weekly journal, THURSDAY, .NOVEMBER 1, 1S94.! IN AND AICOCXD THE TOW X. J -idge Chapman adjourned district; court Tuesday until Wednesday, Nov. 7 tbe day after election. j To be in trouble bus one result at any rate it Beldom fails to prove tbe hypocrisy of some pr1 tended friend ship. Geo. W. Adams of tbe vicinity of Murray, an Abraham Lincoln sort of a democrat, was in town Tuesday. lie is for the fusion ticket, and anything to beat the monopolists. W. X. Halsey, treasurer of the As sociated Charities, acknowledges the receipt of $22 75, that sum represent ing the net receipts derived from the recent Delsarte entertainment. Mr. button's friends are urging him to apply for a writ of mandamus to keep J. P. Falter from runniug. Falter's election is such a certainty that such a sche me in Dutton's only - hope. Conrad Schlater, of College Hill, has been in town for some days taking occasion to pay a visit over Sunday w ith his good wife to friends in Gleti wood. Iowa, the first time be has been it) that town since 1S59 35 years ago. The dry goods house of Ileruld & Son have boarded The Weekly Jour nal's advertising train this week in a full page annouuctmentof their wares. Ilerold & Son are to be congratulated in selecting a newspaper which lias a real circulation. The K. of Lt. in Nebraska City have indorsed the candidacy of Geo. W. Leidigh. the fusion candidate for float representative for Cass and Otoe counties. Mr. Leidigh stands for Bryan for the senate; Sinclair and Orton do not. All friends of Bryan should be careful to vte forLieidigh, The Omaha Bee and World-Herald are pulling together in this campaign. If that is not enough to ruin any can didate then we do not know what would be. Nebraska City News. In other words the News hopes for the defeat of Ilolcomb and the election of Major-. r;hy not say it in plain words and cease acting the hypocri'.e. President Cleveland has issued his annual proclamation setting apart Thursday. Nov. 29th as a day of thanksgiving nnd prayer, "to be kept and observed by all people in the Iand.,? We are unable to state just how the president feels on the subject, but donations of turkejs at these head quarters will not be spurned. The Missouri Pacific passenger train going south Tuesday noon came near being wrecked at the B. & M. viaduct. It ran into an open switch ands'rik ing a haii'l car, wrecked the same badly, M3 well as well as the pilot of the engine. The passengers were con siderably shaken up, but none were injured. Nebraska City News. The report lias been circulated that Secretary Morion would be able to com home to vote, hut n account of the immense amount of bu.-iness that has accumulated during his absence be has written that it will be impos sible for him to come home, much as he would like to. He will remain in Washington for some time. Nebraska City News. A letter from Washington elsewhere printed today, treats of the estimation in which Congressman Bryan is held at the national capital. It simply voices the facts which are well known to the editor of this paper from personal knowledge. There is nobody in either bouse of congress who has more warm fripiiflu anil df-Vufert ;nlniireri in t li : t. ci'y than the geiiileniin rroni the Nf- bras k--t In t. V. II r.'i'-tn.i-i 'Ji if (Jrand Island, tbe ""lilt le gi ti t of l:f liiv thirtf " as he is famiiiarlv known all over Nebraska, will Vie jn Pi ittsIil'u' It on Saturday night a."d will esp mml denxirrat if l(M;tri -.e f r : I e e-IiS iti'-M voters in this vie:nit. Mr. Thomp-"i is one f the tniwt forcible ami brilliant speech makers in Nebraska and Plattsmonth popl.sh ii! l turn i :T. and rive him a large au-'Itm;e. The Nebraska .'i?y News is making a hot fiht n an O'oe county commis sioner who stands for re-election, on the ground that he is in the habit of drawing too much salary in proportion to the service rendered from the j county treasury. The democrats cf j this commissioner's district in Cass ; county have the same kind of Gu'lit. ! and here it is a certainty that the ! salary-filr-her will be turned down by ' an overwhelming vote. May th- K county democracy be as -uccessf nl. Down in Otp county mandamus ! proceedings were instituted toduv j v . , . . . - .1... ...... a- ! . . 