Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, May 30, 1895, Image 1

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VOL. 14 SO. 23.
Decoration Day Duly Celebrated in
Plattsmouth Today.
A General Holiday and Turn-Out tl All
Classes or Cltizeua Oak Hill Ceme
tery Hedecked In Wreathe
and Flowers.
Decoration day opened with a Blight
vjicci-c 1 1 uui iwc uux c o i. , atkvui"
panied by a gentle, drizzling rain just
enough to settle the dust and cool the
previously super-heated atmosphere
for the day. Lowering clouds hung
overhead all forenoon, but failed to
give down the needed and expected
rain. A havy thunderstorm passed
over the state a hundred or more miles
west during the night in a region
that needed it far worse than south
eastern Nebraska did. There is some
consolation in that.
At 11 o'clock a larce delegation
from Uavelock arrived and marched
up street to the delightful music of
the B. & M. band. The orator of the
day, W. L. Gurley. of Omaha, also ar
rived, accompanied by the distinguish
ed young orator, II. D. Estabrook,
and Maj. I). II. Wheeler.
At 1:30 o'clock the procession was
formed on Main street in the follow
ing order, with R. W. Ilyers as grand
Quests of Honor In Carrlajrei.
B. i M. Band from IlavelccSc.
Uavelock and Plattsmouth Divisions of the
Jr. O. t". A. JL
PldUeciouth High School Band.
M'-cVnlMe Post. No. 45. Grand Army of the
Women's Helitf Corps, No. 50, in Carriage s.
Iif legation of Forty-eight Flower Glrle.
Miwe'.Iaueous Procession of Citizens In Car
riages. Arriving at Patterson's grove, the
procession dissolved about the stand
for the speakers and an interesting
program was enacted, consisting of
songs by a male quartette, recitation
of the Grand Army ritual for Decora
tion day. prayer by Rev. Dr. Baird,
followed by the oration by Mr. Gur
ley. which was by far the best ever de
livered on a similar occasion before a
Plattsmouth audience. It was an
earnest, eloquent disquisition on
American patriotism, entirely free
from anj" objectionable word or senti
ment. It was lofty in tone, elevating
in sentiment, free from fustian or
bravado, yet abounding in phrases
recognizing the self-sacrificing patriot
ism of the men who placed themselves
in the front of battle in defense of the
Union. The address won the unquali
fied approval of the vast audience
which sat or stood among the trees
and listened spell-bound during its de
livery. The exercises closed by the singing
of "America' by the audience, led by
the male quartette, after which the
line of march was taken up to the
cemetery, where the graves of the
soldiers were decorated. This cere
mony was cut somewhat short by the
bursting of a rainstorm, which came
almost without warning, but was wel
comed with thankfulness and eminent
satisfaction. The hundreds of teams
and the m era of the Grand Army
hurried back to town in the rain. The
serving of a generous lunch by the la
liea of the relief corps at the G. A. R.
hall to the guests from Uavelock and
the members of the post closed the ex
ercises of the day.
The Journal management ack
nowledges gratefully the aid of numer
ous friends in getting on its feet again
chief among whom it is pleased to
mention the names of Wm. K. Fox,
Henry Ii Gering, F. J. Morgan, W. II.
Bearing, II. G. Livingston, X. Ilalmes,
"Wm. Tighe, Matthew Gering and Wm.
Neville. In addition to these many
others have given encouragement
and help that appeals to the most gen
erous impulses, and indicates that
their hearts are in the right place for
all of which we shall endeavorto show
a grateful appreciation.
All Nebraska has been blessed with
plentiful showers this week, and the
croakers can now take a rest for a few
days. It turns out that the corn crop
was benefitted by the waitn winds of
Monday and Tuesday.
Thomas Sherwood and Miss Nellie
Williams were married on Tuesday
last, Rev. J. T. Baird officiating. The
young people have taken a wise step
and .The Journal extends its con
gratulations. Subscribe for the Weekly Jour
nal $1 per year, if paid in advance.
