Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, October 11, 1894, Image 8

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    I The Record is Broken I
tixo 2.istor37- of tlie Oloti-irxg: Trade Hn.a,-re 37-0-0. Toeezx aflol
s"0-c3a. T7-o,l"ULe for myamcux 32CLOXxe3T a,s of
ELSOIT, tin. OeuSakL
Men's Business suits, good value $8.00, $4
Men's black Worsted suits, good value $15.00,
Men's square and round cut suits, good value $15. OO, .
Men's double-breasted Cheviot suits, good value $13.50,
Boys' suits, good value $6.00,
Children's suits, good value $2.50, . . . . .
Men's pants, good value $2.00,
m oo Mpn'.q Custom-made oants. eood value $7.00.
10.00 ? Men's Chinchilla overcoats, good value $8.50, . .
8.65 c Men's fur collars and cuffs overcoats, good value $16. 50,
4.90 ? Children's cape overcoats, good value $3.50,
$ 1.4LO
. 4.85
Our complete assortment of Men's and Boys' Underwear, Shirts, Collars, Hats, Caps, Socks, Sus
penders, Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Valises wiLl also be sold at BED-ROCK PRICES.
ELSON, the Cash Clothier, plvMo?pVsLHtHENcoEusSeka- f
A Sleek Fool-Seller Makes Away
With Other People'. Money.
A .NihtwU Swede Kecllnea Ilia Head On
Railroad Tie And a Locomotive
Pilot Unkindly Fracture Ilia
Skull O her No ea.
A Stolen Overcoat.
Geo. Edson, the well-known Liberty
precinct farmer, and a man from Elm-
wood named Dean, drove into town
yesterday afternoon and bitched their
team next to the Mumm building on
f if th street. iJean wore a borrowed
overcoat, worth some $15, and when be
walked over to the buggy at about four
o'clock, the coat was missing. It was
surmised that some tramps were guilty
of the theft, but the officers hunted
high and low without avail. Dean
will now be called upon to buy his
friend a new overcoat.
Ban Away With the Pool.
During the pendency of the fair at
Elm wood a gang of sharps came into
town to work the fair. Among them
were two brothers named Connolly.
One of them opened a box for the sale
of pools on the races at the saloon and
another member of the gang kept the
book. Tool-selling was not very brisk,
but something over S100 was taken in
during tbe.three days of the fair, and
it was placed in a drawer behind the
counter in the saloon, which was kept
by a man named Deitz. It appears
that the pool-buyers had nearly all
been lucky, and bad won nearly every
bet they had placed. On Friday even
ing about 6:30 o'clock after the free-for-all
and all the big races bad been
run. Connolly went hurriedly into the
saloon and called for the cash, sayiDg
he desired to 'settle with some of the
boys who wanted to go home," and the
bar-keeper handed the money over to
him. As soon as the money was
placed on the counter he swept it into
his pocket and, excusing himself,
stepped out at the back door and
skipped out of town with it. A few
minutes later the winners began to
come in to get their money, and then
there were lamentations. A search
was instituted, but to no purpose
Others of the gang were there, but of
course, they were ignorant of the
ruu-away's whereabouts, and the
pool-buyers were compelled to pocket
their losses. Several men well-known
in this city were losers by the rascality
of tUe pool-seller, Connolly.
A Queer Bed.
While Ole Olsen, a Swede who lives
at Nehawka, was walking along the
M. 17. railroad track Saturday after
noon he became weary and lay down
beside the track to rest, using the end
of a tie for a pillow. Soon after
train came along and the corner f the
cowcatcher struck his head a glancing
blow, laying open a place on the skull
bone almost as large as a man's hand
Up to yesterday Olson had not regained
consciousness. but it is thought that
his accident will have no serious re
County Attorney Travis is too busy
to get out among the people to rustle
for votes but the voters will not forget
him on election day, and will say "well
done good and faithful servant," we
want you another term. Weeping
Water Eagle.
The friends of Miss Mamie Gibson
in this city will be pleased to learn of
her marriage to Mr. W. S. Scott. The
happy event occurred at Lincoln yes
terday and the young people will be
"at home" to their friends in that city
after November 1st at 1427 L street
Carl Fricke had the ta'isfortune to
spill a pan of hot water on bis left
forearm yesterday and scalded that
member so severely that it will enforce
his absence from duty for some two or
three weeks.
