FOR WOMAN AND HOME INTERESTINC ITEMS FOR THE HOME CIRCLE. Home Curt-rot Not- of the Modes But ton Are H rooming Fashionable Apt in New Kodlrc Evolved by the Late Summer JlrL HE OUTISC cown which was fresh and new in Jane is besrinninfir to look as if its summer jaunts had been very wearing. Ihere is not much left of the typical summer girl s out ing1 frock, and vet days for loner tramps are just beginning. She must hare a new dress, and one wmcn sue would not oe ashamed to wear in town for a while, either. If the frock she wore at the first of the Mason was blue in color, dark brown will make a pleasant change. A good tjuality of serp-e is a reliable material. The skirt mav be made per- jecny piain and lali or trimmed in the front with rosettes of black moire ribbon, lu the latter case the bolero jacket of .serge mav be made extremely jaunty by a trimming of smaller rosettes. The jacket is worn over a silk or linen shirt waist A black silk waist with voluminous sleeves, would look well when back in town, while a shirt waist of heliotrope, buff or bright scarlet, would brighten up the gown for country wear. Button Eterywhere. Her buttcn gown was a great sue cess. She was conscious of this after wearing it for the first time. Such an amount of attention she had never be fore received. It was an imported frock and it carried just sixteen dozen buttons. They were very small but tons of glistening gilt and they shone upon her dress like cords of gold. The skirt of this French costume was made of fine white broadcloth. with an unusual amount of fullness at Heading for Invalid. To mane an envelope library take ten envelopes and put either a short story, an essay, or illustrated article in each, writes Flcse Crosby in an article describing an envelope li brary in the Ladies' Home Journal. Lay the envelopes lengthwise before you and rule off a space at the top in which to write the words. "Envelope Library Xa I." "Envelope Library No. 1L," and so on through the series often. Rule off a space at the bottom in which to write the name of the story and the author's name. When the envelopes are filled tie them to gether with a dainty ribbon and send them where they will do the most gooL For use in hospitals these dainty packages of stories have proved very satisfactory. Weary convales cents, and especially those never vis ited by friends are not only pleased with the gift, but are relieved from the fatigue that accompanys the hold er of a heavy book or magazine. K - Ronheur's Splendid Health. One of Rosa llonheur's cousins is a resident of New York city and justi fied ia thinking her ' the greatest woman living." She is now 70 years of age. in perfect health and intel lectually as strong as ever. She at tributes her "green youth to freedom from the needless cares of modern life and a rational system of living." She entertains when she feels so inclined: when she is not in the mood for com pany the company must go. Nobody can make a convenience of her; life is too exacting and vitality too precious for that. The society of marrying men and fashion able women never had any interest for her. When she talks about the "quietness, sweetness and economy of country life and the comfort and freedom of man's attire" the artist exhibits the gifts of eloquence. w aj i a j aw y m a l a t v si ybxtvbtw i m a - ilJ.TiO tP Ol Jl r,.l H re susceptiDie or a high degree of i 4 : j vmvuciiwuuu, iuu. as mey are mace hollow, are good for keeping out the IN-I heat in summer and the cold in win ter. There is a great field for any in ventor who can make good use of waste material. The advantage is two-fold. There is a new material to work with, and something which it heretofore has been necessary to re move, often at considerable expense, is eagerly sought after. LATE DEVELOPMENTS IN DUSTRIAL FIELDS. The Ivanhoe Tunnel the Third Lonrnt In America A Mimical Paper