Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, September 27, 1894, Image 8

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    ! i
The Record is Broken!
2TeT7-er ixn. tlxe 3a.istor3T of tlxo Olotixlrxg Trade Icuosr 3ro"L
s-u-cIhL -vsLlirLe for 37"oia.r m.orxe3r eus of
3Tolo to
ELSOIT, tOn-e Casli Olotla-ier.
Men's Business suits,
Men s black Worsted suits, gooa vaiue $id.uu, ...
Men's square and round cut suits, good value $15. OO, .
Men's double-breasted Cheviot suits, good value $13.50,
Bovs' suits, ffood value S6.00
Children's suits, good
Our complete assortment of Men's and Boys' Underwear, Shirts, Collars, Hats, Caps,
penders, Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Valises will also toe sola at au-n, jxo.
ELSON, the Cash Clothier, PLTco
Two Children Eat Jimson Seeds and
Nearly Die From the Effects.
Sheriff Eikenbary UpseU the I'laus Ot a
Fair of Smart loung Men Ander
son - Eikenbary Nuptials
Various Other Notes.
They Ate Jimson Seeds.
Two children of Wm. Wohlfarth,
who lives over in the Fourth ward,
were having a rather serious time of
it Tuesday afternoon. The little ones
thoughtlessly ate some jimson weed
seeds and the mother soon saw
that they were getting drowsy. A
doctor was summoned and the chil
dren had his entire attention that after
noon. To eat jimson seeds sometimes
sends the eater into a sleep which
knows no waking, and for this reason
the condition of the children was at
Grst thought to be quite serious, but
on Weddesday they were considerably
improved and the assurance is now
given that they will safely pull
through. Jimson seed poisoning is so
often a serious matter that the parents
should feel fortunate that the lives of
their children will be spared.
Nipped In the Bud.
Sheriff Eikenbary put an effective
stop to the plans of a pair of practical
young jokers this morning. The afore
said young jokers are the sons of two
of the most prominent men in town,
and that they were not informed on by
the sheriff was only due to the fact
that the respective fathers promised
to attend to the young men without
delay. Their scheme was to address
letters to men about the town, both
married and single, signing the names
of well-known young ladies, and in
vited the person addressed to be at a
certain place after night where they
would be met by the young lady who
was supposed to write the letter. The
letters were written in a hand rather
feminine in appearance, but neverthe
less they were all penned by one of
the smart young men. The letters
were delivered by a small boy and two
of the parties receiving them handed
them over to the sheriff. The latter
made a quiet investigation and finally
found the boy who delivered the let
ters at the request of the jokers. The
boy told who had given him the letters,
whereupon the sheriff immediately
bunted the smart youths up and con
fronted them with the charge of writ
ing the letters. They denied having
any knowledge of the affair at first,
but afterwards confessed and begged
the sheriff not to "give them away,"
but their fathers were informed in
spite of their supplications. Both of
the young men are too large to spank,
but it is ten to one that the fathers
will give the boys an invitation tonight
to ''walk into the bed room and have a
Hymeneal Mention.
The wedding of Mr. Geo. F. Ander
son and Miss May Eikenbary was cele
brated last evening at 7:30 o'clock at
the horns of the bride, two miles west
of town. The ceremony, which was
performed by Rev. L. F. Britt, was
witnessed by an audience consisting of
the relatives and immediate friendsof
the contracting parties, and after con
gratulations were over the party was
seated to a sumptuous wedding sup
per. The groom is a young man of
character and excellent habits. lie
has occupied the position of foreman
In the Pepperberg cigar factory for
over two years and possesses the en
tire confidence of his employer. The
bride is the eldest daughter of Sheriff
t n F.Jkenbarv and wife. She haa
hosts of admiring friends, and in her!
ied lots,
ipacity o
wo'wenVand cistern, windmill, cellar;
ve, etc. All surrounded with' a
.tmnil wire fence. One of th most
I t uuutiua
I f 1 "at
good value $8.00
value $2. 50,
Mr. Anderson has secured a most ex
cellent wife. The happy couple will
commence housekeeping at Ninth and
l'earl streets and will be "at home"
to their friends after next week.
