icle Society PLA'tTSMOUTl WEEKLY TJ AT A 1 II IJLi U JLlb-L UBE JUST AND FEAR NOT." PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15. 1895. (5 1 fin IJ31t YEAK. $1.UU IF PAID IN ADVANCE. VOL. 14, NO. 34. i r i i"i ill ii i N J3U1J& SIDEWALK TALKS. Many Sidewalk Repairs Ordered At Monday's Council Session. CHARLES YOELKE CAPTURED- Tlie Young Ian Who Figure In the Doa ble Elopement Her Recently Is Landed in the Jail Other Affairs. Monday evening's session of the city council was devoted almost entirely to a discussion of the various sidewalks in need of repair about the city, and nearly every "dad" thought of some particular place that needed repairing. When the clerk called the roll every member responded to his name. The minutes of the previous meeting being read and disposed of, a communica tion was read from a firm in Indiana asking what inducements the city woMld offer for the establishment of a factory here. On motion of Grimes the matter was referred to the secre tary of the board of trade. A few suggestions to the council from Mayor Newell were then read in relation to some needed repairs at the mouth of the sewer and on various thoroughfares in and around the town. Grimes nioveTl that the matter be re ferred to the committee on streets, alleys and bridges. Carried. A communication was then read from The Daily Journal publish ing company and Journal jobdepart ment. asfeineto be awarded the city printing for the ensuing year, at the same rates paid the News last year. Grimes moved that the printing be awarded to this paper, which motion was seconded by Gutsche. Steimker wanted the matter laid over uutil the next meeting, and of course Hinshaw seconded his amendment. The clerk was ordered to call the roll on the amendment, which resulted as follows: For Steimker, Hinshaw and Bar wick, 3. Azainst Grimes, Gutsche, Slater, White, Parmele, Sattler and Messer srnith, 7. The amendment was accordingly de clared lost, and the "vote on the orig inal motion resulted as follows: For Gutsche, Grimes, Parmele, White, Messersmith, Sattler and Slater.". Against Steimker, Hinshaw and Barwiek, 3. A batch of accounts against the city was then presented, and upon motion of Gutsche they were referred to the finance committee without reading. The city marshal and police judge's reports were then read, showing three arrests for July. One fine of $3 was paid and two prisoners "boarded out" their fines. The report was referred to police committee. The city treasurer's report, showing a balance on hand of $15,205.48. was read and referred to finance com mittee. When the street commissioner's re port was presented, it called forth con siderable discussion. Grimes thought a monthly report was sufficient, and so did most of the other councilmen, and an order was made to that effect. The official bond of C. M. Butler as a member of the public library board, signed by B. S. Bamsey and Mr. Butler was then presented and aecepted. Grimes then presented a resolution ordering the chief of police to notify Mrs. A. Robison to construct a side walk adjacent to her property in Young & Hays' addition. Carried. This is where the sidewalk improve mcnt talk commenced, and it will keep the chief of police busy for some time notifying the various property owners to make the repairs needed. The street commissioner will also nave a number of washouts and bad streets and crossings to look after. unmes reported that recent rains had caused the dirt and rubbish to wash down on Mr. Janda's property on West Main street, and that some drainage pipe was badly needed there. Mr. Janda said that if the city would donate him three lengths of four-inch sewer pipe, he would do the work him self. Upon motion of Grimes the do nation was made. Mayor Newell said he thought the city was paying too much for street work. He didn't believe in paying $3.00 for team work, when teams could be engaged for $2 50, and said the men were not doing more than $2.50 worth of work. Grimes objected to cutting down wages for team work, and said if a team wasn't worth $3. 00 a day it wasn't worth hirinz. If the street commissioner failed to get $3.00 worth of work out of the team it was his own fault, and he was to blame. This ap peared to be the general sentiment of the "dads," and the cut was not made. The following bills against the city were then ordered paid: Lyman Klldow, draining Bewer t 1 00 C L Ma-shall, team work and street com.. 37 00 M Illatt, hauling dogs "80 Jno Murray, salary 40 CO Jno Fitz patrick, same 40 00 I II punn, same 60 00 Cost bill, Ellas Sage vsCity 6 75 M Archer, uncollected fees 8 00 Platts Oas & Elec Light Co, two arc lights S3 33 E W Kennedy, draining sewer 1 00 Tribune Pub Co, printing ... 