Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, August 01, 1895, Image 1

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VOL.. 14. '30. 32.
.l ..Li A
Sheriff Eikenbary and His Deputies
Make a Qood Haul.
am Stribling aud Julius Kainge Very
Neatly Trapped Last Week. Mrs.
chafer Heard From at Liu
coln Man Killed.
An Iinportant Capture.
Daily Jocbnal, July 25.
Sheriff Eikeubary aud Deputies
Hyers and Deuson last evening made
a veiy important capture. For some
t i :i e various farmers living in this
precinct have beeu 4 touched up' for
grain, chickens, wood, and, in fact,
almost everything portable. These
pil'.eriugs have become so numerous of
late that several complaints were made
to the officers. The sheriff and his as
sistants went to woik on the case
about two weeks ago, and shortly af
terwards fixed their suspicions on
Sam Stribling and Julius llamge.
These men were "Shadowed" nearly
every night, and cotihl have been cap
lured ou several different occasions
while stealing graiu from different
fields, but the value of the stolen stuff
would only make the crime petit lar
ceny, and only punishable by a small
line and light jail sentence. The
officers were confident that these were
the men who had been committing the
various thefts reported and wanted to
"ciuch" them a little harder. Their
patience was rewarded last evening by
the capture of both men while in the
act of burglarizing a chicken-coop.
Sheriff Eikenbary was down in town
at about nine o'clock last night and
was just starting for home when he
received a "tip" from a man who bad
been watching the suspects. The man
told the sheriff that the thieves were
going to innke a raid on John Har
rington chicken coop that evening,
aud were then getting ready to start.
Harrington lives on the Samson place,
near Crystal Springs church, which is
stb.nit two miles and a half southeast
of this city. Mr. Eikenbary hurried
up to Mr. Hyers' place and the two
officials hitched up a horse and buggy
and started for the scene. They had
barely arrived and hidden their rig,
wi.en Stribling aud Ramge appeared,
driving a team hitched to a light
vagon. The fellows left the team
standing in the road and proceeded at
once to Harrington's chicken-coop.
The officers were hiding a few feet
away in some brush. The men had
broken open the door of the coop and
Stribling was inside locating" the
fowls, while his confederate was
watching on" the outside, when
Eikenbarv unintentionally made a
slight noise by stepping on the dry
brush. Ramge heard it, and crying to
Stribling that "someone's coming" he
made a dash to escape, closely followed
by Stribling. The officers were after
them in an instant, and a lively chase
endued in the dark. The thieves took
to the road and ran toward town, and
the officeis commenced firing their re
vol vers to frighten the fellows. This
scared the team in the road and away
they went down the hill. After about
a mile's chase Stribling was caught,
but Harare had dissapeared in the
woods. The team and wagon were
found near Lutz's place where they
had overturned down an embankment
Stribling was brought to town and
placed in jail. Judge Archer was
then aroused and a search warrant for
the premises ot Stribling and llamge
was procured. The officers, accom
panied by Jack Denson then proceeded
to Stribling's house in Billingstown,
which was found to be in darkness
After considerable pounding. Mrs.
Stribling opened the door and admit
trd the officials. Itamge was found
standing in the room, and he was im
mediately arrested and placed in jail
The men were arraigned before Jus
tice Archer this morning, Stribling be
ing charged with burglary and Ramge
with aiding and abetting a burglary.
The hearing was postponed until to
morrow morning at 9 o'clock. Then
bonds were fixed at $500 each, which
they were unable to furnish, and the
prisoners were taken back to jail.
Matthew Gering will appear for
Stribling, while Geo. Spurlock will de
fend llamge.
Quite an amusing incident occurred
last Sunday night in connection with
the affair. The three officials had re
ceived a hint that the men were going
to visit the farm of a man named
Spangler that nieht and steal some
chickens. The officers were out there
in good time and put up their horses,
leaving their l.uggies standing in the
yard, and laid in wait for the rustlers.
It was not long before they appeared,
and were, not over six feet from where
the officers were in hiding. From
their conversation it was learned that
they intended to go to Nelson Jean's
place the following night. The fel
lows loaded some sheaf wheat and oats
into their wagon and were preparing
to go, when they noticed Mr. Eiken
bary 's buggy. Going over to the buggy
thev removed the sheriff's overcoat,
lap-robe and whip, and then coolly
proceeded to dig up about half a
bushel of potatoes. After loading the
things into their wagon they drove off.
The officers all witnessed this bold
theft, and recognized both men, but
concluded to wait until they gathered
enough evidence to send them "over
the road" before making the arrests.