Kindness Gets a Oueer Keward.
N. II. Isbell a gardener who lives
two miles west of town is looking for
a boy who stole his horse and buggy.
Some four weeks ago a tramp 14-year
old-boy applied to Mr. Isbell for work
and the gardener took the little chap
in and gave him a home. The boy
was quiet and orderly and soon won
the confidence of both Mr. Isbell and
his wife.. Monday afternoon, they
dispatched the lad with their horse and
buggy to attend to an errand. This
was the last seen of the boy and the
horse and buggy as well.
Late it Sheriff Eikenbary has re
ceived word from Nebraska City which
makes it reasonably certain that the
boy who skipped from here on Monday
evening with X. II. Isbell's horse and
buggy . has been nabbed. The Nebraska
City police made the capture Tues
day, but they are pursuing a peculiar
process in regard to the matter, which
doubtless has its origin in a fear that
the $50 reward offered by Sheriff Eiken
bary will not be paid. The local au
thorities traced the boy down into the
country south of town, and that he
was headed for Nebraska City seems
certain. Sheriff Eikenbary has sent
a deputy down to Nebraska City to
look into the matter.
Oeafness Cannot be Cared
By local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deaf
ness, and that is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness is caused 'by an
inflamed condition of the mucous lin
ing of the eustachian tube. When
this tube gets indamed you have a
rumbling sound or imperfect hearing,
and when it is entirely closed deafness
is the result, and unless the inflamma
tion can be taken nut and this tube
restored to its normal condition, hear
ing will be destroyed forever; nine
cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but an inflamed con
dition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give one hundred dollars for
any case of deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, tree.
F. J. Cheney, & Co.. Toledo, O.
ySold by druggists, 75c.
Ilenry Geringwas a witness the other
day, while coming down from Sheri
dan, Wyo.,to a political argument
between Congressman Coffeen, of
Wyoming, and Fred Dorrington, our
former townsman, but now of Alliance,
this state. Dorrington didn't know
that Coffeen was in the crowd and he
was blowing and blustering at a great
rate about the wonderful things
which the g. o. p. had done for
America, when Coffeen, Gguratively
speaking, jumped onto Fred like a
hornet and drove him fairly wild with
the force of his logic. When the argu
ment was concluded Dorrington was
so badly whipped that he scarcely
knew his name from rage, and when
the crowd eave him the horse-laugh
his cup of bitterness was completely
full. It is safe to say that the next
time big Fred Dorrington thinks of
talking politics he will look about for
fear that little Coffeen may be lurking
in the immediate neighborhood.
I'opallst Float Cuvention.
The delegates chosen by the people's
independent party for the counties of
Cass and Otoe are requested to meet
in convention at Nebraska City, Neb.,
on Tuesday, the 20th day of October,
at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of
placing in nomination one candidate
for float representative and the trans
action of any other business that may
be deemed necessary.
II. Strickland, Com. Cass Co.
II. P. FAnNswoKTir.Coaa.Otoe Co.
E. Nulty of St. Paul, Minn., writes.
Was conQned to bed for three weeks,
doctors could do me no good; Japanese
Pile Cure entirely cured me." Sold
by Fricke & Co.
Dr. Miles Nervine Is sold on ft POslM?
guarantee that the first bottle will Tjenefit.
XU druftKlsts sell It at U, 6 bottlea for 5, or
It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
hull xujK,uvu. vnaa'f J
1 i C Vnnnllta V J
Di li l'KICK.
$ 4.65
The Float Nomination Muddle.
