Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, January 17, 1895, Image 2

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T!so Flattsmouth Journal
C. W. SHERMAN. Editor.
One copy on year, in advance, by mall. . .'.1 Ou
tuc copy all month. In a-tvaitro, by mall, S SO
in copy one month, tu advance, by mall,
Of.r ..y, t.y carrier. r week 10
ttMiiied vrry aftt-rnoon eioopt Sunday.
Single cpy, oiiejrtr
ft oo
Payable In ad vane
Pintle cod. a!i iuoiuta.
fubilabed etery Thursday.
Knictt-d at tho postotnce at rNatumoiith, N
Uttkt, c on.! daa mailer.
Official County Paper.
.Ions- Si L'Airr Mil.!, declared that
the Mriki id m absolutely iiulispen
s.sbfe rueAns of maintaining the econo
mic rights of workinpnien.
IVmiwuimins between the lovvaruil-
road commission and the Nebraska
state board of transmutation ar iust I
now particularly Porous. Omaha
Thk CilU!e Springer bill I
w is practically shelve.1 yesteiday in I
a refusal to agree lo a rule- limiting J
debate, the vote being '2i aes to lJi I
The treasurer of South Iakota has
absconded, leaving a shortageof nearly
'.Ol.UMi for his bond sine a to meet.
His name is V. W. Ta)lor, and he was!
last seen in New Vork. I
I roti Uehrst time id tlfteen years the
patent othce is up to date with its 1
work. Hoke Soiith has done consider-1
able in the line of pushing business I
since he took charge of his depart- I
tni,t I
- - -
Mr. Morton' has a happy faculty or
dressing over an old idea and make ill
pa-ss muster as something new. His
recent talk at Lincoln about the wild -
cat banks and recent financial schfmes
is a case in point. J
To Ilryan and I!and the credit is I
given by the presa correspondents of I
having defeated the Carlisle-Springer J
currency Din. lhey organized me i
democratic forces ami voted against I
the rul offered bv the committee. I
Ced. I . CoiifORAN", of the jorkjton a-i previously contracted. I he
I?mocrat, has purchased the ma- J
terial and subscription list of the Yoik I
Independent, and will b better able I
ti.. vr in r,,;n a nanr Mil
g xl fortune attend him.
Si'Eakkr Ilii'ii A Ris has announced j
Ins committees. ai.l a row over them is I
e ninent, as it is chirge! that the as
signments are m-le without reference
to merit or anything save a desire to
pay political debts of a personal char
Sim t: .1. S. Clarkon set the pace in I
favor of silver quite a good many re j
r.nhticans have found a new-bor n faith I
in ic. The. fact is, free silver is lmnd I
t cme if not by or through the item-
H'rats, then in spite of ihem and over
their defeat.
PRrirKNT Aiams of the I'nited
Minn Workers, has mihliclv accused
John McHride, recently electeil presi-
dent of the Knights or Labor at Hen-
ver, with having taken a bribe, to set-1
tie the strike of the coal miners iu
Ohio ami Indiana last summer.
litter kmc an senators have com
bined with populists in the senate lo
overthrow the rule of the party bosses
in the distribution of favors, and there
is a nice little war on hand over the
committee selections. Of couise there
i. n-.ftiin9 seriou- to come out of the
Thk defalcation of the state tieat
urer of South Dakota is greater in
amount than at first suDposed. It also
involves others. Including his bonds-
men, w ho, it seems, advised him to run
' '
away with the funds. Kven the state
examiner knew that Taylor was short
It is a bad muddle.
a year ago.
It is reported that the president is
determined to force congress to adopt
Uls currency poncy u po9sii:e, not-
ft- t . . 3 I . . A
withstanding its defeat the other day.
It begins to h ok as though he didn't
know when he wa$ whipped, but if he
keeps on a short time arid sees gold go
to "a premium, he may find out and
likA Peel, come to bis senses.
- , .