The overcoat and whip were found
in an attic at Stnbling's house last
night, while the robe was found at
Ramge's house, just across the street
from Stribling's.
Out ou Hall.
Sam Stribling, one of the men ar
rested on a charge of burglary, was re-
leased Saturday night from jail upon
furnishing the required bond of $500
The bond was signed by J. A. Sumner
of Louisville, and K. K. Price and J.
W. Stribling, a brother of Sam. The
latter two gentlemen reside in Iowa.
Mrs. Shafer at Lincoln.
Last Thursday 's Lincoln department
of the Omaha Bee contains the follow
ing bit of interesting information:
"A remarkably comely woman of ap
parently 22 years of age is Mrs. Ida
MayShafer, and she is now in eustody
at the police station awaiting the ar
rival of a sheriff from Pacific Junc
tion, la , the charge against her being
adultery. One week ago today a con
stable from Glenwood, la., was here
on the same errand, but failed in his
mission and went home. This morn
ing Officer Sipe discovered her in a
boarding bouse and escorted her to the
station, from whence the two Iowa of
ficials were wired. It is evident that
she is arrested at the instance of her
husband. She says, however, that she
left her husband three months ago at
Glenwood. and at that time he was in
jail for selling liquor without a license.
His name, she sajs. is John Shafer.
She denied that she had come away
with any man. but somewhat confi
dently remarked that a 'friend' had
come on to Lincoln ahead of her, and
when she had arrived she secured a
room at his boarding house. She ex
pressed confidence that her husband
could not prove adultry, because, as J
she explained, each of them bad a sep-1
arate room. The name of the friend
she declined to give. Two months
ago, she said, she came to Lincoln and
begun suit for divorce. This is true,
as shown by the records of the district
court. The papers on file show that
she was married to John F. Shafer at
Hastings, Neb., November 29, 1S93.
At the end of a month he drove her
from home, as related in the affidavit,
and compelled her to seek the protec
tion of the sheriff. Since then he has
continued his abuse at intervals. She
asks, also, to be restored to bermaiden
name of Ida May Wilkins.
John r . Shater is the son or a
wealthy property wwner at Platts
mouth. A young man from that city
has been seen escorting Mrs. Shafer
around the city during the past two or
three days, but it is understood he is
not the 'friend' referred to. She says
her parents live at Shelton, Neb., and
that she had come from that town
about ten days ago to look after her
divorce suit. She is very self-possessed
and cot at all alarmed over the proable
outcome of her arrest."
Mr. Shafer, the husband of the
woman referred to. came over from
the Junction last Thursday, and has
been in consultation with County at -
torney Polk. It is understood that he
is going to make it"warm"for several
"bloods" in this city, who have been
"associating" more or less with Mrs.
Returned to Lincoln.
Last Monday 'sLiucoln Journal says
"Mrs. Ida May Shafer, who was ar
rested here and taken back to Pacific
Junction, la., to answer to the charge
of adultery has returned to Lincoln.
She found that there was no case
against her there when she arrived,
her husband having filed complaint
without having sufficient evidence to
sustain it. She was released immedi
ately, he paying the costs."
The jolly party that has been visit
ing at the Greenslate and Clapp res
idence3 returned to Plattsmouth Mon
day, accompanied by Fern and Dtan
Greenslate. Elmwood Echo.
Sam Stribling And Julius Ramge
Held For Burglary.
A Delightful Keceptiou Tendered Mr. ana
Mr. T. II. Pollock at the Patterson
Mansion Unusually Large
Hail Stones.
- Held For Uurglary.
The preliminary examiuationof Sam
Stribling and Julius llamge has.occu-
pled the attention of Justice Archer
on Tuesday. This case has excited
much interest and the court room has
been filled to suffocation during the
hearing. The defense, which was rep
resented by Matthew Gering and Geo.
M. Spurlock, presented a strong case.
but after considering the evidence
Judge Archer decided to hold both
men to the district court for burglary.
Their bonds were fixed at $300 each.
and it is probable that Stribling's bond
will be furnished by the gentlemen
who signed his previous bond. It is
not known whether llamge will be
able to furnish a sufficient bond or not.
A Pleasant Social Event.
The residence of Mr. nnd Airs. J. M.
Patterson was the scene of a very
pleasant social affair Monday evening,
the occasion being a reception to Mr.
and Mrs. T. II. Pollock. Some thirty
couples were present and a most en
joyable evening was passed. Progres
sive high-five and dancing, inter
spersed by choice vocal and instru
mental music by Misses Edith Patter-
son, L.OU unite anu jvntonio ivess
Ier afforded entertainment for the
guests. Henry Ilerold of this city and
Mrs. Al. Gass of Pacific Junction
were entitled to the honors at cards.
