ONE Til I Nt AND A NOT II Bit. There was a narrow escape from ut ter failure by a small oversight in the bills which have been passed by the state legislature over the governor's veto. These were the bills providing for the Omaha fire and police com mis eioners, the beet sugar and chicory bounty and the measure giving the authority to the secretary of state to designate the newspapers in which constitutional amendments are to be printed. The last bill took this pre rogative from the governor. There were several wideawake agents of some of the interests involved and the discovtry of the omission in the process of making laws over the governor's head was discovered by one of thetie. The correct method of procedure is to have the presiding officers of each house certify that the enrolled bill has been passed notwithstanding the gov ernor's objections. In the case of these bills this certificate had been omitted and the enrolled bills lodged in the vault of the secretary of state This certificate must be signed by the presiding officers of the senate and house in open session. It cannot be done after adjournment. When it was discovered at four o'clock Friday afternoon that the bills were defective there was for a brief space consterna tion in the hearts of the promoters of these bills. The men interested are men of action and in a few minutes a a plan of action was decided upon. If the legislators took a notion to adjourn before the defect was cured all the winter's work on these bills would be lost. Possession of the bills was ob tained and as hurriedly as good en gineering could do It the certificates were attached. At eight o'clock the corrected bills were given back to the secretary of state. How near to fail ure these bills came is best appreciated by the men who had a personal inter est in them and were in a position to know the true condition of affairs The whole business of making the cor rection was conducted in the quietest manner. But few knew what was go ing on, and it is said that when the bills were returned to the secretary of state's office the custodian was su prised to know that they had ever left the vault. It is stated on reliable authority that Japan has proposed the following con ditions for the conclusion of peace with China: The independence of Corea; the cession of southern Man churia, including Tort Arthur; the cession of the island of Formosa; the opening of Chinese ports and rivers to commerce; the payment of an in demnity of 400,000,000 yen, and the oc cupation of a number of stragetic points until the indemnity shall have been paid. Dr. J. B. Moore of Emerson has been engaged in the manufacture of a rem edy which he calls "Tree of Life." It contains alcohol in allopathic doses, but the doctor had failed to take out a government permit to carry on the re tail liquor business. The officers gathered him in Thursday. He acknowledged the rye, and was bound over to await the action of the grand jury. He said it was done by.mistake. The legislature forgot to make an appropriation to pay the sugar bounty, which was like giving the word of promise to the ear, but breaking it to the hope. It will have to be paid, however. The demise of W W. Graves oc curred at his home at Hock Bluffs Saturday at II :55 a. m., aged seventy six years. All of his ten children save J. D. Graves (who arrived Saturday evening) were present when he breathed his last. lie was buried at 2:30 o'clock Sunday . at the Rock Bluffs cemetery, a large company of neighbors and friends attending, not withstanding the rain. Full of years and enjoying the respect of all who knew him, Father Graves has passed to his reward. The supreme court has reaffirmed its own decision in the case of J. C. Peter sen of this city against the Anheuser Busch Brewing Co. Mr. Peter en was originally awarded a judgment of $400 with interest. The brewery company has already paid the money into the bands of Clerk of Court Dearing and the last action of the supreme court will settle the matter. John Ii. Sahler, an old "man about town" in Omaha, committed suicide Tuesday by shooting himself in . the mouth. lie was an adept lobbyist, and with