Friday, at Nebraska City, seven
delegates representing Otoe county in
a so-called float convention met and
went through the formality of naming
John Sinclairas a candidate for repre
sentative. This alleged convention is
the one called by C.E. Lloyd of Otoe
county, and is not recognized as the
regular convention. There were no
delegates present from Cass county,
although the convention to make a
quorhm for itself, counted two dale
gates from Cass. The action of the
Otoe democrats cannot but meet with
decided opposition, especially in this
county. Speaking of this matter Chair
man Grimes of thecountycentral com
mittee opined that he did not know
that Cass county had a candidate, but
thought Otoe democrats had acted
hastily and unwisely in thid matter and
that they should hold a regular called
convention, based upon the vote (as it
should be) cast for J. M. Stone for
float representative two years ago,and
under which Cass county would have
eighteen votes and Otoe thirteen votes.
So far as the nominee, John Sinclair,
is concerned nothing need be said.
His legislative course is well-knovvn,as
he represented Otoe county in the last
legislature and was turned down in the
county convention for re-nomination.
If he were regularly nominated he
would doubtless receive the support of
Cass county democrats, but Cass
county democrats cannot afford and
doubtless will not support him unless
a new and legal convention regularly
nominates him. Let a new convention
be called !
Buy the improved Singersewine ma
chine. Anton Trillity, local agent,
otlice in Unruh's furniture store.
The division of spoils and liability
of debts between the counties of Bock
iind Brown has again drifted into the
supreme court of the state. Brown
county was organized in 1883 and in
1SSS the county of Rock was set off
from the territory of Brown county
and a division of property agreed upon.
Itock coHnty was to have as its own A.i
per cent of all personal property owned
by Brown county and be liable for 43
per cent of all the indebtedness of
Brown county. At that time Brown
county owed $1S,000. The two boards
could p.ot agree on a division of real
estate. At the time of the division
Brown county owned acourt houseand
jail and one block containing twelve
lots situated in Ainsworth, but as it
could not be removed or divided Rock
county sued for 43 per cent of the
value, $12,000, which would be $5,1C0.
Judgment was rendered for $4,3S7.
Brown county has taken the case up
on error.
F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists, recom
mend Japanese Liver Pellets for con
stipation and sick headache. Small,
mild, easy to take. Fifty pills twenty
five cents.
A subscriber who lives in the vicinity
of Murdock came in Monday and
wished to settle his account for sub
scription to the weekly. He was
shown the book and told that it was
due from Aug. 22, 1803, amounting to
$1.6-5 which he paid, but went off in a
huff, because he said he thought he
was to get the paper for $1 a year. The
explanation was made that the rate
was tl.50 a year when not paid in ad
vance, or $1 in advance. We never
promised the paper at $1 a year except
when paid in advance, and cannot af
ford to lose the extra half dollar
charged because of their neglect.
Two boys named Wells and Rocks;
each about fifteen years of asre, living
four miles south of Strand, this state,
got into a quarrel yesterday, clocks
stabbed Wells twice with a knife.
One wound is in the right arm and
the other in the left breast above the
heart. This wound may prove serious.
The Rocks boy has been arrested.
nUnxflJ for irHT!
fund money. tijs
re for C 'uhs. Ob''!
wiioonina 'nil.'
6niall eize ulxcoui
Men's pants, good value $2.00, . . . . . . $ 1,40
Men's Custom-made pants, good value $7.00, . . . 5.U3&
Men's Chinchilla overcoats, good value $8.50, . . -4.85
Men's fur collars and cuffs overcoats, good value $16.50, 10.00
Children's cape overcoats, good value $3.50, . . . - l.OO
To Speak
In Plattsmouth !
the populist and democratic can
didate for governor, is announced
to speak to the people of Cass
county on
All the People
Are Invited.
