WEEKLY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1S91. IX AM) AKUIM) Till; TOWN. J. M. Stone of Nelutwka wasa Flatts mouih visitor Thursday. Wm. NVeUriikarnp of tht precinct is seriously ill with liver trouWe. John Murphy, one of Center pre cinct's heKt known furmers, was a PUttsmiHith visitor Flinty ami called at these heuihpiatters. Frnl Lon ami Paul IJieiy f (lien wool!, Iowa. came over n tlu ir "hikes' S;:uiluy am! made n short visit with the family or C. W. Sherman. Peter J. Yallery has an industrious hen. She has hutched and brought out u half di7.en clsickev.s a tiay r twoupo in nidvtnter. She hid hr nest nndvi a coal pile. ii. A. Mayfitld former publisher of the K.isl lUplet. was in town Mon day oss basaiess. Ueorcc has sold his plant in Missouri unl is row koking for another location. Kim wood lie ho. Tlt- ui.rtcaee sale of tlte remnants o the tlerald newspaprr plant ly Mr. K u otis. was hooked to uciur ThuisJey, bat on account of a lack of bidders the proceeding was ' ad j-mrned until Jan. ii. Lawyer A. N S illivan journejed to Lin-.-oIii on Tuesday to urgue the de fendant's si ie in the appeal case of Father Oorhett vs Pwshop Honacuiu before the supreme court. Andu w Nelsou.Swan Monson,Cut. Nulliu and Herman Anderson, four of Piattsmoulh's Swedish citizens, have returned from Montana, where they have been building bridges on the li. & M. extension, for the past seveial month. Will Hyets, who has apiHinlrd to the citikship of the senate committee ..f public Utids and buildings, of which Mr. TtiTt of this county is chairman, dt-p irtd for the s'ate capital Monday U3 rnin to enter upn the fullfillment h: duties. Oat at ilatings a butcher has been urte-tfd on the charge of selltDi: hogs uhich Imd previous! ditd of cholera. It ll'f ch-irge is proven, the fellow de--rrvrs no small punishment. There is .iltle Jjonor in a b itci.er who would thin jro: ardi the lives of hi cus tomers. M-yor Newell journeyed o Lincoln 1 'i:e-day : at end a 5sior- of mayors a: .! c;: alturrejs repienting the .-rC'udcIas cities in Nebraska, the objrct of the mteiin: tin to perfect p! ins for eking relief from present obnexhMi laas at the h;t:d of the slate legislature Ljp.s n Anderson. h died at hi I. (:.)- i this city Wednesday. a trn m DenmiTk. N( York. Jau. .".., and w 'is iiius jigd eiLt years. eWen m ini'v ai.tl nine days The funeral serv.c- were h-M Thursday ami were cond'.ct-d t y llev. P. Van Fleet at Iiis h in- on Fourteenth and Oak streets . party of some twenty couple t t oid r.e'ghtcrs and friend, both in and nut nf town, invaded the mansion v-i Her.ry Kikenbary Thursday r.iht and surprised liim with tokens of esteem on th occasion ot his f-oth birthday. I was a pleasant gathering, and wa? th-trouhly enjoytd by all. The numerous penuchle fiends about ti." ton are ursin? that a tourna ment be arranged to occur in some lodge hall in th city. No game of cards has evei been more popular in Plattsmouth than penuchle. and if proper arrangements can be perfected the affair would call out doens of players. The Livingston Ioan and IJuilding association will issue its thirteenth series of st'-ck next month, and Henry Gering, the hustling secretary, has already disposed of stock to the amount or ?iVf0. Plattsmouth people are evidently well enough salis!lel with the local associations and have had their fill on most of the foreign fakes. An experienced hunter says: A curious tiling about a rabbit is that it always, faces the sun turning slowly around all day to do so. In