abundant opportunities and with a bright mind, his life was a fail ure. Schauturnen und tanz gegeben von der Flattsmouth Baerenriege, am 13 April, 1895. Eintritt, 25 und 50 cent. Das Committee. Chancellor Canfield of the state uni versity has tendered hii resignation to accept the presidency of the Ohio Btate university, the same to take ef fect on July 1st. Mr. Canfield is one of the ablest educators in the whole country and his departure will prove a great loss to the university of this state. The board of regents win find it a difficult matter to choose a succes sor up to the Can field standard. Ne braska begruclgingly congratulates Ohio. ONLY ONE EG Q OUT OF FIFTY Is Spoiled by Using WHITE 11 AUDIT KASTEK EOO DYE. s EIGHT COLORS FOH 5c. 4 S Gekino fe Co., Dkuguists. A prescription filled at our place I a guarantee ut It absolute purity. Ex-County Attorney Travis has filed his unreal in district court from the action of the county commissioners in disallowing his claim for clerk hire, which amounts to several hundred dol lars The commissioners allow the county judge foOO per year for clerk hire, to be paid out of the fees of the office, and while the county attorney' office is not sustained by fee, it is nevertheless urged that the commis sioners have as good a right to allow clerk hire for one official as another. Wanted A pair of good roadsters weighing MX to 1,000 lbs. W. J. Hessek. Perseverance may move a mountain. It takes musclci to move a bicycle, but a very little will make a Cresent ro. They run easy, are light and strung f 40 to t90. Catalogue free. Lehnhofk Bkos County Agents, Plattsmouth Neb. IN AND AHOUNU TIIK TOWN. Or. Marshall. DCTIST Fitzger ald block. The newest and latest designs in wall paper at Gering & Co.'s. Best and cheapest fruit trees in the state at Heiko's on Chicago ave. S We guarantee a fit in spectacles, or no sale. G eking A Co uerman egeiabie liver puis are without a rival. Sold only by Gering &Co. 9 Tom Akeson, son of the late Mattes Akeson, came in from his home in Center precinct yesterday. Syrup of Tat and Wild Cherry will cure that cough or cold. S-ll only by Gering & Co. Jiis. Thomai has put the ferry over he Platte in tirst-class condition, and is now ready to cross all comers in short order. When you paint your house, barn or vehicles, get the best paint. F. G. Fricke & Co. sell it. 29 Dr. T. P. Livingston and wife are home from Chicago, whither the doctor journeyed some six weeks ago to at tend a course of lectures. Herman Herold, the boot and shoe dealer, having fitted up a room in the Gorder block, has put in a new stock of goods and is now ready for all comers. Cresent Bicycles run easy and wear well. They are light and strong. 140 to too. Write or see Leiiniioff Br.os. County Agents, Plattsmouth, Neb. This is the best time of the year to paint your houses, barns and fences. F. G. Fricke & Co., keep a full stock of the best prepared pains in the mar ket, at low prices. Crescent IJicycles Free from all faults. Call and examine them at, Leiiniioff Bugs. County Agents, Plattsmouth, Neb. Money In Halting Flax Seed. No other crop Las paid the farmer no much money la the past two years as flax seed. It Is sown in April, usually, and three pecks per acre arc use J. The yield Is from 10 to 15 bushels per aero and the price to the farmer for the past two years Las averaged tl.20 per bushel. Sow j lag seed can be obtained on contract from the agents of the Woodman Linseed Oil Works, who have agencies at many points In this state. Only the very best cigars sold at Ger ing & Co.'s. Down went prices! That's the Cresent bicycle. Last year they were the first to go below $100. Others had to follow. Quality constantly improv ing. $40 up. Cash or payments. Leiiniioff Bros. County Agents, Plattsmouth, Neb. rreal1-ut of the Uooney Llvo Mtoclc Coiu pany Writes Magnet Chemical Co. Gentlemen: I have for months been a sufferer from Itching Piles, and tried numerous so-called remedies which did me no good. I procured a box of Maonet Pile Killer, and I confess the first application gave me great re lief, and white I feel 1 am not entirely cured, I believe that before I have