Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, September 20, 1894, Image 1

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It 11 M
Are you going to let the opportunity of a life time, of getting an elegant Top-Buggy actually
GIVEN TO YOU, go by without taking advantage of it and having at least one chance on it ?
We have our complete Fall Stock now in, and you might as well buy your entire Winter
outfit now and secure that many more chances on the Buggy.
And YOU may be the lucky one. For once in your life, Clothing is cheap enough to please you.
Children's Say Runs the Attendance
Up In the Thousands.
The Art Hall Outdoes all I're
vluuit Kfltirts While the Agricultu
ral Hall In Not far Behind
Various Other Notes.
A visitor at the county fair, which
opened its gates in this city Tuesday
for the twenth-eighth annual exhibi
tion, will find no cause to complain of
any feature at the fair. The displays
in the several departments were
never better, the speed program ii a
veritable hummer, and altogether the
Cass county citizen who fails to attend
is missing a treat as well as being
short on patriotism.
The art hall is better tilled this year
than ever before. Merchants have
turned out lovally and the display of
wares is excellent. The school ex
hibit speaks well for the children,
while the displiy of art and fancy
needle work gathered by the Misses
Barbara Gering and Ollie Jones is
worthy of especial mention. These
two young ladies deserve no small
credit for the excellence of their dif
ferent exhibits.
Agricultural hall, considering the
late unfavorable summer season, fur
nishes a genuine surprise. The dis
play of cereals, while not so large as
usual, Is as good as it has ever been at
the fair. The apple and preservedfruits
display is the best ever exhibited at
the fair.
,The live stock show is a trifle short,
but is good, nevertheless. One excel
lent feature being the display of S. S.
Hover, of Bellevue, who has on exhi
bition a herd of seven Angora goats.
Mr. Hover was awarded first premium
ou this ame herd at the late world's
fair, and his exhibit is thus quite a
This was children's day at the
county fair, and the youngsters flocked
to the grounds fairly in droves and as
sisted in swelling the attendance to
some three thousand people. Yester
day's paid admissions were hardly up
to expectations, but the fair manage
ment were well pleased with the re
ceipts of today. The all-round excel
lence of the fair pleased the crowd
immensely, and the fair people come
in for a large share of praise for their
exertions toward making the show a
Yesterday's bicycle races were brim
full of interest, every race being hotly
contested. The results in the several
races were as follows:
Mile open nrst prize, $20 overcoat;
2d prize, $12 double-set of silver knives
and forks. Tom Patterson won; Car
riher of Union, second; Tom Parmele,
third; Harvey Holloway, fourth. Time
2:54 3-5. Patterson was behind at
the last turn, but in one of the best
spurts ever seen on the grounds, he
pulled ahead and won by about five
Mile novice first prize, two dozen
nhotozraahs. donated bv A. E. Barrett,
valued at $0; second prize, gold watch
Our Choice for
the Crowd and. You'll Gome to
THE CROWD II IS Titlx Xj S Tlais Season.
chain, donated by F. J. Morgan,
valued at $4. Jas. Holmes won; Louie
Thomas, second. Time 3:38. There
were only two contestants and the race
was a virtual loaf until the finish,
when Holmes pulled ahead and came
in an easy winner.
Cass county championship, half-
mile first and only prize, life mem
bership in the fair association. Tom
Patterson won easily; Jas. Holmes.
second; Louie Thomas, third; Tom
Parmele, fourth. Time 1:44.
The hve-mile handicap race was a
scorcher. There were six entries
Tom Patterson, Carriher, Harvey Hoi
Ioway and Parmele starting from the
scratch. Grimes of Union on the 50
yards mark, and Holmes 100 yards
ahead of Grimes. The latter lider set
a scorching pace, and the scratch men
were compelled to ride three miles be
fore overtaking him. Holmes stayed
with the bunch, while Patterson and
Parmele dropped out. The four riders
came into the finish in a bunch, and on
the final spurt Grimes passed under
the wire some four feet in advance.
Holloway was second, Carriher third
and-Holmes fourth. The time 15:02
considering the softness of the track
and the high wind, which blew against
the riders on the steep up-grade half
of the track, made this race about the
best of the afternoon.