Knife Some Chemical LHsroveries Note and Comment. HE IVAJN'HOE tunnel, the third VFvfl Jongest in Ameru i$jL&ca ls cat straight .Mountains I r o m ' . I?,tlr o i m 'ill h - i t . I:itity .Menu for a I.nm-heou. Grape fruit; creamed chicken in scallop shells, with rolled bread and butter; French chops. broiled or breaded, with creamed potatoes, let tuce salad, crackers and cheese, and a light sweet of some kind. Coffee or chocolate and iced water or Apollinaris j will serve for beverages. Serve coffee let fifteen miles west of Leadville, Col- to Ivanhoe, -"V-" another little vil lage on the western side of the main range. The tunnel wjs designed to save the Colorado Midland Railway a steep climb to the summit of Hagvr man I'ass. and over seven miles wasted in the curves necessary to enable the engines to pull up the heavy grades. The tunnel is !,10J feet long, and is only surpassed in this country by the famous Hoosac tunnel and the Bowl der tunnel, in Montana, the latter of which is only 30O feet longer than the Ivanhoe. Where the Ivanhoe enters the mountain at Rusk, the altitude is 10, S0 feet- This is a much greater altitude that that of St (.othard. which at Ooeschenen euter the ground at a helsrht of n, 040 feet above the sea level and emerges at A irolo, on the Italian side, at a height of feet. The road over the St. Got ham l'ass is 22 nailes. anil the tunnel, with its length oftC miles, thus saves 12?4 miles. The Ivanhoe saves much more in proportion, lesscoinir the dis tance ltcen Rusk and lvanoe bv A Cae of Transfusion. The legal possibilities of transfusion were brought out in a recent suit in an English court. A man who was very ill was treated by transfusion of blood as a last resort. He recovered, and after a time his gardener, from whose veins the vital fluid was taken, fell ilL Some suggested that his con tribution to his employer micht have caused his illness, whereupon he brought suit, claiming sixty thousand francs damages. After a good deal of legal investigation experts were ap pointed to examine and report on the case. This took so long that the man died before the report was finished. The widow, however, continued the suit, even though the post-mortem ex amination demonstrated that death was caused by cancer of the stomach. The courts decided in favor of the de fendant, on the ground that even though the man's vitality might have Wen impaired by the loss of blood, his voluntary offer for the benefit of an other individual released the recipient from all financial liability that might be claimed on account of the transaction. OUR WIT AND HUMOR. CURRENT PLEASANTRIES AND SHARP POINTS. The Maiden and the Mustache A To Fit the Crime Sagacity of Jew Floatam and Jetsam from Tide of Joke. ' Itlll the the Mimical l'aper Knife. An ingenins boy, with any musical instinct, can produce the most marvel lous tones with an ordinary paper knife. In fact, one can play tunes with it by striking the knife against a over 7 miles in its length of ? utile. less th a n 4 ' . 1 AVill We Fvcr Fly. According to some recent discoveries many of the navigators of the air have been working upon altogether mis taken premises. They have failed to take into account the action of cur rents of air a given distance above the earth's surface. The first important point to decide in the construction of flying-machines is the relation be tween power and weight. It is held by those who have given much time and tbought to experiments in this line, that fifty to one hundred pounds is the limit of weight that any ma chine built on recognized theories can lift from the ground. Rut this idea nicy le very far from right, especially in machines constructed so as to move with great rapiditj-. A water-wagon might be constructed, provided it had instead of the usual tire a series of hands or paddles that could be brought down with a sharp blow upon