r ' - i .-1 nmnra 01 .ammo UBU JUST AND FEAR NOT." VOL. 15. SO. 8. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA, T9URSDAY, FEBRUARY 13. 1896. $1.00 PEU YEA It, IF I'AIU IN ADVANCE. WEEKII m V T H J0UESA1, A LARGE SAVING. Receiver Parmele and the Citizens' Bank Depositors Agree. LEAP YFA TiATTrTNO PARTY LLAF YEAR DANCING AKA x Toudc LadivM Prove Eacelleut Kntertaiu r The "J'dly M" CVlebrate Ml tiering' Minhday Aiiu.vera ary Oilier Affair. A Satisfactory Settlement. Lust Saturday afternoon the stock holders and depositors of the defunct Citizens' bank held a meeting at the office of D. O. Dwyer, at which time matter of applying for a new receiver for the bank Mas thor oughly discussed and as a result of the cjuference the. petition praying for the appointment ot a successor to Cbas. G. Parmele was dismissed. The claim of W. II. Dearing was also changed from a preferred one to a depositor's claim, by consent of Mr. Dearing. The following resolutions were adopted by the meeting, which are self-explanatory: Whereas, Tue stockholders of the Citize s Oauk of Plattstnouth are de sirous of negotiating a settlement with the depositors and creditors of the said bank, and Wiiereas, Chas C Parmele, re ceiver f s-ud bank, has consented that the ordr heietofore made, al lowing him 82.500 per annum for sal -try a receiver. may be chanced and altered so a to allow him nnlv $1,500 for the first year and $1 000 per an num th'M-ea'ter. while acting as such receiver. Therefore, be it Resolved. That ourcommittpp (J. G. Kich-v.A B Taylor and D O. Dwyer) be and r Hrpbv inruted to with draw th spoliation filed bv them for the removal of the said receiver. Mr Parnnele's action in the matter will prove a very substantial benefit to the depositors, as it will mean a sav ing to them of about S1.S00. It ts hoped that the other matters will be as amicably settled as these, and that litization will be avoided. The Ep Vear Kail. The le'tp year ball given by the ladies of this city at Waterman's hall, Thursday night, was a happy commen tary on the executiye ability and rare qualities as entertainers, of those hav ing the affair in charge. Ever since the advent of the new year, Platts inoutb's beaux and beauties have been looking forward to this event with the most delightful anticipations,and that these were fully realized, will be vouched for by every one who had the good fortune to be present. It was evident that the ladies had exercised the greatest care in the ar rangement of even the minutest de tails, and from tbe"crand march" to -"Home.Sweet Home." notthe slightest hitch occurred to mar the joyousness of the occasion. Delicious punch was served by Misses Bt-rtha Ricbey and Lulu Cope land. The floor committee was com posed of Mrs. Sam Patterson, Mrs. iShuev, Mrs Arch L. Coleman, Mrs. August Hheinhackel and Mrs. Logan Brown, who were untiring in their ef forts to make the evening one of un alloyed pleasure for every one and every one agrees that their efforts were successful. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Patterson, Mr. and Mrs Shuey, Mr. and Mrs. Logan Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Arch L Coleman, The Misses Hickox, South Omaha, Bessie Osborn, Glenwood, Minnie Sharp. Mae Patterson, Wilson, Rose Hyers, Menota Eikenbary, Dora and Mabel Swearineen. Clara Green, Ber tha Nitka, Mabel Unruh, Myrtle Lev ings, Ida Boeck. Hattie, Mamie and Anna Sullivan, Jeanette Ballance, Grace Walker. Lulu Leist. Minnie White, Jeanette Morgan, Florence White, Delia Tarttch, May Dutton and Mrs. August Reinbackle. Messrs. Frank White, Ralph White, Henr Gos, Henry Weidman, Sam Patters o, South Bend; Frank John eon, Lincoln; John Langston, Have lock; Brainard. South Omaha;Chas. Tallery, Will Iljers, Clyde Drew. Henry Snyder, T. Frank Wiles, France Billance. Carl Fricke, Ray Waterman, TJpnry Tartsch. Dr. W. B. Elster, Chas. Sullivan atd Lee At wood. Th "Jolly Six." I For several years past it has been . . a. t 11 rtl- a. i tnecujiomoime jony lo ceie- , Volney Vv.Jeffery vs. Henry Thoma3 brate the birthday anniversary of the ; and SvIvia A Xhoma8. Petition in members.&nd last Thursday that event J foreclosure. was properly remembered at the Ger- j ing mansion on North Sixth street, it j Farm loan3 made at lowest rates, being Miss Barbara Gering's birthday. T' U- "ock.over First Nat'l Bank. Those who have ever been fortunate Fraud Green was in Omaha on busi enough to attend a "Jolly Six" recep-j pegs yesterday. tion can testify as to the excellent, time eDjoyed by all, and last evening the well-earned reputation was most admirably sustained. The entertain ment was varied, consisting of cards, dancing, music, recitations, etc., after which the guests repaired to the diu- I in rm aUd ample jU5tiCe l I very dainty and toothsome repast. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Will Clement, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Uerold, Mrs. T. P. Livingston, Mrs. A. B. Warren, Misses Tillie Lebnboff, Ella Clark. Verna Leonard, Lulu Bur gess, Dora Ilerold, Teresa and Kate Ilempel, Kittie Cummins. Julia Her man. Bertie Hyers, Edna Adams, Barbara and Mia Gering, Ella Dal ton, of Ashland, Miss Berger, of Louisville, Messrs. Will Streight, Emil Wurl, J no. A Davies, I). C. Mc Entee, II. Guy and Stuart Livingston, Judge Spurlock, Geo Lehnhoff, Clay ton Barber, Frank Cummins, Matthew and Henry Gering. KeDtinton Jarty. A delightful Kensington and ele gant luncheon was enjoyed by a few fiiends of Mrs. T. P. Livingston at the beautiful home of Mrs. F. E. White Friday afternoon. Some embroider ing, with conversational accompani ment, was indulged in till four o'clock when a new feature in ''progressive hemming"was introduced. The award was for the finest sticbes. Ladies liurgess and Pepperberg were the competent judges, awarding to Mrs. James Donnelly the prize, which was a pretty, hand-painted photo frame. The flower and favors were exquisite and the afternoon was one long to be remembered by those present. The following ladies were present: Mes dames li. R Livingston, H. B. Bur gess, Jacob Vallerv, jr., Julius Pepper berg, James Donnelly. Joseph Kline, W. W. Drummond.O. E. Wescott. May Not Be Appealed. From the present outlook the rank decision of Judge Chapman in refer ence to the Nebraska City precinct bonds will not be appealed from, as those residing outside of the city, who urik aiinnnca1 t f Iiaj Til Jinf i fTj t al'O nil . interest in the matter. The county commissioners will be compelled this year to levy a tax for the payment of the bonds, if they are not fought, and this means an additional levy of about forty-live thills on the dollar valuation of all property, both in the city and precinct. In other words, there will be about double to pay on your prop erty this fall what you pay this year in city tax and. in addition to that, you will have to pay your county and state rax. It will fall heavily on all and will open the eyes of son e of the people who opposed testing the legal ity of the bonds. For instance, if a man paid 8100 this year city tax and $80 county and state, next year he will have to pay ilOO city, $S0 county and $100 precinct bond tax, making $2S0 tax for next year, where this year he paid only 81S0. The tall kicking will come when the individual comes to pay the tax and it will be a bard blow on those who desire to sell any real estate in this precinct. Nebraska City News. A Frightful Accident. A dispatch in Saturday's World Herald from Ashland says: "A hor rible accident occurred at the Burling ton & Missouri switching yards in Ashland about 1 p. m. today. George Marney, a boy 16 years of age, while attempting to cross the track between the cars of freight train Xo. 30, while in motion, slipped and fell beneath the wheels, which severed his right arm and part of his shoulder from the body. He immediately got up. and picking up bis arm from the ground, called to bis mother, who was stand ing in th door of her home not forty rods distance. Drs. G. W. Meredith and Mansfield were summoned, but the injury was too great and he died at 2 p. m. His mother was watching him when he climbed upon the cars and called to him to get off , but he would not. and in an instant went down to his death. The funeral will be held Sunday." In Iitriet Court. The following cases have recently been hied in the district clerk's office: Jno. A. Dnelan, as receiver of the Commercial bank of Weeping Water, vs. Thomas M. Howard, a suit in fore closure. Sarah Ellen Smith vs. Nelson A. feraitb. Petition for divorce. SHOCKING DEATH. The Body of Clans Speck Found Cold In Death. HE FELL DOWN AN AREA-WAY. Attempted Suicide, In CUIcatfo, of m Man Who I Supposed To Have For merly Iten a Kemdent of Ilattinouth Note. Claua !peck Found Dead. About eleven o'clock Tuesday morn ing the people on Main fctreet were startled by the report that the dead body of Claus Speck had been found by officers Dunn and Fitzpatrickin the area-way at the rear end of the vacant store room in the Anheu9er-Busch building. In a short time a large crowd of people had gathered at the scene. He had apparently fallen into the pit, which is about ten feet deep, early Monday night, and his body was frozen stiff when found. The position of his body indicated that he had fallen on his shoulder and head, and death was probably instantaneous. It was decided not to hold an inquest, conse quently a thorough examination of the remains was not made. I Mr. Speck for several years op erated a saloon in this city on lower Main street, but lately has been doing odd jobs about town. He was con siderably addicted to the drink habit, but lately has been quite sober. His family assert that he was perfectly sober Monday, aud this report is verified by several people who saw him as late as half-past seven o'clock at night. At about that time he vas seen by