The fair closes tomorrow and the
management offers a speed program
which is seldom equalled in any Ne
braska county fair. The big free-for-
all trot and the free-for-all race are
both on tomorrow's card, and these
two races, in connection with the other
numbers, will constitute a first-class
program and insure a good afternoon's
sport. For the $300 purse in the free-for-all
trot five fast flyers have entered
and a royal battle will be waged for
first money in this race. Davenant,
superintendent and rrank 1'. are
among the entries, and all three have
marks close to 2:20.
Foi the free-for-all pace Capt. Paine,
Little Tell, and Little Ben are entered,
and a warm contest is assured here.
Paine has a record of 2:20 and the two
others are close following.
A $300 purse for a free-for-all trot is
seldom offered at a county fair, and
the fact that the management has se
cured such excellent horses to enter
this contest, should call out the biggest
crowd which has ever passed through
the fair grounds gates.
While farmer George was mowing
hay on one of the islands in the Platte
river, two miles southwest of Brady
Island, says a dispatch from that place,
his cycle struck a piece of iron which
extended a few inches above the
ground and stopped his machine. On
examination it proved to be a ship's
anchor, and when he unearthed it it
measured six feet. It is somewhat
different from the kind used in the
last 100 years. Parties there are talk
ing of digging in search of something
more that would belong to a ship.
Where the find was made was at one
time the river bed. The supposition
is that it was unloaded by some of
Brigham Young's fellowers. to lighten
their load as they were crossing the
desert, or else one will have to cling to
the idea that this vast region was at
one time covered with water and
traversed with ships.
Buy the improved SingerBewing ma
chine. Anton Trillity, local agent,
office in Unruh's furniture store.
United States Senator
Leading Clothier,
Supreme Court Decides the Filbert
Schroeder Case Tuesday.
Convict Chas. Itlake Released From the
Penitentiary Only to he Arrested
I'pon Another Charge lie Is
Now In the County Jail.
Sohroedfr Keep the Children.
The supreme court of the state
handed down an opinion Tuesday in
the well-known habeas corpus suit of
Jas. B. Filbert vs. Fred Schroeder and
wife, the opinion of tho lower court,
which was in Filbert's favor, being re
versed and the habeas corpus proceed
ings were dismissed. The suit was
first brought, as Journal readers will
remember, by Filbert, in which he
sought to recover the possession of his
two children, who were then living at
Cedar Creek, this county, with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Schroeder, the latter being
their guardian. Judge Chapman tried
the case and decreed that Filbert had
the right to the possession of the
children as soon as he could show to
the court that he possessed a suitable
home. Both sides appealed, but the
supreme court sustained the ruling.
At that time, which was in the spring
of '93, Filbert was living in Indiana.
He married a young widow in the fall
who possessed some property, and last
winter again came to Plattsmouth and
reinstituted the proceedings, his in
tention being to get possession of the
children on the ground of having pro
cured the necessary home. Judge
Ambrose of Douglas county heard the
case, and after a stormy trial rendered
an opinion giving Filbert the children.
At the time when Mrs. Schroeder be
came guaTdian for the children they
had been deserted by the father, and
so strong an attachment had arisen
between the woman and the little ones
that Mr. Schroeder refused to abide by
Judge Ambrose's decision and took an
appeal to the supreme court. The case
has been pending since last February,
aud according to the finding of the lat
ter court Filbert is ruled clear out of
court and has no recourse but to sub
mit to the inevitable, dislike it as he
may. The sentiment of the general
public, after the facts were all made
known, has been continually in favor
of the Schroeders.' To deprive a father
of the possession of his own children is
a serious matter, but when a father
cruelly deserts his children and leaves
them upon the world without the
slightest sustenance, it were better,
after all, that such a father be not al
lowed to reclaim his little ones after
they have found a happy home. The
Journal congratulates Mr. and Mrs.
Schroeder upon their victory.
Itlake Is In Jail.