Cotton planters of the south are or -
ganizing to reduce Hie cotton crop of
the year and expect lo cut down
the quantity from 9,00f),ooo to 7,000
000 bales. If oil and coal and sugar
producers are allowed to form trusts
not only to limit production, but to fix
prices, we cannot see why this plan of
the planters is not justifiable, in view
of the fact that present prices of cot
ton make it an iiopiofitable crop to
Hit rtttUrm lor I
Thumrwrntlfl fr silver leairue of
Nebraska adopte! the following silver
Plank at its June meeting:
We favor the immediate restoration
of the froe and unlimited coiuntfo o
gold anil silver at the present ratio I
of 1 to 1. without waiting ror uien u
. - - . . . ... m .slliua it arliih till
earth '
Sine then Nebraska. South Caro-
una, trhansa, uum, w
i, Colorado. Montana, Utah, Call- Iiluho democrat le state, con-
l,urt declared for K to 1.
o:.. n II,- i miranl.itions
rtiut r- - -
..;;,. t. imhti's.1 asklni? I
lutrrm - i
i.i ,n...rit n: to l. Since thenicrat.
I r-r sin -
...t....t t.nlrauil 1 4 f W . a
the IMllH-AHWlMin'" iunt-, 1
renting all the states west of the Mis-
sijisippl river, ins aTi.i u.c-
to "demand to make it more forcible.
The Federation of Labor convention
has just adjourned after adopting a
plank identical with the Nebraska
I I l.... I.tuli. I
i'lauuitii iu iiioauiuK ..
ll' language. Heie it Is:
,w 11
i liberate jraiemem or n.e American
IVderatioii of I.ibor, mi del-gate cn-
veiilion ussemblrd, that congress
should te enact tlit law of tS17, which
provided for th flee and unlimited
i. ... . ... .
coinage of both gohl and silver al the
ratio of b to I, thus restoring the
American law of coinage as it was un
til l$T:i, when silver was demonetized
without debate and without the know
ledg of the American people, and
that this should he done at once with
out waiting for the co-operation of any
other nation in the world.'
T,e Nebraska democratic free silver
league wx a pathilnder. Its platform
will be the platform of because it
covers the ground and speaks without
equivocation. The silver democrats of
Nebraska au to lt congratulated on
leading the way.-- World-Herald.
Oxnai:i, the teet sugar man, paid
5.00 pc ton for beets last jear and
contracted for the same price this year.
During the campalgu, however, he
sent oat circulars to the farmers oi
the state and also to the newspapers,
requesting th m to publish, and s?ud
bill, to the efli-ct that owing to adverse
national legislation he could not pay
dui pr ton next season, r:it ii a
legislature was elected that wouht re
store a stale bounty euuivatent to one
dollar per ton he would pay .'iM'" per
bounty restoration was not met with
favor am ng the people of the) state.
Ur.OinacJ. like other capitalists.
a . & a a
isaw aweio ins itiieresis ani cans? m me
ruuii.t 1 1 ! r. ? .i rt ' an.l t. mir iiinrii um
' ' I
see soaie of ivir free tra.le brethren oi I
the pres.s joiuing hands with the re- I
publican press and falling iu lin with!
the Oman! iilea. The plan is to pay j
the pro-lucer the bdtinty. The prop I
sition i i a "taker. 'and there is but
little doubt that a law will
be passe! by the present
legislature giving the producer a
tiounty of one dollar per loo.and that is
what Oxuard asks for. It is itnma-
terial to him whether he receives the
bounty or the farmer, as he will bu) up
the? lets. if the bounty :s given to the
farmer, for f 4 l per ton, thereby rak
tngin the dollar bounty. York !-mo.
crat. I
It seems that Messrs. I). ivies and
Coo3 '. Hie representatives from Cs,
,Jo I,ot uotk in harness together. Mr.
Davies Is an economist, not only with
I a reputation to maintain, hut with an
ambition to improve it. while Mr.
Cooley's chief desire, appaiently, is to
see that hangers-on of lhe party get
all the good places at the state's ex
pense that are possible of attainment
The other day a committee was ap
Pmieu in tne nouse to uecnio wiieiLerliswrrK ,,uu' nm i"niriain ine
I i . it . . . .. .
enough or too many emtdoves hadlunanc,aI leslioti. I he following is
already len appointed, nl Mr.