J. II. Thrasher returned home last
night from a short business trip to
Hastings and Kearney. He says every
thing looks favorable to Uolcomb in
that part of the state.
The young ladies of the reading
room association are arranging to give
a "nfliftrtv" social on Tuesdav niffht
Oct. 16. Look out for further an- J
There is more caiarro m this section
of the country than all other diseases
pui together, aud until the last few
years was supposed to be incurable.
for a great many years doctors pro
nounced it t local disease, and pres
cribed local remedies, and by con-:
stantly failing to cure w;th local treat
ment, pronounced it incurable. Science
has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease and therefore requires
constitutional treatment. Hall's .Ca
tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the i
only constitutional cure on the mar
ket. It is taken internally in doses
from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts
directly on the blood and raucous sur
faces or the system. They offer one
hundred dollars for any case it fails to
cure, send for circulars and testi
monials. Address.
F. J. Ciieney. & Co., Toledo, O.
f?"Sold by druggists, 75c.
Corbett and Fitzsimmons are
matched for a fight for $10,000 a side
and a purse of $40,000 offered by the
Florida Athletic club. They met in
New York City yesterday and com
pleted articles of agreement without
the wrangling which usually character
izes such gatherings. Each deposited
$1,000 and proceeded to talk business.
Corbett stated that his theatrical en
gagements would not be completed un
til May 1st. and that he would like
two months training, and have the
fight after July 1st. This was agreed
to and the Florida Athletic club of
fered the $40,000 purse, whicn was ac
The First National bank of Kearney
closed its doors at noon yesterday.
The books show that there is on de
posit, subject to check, $28,000, and
time deposits $25,000. It was one of
the Buffalo county depositories, and
the county is the heaviest loser, Treas
urer Stuckey having a little over $12,-
000 on deposit. The city comes next
with a little over $7,000. The
assets are given at neatly $300,000 and
the total liabilities at $160,000. The
failure was caused bv an utter in
ability to collect or realize on assets at
present, but it is believed that the de
positors will be paid in full in time
There was but little excitement
caused by the suspension and no run
was made or attempted on any of the
other banks.
J. W. Thomas, the Platte river
ferryman at Oreapoli, will launch a
new boat tomorrow moruinit, the di
mensions of which are 12x48. Mr
Thomas is sparing no effect to im
prove the facilities of his ferry and
asks the public's patronage.
The ladies of St. Luke's Episcopal
church will give a social bop at Rock
wood hall on Friday evening, October
12. Dancing tickets, 50 cents; general
admission 10 cents.
When. Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When aha was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorfa.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
These tiny Capsules are superior
to Jialsam of Copaiba, v
Cubeba and Injections. lRIfl!)
ey cure in 48 hours the J
sains diseases without any incon
feed i i
Ing or
cl?e e"tc T"A11 BurrmlndedwHtr-Ti
S Btrand wire fence. One of th most
.oiPl.h!Afrmi in Cass county. In-
First Premium
at the
Columbian Exposition
The Singer Mah'f'g Co.
54: Pirst Awards,
Being the largest number of awards obtained
by Htiy exhibitor ami more than double tbe
number received by all other Sewitie Machine
companies. Awards received on the following:
Family Sewing Machine. V. S. Xo. 2,
I. F. C. B. and Single Thread Automatic
Chain Stitch Machine. Sewing Machine
Cabinetx, Art Embroideries. Lace?. Cur
tain. Cpholstery, Artistic Furnishings,
Sewing and Embroidery, Tapestry Ma
chine Work.
AUo 43 Award, covering machines
for manufacture in every line where a
Sewing Machine can te used on Wool,
Cotton and Silk Cloth. Knit Goods,
Leather, etc., for Ornamental Stitching,
Button holes. Eyelets, HarTing, Over
seaming, staying, etc.
The Singer M'fg Co
"All Over the World."
Branch Office 1516 DourIh St., Omaha.
