Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, January 09, 1896, Image 4

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t r n n f i
r ..-& a .MM
. -
-4 I t a
John Majoiis. of llradshaw.
of ex-Lieutenant Governor Majors, died
last week.
Jrj c? l T mi
-acres of goldM lands-T
r olr HUNPRKiracres
near Alma have been purchased by
GenevTSfill ESdX'-liTYiL1 J
trip to the coast the first of the year.
Hon. Thkron Nye of Fremont, about
seventy years old, fell down a flightof
tairs the other night, receiving inju
ries that may prove fatal.
ihir ah dalliance prOv!
iie-tirwv vnn iraaii
fffl i
fftlkMorableoninpght U V J?deaTW shallcef tlfy tle same to the
A BliiCKMAKKKs convention i called auditor of state, who shall draw a war
to meet in the city of Lincoln at the rant upon the state treasurer for the
Capital hotel op , January 1, 1S9, t .aLoun Lu0 JhareoL, payable to the
2:30 p. m.v foV tii&
purpose t organs-,
ing a state association.
.redsurer of Nance countv. died at t ul-
lertcm of blood poisoning, after long
and painful illness, lie was a man who
t -! hifrh inrthe community. r t ?
A n.A; TLlnftne.iaiqHnatnbiy
eicht miles northwest of Ashland, has i
become violently insane over religious 4
matters. He believes he is Christ and
proposes to impress thefacyby fpf
The gold-find hasleenAxteiidYditfp
Saunders county. 1 O. U. I'ryan. living
ten miles west on Rock creek, believes
there isyir "fl3!"11
other artneV IseVerat -Hnllca loithre-
ports a find.
The residence; I of Patrick. vMulcahy, .
six miles north of .Harvard, Ayast btirnej ,
last week. . , AlL ' the, contents 6r the
house were also1 burned."1 The 'family
was not at home. Loss about SSOO with
no insurance.
At Omaha the jury in the murder"
case of ,CJauue, Hoover -brought in a.
verdict of guilty and fixed the penalty
at death. II ooTer,a,few' wneeks ' ago 1
shot and -killed Councilman Du lloisjr.
hisbrpthe4:-,in-lav.,t (j,rv . ... t j , .,,
-"'" , ' CT ,'
good trade for 18y. and assert it nas
much better than that of 194. During
the year there have been but
nres ip Jhc(4i.tni tapH "U :thej, jp?esnt)
time everything is
bright for
perousyear. l?inm.
Watson Hf.i,vey, son of .-.i
Frank Ilel-
vey, one of the oldest settlers of Jeffef
ortslane nCrTn of T3ifnlirV by ftieTdelegatesach: " VAW61M agricultural
Hrsting of a buzz saw. He was saw- j
iBg stove wood with the machine wnen
ii burst, one piece of the saw striking
him in th and lavinrr thf Skull
cen to the brain. The deceased ijya
t-entv-five vears old audleaves'a wrfe.
Lincoln taj&ecure the location in that
ctty qfh fiext annuct reynren pt th --t,irosrttm mh Fu i
UfranVArfcTWithe utCKi ItSHhiftljplpron the subjects, from a scientH .
Sd ameetinir of the business men of ! c, theoretical and practical standi
f was tne expressedSt
onr. nnrjrnrxi.1.
:xt reunion could ;
F if v!
Jpfnion thawltfiVr'te-of'ene fare for the round trip.
ttoper effortfc the n(
lard of secretaries of the state board auu tw'11 f, 1
S transportation from Linnwood, Uut-IOist week at their home a few mile ,
rrr countv, against
t I. .hrrn.l '
y the Northwestern railroad company
i haw ishrooeili froun tUat ooint- to '
tQany.aTll5Wplanietstiri that !
e rate from Linnwood isG? cents per -
mo Wd4.nwhiAithetoiyn"iiir-.the I
neighborhood are give i much better f
from the goVertTOrt)f
linois was presented to the governor :
calls for tne transporialion to in
m&alh mhAy?nO THSie woxhan fii a; danghtcr o-Mrst
,wlMng aftipitf KVekbflh coun-Y a WeahvrSdVriti6f Omaha. Theg
SuUelMllOhflsfiiirial tflthJinteiii ;
t murder, one Oeorge H Talkinton at '
?S JL'iV -ST4?J, AS
Sf&VgJjtf 5o5P8fii5?
C .
tary Frank Ea wpf, the populist staU S1' 'T?!
central ttAijcrtiUt fUiiew : rZlf4&ZfVhS) fi.r ."e-
workerlilUUiliilbhli the ueath penalty, for the
to organize a systematic campaign for murder of Councilman Sam DuIJois.
aeetitligbpopalilStionaIconven-j Seventeen days ago today, in the
tioa.for-Oraaha Thtf three Nebraska I evening of --December 13. Claude -IL
nation committeemen will.go to ,St; j IJvirishi. t atvl kifleil hi4 brbterm
Louis prepared to submit a'winning 'law, Samullois, two5 shots Making ef-
proposition. --- -----
Ltel rvv
now bidsti. air? ttojtOta Serialize soon
enough to move next fall's crops, . and
trre'cf tir-ens are - therefore" jubilant?