Havies joined his fellows in a report
lhe nurnU-r ton reasonable
! exlent
W hen this report came into
P"" """ , volt!U
I ? . r . a
aain" 11 men moved the appoint-
111 ' "UU,"UH"' V11' uCKer to
ft STS A -m V&fta-iftnl m. ft.. A
tne !,onon4b, Ption of bearer of
cuspidors in ordinary or some other
superfluous place at l.'JOO a day . Of
I course the purpose of this move on the
pait of CooJey was lo show his con -
I . . .
- I
tempt for his colleague s course. As
to Cocley, theie is some consolation in
I the fact that if he has no more sense
j than to waste the public funds to no
I good purpose, there is a well-defined to his power.
. I. ... i , iti.. . ...
mil. a., wie invincinie menu or the
j peoplu, is faithful to the end. During
theclasing days of his congressional
career we find him boldly and man-
a ...... .
fully defending the rights of the people
againsiMio sememes or capitalists nnu
. t ft, ft f . . . kl
politicians. Mr. Ilryan is now as en
thusiastic Hi the interests of his con
stituents as he was in former sessions.
When tho Carlisle "bank fiat" finan
cial bill was Introduced iu the house
liryau wai found on the Hide of the
people manfully opposing the exten
sion of financial control to the banks.
B . A .... . . I v. . . 1
When tho Carlisle bill was withdrawn
nnd the Springer Mibstltnte, which
was a little tnoto ac ceptable to na-
mortal nanus, was nijun
jrm m tho inlt itst or ii.o ioiiii.c.
ina9sU.j,. wiieu tho laitio.wl puolinK
YiQ anivju5stl, hl lo
vr r T
I ...... If ...... ,.f ito
iincu r.umtisi i'ij
leading opponent. in i.iiii
I neonle have a irieat defender and
..... .
champion, and while he is tempo
rarily relegated to the lear by the re
suit of the late election, he will again
come lo the fiont. "Truth cniidied to
earth will riie again." - oik Demo
tlmfairioii Cr..u n IUn.1
L!lWuhl Niwi
Theie is a woeful buiden of tiuth iu
, . f uf,r,HtMlt...ivi. llaller.
made iu tho house yesterday , to the ef
feet that while people me s'ai ving out
west for food ami shivering for need of
raiment, the sole mission of some o
lht, Illt.tuiIVI a of the legislature appears
to be to engineer through the house
some resvlution for some insiguittcant
convenience r legislative luxury that
carries with it the necessity f ipend
ing u considerable portion of the v.l-
ualde time of tho house ai.d a cnMd
erabte portion of the slate'n ruuney, all
for the sake of pleasing or appeasing
some of the leeches that hang around
the legislative hails looking for legis
lative carrion. Short as has been the
present session, this legislature has al
ready achieved an unenviable reputa
tion in that direction. Thfre is a con
stant and ev er manifest aching for the
perquisite ami a scramble for the
loaves and fishes that can Ih heard
fiom one end of the capitol to the other
at every hour of the legislative day. It
is time for the members of the legisla
ture to brace up to the consciousness
that the eves of the people are upon
them, and lhat they owe it to the intel
ligent republican constituencies of the
state who sent them here to so con-
uuct. ineir ousinrss mai meir re
publican supporters will never for a
moment be tortured with the suspi
cion that they have made a mistake.
They ought to recall the fact that li e
legislature is costing the peopie of the
state nearly or quite !,i0 a d .it, and
the quicker they terminate the war
over the i-erquisites and get down to
the bn$;nef of more imperative impor
lance for hich they are sent here, the
better it will lw for them and the
party whirl placed them whre they
now are.
IHM. In M t ':( ix I i farm wttit U
hcM) Ijcw:.! I 'it ; l-" trl;f,i ttovrt
oT.rt rliht wri," b.-n'. ii: im !tr ii:rr-r
. l l!,r r'. -.njf y t'.an F.r t;a f t !!!?4r-l !.' !