the sur face of the water and as iuicklv raised. Refore it could sink, the water roust be displaced; but be fore this takes place the paddle is up in the air again and ready for another blow. So with Hying. The aeroplane will gain power and conse quent speed just in proportion as it can use a body of air us a stepping stone before displacing it. The more forcible, xu'c"h and elastic the blow, the more jower can be accumulated before the air gives way u der the stroke. The blade of the aeroplane gets into position by cutting the air with its thin edge, then instantly takes u horizontal position and lifts by what may le called a slap upon the air. If the flying-machine ever becomes a success, it will un doubtedly be made upon these lines. There must be extreme strength and lightness of machinery, and ex treme rapidity of motion in order to acquire lifting power. This must be obtained by aeroplanes that move so quickly that they get their purchase before the air has time to move out of the way. Fine steel is the aerial navigator's metal, as it is, without doubt, stronger weight for weight, than aluminium or any of its allovs 1 tefc MAKING Ml'SIC hollow piece of furniture the angle of a desk, for exairpl. Ry experi menting all sounds or" the gamut can he produced. Ry looking at the cut you will ob serve that the index finger shows the manner in which this is accomplished. Various airs can be played after some practice with this primitive instru-menL O YOU KNOW THE reason why Every merry maid en's eye Is delighted with the sight of a mus tache '. Why the soft and silken curl. Fascinates a fel low's girl More than all his store of learning or his cash I Yet tbe reason's plain to see. And I'm sure you will agree That it's given in this poem at the foot The appendage 'neath the nose, Of the dearest of the beaux ; Is so pleading for the reason 'tis hirsute! Truth. The Preparation for Starring. Theatrical Manager Yon say you want an engagement to star in my theater. Your name is not familiar to me. Have you ever starred? Would-be Actress Never. "Where have you played?" "I never pla3-ed on the stage." Have you received any dramatic instruction?' "None whatever." Rut you have at least 6tudied the art? You are familiar with the works of the great dramatists, areyou n Jt?" "Never read a play in my life." "Good heavens! madam, what pre paration have you. then, for going on the stage as a star?" "I have had photographs taken in H 0 d ifferen t poses. " The manager fainted. Sif tings. The Boy of the I'eriod. Nice Old Man You ought not to fish on Sunday, my lad. You know lresident Cleveland refused to do so a few days ago. Roy All right. When I'm Presi dent I'll keep that pointer in mind. Old G rover's no fooL" BUSINESS DIRECTORY F- Q- fricke & co. . BOTEtH, 3. 41. WOOIMHIN, Till NEBRASKA. HOUSE. Substantial meals and clean rooms Blxth street. WET! aeea ooastaatly on Hand a full aaa eesaBiela stock of pure DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, Etc. ad a foil Una of DRCOaiSTs C!frt!EV Pure liquors for medical purposes. tu .a J. I. UN HUH, FUBNITURK DEAJ.ER AHX UN- COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS. Mala strset, PJattsmouth, Neb. rUHSITUKE bEALKiU, DKlGUIitTH. r. a. riucKK & co., DEALERS IN DRUGS, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Sixth treet. between Alain and PearL. MEAT MARKETS. Maurm. W. O. FRICKK A CO. are th only partie atillnc our Alaska Crjmt! COMBINATION SPECTACLE3 & EYE-GLASSES In PlatUsraouta. Thee Lenies are for Superloi to any others sold in lh! city, powtinc a n Uiral transparency and n'.Tt-uctLeniiiK quahUea which will preer the fml-nv eve-sixni i'ROF. SlUASsHAXa. JONATHAN FIATT KILLS HIS OWN CATTLE, Benders his own lard nd cores his own bacon. ALa.ii. etreet. TAKE THE A New Faculty. "Do jou know,"' asked the snake editor, "that color can be detected by the touch?" "No," replied