With a great railroad-building out of
the city, an irrigation fair in prepara
tion, and many hew 'irrigation enter
prlses,r under headway, 'NorilT- Platte.'
bids fair' td enjoy a great growth the
eOnfrog' -spring;-
ttfirVepresentative Nebraskahs met
in Omaha to organiser ran association
whichshall generailyjunife ..all classes
of people in' a system "of work that shall
develop the ibdastrfes of the state The
lb. is to be ?200f
line president.-
TherWilL be leijrhf vice-presidents; the
two United States senators and the six
S5vQ $i&uet QmJaitofd
and Ed E. Clark, sheriff of Greelev,
day, where the former delivered to
Sheriff CtO'lQianteOQIltUr;: Who has
been a fugitive from justice for over
arrest in one of the northwestern coun
ties and were comjnld to face a re
volver in the 'hands of the outlaw's
rear platform 01 a motor car near Lin
colaafidlslastineVynfeaV nQw;iappears
to be fatal injuries. . ,
means to H2p lUU'itp;exbb&$tu fl p)'oi
ppfil pUcjnirji::9cpwpa-i9 3 tax:iin
broke tnrougn... jjc , vwRiyy. utar
r, iiavjni -
capital stock, of the cli
a a. a- k-k niuinT rrri ttrui 1 1 r t i
I coxMlm-X succeeded tf'H'
a co,ijv" r r- cock Jieltl thiitlihe nevv uciituui aid
.fftymrR no, statSanfci&S&tute
ffdue Jverr, as tTie aw.3enfc happened canse of acti ac dismissed the
near the center of the stream. J r-roeet din-rs.
Toe uxnardsat brana island ana thi
corners Qf the Norfolk beet .sugar fne
HorhTvOYeeeTvea w'aVra'ntsVrom the
fte iq jpnymqntjo near.'T 40,000
bounty. .No appropriation was made
the legislature, but the sunac mal-
ri dclclafeti that tjiey Ae 1 JtrtorVzVc
finally approved the claims. Auditor
Moore has issued the warrants and
StaVs -Tresurtyf fBajtrfty
them, The holders will
await iheir
turn on the general fund, which means
that the warrants have been registered
for the.payment of a state bounty or
of a cent a pound for all sugar manu
factured in factories existing when the
pnation was mane, the act itself con
tains this section: , 1 1 t
riWheii any li-iaho arisingunder
act is filed, verified and (ppfved
party of parties tb whom-
said sum or
sums are due.
Ac . pnder .tftis ; action j AudUof
Moore issued the warrants alter he had
secured advice wliich satisfied him of
the legality of the transaction. On the
other hand the;& constitution provides
: lie ifiiw'n' from the
treasury without a specific appropr.a-
- tion, and the payment
of bounty on
wild animals has always been stopped
wbeni the. appropriation became ex.
;haustd.. . ' j ; "
Claims for bounty on chicory have
not yet been paid, although a represen
tative pf Jt.he.fctdrv at O'Neill llaS been
feKeultter. J I
tit titf Iiiter-Kt'l-'
1 The eonimittee;in hafrgeMf th
rangements forilhei seeonil' convention
of Ithti IXebraslcd! lle'dtt Sfa'gar associa
tion has issued 3 fall fbr the conven
tion, which is to be held in Fremont
Lvi.-.,.. .... - nn.i : 1 . 1 ... . t n
j.cuiuai.y .1 auU . i"'iun i povemuieni tnat tne commission
of, representatives, as, follows; lheshQuld regard itself as entirely
governor of; the' state1 is1 requested to 1 indepeudjnt of control' in the pur-
appoint twenty delegates, at large, tne
ate University, Sjate Hoard, o -xg"i-
I'Stjte Dairymeii'i association and State
euivure, otaie uvrucumuiu MH.ici.
Aetleration of hatxi:; ; :ten trelegates
each. mavors of citiee five delegates
each; viilat?eSi threi. delegates each:
pr?8idents f 4oartis of trae and com-
(mJrci- Vftt4Y tiVe elAraes; 'State
Normal school, private and denomina-
-tional' colleges,1 thtee delegates each;
labor organizations, fanners institutes
"and granges. Three UelegaTes each, and
and irrigation publications and editors
01 aunewspapers in enrasKawiii, on
presentation of credentials, WiTenitledi
to"eat in the convention. ft S-ibvita'
Ktioii is'also extended io 3al prsen j
lnembers of congress, -governor. State
and countv otlicialsJ'and members at
the legislature to attend as delegates.
tvumivu "lii u.Kukuu v . . u
..... . ..
"jfetvcastle ' dispatch: Lewis liokos-
i . a a ..... .Mr. ...... . i w n
brought here by neighbors.
to whoxri
iwc.v.jmi.u.iij.i.v.ic u.. u
tocher ' Mory
Carney hojmdrun and assaulted her
and tliehlldeni ff he tvied u protect
herself andfte threateniHrMo kill herv
she managed to get ine snoicun ana;
1 "
.--tfcfiwJWm at short range, inflicting
, inrit.s which eaused Ins death a few,
,llr.t .ftprtvdc Cniint.i! f,ffipinli wpri
eri!)ncCe'khilfhey"Kveht the scene,;
rSt t ... V, ,ir o n inniiPkt ivill lf li ! 1 '
baa.fQnrhildret, rirs k,' o
Jctll TT hnfi J800
omai.a tiurierer Convicted.