1 A , .v, ....I 1.1'. ., ,, to print opposite the names of all ,.. . . . , . candidates nominated by two parUe i the names of t!n parties in separa:e lines. District Judge Ferguson of Omaha ordered the Douglas county clerk to print the billots lor thut county in the sanr.? manner us it i sougni to compel iue u oe c xinry ciem to have thni printed, and it seems that the same u.elhod etiould have ' been resorted to here in Cuts. I CONGRESSMAN BRYAN A. Faithful Representative, the People's and the Soldier's Friend. IS ALWAYS FOE THE MASSES An AciiMt the daunt? IsitrnKt? Inlcrrnt At the National Capital In tho r lirttks Senatorial Hlrucgle A Glowing Tribute. Washington-, D. C, Oct. 27, 1S'J4. To Tue Plattsmotjth Journal: Intense interest is felt at tbe national capital, by democrats, populists and republicans in tbe political struggle now in progress through out tbe coun try ,and which terminates with the elec tion on the 6th of Nov. next. A large share of this interest is in the magnifi cent fight, Mr. Bryan is making in Nebraska for election as U. S. senator. Here, Mr. Bryan, is regarded by men of all political parties, as by far tbe most brilliant of all the younger mem bers of congress. His oratorical triumphs on the fi or of the house have not been surpassed, and many think not equalled, by any of the men of that body, in their earlier official life, since the peerless '-Harry of the west," thrilled and swayed by bis matchless eloquence the multitudes who crowded the hall of the house to hear him so often. Mr. Bryan, in tbe fouryears he has been in congress, has attained to greater prominence, and wields a more potent influence in the councils of the nation, than moat of men have reached in twenty years since in either Louse or congress. Nebraska should be proud of ber brilliant and eloquent representative. The writer of this, though a western demo:rat,has sojourned at the national capital for fifteen or twenty years past. During these years has known a large number of men tigb in the nations councils;of all thtse not one has served theircon3tituency and the country with more untiring irdustry, fidelity and efficiency, than has Mr. Bryan. He is never idle, with unselfish devotion to duty, every hour is given to conscien tious and active performance of the work devolved upon him as the repre sentative of a large constituency. No request to Mr. Bryan, coming from the people of his state is ever neglected; no favor asked is denied, his constituents be they democrats, populists or repub licans. Persons visiting Washington from .Nebraska, high or bumble, alike receive at Mr. Bryan's bands the most ordial greeting, and to them all heex- tends every posible courtesy and kind ness. He is never alsent from bis from his sf at in tbe hoii.se during its S8ssi as, legislative proceedings receive his closest attention. In the delibera tion of the house he Ukes a prominent part and wields a potent influence. As a member of the committee of ways and means, the most important foaimittee of tbe house he performs an immense amount of work. When not at tbe sittings of the house or the meetings of bis committee, well mgh every moment of bis time is occu pied in attending to countless mat ters of interest to bis constituents at the executive departments or attend ing to his correspondence, which in volves hours of work each day. No Hltrfroni his omstuueiils. that doe nt reiviv- nriii;it answer. The 'veurnii uicitis una in ;- r. jirvau