hunting thm in fields this fact should l0 kept in mind and the ground be gone over by the hunter w ith his back to the sun. He can then See the eves of the rabbits in the bushes and they will glitter like diamonds in the sunlight." Out near II ay Springs, this state, one Fred Patrick was seriously in jured Thursday whila blasting rock with dynamite. Lie placed the charge ready with fuse and stepped away, but the fuse burned slowly and he re turned to relight it. supposing it lid ione out. when the charge exploded, tearing his arms off and shattering one letr- He cannot recover. A 11. Pirie, master mechanic for the IJ k vi"s H'Mithern division, with headquarters at Wymoro. and Messrs. F.J Kramer of Alliance, C A.Dixon of McCook and C W. Hedges of Lin coln, the latter three travelling engin eers on thesarn system, were in town Frida attending the regular mouthy meeting "f travelling engineer at the ofli e f Mr. Hawksworth, superinten dent ot moive power. A stran e cr7y man drifted into town Monday night. He walked down from Omaha and. although he was ex tremely peaceable in his actions, the officers housed him in jail over night. It was learned that the fellow was the siui-iudaw of Alex. Powell, a well known losident of the Iowa bottoms. Tho father-in-law was apprised of the situation nnd came over next morning and took the man to Ids home. Will II. Miller of Riverside, Cul , formerly of this city, has just received the uppolntment of deputy clerk of Riverside conntv, and has entered on the duties of his odice. He i unques tionably a capable man for the place, nnd is an agreeable, accomodating gentleman. Tin: JoruNAt. joins Ids host of Plat Umooth friends in their congratulations at his promotion. Owen Marshall, one of the best known farmers in Western Cass county, lias leased his farm lauds and take n hiMdep.ii lure for his old home in Ohio where he will tMke up his per manent place of abode. Mr. Marshall came to Cass county in the early iui's, and was a candidate on the greenback ticket for sheriff in the campaign id T: when Martin Cutler of iJreenwood precinet was elected to that ut'ace. D- M. Joues, who has been superin tending the storing of ice at the! Poisall ioe houses on Seventh street, sustained a rather painful injury to his hip on Tuesday. He was engaged in moving a chute, when a long spike, which protruded from one of the tim bers in the chute, thrust Itself into the fleshy part of his hip, cutting a deep gasdi some three inches long. Mr. Joues w ill take a vacation for a few da; as a lesult of his accident. Jno. Denson, jiior at the county idiuce on Pearl street, thought lie had nabbed a burglar. Jack officiates as gua.rd at the jail during the night season and at about 1. o'clock a. m. Saturday he heard sounds as if some one was slowly walking up the stejs winch lead up from the outside of the jau to the secoud story, where the jailor's family lives. Jack's first im pression was that the stranger was a burglar, but when he rushed outside he found it was only an intoxicated resident of the Iowa bottoms who was deliberately try ing to break into jail through fear of freezing if he attempt- j ed to cross the river on the ire to reach In, houie. Jack turned the Ilethlehem ite over to OSietr Muriay and the ft I low passed the night at poller head quarters. Dealt) ( aiua( ! ( ami ilv local applications as thy cannot reach Ue ilis.ari ortion t the ear. There ts only one way to cure deaf nt.ss, and that is bv constitutional remedies. If.i!nes s causrd by an