5 00 J W Hendee. mdse 2 45 Wm Anthony, labor 5 55 Thos Janda, same 5 40 W S Strlbbling, team work 10 20 Edwin Bates, same 23 10 Andy Smith, wheel scraper 15 00 John Janda, team work 18 45 Lafe O'Neill, same 8 60 Al Ilarkins. labor 11 10 Jacob Flauk, same 2 10 Joe Jelemek, same 4 35 Rob't Johnson, same 3 00 Wm Gingery, same 15 GO Bert Ilarfcins, same 7 50 Benj Brooks, same CO F A Burke, team work 21 SO Cass county, boarding prisoners 10 00 J A Davies, salary t2 50 Public library, rent and expense 30 50 Platts Gas & Elec Lt Co., light for July . . . 231 33 ninshaw said that West Oak Hill cemetery was badly in need of a well and moved that the cemetery commit tee be given power to act in the prem ises. Grimes amended that the city clerk be instructed to advertise for bids for sinking the well, but upon a vote of the council the original motion carried. Grimes then moved to adjoun, and the motion carried unanimously. Chart h Yoelke Captured. Charles Yoelks, the young man who figured in the double-elopement and beat stealing episode in this city some weeks ago, was captured Monday night. Yoelke was tteen the other day by some boys who were over swimming in front of the city. He had evidently been hiding in the uense willows on the big sandbar. The police were unable to locate him, however, until Monday, when they heard that he was staying out at Sam Carrigan's place near the fair grounds. Deputy Sheriff Hyers, Officers Dunn, Murray and Denson went out there Monday night at about half past eleven o'clock and succeeded in arresting Yoelke. He was placed in jail upon the charge of stealing a boat, but if it should be proven that he was criminally intimate with the Bry ant girl, with whom he eloped, the serious charge of rape may be preferred against him. The girl is only about fifteen years of age, and is said to be half-witted. Yoelke will be given a hearing before Justice Archer next Monday. Will Buy a Virginia Farm. A dispatch from Washington says: "It is among the probabilities that Secretary Morton will buy a Virginia farm. H he does he will divide his future residence between Nebraska and the Old Dominion. "'While I may become the owner of a place in Virginia, I will never give up my home in Nebraska. I think too much of that to ever surrender it,' and here the secretary indicated with a gesture a large picture of his Ne braska home, which hangs on the wall of his office. "No,' he went on, l will never give that up, come what may. That's the spot to which my wife and I went the moment we were married, away back in the middle of the '50's. That's the home I struggled for and won; it represents to me the victory of life, I will never part with it. "'Still, that does not preclude the possession of a place in Virginia, and I must admit this spot at Manassas strongly tempts me. I shall see it on the 22d: there's the letter the owner writes me about it,' and the secretary tossed over the missive." In the Marriage Market. Judge Ramsey did a good day's work in the matrimonial line Tuesday, con sidering the hot weather, issuing three licenses and performing one marriage ceremony. The contracting parties were Ge:o. Althouse of Cass county, and Rosa Leidig of Lancaster; Wm. M. Hofman of Lancaster county, and Anna Althouse of Cass county; Wesley Itobinson and Helen Mallese, both of DouglaB county. Judge Ramsey united the latter couple in marriage at his of fice. The ."Fremont Herald remarks that la merchant who never advertised was once upon a time cast upon a bar ren island, where he found himself alone. After survevincr his snrrnntirt. ings he smiled to himself and said 'It'll be quite lively and cheerful here as compared witn my store.' And h i settled down to have a good time. A NEHAWKA FIEND "Will Adams, a Young Farm-Hand, Attempts An Assault. MADE HIS ESCAPE INTO IOWA. Last Tneaday'a Hoard of Trade Meeting- Frank Abel Arrested in Lincoln and Will He Brought Here Other New Items. An Attempted Assault. Will Adams, a young man living in the vicinity of Nehawka, is a fugitive from the officers of the law, having run away to escape arrest on a charge of attempted criminal assault upon a young married woman, a Mrs. Beckner of that neighborhood. Report says he went to the Beckner house and made an insulting propusal to the woman which she resented, when he drew a knife and attempted to strike her with it, but she escaped from him and went to a neighbor's. Constable Strong was dispatched after, but the young man escaped through a corn field, made his way to the Missouri river near Hock Bluff, where be stole a skiff and crossed into Iowa. The officers here were notified last evening and a strenuous effort is being made to cap ture him. He left in such a hurry as to leave behind a pony and some cloth ing. 