Un-uulon of Old Settler at the Horn
or John F. Ituck.
May 23d was a happy day for the old
settlers of Cass and Otoe counties who
are friends and neighbors of John F,
Buck, who lives fourteen miles south
west of l'lattsmouth. Forty years ago
Mr. Buck moved his family onto the
farm on which he now lives. It is
seventy-five years since Mrs. Buck
was born and only lacked one week of
Mr. Buck's eightieth birthday, says a
writer in the Nebraska City News.
The children concluded to celebrate
the day and planned a surprise for
father and mother, and not until the
neighbors began to come in were they
aware of the fact. It is superfluous
to say that the guests had a good time
and that the girls prepared and pre
sented to the guests a great dinner.
The following is a partial list of
those who have lived in the state for
thirty or forty years and their children
who were present: Messrs. and Mes
uames E. W. Barnum, II. M. McCart
ney, two daughters and son-in-law,
O. O. Thomas, of Strang, Neb.; Rev.
J. T. Baird, Flattemouth; Mrs. Kirk
patrick and daughter, Mrs. Upton,
Mrs. Mary Reynolds, Mrs. Laura
Reynolds and son, Theodore Buck
and family, Mrs. Abbie Klepser, son
and daughter, Geo. Hall, Edna Solam
and son, Mrs. L. l'ittman, Jas. Fitt
man aud wife, Jas. Walker, Rev, and
Mrs. W. T. Gillian and daughter. Miss
Vernie Barnum, Ms. L. G. Todd and
daughter; Mrs. C II. 1'armele, Mrs.
Judge Chapman, S. A. Davis, wife and
sod, Mrt. S. M. Kirkpatrick, Mrs.
Perry Walker, Miss S. G. Baker, Mrs.
Sarah McElwain and Judge Ramsey
nd wife, all of l'lattsmouth ; Mrs. E.
Upton, Geo. Shryder aud wife. Weep
ing Water ; W. A. Brown and wife,
Hiram DuBois and wife, D.R.Cross
and wife, A. B. Taylor and wife, Wm.
Eikenbary, Lawson Sheldon and wife,
A. M. Holmes aud wifeof Cass county,
and Mrs. J. W. Chapman of Council
Bluffs, Iowa.
The day was very pleasantly spent
listening to and rehearsing the tales,
adventures and hardships of forty
years ago, when Hour was as scarce as
ben's teeth and gold and silver were
out of sijzht. At that time this coun
try was a wilderness, and for years
Mr. and Mrs. Buck kept the stage sta
tion between Nebraska City and
L'lattsmouth and all the travelers by
public conveyance between those
points stopped with them enroute.
Ait Important Cr.
Lincoln News.
The News contained Tuesday brief
mention of a dispatch from Washing
ton to the effect that :he secretary of
the interior had decided the case of G.
1$. Chapman vs. the Burlington and
Missouri River railway company. This
appears to be quite an important case,
and involves three quarter sections of
land down in Cass county. It appears
that in taking up its land down in
Cass county the railroad company took
up too much land on one side of the
track. Away back in the early SO's
Captain Paine, G. B. Chapman and J.
A. Marshall formerly of the firm of
Hooper & Marshall, now located in
Denver, filed homestead entries upon
three quarter sections in that county.
It appears to have been on the oppo
site of the track from which the rail
road compauy had taken up its excess
of land, and the railroad company
asked that it be permitted to take the
land claimed in their entries in ex
change for some of the land they had
taken on the other side of the track.
The company contested the entries of
the three enterprising citizens fron
Lincoln and the case has been in the
land courts for over a dozen years.
