Blola Illbioilcal society ATTSIOUT WEEKLY OURNA "BE JUST AND FEAR NOT.11 VOL. 13. ISO. 3S. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1894. 1 nn PEH YEA n. IF I'AID IN ADV AN CE. Our Choice for United States Senator W. J. BRYAN. Follow the Crowd and You'll Come to s 5 THE PL I M CITIZENS BANK FAILS Receiver's Report, However, Shows a Very Favorable Condition. THE POPULIST CONVENTION. A Wordy War Fusion And I Over the Question of I lie Squnhble Finally n Adjournment No Kniis Id Nomination Is Made. Citizen Hank Clime Its Doom. The Citizens bank of this city closed its doors Monday and went into voluntary liquidation. The move was decided upon Sunday at a meeting of the stockholders. The amount of cash on hand was low all last week and on Saturday it fell below the statutory reserve of Dfteen per cent of the capital stock paid in. thus forcing the officers to refuse further deposits. At Sunday's meeting the stockhold ers favored the selection of C. C. Parmele as receiver, and that gentleman- was sought out and placed in charge of the bank's affairs today. Mr. Farmelgwas ergaeed today in compil ing H'tftatus'of the real situation for publication, but enough is already known forTiiE Journal to state posi tively that the bank will pay out in full and thus work no hardship to any of its depositors. The liabilities will aggregate some $92,000.00, while the assets exceed $142,000.00. There are several reasons for the sus pension, the principal one being too much long-time paper and the crop failure. The bank was carrying loans for many farmers, and the failure of the corn crop made it impossible for most of them to meet their indebted ness. The deposits have also decreased to the extent of some $30,000 during the past nine months or a year, and this fact also bad a damaging effect. President Cushing and the other stock holders are to be commended for their action in suspending business when it became apparent that to continue only meant an increased loss to depositors. It is too often the case with bank fail ures that a system of deception and fraud is practiced to the detriment of depositors, and it is tothecreditof the Citizens bank people, upon finding that business could not be further con tinued in an honorable way, that they decided to go into voluntary liquida tion. The bank was organized some ten years ago with a capital stock of $100, 000, half of which was paid in. During that time the bank has earned divi dends aggregating 93 per cent on the stock paid in, and it is thus apparent that the stockholders have been well paid on their investment. The failure will effect the town's business inter ests for some time, but the assurance is given that the affairs will be closed up and settled in a very few months. The Receiver Krporti. Receiver CC. l'armele of the Citizens bank, after a thorough examination of the bank's affairs, prepared a state ment for publication Wednesday. It reads as follows: RESOURCES. Bills receivable . ...$129,492.25 Real estate 2.720.00 Furniture and fixtures 1,600.00 Expense Cash Overdrafts Warrants and other securi ties 490.39 273.84 6,633.97 1,(500.75 Total ..$142,811.20 LIABILITIES. Capital stock Certificates of deposits. . . Individual deposits Bills payable $50.0(10.00 63.2c;.68 14-t.52 25,000.00 Total fll42.8IX.20 From a perusal it will be een Uhat FOR THE CROWD WflflATT AE&E OHJ IIIIN& TTD UD AIBdPUJTT HJIffi IE AESCfi AUK ? Are you going to let the opportunity of a life time, of getting an elegant Top-Buggy actually GIVEN TO YOU, go by without, taking advantage of it and having at least one chance on it ? We have our complete Fall Stock now in, and you might as well buy your entire Winter outfit now and secure that many more chances on the Buggy. SOME BODY JS GOING TO GET IT OCTOBER 1st, And YOU may be the lucky one. For once in your life, Clothing is cheap enough to please you. ORGAN, The Leading Clothier, iPtotteimoiiitfa-. the situation is favorable, to say the j least. The receiverthinks that he will j be able to realize on the resources at j hand a sufficient amount to pay out i depositors in full, and that something j will be left for a later distribution among stockholders. That such may be the result and that the bank will atterwards be reorganized oh a firm basis, is the wish of the entire com munity. Itis a public misfortune, and there are none but who sincerely hope that the affairs may be cleared up without anv loss to the stockholders. The Populist County Convention. The populistic or people's party of Cass county held their convention at the town of Wabash on Saturday last. but it was without