Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, November 08, 1894, Image 5

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    The Record is Broken!
"been. a.Tole to secure
s-u-olia. -vsl1"cl for 37-"CLir m.or2-03r sus of
ZEZLSOlsr, t:b.e Oeusli
Men's Business suits, good value $8.00, $ 4.65
Men's black Worsted suits, good value $15.00, ... . 10.00
Men's square and round cut suits, good value $15. 00, . . 10.00
Men's double-breasted Cheviot suits, good value $13.50, 8.65
Boys' suits, good value $6.00, 4.90
Children s suits, good
Our complete assortment of Men's and Boys' Underwear, Shirts, Collars, Hats, Caps,
. -a. a i r a
penders, Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Valises will also be sold at ttmu-tujuii. jrxcnjjij&.
Mat or Gorder of Weeping Water
was in town Sunday visiting Lis
B. F. Turner, a former Plattsmouth
citizen, but now a resident of Cliicapo,
was in the city yesterday.
J. J. Shafer of Weeping Water was
a l'lattsmouth visitor today, and made
Tub Journal a pleasant call.
The latest returns make it certain
that Sturdevant is defeated, the Ne
biaska City News to the contrary.
Henry Snyder and nephew, Geo.
Snyder, both of the precinct, have re
turned from a four week's visit at the
former's old homo in Highland
county, Virginia.
Ch;is. Vallery, Will Stadelniann and
Frnk Itaueu.all three l'lattsmouth
boy a h are now in the employ of the
liurl i itii n in Chicago, are here tcra
short visit with their parents in this
Aifx Walker. stn of Jap. W alker,
one nf Murrart best-known citizens,
departed for Lincoln Wednesday t
take, a two ear"s cmnse in t!i.-
medu-;d department t li.e Cottier'
nuivei -i: .
Thf I i:i'.:u :i lt-C'rder contain-i
mnif u.iv.-i itian cnutitt v J
urr. 1 wt.i li ;":iirs ti this ollice. Tin ,
meicii nm . ihai vicinity rvHentl j
liiv. t'ti !i i tii" biiaiiit-.-s tn ixiin that
Tlir tsrM t-w al- :tre nftt-n like the
initial i't an ax upon i lie trunk
ol a tic-; N sit iiit-r how sharp the
ax. r !! hrti-i tiie ttiruk-. the tree
top never ti-tjiLlej or drcliiies until
a ii(;ieri'n !' litis has been iH
tient ly t nirk
Cipt.iii. U ! 'il;er one of the
li-!.i-ki.ov ii it.iiiriti fOtii- and
iinn t-i- in 'lie wiuie i..ick Hills
con ! i'i . i- m 1 t v v i-ii in ir with II .
C- Mc!.ikeu The ivo vv i : I depart the
last of the veek lor the IJIiick. Hills to
eiijuv a hunt.
A p.ick of vi.l iin-itis v.u d.ils set lire
to the African M. E. church in Ne
braska City mi Halloween niht and
the building was completely destroyed
thus causing a loss of 81,000, and at
the same time took from the colored
people of Nebraska City tbeir only
place of worship. The perpetrators of
the deed desei ve the severest sort of
A man from Focatello, Idaho, re
cently sent to Salt Lake for some fur
niture. His local dealer, hearing of
this, called on him and said: "I had
those same goods. Why didn't you
buy from tre? "What, did you have
them ? " was the surprised rejoinder.
"I nevtr thought so; but I saw an ad
of the things I wanted in the Salt
Lake papers and sent for them." The
moral is apparent.
A force of B. & M. linemen are at
work putting in new copper telegraph
wire throughout the entire local yards.
It is the experience of the company
that copper wire gives much the best
satisfaction, as the smoke from switch
engines has the result of rusting out
the wire now in use in a comparatively
short time. C. E. Yates, superinten
dent of the telegraphing department,
was in town for a few hours today
looking after the matter.
C. II. Babcock, the real estate agent,
has just completed a property trade
wherein Grocer McCourt has .riven bis
residence property in this city and
some Havelock and Omaha lots in ex
change! for a 20-acre fruit farm in
California. Mr. McCourt will retain
his business interests in this city but
bis family will remove some time this
winter to the California farm. Mrs.
llcCourt's health is poor, and it was
for that reason that the trade was
value $2.bU
H'HjDer la Trouble A;uiu.
Wm. Wagner, better known in this
locality as "Sleek Bill," is again in
trouble. Bill has made quite a record
for himself during the past several
years. His meanness was not displayed
to any alarming extent until after the
death of his wife some four years ago,
when he won the affections of the
young wife of old Jno. T. Hawks, a
farmer down in the country, and
caused their separation. Later on be
betrayed one of Hawks' young daugh
ters and was forced to marry her, but
no sooner was the ceremony performed
than he left the girl to care for herself
and child. The sister of his first wife
was a widow and he secured her to act
as his housekeeper and care fur his
two children. ' The woman eventually
made known her intention of marry
ing and Bill threatened to shoot her if
she should marry any but himself.
