Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, October 31, 1895, Image 7

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.south jesttrday. j
J. II. Jla'dfcuian of Weeping Water j
in lue City jt&.uiua).
Lawrence fetul! was viewing the
splits in tLe metropolis Yesterday.
i'aul Geiirig is cotitlntd to his home
w ith au attack of rheumatic gout.
Chas. Graves, editor of the Union
Ledger, was a Plattsmouth visitor
.So'ouiou Lgq of Hook U'ulfs was
teatiiig the local uiaiktt with a load of
vegetables Saturday.
Dr. Jiutler of Weeping Water and
0. liaier of .Nehawka were court
Louse visitors today.
The county treasurer dropped into
the county seat today to see how li is
eiK'je was getting along.
Ld. Fitzgerald is supposed to be out
iu the county trjiug to stem the tide
tLat has set in again.vt Holloway.
Janus Walker of Murray was
;i i'iiittstnouth visitor .Saturday, and
t-iiking about everything but politics.
Patrick Campbell, who was operated
1. pen last Friday for sti auguiatt d
1 ernia, is reported to be getting along
i. icely.
K.J.Mathis of Greenwood, II. M.
Jiiissyof Tiiiou and II. T. ltichards j
of Wabash were court house visitor.1-
Jiishop Uouacuur of Lincoln was in
t own o er night visiting w ith Father
,'urney. He returned home yesterday
Wui. It. Cioss and Koiuia C Frans.
bvjiii residents of Cass county, have
been granted a license to wed by
Judge Ramsey.
J. M. Stone of Is'ehawka was in town
Tuesday and gives very encouraging re
ports as to the position of alfairu fioui
a democratic standpoint.
W. C. Show alter of David City, Neb.,
ex-clerk of the district court of Cass
eounty is visiting in the city and
fd.aking hands with old friends.
Mus Fupheme Itobbins is reported
t' still be in a quite critical condition,
ar.d her phy&icians expect a change
for better or worse about tomorrow.
Friday morning's papers chronicled
tLe fact that Lx-i-enator Van Wyck
died Thursday afternoon of apoplexy,
with which he was stricken Monday.
The county treasurer dropped into
town Friday to see how his cilice was
getting on. lie found it where he left
it a few weeks ago, as near as lie can
A great deal of new corn is being
brought in eow days, a large portion
Jude Itamsey departed for
' - -XuJ
B Customer 3
Is the Best Advertisement.
Knnwinry thiR.
much, but let our Clothes do the
4 All-
2 There are clothes that simply
jfr.jii i r , - "5?
satisiy tneaemana
clothes, ajain.that
that comes with culture and pro
gress. Z3
m We have a complete line of
winier oiotning in
gZI W,U satisfy you if
Let us show you vhat the full
measure of bargain-giving means
in Men's and Boys' a
Clothing, Hats 3
and Underwfiar.
insdz c) nzw
500 Main Street,
' . . , i I 1 1 I ! 1 1 1 1
"ZT 11 i 1 1 i 1 1 i .
of it being from across tha river. It
sells for from fifteen .to twenty cents
a bushel.
A very handsome monument was
erected Thursday by Miss Maggie
0'Kourke,over the graves of her f ather
and mother. The .stone was furnished
by Henry Tartscb.
There is a rumor that Jiob Troop
and Valentine Fgenberger sr., are to
buy out the Claus Frekenfeld hard
ware store. Hope H'a true. They
would make a strong team.
L'x-sheriff Kube livers has been iu
the west part of the county putting in
his best licks for Chapman, and he
says he doirt give a d for any of
the rest of the ticket.
Frank Dickbou departed this morn
ing for a trip over the couutv, during
the course of which he wil: distribute
the sample ballots throughout the
precincts, as ixpiiKtl by law.
Hon. John A. Davies is understood
to be out in the county doing some
fruitless ork among his pop trieuds
in the interest of Judge Chapman.
Xo use, John, he's u gone g '.-liug.
Herman .Streityvtiser has a variety
of onions called the .Surprise of w hich
lie raised this year 100 bushels on a
quarter of an acre of ground. Is
there anybody in this vicinity can
beat that?
Mrs. Wiley, widow of the late Dr.
