The Plattsmouth Journal DAILY AMD WKKttLT. C. W. SHERMAN, Editor. TERMS FOR-DAILY. 8S:Sgi "1" r'.rr-'"-. ' ' 7 10 rubiu&d every fWnoon except Sunday, weekly journal, Hinjciecepy, one year v i oiMiecorT, x monui ... ?i pM5vjTSS!Siy: rkV;bieindTnce Entered at the postofflce at Plattsmouth. Ne- braska. as second-class matter. Webeiievethattherantanatueor me r"7ljune 4. to consult and discuss the I .V,IJ . (Kamolvm In th ilomfV I cratlc party and rioe it oa record m favor of I t&e immediate restoration or tne iree ana un i limited coinage of eold and silver at the present I ratio of 10 to 1, as such, coinage exisieu prior o i " :: " - . ...... ISTX without waitln for the aid or consent of be a full legal tender for all .lebta. public and privaie. When applied to a monometallist the term "financier" is only another tarm for Shylock. They are all of that kidney. . TnK dry rot of Mortonism struck I f the democrats of Nebraska City, and 1 1 that town is given over to republican ism. They elected four out of six councilmen. Oscau Wilde has sued the Marquis of Queensberry for libel, and the case ia exciting much interest in London Wilde sues for personal damages as well as criminality. A. snow blockade on a railway in rt uu&Z u5ly a, the republicar-a have conduc outrageo done, we should disown the party. ITIE pension roll oi tne unueui SUtes costs Uncle Sam 141 millions a I year. There is not a patriotic citizen I who begrudges a dollar of this vast I I . . .... ... snm to th .lsArvlnt nninner. . XW.a mT 1 4 ; 1 ijm A A I 4t. . ZA 1 1 ft. A. ft tbl new.but It was doubtle,, a we!- ,ver ImlUoo. wMch can now be bosll, JZ Z vu. y c :u.s, y V "7,,uPu"V , come erent la aregioa where the .oi. for, cnt. for 412 FralDS. The resiat.o,, of Juliu, ..u,roUg.,f n ,tJ r s p" I was in need of moi.tore. 9ure ,.rofit of 45 crnts o .hU.ilver .., lrcllon to , 8,nil,c. ,ho,vf "XrZ.. IT the democrat, bad a majority Id ' brlD8.0,U,t,-" "'f BoM ''"I t",n1'; some loK.,Ir r., Mr. Ilu.roug!., pol 9m. inMead of rrot.ct.on to thHn- theXebraaka legW.ture and should ' "h.'d"1B.pUc":. If31. waa elected by l.'.-KH) over t le,uo J... .,.,. 'It i, . I,. with The Nebraska City News seems toovr each otter in order to buy. Gold think the democratic party is dead in I this state. A party which can com-1 man Arar CO. iW -f oa fnr na et t a I uaauu vie, cvivvv 1 uiCJ . vi vuw v io . ti vi . candidates lacks considerable of being . . , They say that Lindsay broke wnmore pr03 "ou9 perioj w,llOUl and cried when he put on the strifes. I d . f l, . , I Such men as he ought at least to learn I that it is best to earn a fight by fair I means, mm uuu uy iuui. .' I i w m ...i -c i I uguuug lUer ouKuw u I methods The mutterings of discontent I among republicans in the fourth ward indicate that the knife which went Into I its vitals on Tuesday last and defeated its candidate for councilman by such a I big majority, is to have a rival when the next turn comes. It was a surprise to notice that John A Tta trios n aA ttio nnl i t ?! rtlratPin I t - voting to override the governor s veto of the bill to put the appointment of the Omaha fire and police commission I In the hands of Kussell and Churchill. I Tfouffht to be ashamed of himself. Io tub republicans of Cass county take pride in the fact that the editor OI tneir party Organ accuses One OI I their representatives of bribe-giving ? Do they believe that John A. Davies is a corruptionist ? If not, what do they think of M. D. Tolk ? Is he a liar and libeller? It is about time that members school board would look about and ascertain by what right they bor- row money at 10 per cent, to pay the I cost of running the schools, and whether, if some one were to object, I they could not individually be held liable for every dollar thus borrowed. I We are not certain on these points. oncJ eranged have again been bought "ll tfta a. t but Is well to be on the safe side. Mkxico is on a silver basis, yet her railways are prosperous and it is said that her people never enjoyed such good times before. This country and the nations of Kurope are on a gold haatn n.rirl thern never were uneh hard times, to much distress among the massea and so little dividend-paying among