,0.ul,.,.i...i t,rr Nrav uj
Tut: I.ii:sai. cann.t irmit a
calumny so serious to pas unnoliced.
Itichard V. IlUnd is, to begin wiih. one
of nature's noblemen an honest man
nhose&tiirdygrandeur has impressed
it.sflf upon .til who come within the
radius cf bis ncquaintiinri and ini'u
ene. It was he w ho gave us the silver
doIUr, after a republican congress had
kmn ked it out of existence, and ever
since he has been in congress ha Mocd
up fir the masjf and on every ccc
sion by voice or vote has been for hon
etv in (!overnment and against every
form of villainy that ever came before
congress. Mr. island is not abrilliant
orator or a man of .superior ability, but
he is recognized as a man of power
among his fellow members, because
they tecogniH his high pilrpese mm
thorough honesty. When he retires
cougtess will lose one of itH.t-t men
land the common people one of its le.s
TriK World-Herald printed a letter
I I.. . ......I. . I I
an extract from it
" Those who claim to be Jcffersonlun
democrats and yet uphold bank notes
as afiinst greenbacks might like to
know how that great apostle of detnoc
racv stood. It was a living miestlon
ln u tlme. ile HwayH aer t for his
. .
people s rights, saw the danger.'
He writes to Mr. Kppee. In lsj:
I "Hank papers must ha suppressed,
J and the circulating medium must be
I restored to the nation to whom it be
1 Ioiirh. It is the only fund on which
they can rely for loans; it is the only
resource which can never fail them,
and it is an abundant one for every
necessary purpose. Treasury bills,
bottomed on taxes, bearing or not
bearing interest, as may bo found
necessary, thrown into circulation will
take the place of so much gold or sli
ver, which last, whom crowded, will
find an eillux into other countries."
On Tuesday of last week a fire des
trftVf. fmir i,,..,,,;., ln Al...m in.
eluding the machinery and presses of
the Herald, and J. W. llarnhart has
been obliged to issue a "fire edition."
The insurance had expired just before
H e lire. Auburn is a good town and
we hove no doubt Its business men will
come to the rescue of Jlio. Jlarnhart
and put hirn on his feet again.
whether they .DO SilHie or limiunm.
Tli TrraMircr'a Option.
The discussion of the (.nance ques
tion in congress has been promotive of
much good, and is cleatlng the atmos
phere for action iu tho future. Iu the
com je of a speech by Ileudrix, the
I'rooklyu banker, he was defending
the gld ledcmpliou of all paper nnd
sdlver money, but he unwittingly nd-
mitted that at one timo France ex
ercised her discretion iu redeeming
here paper ctiireucy and paid live per
cent in gold, and jet she not in the
least degree depreciated the puichas
lug power of any of her money that
bote the soveiigti impress and wits a
legal tender. At this he wi usked why,
if France could thus exercise her dis
cietion, the I'nited States, a country
whose reHotuces and credit weie ten
fold greater than those of Fiance,
could not exeicise its will and redeem
iu either gold or silver, especially as
the law specifies that all money h'uiII
bo ledeen.ed, not in gold, tut in
lawful coin. To this proposition no
answer came and none can te made
that does confirm the question.
AN effort is on fo t to get Mr. IM.s
out of j ill. mi the tlx oi ) , V, piesui) e.
that it is rather tio much of at Mtt-U
of in lh .-authority to ?ei.d him to
rison for ccntempt of court. Thisldea
of having a 'government by injnnc-
Hon" is rather new to put Into prac
tice in so prominent a case for even
judicial tyrants to enforce for the tirut
time. It is true, however, tit it the
courts are gtadually tiatnpling cut the
ight of libeity and tanking ouis a gov
eminent f money instead of men. In
the case of l?b the court enjoined
liui ami his felloes fiom committing
certain acts which it said were crimes.
n eveiv other ca?e lhe cotuts have
Used the jKiwer of injunction with rela
tlou only to the transfer of property
u:d to properly rights. Th trial o
lhe Ibs crse was entirely bftiue
the court, and it l believed thai he has
ecu deprived of hishhcrty because he
was not allowed a j nv trial. us the
conlitutii ti provides.
