Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, January 03, 1895, Image 1

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?J57 Jr liV2 NOT."
nfl ii:it viJAic.
1 9t ir MIir1tAUVANK
VOL. i 1. SO. 2.
Work Oa the B. & M't. New Steel
Bridge Will Soon Commence.
Th WJa- Wtr Hapubllenn rtlw a
Complaint Ajcatn.t tha I tie. of II U
-Seratrnea Halng l'oiumtttiHl
Othr Jotting.
Active preparations are being made
for the commencement of vratk on the
Burlington's new steel bridge across
the Flatte river just nortti of this city,
mention of which was first made in
these columns several months ago.
The erection of tne bridge has been
contemplated for some time, but the
oiScials chose to delay matters until
the new year so that the expenses for
the same could not be charged up to
A switch has lately ben con
structed oa the Sarpy side of the river
and next to the present bridge, for the
purpose of storing material, and con
siderable of the latter is now in course
of transportation, it being the inten
tion of the bridg building depart
ment to put matters through with a
rush. Several cars of stringers and
piling are now on hand. A temporary !
pile bridge will first b erected and
around this structure the permanent
steel bridge will be erected. Every
thing points to the commencement of
work early in January and weather
permitting the company clcials ex
pect to hare their trains whirring
accrusj the only sleel bridge which
spans the TUtte river by the first of
next June.
Wrtr-Isx Wlft RtpaMlctn.
A petition is being circulated in the
eastern part of the county asking the
governor to commute Murderer Hill's
sentence from that of hanging to im
prisonment for life. Hill, in the kill
ing of old Mr. Akfon, committed a
odd-blooded, premeditated, foul mur
der.witho it any provocation whatever.
His trial, conviction and long confine
ment have been aheavy expensetotfce
tax-payers of the county, who felt I;ke
lynching the vtllian at the time of his
capture and seif-coufes-rion.
If this Qend-incaraate should now
escape the gallows af: r having had a
fair trial befoie an impartial judgeand
a jury of tweitrereputahle citizens, who
decided that his punishment should be
death by hanging; we say that should
he now escape the gallows, the next
Cass county murderer who is caught,
may not have the opportunity to get a
trial, (t is just such action as these
petitioners would bring about, which
caues determined men to become dis
gusted with legal proceedings and to
make them feel like taking the law in
to their own hands.
Another fact that should be consid
ered is that, according to our state
law, the governor on each Fourth of
. July Is in duty bound to pardon two of
the prisoners confined in the peniten
tiary, who are serving a life sentence.
The numberof such prisonersissofew
that a man as a rule, is sure to get out
in about fifteen years. Inotner words
a life sentence in the Nebraska peni
tentiary is far more preferable to a con
vict than a sentence of twenty years.
Those who ate asked to sign Hill's
petition should consider this matter,
for in signing they aek that this mur
derer of the deepest die be turned loose
on society again, where he may mnr
1 der other Innocent people. The peti
tlcn won't get any signatures in this
part of the county, and, if it becomes
necessary, a remonstrance should be
circulated. HiU must hang.
Stuaykd Ud Irish setter pup, five
months old. w. c. Uenkeu.
The ftoy YVamt to Know.
The correspondent for the Omaha
Bee at Ashland is responsible for the
following: A good joke on misunder
standing a brakeman calling stations
happened the other day ut La i'iatte,
j-ist out of riattsmouth on the Bur
lington. When a brakeman called out
"L-a IM-a-t-t-e" at one end of the
coach, a little boy of five years was
seen to grab his mother by the arm
and exclaim:. '0, mamma, why does
he want us toMay flat?' "
John Drain, of Fremont, formerly of
this city, died Thursday and wai
buried in the family lot at Oak HIU
cemetery. The body will arrive on the
noon train. When he resided is.
riattsmouth lie lived nt the corner oi!
Eleventh and Timber streeta. Old
residents will remember him as a carpenter.
o, f:.r Now Year, In your rule of white.
What are jou brins;!n to me tonight?
Wha. I thn bU ten beneath the lolJ
Or j cur furry cloak! A ba of gulJ'
V? hat are you hiding behind your drc'
A autlla. tear, or sweet eare?