result, so far as the placing of a ticket in the field is con cerned. The convention came to order at 11 o'clock, at the request of A.M. Russell, chairman of the county committee, and G. W. Peterson of Tipton, was made chairman and B. F. Allen, secre tary. Then the fun began. The populist candidate for congress, Lincoln's mayor. Mr. Weir, was pres ent nnd being called on. addressed the convention for some time, and after the appointment of the usual commit tees a recess for dinner was taken. On reassembling the 'committee on credentials reported that all the dele gations present were regular, and no democrats had slipped in to corrupt the convention. The temporary officers were made permanent and the conven tion settled down to what proved to be an all-afternoon's debate. Then ensued a lengthy discussion of the question of a fusion ticket with the democrats, which was warmly engaged in on both sides, J. P. Rouse, of Greenwood, chiefly opposing and L. G.Todd making the chief argument in favor of uniting with the democrats on a union ticket. Finally a vote was taken and anti-fusion prevailed by a vote of 56 to 54. B. F. Allen was named for senator and he declined to run on a straight ticket. Mr. Waugh was then nominated, but he declined, and after vainly endeavoring to make up a ticket, a motion w as made that the convention adjourn till Sept. 22, and this prevailed. This was con sidered a victory for the unionists. A Serious Fall. Mrs. R. R. Livingston, who lesides on north sixth street, suffered a fall last eveniDg which at one time threat ened to have serious results. The lady was going down a flight of stairs at her home when she suddenly became faint and fell on the steps from whence she rolled to the bottom of the stairs. When picked up she was well-nigh unconscious and suffered intensely from a series of bruises received in the fall. Her two sons, Drs. T. P. and Robert Livingston, were speedily sum moned. For several years past Mrs. Livingston has been afflicted with heart trouble and her accident at first threatened a complete collapse of that vital organ. The physicians remained at her bedside throughout the night and iheir labors were rewarded thi3 morning by the patient taking a turn for the better. The lady was resting comfortably today and her countless friends will wish for her speedy return to good health. Recovering Bis Senses. Harry Race, of the Weeping Water Eagle, is giving signs of recovering his senses, as the following will testify: "Everybody should attend the great Cass county fair, to be held at Platts mouth next week. To enumerate all the great and smi.ll things that can be seen would be too great a task. It must be seen to ge tithe full value of your money. It might "by proper to say that this is not a paid loci v The "Plan Sif ter"fioar is the popular brand. Ask for it from you grocer. THE TICKET NAMED. Cass County Democracy In Conven tion at Union Today. FREE SILVER IS ENDORSED. And so Is Congressman Itrran's Candl err For the Senate An Harmoni ous Convention And a Strong Ticket Nameil Notes. Union, Neb., Sep. 13, 4 p. in. , Special to The Journal The de-j uiocracy of Ciss county held its con-' vention at this place today. P. C. Hansen, secretary of the county com mittee, called the convention to order at 1 1 a. ni..aud Chas. Grimes, of Platts fi.outh, and O. II. Allen, of Wabash, were chosen temporary chairman and secretary. After a committee on cre dentials bad reported all pre cincts represented except Tipton, an adjournment was taken for dinner. Upon convening in the after noon the temporary organization was made permanent. The name of B. F. Allen was proposed lor state senator. Before any action was taken the re port of the democratic and populist conference committee, in which fusion was agreed to. the democrats to name the two candidates for representatives and couuty attorney and the populists to name the candidates for senator and float representative, was read to the convention. Allen, being the choice of the populists, it was deemed best to allow them to make their own nomina tion, and his name was accordingly withdrawn. Louis Foltz of Weeping Water and II. Guy Livingston of Plattsmouth were then nominated for representatives by acclamation. County Attorney Travis was renomi nated on the first ballot, the vote standing Travis 110, Dwyer 25. The committee on resolutions reported favoring the free coinage of silver at a ratio of 16 to 1, and en dorsed Congressman Bryan's candi dacy for U.S. senator, and the reso lutions prevailed without division. The state delegation was instructed to act as a unit in accordance