a warm an 'I fa t I: fill 1 1 iend. During his term in congress not a single soldier of Nebi asKa, n ho has sisk'i his assist ance in procuring the a! : v. a ih .f a pen sion or any olher claim, t hat has not h'en givt u proinii! ly. c!i-ei fully aiid thoroughly. IIis lite here, public and private, lias been k-.ch as to bring liim self h roi . aii'i i ft-el. honor upon the people liv repres i:i . IJ k'1, in espec tive f p u tj , he is recognized as the incorrupied and incorruptible public servant. Since entering congiess, on every question and measure considered by the' bouse, Mr. Mryan has been the eloquent and earnest champion of the people. Always found for the masses ajl(i agninst the classes v henever there was clashing of inte-ests bel ween tbe j,,.,,.,;,. ,, wi,.ica.f s :;m, cn.at aud ,,0.vm:, m.flPV cu,. j.e ras al waJS , fcjJe of he people. 1nn, , , The democrats m:d j opnusts of 2e- br.u-.ka, pledged ns thev are. to every , . " ..... inea-me that Uiv Lei:evf will I e f or j the advancement o' the prosper'ty of the people, should unite as one man aud secure the election of Mr. Bryan to tb United States snate a man, who, by every word and act o: his life, hasho-.vii',himseIf in I:elieBt sympstthy with the in!i3.fp. and tleieut the par' y whuh for twenty years or more has Bhowu by the action of its senators and representatives in congress to rUEFEK THE IXTEKESTS OF THE VAST eourouATtoxs, syndicates and otiiek colossal mouey combines of tbe east, to the interests of the toiling millions of the vest. -Westeiin Democrat. " Lint of L-tt.r Remaining uncalled for in the post office at Plattsmouth Oct. 31, for week ending Oct. 4. 1-SD4: Bripgs, Clia-ett Bdrtlott, Geo. S. Browu.Mrs. Nora Brown, Miss Grace llarUgKii, M. X. Newkiric. J. H. Scribner, E. O. Persons calling lor any of the above letters or parcels will please say "ad vertised." W. K. Fox, I. M. WHAT HAYDEN BROS. OFFER FOR OCTOBER. Our Ira5S Goods 2e t Has got to be the popular place to look for the best values in America; our line never was as complete, and our prices, owing to the final settlement of the tariff, NEVER WERE AS LOW. We can give you an excellent (40 in.) All Wool Henrietta for We can give you an excellent (40 in.) All Wool Serge for 39c. We can give you a 52 in. All Wool Ladies' Cloth for 39c, 48c, and 69c. We can show you the largest and best line of Black Goods west of New York. We guar antee our prices and quality sec ond to none. Gup Silk Dept. Now is the accepted time for you to buy a Black Silk Dress. We are selling this month $1.50 Black Dress Silks for i.OO a yard, guaranteed absolutely all silk and warranted to wear, in the -five popular "weaves of Gros Grain, Peaude Soie, Royal Ar mure, Faille and Satin Rhadzi mer, full 24 inches wide, regular Si. 50 goods, for Si.oo. Samples cheerfully mailed. Elnnkais find irlaxmels. Haydens' are headquarters for Blankets. We carry the largest stock, have the best asscrtment and make the lowest prices or money cheerfully refunded. Blankets at 49c, 59c, 65c, 75c and $1.00 pair. 1 1-4 All Wool Red California Blankets, worth $7.00, on sale at S4-75 pair. Our Gray Blankets at 1.25 and $1.65. Finer grade at $2,25 and $2.50. Full Stock of Bed Comforts. Our Clothing Dept. - Is filled with the latest styles in Suits and Overcoats at prices which defy competition. Send us a trial order. HATTDEN BROS. 16th and Dodge Streets, TIRED, WEAK, NERVOUS, Could Hot Sleep. Prof. Li. D. Edwards, of Preston, Idaho, says: "I was all run down, weak, nervous and irritable through overwork- I suffered from brain fa tigue, mental depression, etc. I be came so weak and nervous that I could not 6leep, I would arise tired, discouraged and blue. I began taking Dr. Miles' Nervine and now everything is changed. I sleep soundly, I feel bright, active and ambitious. I can do more in one day now than I used