County Fair
affords an excellent opportunity for th
pick-pocket to get your watch. If you
would be proof against his skill, be sure
that the bow (or ring) is a
MaMawoai mmawmmwww
This wonderful bow is now fitted to the
Jas. Boss
Filled Watch Cases,
vhich are made of two plates of gold
soldered to a plate of composition metal.
Look equally as well as solid gold cases,
and cost about half as much.
Guaranteed to wear 20 years.
Always look for this trade mark.p
None genuine without it. l5f
Sold only through watch dealers.
a watch case opener which makes a handsoma
charm sent Iras on request.
KeystoneWatch Case Co.,
Chronic Nervousness
Could Not Sleep, Nervous
Gentlemen: I have been taking
your Restorative Nervine for the past
three months and I cannot say
enough in its praise. It has
Saved Hy Life,
for I had almost given up hope of
ever being well again. I was a
chronic sufferer from nervousness and
could not sleep. I was also troubled
with nerveus headache, and had tried
doctors in vain, until I used your
Nervine. Yours truly,
MBS. M. WOOD. Ringwood. 111.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Dr. Miles Nervine is nold on a positive
guarantee that the first bottle will benefit.
All druffKiHts sell It at $1, o bottles) for 15, or
It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by the Dr. MUeV Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Sold by all druggists;
W. L. Douclas
S3 SHOE.-'
Sl 5 so FIN? CM F& KMGAECl
J $ 3.5- P0LICE,3SoLts.
You can anve maney by purchasing- V . V.
JJOUK in .
n - - 1 irir.ct .Tin nil Tart nrer S Ox
WtUK,iii:n v"v 'B.- -
..i chna in the world, and tuarautee
the value by stamping the name and price on
tne ooiiora, -wmi." j , -
DTices ana inc nuuuitiu.u - -j
equal custom work in style, easy fitttng: and
vearinif qualities. We have them sold every
where at lower prices for the value Riven than
onv other make. Take i.o substitute. If your
. . i .. w- fart. srltT n V
cenicr cuuoui ouf1 j .
isk US
tlz. a Well
r&T of
V1IMLI0 lOthCay.
X-ti.iL. Jjtn.r.A x. soth Day.
rnLiin n r-;ti s. w 30th Day,
Prod y ret the Ahorr Kwults in 80 Iys- It acts
powerfully und quickly. Cures lien all others
laiL youii? men win reiram im iriosimiiuuiiuu.
and old men will recover their youthful vipor
by usins VITALIS. It quickly and surely re
stores Nervousness, Lost Vitality. Impotency,
NiRhtly Emissions, Lost 1'ower, failing r.iem-
ory. Wasting Uiseases. ana an caciis ui kh
abuse or excess ana inaiscreiion. i rua uu
insanity and consumption. Insist on having
VITALIS. no other. Can be carried in vest
pocket. Hy mall. I.OO per package, or six ior
a.M), with a fxttivo written Kuarantee to rare
or rfiunil tne moiijr. iirnimr irrr. nuuic
. . ... ........ .i.kv.m.W . '1. I - 111
1.A LI lit I ilr.JlLKl ''larMi, iuk8"i mm
For sale at Pinttsiuouth, Neb., by O. li. Snyder
and Gerinii A Co.. uruKKlft-.
Pabk Obesitt I'ills will roluco your weight
PEKM ANKNTI.Y from 12 to l.i pounds month.
N ST.KVIN. sickness or injury; NO I' fit
LICITV. They build up the lieniih and tteauti
fy the compleiimi. leaving Ni Will N hLK or
flablines. STOUT ABDOMEXS nl ditlicu't
breathing r.ire y r.jli.'v d NO KXPKR1 M hNT.
but aseie:ii!lic an 1 p i4itive re ief. adopted on'y
after vears of experience. All orders supplied
direct from our otlice. Price iX.KHi per package
nr three packages for Is on ty mail postpaid.
Testimonials and particular (sealed) 3 een's.
jfAU correspou ience strictly cin!idnilsl.
Park Remedy Co., Boston, Mass.
Prnold's EroniOiBiy.
PplPndi-l cirntiro aa- nt for Nervous or F''
HHH'lHclie, Brain F.xhuustion, Sleeplestnr.i
.specitil cr eerit-rbl NuitrnlKiu; alto lor liit-u
uuUai, Oont, Kidney Llisurdera. Acid 1:
ppf--iH, Annrni.i. AatidotA for Alcohoi
and other exewwus. l'rioo,U,2IaildCnoeut-.