Wiley, has made application to court
tor an injunction restraining her son
Kd C. Wiley from taking i.nd carryiug
aw ay the corn and oats from her pi cru
ises, to which he has no righttul claim.
In her petition Mrs. iViley claims that
she is restrained by tidal affection fiom
arresting her son for theft.
Takr Oil tli Uofiie!
The undersigned is now ready, with
a good portable ehete and tools to re
move the weapons of horned cattle at
ten cents a head. If those who wish
to have such work done will add i ess
me at ltock Bluffs, Neb., they will be
promptly answered.
4t w !? D Fei:noNt.
Attention is calltd to the Poland
China hog sale advertised to come olf
on Saturday of next week Xov. '.)
at the home of Geo. L. Mulert,4
miles west of South Peud. Mr. Mul
ertz has a most excellent strain of t hese
best-of-all hogs, and deserves to have
his sale well patron iml.
Th repairs on J. V. Fgenberer's
store are rapidly ueariug completion
and J. V. will have one of the neatest
store rooms in the city. $1.00 per gal
lon. New sorghum and New Orleans
molasses, honey drip syrup and black
strap can be had at
Br:.N':Tr:TT & Terr's.
rin nnt ctz
Tor covering, ana
rymtifv thfi in9.t&
stocK nov that
you come soon.
' Z,
V .- Y--'t
. 2?
WHt'Ait: AKK 1 U&Y Alt
The tiudden conversion of the Weep
ing Water Republican tliis week from
a mild, meek and harmless sheet to a
roaring, tearing, i ampant Chapman or
gan is a remarkable metamorphosis,
and has caused considerable comment.
What is it, Brother Keithley, that has
caused this upheaval? Answer out in
school and let us in on the ground
lleor! Was it boodle that caused your
column. r.o reek with abuse of the
opponents of Chapman, while a deep
and profound silence pervades ita col
umns as to the babijiceoi the ticket?
Alas, for human depravity, that the
tunedul chink of the honest dollar''
should have Midi a debasing effect on
the m r.l tone of the Republican !
May the good Lord have me icy on your
poor, weak soul !
Fvideuly the channel by which this
charge was brought about was Hou.(?)
John A. Davies. whose pen sciatches
are visible in almost eveiy paragraph.
This is appireut by the effort made to
show that Jude Ramsey has tied up
with the Polks. This M the baldest of
campaign lie.;, and is told to inlluence
next year's c mpaign.
;ev-r fear, Mr. Davies; the ecmo
crats will tan Polk's hide neatly next
year, and yours, too, and don't let that
eSi'ape your leuiembrant ! The Polks
ajtf not running the democratic cam
paign, any more than are Davies. Chap
man &. Co., and they know how lamen
tably they failed to do that.
The Republican sus Ramsey never
had a case ,; to the supreme court
to have it reversed. As a matter
of fact quite a number of cases, orig
inating in county court, went on ap
peal through the 'district court, where
Judge Ramsey was reversed, to the iu
pieme couit wlu-ie he was sustained
and J udgc Ch .ipm m'.s decisions were
Again, the Republican represented
that the Polks are opposing Jlouse
worth and favoring Dealing. The op
posite is true. They aie lightiug
Dealing bitterly.
The Republican's subsidized flings
at the democrats can have ouly one
effect: to show that Chapman, Davies,
the Polks and Sullivan are lighting
each other, and no sensible man will
be ehVcted on either side of their con
troversy .
As to Russell, poor fellow, he is
not worth minding.
Ir Ramsey is such great pumpkins
why has there, been so manv cases
j brought out of his court to Otoe county
on a change of venue? And if he has
carried Cass ecu 'it y against such great
odds w hy does he c oncede that county
j to juage Chapman by 400? Ramsey
j xvon't be in it. Nebraska City Press,
j ay, IJro. Rrow n; when you start out
j to misrepresent, wouldn't it pay better
j to make statements that are not known
to be untrue? Ho cafes have been
taken from Ju Ige Ramsey's court to
Otoe county. Furthermore the su
preme court has decided that cat es can
not be taken from one county court to
another, and they cannot even be
taken to a justice court from the
county court except by consent of the
parties, or vice veisa. The Press ought
to know all tluse things. If it does
not, its ignorance is ene:ousab!e. A
sillier little lie was never invented
unless it be the last statement of the
above paragraph, which is a lie out of
whole cloth. The Joi.'una.l. is author
ised to say that Mr. Ramsey never
made such an admission, but that he
expects to carry C rss county by a good
Pi-:oi'nE in thM third commissioner
district will not be apt to forget Mr.