railway and other corporations, j Give us free coinage and prosperity will come at once. When Tom Reed voted for the issue of those gold bonds last February he was dropped very suddenly by the free .. i if .t il. n . a n .. suver repuoncaus ui uu WCBi, as a Bible candidate for president. It jwas like the break he made on the tariff auestion oy nis "omnivorous wesv , apeeCU,UUI ll was iuuio ut avuuvuca. The recent declaration of McKinlev that he would not be a candidate of his party on a freo silver platform just about settles him also. It shows that the English and Wall street bank ers have him completely under their thumbs. A LIUI1T IN TUB EAST. Illinois may be called a western state, but it's east from Nebraska, and At I f . t a. m f a . . ft me urqi snininjf rrom her euieriai i vaults reflects upon our l horizon. Just now her democracy is w determined to be heard rue ueraocratic slate commit- tee was called together recently to take tion on tnerising sentiment for uiueiauisui. x-reo suver m id 10 l was the demand which brought the . ,i 1 .k!k i. leaders together, and after consulta tion, by a vote of 17 to 3, a call for a I state convention was issued, to meet I I situation ana principles, atui maKe a aeciaraiion on me question or tne i I uwu I i .uwmuuuco ""K the demaml wa3 so imperative that it ,nM Rin ui,nnJiil.w of the convention wasordered. a. 9 La a n ui anjcw 1111 iiirin f iliiiii. .itiu a.aiaia..Aia AftPr th commits had adionrnd Chairman llinrirhsen snhmitte.1 to no interview in which h said that ml ner cent Of the democrats of Illinois were I 1 I "free coinace of silver at h. to I continuing- he said: I "This movement will spread from I Illinois to every state in the uuion,and I long before the election comes around it will be evident that the congress to be chosen in ISMJ will pass a ltol free-coinage act. Now, when capital- ists realize that on the lirst dav of .lulv I ..'a. i i k. ti i urn iiiiiufit ill riurT.i 1 1' i it it ... ... . o I a legal-tender dollar for every I grainsof standard silver presented atlinsp"eot ria"u'" S thit 1t'"'1rr,e?h0f f"V" Ki",rir , ' effect th miMtlnn of lh raritv will I t t f-vA alllA.l lue oaoxers cannot combine and I refuse to buy silver bulliou. They do u"b murj in iue country and the profits on silver specu- fltfti'lft ftV- ft I f Iti 1 A rftftl lliA aIi M v tf n y r t . : a a ... ar,, c, c uu n.c t.i.rt.,tf, ... I . . i . .. ... . . i if as su miuuuo mat iney win luuiuie roll in from Kurope to puicbase silver bullion. Certificates will be In d 4mand. ftnd t rade. S 1 1 m lllat ed hv the i i 1 j ... . lifrttinivinv. nr iwr , ,ni;.a n , I I letting loose or hoarded millions, and I the cerlaintv or ft final sfttlemeut nt the currPnrVnnesHn,. .win hrin., n laanger or roiiowmg panics. easttolearn few 1(?adiDg democrala be fight byfairl . . f . ... few leadinc democrats miv be . . . ... I ment, perhaps, but most of them will 'J J he .tfept alcng in the tide, especially as the character of the movement and th rertain xvi rm.,v. nU I wwMaw X- w av S I I J serious objections to free coinage "Asa party the republicans are pledged to monometallism and can take no other ground, unless they (straddle the question. Thousands of them will join the democrats, for they iue in nee Bier. i certainly ex - pect that the democrats will carry the state and the country in 1S9C. This movemeDt will be i n effect a reoran- Ization of the dem0cratic Party. It will be built from the township up, and the men nominated for office will not dare I to deviate from th instmetinn- fivn i . . . I. I . a am I con8tituents. We exDect to rarrv every 8tat west of the Alleghanies and aonth of th Ohln oH 5t lo more than nosihi tt,at .in ,,. - - - - w mmm a a v a. u Li va aa aoaa'HJ - - - ww- eVerv stat In tf. ninn ' -!.. "k m survivors or &nnon nave It ft a f ... . I Those who were there Saturday last appeared to "be quite glad that they I were not reading the inscriptions on I their own monuments. Such meetings I are positive proof that the war for the! Un wa riot fought in vain, as men I Into friendly relations again. The U. S. supreme court has ren dered a decision on the income tax which is almost as outrageous as the Dred Scott