,Omaha diptceAr yesterday
morning the jurv..vvhicti . lu ardthe
ine snooiinc was tne result oi a
sSglitciliKpptej n&yr vci tiiei-rfej.trqnjbcr u
ing a woman.. cmpanipp pf llopver's
sister, Miss KiVieIrbly,CwL04Toover
claimed was not a tiVompniprjfor the
X 9.r t k at W 0 d is a t c h : J h l g t e a t
rvji.- .-r. question, agitating, people Tin this-sec-vintmnV
tion'aX the present time is that of'the
pro postai) iWetAer n Nebnisjarfafr.fn;At
the meeting of the itate Irrigation as
sociation at Sidney v an organization
waa."fbrnie4f or' tbc purpose. of holiliaog
such.a fairinthis city. The stateassQ;
ciation indorsed the idea and promised
art 1 th f atdr m its rptw er."SX pv ot T-T
ne pistdentof -ffyassalion fs
Mr.?TVri.XPark, the,. division., superin
tendent of the Uni5n aihVatrnis
ducts of irrigated Nebraska: The"asst-
ciation is now figuring. with ColoDe.1 V.
fourth -time-' .lIieverenO.IK&f
his frghT-in.tbivilsc4imi
I' V Cody, and if , th deal on foot fsibWn-
of tKeMaleMrJhiaSl ft1Jr& j&ne
coldrt'el'tlflnks' of :briirgfrJ53i?ss
of t9dePMf -thiTWorld this
eityTh'e tinie'theaiis held.
-AAmOdel -farm vdlr4e plantcCjtlar
the JfaJf. grounds foi- tips rfclvf
pr,aviUy-c8l6witi Hi,d benetits of iAi
ga:tloit2n:i i5itxj .
S 5o?!2- fa ys8sB i'ss&d 3 4 lwr
w h lsthztvtXitciiki iru&Uf a wnlihelait tKi-
procet-d ins.
.. t .... .. I- A
, -., .. I ! . , .. 1
. t 4 Jl i
Jaatlce Brewer of JEaniai , la riiMen
, President , and Alt the Members Ex-
. cept Mr. White Sworn In The
. j -j . i . r ' . . . .. i . i . . . i . (
. 1'otu mixtion Makes m For-
.r . ... . , . t .i
... mal Call on President ,
; ..... , . . ; . l
, Cleveland.
.wWashington', Jan. 6. The members
of ,the, i yenezuela.n commission, Mr
AVhite alone. being, absent, were at the
State department to-day and had an
important conference' with Secretary
piney. After exchanging greetiqgs
with the secretary and with one aq
other. Secretary Oiney presented each
member' a commission from 'the 'Pres
ident wliich, after giving; formal so-
tice.Qf apQintment, said;,,. o
"It' is expected that the commission
will' avail itself of all possible sources
of information,'-will apply: to the mat
ter ll,. pertinent rules of. municipal
and international law and will make a
report to the President of their con
c uslons,, together with the evidence
and documents, submitted to and con
sidered by them, with as little" delay
as is compatible with the thoroi.
and 1 impartial ' consideration J of ' t
subject' to be dealt with.'?
, ;i.Tlie .language: of the commissions
! issued, to the members so clearly de-
fines tiieir that it left little to be
; said by-Secretary Olney on this' point
. and the feature- of his remarks was
s the explanation of the desire of the
government that the
suanee of its investigation and as
J master of its own procedure at all
; times. At the conclusion of the con-
: fere nee1 with Secretary Olney the com:
; jnissiou' retired to the diplomatic room
; to hold its first preliminary meeting,
i Secretary Olney tendering the service
I of his own private ' secretary, Mr.
lllaudford, to act as recording secre
tary until other. provission' is made.
The session lasted about an hour and
at its conclusion a formal statement
of the proceeding, so far - as it was
deemed proper to make publie, was
gtycu put.; r Justice Hrewer was unan- i;
imously elected president, of the com- I
mission and proceeded to" ad minister
the bath. " Walker "lilanford. was ap
pointed, clerk. Commissioner.' Coudert
moved that the matter of selecting of
quarters for'theommission be. left to
President'' Urewer!, 'and. Commissioner
Alvey. - .The i motion was : agreed to.
Commissioner (lilman moved that an
inquiry oe maae as to the oest map
showing phy
rsical. characteristics of i
n question, w.hich should
i in a convenient farm -i
the country 1
be reproduced
ior tne1 use oi tne commis
8ion. : This " motion -was also
agreed . to. . , Commissioner . .
mau .-.was . -authorized ; -ito make
the inquiry." ;- The 'commission then;
..yy iuuiwtxv uvrf
ftdjourned, at., half past 12, o clock to
rii r w i . . i tii.ix i ii- . ii i iixi ' . . a w inn
' J " " " " .o u ivu
o'clock, unless the President shall des
ignate another day, meanwhile. ......