with the resolutions. Delegations were also chosen to the congressional and float representative conventions, the float delegation being instructed to favor the candidacy of a populist. In the contest over the nomination of a can didate for county commissioner in the first district, J. P. Falter of Platts rnouth precinct won. The vote stood Falter 29, Hendee 13 and Bestor 3. Altogether it was one of the most harmonious conventions evtr held by the county democracy. The committee on resolutions, of whicb Frank Morgan was chairman, reported the following which was adopted without a dissenting voice: Resolved. That this convention in structs its delegates to the state con vention to vote a3 a unit in behalf of the following declarations: We favor the immediate restoration of the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the present ratio of 16 to 1. without waiting for th "id or consent of any other nation on arth. " We favor the election of United States senator? bv direct vote of the people, and in the present coropaisrn recommend the nomination by the IS TX7itia. coming Btate convention for United States senator of Hon. W. J. Bryan, who has been tried and found true, and is today the best representative of democratic principles in Nebraska. The following is the list of delegates chosen to the state convention: Henry Zaar. C. W. Sherman, F. C. Gustin, Geo. Towle, John Newbam, Conrad Schlater, W. D. Wheeler, C. W. Ban ning, Dr. R. B. Wallace, Conrad Val lery, F. Gorder, M. Archer, V. C. Hansen, F.J. Morgan, Phil Thierolf, L. Foltz, C. D. Grimes, E. Ratnour, Ed. Tighe, G. W. Ilarshman. The following delegates were se lected to the congressional convention to tie held at Tecumseh: W. H. Dear ing. C. D. Cummins, Ed. Tighe, R. B. Wallace, J. P. Falter, P. C. Hansen, J. F. Brendell, J. A. Pollard, Jacob Tritsch, II. R. Wilcockson, Ed. Fitz gerald, O. II. Allen, P. C. Minor, C. . W. Sherman. John Connelly. G. W Snyder, John Shank, A. J. Pitman, J. M.Stone. Eighteen delegates were elected to represent the county in the float repre sentative convention. Charles Grimes was elected chair man of the new county central com mittee. Fell Fie Hundred Feet. The remains of Eugene L. Reed, formerly a resident of Weeping Water, this county, but latterly located at Black Hawk, Colo., arrived at bis old home Fiiday for interment. He was connected with the ownership and management of tbe Black Hawk mine at that place, and be was accidentally killed while at work about the mine. Deceased was known as the father of the town of Weeping Water, having settled there in 1859 and been ever since a leading factor in the advance ment of this section of the state. He was for a long time postmaster and was for years connected with every leading intererest in that town. About ten years ago he was tbe republican candidate for state senator from this connty, but was defeated by J. M. Patterson of this city. A wife and three children will nbare the sorrow his death will occasion around his old borne with hundreds of warm personal friends. It is learned from persons conversant with the facts that last Tuesday even ing Mr. Reed bad been down in the mine with a party whom be was show ing through the mine. On his way to tbe top he was struck on the bead with a heavy timber in the walls of the shaft and drawn out of the car, falling back down tbe shaft, a distance of about 500 feet, killing him instantly. Fatal Shooting In Banner County. J. C. Walters of Uarrisburg, Banner county, this state, was shot and killed in Enderly Bros.' store at Harrisburg Saturday night. The man w h6 did the shooting was L. F. Enderly, a well known business man of Harrisburg and a member of tbe firm of Enderly Bros. Walters entered Enderly Bros.' store intoxicated, where some dis turbance occurred. Some one at tempted to lead Walters out, when Enderly seized a Winchester shotgun and discharged two shots at short range into Walters' breast, killing him instantly. Enderly was arrested, and a coroner's jury impanelled, tbe fol lowing verdict being rendered: That J. C. Walters came to his death by a wound inflicted by a shotgun in the hands of L. F. Enderly, who feloniously and maliciously, without just provoca tion, shot and killed the deceased. This week's edition of Thje Weekly J'iuuxal has been purposely delayed in order that the doings of the demo cratic county convention could be printed, i'he dati of printing and the con ven tt;va falling on Thursday, it was liect'fMu :j to delay the paper's publica tion . TJ S HARDLY A MYSTERY. Preacner Allen's Disappearance Not So Strange After All. UNION'S GREAT