From reading the dispatches, which
say that under the decision of the sec
retary of the interior the entries of
Chapman and others are rejected, one
would conclude that the case went
against the Lincoln contingent, but
Paine claims that the decision is in
their favor, as the dispatch says that
it affirms the decision of the commis
sioner of the general land office, which
not only denied the company the priv
ilege of making the exchange, but di
rected that suit be brought against the
company for the recovery of some 200,
000 acres of land taken up by the com
pany in excess of its rights. The land
i3 now worth about $50 an acre, or
about $24,000 for the three pieces.
A Curd of Thank.
Mr. Jacob Schlander and family de
sire to give expression of the heartfelt
thanks to their numerous friends for
their many acts of kindliness aud ex
pressions of sympathy during the ill
ness ad at the death and burial of the
late Mrs.Schlander, their devoted wife
and mother.
Gen. Barry Succeeds Gen. Colby as
Commander of State Militia.
The UuTtrnor't ew Military Family
Made Up .of as Flue a Looking
Lot of Geiitleuieu aa Ever
Drew a Sword.
Governor Ilolcomb has announced
the names of his new military staff.
Gen. W. L. Colby, for years the gen
eral in chief, who commanded during
the late Indian war, is retired to pri
vate life, along with fifteen other gen
tlemen who have been wearing the
panoply of war, including the gold
braid of their respective ranks. As
commander-in-chief of the Nebraska
national guard the governor has made
the following selections: Major Ed
mond G. Fecht, U. S. A., special aid;
Iirig. Gen. Patrick II. Barry, Greely
county, adjutant general; Lieut. Col.
N. P. Lundeen, York county, inspector
general; Maj. W. L. Stark, Hamilton
ounty, judge advocate general; Col.
Edward W. Lee, Douglas county, sur
geon general; Col. W. G. Swan, John
son county, commissary general.
The aids-de-camp are Col. J. II. Pea
body, Douglas couuty; Col. Thomas B.
Hatcher, Douglas; Col. Harry B. Mul
ford, Douglas; Col. Fred A. Miller,
Lancaster; Col. Wilbur F. Bryant,
Cedar; Col. Daniel B. Carey, Dodge;
Col. Edgar Howard, Sarpy; Col. Lewifc
F. Walker, Dundy; Col. Herko Kostcr,
Knox; Col. W. F. Cody, Lincoln: Col.
W. J. fcbeig, Seward.
The new staff i n ade up of what is
said to 1k the most handsome men in
the state. A majority are "heavy
weights' physically breaking. Ten
are populists, two are democrats and
four are republicans, if N. P. Lundeen
of Vork who whs an applicant for the
position of adjutant general, may be
called a republican. Buffalo Bill,
Captaiu Mulford and Dr. Lee are the
other three republicans. The demo
crats are Themas B. Hatcher and Edi
tor Howard of Papillion.
4 al. Walton. Jr., Oeta a Divorce.
The l'lattsmouth friends of 44Cal"
Walton, jr., will be intert-sted in the
following item from the Glenwood
Tribune: "The matrimonial experi
ences of Carroll 1. Walton, a Sene
gambian prince in disguise, but at
present residing in Glenwood, haven't
beeu altogether felicitiouB it would
seem in the past, and so that dusky
potentate came before the court at
this term and asked to have the bonds
connecting him and his recalcitrant
spouse dissevered and set at naught.
The justice of his cause and the elo
quence of his attorney triumphed and
in consequence the ebony litigant was
sent on his way rejoicing with the
coveted decree of divorce."
Drury Craves Also Oeta One.
The Gleuwood Tribune says: "An
other case was that of Maria Graves
vs. Drury Graves from Bethlehem.
Maria alleged that Drury hasn't been
performing bi9 martial duties with
the assiduity and devotion that he
promised to when their matrimonial
bargain was consummated and in con
sequence of this negligence she asked
the court to give her a chance to get
some other fellow that would. It
didn't take the court long to decide
that her demand was equitable and so
a decree of absolute divorce was
A I'lckKunt Surprise.