Tut: court of appeals for the District
ofColtmbia has handed d r a decisiu
denying Ihecliiiai u.!e by lhe I uis
Una sugar rtisrs for theiountv iui
sugar given by the McKmley law.
held that the taxlt g poer of the pov
ment cannot be i;sd for private pur-
o-.s. quest ten the
World-Herald savs: 'TI e d ciu n is
of Va'uc just now x !it-n the It g'sl.i! i.rr
of Nebraska is conMdetirg a ptepi si-
tlon to lesture the state bun!v in
sog ir. I lie ifrisi:i will le endorsed
by tli lni- of the people fcef.rially
who, while un.'oji -lin'ed vi:V the
teolmir vtities of !l;e v.rei!y lit.ilrr
det stand tl a? a lrliltn lu-homte
rihtto C"..el lu -nts apieie from
I.UM.Ihm jM-ople in Nebraska .ii.d give
the llhS.ISKI o Collected to IheOr;.lttl
companies than It !ns to take o,
"' ffom the Otnatd companies and
divide it among 'the ieop!e of Ne
braska, civ it-geach lo cents."
Thk Nebraska City News, which for
years has supported .lohn C. Watson
and assisted iu his election, f rids fault
with Mr. Ilryan because, it the
lcj campaign he only mentioned Mr.
Morli n's name ence and never men
tioned Mr. Cleveland. That's a won
derful small thing to split h i'rsover.
Why , Mr. Morton himself set the ex
ample for that sort of thing. We heard
him several times iu the campaign of
Ivssandhe did not publicly mention
Cleveland's name.nnd when he spoke of
him in private it was only to say bitter,
mean things about him a thing Mr.
Ilryan never d d. The News is driven
into narrow straits when it makes
such an argument as an objection to
Mr. Ilryan. The fact is, the inlluence
of that aper has been sold out to the
republicans so often that it is not
worth trusting --no reliance can be
placed in it.
Thk two houses of the legislatute
yesterday voted for I. S. senator sepa
rately, as the law requites. The vote
in the house stood 7- for John M.
Thurston, 15 for W. A. Jones of Hast
ings, and 13 for W. J. Ilryan. In the
senate Mr. Thurston got 2, Ilryan 4,
and " for Jones, who was the populist
caucus nominee. The populists held a
previous caucus nnd most of them
agreed to vote for Mr. Joue-, explain
ing that us then) was no chance of an
election they might better stand by
their party, and keep up the party
spirit. It was probably this name party
spirit which they exhibited during the
campaign that prevented the election
of a good many members of the legis
ture. What rot It Is on tho art uf Prufensur W'llmia,
who hns much In llio lino of wrci-klni;
the ih-tnoiTrttlc pnrty, to ho prNttllng nl.out
hUlicr rails for liity!" Mr. WiImhi sIkmiM
have eii"e uioiij;Ii to kce "pilot NeLmskft
City Pre.
Let not your heart be troubled,
neighbor, about Win. L. Wilson. He
has done no wrecking of the demo
cratic party, but has stood up man
fully, courageously, honestly and with
purity of purpose for the common good
of the people and of. the democratic
party. Hut for the fact that Murphy,
kice, Smith and Cam leu professed
democrats were al.hctf d with repub-
icansymptons that is, were corrupted
y the truststhe party would have
been successful last fall.
How tli Ntitr Wu ( uirUil.
1'ai.1aiK, Neb., Dec. From this
town iu IHt.'hcock county, hut which
iespattly in Hayes county, I Live ex-j
lort d some of tin? reruotest j at Is of
his county which lias r.o i nil way
within ita boarders. The most ton
tlictiu! stories met me when I tiled I"
learn the population. One wan insisted j.
that it had not to exceed people in
it at tin? present time, altio.igh it cast
a vote of about ; o. He explained this
by the rental k that the lepublieans
sent back on passes hundreds rf Hayes
county people who had left. They
voted and went away again. I have
heanl the same htories from other
counties, uud that whole train-h ads
retutntd the day helote elect ion, every
man on u Hut liugtoii pahs, to say nolh-
ing of a tiaut-load of Italian, who
vvete tun in (lotu Colorado.--11. JJ
IV aiiie iu World-Herald.