Headers of The Journal will
doubtless remember of the arrest and
trial of Charles Blake early in '92 on
the charge of shooting at his wife with
intent to kill. The tragedy occurred
near Weeping Water in this county,
Blake being enraged at his wife for
her refusal to support him. One bullet
took effect, but the woman recovered
and assisted the prosecution in send
ing Blake to the penitentiary, to which
place he was sentenced in April, 1892,
for a period of two years and a half
Had the prosecution failed in the trial
it still bad a trump card up its sleeve
in the shape of a complaint charging
Blake with forgery, but the trial went
against the prisoner and the forgery
charge was laid away for safe keeping.
Chas. Blake was brought down from
the penitentiary on Saturday, after
serving a thirty month's sentence for
attempting to kill his wife, and was
lodged in the county jail by Sheriff
Eikenbary. A charge of forgery
stands against Blake and he will be
called upon to defend himself at the
term of court which opens next week.
His preliminary examination will oc
cur Wednesday. Blake has secured
Lawyer A. N. Sullivan to conduct his
defense. He says that his prosecution
is the result of a conspiracy, the plot
ters being enemies of his when he
lived at Weeping Water, and he main
tains that it will be an easy matter to
prove his innocence.
Justice Archer bound Chas. Blacke
over to the district yesterday on the
charge of forgery. Blake could not
furnish bond, but the prosecution
agreed to his being allowed the
freedom of the city until his trial in
district court next week.
An Unsolicited Endorsement.
The people of Cass county should
have no hesitancy in electing County
Attorney II. D.Travis to a third term
at the coming November election. Mr.
Travis has served the county faithfully
and well during bis four years in office.
His record has never been excelled by
any of his predecessors and he has
vindicated over and over the judg
ment displayed by the people of this
county when they chose him to look
after the legal interests of this county.
His record by itself will suffice to se
cure his re-election by a good round
majority. There are other reasons
for his return to office, the following
letter, indited by Attorney General
Hastings, a republican office-holder, is
squarely in point. It came entirely
unsolicited, is self explanatory and
reads as follows:
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 15th 1S94.
Hon. II. D. Travis, Plattsmouth,
Neb. Dear Sir: I have yours of a re
cent date concerning the case of Hill
vs. State. I am now preparing the
brief and will have the same ready to
submit at this term of the court, and
will take pleasure in embodying there
in your ideas and will print your name
as one of the attorneys on behalf of
the state, if you have no objections
It is so very seldom that any or the
county attorneys make any sugges
tions to this department concerning
their criminal cases that the innova
tion made by you is really encourag
ing. I remain, your obedient servant,
Geo. II. HASTiNos.
Attorney General.
Hartman Bros., a Lincoln harness
house, took possession of Phil Sauter's
harness stock in this city yesterday
and closed the place up. This morning
Attorney Windham, on behalf of an
other creditor house, replevined the
stock, which was in the hands of
Sheriff Eikenbary. A warm suit in the
courts is expected before the tangle is
Mr. Jno. P. Jackson and Mrs. Lottie
Kinney, both of Omaha, were granted
a marriage license in county court
Saturday. Judge Ramsey made them
man and wife.
Dr. Humphrey can be found at his
office day or night. 4-1-m
From the Eagle.
Jesse B. Strode opened the campaign
at Plattsmouth Monday evening. Jesse
has got a Weir-y hill to climb before he
fills the chair of Billy B. at W., D. C.
If the state fair could be put on
wheels and transferred to Plattsmouth
this week, wouldn't our neighbors
spread. That lonesome pump would
have a fit.
Cass county had a splendid fruit ex
hibit at the state fair and did not get
a premium. Now, it was not because
our fruit was not good, for competent
judges said that it was better than
some that did take premiums. Why
was this? Will some one explain?
Charles Blake, who has just com
pleted a term in the pen for shooting
his wife in the hip at this place a few
years since, was arrested again before
he realized be was free and taken to
Plattsmouth to answer to the charge
of forgery. It was hoped that Blake
would die or go off fishing when he
was free from the pen, bat it is willed
The great Cass county fair is on tap
this week. The Eagle expects to im
prove the opportunity, so seldom of
fered, of seeing this greatest of shows.
Large delegations from this part of
the county expect to picnic in the fine
art hall on Thursday, to which an ad
mission of twenty-five cents will be
charged, the proceeds to go into the
treasury to help pay the bills of the as
A Disastrous Hunt.