Hayes' action wherein C. II. Parrnele
was given the use of the county funds
in at four per cent iu spite of the
fact that the First National bank at
Greenwood had olf ere d six per cent
and put up a good and fcuflicierit bond
as tieeuriiy for the same. Ry that
transaction the eounty lot t two per
cent interest on an average of 40,000
during the year, amountiug to Sr'SOO,
at least, and Mr. JJayes was clearly
responsible for that loss, because Mr.
Dutton would not have made the con
tract had JJayes not agreed to it and
Mr. Young was known to be opposed
to the deal. That fact alone fchould
defeat Mr. JJayes for re-election.
Jvixje isui.LiVAN is a smart poli
tician and when he gives anything up
on his side, as h? in the case of
the sheriff's light, one may be sure
there is something in it.
J)r. JJearing is a poor man himself,
but if there js a poor family in this
town that he has not helped, it Is be
cause their wants were unknown to
Tnis democrat) have, by universal
acknowledgement, the best county
ticket in the lldd. Now, jf Ihey wiJJ
all pull together, they can win. sure.
Judge Sullivan has admitted that
iJolloway's chances for election are
getting slimmer every day.
VVIiV 1 lUK?
The presence of A.C Wright in this
city at the preteut should cause the
people of this town to think a little.
Why is this man Wright here? It is
because he desires to visit his old time
friends and acquaintances or is it be
cause bam M. Chapman discovers he is
defeated and has to import line work
ers to save himself ? Which ? This
fellow Wright has long been identified
with the state house ring at Jjincoln.
lie has made an odorous reputation as
a political trickster and smooth man.
Iu the palmy days of the Jiucoln ring
Wright was a great hanger-on. . He
has never been known U break away
from the public ciib and is one of the
festering leeches upon the taxpayers
of this state. He is supposed to be a
pubiic servant, but inste;.d is a public
tool veering with each passing wind
and always to be relied upon to show
up when work is needed to save a
republican riugster from defeat. In
the past, say three ears ago, Wright
invaded Cass county hot on the trail
of Jiryau. Jike many another he was
misled by appearauces and imagined
that Cass county was the fccene of
battle instead of Richaidson, Paw nee
and Nemaha so he came. Valiant
Wright, soft voiced and tuneful as the
lyre, you w rote Field upon the sands
of Cass county. In the voice of the
wind sweeping from the parching
prairies of Kansas you heard Field
crooned as a lullaby to your slumbers
but in the drear autumn when the
wind whistled cold and the bands were
covered with the storm mantle of old
winter, Field was buried with the past
and Rryau was triumphant. So will
it be this time. Melodious as the
tuneful voice may be it will turn to
tones of sorrow when on November t
the voters of Cass and Otoe counties
will turn your idol to the wail and in
place of Chapman you will read Ram
sey. The Press says: "All the republican
lawyers of Otoe county are supporting
the re-election of Judge Chapman."
Will the Press please name a single
republican lawyer, outside of J C.
Watson, who has not openly and above
board proclaimed himself as against
Chapmau? Have they not refused to
go out and hold joint meetings w ith
him? Have they not openly, on the
streets, said that they could not prac
tice law in his court? Name a repub
lican lawyer who is supporting him,
and The News promises to quote w hat
these same law yers had to say about
him less than ten days ago. They are
all fighting him, and hard, at that.
Nebraska City News.
TiiK NewH of last Tuefcday had an
absurb paragraph intimating I hat C.
C. I'ariiiele is to be appointed deputy
treasurer uuder Mr. Trits'.'b. The
News bhould invent a more Jikely btory
than that, if it goes into that busiuess.
Mr. l'armele eay s he would hardly ac
cept a depuiyjship when he could have
had the nomination for treasuier by
eayin that he would take it and with
Mr. Tritsch's full consent, too.