'Ladies Day" Iteceptioii. In response to the invitations to the "Ladies' day" reception more than a hundred ladies gathered at the home of Mrs. Perry Walker Thursday after noon. Each guest was presented with a bunch of lovely pansies and delicate sweet peas and found in the parlor such a wealth of nature's fairest treas ures as is seldom seen. The procram began promptly with an instrumental duet by the Misses Smith, which was rendered in an artistic manner. "Pretty Primrose Flowers" by a class of little girls was pleasing and natural. In the recitation, "Heartsease," Maude Mauzy well sustained her rep utation as an elocutionist. Mi3S Marie Pollard of Nehawka sang "A Little Mountain Maiden" in a pleasing manner and responded to the encore with "Marguerita." Then Mrs. Stoutenborough spoke of the "Traditions of Flowers," and how certain flowers came to be dedicated to certain deities. Her tribute, "The Past and Present," was a perfect gar land, interwoven here and therewith choice bits of history and legends, with beautiful thoughts and sentiments, fragrant as the flowers themselves, and poetry, all of which fell like mu sic on the ear, awakening sweet mem ories and making melody in the heart. She told, too, how the emblematic flowers of different countries had been adopted and quoted Miss Proctor's beautiful tribute to corn as America's emblematic product. Our own loved poets, Mrs. Isabel Richey and Will iam Reed Dunroy, were crowned with a chaplet from the galaxy of their own genius. She spoke of flower mission, that great re finiRg power that has reached into the darkest parts of earth and lifted humanity upward, and paid a pretty tribute to the young teacher whofoun ded the movement, and the glorified life of Jennie Cassidy, who from an invalids couch, for more than ten years directed the national flower mission of the W. C. T. TJ. sending not only flow ers but God's promises to hospital ward and prison cell. The ladies' chorus, by our favorite singers, and the instrumental solo by May Baird, closed the interesting pro gram. Then dainty refreshments were served and all went home feeling that life has still some lillies and roses. Among those present we noticed Mrs. n. E. Palmer, Omaha, Mrs. Ray, Kansas City, Mrs. C. B. Veazie and Miss Para Love, Fremont, and others whose names were not learned. Tendered a Reception. J. W. Bridge, who has been foreman of the B. & M. lumber yards in this city for several years past, has severed his connection with that company and has accepted a better paying position with a large lumber firm in Arkansas. Mr. Bridge is a prominent member of several secret societies and last Thursday evening the members and families of the I. O. O. F.,No. 146, A. O. U. W No. 8, Daughters of Rebekah, Degree of Honor 'and Jr. O. U. A. M. orders combined in a farewell reception to Mr. and Mrs. Bridge at the Odd Fel lows' ball. Some four hundred people were present, and the hall was com pletely filled. Ice cream and cake were served to all, and Jesse L. Root, on behalf of the societies represented, in a neat speech presented to Mr. and Mrs. Bridge a handsome silver tea set as a slight testimonial of the high es teem in which the recipients were held by the donors. Mr. Bridge responded in a feeling manner, expressing his thanks for the kind remembrance. It was the largest reception given in this city for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Bridge departed Sat urday morning for their new home. A Merry-Go Round In Hock. Last Wednesday J. L. Middleton of Ashland, who has been operating a merry-go-round or steam swing at South Omaha, engaged Messrs. Peter Howe, Jesse Coulter and R. R. Palsey, of the latter city, to haul the swing down to this city, agreeing to pay the men each three dollars. The teamsters arrived here with the swing last Wed nesday night, and have been waiting tor their nine dollars since then. Middleton said he would come down on Thursday and pay the men, but nothing has been heard from him. Sunday the men turned the swing over to M. S. Briggs to hold until Mid dleton paid $52 for labor and time put in waiting for his arrival. The material was stored in Mr. Brigg's empty store room, adjoining his barber shop, Sunday and will be kept there until the matter is satisfactorily ad justed. Important Notice. Examinations for students certifi cates for free attendance at public high schools will be held Saturday, Aug. 17th at the following places: Plattsmouth, Weeping Water, Elm wood and Greenwood. Any student desiring to take advan tage of this new law must pass their examination unless he is already a memberof some high school,canfurnish a certificate signed by the director and last teachers that he has completed, satisfactory, the state course of study provided for common schools, or the county superintendent has per sonal knowledge of the student's fitness to enter a high school. In accordance with the law, the questions are prepared by the state snptwttuiant, upon tne ionowing branches: Arithmetic, composition, X m. . ft V 1 U. S. histoiy, penmanship, orthogra phy, geography and reading. The tuition of the students attend ing high schools under the provisions of this