About seventy of the friends and
acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Todd took possession of the pleasant
home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E.R.Todd, on Thursday evening of
last week and proceeded to arrange
for a good time generally . The young
people were sent for and taken com
pletely by surprise, to the amusement
of all concerned. Elegant refresh
ments were served and those present
unanimously voted it one of the most
pleasant social events of the season.
A Card.
On the 9th Inst, a lengthy statement appeared
In Ti Journal while It wan under control of
P. O. Dwyer, the object and effect of which was
to charge me with having acted In bad faith
and having taken awy the mailing list from
the office. All that is necessary to Bay in regard
to that attack is that its motive and character
for truthfulness may be judged by the fact that
on the trial of the replevin suit judgment was
entered in the juBtice's court dismissing the
suit as to myself. Having the whip baud now
I need not express the contempt I feel at such
an act on the part of a pretended friend.
Two Kafrs Illowu at Dunbar lt Night-
Two SiiHpects Arretted.
Nebraska City News, May 29.
Bold bad burglars visited the town
of Dunbar last night and this morning
on opening the drug store of C. II.
Wilson, in which is located the post-
oflice, it was found that the safe bad
been blown open and the contents re
moved, with other goods from the
store. Later it was found that the
safe at the saloon of Fred Roos had
also been blown open, but little, if any
thing, secured. At Roos' saloon a
good supply of liquor was taken, both
drank and carried away.
The work wan that of men who had
done such work before, for at the
drug store the knob had been knocked
off the safe, the tumblers pinched
back and the space filled with powder
and the safe blown open. The force
of the explosion was so great as to al
most wreck the store. From the safe
was taken fifty dollars belonging to the
government and thirty-seven dollars
belonging to Mr. Wilson's drug busi
ness. About $250 worth of watches,
chains and jewelry was taken and also
a box containing cancelled money
orders. The glass front was shattered
by the explosion and the stock was
badly wrecked.
Two men were seen by a woman at
midnight going into a blacksmith shop
where they secured the tools with
which to do the job, but she could not
give a good description of them. This
morning a silver pin was found near
the stock yards at the B. & M. depot
at that place which had been stolen
from the store, but no other trace of
goods or thieves was found.
There were two meu hailing from
South Omaha who claimed to be paper
hangers, who were arrested as sus
pects here this morning and placed in
jail. The men were in Dunbar last
night and dfspite the fact that they
had secured two jobs of work they
hitched up their team and came to
the city at G o'clock this morning
wilbout any breakfast. There was
nothing found or tire ui-n at the timet
they were arrested to indicate that
they did the job, but the Dunbar peo
ple seem to think that they have the
right people and will hold them until
they are thoroughly convinced that
they did not commit the burglary.
Mrs. NoUon'i Hody Recovered.
Council Blcfls Globe.
A farmer named Nash, residing in
Lewis township, had occasion to cross
the Missouri river lastThursday after
noon in a rowboat. When near the
center of the stream he caught sight
of a floater, and, making fast to the
body, towed it ashore. In fastening
it to the bank, he was surprised to
find the bodies of two children tied to
the larger body. He at once sent
word to the city of his find and Coro
ner Jennings received the message
announcing that his services were re
quired. Undertaker Estep hastened
to Lewis township, returning with the
three bodies. As soon as the lid was
raised from the box the bodies were
identified as those of Mrs. Ida Notson
and children, Dora and Morrow, who
disappeared from their home in Omaha
in December last. This morning the
identification was completed by rel
The finding of the bodies is the end
ins or a sad story. Mrs. .Notson was
an educated lady, holding a position
as teacher in the Omaha schools. She
became involved financially, and
finally appealed to Prof. Corbett, the
republican nominee forsuperintendent
of public instruction, for assistance.
He promised to give her a position in
his office as chief deputy if elected.