UT yovi a book with the lalo mill down,
O. StmnKrr Year, with your coat or down?
! It dimmed and f Iry form
Hand Ilka a rvt leaf, soft aud warm.
A fr! k ked up from the lltar'nly ahor
Wilt thl l tain when your nlgn U or?
What do you hold lu your band. clo hid!
Souit flower to lay on a cottln lid?
I da not took If you stood a:d
And Lod tue the door hrld v-a wld.
WbM arw you brlugtuc '. Fcace and ret
A UKrrow bed wlUi tta head to wt,
X dteamleaa I'uiaWr, a il repoe,
A wtkla far from all earthly wmi!
O. fair New Year, In your rol-o of white.
VVhut ara you bruising' to me tonight?
And w hat will you take from tu rre you go,
l. fair New Year, lu jour robe of iuo
llltll. Ktcuar.
Drain of John rtttgeraWt.
At 2:'i0 o'clock Sunday morning John
Fitrerald, the great railway con
tractor, died at his residence in Iin
coln, surrundrd by his wir and four
children. His demise was not unex
pected, as he had been suffering from
paralysis for some time, and especially
since Christmas.
Having been a resident of this city
for many years, the story of his life
woold interest many of our readers.
He was born in L'meriek, Ireland, in
and his father, having been
evicted from his holdings when his son
wks sixteen years of age, he removei
to America, where John soon, de
veloped a genius for building canals.
digging ditches and building railways.
In he contracted aud built the
lsi. 150 miles of the 11. V M. road in
western Iowa, to Pacific Junction, and,
in company w ith It. C. Cushiug. S. II.
Mallory and others, built most of the
U. A M. II. in Xwbraska. locating in
I'iattsmouth in and he did much
toward trie building up of this city for
ten years thereafter.
He removed his home from rutts-
mcuth t Lincoln in isT-i. He at once
took a front rauk among the leading
capitalists that city. He was elected
president of the East National bank.
and w as a director iu tuany ether en
terprises. He bunt one of the finest
suburban hw in tlie capital city and
contributed liberally to all charitable
works. He was an active member of
the Catholic church, and wan of gTeat
iistance to denomination in a
pecuniary way.
In 1nV7 he commenced the contract
for cnstructinga line of railroad from
I' jebio, Colo., to the eastern boundary
of Kansas, and it was this woik which
involved him in ditVjculties which had
so much to do with ending his well
spent life, ami to tlnlh this road Mr.
Fitzgerald exhausted his available re
sources. He IwMtnfl involved in liti
gation with iiould. Sage anil other well
known wreckers of railroads and pri
vate fortunes, ano the complications
surrounded hitu until row.
He YtK a patriotic citien of the
Lind of Lis adoption, but he never lost
sympathy Kt the cause of his unhappy
tiatlve land. He was a zealous worker
for the cause of Ireland, and in 1S0
Has elected president of the Irish Na
tional league, holding the olllce for
two years. In 1SDJ Mr. Fitzgerald, In
company with several other dis
tinguished Irish-Americans, visited
Ireland in an endeavor to reconcile the
warring factions of the Irish party, but
with indifferent success.
His death removes ono of the men
a a a a
wno nave oone mucn to make Ne
braska what tdie is. He was active,
progress! ve.publicsplrited and earnest.
His family consists of his wife und
four children, Kdward J.. I'aul, John,
jr., and Lillian. Mrs. ('has. McHntee
of this city was his sister, while Mrs.
Woo. Neville, Mrs. Lafo O'Neill, Mrs.
a a
jonn Kfiiy and J. v . liurke were
cousins. The estate which he leaves
is valued at nearly S2,000,OQO.
II. C. McMaken & Son have clospd a
contract for delivering 10,(KK) tons of
ice, and have also arranged to get their
ice from the lake on Dr. Ceo. L. Mil
ler's place at Deerfleld, near Omaha.
