mm?mmwmmm??mm: IA Pleased Customer Is the Best Advertisement. Knowing this, we do not say much, but let our Clothes do the talking. There are clothes that simply satisfy the demand for covering, and clothes, again, that gratify the taste that comes with culture and pro gress. We have a complete line of Winter Clothing in stock now that will satisfy you if you come soon. Let us show you what the full measure of bargain-giving means in Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats and Underwear. :m:ojg---t. Z 500 Main Street, Chris. Wohlfarth, : : COMMISSION : : ...DEALER The Best Bargains in Furniture and House-Fitting goods ever offered in Cass county. Why pay high prices, when you can get just what you want at 50 per cent less. We buy, sell and exchang goods. No. 3 16 Main Sreet, Plattsmouth. Plattsmouth The attention of farmers who expect to plant orchards is called to the fact that I have home-grown trees, war ranted to be true to name, by a man who you know, and at prices that will compare with any nursery in the land. BACH.I..100.. 1,000. i'iiste.oo tc'.66 ,12 10.00 .30 .40 .35 25.00 .. .. .05 3.50 "!08 10 Apple Trees, standard varle ties, 3 years old Same, 2 years old Plums, blue Pears, 3 years Cherry trees, 3 years Concord Tines, 2 years Peach trees Gooseberries Currants, choice kinds Will take corn for part trade and give two cents a bushel above market price. Parties living too far away can send orders. Will be carefully packed in moss. J. E. XjEESLEY, Proprietor, S. L. GREESON, DEALER IN Flour, Feed And Corn-Meal, Unicn Block, Plattsmouth. PAYS HIGHEST. . PRICE FOR GRAIN : AND : HAY. And sells at the closest, mar gin. He invites patronage and guarantees - satisfaction. Call at F. McCourt's old stand. o Plattsmouth -2 The Spice of Buying Is an occasional bargain. We will enumerate below a few exceptional ones, chosen from a store full of them. Our prices should bring the blush of shame to the cheeks of every person not entirely devoid of local patriotiMU, to think that they will pass their own stores, who assist in keepiog up the city, help toward the protection of their homes and the education of their children, and buy of Omaha merchants who have no local interests in Platts mouth exeepc the money they get out of the town. One lot children's all wool camel's hair color vests, pants and drawers, sizes running from 20 to 34 inches, reg ular price on this lot from 40c to $1.00 at 25c a garment. One lot of men's heavy grey under wear, worth 50c, for 25 cents. One lot of men's I eavy wool over shirts, worth 75c, for 39 cents. One lot of children's Stanley caps, all wool flannel, worth 25c for 15 cents. One bargain in ladies' Swiss em broidered handkerchiefs, worth from 20c up to 35c, your choice for 15 cents. One lot of ladies' kid gloves in blacks, browns', tans, greys and whites, worth $1.00 and $1.25, "your choice for 79 cents. SPECIAL. Just received a new lot of modish jackets, 28 inch length, four-button box fronts, mandolin sleeves, uncommonly high in quality, uncommonly low in price. One lot ot ladies' capes, heavy black beaver, nicely trimmed, at $2.98, worth $4.50. One lot of ladies' capes, a little bet ter, fuller sweep and more trimmings, for $3.93. One lot of ladies' capes, still better than last garment mentioned, comes in blue and black, fine quality beaver have seen garments bought in Omaha for $7.50 that were not better our price only $4.98. WM. HE HOLD & SOX. Lamps! Lamps! Bennett & Tutt have just received a new supply of banquet, stand and hanging lamps of the very latest pat terns and designs. They are beauti ful. Call and look at them. They have also been adding to their already large stock of china and queensware many new patterns. - Attend Wise sale. & Root's closing-out The county treasurer reports that the list of tax-payers who have been in to settle their indebtedness to the county, is large for this season of the year. The weak spot in the democratic ticket has not ht en discovered jet. Young Sf-uklock is still wiistiug his time canvassing the county for votes. If you are tired of keepiug the M gang in the treasurer's office- vote for Jacob Tritsch and get a number one man there. Tiik success which William D. Wheeler is having in winning votes is magnetic. He is developing greater strength every day. Things are com ing his way in line shape. Lkstku K. Stonk is a successful young business man at Nchavvkn. He has all the requisites for making a first-class county cleik. llnmeniber hin when you come to make out your ticket. Democrats only need to stand by their whole ticket in order to elect it. Don't lose sight of anybody because you are interested in some