"Farmer Majors!'' remarked a Peru
vian a few days since, "I have known
Tom ever since he came to the county
and if he ever held a plow, bound a
bundle of grain or wielded a corn
knife, I never happened to be present
at the exhibition; the fact is, he never
had time to farm." And then we re
membered that the first time we met
Tom he was an oflicer in the Nebraska
First, and was drawing a salary or
$128 per month. Later we knew him
as a member of the territorial council
on a moderate salary. Afterwards he
became a classmate in the state nor
mal, but was soon lured from his books
by the siren song that told of oflicial
honors and official salary, and lie was
returned to the legislature to receive
but $120 for forty days' work, to vote
for United States senator, which said
vote he did not throw to the birds, but
held onto until he was promised the
office of revenue assessor in return for
said vote. After he had held this of
fice until it ceased to be, he again went
in search of legislative and congres
sional offices; and, if we remember
rightly, the only time the public teat
has been from between his teeth was
when the congressional committee ex
posed the frauds of Si Alexander and
Dr. Schwenk and sent him home to
play peek-a-boo with Church Howe.
Tom is not to blame for not being a
farmer. He has not had time to till
the soil; he has been too busy farming
the voters and writing a history of his
daring as one who went into the army
when a mere boy. Auburn Granger.
A. S. Will, the well known stock
feeder who resides ten miles south
west of town, has latfely erected a
mammoth feed barn on his place, the
loft of which will easily accommodate
160 tons of hay. Mr. Will is one of
the most successful stock raisers in
Cass county and there are none who
are not pleased at his continued good
The county commissioners of Doug
las county have decided to place the
question of voting $1,000,000 for the
Platte river canal before the people at
the general election, November -6.
The proposition calls for the comple
tion of the canal October 1, 1898.
Tom Benton, ex-state auditor, passed
through town this morning, enroute to
Lincoln from a trip to Chicago. Tom
is a warm supporter of Majors, and
when he heard at the depot here that
Ilolcomb had been endorsed by the
democrats he was really blue.
Otto Herold and bride departed this
morning for their home at Ilolyoke,
Colorado, after a week's visit here
with Otto's parents.
C. Wt B inning, of Nehawka,stopped
over in town today, enroute home
from the democratic state convention,
to which be was a delegate.
wHen rvrirte to cure or
recoil RYttL'P. A certain
- , Asthmn, Bronchitis, Croup,
Attorney atf "Tjaw,f
o'd. Wio. z?, now -i oia
rsrnFiFi n
Cor. 16th and Farnam Sis., OMAHA
We Have Money to Loan at 6 percent
On farm or city property in any Reetlon of the
country wuere propertv has a fixed market
value. Monev ready forlnimediateloaus where
security and title in nood. No commission. We
solicit "aj-iilicationH. Hianks furnished upon
ALLEN & CO., iO&ii IIroilwy,Nw York
When Baby rras elck, we gae her Castorta,
When she waa a CUil J, she cried for Castorb.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla.
When she had Children, she gave them Costoria,
C. O. D.
Anywhere, - - - S 25 Bicycle 912 50
To Any one - - - 50 Bicycle 25.00
All Styles and li ices, 75 Bicycle 37.50
Save Dealers' ProGts 125 Bicycle 62.50
Send for illustrated catalogue.
n. :iiD-r SZ CO.,
Aade a. Well
Flam UK
lit Day.
1 I inbiu 1UIO KBJ.
sun t r t n w v ir 'I
r ritllwrl ItKIIIbWI 30th Xay
Product the Altorr Kroults in HO Pa. It acts
vowerfullv and quickly. Cures w lien all others
rail. Younsr men will retrain their lost manhood.
and old men will recover their youthful vipor
by usinfr VITALIS. It quickly and surely re
stores Nervousness, Lost Vitality. Impotency,
Nightly Emissions. Lost Power, Failing Mem
ory, Wasting Diseases, and nil effects of self
abuse or excess nnd indiscretion. Wards off
insanity and consumption. Insist on having
VITALIS, " other. Can be carried in vest
pocket. Hy mall. SFI.00 per packape. or six for
S5.WO. with a positive written guarantee to cure
or rerunl the moner. Circular free. Address
CALUMET KKMI KV rjliiXY, Chicago, 111.
For sale at Plattsmouth, Neb., by O. U.Snyder
and Gering A Co., nrugglttts
Pahk Oresitt Tills will redune your weight
PKKMANKNTl.Yfrom 12 to 1.1 pounds a mouth.