j iiifam-rd condition t f the mucous Im- Itig of tbe eustachian till. When tins tut- i inih-tmed u have a rumbling wind or itnier.tert tearir g. and il i entire!) tr.sed. deaf- ni" i-i the reu!. and unless the m- S :!im:jMthu -an b- taken out arid this tulw re "! its norma! condition, bearing w;ll 1 v destroyed forever; nine c:ieH;t of ten arecausd !y catarrl. which i nrjthins but an inf.amed con dition of tlie mucont surfaces We will givr one hundred dollars frr aiiv n of f!afnet rnued lit eutarrh) tliat rannnt ! curet! bv Hall's atarrh Cure. Send for circular1; F J.CilKNKV .V Co.. Toledo. O S"!d ly drugiits, 7V. I Ut of ,tlr Oaiaiuing uncalled for in t!ie post oCice at Plattsmouth Jar . 10. for week ending Jan. l.f.'.: Jnei. ' Ni'.lrr, Ctri;. 'n!o, 1 J NoI-ts. Jlin SnriSCU, Mfh V W'iUUrri". iwnr VV!.er, Kdwln Reraiuulng unclaimed! in tle postoCice at P! tttsrnoulh, Nebraska. Jan. ": Irryi!iii. (ico Aiiter. iir Mf Ir)Ci-'si. N I- Ilory. W c; I'uN, VVnj W'atncr. Ztr.tuA litte. tari lUritcr, Wm Persons calling for any of thealmve letters or parcels will please say aal vertised." W. K. Fox. P. M. llaguft Chemical Co. l'rioceton. 111. Ieir S.rs: M ac-net I'ile Killki: is a humaier. It is Boothinj:. quick and ffeclive; does the work and Is worth five times the money. Wry Respectfully, V. KontK Mi:aih:n. Fcr sale by tiering & Co. Constable Ilartrani took a lone trip down to the Cass county line the other day to make s?rvjc! of a man w ho had a note. There were reasons for Retting service quickly nnd good service. Ilar trani reached the man's place and was informed that the man was down at the barn milkinz. He went to the barn and served hi) summons and came home sathiied that he had made a irood job of It, but he was chagrined seme days later to learn that he had gone a little to far. for while the man's house was In this county, his barn wau in CasH county, and the service was there fore no good.- Lincoln News. Tiir Nebraska City National bank is after a pair of Lincoln grain mer chants named Kendall who represented that they possessed several elevators brim f .ill ot grain, and on producing ware house receipts to back their tale the hank let them have f JO.OOO. It has I now iransnired that their story was all myth ami the elevators exited only in t eir minds. Unless the Kendalls maUe good the 0.(oi. the bank people are resolved to send thern to the pen. Limbertrer cheese ten cents a cake at Weckbach's. MEW F Hub 0". E. C. Wjt' fccre a."d DrDitl TrfStrrri 1 u'uliT lnwlUvo i !!(. Ufir-.ii!r, l j- liutf.i ) -ireit i;ciiH t'X.ly, to euro VV-nk Mftm.r; Ijwu t rnluntul Nvr )vi r; ,.t Maliuii.l; tut. knwj; hhtlit 1imk; Kvli ;.ca i f t.iin.u-iic; NTouif: 1 -ifi.io: u:l lr lit! asi( Jiiwrr llf tllO ltllTlltt T.'ir lr l-itii-- CiSU-M'tl l.-y ivMrrrtln; itutlili.l l.riu-,nr Jlni-Min l'.t Tiamnii, ().lui:i r J.i-iuor, "rtt.j :. u Un.l t MlT, C.ii.uiimU.im, li.,:tilly uu i ij i.tnl H U'x; ti lur vi Mi! wrllim j-unrtirit-p tni tiioii it-fmui luciifj, Hi'srsnn tin :.vi.ri'. A'-rt.iia " l'T f-xitlit. ".t i., A-tliiuj, j;rtucliiu-. r.if, VU. li i'Ukh. K.i,. l linwiL. I'l.'AM to imkv. hu.U u ii-.a.:i:ui.t ; i.t. riN. itp, !.. ;-.; oia kl ur, u,ir6iv. iii:.U;AMUSl"Ur.lii!; I j- F. li. Frlrke V f, druggists. SAM 6UTKANK & CO, WHOLESALE ?m RETAIL DEALKKS IN lEXj -irCjS Wines. AND TIIK llKST Cigars. Sole agents for the CELKHRATICI) MILWAUKEE Pabst Beer. Deliveries lo :i:,v i ,rl oi t!ie v r 'i In - Made ped to any place ! REFITTED and REFURNISHED WM. NEVILLE, UKSIDKNT MANAGKU.fSI,ccUI Attention- Given to the ' Accommodation of Farmers. F. S W H I T E , mtx Mrret, PUttvruoath. Teas and Coffees Unexcelled. ( n'tlrr llros. (flrl.ratfd CANNED GOOD S.i:-- LlVRYMAN. SOI.K ACEM KU Pillchii'u'o MINNESOTA FLOUR, I IlloUulj c ti,- it. tuwn,u. P. J. HANSEN, PKAt.KK IN STAPLE and FANCY Gr .'oeeries. Crockery A M) - Glassware ! FLOTTR AND FEED A Spooialty. One door North of PostofTicc. S3 SHOE 13 THE titST. NO SQUCAKIN& 5. COTDOVAM, 3.?? FOLIC E.3 sens. LADIES' -" DROCKTOM, MAS 3. Van cod mr fnnr P"rrhilurf . 