T 4 f WEEKLY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 189o. IV AMI AKOUXD TIIK TOWN. Our oU friend J. l Doud sayj that le woulil sooner h.ive ;n interest in Heaven thau in t!u Citizens bank at riattsmouth. Tbt- war drama called "The Con federate Spy' has heen rendered so well l a local company at Glen wood that the play was repeated at Malvern Saturday night to a crowded house. Ur. T. IV L'.vinston, who has been contlned lo hi bed for the pat ten d ijs with totisilitia, is convalescing and he hopes to be about and attend ing 10 his duties by the end of the week. S iturdat's llee contaiued a telegram announcing the death at West Liberty, la., of Rev. r. IJ. Murpuy. an uncle of Fred A. Murphy of this city. The reverend gentleman was quite well aud favorably known to the old r c.t:;' ens of the city. Jas. Harnett of May wood, Frontier county, and his friend Mr. Spurlock were in town Friday. Jim looks quite natural but sa s every kind -f business is as tlai as a board in that part of the state on account of the entire loss of two crops. Advices leceived troni Riverside, California, where John Barron, the li A; M. c n Junior is recuperating, ate to the effe 't that the ticket-puncher is cainitur steadily and tie li.pes to re sume his run on t be rattn line within the next nunth or two. Mis: Lillie Stouutenborough has ac cepted the position vl teacher in dis trict No T'j near Greenwood, and de parted Siturday fur her new field of latjr. Xe.t year she will be in charge of the Hornirg school, district No. just south of this city. John linger, a bachelor living in llitcncjck county, was discovered at his home Sunday dead. At an tcquest it was found that he came to his death by his own bauds by hanging. Bulger was a loser in the bank which so re cently chsed at Trenton, and it is evi dent that this fact unbalanced his in i lid. Detective Malone lias gone to Mis souri after John Faw, the Burlington trim robber. Faw and a partner at tempted to rob a Burlington train on XuvfQiJtr T, but were scared of! by the m ii! service employes. Faw's pal was captured and Ma'one has been watch ing for Faw ever since that time. lie expects to get htm this trip Lincoln Journal. J. F. Stull. wh was s severely burned by the explosion of a lamp sorxe ve-ks .140. was taken wtrse Tues day and is n vr suffering internal pains, and tr.s friends ami family are alarm-.! at his conditiou. It is im.w feared that he inhaled some (.f the llamas a' the lime ot the explosion and in In", eve-it his il i;e-s wiiihivea serious result. John Mockenhaupt. li.e Ltncolu ho tel be 1 limy who was caught in the elevator Saturday morning, is getting a!ou very well, and Dr. Crini says that if no inflammation f ts in by to night, he ill have his patient on his feet in ten days. None cf theboy'u bones were broken, and he lias passed no blood. Fvery thing points to hi sp-L'Jy recovery. Lincoln News. A bacase car stored with mail in sacks on the Chicago, Burlington & Q jsncy train No. 11, was discovered to be on fire upon its arrival at Pacific Junction Friday morning from the east. The car was immediately un coupled, sidetracked, and the hose turned on it. when the fire quickly extinguished, sviDg the car and a good portion cf the mail. The fire originated from an overheated stove. The car was