unto complete salvation. Ever
lastingly safe. The severest trial to
which you can subject a Christian man
is to kill him, and that is glory. In
; other words, the worst thing that can
; happen a child of God is heaven- The
! body is only the old slippers that he
. y. . . , ... ... , ,
!Wf asd,! 3"st fore p"Uing on th?
sandals of light. His soul, you cannot
; burt It. No fires can consume It. No
i floods can drown It. No devils can
j capture it.
irm and unmoved are they
wno rest their souls on God;
Fixed as the ground where David stood.
Or where th ark abode.
His soul Is safe. His reputation is
safe. Everything is safe. "But," you
say, "suppose his store burns up?"
Why then it will be only a change of
investments from earthly to heavenly
securities. "But," you say, "suppose
hi3 ttume goes down under the hoof of
scorn and contempt?" The name will
be so much brighter In glory. "Suppose
his physical health fail3?" God will
pour into him the floods of everlasting
health, and it will not make any differ
ence. Earthly subtraction is heavenly
addition. The tears of earth are the
crystals of heaven. As they take rags
aai Utters and put them through the
paper-mill, and they come out beauti
ful white sheets of paper, so often the
rags of earthly destitution, under the
cylinders of death, come out a white
scroll upon which shall be written j
eternal emancipation. There was one i
passage of Scripture, the force of
which I never understood until one day .
at Chamounix, withMont Blanc on one '
side and Mon tan vert on the other. I
opened my Bible and read: "As the
mountains are around about Jerusalem,
so the Lord is around about them that J
fear him." The surroundings were an
omnipotent commentary. j
Though troubles assail, and dangers t
affright; i
Though friends should all fall, and '
foes all unite: j
Tat on thing seoures us. whatever be
tide. The Scripture assures us the Lord will
Btlll further: the road spoken of Is
a pleasant road. God gives a bond of
Indemnity against all evil to every man
that treads it. "All things work to
gether for good to those who love God."
No weapon formed against them can
prosper. That is the bond, signed,
sealed, and delivered by the President
of the whole., universe. What is the
use of your fretting, O child of God,
about food? "Behold the fowls of the
air: for they sow not, neither do they
reap, nor gather into barns; yet your
heavenly Father feedeth them." And
will he take care of the sparrow, will
he take care of the raven, will be take
care of the hawk, and let you die? What
Istheuse of your fretting about clothes?
"Consider the lilies of the field. Shall
he not much more clothe you, O ye
of little faith?" What is the use wor
rying for fear something will happen
to your home? "He blesseth the habi
tation of the just." What Is the use of
your fretting lest you will be overcome
of temptations? "God is faithful, who
will not suffer you to be tempted above
that ye are able; but will with the
temptation also make a way to escape,
that you may be able to bear it." Oh.this
King's highway! Trees of life on either
side, bending over until their branches
interlock and drop midway their fruit
and shade. Houses of entertainment
on either side the road for poor pil
grims. Tables spread with a feast of
good things, and wall? adorned with
apples of gold in pictures of silver. I
start out On the King's highway, and I
find a harper, and I say. "What is your
name? The harper makes no re-
The harper makes no re-
sponse, but leaves me to guess, as With
his eyes toward heaven and his hand
upon the trembling strings this tune
comes rippling on the air: "The Lord
Is my light and my salvation. Whom
shall I fear? The Lord is the strength
of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid?"
I go a little farther on the same road
and meet a trumpeter of heaven, and
I say, "Haven't you got some music
for a tired pilgrim?" And wiping his
lip and taking a long breath, he puts
his mouth to the trumpet and pours
forth this strain: "They shall hunger
no more, neither shall they thirst any
more, neither shall the sun light on
them, nor any heat, for the Lamb
which is in the midst of the throne shall
lead them to living fountains of water,
and God shall wipe away all tears from
their eyes." I go a little distance far
ther on the same road, and I meet a
maiden of Israel. She has no harp, but
she ha cymbals. They look as if they
had nested from sea-spray; and I say
to the maiden of Israel: "Have you no
song for a tired pilgrim?" And like
the clang of victors shields the cym
bals clap as Miriam begins to discourse:
"Sing ye to the Lord, for he hath tri
umphed gloriously; the horse and the
rider hath he thrown into the sea."