Marshal Dunn and several other men go'ng around to the rear en i of the building, where his dead body was found next morning, and he probably stumbled into the area-wi.yi. tew minutes alter that hour. Thefam fly becim alarmed Tuesday morning when Mr. Speck failed to come home, and the search was instituted, which resulted in the horrible discovery. The body was taken to the home of the de ceased, on West Oak stieet. Mr. Speck was about fifty-six year of age, aud has resided in Plattsmouth for the past twenty-five years. A wife and nine children survive him, the only married one being Mrs. John Lutz. Was It I'eter Wickhaui? Last Sunday's Chicago Tribune con tained the following, which is believed to refer to a man named Peter Wick ham, who worked in the B. & M. shops here for about a year, and afterwards was employed for about four months in the offise of City Attorney Polk, a couple of years ago: ''Down hearted after many mouths ot troubles and without a cent, George Pecham, once one of .the best known lawyers in tho state of Nebraska and formerly Assistant City Prosecutor of Plattsmouth, decided three days ago to die. His attempt proved futile, and he is now in a cell at the Harrison street police station crying bitterly at the ill luck which has been his during the latter years. "He was formerly rich and influen tial among the people of Nebraska. But after passing through a severe sickness he found himself in a bad way financially, and although his friends came to his aid time and again he went swiftly down from the high position he had in life to that of a man without a home or penny in his pocket." It seems that the young man had contemplated committing suicide, but afterwards weakened and stole a grip instead, in order that be might be placed in jail, and thus kept from ob taining liquor for a time. The de scription and actions of the man cor respond with those of Peter Wickham. Granted an Extension. W. S. Raker and Charles Cummins have been granted an extension of forty days in which to tile their bills of exception for appealing their cases to the supreme court. Raker was sen tenced to one year for libel and is out on bail. Cummings was sentenced to ten years for manslaughter for killing Jud Vance of Plattsmouth during a quarrel, and is in the penitentiary. World-Herald. A "Trilby" social was given by the paughters of Rebekah at Wahoo Mon day night. An immense crowd was in attendance. A program cf various novelties was given, after which a general treat was participated in. Appointing nr. Fiually Made. , As was predicted in TriE Jouiinal several times, Harry Northcutt has been appointed by Judge Ramsey as official court reporter for this district. The appointment was formally made Friday afternoon, and the following is a copy of the court's order: The stat of Nebraska : In the mattr of the ap pointment r,t court reporter and utenographar for trie second judicial district of Nebraska, composed of Vns and Otoe counties. Dauby Nobtucctt, Esq. Nebraska City, Nebraska. Dear Sir: I take pleasure In hereby appoint ing you stenographer and court reporter for the above named Judicial district, your appoint ment datlDg from and taking effect on the ninth day of Janmry, A. D., 1S9C. Basils. Rambct, Judje of the Second Judicial District of Ne brnska The appointment of Mr. Northcutt to this very desirable position is con ceded by all to be an excellent one. The appointee is a son of J. B. North cutt, a prominent democrat of Ne braska City and was born and reared in that city, residing in the same house continuously since his birth. Mr. Xorthcntt is a quiet yountr man of ex cellent character, and was endorsed by the entire Otoe county bar. For the past year ne nas uean employed as stenographer for the county judge of Xemaba county, and that gentleman gave him a very good recommendation as to character and ability. A Pump Handle's Victim. L:ist Saturday morning John Kuhney's little daughter, Lizzie was the victim of a peculiar and very pain tul accident. She had been sent out to the pump to get a bucket of water, and after turning the crack for some time without getting any water she let loose of the handle, which flew back with lightning-like rapidity. The iron handle struck the littlegirl a fear ful blow on the forehead, knocking her several feet. When picked up her face was covereu with blood, and a phjsician was hastily summoned. It was found that the flesh. was laid open from ihe top of the forehead down al most half the length of the little girl's nose, but fortunately no bones were broken. It required several stitches to close the wound, which was ex tremely painful. A Foolhardy Kink. Fisherman Barton, a resident of East Plattsmouth. attempted to cross the river last Monday in a skiff, but the floating ice caught his craft and carried it down stream a considerable distance, where it landed against a bit: ice gorge. He was rescued from his perilous position by