decision of Judge Taney, and shown that the court as now con stituted stands more for the f ulfill- mentof than for justice to the masses. It decides that revenues from rents and various kinds of na tional, state, county and municipal bonds are exempt from this form of taxation. That court needs reforming H9 batl as iteverdtd- ioou old Senator Palmer of Illinois i90ut ln a diatribe of abuse of free coinage. Tne old man is in his dotage an(J lmaRines lhat because gold ,s 8carce and dear, therefore it is -sv,und Vf i i I money. lie is in a rage because the democratic committee of Illinois is going to give the masses of the demo crats of that state the chance to speak their miDds in the coming June con vention, therefore there is something wrong about it. He is apparently afraid to trust the people afraid they ueraiigauDS tne name over again- u an cnarity ,1 ,s a meiancuo.y c , m irrh,.d round the iloor .ing I with their mouths. Thev find tiiat nl sight to see an old man. tottering on I . ofthel v. , . . 7. . In .i.i i i: , I ing " We I hang .letl. Iavis on a sour U1 luu I much more pleasant exercise than the I his way to the tomb, who is himself " K 7 . .i.mL I . . . . . ... . I inniu iru " w 1 1 limit ot lection from the Hirst effort in that linn nrnvoil tn ti. I ricii and is enloving the luxuries 01 1 1 will condemn bis course in congress, That is what ails him. The demo cratic committee of Nebraska were last summer in the same frame of mind , , .4 ttiiu was airaui 10 can mu siaie um- ventiou when the people were rwdy it Woniikr if Mr. Cleveland was satis fieJ wllh thwre3ult of lhe object !eg30n n flnance whch he gave tlie ,afct con. bf This "late lamented" legislature passed an act calling Nebraska the "Tree Planter" state. What's the matter fiat Cass couutv cannot not I " lomy auopt uiai mono out put practical use oy piauiing to iruit, ever i " - ic nt'ii. v.u o wnu u huui "Kin-ui- i ov ,. a w,Bf ouo " lltable in orchard than in any other fr.,u imu, r.,r.or. n,.,i you will all grow rich without working li jit. a mil y i iiiu lii:i:i. a a in rin. iiiiu vourselves to death. I I 1 -- - A Xkw YoUK Wouli. dispatch from l i: .1 .I ..II .,. 1 . I I 1CI meciiiei uuuu- clal iil of the empire from tin chancellor down are practically uniii- rnous in the belief that action favor- able tosilver will be taken at the coin- ing bimetallic confeience by Germany, France and the United States, and n majority of these authorities hold that the D03ition of Enirland is immaterial. ..... inesetnreecouuiriescanmaiLiainine nant v of the wliite and vellow metals I ; , , ' I tle noeo l 1S1. In .he late e,e t,n the roooey ,,, can.e to the . . ... ' , iironianuiueugut was mauo ior urr . ... gli I tft Maaaaw -w."-- nominee takinc the negative. II o cot barely l.ltx) majority. This result very well illustrates the wonderful growth I of the free silver sentiment of that state. O. M. lit HNKi: of the Nebraska Cit) News is the man who was elected treasurer rf the democratic press as-1 sociation. As he went off from the 1 , .... I . t I party in the secession movement hist I .... . .. , . ., . I fa" lie imaglnea that the association is dead, and he don't know what to do withthe funds left in his hands13.5).) We see no reason why he can not tutu I ' the money back to the assciation at its next meeting. It don't belong to lue IMOne' l,ack to lhe assciation ath'Kternal vigilance is the price of its next meeting. It don't belong to I., , . . . . I nim 9m,U) 11 was P'" ' mra lo care Ior' A,ie wa 19 opn for llim to reluro lo lhe party ueeuu b piay um juuaa Biiupij l e w . . v... sa. a. . a .. . A cause he hold the bag-unless he wants I to. I Mr. li.TMvi!l.ab.ii here from Boston town, but we have yet to hear of ilis ijavinc nut the Water company's ,ant n a condilion to comr,. wUh the nr,inanr.n giving the required amount of pressure for fire protection . Mayor Newell was right in demanding an i"vestigation. When the property ia town wa9 n,sesskd Hl H),imjO l"e hydrant rental did not cut much of a figure, but now thatcold . oran.l-.rH tlmn. I ... it .1,..