The commissioners, after adjourn-
ment, ' proceeded ' in a body to the
White, house, and paid .their respects 1
to i ine rresiaeni. it appears. thatin
the ihatter of sele'ctfng assistants and
officers the commission will proceed
wiin great JturQuniij)ecuon add ipar
r- i
i- i
ticularlA' in tlnf selection of a secre
taryi for which place names of several j
prominent pari on a havd t been men- '
tioned. r
M ( t-v-MHij p,r; 1 i enm jt r
--' " ' ' ' j f
-.' l .-v
llen ''Admitted to the
hood of States. 1
Halt ijAKK, Utah, Jan. .67 Manager
- . tt rr 1 !.
Brown : of the Western Union Tele-
. , c t . . , - j
of his office at t:13 a. m. to-day as an
signed the proclamation admitting
Utah as a state.' At noon a salute of
twenty guq;vas:tir"?diuy' iheidrtillery
on Capitol hill. Many flags were dis
played on the public buildings, but no
unusual demonstrations were noticed
on th
ing 1
place; ,lAll itbe! public", business of the
territory has been eiosed ready for the
newcter orhriigs vto be inaugurated
M6iday.J 'Governor "Wells has been
hiUByp.eis.t of .the forenoon receiving
Washington, Jan. 0.7The President
t 1 05 (dclf f JlX ? mbr h i ng $ighed jthe
proclamation admitting Utah to state
hood. The prqclmatiqnj .i, pt the us
ual form? In regard to religion it
"Whereas fcadfwcJnventibn so or
ganized; did, bjrordiance ii revocable
without . thercqnseut of the. .United
States and the people' of said stale; as
required by said act, provide that per
fect toleratibh'frelfgious 'sentiment
shall be secured and that no inhabi
UfaPof pJHsU'ihaili evVrbe' mo
lested in person or property on account
Willis drier m'odeJ of 'refigidnVi wor
ship, but that polvgauious or plural
marriages aVebfever'iprohi,bited, and
lid also by said - ordinance make the
other vaitionsustipUlatlons'-reelted in
section three of said act"
"Father Hill'
H a kt rd irx, ( Con "ii1. , 'Jan. C William
2.: Daly, knowp to turfmen as "Father
Biiy'j-bsaijj ijatried MisslEUa OlMa
a'oney. The bridV is 24 years old and
the bridegroom rupward -of half a cen
tury. Two weeks ago Mrs. Daly, his
former wife obtained aldivorce on the
rrriund Of toleifable j crueltyj ; and
Daly was forced to pay Si 5,000 alimony.
140 Millions for Pensions.
Washington, VJari.' .Cv -The subcom
nittee of appropriations in charge of
be pension appropriation bill finished
consideration of ,the .bill to-day. The
bill calls for 8140,000,000, a decrease of
1 little over $2,00u,000 from the esti
nates submitted by the commissioner.
e streets. The eutuusiasm is be- management, of the, American .Uoard
icld In ithfc'djl Jig fal Mddday, when ' of Commissioners of Foreign Missions,
inausrural ceremonies will take "died at'1 his home" here" tCHday irom
;i ;v
i:x-CbHr yion KirohTl -fal - A jtn, Thl
Time by h Brute Ilr tlml lnrmrntoii.
viul-.-uu, uan. o. jonn ij. .uiiivan
riateenl knbcWed 6u't" for flic' Vecond
tfm6'in ' or 1 alr 'figli t. ' I t MK:t pilened1 ' at
ijaaliei'illvlaStf riightaoi'M'' Tl'
t .&iilli.vaa andPadUy.nran arW truvel--
ingiwithv,drainsiitjq cum;paoy..another
ffi'P Wr yyM9M la , bj lly . gpa
light in bantering theiroat and watch-
irjfe-the-frasrititf efforts '6? the ir;ttteiJ, id
resent iu. , Johi "woukl slap iXin,' i pull
k vhiskqrsvandpffer1 othwi indign.1-.
ties that fairly drove .his goatshio in-.
sanerwttli rage." - When he could Vhinlc
bf nothing worse1, Suillvaii' would ttirn'
him ovxjr. on. his .back,, where, tlje,. goaf
9ld heiress, .his spreadng.liprna
preventing him from turning over.
TBerf,S:nmvatl,w6Tds-splt, in ia-s fie'e'
! I)an feelings towdirli the ' Vx-elrani-
pion became, such that he . wwuld &norb
wnn rage at tne, very siglit of him.
When the show was at La Salle, Sul
liva'n'' seated ih" a'drssinV-'rom,
nenn thej 6tage,i tputting. otl.hM lKerl,;
when (tp dopr( 9peMefl. an,dDu,u,0yhp;
vvas standing ntar hv, tied to the,vaU
a,s'u4ual;fg6tl a grimp.4eot,'hVm:'1 Tlie
goit m;ide'i& plnngVi-'Xlnd srrirpfjetl'tlife
xope Ueioro Sullivan ..reaMxedj.thati
?.,nin11aP7.?e ..tjhe, b.iJJy, jrot,
had struck him with the force of a
ttWWy,,car?lattJ he 'liig- felliAv 'was1
kqoeked into a heap in itlre ''earner df
theiroom.. .uljivau tried no ri$e,nd.
hf,?fiamJRaPher,b.u. , uVj
livan lay on the lloor and gaspef.
in at Ahatiinoment audit)an irave liim h)
butjjn. the lst!oina.?h,thalt,:liti1hiin,iqMti
Sullivar had by this tjine regainedfhis
iv'ih'd' and he 'let1 out 'a' 'series'ot lusVy
baw.s for help that ' bTouifbt'e'iiMiin1
reinforcements to subdue Dan. Sulli-
and nothing short of the murder qf
tle? 'goal 'would sattsfy him. He final
ly changed 1 his ' mindy ' hotv'e'veT, and
nQWsavQ.thattDaniein .whip any. goat
1 ' " ' 1 "A llf e etiiehVe ' t mfrUedJ
11 h ,1-,. ,v .-t .j.j-.ij. f
x '.