the entire box used I will be well. To every one suffering with this un pleasant disease I sincerely recommend Maonet Pile Killek. Yours Truly, 8am Gosney, South Omaha, Neb. Pres. Gosney Livestock Company. Nine days later Mr. Gosney writes: "I am entirely cured of the Piles and Maonet Pile Killeii did it." For sale by Gering & Co. Apponifttox Celebration. Tiie Grand Army celebration of Ap pomatox Day Tuesday evening whs a pronounced and pleasing success. White's opera house was comfortably filled with an Interested audience when the High School band opened the exercises with a well-executed number. J. L. Hoot was chosen master of ceremonies, and in a brief address in troduced Hon. J. B. Strode, who made the formal address of the occasion, and very pleasantly entertained the audience for an hour, first by some thing of a detailed account of the cir cumstances attending the capitulation of Gen. Lee's army to Gen. Grunt, and secondly by a formal address on "American Patriotism." '1 he audience gave close attention and was liberal in the bestowal of applause, ii wus of a uou-paitituu character uua entirely Appropriate to the occasiou. au address Itom m woman's stand point wus then iu.ide by Alls. Kale .McMakeu, which wus well UeliveitU und was highly appreciated. She spoke not oi tho soldiers who went to the field, but of the patriotism of the mothers who staid ut home, in giving their sons to their country, and the success of the Woman's Ueliet Corps, uud her address is well worth repro ducing. Following Mrs. McMaken, Comrade Strode took charge of the meeting and miscellaneous speaking by members ot the Grand Aimy,uud a great deal of fun was extracted, und closing with a supper prepared by the ladies. The exercises were interspersed with music by a quartett composed of Misses Mable and Dora Sweariugen and Messrs. Harvey Hollowav ami Frank Dickson, who sang "America," "The Stars and Stripes," "Grand Army Clatter" and "Tenting on the Old Camp Ground," with most pleas ing effect, receiving encores after each performance. The supper was a very happv close of the attair, nearly people par taking of the feast. $500,000.00 DRY GOODS Cloaks, Millinery, Shoos. 2rurVt KmI Kfr lleM by BOSTON STORE Souvenir sent with each order. Extra nlco souvenirs to thoe who brlrnc In thl a.lrertlsemciit with them. N. W. Cor. lGth and Douglas Sts. OMAHA. NEB. The largest store in Omaha, owning our own building and paving no rent. together with the fact of buying and selling our goods for spot cash, enables ns to sell goods for less money than any other house in America. MAIL. ORDERS Flit-LED For 12.00 and over only. Money rrfanlrl for may goods not satisfactory. Lnn&lale bleached rau!!n ,-...6 cyl Lawrence L. L. unMcacheI muslin .... 3cj'I Atnoftkeajr apron cneca ginghams 5 cj'l Indigo Mue ca.lco 3iC yil Outlug flannel rooJ fcr!e & c j'l Men's Fnrnishing Goods. tl.M Men's white laun!r!el shirts r.o 5c Men's negligee shirts rf.l 11.25 Men's lik neckwear 23 1.00 Quality men s UallTiKga.i, mculuin wcitEbL underwear a Men's ')C ail linen cuffs o. Men's IV! all linen collars O.l Hoys' 75c shirt waists 25 Silks and Dress Goods From the jrrest trale auction sa! In New York, where II. it. ClaMin, Maroball FieM on.l our selves were Ihe largest buyers. Extra heavy tl.73 bl'k eros ifrsin silk OH 21 Inch strictly all silk, dark ground. China silk, cost 90c to Import, at 3l 50c quality, all wool Henrietta and Cah- rnere. In black and all colors "". Suits, Capos, Waists. Skirts Ladies" all wool, 2 piece suits, latest strle. extra Mriro sleeve, skirt with 3 box plates, all sizes, blue and black, worth M.60. Koat $t.H Ladles' double capo, of French Itroad- cloin, large satin ribbon bow full sweep. Itlack, navy and tan, all sizes, worth fo.00, ro at : mHJlO ,H00 Ladles' capes. Sergo, Uroadcloth, Clay orstea and loveit cloin, plain or fancy trimmed, worth $10. CO, go at..J l.lH Ladles' silk walxts. with extra large sleeves, very newest styles this yesr, the $5.00 ones go at S J no the f 7.50 waists go at mti.VH, the $10. 