1 HohkIus hkar. ficus, wf ore tac larKrt tuat-.tifacturrr ot aiivcitiMPfl hoc in Hie wotM. attitl par auu-t the value ty (.taTninif the tiamc an! jmcf on the b4f.Tt. vrliu ri prntccU yon nsraiit hicb ptice itj.l the ii.i.!lic tuaa's ptolit. Out but u ru(om w.jtli (si etylc. easy ilttij auJ v -nrinir ) ij'.i'.i- . We hive tlirm boI every- rr lit 1 vcr j.t i -- fcr Oie vnlur j'iven t?ir '.r i 'I 5.i '!. itu'v. If yiiW. . .- , ; ;;! -'. ua. Vli 'jy JOSEPH FETZER. ' STREIGHT & SATTLEE, NiirrtMaiirii in llonrjr ltwk. Farnitare i Undertaking M'm, llnxn, I'latiua, Ortmu. Our ? f i i if j (In I cu.-u .-!-jt In every Jot i An InroMixailon l certain tn ronrlnrt. i . w . icnniyi!... r y w First National Bank ri.ATT!SMiUTII, NFII. Oapital, paid up $50,000 oKKiri:i:: litoiiur. K. Iv:r ....PresMent I. H. WiiiTr ... Vle jrcsl.Ifiu S. Vt .ni ,. . "i.ilfr II. N. iMvtv Asltiil rhlrr niKKCToUs- r.rifi H. It) . F U. vVIUie, l. Ilnu k worth S. Wfi.t'h mi.l II. N". I.vi y. t'ttitfut t i.-iit t ii kIvcii t Hi' lull-nets of I itliuui'i ."i.:i,- tloiid rnmlt? mtil roiul-tl) rvi:iltl-l l r. Il'.ltt'tl lUArket nif I lr ro.iitty warrmit hii.I atntc ul ro-inty lii-t Zuchweiler & Lutz The Gx'ocera, Cor. Sixth unil Tearl Sts., i.i.r!' i:vi:i:ythinv. IN UlKllr LIST. Sell Cheap, Give Good Weight, Deliver Promptl. a a VML'il ( I STIOI IS MII.lClTt:i. The City Hotel, Corner .Main and Third Sts., . PLATTSMOUTH. A FIRST-CLASS HOSTELRY IN l.VI.KV KKSPF.CT. ! First-Class Bar ,,,... !ci.KAN ROOMS ANDTAI1LE Rrxt3-$1 Per Day. !H. H (J )S. HrnnY. m m m "m aj m m I W. 13. JONES. iu i n- i"!ni';f x K't't.c - 1 - jMain-st. and Schildknecht Barns. f..fj .. ! run l-uih lr tvoTwt- t. l itf-ii -Tift VV-:. f j.. l'U l'ffr rT)n vl a r i!t(.n.u i: vti. l".-'"' AVi N I'tcllt v r J. . I kit t t,- r ut.i:rf ill if--l ! '1. klir .-t I (T'ir Wiit. W. 1 juNE B2ESON &Z. RDOT. AMorneys at Law, !'I.TTMH'TI1. N KM. urKK C-riUftrM Mock or FtriNri ru i ED. FITZGERALD, Ttir oi.ii kki.i Aiit.t: Liveryman HAS PURCHASED THE Sixth Street Checkered Barn, AMI WILL KUN IT IN FIRST' CLASS S 'J , V. Ul n'.tcntloi. to Fturrl. llrkk !. U iun lo nil trln. i'rj-iiH'i n KUt iity ti Cinlumr'i lMif vn VSTALI lat lr. WITH 10 VIIHLIO lOthlnvy. t nrn r r? m m rr r w w ui.it on itKiiibw i stoui tT4liir the Abnr Unult la SO Ijs. It ucU powrrlully and qu.t Uly. furrs uliwn all others IaIL Vounir inen will niTaln th tr lost mnnhcKKt. nUoUl im n will revnvrr llu tr youthrul lpor by u.iinsr VITALIS. It ouit-kly ujuU nurely re itorH Ncrvounnc!. Ioftt Vitality. lintt-ncy, Nihttv r.tnl!Hinii!, It 1'owt, Knillm? Mem ory, Was l Hut IH-i-!i. ntnl all t Hoot or srlf bIiuhc or rirfM aixt liiil;cr-ilon. Wartl fl tnnnltv ntil c.)..!mi)i,tl."i. Insist on having VITALIS itrt M.t-r. fan U c.irrid In vei twH'Uot. Hy in-ill. $i.m) prr pai'kaiire'. or ftlx fur tfa.On, with a xltlt tltten frrntee to rare or refund the tHnet. irfiil r ( n -. AUlraa j CALl llirr UKltMV ' IJH'A.N V, 4'Mraro, -Ulr Kor tlo at rinttsnmttth, Nt !.. 