David M. Welty, a prominent busi
ness man of Fremont and president of
the Nebraska Harness company acci
dentally shot and killed himself at
FremontSundayevening. Hewasout
hunting with his son Dick and F. A.
Sears at Patrick's lake, about six miles
from Fremont. Sears and young Welty
were together and when ready to go
home they went to the place where
they had left Mr. Welty and shouted
for him. Getting no response they
searched, finally finding him lying on
bis face near a wire fence with his gun
about six feet away. He was dead, a
charge of shot having entered his
breast and carried away a portion of
bis heart. It was found that the left
barrel of his gun had been discharged.
Mr. Welty leaves a wife and several
An exchange voices the undivided
sentiment of an army of newspaper
writers in the following: News, news,
news, news! It is good enough to give
a fellow the blues. Nobody married,
nobody dead, nobody broken an arm or
ahead. Nobody came in to talk of the
"crap," nobody boozy and started a
scrap; no one to run in for taking a
horn, nobody buried and nobody born.
OhI for a racket, a riot, a fuss; some
one to come in and kick up a muss.
Something to stir up the peace-laden
air, somebody thumped in an inch of
his life, somebody run off with another
man's wife. Somebody's baby got
Choked on a pin; somebody's darling
that ate lye again; somebody to come
in and pay up his dues; anything, just
so its news, news, news.
Jno. Davies, W. II. Dering, Frank
Morgan and Jas. Johns are home from
a week's hunt up in Sheridan county
after chickens. They report fair luck
and a splendid good time, thanks to
the ability of Mr. Johns as a cook.
A Mad Stone Brings Relief to a
Victim of Rabies.
Frank M. Wilson of Lincoln, Nebraska,
Creates a Sensation Over at Mal
vern, Iowa, by Getting Mar
ried Too Often.
Saved By a Mad-Stone.
John Marsh, father of the little girl
who was bitten by a mad dog about a
week ago, came up from his home near
Rock Bluffs Saturday and related that
a mad-stone had been applied to the
bite and that, in his judgment, the
girl's life had been thereby saved. Mr.
Marsh secured the stone of II. C. Mc
Maken of this city the first of the
week. He relates that the stone was
first soaked in fresh milk and was
then applied to the wound made by
the dog's teeth, where it firmly
adhered for some five minutes. Since
the application the wound has been
healing nicely and the girl is improved
in every way. The mad-stone theory
is generally looked upon as mere bosh,
but here is a case in our very midst
where it is positively known that the
theory has some merit. Mr. McMaken
came in possession of the stone years
ago when he was freighting across the
plains. He found it in the stomach of
a deer, and from its extreme lightness
retained it as a relic. It was almost
round and about an inch and a half in
diameter, and appeared to be a mass
of matted hairs coated on the outside
with a thin film of lime. Mr. Mc
Maken kept it solely as a relic and did
not know until about a year ago its
true nature. This was the first test
to which the stone has been put and
the owner is now congratulating him
self upon the possession of such a
Ha Was Long on Wives.
Malvern, la., had a sensation the
first of the week. Frank M. Wilson
came from Lincoln, Neb., to put in the
water works system there. He boarded
at the Cottage House, where be made
love to the cook, Emma Noblitt, and a
month ago they went to Kockport, Mo.,
and were married. Two weeks ago a
woman came from Lincoln and claimed
Wilson as her husband, producing a
marriage certificate. She said Wilson's
first wife was killed by a gasoline ex
plosion, and he was left with three
children. They were married over a
year ago. He went out to Lincoln
some time since, took the eldest child
and returned to Malvern, saying he
would send for ife No. 2. Not doing
so, she came to find out what was
wrong, and discovered Wilson had
married again . She was advised to re
turn to Lincoln and get out papers for
his arrest, when he made himself
scarce and cannot be found.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Stephen Buzzell, while crossing Main
street this morning, walked in front of
a buggy, and before the driver had
time to check his team, the girl was
knocked down and run over by the
carriage wheels. A physician was
hastily summoned and her injuries
were found to be not serious.