The lake is an artificial one and is filled
with water from an nrtisan well,
which is said to be absolutely pure,
fiuch water as men in Omaha aro - pay
ing SHk h week for th ir drinking
water supply. Mr. Me. thinks the city
council did them a groat favor when it
refused to grade up the alley adjacent
to their ice house, as it led to the clos
log of r much better bargain. They
may put in some ice here, but not so
much as they would have done if they
had been treated with any liberality.
Johnson' Oriental Soap liypurtrt a
delicate odor and leaves the skin soft
and velvety. Sold by Fricke A Co.
The writer was a witness to the pre
sentation of a New Year's gift that
was as surprising as it was pleasant.
Clans Hrekenfeld came down Sixth
street from tlie uorth. Fred Murphy
came across Main street I'rom the op
posite direction. They met at the
northeast comer. Wait a moment,"
said the former to the scribe. "As a
souvenir of the season and a reminder
of other days. I take pleasure in pre
senting to you this beautiful and
valuable emblem of an order which ex
emplltles aud enlarges up.ui the con
fidence, esteem and love which should
existbetween fellow men the Knights
of I'ythlas ami I only hope that you
may wear it with honor, and never
lose it again, "and he gave the charm
to his friend, while a significant smile
stoleoverhis face. " Well. I'll sear."
were the words that came first to the
lips of the astonished recipient, and
then the two fell into a remlnisrenl
mood and recalled how that the em
blem had been lost by Fred In the sands
on the Iowa side of the Missouri river
ast fall while the two were over there
'Hinting wild grapt-s. A boy who lived
over there had found it near the ferry
aud recently brought it over to Claus,
who pall him for his honesty, and
kept it till the occasion here spoken of.
That emblem will l doubly valuable
to Mi. Murphy hereafter.
Tilt: COUUfcCT TItlMi.
The editor of this paper h is been
nvited to the annual banquet to te
given by the Omaha Jarksanlan club
i a a a a
on amt Jackson a uay, January .
'erhaps a poor country editor ought to
eel complimented by such a rail, but
this one h: n I. I cl M, he feels him
self lo go.vl a democrat to brt.k
bread with tLe Mortons. McShanrS.
Martins, l'axtor.s. Whites, and their
Ik men who worship the Wall a-treet
golden calf in the m nning, and vote
the railroad rep'ti licau ticket iu the
eveningof an evil-dolr - day rapil-
ioii Time.
Mr. IW!e lUchey w iH kindly accrj t
our thanks for a very neatly Uu.n I
copy of J limited editiou of hrr 5eiiiS,
rom th prets of (harJea Well
lluaal. We ha!l read it with
much interest and fromthstodpoint
of jeraonal f i deitdsMp tr the author.
and can ay In advance that it con
tain many ms of uo-rit urilleu
with true ptJetie instinct an 1 in rith
mic tnclod) .
A fearful accident occurred the
other day on the farm of An to tie Sicv
rrding, four and a half miJcswestof
Maipiokcta, Iowa. Joseph Sieverdlrg
with his father atid brothers ttt-re en
gaged sawing wood with a tower aw
when he tripped and fell upon the sawi.
His left hand and wrist were fright
fully mangled. His head. too. came in
contact with the saw. near the left side
of the jaw, and crashing through the
bone, plowed its way to the back of the
neck, nearly severing tlie bead from
the body. In spite of his fearful
wounds he walked to the house? un
aided and wrote a few lines regarding
his wife and children, as he could not
talk. He died shortlv after.
TwoCasi county men were candi
dates before the caucus of republican
representatives at Lincoln Hon.. Ino.
A. Davies for the speakership and F.
H.Wilson for the clerkship. Neither
man was successful. Th lesult
simply illustrates the blunders of the
republicans In this county. They seem
willing at all times to vote into ofllce
the same old ring, but in the division
of the fruit Cass is never u factor.
On Saturday last .luck Kaikes of
Hillingstown was enioute to Omaha
with a load of wood, and when near
IJellevue foin young men from Omaha
with guns on their shoulders crossed
the road near him, ami ono of them
accident!? let his gun go off, the shot
striking both of Katkcs' mules in the
. 1. . V a f . at a.
nechs. u is uiougni one ot tlie at .-
mala will die. Uaikes Mfowtrd toe
boys to Omaha, saw the sheriff, but on
a promise of the payment of the
damages, did not prosecute.