Holmes a Modern ISluebeard
The police of Chicago have been
busy for weeks working upon revela
tions connecting one II. II. Holmes
with numerous mysterious disappear
ances, until they have evolved to their
satisfaction the fact that Holmes has
been a sort of modern Bluebeard in
ability to use and murder people when
he got through with them. Several
young women were disposed of in this
way, and at last one Benjamin Pietzel
was murdered for his life insurance.
and his two children were made way
with in Canada. The finding of the
children's bodies led to Holmes' ar-
rest. A vault beneath in? house in
Chicago wherein he was accustomed to
place the bodies of his victims
Old Settlers1 Ktuoion.
The seventh annual reunion of the
old settlers of Cass and adjoining
counties on Thursday and Friday
August loth and loth. The program
is a varied one and includes many in
teresting features. The Modern Wood
men parade on Friday and Platts
mouth citizens will render a two hours'
special program. There will also be
good band music, base ball, bicycle
races, etc. Among the orators are
Church Howe, Rev. Harmon, A. 11.
Talbot and Jesse L. Root. Every
effort is being made to make this re
union the grandest success ot any
previous ones. Everybody cordially
Dig Hail htoues.
The biggest hail stones, perhaps,
that have ever fallen in this section
fell Sunday morning during the storm.
They were of various shapes and sizes
and some of them were larger than
man's fist, while others were long, the
shape of a banana. Many persons
saw them and several were bruised by
being out at that time closing cellar
doors and window shutters. Ed.
1 Fischer was among the number and
had a very lame back from being hit
by one while stooping over. They did
not fall very thick and, as no wind pre
vailed at the time, did not do much
damage. Everyone who saw them say
they never saw them as large before in
their lives. Nebraska City News.
New Counterfeit Silver Dollar.
The proprietor of the Press stepped
into a business house yesterday even
ing to get some change and was handed
five silver dollars. Ten minutes after,
in making a purchase, one of the dol
lars was shoved back as being coun
terfeit. The imitation was nearly per
fect, and the money was heavily plated
and was dated 188G, with the small
letter "o" indicating the New Orleans
mint. The only means of telling its
non-genuineness was in the lack of
the metallic ring. Nebraska City
A Trip Through Cass County During the
Harvesting Season.
If any of our townspeople would
like to get an idea of what Paradise
was to our first parents, they ought to
make a trip out through Cass county
in harvest time. To the south and
west from town spreads out in a dish-
. lilro r1tnrfMsinn t ti FViiir-M il vallev.
" . ....
tne ianu lying in genue uuuuiaiious.
sloping,toward that, stream, and this
year nearly every acre in sight has
been in cultivation. The expanse,
embracing a view of many miles, is
almost one continuous field of grow
ing, waving corn, interspersed here
and there with smaller fields of wheat,
oats or rye. It is a grand and in
spiring sight-, and the view thus ob
tained is but a glimpse of what may be
seen from every eminence in Cass
county. At present the small grain is
nearly all in shock or stack, and has I
been harvested in splendid condition. I
bit the corn crop is the feature of the I
scene, and in no country we have ever I
seen has there been a better, or, in I
act, so grand a piospect for a great I
yield of Nebraska's staple as is now I
presented iu Cass county. The season I
nas been propitious ior tne iarmer
and the fields generally have been well
cultivated and are free from weeds,
and, as seen from the highways, the
stalks stand up from ten to twelve feet
u height.
There is very little pasture or
meadow land this season, the pastures
laving been mostly plowed up in the
spring, and many farmers have sown
ane for roughness, and, having taken
one crop off already, will secure an-
other before fall. j
Most of the corn has reached the I
tassling and silking age. while many J
fields are even byond that, and I
up to last Sunday rain was J
badiv neTd. Although many did I
not sneiik of it. there was a
ook of anxiety and worry on every
face that bespoke a fear of drouth and
hot winds. This was all dispelled
however, by the showers of Sunday
and Monday last, and there i not a
farmer in the county but is now as
sured of a great crop of corn such a
crop, iudeed, as barring extraordi
nary mishaps was never raised iu the
county before.
On the way toward Rock Bluff by
way of the 'telegraph" road to Rock
Creek and thence east, I came to the
home of Mike Morrisey, who owns the
old John Holmes farm, with its fine
brick and stone mansion on the hill,
overlooking a beautiful expanse of
farm and wooded land. Mike is get
ting all out of the land that it will
bear, and has nearly 200 acres of
splendid corn, with fruit in his orchard
to give away.