Washnton' -Da tts; the ' negro" 'c
dieted of Avrecking a Itock Island TasJ
sengerritrain near ber-e August . ,ld94,
in, yiuch, eleven, .persons -were.! killed,
wa9.,n? iby( udge .JIolmets,t
life imprisonment, the limit of the
- - ".. upniiuu ucrc i over -
wneimingiy, m iayor ol the negro's, in-
iwv.tuti;, uuu liic oeiiex larireiy oo-
ta'ws' that1 the Rock Island sofight lii9
conviction in order. 1o avoid, pay nreht
of, damages to relatives of, the victims.
The case will be appealed at once.
ti-:iil i. Bali Flht for Chicago. r !
ATLA.vTA.'Jan; 6.' Chicago is' Id hive
Some genuine bull fights. i 'i The mata
dors and other. Mores'' that go with
the geuuine-article and who . have been
with therilexican .Village .here,, fcavp
gone on to Chicago with, Mark L.
St6ne7"wh"6s'had the' ftypsy' Village
here,':arid -it ms' Stoncrs intenCiW-td
give,. uull'tttfhts : there and iin other
Northern cities . , Ijle says. there?- L no
taw' against snowing the bull fights.
r" v ! ",v'"i r H n'4',J
Internal 'Revenue' collections.'1 l
Lk ay e swoHtH,' " Kan. Jan.' 1 ' e. -Tfie
internal t revenue t collections for this
district,, which,, comprises i the. state ol
Kansas, , , Qklahoipa, ; and i : the . rInd.ian
Territory,' for December amounted, to
'18,b5. n This 'is a1 big falling off frbm
December 1811.' The amount derived
rom.pleomargarjjie stamps is the only
thing that held. up... It averages! 11
t)00 a mouth ih'this'dis'trict
IS', ii' '. ' : : . . i .'.It
i(A Meetln-of, JUanufacturers.-. i a!. .,
; pniQAoo Jan, ,fi. ;rh:National1 A
socia,ton of thoInufaf tjqrers of -tha
Untel States will hold , its first an,nu,al
coueuuoii ia j,nis city January t-d.
OVcr'iHK) 'delegates'1 will attend " tYris
convention, representing manufaettTr'-'
ingp4utries gn .-this country, which
produce GOO billion dollars worth of
ue siriciiy a meeting ior ousiness.
.i-i.'lu-iij .1 j r. 1 1 . ..ri... 1.1 I ' .
,f. ,tllard Luck. for a, Glee Club.; x
1 rl A Wrx Ton rf? rVU fla.
s?"r.1 .;H,iyer.sty.i W.eei.cluVr, ha ft,. -re.
T ' li i " 7. - r;V ' 4 t - ,
turned, from its tour through Missouri
.",.1 ui.-.-j .y, . i, itf- "t. r
and Kansas. Two of its members
Valked io Coiutribia from"' ftoelieport.'
Fromia financial slbndpoibti;th6 'trip
was ta; i a i 1 w re. . , Uousea. were s mal L and
receipts, .iu.eagerr , u, , k, .u...
Iter. Nathaniel Clark Dead.
Boston, Jaq., .-rKev.i Nathaniel G.
Clark, D. D., LLD., for nearly thirty
years prominently identified :with tb
heart disease, aggravated 'by bis 'adw
Tance'? agt-.,:,. .M.....W ,.l!.l r-:!!'
4.1: fin.' ; -Shot. Hfa' Slater 1 DeaiL ' f r.iM
ToPEKAr.Kan. Jan- 6. 'While vplayJ
Ingiwi;th,a,lpad.edl rifle .last, .igltt. the
six-year-old1 datkghter. of George ,Vap
Horu' wasslidt' dead 'by' her' brother."
aged ' n i ri et e en. rS " T h e yoil tig m an d id riv t
know it was loaded and sent two bul'
lets througji his.iste'pi body., j ::. .
: nit. I Killed Hi.' KtvaL ' ! fd
Dallas,. Tex., Jrr.; ,o;-lJee, Shirley
shot Charles Mooreheadttoildeath. on
Pacific avenue jlast. pirt i Etejvas
eaptured and placed in jail this mornr
ing." Tb&Y wert c6urtrig' ' the ' Walifao
young' wbmanV: uor ' Je&lotrsy' caused
J4ltfir!lys.i .11 t' JMi.K'l YUi;J'nt:ii'.)
x 'Muht4 VmwtoN. iml 'JS&1 1 .'li-Tlli
statement of - 'the shrtalbrv;IAltreTt
of the' Frst NatAonl banl this city,
places it a t $?0,500., It is rumpred that
Wadd has joided :the'(bkri arniy'.'' :'4-
io,:H. 11 ...if t ..mi' '
s iTlmef Too Hard fpr, a Grand Jnry.