161 S Western Avenue. CHICA?"
ire the original and only FRENCH, safe and ro
liablocnro on the market. Price $1.00; eent by
jmil. Genuine sold only by
F. (;. Fricke &. ( o.. I)rns:cLstM.
. nn,,MIA ion iihil:i sn. tms wnwJr
I S RR8!J S 1irnly to the cat uf
hb IsfilWla W thoMxtmoasesof tbaUcnitu-Vnna., Or.
rw i ui r no chanr of rtiet or
n.ascou, mercurial or pttuxmau irwt
Icinosto b taken intercaUj. ttbea
by either sex It la impotible to contra
any venereal disease : hat in the case o
those already UfoTue.Tsi.( Arrucrto
with Gonorrhora and Cleet, wefuarM
tee a cure. Trine ly mail, pottage pat,
9tpertMZ,orttboaeatoi fe.
WE will :: v
Liver Comjlu.:
dif?estio:i i'
cure with ft'r
the dirci,
aiw purely c
isiactiou. t'uv
Beware of com
uinr nienti!r.i.
Reward !
. t .-ve reward for any case of
' jepsia, hick Headache In
or Costivencss we cannot
. . c--rtEble Liver Pills, when
. n .ctly complied with. The
.'. r nd never fail to Rive sa.
. li La rpe boxes, 25 cents
:lt.its and imitations. TheRen
i c.i:'.y by THE JOHN C. WlisT
No inconvenience. Simple,
cure. ABS3L3IX17 TBIZ
from any injurious substance.
W GUARANTEE a CURE or refund mw mnnn
Prlco 3.oo per bottle. Send 4e. lortrectit
I can gat
eai gat
m a
lean stay 1
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty ycr-j use hy
Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea
the Mother's Friend.
"Caatoria isso well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." II. A. Apchkr, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford SU Brooklyn, N. Y.
"The use of Castoria is so universal and
Its merits so well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Cretoria
within easy reach."
Caklos Makttn, D.
New York City.
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Kills 'Worms, fives sleep, and promotes di
gestion. Without injurious medication.
"For several years I have recommended
your 'Ca.storia, and shall always continue to
do so as it has invariably produced beneficial
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
Thx Ckktai-b Cokpant, 77 Mcaaar Street, Kkw Yoax Cm
wV 4'k slMwMm
IU NTSVII.LE, Ala.. July 23, 1S!4.
S. C. WELLS A CO. l.eiiMeinen: I write this lelter t. fmkiiowle1e Hie nil tie of your
Shiloh'a t ure. 1 think it In the grentest ever ill-eovered for Iiiiik rlisens-e aud croup.
The life of one of my friends, who for two years was belierel to hare consumption nnl whose
couch was terrilde, was saved by Mnloli a t"jrr. the is now entirely well. M j baby that is now
nearly two years old was also tared by .shiloli'a Durr. Hul.y was rroupy and would never have
survived without your remedy. 1 had" not believed there wns'such a eo.jd croup medicine in tbe
world. I would iwt le wiliiout a lttle ot it in the house for ten limes the rriee of it. It has
saved me 111 11 11 y a dollar in doctor bills. Mncerely, MltS.J. B. MAHTIN.
1 Are You Alive 1
To Your Own Interests? 5
"CD ERIIAPS you are, but if not, you ought to be.
JL There's one pood wav to Drove that vou're in the
0 y i j ay
land of the living buy your
Furniture, Stoves and
House Furnishings !
& OF o ?
HIS PRICES will not admit of Competition
thev're so downright low. Give htm a call.
P.EARLMAN, The House Furnisher.
Chibebs S and Injections. WW ludnurgw-, Belli it a . a f j M. or
rarAlniUl hOUISUie V.
It will besent. prppa.d, on receipt of price
Btuail size uiscoiiv- w y. " t-J" r.r;LrXi;
I, UOW OOO. tilillii xjuua iu
II size.
Second floar of UieTodl block
; - , nT'- -'i
r .
f f
... i i l