the horse editor. "Have you learned the scheme?" "Not all of it. but I have learned a little." "Indeed?" "Yes, w ithout the slightest dilliculty I can tell when 1 feel blue." BYRON CLARE. Attorney at Law, PLATTS1IOCTH. NEB. OrriCl Ia tbe Todd block, east of new court house, second our. BEESON & ROOT, Attorneys at Law, PLATTSSIOUTH, NEB. OFFICE-Tltzctrsld block.oTer First Nat'l bank JULIUS PEPPER BERG, Msjuscturer and dealer la Cigars, Tobacco, And Smokers Materials. MAKES A SPECIALTY OF Budsfv5c; and "Fordel,epperbertT,' 10c; brandi of Cigars. o. 813 slain street. Plsttsmonth, Neb Cash Coal Yard. I have opened Coal Yard n a strictly CASH BASIS. Will keep a suppl tb HARD COAL. MISSOURI COAL, AND GENUINE CANON CITY COAL. Orders accompanied by cash left at T. . wuite a store will receive prompt attention. W.J. WHITE. ETYara at Missouri Taclfic Depot. -FOIt- ATCHISON. St. JOSEPH, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS CITY, St. LOUIS. AND ALL POINTS XORTD, SOUTH, E4ST or WEST f TICKITS SOLD and BAGGAGE CI1ECK33 to any o!nt In the Vnited States or Canada, at. LOWEST RATES. For lmrornjat.'oc as to Rata and RouMs call at Depot or address undersign!. Telephone 77. J. A. FHILLIPPL H C. TOWNSETJD, A. 0. P. A., Omaha. O. P. A., St. Louis, Mr C. F. STOCIESIlOirorGH. Agrut. FLATTS.MOUTTI, - XER F. S. WHITE, Mala Street, PUttsnoa'h. CROCERIES A-LTVA Y8 FIXICfcsII, If hare snow or furnishes . Intlu there were no no blue sky. WorM. dust, we would uo clouds, rain. beautiful sunsets. Dust the groundwork for all of the back. On the right side of the fekirt a narrow panel of heliotrope vel et appeared to be caueht to the broadcloth by a row of jrilt buttons which stretched from waist line to he rn. Tbe. bottom of the skirt was finished by a band of the velvet gleam ing with another line of gilt buttons. The bodice was heliotrope chiffon over silk and shirred to a yoke of white broadcloth outlined with very small jilt buttons. The chiffon at the waist line tuck into a corselet of heliotrope velvet bordered with buttons. The draped sleeve was white chiffon over heliotrope silk. The puff was most graceful- Below the elbow the chiffon was drawn over a tight-fitting; cuff, which seemed held together by a row of buttons. New York World. Hints to Camera I -over. A photographic guest book is one of the recent variations of amateur pho tography. A popular hostess, who has many guests at her country home durine the summer months, bought a fcmall camera and a big and very elaborate scrap book. When her first house party arrired her collection was begun. The scenes and figures were never taken merely for the sake of a photograph, but snap shots showed the visitors at their best and in char acteristic poses. Several impr ns were always made of each group to be ture of getting satisfactory results. The hostess promised each person a duplicate of his or her picture; no one ; was ever found to object or make diffi culties. It has been her practice to tievelop and print each set of photo graphs immediately after a houseful of guests departed, arrange them on several pages of blank book and be- neain eacn print write the names of the persons pictured. jj-iayeu with a Dianioud. Miss Olive Schreiner, who was broueMt up in South Africa, has re cently! told the following storv: s. ier brothers and sisters had u their playthings a bright stone they called a candlestone. It sut tbe size of a walnut and flash in a bright and sinrnlar rhen held to the light Not 'she had grown no and the ean. and tea with the second course. In preparing the grape fruit, cut it in halves crosswise, cut out the hard core, and fill in the space with powdered sugar and cracked ice. Indies' Home Journal. Surh a Convenient Ieis;n. The summer girl has discovered a rew bodice. Here is a picture of it. It was first worn by a very pretty young woman at an informal