the O'Neill brothers, who operate the ferry down near the bridge. Barton has lived and worked about the river nearly all his life time, but his attempt to cross the "Big Muddy" when it was full of floating ice seems to an ordinary being a very foolhardy act. A Lively Time. About a dozen young meu from the city went to Eicht Mile Grove Friday evening to attend a literary. The literary is reported to have been a very successful affair, but at its conclusion the party adjourned to a neighboring farm house, where a dance was in prozress. A lively time ensued there, and several of the Plattsmouth boys came home wearing highly discolored optics. They say, however, that the other fellows were given the "worst of it." Too many sour apples prob ably caused the trouble. Candidate For the Keforin Scrhool. It is quite probable that Ida May Christensen will be sent to the reform school at Geneva. This is the same girl who was sentenced by Judge Ramsey to the reform school several months ago, but sentence was after ward suspended pending the future behavior of the girl, who is about fifteen years of ape. The case isbeing heard in county court this afternoon. The girl is a step-daughter of David Neal, and he says he is unable to manage her. In Jnstice Archer's Court. The replevin suit of Jno. R. Denson vs. Jacob Meisinger, which was taken under advertisement last week, was last Monday decided in the plaintifi's favor. The suit on account of Elson vs. Nelson Jones, for $4.40, was decided Monday morning, the plaintiff getting judgment for $4.10. There will be a district meeting of the Knights of Pythias at Nebraska City this evening, the occasion being the visit of the Grand Chancellor to that city. A number of Knights from this city have signified their intention of going down, among them being Dr. Humphrey and Geo. Housewortb MikeMauzy went up to Omaha this afternoon. HE WORKED MANY A Very Old Game Perpetrated By a Smooth Young Man. ALSO JUMPED HIS BOARD BILL. An Inquest Ueld Over the Remains of the Late Claus Speck Verdict Lx linneraten all Femou From Blame Other Notes. Worked au Old tiame. A few days ago a tall, curly-headed man'drifted into town and registered at the Hotel de Woodson as C. C. Wil son, Omaha. He commenced acanvass of the town, claiming to represent a picture-enlarging concern in Omaha. For one dollar he would have any pho tograph enlarged to life-size. But in order to secure this "unprecedented bargain," it was first necessary to pay the fellow fifty cents in advance to "insure his company against loss, in case of the failure of the parties to take the work after it was done." It is reported that the fellow reaped a rich harvest, and also secured a num ber of photographs, which were almost priceless to the owners, on account of their home connections. Wilson left town Tuesday very hurriedly, so suddenly, in fact, that he forgot to "dub up" $4.25 to Mr. Woodson for his board bill. He also overlooked a small liveiy bill at one of the local stables. Landlord Woodson, when he discovered the situation, swore out a complaint against Wilson in Justice Archer's court, and the same wa3 given to Sheriff Holljway, who went up to Omaha Tuesday to make a search for the wily board-bill jumper. He was unable, to, locate his man, however, and returned home on the late train, after leaving the warrant with the police authorities at Omaha. Mr. Woodson swears he will find his man if he has to run him to the ends of the earth, and will make him pro duce that $4 5, or board for a while with Jailor Holloway. Later Mr. Woodson received a letter from Wilson, mailed at Ne braska City at noon yesterday, inform ing him that he needn't be alarmed about the non-payment of his board bill, as he intended coming up in a day or two and paying up. Decided to Hold an Ioqarst. Tuesday evening the family of the late Claus Speck, whose dead body was found in an area-way at the rear end of the vacant room in the Anheuser Busch block, Tuesday morning, de cided that they wanted an inquest held over the remains. Coroner Clements was accordingly summoned from Elm wood and arrived yesterday morning. A jury was empaneled.and the work of taking the testimony was begun at about ten o'clock, and was finished at noon. The verdict rendered was as follows: State op Nebraska, , Cam Coustt. f"' At an Inquisition, holden at Plattsmouth. in Cats county, on the 12th day of February, A.D., 1896, before me, John Clements, coroner of said Cass county, upon the body of Claus Speck, ly ing dead, by the jurors whose names are hereto subscribed, the said jurors, upon their oath, do say that Claus Speck came to his death from causes unknown to the jury, and tee no reason for attaching blame to any person. " r ' J. W. TIexdee, Foreman, J. S. Dm, F. A. MntPHT, Will J. Stbeisbt, J. II. DONJTELLT, E. B. Eoox. Attest: Jobs Clements. Coroner. Entertained the "Kazzledazzlers." The commodious home