Abilknk. Kan., Jan. 6 Judge'
James Humphrey has issued an order
that no grand jury should be drawn
for this county for the coming term of
?ourt, owing to the hard times.
Heading: Factory Burned.
Poplar Bluff, Mo., Jan. 6. The H.
Alfrey & Son heading factory, to
gether with machinery and stock,
burned this morning at II o'clock.
Loss, $40,000; insurance 3,000.
Garza, the Mexican, Fighting for Cuba.
Tampa, Fla., Jan. 6. Catarino
Garza, the famous Mexican revolution
ist, has joined the Cuban patriots.
1 1.
o..'fil . j r I K j.jr... .
u 111 '? f vjturHl r i
lai'iul III uniiul I i
A Mixed Criticism aod Approralof Presl
' client cleveltt'uA Trouble of 'the Treaa
' iirj3AttilibrUUd"o tbe A'i option of the
ol Wllorit'4i.ritf 'f.aW-1-StitBtlons for
J -,keornInfifl'Vli urfnej other Mat
' tert in Sel4fe "'
Mirrtnau 011
VrilttOkbtb Man"' -Senator Sher
lnvwtoday, addressed the' 'Se-hate on
the resotatioaintroduoed by hlrn a few
daysig-o relative-to th restoration of
fche gold.rsera., assert
ing itW.VwkUe Cpngjrevss wou;,d support
P'Vf nti..nWR?1jn.inS' oe hnr
field'of 'diplomacy, it wilt' not" approve
hisecbni'niendd'tT.W 'on' tiie '' nloro im
portant ' tKrWjec tc6 f bu i fi naWc a 1 ' pol i cy,
od. espocially;nf 'Out currency. Con
tiniiin.he ta-idi. .. ...., it.
I ,'.;Xhe , .Pre.sideAt. .ha ! mistaken the
W.6( ..W.r apfiial condi
tion in attributing it to the demand
for goid instead of to the deficiency of
revenue fran'setf" by" 'ttiii legislation of
the lasti Congreis.;'tHe -proposes as a
rmeidy ,the,;3rerfi'JWof. .the United
States notes," and treasury notes into
ntereat beat ing bonds, thus increas
ing' the intefer-'bearfn 'debt nearly
tSULVq(A00. tsiHelpr)ps a line of
PPM.9. J'QllcjS.4hlt,V7 1 PfftJuoe a sharp
contraction of. ..our .currency. add
Sveatiy4 ftJ,"tnVl 1 burden, "of J existing
ebts and'arrd-itt he firdgrtsfesf almost
reryj American ..iruLustryj. which now wit.h.f19rjjrft production."
benator Shermun read from Secre
tary "Carlisle l!rep6rtJtd shbw that
priordo' Jfc-'lj the-demand fo ;coin for
Jne4. (Sta.t?s notes jd r,r,ing a; period of
thirteen vea s. from Julv t. , 1879. to
Jul1 1, 'Ute. rf was J6nv WMo.WO.
While! the feceipMf'gId
he'Mc6pM-df,ffOld-'f6rT United
States notes during the same prior
JPr fr moupkd.fpjpuKq.,, . The
withdrawals from the treasury from
Jr!jr'l,-'U'92, to December" i; TSflrf,1 have
amounted to f.tyO;2C';,512i.'.Idring'the
fir'it'. trm r Mr PlnnnlanH w)in . Via
was Wwerless to'lect. puj currency
; ari,i tariff poI-e'yT t'he 'euWte being lte-
; -pUbiietd,' "'the 'irolrt' increased 'fr6m
no,W)9tm ou.April J:l8a.. to.l30;f
,000,000 AprjU, nyQ.t) , Tl,U,gpll,
came into the treasury without cost
lii exchange for United State' 'notes"
or gold'certifielteii" Mr. - Carlisle1 at
tributes; the,, withflra,w.3tl. ofi igaidi.tQ.
Allison act was in force from 1878 to
l$9oy wHti'the' rtcVrfm Illation' 'dt gold
occurred,: aad the. rat: body of. - gold'
(wap.withriv.n.a.r t,he act.,-51 ( July,
14, 1S90, was repealed., , tJ ,
1 IriView-'bf ftlkk,:b'n!cfai ''facts" Can'
shy1 'fail m n d ed ' m a'h -- ha Ve a d bu bt as'
to the causa at our tfjiaucnaepn-ditioti.?.