The woman refused to be thus coerced
and Bill made threats of suiciding.
This was a bigger bluff than ever as
he bad been careful to remove the
cartridge s from hi pistol lfire pull
ing the trigger. This wasalxmi two
years ao, and a short time after lit
moved to Omaha, where it is s iid that
he ag:iiii married without going
rl.r-pih t lit usual formality if ecur-
iij a di vorce f rum the former Hawk
vrl. i?i'.l has kept aw .. t ioni I'lattfc
ni'it.t ii otii il onl a few we and
'ie - -.rii i'i'iI !; return lis week
i.i mj.i two a'-ts of meanness,
vh'Hi desTVe to fetid him tothepeiii
eiitiary. ti ick to ell mme
Nothing lel"iieing to .l.tke Denson.
i he brother of his first wife. :iol then
Picketed the m mev. !1U gerund
let is the o ie wtiieh CMiisesr
the rub, fin! his " r.!
-'a-i Is an eX'-ellen' chance
of meeting i I H jut l ewnl d Hill drove
out to the t'.irtu of Eii:n S;ee. who
lives in the south western onrkirls of
town, one day l.r.-t week and re-irr--ented
th it he had a viiimct t fur
irsh (i);l liiisliels of upi!ei to x'-iiie O. It
alia parties. He ne-de-l a ;,. m J. en!
uioie (45 liiishel) to till the contract.
Mr. S.ue ooI him the apples and Wag.
ner promised t be down either- on
S itnrd.i or .!omI,iy last and p y for
the apple. He fniied to appearand
Mr. Sage instituted an investigation
and learned that Bill had no apple
contract at all. He had simply driven
the load of apples to Omaha and ped
dled them ouc by the bushel. Mr.
Sage has filed a complaint before Jus
tice Archer charging him with ob
taining goods under false pretenses.
It has developed that Wagner has
recently been living with a laundry
woman in South Omaha, and Sheriff
Eikenbary went to that place Friday
morning to bring Bill to this city for
trial. The sheriff soon located his
man and brought him to this city that
evening and placed him in jail.
Another of Wagner's questionable
deals has come to light. It appears
that he buncoed one Aleck Powell, a
farmer living on the Iowa bottoms,
out of a load of onions on the same
kind of a deal as he worked on Sage.
Powell threatens to make Wagner
suffer unless he puts up the coin for
the onions. Powell, however must
take his turn as Wagner has two other
prosecutions to answer before Powell
can get a whack at him.
The criminal prosecution against
Wm. Wagner, held before Justice
Archer on Monday on the charge; of
defrauding Elids Sage out of a load of
apples valued at t:?0, went against the
prisoner. The testimony showed
Wagner up as being an unprincipled
villain and the court took great pleas
ure, and justly too, in giving Wagcer
a thirty day's sentence in the county
jail. The costs amounted to over $28,
and Wagner's term of imprisonment
will thereby be extended to thirty
eight days. When be gets out the au
thorities may have something else in
store for him.
Headquarters for; cheese at Weck
bach's grocery.
Am I'um'comiuodatiog Mother-in-Law.
Since Henry C. Code, the book
keeper for the Heyn Photo supply
company of Omaha, left the city to at
tend the funeral of his mother-in-law.
who had not died, experts have been
going over his books and report a
shortage of not far from $3,000. Last
week some discrepancy was noted in
his accounts, and he saw that the
books would soon be investigated. He
asked leave to lay off a day to attend
the funeial of his grandmother in
Council Bluffs, where he retained his
home. That worthy lady isj-tillon
earth and in Council Bluffs, as also is
Mrs. Code, who has no idea where her
husband has gone. He did not even
say good by to her. Code has flitted
west. The photo people have not lost
any thing by him, as they calculate,
and if anybody gets on his trail it will
no doubt be his bondsmen.
.Ml legal business given prompt at
tention, D. O. I wyer, attorney, i'latts-
There is mure calami in this section
t l tie country than all oilier diseases
put, and until the hot tew
eais wa Mippobrtl to be iucurabie.
ror a gieai uuin Jeai.s doctors pro
nounced il . local disease, rtiid pres
et ilied local rvmedies, and by con
stantly iailing to cure with local" treat
ment. !: onoiinced il ittcurat'le. Science
ha.s proven catarrh to he a const it u
tionul lieae and therefore requires
:oit itut ioiiiil treatment. Hall' Ca
tarrh Cnrp. manufactured bv F.