dance. Then it was made of peach blow taffeta combined wiUi green chiffon and white moire. The wide sash and directoire re vers were of the moire, while the corselet and short basque were of chiffon. The buckles and huge buttons were made of green enameL The bodice was worn with a skirt of white moire, veiled by an overskirt of peach blow chiffon- When it next appeared the bodice was aboard a yacht. It was worn by another summer girl equally as pretty. and I one of . t A I a mat, i was six wonlA wav untiLj dlestJ any mod life these. I he smallest particles of dust reflect blue light, hence the distant sky. where the lightest atoms float. appear blue- J lie smoke from the burning end of a cigar is of a bluish color, that drawn through and blown from the mouth is white, because the particles are larger and can reflect more white light The sky in cities appears gray or whitish because there are larger particles of dust in the atmosphere. Hut the most important office of dust is that of a rain pro ducer As the particles float about they gather moisture, which is preci pitated in rain. It is said that "of all the water evaporated by the sun from the surface of the sea and land, not one drop returns that has not con densed upon a particle of dust as a nucleus." Hut for dust the air would be full of vapor, which would con dense upon everything it readied. It would enter our dwellings, saturate srarments and trickle over our walls and furniture. Therefore, while we may be greatly annoyed by dust, we should be much more inconvenienced by the absence of it. - ejro Treacher. The sensation in Atlanta, (Ja., is the preaching of a thirteen-year-old negro boy, Charles Johnson, of Gibbs, La. lie is of a light gingercake color. He was converted, he savs, at the a-e of eight, and felt an immediate calL he is now going to a theological sem inary, where he is taking a course in bible stud'. He has none of the awk wardness of youth, and his voice is peculiarly deep. His thoughts are of a high character and expressed in ex cellent language. Thr Kill Ma j" Kit the Crime. llliiii THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. TLATTSMOCTU, Ml) Capital, paid up . . . Teas and Coffees Unexcelled, Cnrtlce Bros Celebrated CANNED GOODS. 50,000 OFFICERS: iV rjTZ",B1L, President F t . niti Vice president 6 -- Cashier IMHECTOKS: John FItzrersld. V. Hnwksworth. T. E Wtite S. Wautfh and George K. Dovey. " Cartful attention p!ren to the interests of ens tomern. Collections made and promptly remit-I iur. uij.-nri market pr:ie peia fo; warrants aua state ana county bends. for county . B. CV8HIXQ, .President. J. W. JOBXSOV. rieo'PrttldenL Citizens' Bank, PLATTSMtiCTH. SEB. Capital paid In,... .$50,000 OLE AGENT FOR Philsbury's MS. The "XXXX" and "Best" Braoda. FAT FEOFXE !, Park Orh-itt Pills will redn vour w :gu PERMANENTLY from K'to 15 t.::iils mm, ;a NO STMiVlXU, sirkness or n i'y; NO PI" B LICITY. They builj np the iiej.Vf, hm! !. r.l fy tbe complexion, ienvlnir N t'HI V M $ or flabbinets. STOCT ABDOMEN !.! i I breathing sure y relieved. Nu EX'PEIC! Vi ..NT. but ascientific ami positive re.ief. u1opi-i im.y after years of ex perieure. A!i o:.!rrs :ipp iri direct from onr olice. frier f.(iu ).er p itft or tiiree pscisces for f.Mm t.y mil j-.tpii.i. Tesiimonials anJ particular fo'esid s fpiiis. tifAll correspondence strict v conn' l-ai. PlKk HE tl EOT (0., Uostoo, VopurlfjhUd, lsru. 1j KrpttUr A S,hicarz tn a ii.) Client (angrily). iSay. this bill of yours is a downright robbery! Jreat Criminal lawyer (who has won client's case). So was jour crime. Puck. . Duel Incident. First Editor Did you receive my challenge? Second Editor Yes, I got it. "What do j-ou mean to do about it?' "Nothing. " '"Nothing! Do you mean to ignore me entirely?" "You should have sent a 2-cent stamp if you wanted your manuscript returnea. A Cause of Woe. Parson AVhangdoodle Baxter