And then I see a white-robed group.
They come bounding toward me, and I
say, "Who are they? The happiest,
and the brightest, and the fairest in all
heaven who are they?" And the an
swer comes: "These are they who came
out of great tribulations, and had their 1
robes washed and made white in th
blood of the Lamb."
Two Chicago policemen on bicycles
ran down and captured a murderer re
cently. Babylon, L. I., arrests and finAS
wheelmen who ride In that dace 3n '
Riindav i
A gold brick valued at $150 will be
one of the prizes for the race meet at
Bicyclists must have their rights,
But they must also light their lanterns
at night New York World '
er far n streets nl hiUwav. oro !
concerned, the bicycle is the wheel horse
of reform. San Francisco Call.
Everybody, including his sister and
his cousin and his aunt, seems to be
i riding a bicycle. Syracuse Post.
Foolish and careless bicyclists are
causing more distress than the trolley
or runaway horses. Los Angeles Ex
press. It. A. Johnson, the well-known L. A.
W. scorcher, has been declared a pro
fessional, and will henceforth race In
that class.
Bicycle teas and breakfasts are now
quite the rage In Gotham society. This
settles any lingering doubt of the
wheel's social status. It has received
Its degree. Baltimore American.
In England a new occupation haa
turned up in the cycling line in the per
son of a professional valuer, who, for
a trifling fee, gives his idea as an ex
pert on th value of second-hand
wheel" .
During the winter the shores of South
Africa and South America are alive
with penguins that have swam sixhun
dred or eight hundred leagues from the
south polar Ice fields to the nearest
A machine has been Invented that will
paste labels on one hundred thousand
cans In a day of ten hours. There Is an
endless procession of railing cans on a
shoot, and each can picks up a label as
It passes.
Professor Gelkle writes In Nature that
geologists have been on the whole In
clined to acquiesce In Lord Kelvin's
theory that the earth Is about a hun
dred million years old. but some biolo-
' gists have reduced the estimate to only
ten million years
Golden Text: "They Olorlfled God, Say
ing a Great Prophet Has Come
Among UsM Luke 7:16 Jesus Rais
ing the Dead.
today comes the sec
ond month of the
great Galilean min
istry Christ and his
Apostles. Midsum
mer. A. D. 28.
Places, Capernaum
and Nain. Tiberius
Caesar emperor,
Pontius Pilate gov
ernor. Jesus now
thirty-two years old.
John the Baptist
still held a prisoner
by Herod at Castle Macherus. Incited by
the tribunes and News givers of Pagan
dom the ignorant people believed that the
tribunes and heralds were telling the
truth. They could not se that they were
the mouthpieces of the Pagan Monarchs
who dreaded the overthrow of their sys
tem of government as inferred from the
teachings of Jesus. He taught equality.
They taught inequality. Yet the people
believed the tribunes and began to clamor
for the execution of the Redeemer. The
text of today's lesson is as follows:
2. And a certain centurion's servant,
who was dear unto him, was sick, and
ready to die.
o. And when he ht-ard of Jesus, he sent
unto him the elders of the Jews, be-
seeching him that he would come and heal
. t a. x . . .4 l.l
his servant. I
i Ami ulicn tViov rurna in .TSIIS thev I
besought him instantly, saying, That he J who used profane language in the
was worthy for whom he should do this: I presence of ladies. Lincoln asked him
5. l-'or he loveth our nation, and he hath j to stop; but the man persisted, swear
built ii3 u synagogue. j jUg that nobodv should prevent his
G. Then Jesus went with them. And COT-it.c t.nt i.n ,.o.,tH t Tho
the centurion sent friends to him, saying i
unto him, Lord, trouble not thyself: for I J
am not worthy that thou shouldst enter ',
nnilor mi fnrf
7. Wherefore neither thought I myself
worthy to come unto thee: but say in a
word, and my servant shall be healed.
8. For I also am a man set under au
thority, having under me soldiers, and I
say unto one. Go, and he goeth; and to
another. Come, and he cometh; and to
my servant. Do this, and he doeth it.
9. When Jesus heard these things he
' marvelled at him, and turned him about,
and said unto the people that followed
i him, I have not found so great faith, no,
not in Israel.
! JJl?.
had been sick.