forwarded to Omaha on So. " A bill introduced in lUte senate by henator retlt of this county, makes a radical change in the. public road and bridge law of the state. This bill pro pases to abolish the road supervis ors and make the county surveyor th county engineer. All road work is to .be done under the supervision and ac cording to the plans ruide by him. All of his work is to be first approved by the board of county commissioners. All work which amounts to more than 5-Vj in value is to be let to the lowest bidder. A n velty at the Cotton states and international exposition, will be the land and water tricycle operated by electricity. This wonderful machine was invented recently, and the first heard of it was an application for a concession or exhibit at the coming exposition. The inventor says it will carry eight to twenty people, taking up the load at any part of the grounds and carry it to the lake, wheie the tri cycle becomes a boat and continues its course through the water by means of air-intlated wheels. A coterie of Nebraska solons were discussing the sugar bounty question now betore the legislature, and one, a prominent democrat and editor of a Nebraska newspaper, in a slow and measured ton", pecuMar to himself. aaid that he Uian l "believe 1 n in giving a bounty to any industry, and on principle, wan opposed to the protectivepnnciple in any form. That if this Jegishiture restored the sugar bounty law, or otherwise 'assisted in j the beet sugar Industry, he would im-' mediately introduce a bill giving a! bounty to th,"se engaged in the busi- i ness of raising and breeding Jersey red hogs "Lincoln Journal. j The city or Pes Moines, la., owns a copy of speech delivered by Fresi dent Cleveland in the president's own handwriting. Geo. F. Parker, United j States consul at Birmingham, England, ' the literary manager of Grrver Cleve land, has sent to ih Aldrich collection the complete 11 initial manuscript of the speech of Ginver Cleveland at Checkering hall. New York, May 1, 191. before t tie State Charitiesassocia tion. encouraging its work. The man uscript is a very good specimen of the president s writing, Mr. Parker says it is just as it came from Mr. Cleveland to be printed, and that it is very rare, as the president almost always de stroys what he writes as soon as it is printed. Mr. Farker has taken the p tins to procure this for the Atdricli collection 011 account of the affection he has for his old state. ruepub'u'ation or a county map is a matter of considerable) importance to many pecple besiaes those who ow u farms in the county, and an accurate map is tomi'tbing to be proud of. Till now Cass county has had no map since 1ST9, but through ihe enterprise or T. II. Fotlock and the skill of V. Hil ton. th county surveyor, a new and excellent map has just been published. The map in question is 1 inches tothe section, is handsomely colored, and the publisher w as at great pains to get the names of all farm owners to cor respond with ttie records, so that it may be said to be up to date. It ws printed by a Philadelphia tlrm ujon good heavy glared paper, backed by a linen fabric, and is mounted on a roller a that it wi'l last with ordinary care as many years as it is desirable. The surveys were made with gieat care snd are lelieved to l? in