:-. i a i it li u ; i v JfL Zfi7 JUST AND FEAR NOT." P IjATTS MOUTH, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, MAY 10, 181)5. 1.00 1JEK YEAR. VOL. 14, NO. 21. IF PAID IN ADVANCE. WEEKLY JOURIAL AT ( i DOINGS OF THE DADS. The City Council Decide to Investigate the Water Work Bills Al lowed, Ktc. The city couucil met in regular ses- ' sion on Monday night, with all the j members present excepting Council- , wan Steimker. After Clerk Kerr had read the min- j utes of the two preceding meetings, a j communication from ' Mrs. Adelia . O'Neil was read relating to the opening of south Fifth street south of the chops, and on motion of White the communication was placed on file and the street commissioner ordered to furnish the residents of that vicinity . with sufficient lumber to build a email bridge. A letter from Cnas. E. Eddy, presi dent of the 1'lattsmouth Water Co., to Mayor Newell, in which Mr. Eddy declined to give the city any relief in the way of reduction of hydrant ren tal wus, en motion of Grimes, placed on file. At this point White wanted the city to make a test in order to ascertain whether the pressure was such as called for in the water contract with the city. Gutsche desired a chemical test of the water to find its purity, and Hinshaw moved that the commit tee on tire and water make such tests, which w as carried unanimously. A debate as to whether the cemetery should be mowed at the city's expense, or only the stieets and alleys thereof, was finally settled by ordering the entire cemetery mowed by contract to be entered into by the cemetery com mittee. The reports of the police judge and marshal were, on motion of Grimes, referred to police committee. Treasurer Unruh's report submitted showed a total balance on hand of 1 11,032 32 The report showed enough funds in the Parmele judgment fund to pay off the same, and it was so ordered on motion of Gutsche. On motion of White the five per cent penalty on delinquent paving tax on the Prooger property on Main street was remitted, as the owner desired to pay the same but objected to the pen alty and heavy interest. A general dissertation upon the evils of small boys was indulged in by nearly every member of the council. Grimes, White. Gutsche and Barwick all testifying to the inherent spirit of cussedness prevailing in the city con cerning needless and mischevious de struction of property. The police were finally ordered to exercise more vigi lance and arrest sundry persons as horrible examples. Claims were allowed as follows : Public library, exp 128.50 Terra Cotta Co., mdie go Peier Claus. labor 2.25 C. L. Marsfca.Il, sal and labor 11. SO AL Ilarklna. labor T.C3 Ross Little, seme 2.10 X. Jones, ume .. 210 0. Gllson, same 1.B0 Jacob Hauk, same 8.70 M. McCool, same 1.06 A. Broback, same 185 Al. Brltton, ssme. 1.25 L. Klikow, same t.10 Evsuing Newi, printing 4.25 A. II Weckbacb, mdii 2 45 Caaa County, boarding prisoners 3.50 Wm. Gingery, labor 3.00 Jno. Murray, salary 40.00 John Flu Patrick, same 40 00 1. n. Dunn, iimi 60.00 Jno. Waterman 2. 50 E. E. Hilton, laying monuments 2.00 Sam Archer, sand S.00 M. HIatt. hauling dogs 2.50 The following claims, on the recom mendation of the finance committee was referred to the claims committee: Gas & Elec. Light Co.. light for April. ...COS. 30 M. Archer, uncollected coats 15. 80 A. Busch, rent police Judge's office 27.00 On motion of White the judiciary committee composed of Sattler and Slater were instructed to investigate the matter of the claim of the city against the bondsmen of Uaubens & Shelton. The light committee was instructed to Investigate the matter of inferior lights, and the city "dads" then ad journed. Ltit of Letters Remaining unclaimed in the postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 15, 1S95: Bugger, Mr Brown, II Elliott, Wa Esller, X F Eanitt, Catharine Johnson, J JE ' Kennedy, Saale Mackey, James Morrison, Mrs Annie Nealy, Rer Daniel Stack, Miss Grace. Persons calling for any of the above letters or parcels will please say "ad vertised." W. K. Fox, r. M. Especially Selected. Having secured a large amount of hams and bacon before the advance in prices, I am able to sell same at 10 and 12i cents pr pound. Your patronage respectfully solicited. 