of the Austin. Klue Light tabernacle, met Jim Webster, who w as complaining of hard times, etc. "Whisky am de cause ob all yore troubles and sorrers," replied Jim's spiritual adviser. "Dat's so. parson. I feels mighty troubled when I hasn't got anv ob hit" Well Known. "I want you to publish these poems in book form," said a seedy looking man to a New York publisher. Publisher I'll look over there, but I can not promise to bring them out unless you have a well-known name. Poet That's all rieht Mv name is e ne naa been lost lor rears did it them realize that it was a dia- 'd of doubtless immense nltia Kimberly mines were ia, Jhe n" Known future, but this stane ha haps been washed down by sc nt or brought by other," But in this instance it was of serge instead of taffeta and trimmed with white broadcloth instead of filmy chiffon. In combination with m. serge skirt and yachting cap jt possessed a nautical air. The low-cat neck had vanished and in its place was a V shaped yoke of dark blue serge. The DuckJes and big buttons were in dark red, and long, dark bine Suede gloves 'e short puffed fileeves. New .. ' J- . t region. i A few years ago there was an enor nious wuste of material of blast fur naces and the various smelting estab lishments, as well as about glassworks. recently the suggestion has been maue tiiat some of this waste be utilized. Experiments have been made with glass by forming it into Du;lding bricks. These are specially recommended for building hot houses. They are said to be of equal value for refrigerating establishments, bath houses, hospitals and other places where sanitary conditions must be ob served, and where a maximum of cleanliness must be secured at a mani mnm of labor and expense. The irlass cks are laid up in fine cement mnr- which incorporates itself with the ?lass and forms an imDervioua ami rfectly smooth surface. Walls of s sort are said to be excellent in '"itors of moisture and noise, and i IX1UC brie tar. srla j known wherever the English langua J is spoken. What is your name?" White Plains Weelcly. Ah, indeed! "John Smith. New l'e for CotiOih. Woman How are codfish selling, young feller? Grocer's Clerk We've had a big de mand today. "What's the cause?" "Well, we're tro'ms out of the cod fish business, and 1 guess the custom ers is buying it for souvenirs. Judge. Hot. The eye of a little Washington miss was attracted by the sparkle of the new at early morning. "Mama," she exclaimed. "It'a hot tar'n I thought it was." "W hat do you mean?" "Look here. The grass is all cot ered with nv-iion " 1 .l, ; ton Star. i ' He Couldn't lie In I-oe. The director of a certain bank re ceived his cashier one morning with an evidently discomposed face. "Sir," said he. "I am unable to hide from you longer that which is on my heart" (The banker grows pale). "I am in love with your daughter." Now the banker breathes freely, but adds: "Are yon sure you never make mis takes?" "Indeed, sir. I never do." "Then I refuse yon her hand, for you can't be in love." Sif tings, CoiM-luttive Proof. DIRECTORS: J.VT. Johnson. F. It. Oathainnn. Tm. Wetea kamp. jr. A. Oonnor. llenrr EikenbsrT.M. W. Morgan, . 8. Oreusel, W. H. dishing. A reneral banking business transacted. la te rest allowed oa deposits. CD. FITZGERALD. Till OLD KELIABLK Liveryman HAS PURCHASED THE Sixth Street Checkered Barn. AND WILL RUN IT IN FIRST-CLASS STYLE. Special attention to Funerals. ITscks will be nm to all trains. "Promptness and Fidelity to Customers Isblsmofo mm W. D. JONES. LIVERYMAN. C.iunty's Oldest. Has purchased the Parmele A Ruther ford slock and will run both the Main-st. and Schildknecht Earns. Klirs of all descriptions, from addle borse to a Sixteen-passenger WaKon. Cabs. Pall Bearer Wairon. Carrvslls and everrthiiiK tot picnics, weddings and funerals. Train Ordera AT ltEGL'LATt RATK". Tclt-plione 7 Pripes Ressonsble. No credit over 30 