act is paid by the county. G. L. Farley, County Supt. Cable Can Continued. The hearing in the case of the state vs. Henry Gable, charged with shoot ing August Steinkamp near Louisville some weeks ago, was to have occurred in Justice Archer's court Tuesday, but Steimkamp is ill with an attack of cholera morbus, and the case was con tinued until September 17th. Gable's bond was fixed at $1,000 whichjwas promptly furnished by L. C. Eickhoff. It is reported by some that the matter will be compromised out of the courts. Interesting Hoard of Trade Meeting. The board of trade meeting Tuesday evening was well attended, and con siderable interest was manifested. A resolution was drawn up and will be presented to the Missouri Pacific offi cials, counteracting the one by the merchants of Nebraska City. Other matters concerning the city's welfare were discussed by those present and all seemed to realize the necessity of "waking up." Will Stand Trial. Albert Abel, the young man in iail here charged with horse-stealing, was taken before Justice Archer vester day and the complaint was read to him. He pleaded not cuiltv and wi 11 stand trial. His preliminary hearinj will occur on next Saturday. B. Ceci Jack will defend the prisoner, while C. S. Polk appears for the state. The Abel Hoys at Nebraska City. It is reported that the Abel boys a few days ago called at a farmer's living near Berlin and left an old lame horse and borrowed another, stating that they only wanted to go a mile further into the country. The boys and horse have not yet come back. Nebraska City News. Frank Abel Captured. Frank Abel, the brother of Albert Abel, who is implicated in the recent horse-stealing episode near Elmwood has been captured and is now in jail at Lincoln. Sheriff Eikenbary went up to Lincoln yesterday and will return on No. 2 this afternoon with the pris oner. NEBRASKA HAPPENINGS. The German Evangelical association will hold a camp meeting near Falls City. Lexington has a wheel club contain- ng several speedy riders, who will be j developed by systematic training. The Wymore Wymorean asks the Lord to cive that section a soaking rain and let it continue a whole week. ; The Methodist conference consist- j ing of York, Butler, Polk, Seward and Hamilton counties is in session at York. Relentless creditors have pounced upon the Scribner creamery and will sell it at auction to satisfy a modicum of their claims. A. C. Miller, a farmer living near Lexington, was adjudged insane and taken to Norfolk. A suntroke some years ago was the indirect cause. McCool i3 making an effort for the district Grand Army reunion. The district comprises York, Filmore, Clay Seward, Polk and Hamilton counties. A Furnas county ball player named Sprange was chit in the face by a "liner" and lost a part of the upper maxillary bone and many hours of sleep. The Elwood Republican now appears as a seven-column quarto, under the guidance of Messrs. Moore & Lee. It has been greatly improved in every re spect and is republican in politics from center to circumference. Orator W. L. Greene was buncoed the other day by a farmer, who traded him a span of balky horses for a team of honest old stagers. Greene tried to trade back, but the farmer drove him off the place with a pitchfork. Loup City will celebrate the opening of the new canal with a barbecue and jollification October 1, the opening day of the Sherman county fair. It is proposed t run water from the canal through the principal streets of the town for the first time on that date. In fourteen counties in the state of Nebraska women occupy the respon sible position of county superinten dent of schools with credit to them selves and advantage to the edu cational cause. Twenty years ago such a condition of affaire would have created consternation everywhere. Over 1,000 acres of beets are already pledged for a sugar factory in Table Rock and the work of taking pledges still goes on. The farmers are taking hold of the matter in a warm hearted manner, and if they don't get a factory it will not be because the beets will not be raised. John Ostbloom, of Polk county, took a tumble that nearly cost him his life. He was driving rapidly along the road from Marquette to Stromsburg when the kingbolt broke and he was thrown several feet in the air, landing on his head. It split his nose, cut his tongue nearly in two, bruised his face and rendered him insensible for several hours. He is recovering by easy stages. Pioneer Day" at the State Fair. The management of the state fair desire to compliment every old settler pioneer in Nebraska by extending to them the freedom of the grounds on "Pioneer Day September 17. " of the fair, Tuesday There is only one way the board has of determining as to who are entitled to this courtesy; that is the records of the Nebraska Terri torial Pioneer association, of which Mr. Wm. R. Bowen, 160S Capitol avenue, Omaha, is