to do in a week. For this great good I give Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine the sole credit. It Cures." Ir. M!3es' Nervine Is sold on a positive fruarantee that the first bottle will benefit. All dm exists sell it at 11,6 bottles for 85, or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price fcj tbe Xr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, ind. Sold by all drnggists. We HaveMoney to Loan at 6 per cent On farm or city property In any section of the country where roierty has a fixed market value. Monfv ready for immediate loans where security and title is Rood. No commiFRion. We solicit applications. Blanks furnished upon request. ALI EN & CO., 40 & 43 llrumlway.Kcw York 3 Or. E. C. West's f'pri'O aiiJ Hra:n Tre'n?"! I F.oid under posiuvo wr-ituT; t.t;.'U"'ia:e, ly a'jriinr ifd aj.fiit! oiib, t ;iir'j "A i,w :.;5.-:.'it ry; i.:'s u In.iu u'id KiTVii l:tur; IJt-i iuuuiif'itl; a.l-ki:tjs.-; I.'ipat Kvil J "tB:!.-; Ick vi C'. -fi l'-in-i-; NervonKTipt.-: Ijiit'jvio; uU Jr:.iv-; i.o-ri I i r.er Jt UiO th-jK-i-ativ .K-iT.it la .;l.r set, rased by ovcr-cxiTiion: VoutLVul Errors, or Ex-t.-sr.it e L're of Tobacco, Opinio or J.i nn.r, v I i. ; sonu lod to Misery, Ompumptio'i. lu-r.-. :fy-.vl Pii'h. Br mail, rl R l'x; Ofortv: with v-ri?"i -arai:i 'Ci to curt- or rcfuad laoaey. Wl.-rjr'a I'Ot'tiil SYUirr. A certaia ram l'r C iui;hs Co' j.i ini'i, iirni-iiiti-, Croup, V.'ant.jiinir Jiiat'.i:, X ir l i-rrn:. I:leR:'nPt to tai:i. Sraairi7o asiMiitinuivl; o'rt f -.siip, now 25c.; old fi eiza, xiovT jc. UVAilAXTiXd t-&od onl7 by T. G. Frkke L Co, droists. First Premium at the Columbian Exposition The Singer Man'f'g Co. 54: First Awards, Beir.R the largest number of awards obtainPd by auy exhibitor and more than double the number received by all other Sewing Machine companies. Awards received on the following: Family Sewlnc Machines, V. S. Xo. 2, I. K. C B. ami Single Thread Automatic Chain Stitch Machine, Sewing Machine Cabinets, Art Embroideries, Laces. Our tdlns. L'pholstery, Artistic Furnishings, Sewiue and KmbroiJcry, Tapestry Ma chine Work. Also 43 Award, covering machines for manufacture in every line where a Sewinij Machine can te used on Wool, Cotton and Silk Cloth. Knit Goods. Leather, etc., for Ornamental StltchlnR, button holes. Eyelets, Barring, Over seaming. Staying, etc. AGENTS WANTED. The Singer BTfg Co "All Over the World." lirancti Office 151G Douglas St., Omaha. top Thief 0 Any one whose Watch has a 14 nmmwm I bow (ring),will never have oc casion to usethistime-honored cry. It is the on!y bow that cannot be twisted o:T the case, and is found only on Jas. Boss Filled and o.her watch cases stamped v. iih this trade mark. A watch case opener, which ail! save your nngsr nans, sent tree cn request. Keystone Watch Case Co, PHILADELPHIA. Instant Killer c( Pair ir.tornel antf r::tornn5. tw-ih'ic, Sitifi Joints COi'C aiiu V ''-KAMI'S !2--tlll!lly. Q: .it., liu;' iV j i r.irrv.Kipili.Tia. So, - liirout, l s",ia:itAI--CIIE, a it by aiacic. yprcc pn't'T f.-'imMj vfi'-'i ll:t. ribl.ut Vt.htiJ, Ktnok, Ixiun'? i:t-rr -.. Ihcnsoct Povrrui fnu I'enotr.-.Um'I.iuiuiot,'- t or I'ettfct in ei-tciice. iir(-"e .1 nxe 7:., Coj, JCKr'SCK'G OStEKTAL SOAP. MtswiatPd am! Toil?:-, 'he G:. .-.t L'Ssio Cinic: .' bocatirier. Lsaxs v.-i'.. i-. t -.; -:i i;;..tt :'.a'. Ci:v:)c:'vn.!l Toiitt ; ist-irr-i. Z. i- zWzt'l: x-.' p jra :.. .I-.j ::: 1 . t ;,t i Vf I ; u i : i s t'-n iv ! i ; ... r.-; " 1 ' . r. C'tl, .- In .. .. .' 'i -:j:v: , . 'tlj ( T '.. . fc . .f. ... i'.-:-., ...t. i -..:..' t v iiiiii: i imvaufrTfi, F. 3. WHITE,! Main Stwt, Flattsuca li. Teas m Toffees Unexcelled, i articc lira:..' (U tcbralfd CANNED GOODS. SOLE AGENT FOR Pillsbury i0 MINNESOTA FLOUR, i Th Itrot in tlift 1Vrll. "hn "V.XXX" :in1 "Ipt" I'.rpntlF FITZGERALD, TIIH OL!i 111 I.J. Mil I. Liverymai; HAS PURCHASED THE Sixth Street Checker:1 Rarn, AND WILL RUN .r ' FIRST-CLASS S , Special attention to Funpralt. ilncwt M be ruu to all trains. "Promptneiui nt i-ldtuityto Customerj l ble taot . 