8 J. C. Petersen. Thy Play Hall Today. The much-talked-of game of base ball betweeu the county officials of Otoe and Cass counties will be played at Nebraska City today. The players who will represent Casa county have been practicing up. during the past week, and will no doubt prove a "sur prise party to their opponents, al though the latter is reported to have three very effective batteries. The Missouri Pacific railway has made a rate of one and one-third fare for the round trip between Platts mouth, Union, Nehawka and Weeping Water and Nebraska City, and a special coach will be attached to the morning freight. Quite a crowd from this city will take. advantage of the low railroad rates and will witness the game. Tub Journal, will detail one of its editorial staff to attend and take notes and will report in f ull next week. A HOC Ml) TUt CODHT ROOMS. George W. Covell, Esq., of Omaha, was in the city Monday ou legal bus iness. E. II. Wooiey, of Lincoln, was in Plattsmouth the first of the week at tending matters in the district court. Attorneys Al. Timblin, J. E. Doug lass and J. II. IIaldeman,of Weeping Water, were iu the city the first of the week attending district court. The May term of the district court convened last Monday morning with Judge Chapman on the bench. The day was spent in calling the docket and hearing motions and special pleas. On Tuesday morning special matters were beard and court adjourned until yesterday, at which ticae the case of Sadie Kinsey vs. Walter Scott at al was tried and taken nnder advisement by the court. Samuel Everett, a batchelor, living a short distance southeast of this city, baa of late been observed by his neighbors to act very strange. On Tuesday last a complaint was filed charging him with insanity. A few hours later he was in the sberifl's cus tody. On the following day at the hearing before the board of commis sioners on insanity, he was adjudged insane. lie will be taken to the asy lum at Lincoln in a few days. Judge Chapman has appointed C. S. Polk, J. L. Root, A. J. Graves, Byron Clark and B. S. Ramsey, as a board to conduct the examination of candidates for admission to the bar at the present term of court. B. Cecil Jack and Allen Reason jr. will undertake the trying ordeal. If successful their shingles will be displayed and the pub lic asked to give them their share of the business. They are both in dustrious and upright j Dung men . The Lincoln Asylum Investigation. In the investigation of the manage ment of the asylum under Dr. Hay be fore the govercor,Mr. and Mrs. Weart, former attendants at the asylun,but now located at -the Norfolk asylum, testified to mistreatment of a patient named Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Weart testi fied that the patient had refused to ac cept her food, that a tube was inserted into her mouth and that in the process of feeding her thus her jaw was dis located. She testified that the jaw was allowed to remain In a state of dislocation tor a full week before it was reset. Both of the witnesses tes tified to the administration of paralda- hyde by the asylum authorities, but said that the drug is not used at the Norfolk asylum. They bad heard that a patient named Parrott had died at the Lincoln asylum from the use of it. Dr. Manary, who has been requested by the governor to hand in by the 1st of June his resignation as first assis tant physician at the Lincoln hospital for the insane, to make way for Dr. J. L. Greene, who is appointed to his place, has announced that he will not supply the desired document, claiming that he was appointed for a term of six years. He is following the example of his superior officer, Superintendent Hay. This will mean another fight. Governor Hclcomb has also appointed Dr. Minerva Newbecker of Omaha to succeed Dr. Sophronia Lane as second assistant physician, and it is under stood that he will encounter the same sort of opposition there. White Hat Par lee. In addition to having an ice house well filled with the purest kind of channel ice obtainable, Wlite & Co. have the most competent deliveryman in the city. People who are discom moded every summer by an ill-mannered "ice man" should let us deliver their ice. Leave orders at White's' general merchandise store. F. S. White & Co. Jury in the Hill fate Disagree. After being out twenty-nine hours the jury in the case of the state vs. ex Treasurer Hill was discbarzed by the court, for the reason that it was no nearer to an agreement on a verdict than when it first went totherjury room.. There was evidently a distinct difference of opinion among the jury men when they did not agree iu the first few hours, and the predictions then that there would be a "hung jury" were rife around the state house. The only question given bv the court for the jury to decide was "as to whether there was a valid execution and delivery of the official bond of Hill for the second term." The de fense of the bondsmen was that Ilili agreed to sign the bond aud did not do so. Hill had uo defense, for the court had decided the question as to turning over certificates of deposit Instead of cash ta his successor. The bond came into the hands of the gov ernor and was approved. Hill entered upon the performance of his duties m treasurer under the bond, a thing he could not and would not have been permitted to do without it ; thus if there was any irregularities they had been waived. What is furthermore. Hill's liability was uot increased or diminished by his not signing the bond. He was personally