Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, November 22, 1894, Image 8

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    - -.,- AM .... ...... .. ...... , '""t
The Record is Broken!
3;Tevex i:EL tl2.e la.istor3T of tla.e Clotla.ixa.g: Trade liave 37-0-0. Tseeri a,Tole to secure
s-CLcla. T7"S,l"o.e for rouLr rra.ora.e37- sis of
302nT, tine
Men's Business suits, good value SS-Ogi-y
Men's black Worsted suits, good, value $15.00, . . .
Men's square and round cut suits, .good value $15.00, .
Men's double-breasted Cheviot suits, good value $13.50,
qw' cmHc rrorH vnlnfi $6.00. ......
Children's suits, good
Our complete
penders Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Valises will aiso De soia at xsjjj-jxvjx jtxvxjo.
ELSON, the Cash Clothier, I! PLSfHg,l A
They Posses Great Charms For a Bold
Sort of Thief.
A Heartlesa HonM Owner Throw Ty
phoid I'atlent Out In the Street and
Now the Man Is Expected to
Die Utner Notes.
Iowa Cattle Thieve.
For some time past the farmers re
aiding on the Iowa side of the river
have been missing their cattle, and all
told the neighborhood has been a suf- J
ferer to the extent of some ten or
twelve cattle. The thefts were
reported to the authorities of
this city and an investiga
tion was immediately commenced.
It was soon developed that quite a few
of the stolen cattle bad been brought
to this city, but the task to locate the
party stealing the cattle proved
a difficult one, as the des
cription failed to tally with anyone
known in these parts. The authorities
have finally secured something tangi
ble and a warrant was issued yester
day for the arrest of a man called Cal
Bonce. The party wanted is supposed
to be in Nebraska City and a descrip
tion of him was telegraphed to that
place yesterday. So far the authorities
have not received any word as to his
apprehension but they have every
reason for believing that they will
9 Kn have nabbed their game.
The Same As Murder.
Reports of a cruel case of attempted
eviction comes from Omaha. A poor
woman named Mrs. Sarah Teterson,
living on Martha street, says that her
husband, who is sick with typhoid
fever, was taken from a sick bed yes
terday afternoon and removed to the
Douglas county hospital in tte am
bulance wagon while he was in a
critical condition. She states that the
cause of removal was to secure posses
sion of the bouse because of non-pay
ment of rent. The physicians having
the case in charge say that the re'
moval of .Lewis Peterson at this time
will probably prove fatal for him
When Mrs. Peterson objected to hav
ing her husband taken from the house
she was assaulted by Mr. and Mrs.
Feller, the owners of the property
Peterson was carried out of the house
and compelled to walk to the cab in
. his stocking feet.
A letter dated the 14th inst. reached
v.hi3 city, announcing the death by
drowning of C. O. Bonnell, familiarly
known as "Doc," who resided in this
city for a number of years and was
employed by the B. & M . as a fireman
before the "Q" strike. lie left here a
short time ago and at the time of his
death was employed by the li. & M. in
constructing a bridge near Sheridan
Wyo , over the Big Horn river, in
which stream be was drowned. He
was hauling concrete to the first pier
when be fell. His cries for help were
heard, but no assistance could reach
him. The body has not been recovered
He is a distant relative of G. W. Bon
hpII the city ticket agent of tre B. &
M. It is believed other relatives re
side in Iowa. Lincoln Journal.
Word now comes that the populis
state committee, as a sort of an offset
to the game of bluff which the Majors
outfit is running, win contest the elec
tion of the entire state republican
ticket. The whole business is a rank
piece of nonsense. Holcomb's election
was fair and square as was that of
the republican ticket, and the state
committees deserve to take a back
seat and give the people a n-st.
All legal business giten prompt at
ntion, D. O. Dwyer, attorney, Platts
value $2.50,
assortment of Men's and Boys' Underwear, Shirts, Collars, Hats, Caps,
If all ieports are true Wabash
soon have a first-class physician.
Mrs. Warner delivered two sermons
at the M. . church last Sunday, in
the interest of the Wesleyan Univer
sity. II. T. Squires has moved his dwel
ling from Weeping Water and will re
build at Wabash.
A series of protracted meetings will
commence next Sunday evening atthe
Baptist church on the hill.
Joe Jackson who lost hi3 house by
fire last week, bas moved into the
Berlin house.
Our elevators are getting in some
corn, it seems to be of the lilliputian
variety, however.
Jake Stucker has his saw mill in
town and is making stove wood fast.
Dan E. Hay suspended business last
Monday, all on account of being too
accommodating to bis customers.