Mrs. Notson borrowed money, paid
her own expenses and took the stump
for Corbett. After the election be
sent her word that he could not fur
nish her with work, as it might not be
exactly the proper thing to have fe
male help in the office. Mrs. Notson
then disappeared from home. At the
time the Omaha World-Herald de
clared that Mrs. Notson had commit
ted suicide by drowning, while the
Bee asserted that Bhe bad left the city
and gone west.
Mrs. Notson's maiden name was Ida
Remington. She was born in 18G4 and
was a graduate of the Omaha high
school. About eight years ago she
became the wife of Dudley Notson, an
employe of the United States signa
service corps of Omaha. They lived
together for several years, when she
left him, owing to his cruel treatment
of herself and children. She then se
cured a position as teacher, which she
held until the time of her disappear
ance. .
The three bodies were taken to
Omaha for interment.
Dr. Marshall, DENTIST Fitzger
aid block.
Gering Sc Co., sell the
The Weekly Journal
one year
for one dollar.
The"Plan Sifter" flour is the popular
brand. ABkfor it from your irrocer.
J.N. Wise, the Omaha tax expert,
was at home visiting among friends
Leave your orders for job work with
Tub Journal, an artistic job guar
anteed. Morris Crissman of Nebraska City
was a visitor in town today among old
Tom Walling, abstractor of titles,
.Todd block. Guarantees accuracy of
all his work. 2otf.
Thomas E. Williams and wife of
ouisville precinct were visitors in
town today.
The Weekly Journal will be
sent to any postothce in tue unitea
States one year for one dollar, in ad
vance. The "O. K." bath rooms will re-
raain open on Suadays until 12 o'clock
noon.)- Rest baths in the city. Price
5 cents.
Dr. and Mrs. E. L.Siggins and chil
dren of South Omaha were visiting
among l'lattsmouth friends over Dec
oration Day.
Geo. Sawyer, an accomplished sales
man of Weeping Water, was in town
Wednesday, the guest of Geo. Hay,
county recorder.
Ex-Mayor Butler and a party went
fishing yesterday and announced their
determination to bring in a 75-pound
cat-fish this time.
Several railroad officials were inspec
ting the big railroad bridge on Mon
day, but with what intent or purpose
we have not been able to learn.
The Sherwin-Williams prepared
paint covers most, looks best, wears
longest, is most economical and of full
measure. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
The l'lattsmouth Turnverein con
template attending a picnic at Ne
braska City Sunday next, where they
will meet with the Nebraska City
This is the best time of the year to
paint your houses, barns and fences
F. G. Fricke & Co.. keep a full stock
of the best prepared paints in the mar
fcet, at low prices.
A Story & Camp organ, in first class
condition, good as new, to trade for a
good fresh cow. Apply to Mrs. G. F.
S. Burton, Marble street, l'lattsmouth,
or postoflice box 103.
Col. S. P. Vanatta. who is now lo
cated at Nebraska City, was in town
on Saturday renewing acquaintances
with his l'lattsmouth friends and at-
tendine to lecal matters in district
The annual council of the Episcopal
diocese of Nebraska was in session
at Omaha this week. Rev. H.B. Bur
gess and W. J. White were present as
representatives of St. Luke's church
of Plattsmouth.
Rev. T. II. Preston, of the United
Brethren church at Bethlehem bap
tized Miss Sarah Catherine Often and
Amos Hubbard on Sunday in the Mis
souri river near the east end of the big
railroad bridge.
Frank Boyd, accompanied by his
daughter, returned from Columbus,
Ohio, yesterday, whither he was called
a week ago by the illness of bis father,
whom he left in a much-imoroved con-
dition when he came awav.
Ben. Buckingham, owner of the fish
ing pond near Bartlett, Iowa, was in
town on Saturday doing some trading.
Ben reports that fishing is still good in
i i. - i,of nnita a nnmhpr rf
bass have been taken therefrom lately.