4 . Jr&Z What i ICemfll)l5? Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitclier's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty yearti' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria isso well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D 111 So. Oxford St Brooklyn, JJ. T. "The use of ' Castoria ' is so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." CBirw Hakttx, T. D Kew York City. Tax CxxTAtra coo vHwwfwotttttc Are You Alive To Your Own Interests? 9 o PERHAPS you are, but There's one good way 0 o o land of the livinsr buy your Furniture, House OF- PEARL HIS PRICES will not admit of Competition 5 they're so downright low. Give him a call. PEARLMAN, The House Furnisher. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE, PLATTSMOUTH. $ 9 mtmtoOvmgfoemvwtctvwH AZAAR MILLINERY, -Closing Out Sale.-- Prices ctit In. -two ! tlaerelTore I can sare a2l purcHasexs A Large Per Cent on all Goods in My Line. I have a full line and large assortment of goods in all the leading styles. I will sell Hie Business CHEAP FOR CASH now. I nm going to leave the city. I Mean Business! I WOOD MANTELS. THE A.LDINH, PEERLESS, Write for Cut and I'rio. . COLUMBIAN AND MONARCH GRATES. MILTON ROGERS & SONS, h and Farnam Streets. The Plattsmouth Mills, O. USISEt. Prop. This Mill has been rebuilt, ami furnished with Machinery of the best manufacture in the world. . Their "Plansifter" Flour Has no Superior In America. GIv?it;a trial and be convinced. STPHETJY ead LASTINO ItESTTLTS. FAT PEOPLE No Incontgiiignce. Simple, I stirc a2zzlzix nti from any injurious substance Wa CUtRANTEE a CURE or refund aur mwm. rrtce VS.OO pr tottie. Send 4c. for treatia TKSIONX SLEDICAL COn Co nan. m cm ttt j Vthln.7 A G Hraold's Brsmo-CelBia. Poleadifl enrati rtwnt for Nerrooi or Sic'i HMidttCAA. lirbin Kr hi tuition. tSleenletv-ne. L pec ml or cenerai NeorutKia; kio for lL;eu- matim. oout, ividuey iiHorders, Acid Uya petma, Anvmta. Antidot for Alcoho'us and other exctwej. Xics isX 2jULdAcxinLu THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 1 61 S. Western Avenue. CH!CA" 5 Z I Ml ? Castoria. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Kructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes dJ gestion. Without injurious medication. "For Beveral years I have recommeodo, your 'CaKtoria,' and shall always continue to do so as it baa Invariably produced beneficial results. Ed WW F. Fabxick, M. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave,, New York City. Co hp ant, 77 Mckrat Stkket, Kew Yokx Crrr if not, you ought to to prove that you're ir be. 2 in the Stoves and Furnishings MAN. Iixst Toe scld. lo-y Taoa. 1 , HKtl'LAtt, ILOOK ASU WALL TILE. OMAHA, NEB. le - apess DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S 6TEEL SID FEPYEOYEL PIUS are the original and only FBENCH, safe and re liable enre on the market. Prioe 1.00; seat by mail. Genuine sold only by F. G. Fricke & Co., Drnercists. 8500 Reward! 7K ".ri!i t v lfc-. r.bove reward for any ease of Liver Complaint. Lv.pepsia, Sick Headache. In digestion C Tj.::ration or Costiveness we cannot cure with Wrsfs Vetretable Liver Pills, when the direct'o-! ; p.-c- strictly complied with. Th art curtly .':" :U."o!e. rn'd never fail topive aa. isiaction. i' Tr Coateu. LarffC boxes, 25 cent Beware t.rco-..ti..rfcits and imitations. Tbe gen uine n.anu'.r.ctM'c; cclv bv THE JOHN C WEST COMPANY. elilCAGO, llX. . m rua Trrniu srx. This mwiiww -w mowQiiniiMOf UMUcnntvurtBtvy ur. -1 ii ararnu rqmrci no ehanr of Uiet or- ouaoas, ntmnii or fKuitani mao. as a preventive: ny nrejt d;iin ; fut mUMOHiei thow mod? lifinumi Ar WiLh GaaorrtMM nd UtoM. w guar mm