Going further down the valley past
the pleasant, home-like farms ot
Archie Holmes and Wra. Royal, aud
turning southward past the more pre
tentious residence of Jos. Sans and the
modest little home of Alex Graves,
who is wisely planting fruit trees on
every acre of his holdings, the reporter
came to a strange place further up the
valley, and was surprised to meet
Ed ward Hall, the son of S. E Hall,
the hardware dealer, who informed
liim that it was his father's farm. A
well-loaded orchard adorns the place,
aud new buildings give it an air of
Further south I had a pleasant chat
with that old friend of the agricultu
ral society, Levi Churchill, who dwells
in a new house, south aud west of his
old farm, and is enjoying a well-earned
retirement from hard labor. He talks
fruit very intelligently, and has some
hue specimens of unnamed summer
apples that fell to him when he bought
the place.
It is strange, one thinks, in travel
ing about through the country, how
many farmers he finds away from
home. Perhaps it may have been
owing to their having just completed
their grain harvest they were taking a
day off with their families and had
gone visiting, but there was James
Chalfaut and G. V. Shrader, both
owners of well developed farms, were
not at home when 1 called. Better
fortune attended a call upon J. K. P.
Carper, however, who was much en
couraged by the crop outlook, and is
building up a pleasant home in a grove
o' oaks ana elms, r.ast trom this a
couple of miles is the locality known
as Kenosha, one of Nebraska's early
boom towns, long since gone the way
Rock Bluffs is going.
The corn on
the bottoms thereabouts, however, is
marvellous in its grandeur, the stalks
standing up like small sapplings, and
the ears already standing out like those
of a donkey and still a growing.
The old home of J. G. Oldham, so
well known in the county, was in this
vicinity, but it has fallen into strange
keeping since the family has been sep-
arated by death's ruthiess hand.
On farther west is the old stvled
mansion of the widow of "Doc" Wiley
WUo is enjoying as well as her ample
means will permit leaving life's cares
to younger hands.
On the north Of the load and West I
i3 the old farm and home of Uncle
Johnny Allison, as he was familiarly
known. Here his son Lee lives and
enjoys life, seeking to illustrate; the
power, endurance and speed of that
noble animal the horse, his wife (nee
Mrs. Drost) presiding over , a well-
ordered household nnd two comely
daughters assisting to make home at
tractive and pleasant to all comers.
Not all the enterprise in the county
exists among the citizens ot her towns.
There is George S. Upton, residing
midway between and north of union
and Nehawka, who is not only a
thrifty, well-ordered f aimer, but, hav- I
in? discovered a ledge of stone on his I
farm, has had the foresight and enter-
prise to bring its good qualities to the
fQ.,t; nr ti.u tmhiin ni m iivflnn
the quarry to the end that the stone
may be put into use. The stone is
of gray color, is neither a granite nor
a limestone, but is of a congiomeiate
character. bearing an excellent polish,
like marble and, having been tested by
marble workers, is pronounced first-
class for building and basic monu
mental work. Conversing with W. A.
Hoback of Lincoln, a practical marhle
I . ...... I
workman in this line, ne gineunue
writer the opinion that it was the be3t
stone for his work that he had seen
quarried in Nebraska. I
Among the men I met was the ven- J
erable Nelson McRenolds, residing I
near old Mt. Pleasant, who is now I
nearing his SHih birthday, but is yet 1
quite hale and hearty for one so old.
He was born in Tennessee, and came
to Nebraska over twenty years ago.
His life doubtless has had many inci
dents well worth preserving.
Mt. Pleasant precinct has some citi
zens whose success as farmers lllus -
trate the opportunities presented by
earlier settlement iu this county.
Some twenty odd years ago Z. V.
Shrader and the Young brothers
George (the present county commis
sioner.) Lewis II. and Robert, came to
this county and bought land all "in a
string," it might be said, running
north and south, in sections 24 and 23,
in town 11 and range 12. They were
all poor-almost penniless, and bought
wholly on time, but have since made
I well-improved farms, have good build-
I ings, fine groves, orchards and other
improvements and have them all paid
I nr
Mr. Shrader has given more atten
tion to the care of his orchard than his
neighbors and has a model lot of trees.
which are bearing nicely. His tree-
trimmer is of the best pattern that
has come to my notice.
L. II. Young has taken much pride
in making his farm a model of cleanli
ness aud order throughout and thinks
he has the best located and farmed
quarter section within his knowledge.
With springs of ruuning water, he has
every advantage a farmer desires. He
has apples, peaches, pears and plums
in abundance, and ought to be happy
as a lord.
llobt. Young is the owner of the
Peach Grove herd of registered Po-
land Cbiua hogs the largest and best
breed of hog stock in the county.
has the strains known as U. S. M..