particular man ou the ticket. A pull all together will make a clean winning. An effort was made, yesterday, for a particular reason, to find a democrat who was in favor of Eikenbary for treasurer, but it was a failure. Jake Tritsch is such a universal favorite that his competitor, Jake Eikenbary, has had no chance to make a single in road on his lines. I)u. Geo. II. Gilmokk, the demo cratic nominee for county superinten dent, was not a seeker after the nom ination, but he is now an active candi date for election, and is doing good work in the county not only for him self but for the democratic cause. He is a splendid scholar, and is in every way a model man for the place. Don't forget him when you come to vote. No woriD can be said amiss in praise of Judge Ramsey's official career. It is as near perfect as that of any official who ever occupied a position of respon sibility in Nebraska. Put your finger on a flaw in it, or on a decision that will not stand the strongest searcb 1 ght of criticism. No single decision .f his has ever oeen reversed by the supreme court. lie has always de cided questions right, and may be re lied ou to do so when he gets on the district bench. Repup.licaxs ate boasting that their candidates Spurlock and House worth are safe because the populist candidates Vass and Uriggs .will help do up the democratic nominees Archer and Deariug. The- sensible populists will be able to see this point and will not help to pull republican chestnuts out of the fire in this way. Messrs. Rriggs and Vass are clever fellows, but there is no principle in volved in their candidacy, that any body knows of. Undeij the ruling of the republican supreme court and a republican secre tary of state the names of two sets of candidates labelled "democrat" will appear on the Australian ballot. That such a ruling was made for the pur pose of confusing the voters there can be no question, but such are the con ditions. Democratic voters. of Cass county, therefore, who wish to vote for the candidates of the regular or Omaha convention, should read the names on the ticket at the head of this paper, beaded by C. J. Phelps and those who wi3h to vote for the bolting or gold standard candidates can vote for Mr. Mahoney and the men who represent their idea. Do not be de ceived when you come to vote. Mr. Mahoney s name appears at the top of the official ballot because the names are put on alphabetically, and not for any other reason. Those who favor free coinage of silver will vote for C. J. Phelps, for supreme judge, and Robert Kittle and T. W. Blackburn for re gents. PERSONAL, POLITICAL AND PERTINENT The Talmage Tribune says: "For district judge the people want a man untrammeled by ring corruption, a man whose honesty and sincerity can not be questioned, who will decide all issues upon the law." That man is the democratic nominee, Hon. 13. S. Ramsey, a man in evey way qualified in filling the position and one who is not owned by any lawyer, and who will write his own decisions and not render them at some lawyer's dicta tion as has often been the case in this district. Nebraska City News. Judge B. S. Ramsey arrived here at noon from Plattsmouth. He reports everything as looking favorable for a sweeping democratic victory. Ne braska City News. The case of the Flournoy Live Stock company against Capt. Beck, agent of the Omaha. Indiana, in Thurston county, l;is 1 --r i flisiuissid by the 17. S. supreme .!;. and the settlers will- b compeil-i in ive up their leases. William J). V hedT. t he democratic candidate lor sheriff, in :0 ears old, was born in the west, ami has lived in ('ass county for -twenty years. lie is favorably known .-ill over t he county , is a farmer, is hoiiti , pays his debts and lias earned what he has hin . self. He is a man of good business qualitit-s, is quick and decisive, dees just what he says he will do, and just what he be lieves to itii right, irrespective ot the dictates of others. He is a man of good habits, and if elected will do his duly. Iln will receive the votes of his nelglibois regardless of party, and no good citizen need be afraid to cast his ballot for him, lit; is making a clean canvass, and we, believe he- be, as he ought to be, elected. Judge Sullivan ot Plat'usu nth. was in the city this afti inooii ; l d when he undertook to lind a man who would vote for Chapman he was hoirilied and gave up his campaigning. He realizes that Otoe, county will bury that gentleman so deep that he will never enter another race in this judi cial district. Nebraska City News. A vote for horestand efficient .Ju'iue Ramsey is a vote to put :i pure and honest, man on tlo- bench io the dis trict court in this disi ict. a ihirg that nil persons ii of pnrty affili ations are cr inu out loudly for now, a. rid have been for some time past. Nebraska City News. Coleman, the jeweler. Plattsmouth. IX-iaorrut : CViilrHl nin in i 1 1 . Following aie the names and r o-t-offiee addresses of the m mbers of the democratic central committee for C.iss county: 1'LATTSMOUTII CITY First ward.. It ( Livingston. Sc-comI wftnl.