every case correct. Mr. Pollock ha done a good thing in the execution of this work. A lrauuln-Qt Wholesale iror tl Omaha. eb.. rite : To the afllicttd: Several years ago I discovered a slight lading and bleeding ot thelower bowel which incttased aud became very distressing. I made itqmry a tothe nature ot the disease acu learned that I bad a somewhat aggravated case of Hemorrhoids or Piles. Was told of several remedies and used them as di rected, obtaining thereby some tem porary r Itef - Not bring satisfied w ilh uch slight relief I c ist about for a per manent cure; when a friend directed the use of th famous M.nkt Pilh Killei:- I used it- Immediate relief from pain follow -J. ar.d soon a corn-p!-tecnr was affected. Verv respectfully. j O-o -i: ALLKN. For sale by Gering A Co. n I n n Irtiielr It. Klli. a frm-r and Methlft preacher, livins near Aurora. Mo . lecame suddenly inane Friday and cut his wife's threat, shot his little girl through the head and then coing to a farm where he formerly resided blew his own brains out - He was a widower until a week ngo, when he married a widow named Hickman, who also had a little cirl. The latter was absent at school. l armi l or tXent ! Two thousand five hundred acres in Lancaster county near town of Green wood, Cass county Will be- rented in tracts of SO, 1GO and SiTt acres. Soil of the finet black loam, well-improved nomtes and every convenience. For terms, call on or address, dJ:wlw T. II. Pollock, Plattsmoutb, Neb. Llt of L.ottr Remaining unclaimed in the icstofHce at PIattmouth, Nebraska, Feb C: i :-rk, MIki Kel .l- McIonM. John Persons calling for any of the above letters or parcels will please say "ad vertised." V. K. Fox, P. M. l.rga.i Not !. To IancN. Kanpcii. Kanaka (iirt mine unknown). bi wife; Sam McWherrjr nl Etlser A. McWberry. M wife; Mry J. smith, wl-low of Sitranel I. Mtslth. rleefaerl ; Mary 4. Smith. air.ilnltnurlx of the esUle of Samuel I. smith, detenu!: J. KlhhSnn Smith, w. F. smlliMfirst name unknown), ami Annie it. Sinltlj. oie helm t inw of Samuel I. Smith. deccnel; Henry Ilajl aii'l Ellen Jari Hall, non-reMdenu. le fcn!art : Yon. an.l each ot yon. are hereh? notified 11 af on the .'ioth day of January, ljf.. Thotnai L Wlica ccjinuienced an anion In the dlntrlet court of C'a county, Nehrafka, aaJimt you, the otjjeet aud prayer t w hich ltoiUltt the title l the noithwet vnarter of acrtion tweniy-otie ;). In township eleven lit, north. rnr.iv tirehe U2. east of the alxth rrlncloal meri'lian In Cars eounty. Netranka, Bcalnt all sparer! defect of title by reason of convey ance taasJe t-yyou.and to aupply full record how in if Cue authority Klren by ibe Jiuljre of the nwtinrl Iu3i?ial district in mou county to Marv J. hraUb. aa administratrix aforesaid, to veil and totivoy anid land anl to correct all errors in na)d record, and for eu tillable relief . You are rfjulred to anawer aid tetltlon on or before Monday, the l"th day of l arch. or the allegation of as.l l t-etlrlon will be taken a true and judgment rendered arrordlnplr. C-4 THOMAS L. W JLHS, IVr nl t-ttomcya, IJeesox A Koot. Tload Notle. To ALL WllfpH IT MAY cuNrKav: The commissioner appointed to lew a road rommenrlnK nt the HotitnweHt rorner of ncctlon fifUM'ti n.l. town b?n (10). ranee twelve (l'-'i. niDiilne ihenee thirty .) rod a