days. Old anil new customers are in vited to call, when satibfai-tioa Is iruar auteed. W. D. JUNES - J-eruu Wiggs I sup Viivmtmrnt. t "A Vat T shoulrl Ti er have bought -broker hady' t assuredS1 i a lortunein it f a ETTrVeH, wto't-lere? WiggsAOb, tha nlay hare been. But i haveT bJ to get any it OUt? as it Set Jonrnnl of PATTERSON & KUHSMAHN, Successor to OI.1VEK A RAMGK. ritOt'ltlKTOKS "BOSTON" Meat arket Copyrighted, 18H4, l.y Krptfcr - M,warx man.) Customer (consolingly). Your brother-in-law is a very unfortunate man, Mr. Hochstatter. Only a short time ago he had to stand an examina tion a to hiit sanity, and now he fails at 10 cents on tbe dollar. Hochstatter (eagerly). lie Tas a shraart man! At ron Eweep he vipes avay all der suspicions as to hfcs men tal gondition. How abondt it?jl-puclc OFFER TO TI1EIU CfSTOMERS THE CHOICEST Uss Meats Sams, Baoon, Satuagei. Butter and Eggs. They respectfully invite the pub lic to call and see them. rUTO capital PosH!vsrroofsaiiuIZ .lUoMrated 1mm hJ from rer reared. nsii Jaouiuig- sis will est. a COOK BESEOV CO, CrJc-a tX MAGNETIC NERVINE. ?!ifn auarantfa t. .-arm Nervous Prostra tion, Fits, Di2Xi ness.U he -ud Jeura;g. ud4'ii-fulnss,-au-eJ t ys- Tobacco and a:in lion. Snftninff iyf ihe Brain, rsnsine Misery, Insanit? and Oaathf IMrreness, Impotencj, Lost Power in iUirs Prtmstu's Old Aae, lovoluntarj I.i -. -v-i by OTer-indu gence, overexertion of tbe Brain -J errors of Youth. It elves to Weak Onrina -hr Natural Vi;nr aDd donl,es tbe Jojs of r.ti, ma Lacnrrtusim and Female Weakness, a month ' rri ntent, in p ain pscksre. t y mail, to any ad'in-w, U per box, 6 taxes 4. With evsry 15 order w err a written ciuarartea to core or refund tne a-iuey. Circulars ires. Guarantee issued oolr Xij J'it ex ciusite Sfsot. F. G. FRIIKE k CO.. DRrCtHT'i, Eolaaeents. Flattsaioutb.Neb. 8500 Reward! WE wii: pay the above reward for any eae ol I-irer Complaint. Dyspepsia, tslck Heads-be In digestion Constipation or Costiveness we csnot cure with West's Vegetable Lier Fiils. wV the directions are strictly complied with Thev are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give sat isfaction. Sugar Coated. Large boxei, is cer.ts. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. Tb- em nine tnsntitactured only bv TUR JOHN C. Wfc.iT CUUFANV, CHICAGO, iXX. Lfc BRIIiI S" t" i"iyt. 4. r""' raqoirM a ciins ( A. r iciM to fas tmlum iatsrasilf . Im HJid A3 A PREVENTIVE by siuwr mx ft Is fanpaMiMtDat.-?l say nam. di.MM; Sut la a. mi wnJh Uavrta us blM, w "mT W aai aft per box, seasons lot as. LADIES DO I0U DR. FELIX LE BRUM'S STEEL BHD PEJTOY0L FILLS aretheorieinal and onlv FRENCH, aafdas.1 r. liable core on the market. Price $l-OJ; n us Ueiiuine sold ooij by 3ElV LIFE Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain T-,.jrp.rl Is sold positive written irnaranLee, ty aeei:M only, to enrs WVk )Iiitt' .1 Brsm aTid Nerve Power; Ist MacbonU; Wii 'nwl KUjht Losiws; Evil lremi.; Ijick of CouS i-n Kervoomei: laiwitn.lp- l rrnin.- ina.r iv..i of the Gxrerauve ctntsns in eitbsr sex, eaaxsl bv overexertion; Youthful rraxa, or ExceMiv Use ! Tobsooo, Opinm or Liquor, which soon lea.1 14 Miserj'. Coaumotion. Inunltv.nd nit D. m.i II a box; for 5: wif h written ftisrsntee cars o refnnd money. WEST'S COUGH BYKl'r. 4 oertau) enre for Onehs. Colds, AMhma,rrmcu!tl, Orois whooctna Coueh. Rar 1'hmat. pioum tmy fimall size diounHnnwf nJH low. m,m,i. tlsue,nosj fiOt. ODA&ASXEXS issued amr be sis-.lsst, most acci J . i Vsdr IS an atyixs sa zr. LisMekt, struajnM, essifst - work inc. saxast. sisal, most accurate, adost comaect. aaa. most Roders. Mode mi tn S2 cl r. . . shnrt and 1oie r'm aaJ i ter fireeartridvns In the same rill, bates 0 per cenw en rostor t.m munition oirr acv umer 82 csl. r-nnars ooaae. atoaei is bow reuiy ia si-tu saa Cstalornfs maued ft., a ia L-a X LC 8w REPEATERS IHE MAFlLif FIREARMS CC-.. Uwlmm,, X