Wm. R. Webb with the two Dalton
families are on their way back from
Oklahoma. A two months sojourn in
that counrty seems to have been suffi
cient. Japanese Liver Pellets cure bilious
ness, sour stomach and all kidney and
liver troubles. Small and mild. Sold
by Fricke & Co.
ccording to the North China Her
ald the emperor of China is a subject,
if not tbe hero, of a story that is circu
lating in Pekin. A palace eunuch, it
is said, recently delivered a letter or
dispatch meant for tbe imperial eye
alone into the hands of one of the
ladies of the harem. Thereupon bis
majesty siezed a sword and immedi
atly decapitated tbe offending messen
ger, xne people or resin are saiu 10
speak of the incident with undisguised
satisfaction, regarding it as a proof
that the emperor has a mind of his
own after all.
South Omaha packeis are excited
over an advance in rates on tbe ship-
ment of hogs to points east of the Mis
sissippi, which is announced to take
place Dec. 1. The purpose of the
rise is said to be to force shipments to
Chicago instead of having the killing
done on the Missouri river.
Lint ( Letter
Remaining uncalled for in the post-
office at PlattsmouthNov. 21, for week
ending Nov. 14,1894:
Barttett, Mrs Emma Carey, D B
Galler, (ieorge Lamb, der n
Kenolds, Mrs B F
Persons calling tor amy of the above
letters or parcels will please say '4ad
vertised." W. K. Fox. P. M.
F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists, will
tell you that Johnson's Magnetic Oil
always gives satisfaction and it tbe
The late decision of the supreme
Court in which it was held that the
county is liable for all repairs to the
Louisville bridge, really occasioned
little surprise in legal circles. At the
time the question was lirst raised
Countv Attorney Travis advised the
county commissioners that the county
was liable, but tbe commissioners were
determined to test the matter in the
courts and test it they did. As to the
matter of commencing suit to compel
Sarpy county to stand half the repairs,
it is now considered unlikely that
any such move will be made.
Lawyers state that the supreme court
has already passed on the same ques
tion wherein the Buffalo county com
missioners instituted suit to make a
sister county foot half the repairs on a
bridge accross the Platte, and tbe su
preme court held against Buffalo.
There is nothing for the county board
to do but pay the repair bills and quit
"Tbe Ebony Songsters" with a com
pany of thirty selected artists
will play to a crowded house on
Thanksgiving Eve. Secure your seats
early at Lehnhoff 's and avoid the rush.
lll'K PRICK.
$ 4.65
. 4.90
I Kluiit"l'omlo r.rlrr.
An eloping couple from Lancaster
1 J: nl. f lia T.inftln
COlllliy. Siiya " uin'aici! n mo "v-"' "
Journal, came to gnei in ijeatnce
Wednesday night. The way it oc
curred was this:
For about a year past a fellow
named "Zack" Jones has worked on
the farm of Louis Wegman near Mar
tel, Lancaster county. Last Tuesday
he quit. He went to Lincoln, bought
a 32-calibre revolver and a box of car
tridges, and Wednesday he and Mrs.
Wegman, accompanied by a six-year
old son of the later, started out to see
the country. They went as far as De
Witt on the Itock Island and there they
hired a liveryman to bring them to
C. E. Clarke, a driver for the livery
man started for Beatrice with them
and when out a few miles the buggy
upset. This angered young Jones and
he began nourishing his revolver ac
companied with threats of shooting
the driver. They finally got straight
ened out and came on. arriving at
about 10 o'clock at night.
Clarke put up his team and started
out to find an officer. He swore out a
warrant charging Jones with assault
and the pair were arrested by Deputy
Sheriff Kyd about midnight. They had
gone to bed at the Butler house, man
woman and bov occupying the same
room. Jones was considerably fright
ened when the officer stepped into the
room, took his gun from him and com
manded him to get into his clothes
He was arrainged today and pleading
guilty was fined $5 and costs, which he
paid and was released. He bad t02
when arrested, but after paying his
attorney i'M and his other "incidental"'
expenses had but about $20 left. The
woman admitted ehe was married and
said that she had three children at
home. The woman's husband has
been notified of the occurence.
Buy the improved Singer sewing ma
chine. Anton Trillity, local agent,
office in Unruh's furniture store.
It out I Not ! .
To .1 l. wnnv IT Mat cose IRN :
Th commissioner atP'inted to view a road
petitioned for by Jacob A. Cain and others
commencing at a point on me uki mau "
i. resent located !ont 40 rot trommel, rorne
of the SW"-.. of NE1., of section Ib-VJ-lO. runn'm
thence a little north of west until it cross the
ravine riuht south of and near a clump of wil
low, thence in a N course on west sitie 01
ravine t a noint about north of Williams'
bouse. runnliiK thence across and up 1'awnee
creek In a SW course until it strikes the sec
tion line in the NE ot section hl-Vi-W. thence
phi on said line to and terminating at the rond
runnlnir north an J south through section 16-13-
10. and to vacate old road from commencing c
the new. as above described, to road running
north and south through section ltt 12-10.
above described, has reported In favor of the
location thereof, and all objections thereto, o
claims for damates, must be tiled in the county
clerk's office on or before noon on the l.'.ih dHy
of Januarv. A D. 185. or such road will be
located without reference thereto.