liable for a judgment for the amount of money he had not returned to the state at the end of his term of office, if no bond whatever had been given. The bonds men could escape liability only iu case a fraud had been practiced on them, but in this case there was no fraud for the failure of Hill to sign the bond did not release him from liability, hence was immaterial as far as the bondsmen was concerned. They are all jointly liable. But strange to tay, for reasons only known to themselves, U ey have failed to reimburse the state for its money that went down in the bank of a ring of plunderers iu the capital city. The Knralyptue Tree. ' The culture of the encalyptus tree has become very common in California. This tree is used for various purposes, the most common use being for fuel. It is planted around orchards to break the force of the wind. Its use in Cali fornia became common owiug to the rapidity with which it grows. The first year it is planted it usually reaches a height of ten feet, and fifty feet in three years is not an uncom mon growth. At the end of the third year the tree can be cut for fuel, and this is worth from $ C to Si per cord. An acre of this wood of three year's groth will usually sell for about $50 while eight years growth would average $100 an acre. The eucalyptus tree is a native of Australia. There it is used for fuel, ship-building and manufacturing. The bark of the eucalyptus abounds in tannin and is extensively used in tan ning leather. From the leaf of this tree mauna is extracted w hich is used for medical purposes. The eucalyptus trees are the tallest trees in the world, sometimes reaching 500 feet in height. Chain Them l"p. Nebraska City News. The . mysterious leaving of their homes by married men of late has be come an epidemic and from all over the country comes daily the stories of their sudden dropping out of their busy life and leaving their families without apparent cause. It seems to be like small pox, catching. The ladies when they find their hubbys acting a little queer should chain them up until the spell, passes off, unless they want the worry and expense inci dent to looking up a man who "tem porarily" loses his mind and wanders off to bob up shortly with the story that a blank intervened from the time he left home until he "found" himself. Statk of onio, City of i Toledo, Lucas Co. j Frank J. Cheney makes oath that lie is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of one hundred dollars for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Ciieney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this Cth day of Decem ber, A. D. 1886. seal: A. W. Gleason, Notary Public. Hairs Catarrh cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J . Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. C3Sold by druggists, 75c. Leave your order for the season's ice with Poisall. DEMISE OF MRS. VALLERY. .Mary, the Faithful Coiwort of Jncob Val lry. Nr., Croatr the lark Klver -Hi Funeral Tomorrow. Yesterday morning at 8 o'clock Mary, wife ot Jacob Vallery, Sr., departed this life. She had been sick about one day with heart failure, superinduced by old age, when the messenger of death rapped at her door, aud her queenly spit it entered the Heavenly Kingdom. The deceased was born in Germany seventy-six year: ago, and in girlhood came with her parents to Ohio. It was there she was married to her kind and loving husband, who still survives her. She was the mother of seven children ot which Mary and John are deceased; Mis, Rtmmiel, Mrp. Pitcher, C. F., Jacob and Peter are still living and reside in this vicinity. After the allotted period for the existence of mankind, the lamp has ceased to burn. Life's oil has been consumed. Thus ends a long and useful life, filled with love, affection, kindness and charity. She with her husband and children have resided in Cass count) ince 1S55. They were anion z the pioneers, who through per severance, industry and thrift have made Nebraska what it is. Th whole community extends its heartfelt sympathy to the husband an I surviving children in this, their sad bereavement. The funeral will takt place from the family residence west of town at 2 o'clock' Friday afternoon. Rev. II. B. Burgess, officiating. She will be laid at rest beside her two children at Oak Hill cemeterv in this oil v. The educational Mtiii;. Atilm.d Gazette. bupcrintendeuts Farley, Clarke and Crabtree went to Denver last week and arranged accommodiations lor the teachers of Cats and Saunders counties for the N. E. A. convention there July S to VI. They secured rooms for ilfty teachers al the Gilsey at the rate of fifty tv rits per teacher per day. The rooms are large and handsomely fur nished. They were fortunate to get these excellent rooms as the hotel room of the city is nearly all engaged. The indications are that the gathering will exceed that of the conclave. Teachers