00 waists goat 4 08 Separate drefs skirts, in nary blue, black and serge, each 81. SO All wool dress skirt, mad o In wide walo and fancy materials, lined throughout and with now Godet back, only M.tJ8 Ladies' $3.00 Dnngoln button shoes, any style toe.and all lasts 91 .AO Men's $3.00 Jersey Calf, laco and congress BOSTON STORE N. W.Cor. MM h and loMgh Ht., Omaha. The Good Hninnritnii'H WORLD HERBAL DISPENSARY OF MEDICINE BALM OF GILEAD 2ERVIIIE. For Young and Middle Aged Men. Infallible remedy for Youthful Krror nnd later Excc'sws, Mehiiu hoiy, Mental Depression, Nervous Debility, l'ulpitution of tho lieurt. Had Drenms, Dlzzint-nw Nlwlit Iiksch. I'nllintf Sickness and Fits, Hysteria, Syncope, St. Vitus Dance, and Hheunmtism. Ilavo cured over 20i)0 cases. From no to three littles restores vfjror and health. Send tXW for h tiottlo ly V. O. money order. Address i. w. iani.i r. Council IlluflH, luwn. F. 8. A Written fiunranteo civen each pur chaser to refund money unices curixl. 1 " .r.- 6. I PI LL Mi Mort OMMENCING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10th, at 2 P. M., I WILL offer the entire Stock of Fine Watches, Clocks, Silverware and complete line of Jewelry and Novelties formerly owned by O. H. SNYDER, ... AT PUBLIC AUCTION . . . in order to satisfy the mortgagees. Nothing reserved. The cit izens of Plattsmouth and Cass county should not miss this op portunity to supply themselves with such goods as they may need in this line. Ladies, especially, are invited to attend this sale. E. W. COOK, Agent for Mortgagees. J. D. LEWIS, Auctioneer. At the Old Stand Again, Waterman Block, PR NG Hats and Gent's Furnishing Goods, Etc., of the Best Material, Workmanship and the Very Latest Styles. - - - DON T Buy YOU HAYE SEEN HIS STOCK YOU WILL BE MORE THAN SURPRISED HOW LITTLE MONEY YOU NEED TO BUY FIRST-CLASS GOODS. - flit Zuchweiler & Lutz Tho Grooors. Cor. Sixth and Pearl Sts., KHEP KVEKYTHINO .IS TIIKIll LIS It. Sell Cheap, Give Good Weight, Deliver Promptly. YOOH CUSTOM IS SOI.ICITKIV H. O. LIVINGSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I N SFRANCE Plattsmouth, Nebraska r JIVC Vflll "or" Tbrcat. llmple. Copper lAIC IUU Colored fipota, Achva. OM Hvrrn. fJlcwn In Mouth, Ulr-Failing-1 Writ COO It. jltKHKDV CO., U07 McmdIc Temple, Cleao lilt for proofs ot enrr. C'upl tml, KfiOOOOO. Worst oaaes rurvd to XL ! OH day. lOO-pmare book fet. G. 3n. P7CNGLE, m. D. Tlic? Cioocl Hiitmtrllmiitt WORLD HERBAL DISPENSARY OF MEDICINE Clean Sweep for tho Blood! The flood Samaritan 1ms been a practitioner of niedictiio I years und lias cured over a thousand cues of SYPHILISand SCROFULA No need fT finitur to tho Hot HprltiKTM of Arkansns or Iwwliero when you can lo cured at homo of the Worst lllood olson man or woman ever ttecnincn victim of,without tho uso of mercury, iirsenio or any other mineral poitfon. fcfc'iul 8KMW hy P.O. money order for a Untio of medicine. It only requires I rem 1 to 3 liottles to euro n disease, from ono week to ten years' Mnndintr. Address xv. iAN;i.r:, nr. ., COUHCil IIllllIM. IOV.'l. P P -A written fruaruntco (riven to each pur tbas v to refund money unlets cured. IQSHSI gag es s OE - CLOTH mmww a Dollar's Worth amsf Gorder & Son, THE OLD RELIABLE . . . . . . IMPLEMENT DEALERS, OiTcr Special MONEY-SAVING BARGAINS for the Spring Trade which the opposition cannot touch. Particular attention is directed to Our New . . -Moline Drill-Drop t m New Departure"TongueIess p. .Jx! woinpo And Janesville THESE IMPLEMENTS CANNOT BE EXCELLED. In the Harness Line ... We arc, as ever, in the load. We are still making the same line of hand-made Woik Harness which gave such excellent satisfaction last year. Our Light Harness is vastly superior in quality to the factory-made stuff and the price is lower than ever. Kindly remember that we use nothing but the Genuine, old-fashioned, OAK-TANNED LEATHER. WE GUARANTEE to save you money on good quality Wagons, Buggies and Spring Wagons. Call and be convinced. 509 MAIN STREET, BEESON & ROOT. Attorneys at Law, LATTSMOUTII. NE11. OrriCB-FUigerald block, ovci rii.Nsi 1 1 ai.s S ale AND PRICES. Planter, DISC uuiii vaiui o PLATTSMOUTH. Dr. Alfred Shipman, i Offlco In Riley Hptel, Main Street entrance. Telephone No. W. Itesldepce one block south of W. P. depot. ING, UNTIL