W. AJJilmore, postmaster at llroken
How, this state, is short in his accounts
to the amount of and the town
is also short on Inhabitants to the
amount of one person, (itlmnre having
left for parts unknown, fillmoie's
last remittance, to the government was
in May. lie was last Keen in Omaha
on tho day before Christmas. His
whereabouts since that date is a com
plete mystf ry to the postolllco authori
ties, who are now engaged in bringing
the defaulted to justice.
He Cuts Queer Capers and Leaves For
Parts Unknown.
Arthur TruMlala. a t'ormrr Mall Aot
On the Mrhujler ' Un. Irarta
. From TMa f.lfa Itj u
rlila Itoul Jwttlaa".
Tantrum or An Alo Hcboul Taalr.
The-following dispatch from Kltn
wood, this county, dated yesterday,
tells or the escapade of W. H. Chap
jH'It. the well-known Alvo school
W. II. Chappetl, principal of the
!.. o! at Alvo, has made several very
pleasant calls here during the last year,
and on several occaiiona conducted
class meetiugs at the Christian church,
thus gaining the confidence of the
people, aud especially cf llird Crltch
tield, one of the leading members. The
tuodeat young man pledged 15 toward
the new church building, and Here
upon hinged his opportunity to dupe
llrother Critchneld out of i'O in coI
cash. The day before Christmas Chap
tdl borrow i-d Itepresentative A. S.
Coidey's horse and cart to come to
Klmwood. He was very anxious to
pay his church pledge, but "had for
gotten to bring any money with him.
He had a good bank account at Alvo,
and as he wanted a little Christmas
money anyway," he wrote a check for
i Zr, and as he was a stranger to the
bankers here, he asked Mr. Critchfield
to indorse it so be could draw the
money. He did so. but luckily went
along to the bank with Chaptel and
secured the t pledge. Chapped drote
to Murdock, iMiarded a train for Om
aha, and from there wrote Mr. Cooley
that his r it w as In the livery stable at
Word now comes from Alvo that
Chaporll draw two months' salary
ahead from the tiraturerof the r-chOol
board. He leaves a wife and several
little chiMieu in uedy circumstances.
This Is the second cuper of this kind
Mr. Chappet! has plijed. A few ycam
ago I f I It liMtr a nd nothing was
heard of him for a long titne. when a
letter came from Mm iu California,
slating that he had unconsciously
wandered ana and had just come to
ht er,s-H.
The following dispatch lu Monday
morning's papers from Council lilufls,
will te of Interest l l'lattsmouth
"Aithur A. Tueadale, yooo man
forineilya ranvaorr. commilteI sui
cide here tonight. He and Ids wife
were separated and thiry had a quar
rel t!ds afternoon oer a swindling
operation in which ! is alleged to
have taken part. As soon as she left
he took carbolic ci i and died in a few
minutes. His parents live in Fremont,
Truesdale will be remembered as
rail nray mall agent who was on the
run tielwern this city and Schuyler for
some ten or twelve months about four
yeaisngo. He was transferred loan
other run. but ultimately lost his ihjsI
tiou because of loose habits. His par
ents are among the most respected
people In Fremont.
Kraut in half barrels. Zuckweiler X
Lntz, corner Sixth aud Fearl.
Tfl I.mIk- Ml, A.t. I'.W. t:iacta tlftleara
The annua election of oilicers of
Trio lodge, A. O. l W., occurred Frl
tfay night ut their lodge rooms in Fit
geruld block. An unusually large
numberof members were present, and
the election passed off very harmon
iously, with the following result:
M. W. L. W. Fitt.
Foreman.!. N. Summers.
Overseer A. F. (Jroom.
lUcorder F. V. llrown.
Financier (J. F. Houseworth.
lleceiver F. II. Steimker.
(Julile (ieo. liUChsiuski.
I. W. (!eo. McCavigan.
O. W.-Chas. Forbes.
Trustees A. F. (Jroom. (5eo. (Jray.
Medical Fxuminers Drs. F.
Cook,T. V. Livingston.