of Saunders and Cass coun ties are requested to write to county superintendents as soon as they are reasonably certain of going as to be sure of a room. Many besides teach ers will t ike advantage of the cheap rates. All who expect to go must write at once to Superintendent Far ley, Plattsmouth or Superintendent Clarke, Wahoo. Arrangements have been made for a special train for these two counties to leave Ashland at 5:21 the evening of July S. Trains from Schuyler and Plattsmouth will make connections at Ashland with the spe cial. Saunders and Cass expect to send as many teachers as any other two counties in the state. This is a chance of a lifetime for Nebraskans. One fare for the round trip, to attend the greatest educational convention ever held in America and to visit the most picturesque country in the west. Every teacher who can afford it ought to take advantage of this opportunity. For twenty-five dollars a teacher can enjoy what would usually cost fifty or one hundred dollars. A l'romiueut Wholesale Grocer of Omaha Neb., Write: To the afflicted: Several years ago I discovered a slight falling and bleedingof the lower bowel which increased and became very distressing. I made inquiry as tothe nature of the disease and learned that I had a somewhat aggravated case of Hemorrhoids or Piles. Was told of several remedies and used them as di rected, obtaining thereby some tem porary relief. Not being satisfied with such slight relief I cast about for a per manent cure; when a friend directed the use of the famous Magnet Pile Killer. I used it. Immediate relief from pain followed, and soon a com plete cure was affected. Very respectfully, 0car Allen. For sale by Gering & Co. To Whom It May Concern: I am making a genuine effort to close out ray business here, so that I can join my family in California soon. Therefore I must not only sell my goods cheap, but I must close all run ning accounts and sell for cash. Those of my friends whom I have been carry ing should appreciate this fact and call aud settle up at once. Friendship cannot continue long unless it is mutual. Call and see me. F. McCouitT. IN AND AKOUNI THE TOWN. Dr. Marshall, DENTIST Fitzger ald block. Gering & Co., sell the Munyon remedies. Lsave your order for the season's ice with Poisall. Headquarters for cheese at Weck bach's grocery. Two packages of Arbuckle's coffee, 45c, at McCourt's. New and fresh groceries every day at A. II. Weckbach's. Miss Mollie Tucker and Mrs. T. L. Murphy were in Omaha on Monday. Tbe"PlanSifter"flouris the popular brand. Ask for it from your grocer. Graham Bros.' toilet soaps the fin est in the world at cost at McCourt's. Miss Ollie Jones and Mrs. Geo. E. Dovey were Omaha visitors on Friday last. Leave your orders for job work with Tiik Journal, an artistic job guar anteed. Tom Walling, abstractor of titles, Todd block. Guarantees accuracy of all his work. 25tf. When you paint your house, barn or vehicles, get the best paint. F. G. Fricke M Co. seh it. 29 Money to loan by the Livingston Loan and Building associution. Apply to II. R. Gering, secretary. Other firms may come and go, but Herold & Sou, the old reliable dry goods house, keeps on forever. Ask Attorneys Byron Clark and C. A.Rawlshow they like operating a sail boat on the Missouri river. I). W. Foster, one of the pioneer settlers in the vicinity of Union was a Plattsmouth visitor on Monday. Buy the improved Singersewing ma chine. Anton Trillity, local agent, office in Unruh's furniture store. Miss Dora Fricke returned Tuesday from a short visit with her friend, Mrs. John Donelan of Weeping Water. Judges of good cigars agre that the Exquisitos is one of the best nickel cigars in the market. Ask for them. The "O. K." bath rooms will re main open on Sundays until 12 o'clock (noon.) Best baths in the city. Price 15 cents. Eagle and Eclipse bicycles sold by T. E. Parmele, agent. Agency at Smith & Parmele's drug store. See him be fore buying. lm Wm. Loughridge, the genial black smith at Murray, was attending to business in Plattsmouth the latter part of the week. George Dodge, wife and son Roy, last Tuesday evening departed over the C. B. & Q. for a months visit at their old home in Pennsylvania. McCourthas just received from his fruit farm at San Jacinto, Cal., a con signment of tine evaporated apricots, to be sold at 10c cost laid down. S Choice canned fruits and vegetables, such as raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, plums, beans and peas at 10 cents a cau. Zuckweiler & Lutz. The Nebawka Register says: The citizens of Union do not care to shoul der the Cass county fair and the $1,000 or more debt hanging over the society. The Sherwin-Williams prepared paint covers most, looks best, wears longest, is most economical and of full measure. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Miss Gertrude Kerney, until re cently stenographer in Byron Clark's law office, is now filling a similar posi tion in U. S. Marshal White's office at Omaha. The fern social at White's opera house last evening, given by the ladj.es of St. Agnes' guild, was a complete success. A snug sum was realized by the ladies. This is the best time of the year to paint your houses, barns and fences. F. G. Fricke & Co., keep a full stock of the best prepared paints in the mar ket, at low prices. A Story & Camp organ, in first class condition, good as new, to trade for a good fresh cow. Apply to Mrs. G. F. S. Burton, Marble street, Plattsmouth, or postoffice box 103. Cols. Elege and Benscoter, the Beth lehem fishermen, captured an eighty two pound cat fish at the head of "Sundown" island on Tuesday, and marketed it in this city. Harvey Holloway has concluded to take part in the great six day bicycle race at the Coliseum la Omaha next month. The racing will be two and one half hours each evening. Capt. Mapes has received an invita tion to bring company C to Elmwood on July 4th and there meet a company from Lincoln. There will be some prizes for which to drill. Nebraska City News. The home of Myron E. Wheeler at Lincoln was partially destroyed by fire last week. Mr. Wheeler is well known in this city and his many friends will be pleased to learn that the loss is nearly covered by insurance. The quarterly conference of the United Brethren church for the Hills dale, Iowa, circuit will be held at the Bethlehem church on Saturday, May 25th. Presiding Elder Cronk, Rev. Preston and others will be in atten dance. Mrs. W. J. Bryan will address the woman's club of this city, next Friday evening at the residence of Mrs. Sam uel Waugh. She will be accompanied by her husband, who with her will visit their numerous friends here dur ing the day. The river has been raising steadily for the past few days, and a raise of eighteen inches since Sunday is re ported. Rivermen believe this to be the commencement of the annual June raise, which is a few weeks earlier than usual. On the evening of May 9th Mr. and Mrs. George E. Dovey entertained the high five club at their beautiful home in this city. Enjoyment reigned su preme throughout the evening, and those present by their pleasant remem brance of the occasion can testify to the abundant hospitality of host and hostess. The authorities of Mills county, Iowa, succeeded in placing Clay Con nors under arrest at Pacific Junction on Monday, and he is now an occupant of the county jail at Glenwood. Con nors was indicted by the Mills county grand jury for selling liquor contrary to law at Pacific Junction, and pend ing trial was released on bond. He then came over to Plattsmouth and did not appear for trial on the date set, leaving his bondsmen in the lurch. The Lincoln News says: A young man working on the farm of Thomas Allen, ten miles north of Eagle, acci dentally shot himself In the forehead yesterday afternoon while toying with a gun. He squinted down the barrel and pulled the trigger. The ball made jagged wound but did not enter the skull. lie refused to give his name, saying,"! have a father and mother in Lincoln, but I don't want them te know what a d d fool I was monkey ing with that revolver. At the delightful residence of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Richardson, at Eight Mile Grove last Saturday evening oc curred one of the leading social events of the season, in honor of their daugh ter Florence, who will, as soon as her school closes, take an extended trip to Denver. Salt Lake City and to many places in California. Besides the friends in thsir vicinity many young people attended from this city. With the exception of a mishap in which one of the carryalls from this city was overturned, but none of the occupants severely injured, the occasion wan a very enjeyable one. President of the Gosney Lire stock Com pany Wrltee Magnet Chemical Co. Gentlemen: I have for months been a sufferer from Itching Piles, and tried numerous so-called remedies which did me no good. I procured a box of Magnet Pile Killer, and I confess the first application gave me great re lief, and while I feel I am not entirely cured, I believe that before I have the entire box used I will be well. To every one suffering with this un pleasant disease I sincerely recommend Magnet Pile Killer. Yours Truly, Sam Gosney, South Omaha, Neb. Pres. Gosney Live Stock Company. Nine days later Mr. Gosney writes: "1 am entirely cured of the Piles and Magnet Pile Killer did it." For sale by Gering & Co. 1100,000 to loan. National Exchange Co. See adv't. another column. 14. Farmers Attention. There is no doubt but what Cass county will have a good crop and in view of this fact we will sell you Wall Paper, Paints and Oil At prices too low to mention. You all know that "paint points to prosperity," so be sure and paint your house and barn. Gering & Co. 'is" . ( f x ! .. . '