that unwise legislation reduced our jj
pdiPC-drlcohtlent.e.miUr..'ttiimr4rto! fea.s :tt11 a meetluff o tl,c committee
,mapJin our; cuAreppyia,t, comr, tn coast defense of the Seuaie for to
peled.the goyernmeit ,tot sell bonds j day for I the-'immediate consideration
prbViaed"',fbr the' redemption of' tnited ( oft his;bill.on ,iortlUcatious and eoast
btrtes notes OnlWr'tb 'trWet deficient defenses. w Petitions to Congress are
eiesM What other, remedy . Is there. fbr f pouring in from Charleston, bavsnaah,
ourfinapcaJ difiii;ullties..exceptj ttp b9rn
row money 0n the' best terms possible,
to'paycnrrttit" deficiencies and to prG
ide'additiOhal; rbvenne -for4 futurtr
To tlusj extent and -fprr these ,p,ur-
poses I' a in wining tO'support'fbis ad- J
tninistrdtidni howevermuch f may dis-' j
aarilee with.its.traDeral-.poliiJtv v jmib
the circumstances' the 1 administration1
was justified in. doihg.thi even- ,to .the
impirpt . of the resumption .fu-nd,,
Dut it ousrnr iraniviy sav mat tne
) icau.s'6f tlie"iflVafion Ldf trh'eillfesitirp
aoney to cover una future dj
iclencTeH.'" Tlifs donejgdld will reiuilV'
fi6lencTeH.'n Tlifs donejgdfd will reitlilV
be-erciungetl for LTiited CS'tate.sMnute'ff,1
asvan.douetfr.Qiu anuay.J XGfit toi
The two defects in existing law de
lating to redemption, are",menttofrel"
by .-, thtti Pre6.ontr,-itirtt, iths.tii-'the
notes presenfd, for.redempfipp mu)stJ
be reissued. It .seems from the news
papeW tRiVBe-has fiMhV the" powert'o'
hold dotes redeemehVuntlllthejtlcani be
exehgp4a.foTr.t:PA0, a,dAscavery hntf
he should have made sooner. .Second.
thatinVe'sumRiifuud is a part of
th gerterVil 1 'bfttarie1 Intilie 'treasury1
and.linay ibenapplicd ltojCtirfentiiex.
BiL,l I lit . t' 1 1 i A'
"Copjrress neglected to cure the de-,
WcW pointed1 oJt'1 bV'tiie'as' 'sWreikt?
6t thei f reasu r in 880i d but '1 'h bpe
w41l'fbrrecitithem! now af the reddest
Qf,thp:Prejsid;4n,V J,t yas.noli.thn an7l
ticipated .that a .deficiepcj" of, revenue
would- bckr x oP f tnat! si f lt did" 'occur,'
the government would use a fund
specifically 'pted'r'edVrdr1 another pur-ppse.t,vu.iee.t,cpii;rutlki-bvliti;s.l
1 i I
, "The President is ,of tbe opinioji that
the Unitef States noteF and treasury
0te should 'e VfcVrre' fttf fffve plkfce' j
to bank uotesuThiKdsiia'questioiiilor
pongress, to decide,.
iw, nor. was the. last
ot tnat opinion uo
trVeortVat,bpr.V6I.', '
,4I beHeltha'ttdAerx?i.tlngrda,w
4he rai?greiste tun. .afc 1 Uni.U'dr-.States
nqtes and tfpapry notes. issued. .unaef.
the act of 1590, f
nrfioiintliip- to about
$460,000,000, can
be easily maihtarned1
at. nap with' coin
if the two amend-
j itiKiud tneVysem "dY
i inking Cul-rency and coinage adopted
. Dy tne principal nations of Europe
'convinces me that our system, when
curej 0f a few defects developed by
f:mA founded upon the bimetallic
coinage of gold and silver maintained
at par with each other with free na-
tional bank-i established in every city
and town of importance in the United
States issuing their notes secured be
yond doubt by United States bonds
or some equivalent security redeema
ble on demand in United States notes,
and the issue of any amount of United
States notes and treasury notes,
equal to the amount now outstanding
with provision for a ratable increase
with the increase of population, al
ways redeemable in coin .-supported by
an ample reserve of coin in the treas
ury not to be invaded by deficiencies
of revenues and separate-! by the sub-
L dq not, w lsh. to cr,aioise ,Ue, pales ,9?. i
s authorised by the resumption,
to meet these' deficiencies.'"1 UUder
i v
createdby faulty tari islat bcSffa Ul SSinawiy
the last Congress. The true r
ls'tors-uiiprbrtaxatibnfnsWerf t smo'te. , , ,, t , , , ,
addltionul' revert'rei 'add,,lfirhtil;i!thl4' 5 ' ' 'A Philadelphia FaJiare.
cttn.le?leiecteri; iW-J borrow iirwn! .the- - : Pnrr.AbEr.i'iiiA?1.Ianl 4. The Solioit-
4 - i.
with t hn r.aiK.. i ...
the government such a KVRtm
...... . i L it Li 11 fTn!lil n
. ; , ".uuv v. u i i m commer
eial circles in every land and clim.
better than the best that now exists in
Europe, better than that of Great
Britain, which now holds the purse
strings of the world.
"I may on some proper occasion
hereafter give the reason for nay faith
in our present financial system. All I
ask now is that you will not disturb il
with your deficiencies; you will not
rob it of its safeguards; you will nol
return to the days of wildcat money;
you will not lessen the savings of pru
dent labor or the accumulations o' th
rich. Time makes all things even.
Let us give to the executive authori
ties ample means to meet the appro
priations you have made, bat let as
strengthen, rather than weaken, our
monetary system, which lies at tho
foundation of our prosperity and
Mr. Mills replied to Mr. Sherman's
tariff arguments, asserting that tho
McKinley bill bred the original deiicit
Mr. Elkins next spoke. H i aaid the
Honse bond bill was intended to meet
an emergency. There was no reason,
he said, why the President and Secre
tary of the Treasury should b allowed
to sell bonds without advertising, say
ing that they should not be given a
privilege which would not be grunted
to private individuals in ordinary af
fairs, lie criticised the last bond
issue, claiming that the commission
was too great. He saw n. reason why
loans should not be floated at home.