NO STAKVINU. sickliest or injury; NO i'L'U
LK'ITY. Thev build up the health and beauti
fy the complexion, leaving S' WHlNkl.ES or
fUbbinvs. STOL T ABDOMENS and ciiilienlt
breathing surely relieved. NO EXPEKIM ENT,
but axcieutitiu an 1 positive relief, adopted only
after vears of experience. All orders supplied
direct from our office. Trice ii.00 per package
or tnree packages for $5.0il by mail postpaid.
Test I minimis and particulars sealed 2 centa.
f"All correspon lence striuily confidential.
Park Remedy Co., Boston, Mass.
Arnold's BnnaiHSeiery.
Splendid curative ngont for Kprwra or Siok
h A:u1tuhA- Hmin V.Yhuinif inn. Hleetlea?nti.
.special or ffeneral Neuralgia; alo for lihnu-
matiitm, (iout, money insonien, -"V 7
peptiia, Anamio. Antidote for Alcoholic
un.l other excusae. I'noe, 1J. 25 and 6U oeutu
161 S. Western Avenue. CWCA"
are the original and only FKHNCH. safe and re
liable euro ou the market. Price fl.OU; Bent by
oiaiL Cienuine sold only by
F. . Fricke & Co., Hrussists.
tr get
No laconTetiienee. simple,
fmm anv tniiirious SllbttanCC
ui. iimiiiiiTcc aiidc a vnur mnnV-
Price WS.OO per bottle. Send 4c.
ton. Mar
I cm get
V thin. J
I canttayl
Socks, Sus-
Mrs. J. Benson,
Ladies' Skirts from 7-3. to 814. 40.
Ladies' Waists from 50c to S.5M.
Narrow Val. hates from 15c per
doz. up.
J Jtitter Cream and liiack Lacea iu
Dorilon and other stles lioua lUc a
yard to the llnest quality. Our stock
is very large and uo old poods on our
We make a specialty of Ribbons and
Good quality Gloria Silk Sun Um
brellas from $1.00 to $5.00.
Specially low prices on Ladies' and
Children's Iloiseiy and Underwear.
We have many lines of Ladies' Fancy
Goods, not kept in other stores.
We are giving special prices in
In short, we make special prices in
every department.
Come in or order by MAIL. We
will give your order prompt and care
ful attention.
1519 Douglas St., near lGth,
First Premium
at the
Columbian Exposition
The Singer Man'f'g Co.
uec i :i"i":i
54: First Awards,
Belnjr thelnrgest number of awards ol talnnl
by any exhibitor mid more tbnn double tbe
number received by nil other Sewinu Machine
companies. Awards received on the followingi
Family Sewinir Machines, V. S. No. 2.
I. F. c". U. and Single Thread Automatic
Chain Stitch Machine. Sewins Machine
Cabinets. Art Embroideries. Laces. Cur
tains. Cpholstery, Artistic Furnishings,
Sewlneund Embroidery, Tapestry Ma
chine Work.
Alftn 43 Award, covering machines
for manufacture in every line where a
Sawin? Machine can te us.'d on Wool,
Cotton ami Silk Cloth. Knit Jood,
Leather, etc., for Ornamental stitching.
Button holes. Eyelets, liarrlni;. over
seaming. Staying, etc.
Tlie Singer M'fg Co
Over tli o World."
Itranch Office 151(1 Iotigl:ts Sr.. Oniatli.
pj Watches
Jewelry mi
Silverware, &c
Fine Watch Repairing??
w :- Oppoaita Post Office
omaha . iSi5
'-i. -;ir- V;vV;': V;Vif
. a- . a;. a -- a- - a .1
. .'. v :r: ' . -.v ;v .Jf
Naiii Street, riattsraoutli.
Teas and Coffees Unexcelled
Curtice Bros. Celebrated
Pillsbury's .
Itest In the World.
The "XXXX" and "Best" Brands
r :
: i