Tecumseh. Tom Corwin and Black U.S.
and is raising some model pigs. He
expects to give a sale some time in
October. He also is quite a fruit and
nee specialist; aud has the largest
peach orchard in the county, and a
splendid variety of apples.
Two Painful Accidents.
Jnlm li.tPl who was mitt ng Some
barb wire fencing around the property
of Robert Walker, north of the pump
house, last Friday received a very
painful wound. While stringing the
wire he slipped and fell upon the roll,
the sharp prongs cutting a deep gash
about two inches in length in the
fleshy part of his left thumb. J)r.
Cummins dressed the wound.
Herman Streetweiser, who lives near
the B. & M. bridge, while endeavoring
to hold a fractious horse last Friday,
was thrown to the ground and sus-
I tained a severe gash across his left
I wrist. A small artery was severed,
I and the wound bled freely. He came
j up to town at once and Dr. Hall
I dressed the wound. Six stitches were
J required to saw up the gash.
The Home of Peter Hanrahan Robbed
Thursday Night.
They Will Probably Decide to Put In a
Tura Table Tlere One of the Silly
Lavs Passed by the Last
Legislature Note.
Peter Hanralinn's House Itobbed.
Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. P.
Hanrahan, who reside on Wintersteen
hill, left home at about seven o'clock
for a little walk. Returning shortly
afterward, they discovered that some
one had entered the house during
their absence and stolen about $10 in
m0ney, a revolver and a white shirt
belonging to Mr. Hanrahan. The
theft was reported to the police and
the B. & M. yards were searched from
the bridge to the waterworks. Several
tramps were found and searched, but
none of. the missing articles were dis-
covered. Mrs. Hanrahan eays that
she noticed a suspicious-looking man
pass her door shortly before they left
the house. He hesitated at the door
and the lady thought he was coming
in, but he passed ou. Nothing more
was thought of the occurrence until
the robbery was discovered. The man
is described as being tall and wearing
a blue coat and. large white slouch hat.
Officer Fitzpatrick says he saw a man
answering that description Thursday
t on bul it i3 believed that he
rode out of tovrn on a freight train be-
fore the matter was reported to the po-
The city seems to be infested with a
gang of thieving tramps of late, as
several people have complained of
missing various articles.
May Put in a Turn Table.
Superintendent Rathburn and a
party of officials of the Missouri
Pacific railway, including the chief
engineer, arrived in the city last Fri
day in a special car from the south.
The party remained in the city until
Saturday morning.when they departed
for Omaha on the early train.
The object of the visit was to ascer
tain the advisability of putting in a
turn table at this point. It is under
stood that the officials have decided to
do this, and that the turn table will be
located a short distance north of the
depot. If the work is done a morning
train will in all probability be put on
from thi3 cit? to maha, which will
undoubtedly prove a paying invest-
ment for the company.
A Silly Law.
"Now that the county clerk and his
deputy have gotten to work making
out the tax list for the coming year,
the absurdity and the bother made by
the late legislature is fully apparent.
The law enables a man who lives
within a mile of a school in another
district to send his children to that
school and compels him to have his
propertylisted in that district for school
purposes. However, if the district in
which he resides is bonded his prop
erty must be listed in its district for
the bond levy and in the other district
for the school expense levy. In several
cases where people residing near the
county line they have applied to have
their prope'rty listed in the adjoining
county where their children go to
school. In this matter the clerk has
to find out the levy in that school dis-
I trict and charge it up to the property
J and the treasurer has to open a sep-
arate account lor the district it it be
in Cass, Lancaster, Johnson or
Nemaha and pay the same over when
collected. This makes a whole lot of
trouble and many errors are liable to
arise out of it. It is about one of the
most absurd of the many silly laws
that our last fall legislature passed."
Nebraska City News.
1 ri T " : i v. r-r.
county nco. xjauu rmuvn-
C0Py of the above, and he says it is
equally applicable to this county. As
pet but one case or that kind nas come
tu U13 uuue. UUl ho caus muic.
Man Killed at La piatte.
Thursday Daily.
Yesterday as Messrs. McKinsey and
O'Leary were returning from Omaha
to their home at La Platte, they met
with a serious accident, which re-
suited in McKinsey's death and
O'Leary's serious injury. A heavy
team that was coming along behind
them suddenly became frightened and
ran away. Their buggy was run into
and overturned andMcKinsey received
injuries that resulted in hi3 death this
morning. O'Leary was less seriously
i injured.