-I'C Ilinisen. Third ward. . James Grnoe. Fourth v.ird..I'hi!ip Thierolf Fifth wanl.-V in. Slater. PlHttsinouth pree't.. Henry Ilirz, I'lottsuunM !i Mt, Pleasant. .Louis Foltz, Weeping Water. Xcuawka jrec't..C.I lJ.mnins. Nehawkn. Liberty rect. J C Frank. I'nion. Center. . Ed Tiglie, Weeping Waier. F.icht M. .. Henry Hafcer, t'edar Creek. Tipton.. Mark White. VuzW. S iH (Took . . Waller Palling, On nwot I. (ireenwood pree't. . Sam I? j mi. Alv stove CreeX . ..I '.I Orecn, Ilh.iwoi !. vi-i'IXC WATKU CITY. First 1 SleNurtii:. seeond vu:d...Jos tVrlr . Third vnrd.. Frank liu' t.:ird. W. U pree't. John Xewnmn. Wecpii k ' Avoea pree't . . John Tromble, Xehuuka. South Uond pree't. .Sum ?.S l'atteion, so'ith l'end. i:or-K iiLFFF H:JFX1X X"C. First district. . I. II Oldham. Vm r..y . Second district.. W II Sii.ith. I.Vcfc iiTofT. Louisville pree't. .Conoid m-Mhum. LonisvK!.. Klutwood pree't. .Sco'i H ire, Muciocl;. .Joe Ac i'Yank, thtt People's Clothiers, reMirn you your mnev in all in stances if you are not pleased. Kvry I. over T 1 Jorellfsli Should attend the ra-.-e in ee tine to tie held at Lincoln Park. Lincoln. ():t us to Nov. 1. "Alix," 'kFhino .lib," 'Azote. v "Directly." "W. W. P. "Strathbur ."' "CaxKiMite." "Sulph ide'" all the speediest trotters at d tleetest pacers in the euii i u ;1! I e there. New track, r.ew st j:M s. rev. management. L'v ry day higda. Half rates via the. IP.m liiiL't. iu .()-. . 2.1 to Nov.. 1, from stations u ul.ia 2cu miles of Lincol n . f!et tickets from local ;i:oji' t.j ;n P.. & M H. II. I. Int. of Lh Remaining unclaimed in the postofiice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Oct. 2.1: Ausein. Perry Crane, F-iank A Oajrnom. Isasic, Motser. John Shnja?. Mrs Eliza Taylor, V 11 Horn, Jlil-e Persons calling tor any of thoabot letters or parcels will please say "ad vertised.' V. K. Fox. P. M. Farmers w ho expect soon to lay in their wintjcu's. suitly of cial will find that Henry flempel is prepared to fill all orders for the hkst quality at lowest prices. Yard at the U ii M. shop yards 'JS t f Prominent lrus:Rlstn of lilair, Nel., Writes Magnet Chemical Co. Dear Sirs: The goods which we bought through your salesman are sellers; the Magnet Pilk Killku es pecially sells good and gives excellent satisfaction. 'We have re-ordered through our jobbers several times. Respectfully yours, Palmer fc Taylou. For sale by Gering & Co. 4 Dr. Marshall, Graduate DENT IST, Fitzgerald block. Julius Pepperberg, MANUFACTURER OF x'Bud," THE BEST 5c CIGAR MADE. . ALSO MAKER OF THIS "-FL0E. DE PEPPERBERG," ! The Best Ten-cent Cigar Sold on the Market. Mall Criers to llattbMOUtli, cb, o o a a o ft o & o u i o o to f o f (9 s O C3 p 5 3 E DARE SAY There are far more DUTCHESS TROUSERS worn by the male pap ulation of Plattsmouth than any other kind. Why is This ? Because DUTCHESS TROUS ERS are cut right, sewed rightjook right, fit right and sell at the right price. In fact, they are "all right," and one trial of them will convince you that they are THE pant for you to wear., c o I O o & o o o o 5 o (J J fc3 o f ti o O o 4 Incidentally We might add that we have sold over 4,000 pairs of DUTCHESS TROUSERS in this city. We have just received our New Fall Line and can fit the short and fat, the long and lean, or the medium-sized man. Take a look at 'em. MM oQpntt OU r t r wr-x-ih jl fi-.o--. --. ryvtyS tfo: ' -iTE raJoa eJ V.ts purchased 'J A y ? r tiN'i RE PATTERSON-& KUNSMANN, The Lieading Butchers, a fi 1 lis a-, I 1 Hi L.4 Catue, Hogs, BUTTER, EGGS and HIDES. See them before selling. They keep on hand the best of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Fresh and Salt FISH and OYSTERS and GAME in Season, it rv T"" T A MIO . U . 1 ii A V IO, Attorney and Counselor at Lav. WILL PJIACT1CU5 IN ALL THE COUIiTS. OFFICK IlooinH 1 un.l 3, l iima lil k, PlattSlIlOtltll, - - - Meb. o o o o o & O o S V, o a o o o o ft) o ( & o o Q c O a Q O o o G o 3 Q A.7 P 4J STOCK S assf r" before tlie advance in prices, so avail yourself of this golden opportunity, and buv your Winter Footwear, for we can give vou more for your money than any other house in Cass countv. f:ep:iiring Neatly Done. lerwood. bheeo, Poultry 5 H. Q. LIVINGSTO ; ATTORNEY AT .AW. jT ?.T Q "TT TK tV. V X' ; Pitt.Hiiouthv Nebraska.