O'eney V t'o . Toledo. Ohm is the
only c-Mistitutional rnre on the mar
ket. It is taken internally in doses
fr rn to drnp tn h teaspoonfn.l. It acts
d' recti v on the blood atxl mccou sur
fpres of the svntem Thev offi r one
hundred dollars for anv cnre it fails to
pit". KerH Vr circuhits an te'i
mriTii:i"s. Addrse.
V. I ''lIES'EV. it Vl . Toledo. ).
Sold bv drtiggi-sTs. 75c.
Machinist Bob Schaper went down
to r!.itt!motitb to visit over Sunday
ill; his family. That night he started
iick to Havelock Wv way of Lincoln
and al th latter place lie met v" h
quite a painful accident. In walk5"?
up street from the depot in Lincoln "
get a f.treet car. and while passir;
across 10th street be slipped on some
thing that lie thinks must have been a
banana peel. He fell heavily, throw
ing out his left arm to protect himself.
As a result he is now nursing a broken
arm. the bone having snapped near
the wrist. Bob had the accident
promptly treated and was around on
his feet Monday, all right otherwise.
Japanese Liver Pellets are the best
family medicine for liver complaint
and constipation. Fifty pills in vial
twenty-five cents. Sold at Fricke &
Miss Grace Wiles returned today to
her studies at the Cotner university,
Lincoln, after a short visit out in the
precinct with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Wiles.
The late election was replete with
surprises throughout the country, but
none were greater than the fact that,
although the republicans have prob
ably carried every congressional dis
trict in the state of Nebraska
and elected two-thirds of
the legislature, their candidate for
governor, for whom they made their
greatest struggle was defeated and
Silas A Holcomb was elected by a plu
rality of almost 3.000. This fact is
now conceded by the republican stale
central committee. The victory is not
of great consequence, although its very
significant doing much to vindicate
the course pursued by Mr. Rosewater
and bis Omaha Bee.
Mental depression, wakefulness, lost
manhood caused by errors of youth or
later excesses quickly cured by Mag
netic Nervine. Guaranteed by Fricke
& Co.
An operation or injection of car-
I bolic acid are extremely dangerous.
Try Japanese Pile Cure. Positively
guaranteed by Fricke & Co.
Men's pants, good value $2.00, . - ... $ 1.40
Men's Custom-made pants, good va ue $7.00, . . . 5.00
Men's Chinchilla overcoats, good value $8.50, . . . 4.85
Men's fur collars and cuffs overcoats, good value $16. 50, 10.00
Children's cape overcoats, good value $3.50, . . . 1.90
Are cool this weather. Are you? You
surely ran spare the cash to clothe cor
rectly in
m So low we let irood clothing go. To
wearthe bet without making yourpunte
j' weep. j:st one of our tine Fall Suits.
Th'y poiispes. Ther sit well unon a
kiiuly creature ordisnlfy the daily loller
e: uuKiiowri to fame, line ot the bstia
j ours for 7 .SO
Think of the iJ' f which yon are free
lr wearini; our V IU OO Kali Overcoat.
Whowi'l he untmppy who is fortiried
with such folid merit ?
ivi s 1 1 vJi n in,
l.l.t of Ltrr-
Uema'ning uncalled for in ttie post-
ulicoiit l'lattsmouth Nov. 7. for week
ending Oct. 31, 1S94:
Burton. L C HeiQs. Johan
Nickles. Maude Olduker, Haiti
l'eions calling for any of the above
letters or parcels will please sav "ad
vertised." W. Fox. P. M.
The biggest horse of the late la
mented campaign i n the republi
cans of Harlan count). Iowa. The.
members of that party put in all of
Tuesday night celebrating what they
nupposed was a' republican victory
with comfortable majorities for all
candidates. When they awakened the
next morning they found that the
county bad gone democratic by a small
The Modern Woodman Accident as
sociation declines to pay Celia V.
Shrock the amount she claims is due
her on account of her husband's death.
The association claims that her hus
band's death was not the result of an
accident, but that he was subject to
mental disorders and that he had mis
represented his physical condition to
get the policy. Lincoln Journal.
The campaign for the succession to
Judge Strode has already begun and
is raging quite warm. Among the gen
tlemen mentioned who would like to
drop into this stepping stone to con
gressional honors, the district bench,
are J. R. Webster and E. II. "Wooley.
There are still a few precincts to hear
from. Lincoln News.
Omaha's canal bonds were defeated,
the number of votes cast in favor of
the proposition falling several thous
and short of the required two-thirds
majority of the entire number cast at
the election. Tbe promoters of the
scheme will ask for a special election.
Indications seem to point to the con
clusion that the government at "Wash
ington will have tbe able assistance
and wise counsel of Col. II. M. Bush
nell just as soon as Congressman
Strode's need of a private secretary be
comes pressing. Lincoln New?.
Some good, clear farming lands in
southern Kansas in exchange for
Plattsmouth realty. Crops were good
th s year throughout southern
Kansas. A bargain ! Inquire of
tf. C. II. BaBCOCK.