M'tiiAK Aucukk i.s one of the
pioneers of Cass county and has always I
borne an unsullied reputation. Of late
years while acting a. police judge and
justice of the peace, he has .studied
law, has been admitted to the bar. and
has litted himself well for ti e duties of
county judge. Those who vote for
him will make no mistake.
"Jr I could
1,000 fees for
get an allowance of
doing 150 worth of
work" said a republican lawyer re
cently,"! would be apt to remember
my beneticiary also." That may ac
count for the activity of a certain at
torney in this campaign.
You can always Und the very best
of coffees and the purest spices at
Dr. Marshall, Graduate DENT
IST, Fitzgerald block.
Jt will pay ycu to look at Joe
Frank's new line of overcoats jutt re
ceived. Jf you want something new und
fresh in the way of evaporated fruits,
and want them ciieup, call at Uen
nett ic Tutt's. They have fresh rais
ins, figs, currants, prunes, a pricots,
peaches, cranbeuies, etc., all of the
crop of 1890.
Farmers who expect soon to lay in
their wjntkk's kutav-y of coal will
find that Jlenry JJempells prepared to
till all orders for the vest rjuality at
lowest prices. Yard at the Ji & M.
shop yards " 38 If
Sheriff Sale.
JJy virtue 0 an order 0 tsale. Issued by W. Jr.
Dentine, clerk of the district court wldilnaiid
t or 'ass county, Nebrabka, and to we dlr'-tfd,
j w ill ou me tin uay or nvcbuiuer, a. it., jouo, i
10o'olock.;&. in. ot midday at theoutj door of
the toun houte in tlie city of i'iattemoutlj. In
said county, eoll at oul)io u ucUon. to the Ixluh
ett bidder or earn, the rolJowiiig real t-btate, I
to-wlt: j
Lot ro. hljttetu 16 lu block nemi 7, of j
r'arter'fc addition to too village ot Avocm. Ch ,
county, jyetiriifesa, together wttu the onHvicu
and oi'purtt'iiiujccs ihercuutp Lelonlmg or In
auywlMU appertalulnt'; the sume heuig Jevlcd
uiuu and takfcii lis the Tpifci ty of tllen Web
httr and Owtn J. Webhtcr. defenddiu, to hatlb
fy u Judgment of tald court rco ered oy J'ettr
1'eU'rs, I'lalntilr-, i:dt suid dfcf?ndunt
DuU'l at I'latttnioutL, Ntb., t)c-t. J,
J. C. Klb KHBAHY, iherin'. V&fM Co., yth.
Matchew rjerlni', i'JuintJtt 's Alty. I" &
Was purchased
... - m
, , . .
Mi l
At my farm, four and one-half miles south
east of Ashland, Nebraska, on
Saturday, Nov. 9, '95.
I will offer all the "Tops" of my 1895
crop of Thoroughbred Poland Chinas,
consisting of about Forty Boars and
Fifty Sows , also ten head of yearling
and older sows.
A Free Lunch-Sale, at 12 :
GEO. N. MTJLERTZ, Owner, a
COL. P. M. WOODS, Auctioneer.
miles west of
Farm four
and one-half miles southeast of Ashland and lour
1 The
With the average
"Where can 1 get
Have studied the purchasing
power of a $ in the Clothing mar
kets and the result is, they have
ready for your inspection the
"satisfying portion" in Men's
Wearing Apparel, This is no idle
talk. We can demonstrate the
FACT that we are "monarchs in
this realm. " Nothing so easy to
prove as the truth. Come in and
I ... ONE PRICE ...
ji. o, Livingston, i
mm mm mm mw mfrnm " . mm mm, mm
before the advance in prices, so
avail yourself of this golden opportunity, and
buy your Winter Footwear, for we can give you
more for your money than any other house iu
Cass county.
Repairing Neatly Done.
man today is
the most for my
thv. leadinq
Furniture Dealer,
f F
rarrif the J.Tgts.t Stofk ot JIOL'K
ruii:yuiNus in t:n- oouctp. ...
( i
'uivided profits -- .
f individual deposits
t 1 Average reserve. 27.95 per cent,
i ". - pared with 27.4 last report.
-. ' ' 1 " .. -. V . -.-A