east, thetue nineteen 19) rxl north. Cft'-live (Mj rol east. thenfcao-utb eighteen 1) rols to aectlon line thenoe msi on section 11' e nbout two hundred and tbirtyrive Cj.v;) rods nu.l termlnatinc at ot;th eatt corner of f-ertlort fifteen (15).t)wn ten (Hi), ranto twclte (12). C at county. Ne- brt.fekn, to be known as road No. XU). ha rt t'ortd In favor of U bearing thereof, and ail ohieetiona thereto, or c laims for dainacca, : rctist I llirfd In the county clerk' nfiice cn or t-emre neon on the 20tr cay r,f March. A I). IH'.5, or nn h road will te arted nnnn without n?i;re J reference thereto. Fit AN K DICKSON. 8VAIINfJEN. County Clerk. Deputy. W.L. Douglas S3 SHOE IS THE BEST. FIT FO A KING. 3. CORDOVAN, rDfurui ruikfi 1 m rat r l?43 so Fine CAiiKiCAUca I : 3.5? P0UCE.3 SOLES, extra fine- . I mm. A mmm - . - LADIES V .xr best' ; run rnarlTll rnip Over Ona Mltlton People wear tbe W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our .shoes are equally fatisfactory They give the best value lor the money. They caual custom a hoc la vtvle and fit. Their wearing dualities are unaurneascd. The prices are unllonii,stampei on sole. From $i to $3 saved over other makes. If jour dealer ciocot supply yo u we can. bold, by JOSEPH FETZEH. DR. A. MATTHEWS. The Puinless Dentist, Weeping Water, Ncbr., Mkes spttUMy .f fine (i'ld Fi'Mt;, ...! I j and eor-t-;rtiu . r.iwnts Ufi lire wi.rk.tlr. tli:th p sitivfi.v i:ti:a(.ti:i wiTiiot t fain oi: n.stii:i:. JOHN WATERMAN, I i ikalj:i: in i Lumber and Coal.' Mcti dota -! . . . lUrd coat Canon t'Sty rol . . v P. J. HANSEN, DEALKR IN STAPLE and FANCY w m I y- -v -. i r Trllr P I Ps V i - V- V- Jl 1 VU, Crockery A l Glassware. FLiOTTR AND FEED A Specialty. One door North of Postofttcc Dr. Agues V. Swetland, HO M EOPATHI ST. 1 atu t1 l..rc. i.. f Yl"n:'a au i W.-.i-a .rs'. S-Tft f OSlce: 1923 f rnin ED. PITZGERALI), TIIK (il.H HI.LI AltLi; LiverymaiJ HAS i'UKCHASF.D TIIK Sixth Street Checker".:! Sarn. AND WILL KUN IT FIRST-CLASS S 1 PrclaJ attention lo FunTHi. lUrin :.i tt un to a'l trttim. 'rr;':j :n ' aa I Cttom'"a 1 M ' W. D. J ONES. j Cilmi - LIVERYMAN.! Count y .it Ilai pTjrchow'I tho rartnlo A KnttiO -f :r l tfK-H an 1 itl nui bmh IUq Main-st. and Schildknecbt Barns. lilit of a!t !wrI;it:on, from a S.MIe bors to a JMxtcen-T-asnrrscer Wajjoti. Cal-a. lioartT Was"a. rarryali an l crcrythln; (or i-lrulra, weI'IJtisK r.nd funeruiK. Train t1i AT ItEdt.'LAK IiATKS. 'JTcslopliotio 71. F'rl"ei Haonalil. No rrotlt oir .lo cJayn. olil arnl netv ni'.oinra arc ln-vlti-1 to i-ii'iJ. when aat1fa-tloti ! puar kntced. W. I. JONES STREIGHT dc SATTLER, KucrtwMiora to llinry llu-k, Fornitnre 1 Undertaking htovet. IUn;f, riru, Orffana. Oar ? it i': i -1 U co u st : i i erory Jet Ao luri.'Ui('illon lart rtniu to cunvlnro. The PlattsioiUh Mills, C. HEISE3L. Prop. TUta Mill Jas been n-b'iilt, an l furn!ln'tt with Machlrier of the tcat minufacti:rr Ui Itie worM. Their "Plansifter" Flour, Hat im Sitiirl.jr la America. Hlr; trial an 1 he convlnct-d. It t -11 I 1 ft FROM NOW UNTIL MARCH 10, J EVERY dollar's worth of JOE'S stock of Cloth- Oing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Trunks, Satchels, etc., c? Will be Sold Regardless of First Cost. TjOCT Txrill never Iiclttc cuch. citl epp crtiaxiit zxolxz. y U y IT po,3T 3rc"CL "bier ixiterest to "to-u.3r 3rcu.r c:v2.ppl3 4 I l"cr nezrt winter. - -- - J O One Door West of Old Stand, Waterman Block. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. 5hortncs of Iireath, Swell ing of Lcj:s and Feet. , . tt .vi u n ti i ti.i -it ti iti ,r Tlx. itf.-irr fUuTHw-i t ( kvaU v.n'l swelling of 't!'M i:.-! ftft. At tiravs 1 would f.iint. I ir'.itri :,!nl t li. r liv. siciaxi- In Sav;ii;ii.ai, (t.i.t wlih w ri-lit-f. I tin n trud v:iri'dw ring's uithout benoKt. i'iiially I tried Dr. Miles' Heart Cure also lils N nv n:il Llv. r PiiK A- ! r lyitinnn? in t:iic the: J hit ttitcr! I fr.tintittl uiki:.' ri ami I am now In ! tier health th in for many years. Sine? ::iy n txivt ry 1 havi trained fifty pounds m wfiht. 1 he;c thi- ?tatc- innt may tc t f vaiue to s-omc in:wr r. II IL M'TTON. Vtzj f tAtioo. Ga- Tr. M : Itrart Cvrr I .-M on a j-vj:ifp r.!ar-3Xit- tl.al it." I.r-t t.tti ti;I trjttt. All dru::Ut h 11 it at 8:. b t..ttlc ftr IX cr ttaull'lrf-rt, jirtatj. til rt---ttl t.f Jrl''rt i j Itiir lr. XI;i- M-u:rl tV , JlUhart, ind. .M t-v all !rii;3!!. Your Watch Insured Free. A jnrfcvt ioiurancr aa.i.jit theft or acdirtt u tLc tow Uaou BOW, thr on!y low nnj) which CARr.ot be pullcj cr Mrrrnci ctl f.-om the cae. Can oalj be TrJT hi J on Ciscs ccr.tair.ing thh trade mark. jMta by Keystone Watch Cac Company, of PhiladclphU. V..s ol ifit, larft, ar.d moit complete Watch Cair fiClory ta the world 1500 emplojees; zoaif Watch Caw& da!r. CUie of in jiToducts i the celebrated Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases vhu'U ire jut as good as solid cues, and co t about one half less. S, M t y ?.'', jrwrlers, without extra charge f ' N n ul! cut bow. Th manalMtarert will ijvri.U jou a watcli iti optutr fra. V1TAL.1S Adc a Well iV&rj of , it) V, J 4 .w irtTAI 10 VIIMLIO 10th Day. AXXi. viiv.v x 0th Hay. r iiuuvn iiuiiikw 1 soih Prn.lnrM tltft llmir llmulla in SO Iai&- ltnctfl piv.rrfu:!y una q:i. i:ly. t'urr.s wl.cn all others till. Younir rnc will n rntn ibf 5r lo.t mmnhootl. und bM wn rfn-.vrr tlt tr youthful vlror t v usliiT VITALIS. It qwtcUly and urrly re Ptorr; K'TvoMsm sH. It Vitality. Imr-otrr.cy, Ni.TS.ttv r.mK.-.iiu, L.o. t )or-r. Falling M fin ery, Wastim: l.vic.-i.i-H. nn l nil t-Cccts of self aiuc or rxcM nnil trtl;vcrr I ion. Wards oil Inanity nud coMiirr:rtUn. Inslut on havlnJT VITAiLIS, t.o other. Can l? c:rrli-d In vest TKcUru My mail. l.00 rw r patkac or alx for SFu.lM). with a po.lt iro written a-aarantce t car Or rrn. tli wimT. Ctnrtilar Xr-. AUdrcaS CALt'311.1' UKVl.t'tY "IMI'ANV, tl.ifijt. IU Forld at riattHinoiuW, Neb., y O. II. Snder OKAS. GRI DIES, Attorney at Law, i'LATTSMOl'TII. NElt. U-'FICIi: Socti i l H.isrof the Todd block. ra ot iie noun limine. I ; 1 r .... 1. 1 1 jtra e:lziit What is Cnstoria is Ir. Samuel PitfLer's irescrijitiia for Infant and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrup?, an-1 Castor Oil. It in Pleasant. Its guarantee is fhirtv ; . use fy Millions of 3Iothers. Castiria is t Jit1 lilldrcii'ji I'aniicea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. Catorla ia ao wrll ada;rd tochItr-n tlr.t I mumnxiid It aa ayjmor loonj j-rr-w-rij-tii-D known to cn." IL A. Aochlk, 31. Ill Po. Oxf ml I-.k!rn. N. Y. lid nn-riia k writ klxTJ that It iri a cf cufrm:icaxitin to rad'rs.' it. IVw ar t :n latrHiTOt famni vbi d. o -l l 1 vlthla mtj rrach."" CXMUM X.AXTT, I). I Now Yurk Cit. Tn Ccnar-a Jin -rfClv 11, 51 1 :mm:s-;y -X t ! - r ! - S Ill NTMLl.h. Ai.. July 2.1. 