Thk old say trig th it "when thieves
fall ion honest mm may get iheir
dues," is aptly i;iu.!iated by lhe re
marks i f lhe OiJl iha lire respecting
the methods adopti il for Mate inspec
tion of oils under republican rule:
"The unvarnished truth." ays the
lice, "is that the tune of the chief in
spector has been almost eutiielv given
up to political Icg irlJii j; t d hisdiltles
have tteti hliilnefully nr-gu tttd, ex
cept ho far as the collection of fte.s is
concerned." Now, if that isn't con
victing the party by confession we
should be p!e;i d to have other testi
mony. TllfC St. Iui Republic
the election of Thurston and tavs:
"The people had driven Matoleryon out
of the ij-ld for re-election. They bail
defeated the railroad for
governor. Hut these victories turn to
dust and ashe on their bfs in the
triumph of Thurston. Never brfiue
In lhe hMory of the politics m this
country has the power of the sruaiot lai
caucus to defeat th popular will been
inore clearly show n. We shall return
ag-iin, ami frequently, to the strange
case of John M. Thurston. Th'ie is
the making id histotv In it."
Skn..toi: has ha lan amend
ment to the agricultnte apptopriatit-n
bill intriKluctd into lhe senate for an
appropriation of im to enable lhe
secretary of agriculture to purchase
and distribute sd grain among the
drouth stricken citizen f Uie dift'ei
rnt states. Tios appropriation, or as
much of it as m) be necessary, ought
to be promptly mad-, ami S-nator Al
len should have the c udial support ol
every member of lhe delegations fiom
the farming Malts for his proj-osed
amendment. Omaha ltee.
Tin: commissioners of Cass county
have caught the proper spirit and their
estimate for the turning jear is t',,ni
less than for lhe total amount
asked for is only 5704,. Tie-' com
missioners of Otoe county should take
a few lessons from the commissioners
of the adjoining county. Nebraska
City News.
To the credit of Cass county 's com
missioners he it said that no county in
the state is managed mote econo
mically than is this cue.
M. Cammir-Fkkier, president of
the Trench republic, resigned hisofiice
last evening, because of n vote of want
of confidence by the chamber of
deputies and the resignation of his
cabinet. The fact created great excite
ment and it is safe to siy that all
France is In an uproar today. IfMr.
Cleveland were as sensitive as that he
would have resigned long ago.
(iov. I Int.coM i: has appointed J. W.
Wilson, who ran last fall for secretary
of state, and is now county judge in
Keith county, to the post of superin
tendent of tlie soloier's home at
Kearney. He has also appointed J. H.
F.dmlstou. chairman of the populist
state committee, to be state oil inspec
tor. The former must be confirmed by
the senate, the latter not.
I'KiiiiAi's Mr. Carnegie can afford to
discharge "GO oi his employes because
they joined a labor union, but the sen
tiKient of the people of this country is
that that kind of work is a slap at the
declaration of independence, and as be
tween personal libeity for working
people and maintaining Carnegie's
Scotch castle the castle will have to
go. -World-Herald.
LtIoi HciiIm! stftlesniHii for Hi )t I lly lint
Co., Oiiiftli. id. , Writes:
Magnet Chemical Co
Dear Sirs: Ily applying Maonkt
I'h.k Kh.lkr for twodayjs I cured an
aggravated case of llleeding Files. One
dollar is cheap for such a wonderful
compound. I cheerfully recommend
it to my friends or the traveling fra
ternity, who may be suffering from
llectal diseases.
(Iratefully youis,
Geo. Cott.