11. And it came to pass the day after.
, many ui ins c
much pe0pie.
m.n ri
1 12. Xow when he came ni&n to the grate
of the city, behold, ther; was a dead man
carried out, the only son of his mother,
and she was a widow: and much peopl of
the city was with her.
1 13. And when the Lord saw her, he had
compassion on her, and said unto her,
Weep not.
14. And he came and touched the bier:
and they that bare him stood still. And
he said. Young man, I say unto thee,
15. And he that was dead sat up, and
began to speak. And he delivered him to
his mother.
16. And there came a fear on all: and
they gloritied God, saying. That a great
prophet is risen up among us; and fhat
God had visited hi people.
Lack of space forbids the introduction of
all explanatory notes from today's les
son. The most important ones are as fol
lows: .6. "Then Jesus went with them," as he
would answer any call of help. But more
than this, the plea of the Jewish delega
tion showed that thi3 centurion had faith.
and was prepared to receive larger spirit-
ual blessings. "To him that hath shall
be given." "lie was worthy" in this sense,
. . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1. 1 .-i r i -1 v.A
blessing asked. So he felt himself. "I am
; not worthy." His humility was as great
i as his faith. The two naturally abide
together in the same soul.
7. "Say in a word." showing the un-
usual greatness of the centurion's faith. ! nz js employed there is no noise be- j a t t r Af . ' . j
The centurion's faith was "an Invisible j 0 , fl soft ' r -while on the presses ALL OI the ten WinnCTS Selected
hltrhwav for the savins eacrles of the crreat ! . . , , .i I
highway for the saving eagles of the great
! C TTfxw T olon Too. 1.1 In
i another sphere,' "'am a man set 'under au-
; thority." lie had power, indeed, but it
; er derived from the powers above him,
! such as the tribunes or chief captains
t (Acts 21: 31) of the legion. "Mark the
i centurion's conception of the position of
j Jesus, a3 authorized, and therefore au-
thoritative." Morison. Dr. Horton ren
ders this phrase as referring to the au
thority that is upon him. "I am vested
with authority." "authority is put upon
me." "I say unto one. Go and he goeth "
J My word is all powerful in the ranks
! -ort-t f sVt T fm nr. Q ni AT Jl ? 1 w a !
mands instant, un'auestlonintr obedience,
i The centurion believes that Jesus has such
power over the unseen forces, over dis-
j eases, over angels and spirits.
9. "Jesus . . . marvelled." lie wa3
filled with admiration. at the centurion's
faith. No such faith lfad been manifested
before anywhere, and now
it appeared
1 not in a Jew, but a Gentile. Only on one
other occasion is it said that Jesus mar
velled, and that was at the want of faith
where it was expected (Mark 6: 6). In
the report of Matthew (8: 11-13) follows
an earnest warning to the Jews, and corn
fort to the Gentiles, based on this fact.
to health. The authoritative word had
gone forth, as the centurion had expected.
14. "Touched the bier," of wickerwork.
Edersheim. "It was carried above the
heads of the bearers," and so easily
touched. "Touching the bier was a sign
to the bearers to stop, which they at
once did." E. W. Rice, D. D. "Young
man . . . arise." This was the w'ord
of power, which recalled the soul to the
bodj', like the voice that on the resurrec
tion day all the dead shall hear and
15. "lie delivered him," better as R. V.
He gave him "to his mother." She had
lost him, and Jesus gave him back, made
a present of him, as it were.
16. "And there came a fear on all. A
reverential awe, not terror, but a sense of
solemnity in the presence of one who
was a messenger from God. and had such
power to enforce his words. "A great
prophet is risen up among vis." They did
not say that he was the Messiah, but
certainly lie came from God, and what
he should say about himself must be
true. "God hath visited his people."
Come near to teach, to help, to deliver
DeFoe is said to have written "Robin
son Crusoe" in six months.
Cowper required three days for the
production of "John Gilpin."
Motley took six years to write "The
Rise of the Dutch Republic."
George Eliot is said to have written
"Middlemarch" in four months.
Eugene Sue required eighteen months
to produce the "Wandering Jew."
Hawthorne spent from six months to
a year in the composition of each of his
His Sense of Chivalry nnI Love ol
Fal. DenlltiK'
The precise date of the opening of
Denton Offut's store is not known.