-.. tnlOU. aiOOCT Willi III" O'.Iiri ll'"Hir.i nalt ot lhat fliaire it behooves this citv to get its money's worth before they nav out their mnnnt. In mUtf the most disgraceiui J L'STK:E Fiei.i of the supreme court has put up a most horrifying plea in ueicuse 01 mo ncu h.i ..gainst me poor. ft ft V ! a ft 1 ; 1 . t . . ft ft 1 I a salary from Uncle Sam of s,(XMi a year, bo fearful that the poor of this country are going to engage in a contlict with concentrated wealth. He is doubtless a wise man and has read history, but if he haa,he has failed to apply us leactnngs. 1 nere is not a laf ftftft l-a aft line in all history which shows that Qut And lhey fouml t.nongt, mt to the poor have ever oppressed the rich, he, tbctn ao'ltlnciudinK Mr. Davu-s. and the horrors of the Frenoh revolu- . tion were only made possible because "Woman stiff rage won't go in Cass the exactions of the rich had become county. Iu riattsuiouth a woman was so oppressive as to be unbearable, nominated by the democrats as a can- , ; . . i .i i . dldate for the school board, but at the Laws today are made in theinterest of electio ft9t Tuesday 8he was left out wealth and not of poverty ,of luxurious in the cold she being the only candl idleness instead of hard-working jate on the democratic ticket who frugality; of Shylock and Dives instead was defeated. Uro. Polk ami his News of Lazarus. And If Justice Field surely have i'otraleavery B could possibly put himself in the place ltor therty. AnyboughMo of the man who, "by the sweat of his ae)! tlA j,,jience to defeat the other face,"eams the salary which he is paid candidates and let the woman defeat through Uncle Sara; if he could feel herself. InuisvilleCourier-Journal. the pinchlngs of poverty which ho Please don't pester Polk in that man many have felt through the lack of ner. He was so busy trying to blacken work to do; if ho could fully appre- the character of Representative Ia ciate the fact that Jabor earns all the vies that he could pay little attention wealth which the rich enjoy whilo the to patty matters. man of toil is robbed of a fair share of involution wotic. the fruits of his work; if, in fine, he Notice is hereby given that the part were to do as the meek and lowly nerhjp heretofore existing between Nazarlne enjoined of the rich young, the undersigned doing business under man "Sell that thou hast and give the firm name or Oliver & Hamage has to the poor," then he might be able to been dissolved by mutual consent, see and do justice between man and neither member desiring tp continue man, and would never find occasion to the business, K. A. Olivkh, r u.l.inl, nnuflrtv FltKD llAMUK. miirht make unon wealth. Bi'iitiT of miikiuy i...icni:katijs. rhe founders of this Rovernment es- tublialud the pnupln of equality of raen dben down in the interests and ma,"u 1 ''" ",D,' 01 tue constitution are "we, the people of the United States," mtrt it is upon that rock it wan bulli. Mo prince, potentate or power was given au thority. Every man was sovereign the equal of every or any oilier man as first announced in the declaration of independence. hi modern timeH, however, tho power of concentrated w:.itli. 1im invntfil nr hmu,vi.v . , tillcial persons, called corporations .j,.), ftl jfjven personality and are WK""" l" . m.ohiki tfja nnu-orli f.r -,vrJr.r tn tlm of not onl' ouw but often Iuany tl,0l,sal,s e natural persons, aim uniem men aK- w gresslons are stopped it is clear to see that the rights of the Individual is cer- .... . .1.. ..I. -.!.!..... I if ,if l"l lO greauy UM-Kr, 0verthrown,and this will become a gov . . .1 il.a ernmeiii iy corporauuns hishmu ui nic people, hy degrees the dcctrine of the fathers has been overthrown and men are not only not "equal," but there are those who esteem inemseivrs lawyers who assert that individual ms well:norpora?e powers are to be reft pectfd in accordance with the amount of tKxes they pay utterly tejectirg the fundamental doctrine upon which i,!ependence was achieved and ti. ......J,u...r... rmmeil Tin - - vuo C0l,rls are Iare,y lo l"a,m, Ior , Tl 7.. . . t hat I.iw Irivu lerli PaMW'-C MU " 'ruM''' if ll,tiivilial in kilh-.l ihroairli the .-------'.