Sam'l Waugh, the cashier of the
First National, left on Tuesday for
' 'Pnnl Minnckonta " Trhr htk AXTrtS
to fish for a fortnight. Judge Chap
man left Wednesday evening, expect
ing to join Mr. Waugh at Lake Min
The B. & M. has lately issued a neat
booklet bearing the title "Custer's
Battlefield." It is printed on fine
paper and is elegantly illustrated with
views of the famous battle and battle
field and also a fine portrait of General
Harvey Holloway was at Omaha
Wednesday practicing up for the big
six-day bicycle race, "which comes off
at the Colliseum next week. The
race includes three hours' riding each
evening during the week, beginning
A Plattsmouth Hoy Wins the Ten-M lie
Bicycle Road-Race at Omaha.
A road-racing event among amateur
bicyclists came off on the Dodge street
road, west of Omaha, today, five miles
and return, in which some thirty
riders struggled for prizes. The best
prizes offered were to the man making
the best time. It was what is called
a handicap race, in which men were
entered in proportion to their sup
posed ability. There were several
"scratch" men, some one minute, two
minute, three minute and four minute
men. Harvey nolloway of this city
was the only man who entered the
race from Cass county, and was put
down in the two minute class. His
friends are rejoicing over the fact that
he made the best time in the race and
was awarded the prizes, consisting of
a diamond ring, worth $60, and a 115
silver medal. Mr. Holloway will on
Monday next enter a six-day race at
the Colliseum in Omaha, in which the
riders ride for two hours and a half
each evening. His friends in Platts-
mouth are confident he will give a
good account of himself.
Sheriff Eikenbary went to Kearney
Wednesday morning, having in charge
James Marsek, a 10-year old boy who
had been sentenced to a term in the
reform school. The little fellow didn't
seem to realize the situation of aUsirs.
Judge Ramsey of the county court
m m T c
was caiiea to ine residence ti x. a.
White, nine miles south of town, to
perform the ceremony uniting the
lives and fortunes of Miss Nellie Hol
brook, granddaughter of the host and
hostess, and Mr. Mark A. Selsor, an
attorney ef Grundy county. Mo.
Many friends of the bride unite in
best wishes for her happiness.
A Polander with an unpronounce
able name,who was adjudged insaneby
the commissioners of insanity on Tues
day, set fire to the bedding in his cell
at the jail Tuesday evening and then
set up a lusty cry of fire. Mrs. John
Denson, wife of the jailor, beard his
cries and gave an alarm which brought
the necessary help, and the fire was
extinguished after burning up two
mattresses and a pair of blankets.
It is said he got the match from Sam
Everett, another insane prisoner, who
got it from a boy outside the jail.
List of Letters
Remaining unclaimed in the postoffice
at l'lattsmouth, Nebraska, May 2S,
Carlson, Anna Hall, Wilber
Miller, Mlldy Seller, Joseph
Lewis, D M.
Persons calling for any of the above
letters or parcels will please say "ad
vertised." W. K. Fox, P. M.
The Journal invites the merchants
of Plattsmouth te use its columns to
advertise their wares. We know that
it reaches the people who are to buy
of them or of some other dealers. The
farmers have begun stocking up for
spring and summer. Now is time to
invite them to buy of you. There is
no doubt but you can sell goods at
prices they can afford to buy for, and
the only question is, will you make the
invitation so that they will see it and
take advantage of it. Make a tnal of
The Journal's columns, and you
will be pleased with the results, sure.
Last fall we were told that we could
not borrow monev or renew loans n
Ilolcomb was elected governor. Never-
theless, I now have money to loan on
good farm security, at a less rate tnan
ever before. Write or call and see me
if you desire a loan, j.iu.ljiyda.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Money to Loan
On farming land3. Low rates, long
times. No delay in securing loans.
I Tnnuire at First National bank. 7
There is no doubt but what Ca&s
county will have a good crop,
and in view of this fact we will
sell you
Wall Paper,
Paints and Oil
At prices too low to mention.
You all know that "paint points
to prosperity," so be sure and
paint your house and barn.
Gering & Co.