The lodge decided by an uunimous
vote to give up the use of its hall next
lodge night, Jan. 11, to tho tiso of the
Jr.O. I?. A. M. to install itsothcers and
exemplify its work, at the request of
that lodge.
Japanese File ('lire Is an unfailing
cure for every kind aud stage of the
disease. (Guaranteed by Fricke A Co.
AltOtTMl Slli: CI'H KM.
Amy Hogard vs. Jno. J. itogard is
the title of a divorce unit Oiled in dis
trict court this week. The plaintiff
lives in the vicinity of Weeping Water
and asks for a separat ion on tin- ground
of desertion. A. L. Ttmblin is at
Judge Chapman adjourned district
court Mondav sine die, and announced
the terms of court for "06 as follows:
Cass Feb. 11, May 0 and Sep. so.
Otoe April 2, June 10 and Nov. 18.
The May term In Cass and the June
erm in Otoe are equity terms, while
the other are jury terms.
In the application of Hertha Leola
Martin for a one-eighth interest in the
Shadrach Cole estate. Judge Chapman
decided Friday that the application Is
Just and should prevail. Uertha was
an adopted child of the deceased,
Shadrach Cole. Under at division her
share of the estate wculd amount to
some 2,x.
Jydge Chapman pasted on the news
paper controvesy over the Herald plant
between A. H. Knotts and Hlanchard
& Fotter, and held that the material
sold by Hlanchard & Fotter to the
News proprietors was not Included In
the original mortgage. Mr. Knotts
wa given the right to foreclose on
that portion of the plant which was
saved from the Herald fire in March,
Final settlement was made in county
court yesterday In the estates of Win.
and Stephen M. C. Lloyd.
I). C. West of Nehawka was in
county court Monday affecting a final
settlement with County Judge Uam-
ievintht llruce estate, of which Mr-
West is administrator.
In the case of Chas. Noyes, the
Ix.ulsville horse thief, the defense filed
a . a a B - l..a?
an application r rtaay wriore jus wee
Archer for aconliuance until Jan. 14.
and the court granted the desired re
lief. Ola Alex was tried and convicted
before Justice Archer on Monday on
tte charge of stealing some fodder
from the farm of Wm. (lilruour in
Hock Muffs precinct. Atrxwasen-
(eiuf l to pay fine of II and cowls,
and upon f nrnlshing security he was
released. 'Ihe theft occured on lec
7. The value of the stolen property
was lixed at about ten cents, t'ut the
testimony was of such a nature that
the emit of the accused would admit
of no dispute.
Od'UT iukjm Nona.
Lawyer (Jeo. M. Spurlock of this
city has Wen admitted to practice le-
fore the supreme court of the state.
Judge Dundy a U.S. district court
met again today at Omaha, and U. S.
Marshal F. L. White, Grand Juryman
Simon Lynch aud Petit Juryman A. C.
Miller were in attendance.
Mr. Travis vacated his quarters in
the court houre today and moved into
his new ottlce in the Union block.
County Attorney Folk was in Lincoln
today, and will not enter upon the
fulfillment of his duties until tomor
The county commissioners were in
session today, with Mr. Hayes, the
senior member, in the chair. Mr. Fat
terson filed u new bond, re-qualified
and will setve as a member of the
board, by appointment, until his sue
cessor is chosen at the next fall elec
Sheriff Likenbary is home from his
trip to Peadwood, S. I)., whither h
journeyed last week to witness the
hanging of the Indian murderer, Two
Sticks. The sheriff picked up some
valuable pointers in regard to conduct
ing nn execution and when it becomes
his unpleasant duty to officiate next
March at the hanging of Harry Hill
he feels that he can superintend the
affair without a break.
iiusiav .v. uenze, wen Known as a
a. 1 .la a
sign painter In Omaha, has been sued
iu the Douglas county district court
by Mrs. Victoria Seeley for $10,0W.
Attorney Wappich filed tho petition
yesterday demanding that amount,
charging Hene with playing false with
thoalTectlons of Mrs. Seeley, a buxom
lady of thirty. Itenre was one of Mrs.