OPPORTUNITY. If the Citizens of That Enterprising; Town Make an Effort, They May Secure the Cast Caunty Fair A Mad Dog Scare Notes. Mo Tidings From Rev. Allen. Friday's Council Bluffs department of the Omaha Bee says: "The relatives and friends of Rev. AIlsn. th vrmnir Christian minister who disappeared from Elmwood, Neb., where he was holding services on Sun day, two weeks ago, are satisfied now that he was suddenly stricken with some mental malady and has wandered away. They are still prosecuting tbe search on this theory and hope to bear from him Boon. The theory that be was a victim of foul play has been almost abandoned." Mr. Allen's disappearance really amounts to nothing He will be re membered as the young preacher who conducted revival meetings in this city during July. Tbe real facts are that the young man scored a "myster ious disappearance" of the same na ture some two years ago and his parents bad no knowledge of bis where abouts for several weeks. He turned np after a time, but would say nothing as to where be had been. Tbe local authorities have been looking after the matter for a time, and have con cluded that tbe young preacher will show up when be gets good and ready and not before. Union's Opportunity. The formation of a driving park as sociation at Union and the subsequent erection of a driving park, with an ex cellent haif-mile track, affords tbe people of that thriving village in southern Cass counvy an excellent op portunity to secure the CaBS county fair. Plattsmoutb has had tbe county fair now for almost thirty years. At times tbe fair has been very good, and likewise at other times very bad. This year tbe association looks forward to a highly successful meeting, but not withstanding tbat fact, tbe sentiment seems general here in Plattsmouth tbat it would be better for tbe fair were this city to take a vacation and turn it over to some other Cass county town. From a geographical stand point a fair in Plattsmouth will never draw people from all over tbe county. Down at Union matters are dif ferent. The town is so located as to be easier of access than any other Cass county town as far as railroad facilities are concerned. The process of removal is very simple let enough citizens of Union and vicinity secure membership in tbe fair association to be in the majority. The fair could then be voted to Union without tbe slightest trouble. Union could make the fair win. She has her old settlers' reunion every year and it is always a success. Tbe two could then be held in conjunction and tbe attendance would run into the thous ands every day. Nothing could pre vent the scheme's success. Tbe town of Elm wood for two years past has maintained a fair, but it threatens to drop out after another year. The Journal does not appear as a cham pion of the interests of Union. It simply recognizes truth by saying tbat Plattsmouth people seem tired of tbe fair. This spirit or lethargy needs to be shaken off and the only manner by whicb this can be accomplished is for the fair to be taken to some other Season. Cass county town. With the fair re moved Plattsmouth people would possibly awake to the real value of the institution, and after a time when Union might feel fairly disposed to transfer the fair back to this city, perhaps our people would act together and make it the success whicb it de serves. Plattsraouth's indifference is Union's opportunity. A Dnngerns Doe. A mad-dog scare is on down in the neighborhood of Rock Bluffs. A dog belonging to Perry Marsh, a farmer in tbat neighborhood, exhibited signs of rabies Thursday and bit Mr. Marsh's little daughter on the face. The mad animal then proceeded to bite Mr. Marsh's live stock, and almost every animal on the place felt the effects of the dog's teeth. The vicious canine has been chained up to await develop ments, but the general opinion is that the dog is mad and that bad results will come from its tantrum of Thurs day. AROUND TFJK COl'KT BOOMS. DISTRICT COUKT. The Plattsmouth Loan and Building association has commenced foreclosure proceedings in district court against J. L. Farthing and wife. Mary S. Mickle filed her petition in district court Tuesday asking for a di vorce from her husband, Abdrew J. Mickle. The plaintiff alleges extreme cruelty and failure to support as grounds for action. She further asks for the custody of her three children. COuN'TT COURT. License to wed was issued in county court Tuesday to Mr. Henry Thimgan and Miss Emma Ilulka, both of South Bend precinct, and after the necessary document was issued, Judge Ramsey performed the ceremony. COURT ROOM N'OTES. The costs