I ' . -
Tlio Painless Uoutist,
Weeping Water, Nebr.,
Mukt'i S;.- it'ly of I'Juf J..!.! FiSiliu'", loM
TI.KTll I'osiTIVKI.V i:Th.u i i: J
w i t i;! T i t v mi ! .(;ti:
Dr. Agnes V. Swetland,
Sl(!til !t(.JitSM t' OI.lrll l , liinnrfi
SVni.'K-u on-! 'Vi'i!.'!,' Surn'ir
OQce :
1'--,". ?'j-t-Ai
s t '
light Arm Paralyzed!
Saved from St. Vitus Dance.
'Our daughter, Jl'rinche, now llf-tr-erx
years if a.'e, had h.-vii terribly
a:llict i w h n;rv(.u-ne vs and had
l tho cti" ire iw? of her right, arui
Ve feared M. Viuu dantro. and tried
t!iel si phv:ci:iri. rvitli no benefit.
Sh has taken three bet lies of Dr.
Miles' Nervine and ha- gained HI
jkj:h. Her iicrvou-:.vss ;snd symp
toms of St. Yitiw d are entirely
gine, slie attend srn-d regularly,
and h2 recovered c.!aj't" n cf
her arm, her apiH-tite is splendid.
MR. 11. 1L IU LIXX K. l:r Lton. N. V.
Dr. Aliles' Nervine
rr. MSI.--S N r 5n ! ft-.!. I on jx-It.'ro
FtiAi-ant'-e that the M U.ttle niil :r.-ut.
All ilrufffNts m il U at II. i U.ttl.s
it will ! -nt, jajwiti. on rereit.t f jtUnj
ly lU-j lr. MlU-s Mt-iicM Co., L.Llui t. lad.
ld ly all druggists.
it is fistt J ileal ci rir.j atciirs frt "! ix t
pocket. Th? tLscf c' t'-c sat.;t. c
hand, tbe t'.iin in tl c i cr I pics a
short, quick jn'- the ll:: i'.'i s if ti -watch
Htm. r..l away jj-vs tLc w :U!i,
lag the viwlim c:.! v the ihsin.
This tti stepped
t&at litlJa gans:
The bow has a groove
on each enj A cellar
runs down ir.sij- ths
reodaat ntcni ar.i
r.i into th froovea.
firmly l3.k;n the
bow to the pendant,
so that it annot tve
palled or twnleJ ol
Scld ly 1 watch dealers, wifnout jd,
cost, on Jis. Icss I i.Icd ar.J cu,cr
cases cor.tainirc: this traJe mark
A Batch cis opener sent tree en request
Keystone Watch Case Co.,
First Premium
at the
Columbian Exposition
The Singer Mai'f'g Co.
it i:c i :i v i : i
54t First Awards.
Bring tho lArcost tmrnher of varvl uMainril
by any exhibitor mi-1 more than double tho
nuiut-cT receive! by nil other Sowmc Mohln
roinpanloH. A war.N re('ivol on tho tillo Ing:
Family Sowing Muchlno. V. S. No. ;.
I. K. t'. H . an l Si!iiTie Threi I Automatic
I'haln Stitch Mio.'iiiio. ovlr. .VUchfiie
Callnet". Art Km!'ril!-rio. I.hccs. Cur
tain. lhrlvtry. Artistic Furnishing!.,
hewing Mll'l KniS.r.ti Icty. 'l'dj.c-lry Mh
rhino Work.
AImi t.H Anarr, eovorlnR inachliirs
for luanufariure in t-vcry lino wliere a
Sowinii .Machine can te uvel on Wool
l'tton an.l i'!ot!. Knit tiootls
Leather, etc , for Ornamental Stitching
llutlou holi-a. Kyclcia, Harrlnr, Uvir
warning, stay Ins, cte.
Tho Singer .BIT r Co
"All Ovortbo World."
Itranch Oftlce 13HI Iioticlti Mt., Oitmba
Thce tinjrCa -sulcs arest'pcrlor
to rial.sam of C'i'i:ilha, v
Culli3 and Injeetions. (ftlTft)
rThey cure in 43 hours tho V. v
saino diseases 'without anylncoa
I 1
I ," : " I
C - ." c kUe
V -'" ' J' ', " zLs i ' 1
tr : I