Write for Cat avnd Prioea.
14th and Farnam Streets.
Jas. Boss
Watch Cases
are all gold as far as yon can see. They look
like solid cases, wear like solid cases, and
are solid cases for all practical purposes yet
only cost about half as much as an out-and-out
solid gold case. Warranted to
wear for ao yars ; many in constant use
for thirty years. Better than ever since they
are now fitted, at no extra cost, with the great
bow (ring) which cannot be fulled or twisted
eff the case tbe
' II
Can only be bad on tic caaea
tunned with this trade mark.
All others have the old-style pull-out
which is only held to the case by friction,
and can be twisted off with the fingers.
Sold only through witch dealers. Send for
watch man opener to tbe mavnafmctorero
KeystoneWatch Case Co.9
I P RRahfj Q hmtns inwetd tirectif to the smI ot
fun rrriixn rx. This nawr
AaBfr ta w w
tiMM r i m ii of Lika4xiit-t-Irinara' Or
I r&ns, xoqoirva no cfaang of diet r
Mutou, luercuru. or potMOdv ramA
iciiMsto bo tavken inteniatlij. VAmb
by cither M it la impaanbletaenntrar
mr TCOrl diMii I : lil In tbm ammm m
with Gooarrix and Git, wa
No tncon eu itnee. Simple, j
sure. AS3CIt7TXT T S 1 X
from any injurious substance.
wo GUARANTEE a CURE or refund tour i
Prim SS3.00 nr bottle. Send 4c. for treat
EmGld's BroniiHleieiy.
Pnlendid curative novnt for Kmooi or Bick
TlmiflTtfcO Brwln ELxiiaufttion. HIellosnM.
Lspacuil or anoeral NeurulBia; aiaa for ttbau-
matwm. boat, baaney liimmflra, Acia urm
pspsia, Anamiav Antidoto for Alooholic
and other eiceua. I'tmjb.IQ, S&andfiUosnu.
t St S. Western Avenue. CHICA""
are the original and only FRENCH, safe and re
liable care on the market. Price tLUU; sent by
maiL Genuine sold only by
F. G. Fricke & Co., Drageists.
First Premium
at the '
Columbian Exposition
The Singer Han Tg Co.
54: First Awards,
Belnfr the largest number of awards obtained
by any exhibitor and more than double the
number received by all other Sewing Machine
companies. Awards received on tbe following:
Family Sewing Machines, V. 8. So. 2,
I. F. C. B. and Single Thread Automatic
Chain Stltcb Machine. Sewing Machine
Cabinets, Art Embroideries. Laces. Cur
tainB, Upholstery, Artistic Furnishings,
Sewing and Embroidery, Tapestry Ma
chine Work.
Also 43 Awards, covering machines
for manufacture In every line where a
Sewing Machine can te used on Wool,
Cotton and Silk Cloth. Knit Goods,
Leather, etc., for Ornamental Stitching,
Button holes. Eyelets, Barring, Over
seaming, Staying, etc.
The Singer ITfg Co
"All Overthe World."
Ii ranch Offie IBIS DonflH St., Omaba.
can stay
Socks, Sus-
a .
When Bab was sick, wo pro her CaatoriaV.
When she was a Child, she cried for Caatorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she had Children, she gave them CirtorU.
We HaveMoney to Loan at 6 per cent
On farm or city property In any section of tbe
country where property has a fixed market
alue. Money ready for immediate loans where
security and title i good. No commission. We
solicit 'applications. Blanks furnisbed npon
ALLEN CO., 40 & 43 Broad way.Uow York
Cor. 16th and Fsrnitn Sts., OMAHA
pattiiv in nru- Ulllftllri
These tiny Catwules are superior
to Jialsam of Copaiba,
Cubebs and Injections. (fAVrfi)
cure in 48 hours the J
same diseases -without anv incon
. . ;.-:: T.:?,
vf Watches i&ms&iZs':
4Xr;Zr; Dlamondsi
W-W-liM Jewelry
Silverware, &c
iFine Watch Repairing?
! :: :O?.. vi:..Or... .S.OVi..:t0S. a
. .-. .; oppoaite post umoe
The Plattsmouth Hills,
C. HEISEI. Prop.
This Mill has been rebuilt, and furnished with
Machinery of the best manufacture
in the world. Their
"Plansifter" Flour
Has no. Superior In America. Glvslta
trial and be convinced.
Sixth Street Checkered Barn,
first-class sz
Special attention to Funerals. Hack -!:1 be
run to all wains. "Promptness and Fidelity to
Customers is his motto
Successors to Henry Beeck,
Furniture I Undertaking
Stoves, itanges, Pianos, Organs.
Our Furniture line Is complete In every detail
An investigation is certain to convince.