We only know that on July S, 1831, the
county commissioners 'court of Sanga
mon county granted Offut a license to
retail merchandise at New Salem; for
which he paid $5, a fee which sup
posed him to have $1,000 worth of
goods in stock. When the oxen ana
their drivers returned with the goods,
the store was opened in n little log
house on the brink of the hill, almost
over the river.
The frontier store tilled a uniquo
place. Usually It was a general store,
and on its shelves were found most of
the articles needed in a community of
pioneers. But to be a place for the
sale of dry goods and groceries was
not its only function, it was a kind of
intellectual and social center. It was
the common meeting place of the
farmers, the happy refuge of the vil
lage loungers. No subject was un
known there. The habitues of the
place were equally at home in talking
politics, religion or sjiorr. Stories were
told, jokes were cracked and laughed
at, and the news contained in the lat
est newspaper finding its way Into the
wilderness was discussed. Such a
store was that of Denton OlTutt. Lin
coln could hardly have chosen sur
roundings more favorable to the high
est development of the art of story
telling .and ho had not been there long
l.f,,,... i,; rmit.i Hon for rirolWv wus
' " 1
A man came into the store one day,
men gone .tho man began to abuse
Lincoln so hotly that the latter finally
said, coolly: "Well, if you must be
whipped. 1 suppose I might as well
whip j-ou as au3 other man." and, go-
. Ing out doors with the fellow, he
' threw him on the ground and rubbed
smart weed In his eyes until he bel-
' lowed for mercy. New Salem's sense
of chivalry was touched, and enthusi-
' asm over Lincoln Increased.
i His honesty excited no less admira
tion. Two incidents seem to have par-
ticularly Impressed the community.
Having discovered, on one occasion,
I miles that evening after his store was
s-lrkcr1 ti rotnrn minor A fro in
he weighed out half a pound of tea, as
i he supposed. It was night, and this
' was the last thing he did before clos
ing up. On entering In the morning,
he discovered a four-ounce weight on
the scales. He saw his mistake, and.
i closing up shop, hurried off to deliver
the remainder of the tea. McClureV
j Magazine.
of Itnvrlildc Supplan tliiK
Metal ShaftlnK .
Kvery day sees an Increase in the
use of modern raw hide gearings be
cause of their many excellent advant
ages. A striking illustration of their
operation is afforded at the plant of
the American Book company In New
York. In their new building on Wash
' Ington Square, all tho presses, fold-
ing machines, cutters, etc.. are op
! era ted each by a separate electric mo-
tor. The speed of the presses is
; adapted to different kinds of work by
changing the pinions in the motor
shafts, which engage with the opera t-
ing gear of the press, tin- motor being
j adjustable in position to an extent
sufficient to compensate for the differ-
j once in diameter.
) On machines where no other gear-
and other machines where metal gears
i i Te USCfl
in contact the contrast be-
; tween the noise of the ordinary and
j the smooth, quiet running of the raw- .ir i so (1 c inert ns to lmnress 1
one very forcibly with the advantage
which a press fitted with raw-hide
pinions throughout would possess.
Rawhide as a material for gears has
been through the experimental stage
and its practicability and durability
Is an established fact. By corapres-
sion am elimination, in the process by
which tho pinions referred to are man-
' ufactured, the discs of which the gear
j blank is made up are rendered more
! like horn than leather In their com
position, retaining, however, a tough
ness which allows them to bend double
without cracking. They run without
lubrication, and in the plant referred
to above show no deterioration after
several months of use. Their exten
sive use in street railway work is a
sufficient demonstration of their dura
bility. There are many directions In
which their use can bo extended to
advantage. Power.
Ksquf matt Untax
By far the most interesting ruins on
the coast were those we found near
the entrance to Nachevack bay. It
was evident, from their appearance,
that they had never been visited by
desecrating strangers, and even the
natives disclaimed all knowledge of
Upon a narrow strip of beach at the
foot of a precipitous ravine, cutting
the crest of the mountain cliffs which
overhang the sea. half-buried in shin
gles and weighted with a covering of
heavy turf and moss, are the well
preserved remains of what was once
the residence of a populous tribe.
The main entrance had been formed
by setting upon end the lower jaw
bones of a whale. This led Into a
broad passage way. from which small
er one branched at irregular Intervals,
and which terminated at the various
family apartments or habitations.