in the preliminary exam ination and coroner's inquest in the Lindsay-Griswold matter amounts to $264. The defendants' costs in prelim inary were not allowed by the county board. A. P. Garnett, who was married at Avoca, Cass county, Nebraska, De cember 5, 18S5, has filed his petition in the district court of Otoe county, pray ing for a divorce on the grounds of desertion. He alleges that his wife, after living with him six years, in 1S91 left him without just eause or provoca tion, and has since remained away. Major Pearman Insane. From Omaha comes information that will bring tears to the eyes of nearly all the pioneer settlers of this county. Major J. W. Pearman, the first treasurer of this county and one of the best known men in the state, has been declared insane, and will soon be taken to some asylum for treatment. From what we can learn it seems that his mind has been gradu ally failing for months until now it is a complete blank. The change was first noticed by his wife some months ago and while medical aid was se cured nothing was said to the outside public. It is said tbat he is suffering from softening of the brain. Nebras ka City News. A large-sized borse is on a farmer named Seitz, who resides in Douglas county near Fremont. Seitz has a large patch of watermelons, which tbe boys are in the habit of visitingduring the night. After due deliberation Seitz loaded up his double-barreled shotgun the other night and secreted himself in the center of his patch. After it became quite dark he heard a noise, and turning th- gun in that di rection he fired. Upn Investigation he found bis cow witli a shot in ber body. ) Neb. PLENTY OF RACING. Next Week's County Fair Promises No End of Amusement. r A CASS COUNTY MARRIAGE. Mr. Frederick A. bioli: miin and 9f is Ilertha E. Kupke, Two Prominent Yoanj People of Alvo, Hap pily United Jottings. The Connty Fair. The Cass county fair will open in this city on Tuesday of next week and will continue for four days, and every thing points to one of the most suc cessful meetings within the history of the association. The exhibits will be first-class in every respect, but the racing program promises to be the principal feature and will doubtless attract large crowds every day. The purses are unusually liberal, and horse men are&eCJrBgin their entries to Secretary Spurlocka rate which as sures the attendance of "ktabundance of flyers. The track recortlkiudgiEg from the speed of several of tLdL goers, promises to be lowered several se-nou". The management recognizes the fact that fast horse-races draw the crowd and the management proposes to do its full share, relying upon an appre ciative public to do the rest. Lovers of that greatest of all ath letic sports, bicycling, will also get their full share of amusement. As before mentioned, the fair directors appropriated a liberal sum for the bicycle department and then turned over to the local wheel club the matter of arranging a program of races. The fact that none but Cass county 'cyclists will be al lowed to participate will make the races of more than ordinary interest, and altogether the fair people deserve to reap a suitable reward by the liberal manner in which they have acted in regard to the speed program of the fair. Married. At the Ev. Lutheran church, near Alvo, Cass county, Nebraska, on Sept. 12, 1S91, at 10 o'clock a. m., Mr. Frederick A. Stohlman and Miss Bertha E. Kupke, Rev. John Baum gartner officiating. The groom is a son of Fred Stohlman, esq., one of the old and prosperous farmers of Cass county, living south of Louisville. The groom, while com paratively a young man, is already well-to-do, financially, owning a well improved farm south of Louisville. The bride is well and favorably known for her many graces and charming qualities, and the union of the two young people is one of the leading events in society circles in the neighborhood of Alvo. The Journal, in common with the many friends of the bride and groom, extends congratulations and many wishes for the success in life of the young couple. Farmers throughout the county are beginning their fall plowing, so that they can sow rye and wheat for fall and spring pasture, and for a possible crop next season. The recent abun dant rains have put the ground in splendid condition for such work. Many are beginning to see that fall wheat is much the most profitable of any wheat they can raise. Its sowing answers a double purpose; besides, when it winters well it is a sure crop. Magnetic Nervine quiets the nerves, drives away bad dreams, and gives quiet rest and peaceful Bleep. Sold bj Fricke & Co. L WW ,1