secretary. If you are not a member correspond with Mr. Bowen, who will inform you how you may become a member. The board will issue special complimentary tickets for that day something neat, that can be retained as souvenirs. Work On the Tarn-Table Resumed. The Missouri Pacific olhciais ap parently made a mistake when they ordered the work on the Plattsmouth turn-table stopped the other day. After the material had all been loaded up, preparatory to shipping it to Omaha, another order came to again resume the work here, and a force of men have been at work all day on the turn-table. It will now be in order for the Nebraska City Press to have another "duck-fit." C. Sahl, the baker, at the old Vienna bakery stand, has concluded to move further up street, and J. V. Egenber ger, ST., the owner of the plant and building, having gone out of the Per kins house employ, is now figuring on going back into the bakery business, and putting in a stock of groceries also. He thinks he could sell groceries cheaper than anybody else, because he would pay no rent. AN "ABEL" THIEF. Abel Brothers Are In Jail Charged With Horse Stealing. SATURDAY NIGHT'S EXCURSION The Ii. & M. and M. P. Railroads Carry a Number of People to Kansas City Work on the Turn-Table Pro gressingNotes . A Horse Thief is Jailed. Sheriff Eikenbary arrived home Sun erday morning from a three days' chase after two horse thieves. He had in charge Albert Abel, who was placed in jail here. Last Wednesday night wo horses were stolen from Theron Abel, near Weeping Water, by Frank Abel and his brother, Albert. The brothers, however, are in no way re- ated to Farmer Abel. The thieves rode the stolen horses to Elmwood and turned themloose,when they were recovered. The brothers stayed around Elmwood until Thursday morn ing at about 9 o'clock when they went to the pasture of Morgan McFadden and stole two more horses, in broad daylight, which they rode to Lincoln. These animals were also turned loose. Friday an officer at Lincoln got sight of tlie horse thieves and gave them a chase, but was unable to effect their capturer. Eikenbary next heard of hem at Seward and went out there Saturday morning. The city marshal of Seward and another official suc ceeded in arresting Frank,-but the other ;brother made his escape, but will probably be captured in a short time. The Abel brothers are all-round toughs, and the brothers who stole the horses are the same men who ran away with two yonng girls and were arrested at Nebvaksa City. They had only been out of jail a few days, after serving thirty days at Nebraska' City when they again got into trouble. Frank Abel, the prisoner in jail here,- has served six years in the state re form school, while he has two brothers in the penitentiary. Burglars Escape at Glenwood. Three burglars made their escape from the county jail at Glenwood, Sunday night. Sheriff Campbell has sent out descriptions of the men and is making every effort to recapture them. It is believed that the men made their way to Shelby, as a buggy was stolen in that town Sunday by two men who coolly walked into the yard of the owner while he was at church and hitched a horse to it. A single harness was stolen from another party near Shelby and the supposition is that the burglars are adopting this method of getting away. Charge f Sodomy Dismissed. Cua3. Kellberg, the sixteen-year-old Nehawka boy who was charged with sodomy and incorrigibility, was last Saturday afternoon sentenced to the reform school by Judge Ramsey. The charge of sodomy against the boy was dismissed and he was ordered sent to the state reform school upon the charge of incorrigibility. , Struck by a Train. B. & M. Passenger train No. 5 was one hour and forty minutes late last Monday and when the belated train arrived it was learned that two men in a wagon attempted to cross the tracks in front of the train near Red Oak, la., were struck and instantly killed. The cow-catcher of the engine was badly smashed and looked as though it had struck a stone wall The particulars of the accident were not learned. Some public benefactor has invented a folding bicycle, which will fill a long felt want. If you have one of these machines, you can go anywhere; you can halt at the church door, fold your wheel into vest pocket size, and go in, without being afraid that some venal vampire will carry it off. It has al ways been the rider who has been fol ded, up to date. It is better to roll a bicycle together- as a scroll than to do the same to its owner. Fremont Her ald. Messrs. W. W. Coates, Cornelius Coffey and Emil Wurl have leased the room in Fitzgerald block formerly oc cupied by Fred Herrmann and will open up a general merchandise store. The goods have been ordered and are on the road. The new firm expects to open up business about next Saturday, and the gentlemen are certainly de serving of their share of patronage.