1-y . II. Snjler ! anil (Jet m A ,. nntfglinta. AAUe a Well lay. AN : ABSOLUTE Ji ft I The House For the purpose of further introducing it to the people of this vicinity, offers A CUT PRICE ON HIS MEW - - Wood Base Burner. THE CUT OPERATES AS FOLLOWS: niiiMKit I'iuck. n:i si:xr ri:i i:. Size No. 1, - $35.00 - $30.00. V T Size No. 2, 1 30-00 - 27. SO. T These Stoves are elegant in design, perfect in material and are especially adapted to the --BURNING OF WOOD. Better results are obtained than by the use of Hard Coal in any of the Base Burners on the market. PEARLMAN gives an Absolute Guaran tee that these Stoves will give entire Satisfaction in every particular. Messrs. J. C. Petersen, E. R. Todd, A. B. Taylor, H. D. Travis, Samuel Richard son and others are now using this stove in place of a hard coal burner, and the public is referred to any of the above. Drop in and see the Stove. Pearlman Opposite the What is OiAtnriit is Ir. S&uiiifl l'itchor'H precrijtiou for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic utstancc. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops Soothing Syrups, and Ciistor Oil. It 1 I'lcasant. Its jrunrantec is tliirtv jt.r$' use by Millions of Mothers. Cast or ia Is the :iiltrens Panacea the Mother lriend. Castoria. ratariaUau well adapted toctuklrrnthaS 1 iiit:innl It a ic:jrk- to any riTitti lmn In me." 2L A. Avi, M. Ill S.. tU.VirJ Jtrmkklyn, N. Y. 'Theueof Catoria U ao unlTenal ar.l Ita tuerita ao wrll kmnrn that il iwim a wort if uiirrrrtmlioo to rtulorar il. Iw r the lot!icnt ramQira who 2o txt k-p Cantor ia tri:Lia eajry rra li. CutxtM IUkttx, P. -w YtTk Otj. Turn CxxTata The Plattsmouth Mills, C. HEISEL.. Prop. ThlaMlU ha boon rrbullt. an.! fisrnUheJ wilb MarhliitT)- Hit l.tt nufi ruo to tin wurlil. Ttclr "Plansifter" Flour lla tio SuKrlr in Amrrlca. It It trial and lc ronvlnml. BYRON CLARK. Attorney at Law, ri.ATTSMiUTH. N'Ull. OFFICE'-. Sivoiui rloor of tl.c lo.U liwt cast of tho court lune. A 0 nifi JlUJ RvtolH nratlv nwnt fr Kormm orKuk 2d oOir fiin.i l'tMu, M. aJ i THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 101 S.tVetUrn 'enue. CKICa Bromo-Goieru : GUARANTEE 1 Furnisher, The . . . House - Furnisher, Court House. Castoria. j "u.orim were fAiir, distijiat.a, j H-ur Btviuta t iArriiya, XurtatAa. i WillMMit iiij:r.wt rrr-iiv-a!i. "I't nmral yrra I La re nvnouiml. . y tMir CVKtTa.axil ahaH alrsjj niiBw t 2i n il il bad inTorutlj.! rtiduosl Lx-uUi-i Fpwix V. IAaiEK. 5L P JXth Strwt an l Mix Am Now York at. Omrm, 77 iltanjtT FnuucT. Xnr Y.ax Cm w. -J'"!, :T"7 FAT PEOPLE ! 1'ark OaKiTT Ill win r!iico Tour weight I" Kit MA'S KNTLY rroaa U'to njHu!itl-a month. N STAUTlNtl. tirktxvi vr Injury; Nt TLB I.IC1TV. TtifT butl.l p thf litHitli and teull fr the compipxloit. loavice No W'KIN bl.K" or flbWnwci. srl'T A1I1H1MKNS and difficult brPathSnc-nrt'ly rc!iove,l. NO r.XPKIil M KM. but arlotitlMi' and pjLiive r?!lor, ado-trd o1t utwt years of rxfx'riout-e. Ail rlor tnppih a tlln-t f ron our o1jv. Prlo tz.w por f ia or ttirMi pxekajron for Ivoo l-v mall iHitjaid. 1tttnorual and partSmrtara (m-alcd) i rent. IITAII corrtpN.:i leutH' mricliyrontidenUal. Park Remedy Co., Boston, Mass. f rfcea Baby was tick, ir taw hrr Castoria. VTben alio was a CLU alie cried for Castoria. Tltn he l;a.t CiO.brv, parts tlicia CastorU. CPIXDir rad IlSTHfO HESD1.TS. etn est i ;v.:;Tr- ,.,v cm ay thla. M from nv minrt4Wi sutntaiirc ttt Lit32 A2r:irr:-3 tirrcra. VrCUaR4Ml a CURE wrfuail tout irHMn-r-I'-rt .i.ih it hottl. Send 4c. fartre-ftttar lBKaiUNT atKPllMI. Ct IU.UOO. -la-