Mr. Elkins thought the peopii were
as likely to buy from the government
as from a syndicate, and considered
the syndicate supertltious. Tho Pres
ident should take the people into his
confidence. He a-ked for a vote on
his resolution, saying it was urgent
because there was danger that tha
bonds would soon ba issued.
Mr. flill moved to refer the resolu
tion to the finance committee. He
thought there was no question as to
the propriety of the reference as the
finance committee had the .iubj.fct be
fore it in the House bill. Tna com
mittee had, he said, adjourned until
Tuesday, the question could be con
sidered carefully between now and
then. lie asserted that there was
more than a single question involved
in this proceeding. The question
of whether bonds should be sold at
public or private sale should go with
the bill now under consideration by
the committee. The -Senate resolution
would carry no weight It was only
an expression of the Senate alone. It
was expected to have tome weight
with the executive . but he did not
know that it would.
, Mr. Elkins motion for consideration
(not passage) of his resolution for nub-
'! lie advertisements for bonds, passed
the Senate -18 yeas to 3 nay. Nays:
IJrice, Caffery, Mitchell of Wisconsin,
.Murphy and Hill.
1 n
(7raent Appeal for Protection Krom
Atlantle and Paclflo Coant Cltle.
WX8H1KOTON, Jan.-t. Senator Squir
Ualveston,,iNeW'' Haven and other
cities on -the.. Atlantic coast, and eiin
ilar action .is .being, tqken in Seattle,
Portland, ' San ' rancisc,o and Ban
Diego,' oh tlie Pacific coast.
.. 1 .j Kuirar, J'rice Advance. ,
, Chicago,, Jan. 4. The ( effect,. of in
cendiarism in the sugar cane fields f
Cuoa by th'e ' insurgents has reached
this rri'arket' with 'greater ' force than
that noted Ian weekend' 'sugar' is'!6n
the upturn-; The van ce! this week
has been a quarter of a cent a pound.
Conservative dealers are predicting
'further1 advance' 'Of 'fully a' hair1' cent
and : others 'look: for an . U;turh v0f' a'
'or s Loan' and Trust 'company of 'this
city,;"of ivliiclr Kichard W. Clay '!
(presidents! made an assignment, to-day
to: Colonel :T. De-Witt Cuyler, .one. iof
the .dirfStQs, , ..The Solicitors. Loan
apu Trust company has, assets of,
"about WimOftXf, 'midst 'of xvhlch is
tied typ-in 'Western mortgaged. It was
.founded (i 188). with .a. fpUpaii? capi-
M SWfw stock r.w?Vf.
dropped about 51 6 a share.
r,. 1.. rA 1 r.! ..l
.it Frod.itUoM, Whit theTIka Pren i;
Topekji iIvtDl, loJan,4! -i.. Colon!
Fred Close has commenced a replevin
action for possession of ,he t Topka
l)aily'; Pre-SH 'on Vclalpi of' 81,)0.
'iJlakesleV fc 1 LJurgle.s' will 'glvei'W 're
de K ve iy 1 tjom d' a nvl : ti gh t th ev ck se bn ' fc h e
.gcound-that tljelahi is lillegalu Colt
onel,C,loe. wants 9 ge.t hq',4,of t,he
Pressand run it as a Pobul 1st paper.
j"- : ' ' o ',' '' -
HUi.l .D' ArMar .Bnylnff lip Corn.- 1 :
,,0iMAHA. JJebK. Jan. ji.-P,. Aftuour
.is, sai,d, buying, and, c.rihbng4corp
A hi Uorn 'in- this ta te add in' lowa'a od
ttioringJt toa wait at better pripe((aa.a
.speculations , ,t -.f j k i n.o
Uiii' 'iK t!i t PeaWn' ifer Alli-
1 .
11 Washington,' Jan. iUiCongrasstnan
.IHwevof .Karsas: wahlti : to- (pension all
al I pld. S9ldifrs, who , haT .been honor-)
sttldieriiwdi meets the reulPsmenU
..frlft a,piqRtli. ,. ,.t d;t.--i.t
Maaafleld o Qtolt'thetefe. -1 ' ''
Washington. Jan. 4. Richard Wans!
field formally announced his determin
ation to retire from the stage and go
on the lecture platform at the con
clusion of his performance in the La
fayette Square theater last night
Bankers Arrested.
Atchison, Kan., Jan. 4. J. M. Ko
bins, president, and N. F. Hess, cash
ier, of the State bank of Lvert
which failed some time ago. were
arrested yesterday on a charge of re
ceivin"- deposits when the bank war
known to be in a failing condition.
William Richard of Kansas City.
Mo., was drowned in the Osage river
at Shipley's Shoals by his skiff capsizing.
Jin, ,Iowa, ,aud.MiNebraska. ...ivrmur.s
agent in Oip'aha is George Lyon. Lyon
knid'lt' Wka rft th'at 'ArmoUr was bby-
Ably. discharged , and t. , who have
; reached the age of, 55 years. He intro
toduced io-daf ;a bill to give each old