4S4 K RANK IMOKSON. County Clerk.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was Child, Ehe cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
LADIES o you Kiiev
are the original and only FRENCH, safe and re
liable core on the market. Price jfUW, sent D7
mad. Genuine wild only by
Fricko & Co., Drussists.
Or. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment
Is sold undr pMitive written iruarautet by author
Ized aifeuts only, to cure Wi-nk 2Wtrory; Lops of
Urain and Nerve tower; Lost Manhood; Qul-kuess;
Nitrht Losses; Kvil lream; lAik of Coniidence;
Nervousness; Iissituile; all Drains; Loss of Power
ot the Generative Oreunt In eith-r sex, caused by
overexertion; Youthful Krrors, or Kxcesive Use of
Tobacco, Opium or Liquor, which soon lend to
Miser, Consumption, Insanity and leHth. lly mail,
llatiox; 6 for $5: with writtfn miarnntee to cure or
refund money. Wl-ST'8 COIIOII SYKl'P. A certain
cure for C-uuhs, Colds, Atlinia, Bronchitis, Croup,
Whooping Uh, 8ore Throat. Pleasant to take.
Hmall size uisoontlnned; old. (SOc. size, now 2.1c.; old
II size, now 60c. OUAJUANXEES issued only by
F. fi. Fricke & Co, drusslsts.
Men's pants, good value $2.00, $ 1.40
Men's Custom-made pants, good value $7.00, . . . 5.0
Men's Chinchilla overcoats, good value $8. 50, . . . 4.85
Men's fur collars and cuffs overcoats, good value $16.50, 10.00
Children's cape overcoats, good value $3.50, . . . l.OO
The Overcoat. To clothe gentle-
men, vouths and boys correctly, at
Mimll cost, is our pride. T
. . 2
For the Kail storms the rain, the
coid, and soon the snow r
It is wise to protect yourself with
one of our Fall Overcoats. The cost
Is ONLY IO.OO. See its stronif
stitchiin;, feel its familinr tit and be
Suited with your clothiiiK: if it fits .
0 too loosely or Is trrowiiiir obi. tr) one 0
Ot our 91 r Al.l. ii-,. ror
0 business, pletsure and style it equals
made-to-measure. For storm-defy-
0 iiiK, its character is kiiiK-y. 0
The Leading Clothier. J
040 040
Right Arm Paralyzed!
Saved from St. Vitus Dance.
'Our daughter, Blanche, now fif
teen years ot age, had been terribly
afflicted with nervousness, and had
lost the entire use of her right arm.
We feared St. Vitus dance, and tried
the best physicians, with no benefit.
She has taken three bottles of Dr.
Miles' Nervine and has gained 31
pounds. Her nervousness and symp
toms of St. Vitus dance are entirely
gone, she attends school regularly,
and has recovered complete use of
her arm, her appetite is splendid."
MRS. B. K. BULLOCK, Brighton. N. Y.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Dr. Miles Nervine is Bold on a positive
guarantee that the first bottle will benefit.
All druRgists Bell it at (1,6 bottles for $5, or
It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lnd.
Sold by all druggists.
These tiny Capsules are superior
to Balsam of Copaiba, X""
Cubebs and Injections. fJTW
ey cure in 48 hours the y ,
same diseases without any incon
r rTh
Write, for Cuts an. I l'riees. COLUMBIAN AND MONARCH GRATES.
14th and Farnam Streets. OMAHA, NEB.
QTIITQ Overcoats, Jack
uUllu. et' Capes and
At Metropolitan prices. The great
competition in a large city like
Omaha keep prices away down.
Doing business on an immense
scale and with our unrivaled facil
ities, enables us to easily under
sell all competitors, een those in
Omaha. We give a few price
No ftiri I.HiPk f'loaka at A 4.V worth ?4 to
M each.
No. 2a.". I.aliea' Clonks at f4.P!5. worth T to
tl5 each.
No am I. allies I.ani? at l 73.
worth to (id eiteb.
worth (10 to (15 each.
No. 4S0!iei' Long Newmarket hi ?4
worth f l. to iM each.
"vlncii Coonev l"ur Caies at 12..p. worth
-'0 (Xt.
M Inch tVotiov Fur Oiife-. at flK.ti. vnith i
:) on.
t n .1 1 . nn i ...... xrti;....- , 1 . .... ui
t-J M anil (Hi :t Thin.' arc the vervimei-t
This stock i.f reeular coods in Ladies'. Child
ren's, and Misses' floaks. Cape :md .lackois is
now complete in every detail.