of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Fox was the scene of a most delightful entertainment Friday evening, when the "Uazzledazzle" club met with them. Various games at cards was the chief ammusement until 12 o'clock, at which time a veri table feast was spread, to which all present did ample justice. Twelve gentlemen comprise the club, and they unanimously voted Mr. and Mrs. Fox royal hosts. A wagon, train of three prairie schooners came through town yester day afternoon. On the side of the canvass of one of the wagons was in scribed "From Cleo Springs, O. T.," (Oklahoma Territory), and the other side the suggestive motto, "Sneaking Back to Nebraska." They have evi dently had enough of the sunny south and will resume relations with their old lovo in Jhe best state in the Union. Fremont Herald. Union revival services are being con ducted by Brock churches. (1. A. 11. Encampment. The annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, depart ment of Nebraska, has been in session at Omaha since Wednesday morning, for the transaction of such businees for the organization as is done at ses sions of grand lodges of other orders, such as the annual reports of officers, the election of officers, the location of the reunion, etc. J. H. Culver of Milford was elected department com mander, Louie Ernart of Wayne, sen ior vice and Thomas J. Majors junior vice. Lincoln ws3 chosen over Hast ings as a location for the reunion for the next five years. The Plattsmouth post had as repre sentatives there Jas. Ilickson, II. J. Streight, C. W. Green, L. C. Curtis, George Niles and S. R. Carrigan. n. CJ. McMaken and C. W. Sherman were also there. The Woman's Relief Corps of the state also met in annual con vention at the same place. Mrs. Mc Elwain, Mrs. Carrigan and Mrs. Mc Maken were in attendance from this city. Poor John . John Robbins, in his "High School Notes" in last evening's News, be moans the fact that the teachers are unfortunate in regard to holidays for the rest of the school year, inasmuch as Washington's birthday falls on "Saturday, March 22," and "Easter come on Sunday." It is indeed incon siderate in the "Father of His Country," to change his birthday from Feb. 22 to March 22, while it is equally unfortunate that Easter should occur on Sunday this year, purposely, as it were, to beat the poor school ma'am out of a holiday. That "Crambo" l'arty. The"Crambo" party that wasto have been held at the residence of Henry Hempel on Tuesday, Feb. 18. will be held on Saturday n- t, the change in date being rendered necessary by other entertainments on the original date. Nobody knows just what a "Crambo" party is, but that it is some thing pleasant and entertaining, goes without saying. The proceeds of the party will be used to purchase mag azines for the library. Everybody is invited to turn out and find out what a "Crambo" party is and, inci dentally, to help a worthy cause. NE IS It A SKA NEWS. A farmer's institute will bo held at Norfolk on the 19th and 20th inst. Four dead coyotes was tbe result of a spirited wolf hunt in Antelope county. The people of western Dodge county have become interested in raising chicory. Nuckolls county is blessed with saow enough to furnish plenty of mois ture until the April rains. Litchfield's dramatic club gave a clever entertainment for the benefit of the poor. The Odd Fellows of Newman Grove entertained a crowd Monday night with music and addresses. Revival services are being conducted at the Christian church of Falls City by Evangelist Speak of Council Bluffs. This evening the York military band will give a leap year band concert. Only the ladies of that city are in re ceipt of invitations. A free silver debate will be held in the college at York February 25. The debate will be under the auspices of the Amphicton literary society. Charles Johnson of Holbrook didn't know the old shot gun was loaded un til it "went off," demolishing a glass door and barely missing his face. John Augustine and his son, Tom, were arrested for chopping open a pony with an axe. Both were bound over to the district court and sent to jail in default of bonds. A young Fremont tough while under the influence of liquor entered the barracks of the Salvation army during battalion drill and started a disturbance. He was captured, im prisoned over night and fined $6. A young woman arrived in North Bend a few days ago direct from Cali fornia, for the purpose of being united in marriage to a prosperous farmer in Saunders county. The parties have been engaged eight years. Three men have been in the city several days appraising the Fitzgerald estate, or, rather, that portion of it ly ing in this city. These men, whose names we were unable to ascertain, have been appointed by the court, and will appraise all the real estate owned by the estate, preparatory to a division of tbe same among the heirs. Milton Davis, the laundryman, was a passenger for Omaha this afternoon.