Seeley 's boarders, and she alleges that
he has lived with her under promise of
marriage for about three years.
The story of the abduction and pes
slblc lynching of llarrett Scott. Holt
county's defaulting treasurer, smacks
strongly of the fake. Most people will
wait for a veriiflcation of the nffalrbe-
for accepting it as true.
Local Dotes and Dashes of Interest
to "Journal" Readers.
Oat or Caaa Count jr'a
t:nrltt .tilra
l;art I'ur
, T. lii
! to III f inal
thr I'Mrtlrnlar
Trualal Sulrll
Mrath Or Am Ht Srtllar.
Jas. L H tuning, a resident of Ne
hawka and one of thex-ailiet settlers
In Cass county, passyd to his final re
ward Tuefcday at his home in Ne
haw ha after a yea.rsr illness with
dropsy. Deceased w;s some oo years
of age, and his departure is mourned
. .... . . ' . i .
oy uve cunuren luree suns anu iu
daughters. Funejfcl services were
held today at the family residence
and the remains interred irr the
Nehawka cemetery. The deceased for
many years has teen a member of the
I. O. O. F. and the funeral was con
ducted under the auspices of the Odd
Fellows' society of Nehawka.
Trtnll'a HalrUlv.
The following dispatch from Council
Bluffs gives some further information
in regard to the suicide of Arthur
Truesdale at that place:
"Arthur Truesdale, whose parents
live iu Fremont, Nb, committed sui
cide at the residence ot Howard Col-
lins, lOOTifth avenue. Council HltiCs'.
Sunday evening at & o'clock. Mr.(.il
llns was alone in the house with hinSat
the time. Truesdale came to the IlIufTa
December lo, and spent moat of the
time since the Collins houie.
He had trouble -Iwith his wife some
thing over a year as-, whirli resulted
in a separation. She went to Omaha
and hasteen elerkingin Harden Hroa.
stortr. Sunday afternoon Mrs. Trues
dale visited her husband and during
the conw-rsation the subjt-ct ol a re
newal of marriage relations was
broached. She said that any time lie
could guarantee her a good living sd -
would come back to him. She left the
house and five minutes later he took
the dose that killed him.
l,Traedale"a father lives in Fre
mont, Neb., and is reputed to le a
wealthy wholesale and retail dealer in
flour and fe d. An effort was made to
telegraph him of his son's misfortune
Sunday evening. I ut he could not It
found. Up o th time he had trouble
with los wife ht had been employed
on the Union Pacific as a postal e'erk.
and he was considered one of the lest
clerks in the service. He took to drink,
committed a breach of faith add lost
his position.'
Cass county's mortgage recird tor
the entire year of Isvl, as compiled by
County Clerk Dickson and Register of
Dcetls Hay, is as follows:
Piled , f:a.i! j
Relear-ed , . i?.S.S
Filed t T7.:.l
Hcleaed S15. li ii
Filed tlUV
U leased 119,T.lO
The record for the month of Decem
ber Is:
FA11M i KorEUTT.
Filed fd.CM :
Kc!eavl IT.71
Filed f a,5a s
Relcaaed .. ILK'.i j
r::i ti !.
Kfleae-I r.sTa ,j
On the record for the entire year it
will be noticed that the excess of town
mortgages released over those filed is
some f 10.1XX), wliile on farm propertv
those filed exceed those released over
T0,(XX1. In past years the reverse his
been the general rule, but the" poor
showing made on farm piopeitv for
this year doubtless has its origiu in the
of crops during the past
A Sure Ct, r Inaniy.
Iu regard to the recent shooting
down at Nebraska City, the News has
the following to say of Schmidt, the
murderer: " Fvidenceof Schmidt's in-
sanity seems to be accumulating. A
few weeks ago he wrote a letter to Dr.
Hay, at the Lincoln asylum, in which
he accused that gentleroun of dri ing
a nail In hh ear and destroying his
hearing. Schmidt also said that the
doctor had dropped a tdll into his t of
fee which made him deathly sick for
several days nnd he proposed suing b r
The" I'lanSif ter"l!our is the popi; L,r
brand. Ask for It from your pre :i r.