Men's ni; wjoI ess emere and cheviot w ir.lcr
giiits for (.Yt).
Men's very line worsted suit. in kindle ml
ilotitle hreasted stles. (1-.00 va lues, torT.&.
1.,tiu Mll-uikf-il liltii-lf flftv WiiT-kf.'ff kiiirv in
sack or frock sty li, worth !l.C9: our price, (
Men's all-wool Beaver overcoats, in blue.
Mack ami brown, the kind nil dealers sell for
f I2..M): our price, (7..r0.
A ,i .ill-i.'rwtl im,,a llltfii ftvprr-nnf In rfotittli
Or single breasted stales, brown mid Oxford,
(10.0U values, for .Y75.
Men'a very Hue all-wool Kersey overcoats, silk
yoke and silk sleeve linhiK. in brown, bine,
black and slate')ors: tbe kind that h1 1 i-lotlii im
stores sell for ('JO no to j-.'5 00. our price (10 en to
nx. DO.
Men's all fur overcoat for $7.S0 to 00.
Bovk' knee pant suits, aires 4 to
A Rood,
durable suit for (1.25 and si. 50.
All-wool knee pantauit for tl.tfi.
Very line knee pant suit for $i -'. and 2.T.",
worth double.
.If yon come in person you can easily
find in our unlimited assortment just
what you want, and at just the price
you wish to pay. If you cannot come
yourself, our mail order department
will serve you almost as well. Try us.
16th and Dodge Streets,
Park Obesitt Pills will reduce your weight
PERMANENTLY from la to Impounds a month.
NO STARVING, sicknesa or injury; NO PUB
LIC1TY. They build up the health and beauti
fy the complexion, leaving NO WRINKLES or
flabbiness. STOUT ABDOMENS and difficult
breathing surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT,
but asclentitic and positive relief, adopted only
afteryearsof exjwrieuce. All orders supplied
direct ; front our oce. Price (2.00 per package
or tnree packages for (500 by mail postpaid.
Testimonials and particulars sealed) 2 cents.
fAll correspondence strictly confidential.
Park Remedy Co., Boston, Mass.
(ICR rmcK
Socks, Sus-
o-u.r Slices sure
marked in plain,
uies, a.nci crxe price to
all, wlnetlier Ixere cr
otl l.17 OonglmM Strt-rt,
Omaha. .
tli ISoKton stort-. OinnhK, Rni n
t FlrK'"1 Chinn Souvrnir I'Ulr FltKK.
Cone yourself or send your order to the
N. XV. for. lfith and noiiijlHR-st.
Owning our own tore. Toying no rent, buy
ing and gelling nil gooiln for each, enables us to
sell Roods for less money than any otber More
In America
It's the Greatest Mercantile
Establishment in the West.
Over ioo different departments,
each carrying separate lines.
More than a million dollars' worth,
of Merchandise on hand all the
Our (irt-at Salt ot tile
Weils Streat 4 'Fair," Chicago,
VALUED AT 140,(i(K).
2.000 ladies' stylisli Prince Albert
jacKets. iknib.'e-ljieasttci witli large
reveres, in beaver, co veil cloth or cliin
cliilla, worth 19 00. ko at $12 50. All
sizes. Largest assortment imported
garoieiits, no two alike, in.tnv satin
lined, worth $39.0(, choice 2-5.00 each..
liiack, colored and changeable 40
inch English Henriettas, lntiiedress
pattern of 7 yds. go at $1.39. ")00 dress
patterns. all wool suitings, hop-snckinps
aiMl fancy cheviots, worth 7"c a vil., an
entire dress pattern for$2.5o. 1 yards
wide imported novelties, pure silk and
wool, cost $1.50 to import, at 7oc a yd.
Men's?:? HO Cnlf shoes (t SO
Men's (5. (HJ Calf shoes S rt
Men's (Otm Cork Sole shoes 3 W
Ladies' CI 00 shoes 1
Ladies' ".(K We't and Hand-turn shoes S !
Ladies (S.ini shoes 5 00
Men's BOc Heavy Gray Wool underwear (0 2I
Men's T"ic Ilea vv Fancy underwear S."
Men's tfl 00 All-Wool underwear W
Men's (1.50 HiRh tirade underwear 75
Ladies' 3"c Heavy Rib underwear, drawers
only V
Lailies 50o Heavy underwear
Ladies' Natural Wool anl Zephyr Knit
underwear, worth (l.oo. ."
Ladies' (-2 50 All-Wool Combination Suits. . !
Child's Part Wool I Sizes, lti IS 20 22 24
underwear f Price, 7li IOl2'i 117'ic
Child's All Wool Sizes, lrt 18 .'( tl
underwear.. f Price, 15 2D 25 J
Child's Yarn Knit mitts .x?
Omaha, Neb.