Whales' bones entered largely into
the construction of the whole, no oth
er material having been used for sup
ports. Nachvack is far beyond the
northern tree limit of the coast, and
these were doubtless the best substi
tutes for timbers which could be pro
cured for the purpose. The vertebrae
of whales had been used as stools and
for various other purposes; the frame
work of kayaks and komatiks, skin
boats and sledges were of bone and
horn; the weapons and implements
were of stone, bone, horn and Ivory.
Enough of these were present to have
filled a ship ,but not a scrap of iron or
other metal could be found. Outing.
ran rr n nra
People wonder why their nerves are so weak;
why they get tired so easily; why they do not
sleep naturally; why they have frequent head
aches, Indigestion and
Nervous Dyspepsia. Tho explanation is
simple. It is found in that Impure blood feed
ing the nerves on refuse instead of the ele
ments of strength and vigor. Opiate and nerve
compound simply deaden and do not cure.
Hood's Karsaparilla ieeds the nerves pure,
rtch IiUwmI? ffives natural sleep, perfect diges
tion, is the true remedy for all nervous troubles.
Isthe One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. L
' . enre Liver Ills ; easy to
HOOd S PllIS take, easy to operate, ttft.
A penny
or two
all extra profit.
That's the merchant's reason
who urges an inferior binding for
a costly skirt. It's not nothing
is) as good as
Bias Velveteen Skirt Binding.
Look for S. H. & M. on the label
and take no other.
If your dealer will not supply you we
Send for samples, showlnt
rials, to the S. H. St M. Co., 1
York City.
labels and rr.ite
O. Box 699. New
W. L. Douglas
S3. SHOE beM.dThe
If you pay 84 to SU for shoes, ex
amine the W. L. Douglas bhoe, and
see what a good shoe you can buy for
and LACE, made hi all
fclndof the best selected
leather by skilled work
men. Vfm
make and
4-11 more
$3 Short
than any
manufacturer iu the world.
None genuine unless name and
price is stamped on the bottom.
Ask your dealer for our S5,
S4, S3.5U, S2.M, 82.23 Shoes;
82.&0, 99 and 81.75 for boys.
cannot supply you, send to fac
tory, enclosing price and 36 cents
to pay carriage. State kind, style
of toe (cap or plain), size and
width. Our Custom Dept. will fill
your order. Send for new illus
trated Catalogue to Box K.
W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Ma.
The New York Morning Jour
nal recently offered ten leading
makes of bicycles as prizes in a
guessing contest, giving the win
ners free choice of any one of
The Journal ac
cordingly bought
ten Columbias,
paying $100 each
for them, without
discount or rebate.
On even terms
few will choose a
bicycle other than the Columbia
Unequalled? Unapproached.
Beautiful Art Catalogue of Columbia and Hart-
ford Bicycles is free if you call upon mnytolum
bia agent; by mail from us tor
two a-ccnt
Factories and General Offices, Hartford, Coon
Branch Stores and Agencies in almost every
city and town. If Columbims are Dot properly
represented in your vicinity let us knew.
er ut wbolennls prices. Hhip
snrwntra jor eiamtCAtioo
for ulK fcvarr t
i . .. ...
ranted. 100 styles of Cr-
otiiora uik Avarrutint-war-
vies ot Car
riages, oo styles of Har
ness, i styles Riding: Sad
dles. Writ for catalogue.
Carrlar Haraess Ufa Cs.
Elkhart, lad.
W. B. Pbatt, Secy
Illustrated cataJrxrne showing WEIX
kvsu jKirjjscr iBAtJUiArjtY, etc,
Sent Far. Bava been tested and
au tcarrantea,
Sioux City Engine and Iron Works.
Suocewora to Pech Mfgr. Co.
Sioux City. Iowa.
Thk Rowni A Ohami Maciiixert Co..
lilt West Eleventh Street, Kansas City -M
Clesnm and beantifiea the halt.
uiuum luxuriant rronn.
HAYDEII BROS.,0""" "eb-
iniwtiii auwwi rTTsajca ri
Ttita for catalogue of atrtaa; Vaaalaaa, free.
TTJOW to bocome Lawful Phystclaasi coarse by ataUl
a-- Writ in. Health Ualverslty. mi
n in
i in