- - act of certain corporations it shall be impossible for the heir or friends to Collect more than $'.0(n) for the life. If the hiss of life occurs through the act of a private person no such limit obtHins Thus the most dangerous element to human life is practiced through favoritism having its founda- tion in the corrupting political power 0f the corporation. The peop! must . . . . . . wake to realire their danger oi one . . ... ... , , ty one their rights will be taken away froni u.em. It is evident that men In America have geuerally forgotten that trite, but signiflcentlx truthful 8.i)ing, -Kternal vigilance is the mrty,"ai:d are trustii g lo tilertv ."and are trustii 2 loo mucli t party lo rignt their wrong KlKiAU IloWAUI was threatened with asitiltat his seat on the tl hit of the home by the political rut ins of Omaha who crowded the fhx:r, when nlng ngainst the infamous police 0031,1 b,n' m :- n,Hl uie hTenkt'r "ur,Jr efus d to recognize or ,if 1 a h 1,1,1 lo oUcl l,,m- T,M' ruR,nn ism of that gmig in control of the house, with the shaker at its head. never had an equal for shamelessness Howard would be justified in taking an arsenal of arms to his seat and pro tect himself, even if he was obliged to " ft At a at... n n . - m. a-i l,n.l ...,.. . ...... - i ,.. whom he brazenly iermits to infest the fi or. contrary to rule. scenp rr acj j behalf of ,ulc, -in lhe Nbraska legislative . .. 4, ronntv's buffoon uu raber. r Upeaker,while turh men asCapt. lrry. the one atmei veierau, unu nouaiu J of Sarpy were vainly endeavoring to I secure recognition on privileged que s tions. It was a desperated game the politicians weie placing, and it re- iuiretl desperate measures to carry it lm March 1, 1S95. Carpets and Rugs. For the Spring Trade we have replenished our Stock of Carpets and Rugs at prices to tempt anyone needing goods in this line. We Have the Stock To select from in Cotton Chain 2-plys, all Wool 2 plys, all Wool 3-pIys, Body Brussels and Moquettes. Our Rugs are well select ed and lower than ever in prices. LACE CURTAINS, POLES and FIXTURES and WINDOW SHADES. Newest Goods at Hard-Times Prices. E. 6. DOVEY k 2 HIS BETTER HALF -S Wo'iM iJoultle lo lettor -letJ If he rnuM r hiiu to ltiy A I.I. of hit clothe of u. A our cut shown, he buy the i:n irr Iitr of h! nanlrvlK of , which only goo to make the norcr half look worc o i 0 o s o s s o o o o s Where did you obtain tho Idea that wo eold ojily hluh-j-rlced clothing? Don't you know that the "week day" clothes, and not the "Sunday" ciotbc. are the u-t of a clothler'a Mock ? 4 OUK IICSINK-S SUITS Altn -CKACK-A-IACttS" 1IIIS SIltlNd. 4 Bee our West Show Window for Spring Neckwear, Juet received, at MORGAN'S, 8 The Leading Clothier, g O MAM The Plattsmouth Mills, C. HEISEI. Prop. Thla Mill has been rebuilt, aud furnished with Machinery of the bent manufacture In tho world. Their "Plansifter" Flour, lUi no Superior In America. GIv3 It trial and bo convinced. No Inco.-'vpi'i",o'. f i: sure. AT. I i from any i'.i.i; ' "itKaici'i .-i .;.. ; . .. . v i CUCBtl th,a-J DR. A. MATTHEWS, Tho Painless Dentist, Weeping Water, Nebr., ;. Makes SjxcUty of Fine QoM Fllllnfra. Uo'J ! arc! fVrrelaln Crowns, IlriJge work, etc. ! TKKTIl PtJSITIVELY EXTKACTED WITHOUT PAIN OR DANGEK. A. H. WECKBACH DEALER IN FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES QUE ENS WARE, FLOUR and FEED All Kinds ok VEGETABLES In Season, f riPU OF EVERY DESCUIPriOX r5rl ALWAYS IN STOCK. We are agents for the cele- Pfirrrr brated UlAMONp MILLS tUutt toT.1": CITYBAKERY WHERE YOU CAN GST GOOD. FRESH BREAD At any time. Prompt attentlou given to orders Agent for Seven of the Best STEAMSHIP USi, GIVE ME A CALL. Telephone 30. Main Street. FAT PEOPLE i Park Obkhitt Pills will reduco your weight PKKM AN KNTLY from 12 to 15 pouuds a month. NO STARVING, Mckuess or Injury; NO PUB Llt'ITY. They build up the health and beautl fy tho complexion, leaving No WKINhLES or nabblneas. STOUT AHOOMENS and dlRletilt breathlnn surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT, but asclontlflo and positive relief, adopted only after years of experience. All order supplied direct from our oUlee. Price 2.iX) per package or nree nacicaRe ror f5.oo oy mail pout pa ia Testimonial and particulars sealed Scents. CfAlI correspondence strictly conlldeuUal. P.irk Rvmelj Oo,t Boston. Mass J t r V -r, ' r -. . t,