1jL . c. W KLl A f tien'U m?n : I nri: tlu I- tier t m Snon !fi!t tne value of your Milioli 1 urv. 1 limit it U t!( cratoM re ninl y cwr tll ovcrel for Ijmij; tJifiK aiivj cruur. Tne life of oae uf my f rlen l who fur two ye r tt ltcrv1 to have rouuuition ami liur co azh wii territl?, waaved ly "llh I -irt. .'je J now curinly w. ell. Mj tiiiy thai i now nearly two ycara oll wa alj aavel hy Mliiloh furr. Hary a crouj'y nul aoal never have aurrlved without yoar rpm.ly. I ha l ut ticljevoJ thene -w a mic! a roil rronp mrliriie la the world. I waull ii iit t3 wita.it a t :tlc of It tn trie ho-.ie f jr tea time the j rice of it. li hat tave t tuc many a dollar la loc tor biUs. Mnoerely. MUS. J. It. M AKTIN . 2 ILTS 1 1LJRB A Nrw ?r.j f :p?.tjr 7ia?no?it, conylrtinj i fxri oslTOKli;. cp.n.'.i t lutment and iw linf Oictr.trtiit. A c-.r-tiu!!nir Cur for rii of ivery D.ilrj!i l dtTH'. It anojeraUon with tac. kiilfn or luj.:ucn Of r&riilk! aciO. wlU;H aro yUntal atl witU-ia a iriUJKnat cure, and oi.c r-"uituitf In tlcc:, unt-vanrj. Why nxlura thta irt-ibl 0.so? W Ruaranta e boxes to ourn rtm o.aru Voa ou'y f n bcuelito rctTKi. 1 1 a liox. 6 for .i by mail. ixJEjili frr. Clnrartr iu lourajpr.ta. COMSYIPATION fStfflS Iho trr.at I.TTR an:l BTX1V. .U'll Ki:utLATOU ani l.lOvU l'l'ianUU Hmfctl, uiiUt aaul iivatit to Ukf , MiJO'td:; a.iai.toa Wc vlUUirvi'i Uco. OlAMuf VtCVIltA. tiiAiasnxa jUd &oij i P. (3. FftllK ' & CO., IIIUTJ. ISTS. S ' arnt ritt4 a it . N. 8500 Reward! WE will pny the above reward for anv case ot I-tver Cotupl.-uiit. Iypcjv-ia. Sick Headache. In digestion crf tiriti-jii or Co$tivcnea we cannot cure with Wtif V.-rrtub! I.ivrr ri'.!s, when the ditectioiis at? r-trictly complied with. Th ar purely VvcUl Sr. t ui tiewr tail to ,j;lvc itiaction. J'vjvir Ccatru. I.aitrt bje, as cent& Heware of couutcrlcili and lm!iatiint. Thr gen uine nianu1attrt ..''v bv TIIK JOHN C. :sT COMPANY, t 'ilCA.iO, lLI- srxxxnr tna i.astiko hcsults. FAT PEOPLE No iocnentttre. ' Simf-le, auf. ISIS from any iniitrintin iibtanre. wacv"aKANitE a CUKt or retwnJ your money. IV! ro ti3.oOrhottlc. Send 4e. tortrtatitf riXjUldONT M.11DUM' COM XtoMou. "l jjlfniii exit stay I k- J o E Castoria, CstM : o r i m cuts Clic. Cocsti iiijri, ! Kid Worms rir ar. J j:jvwajt il ' V.'i!lt.t L-:j"rinj tn-liitii.ti. Tt-r "tta1 jnm I have r"iuarr.i. . I as it has iaTarii!.!T jrolufir3 lyiwri.-i; linnx F. Faeke. i ir,:li SLert and 7:ii Av.- Vlc Cl O iast, 77 Miulit Srrjrr, :.r Yets Cm 111 1 j im.tr I' ,w am j . ni 1 . u imn i. mj im mm r' ,'f. ''.', V- A BEESON & ROOT. Af,torneys at Law, PLATTiMOUTII. NEW. OPKICE-PtUKi-raM Mock. OTer FIrslNat'i rat k H. D. TRAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law. WILL l'HACTKC IN A 1,1. Till: COt l'.TS. 4r ICl:-Uoom 1 and 'I, I'ntoii HI k. Plxxttsmoiitli. - - - Tleb. H. G. LIVINGSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, t L INSUEAK'CE. l'lillir.oiitl-. Nflrrtt.la BYRON CLARK, Attorney at Law, ri.ATTSMot rn. Ntii. OFFIOK oi oiid fior of tto 'l tl J lo-- of th couit house. 1 Henry Jc. loin will 3'i.rt4' a inst, . of cow. 1 I J 1 if .6 tO lODRttlO lD(1 wh!ov